• 2 months ago
आज यानी 29 अक्टूबर को प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने रोजगार मेला का आयोजन कर 51,000 नौकरियों का ऐलान किया। इस कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि मुफ्त बिजली योजना लोगों को मुफ्त बिजली देने की योजना लग सकती है लेकिन अगर हम बारीकी से देखें तो हम इसके व्यापक निहितार्थ देख सकते हैं। पिछले छह महीनों में लगभग 1.25 मिलियन ग्राहकों ने इस योजना के लिए पंजीकरण कराया है और स्थापना में सहायता के लिए 9,000 से अधिक विक्रेता इसमें शामिल हुए हैं। 5,00,000 से अधिक घरों में पहले ही सौर पैनल लगाए जा चुके हैं।

#lordshriram #pmmodi #rojgaar #nda #bjp #haryana #rojgaarmela #govtjob #sarkarinaukri #nayabsinghsaini #haryanacm #ians


00:00Now, it seems that people have come for free electricity, but if we go into the details
00:13of it, what will we see?
00:14Now, look, in the last six months, about 1.25 crore people, customers, have registered for
00:27this scheme.
00:28More than 9,000 vendors have joined the scheme, who will do the fitting work.
00:34More than 5 lakh houses have been installed with solar panels.
00:41In the coming days, under this scheme, there is a plan to build 800 solar villages in different
01:03parts of the country as a model.
01:09So far, 30,000 people have taken training in solar installation on rooftops.
01:19This means that this one scheme has created millions of job opportunities for manufacturers,
01:39vendors, assemblers and repairers.
01:42So, with this scheme, millions of jobs are going to be created in the country.
01:54Friends, let me give you one more example.
01:59And today, I am giving you examples from small villages.
02:06In the last 10 years, the policies of our government have completely changed the picture
02:25of rural agriculture.
02:27And it is not just the picture that has changed.
02:32The fate of the people involved in this work has also changed.
02:38Today, in one year, rural agriculture is doing business worth more than 1.5 lakh crores.
02:50If we compare it with the situation 10 years ago, for example, Dr. Jitendra Singh was comparing
03:00the old and new governments of government jobs.
03:04You can see how shocking it was.
03:07I am telling you one more thing here.
03:11If we compare the UPA and NDA governments in the field of agriculture, then today the
03:19sale of agriculture has increased by more than 400% from the UPA government.
03:26When the business is growing, it means that the workers involved in this, the builders,
03:37the traders are also getting a lot of benefits.
03:43New people are getting opportunities in this field.
03:49Employment is being created in large numbers.
