• 2 days ago
High Potential Season 1 Episode 5 - Croaked
00:00Hey, Reuben. It's Dr. Monica. Thanks for doing overnights this week. I'll hire another vet
00:20tech as soon as I can. Sure you will. And just a reminder, do not turn on the overhead
00:25lighting. The reptiles need 12 hours of darkness, so you need to man up. I lowered the dosage
00:30for Coach Romeo. He's a lot livelier now. Give him his meds while he's in the tank.
00:36That's everything. Talk to you tomorrow.
00:43Thank you, boy.
01:12No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:22Hey, buddy.
01:40Come on.
01:46It's okay.
01:54Dr. Monica?
02:05Dad's here. Not during working hours. During working hours? The LAPD is paying Manny Ludo to watch my kids because daddies do not qualify for childcare payments, do they? Okay, this was supposed to be a delicious breakfast burrito, but I ran out of tortillas, so instead it's a
02:31Okay, this was supposed to be a delicious breakfast burrito,
02:33but I ran out of tortillas, so instead,
02:35it's a delicious scrambled egg, uh, sandwich with salsa.
02:38Good morning, my delightful daughter.
02:40Good morning, darling mother.
02:42What'd you just swallow?
02:44Uh, orange juice.
02:45What'd you swallow with the orange juice?
02:47I don't know. Air?
02:49Nice boots.
02:50Dad, now that you're our fake Manny,
02:52are you done teaching driver's ed?
02:53Give up the biz? Me? No way.
02:55I just move my appointments to later in the day.
02:57I got two jobs now. I'm a hyphenate.
03:00A fake Manny hyphen driving school instructor.
03:03Okay. Got a dead body. Gotta go.
03:05Stop trying to out-cool me.
03:08Good to see you. Good luck with the dead body.
03:10Hi, Peppa.
03:13Who asks someone to hold their bag
03:14when it's covered in sticky stuff?
03:16The world is a disgusting place, okay?
03:18Those free weights at your gym
03:19have about as much fecal bacteria as a public toilet.
03:22I am not listening to you for the rest of the day.
03:25I'm trying to free you.
03:26What do we got?
03:27Dr. Monica Davis, a vet specializing in exotic animals.
03:3028, single, no kids.
03:32Her lone employee found her body
03:33when he showed it for his overnight shift.
03:34Anything on this employee?
03:35The alibi checks out.
03:36According to the M.E.,
03:37it looks like a simple cardiac arrest.
03:39Lazy printer, however,
03:40seems to have a different opinion.
03:43Huh. That's a new one.
03:45Why does she go through the trouble of using the printer
03:47to declare herself a murder victim?
03:49There's plenty of pens and notepads nearby.
03:51The M.E. say anything about the blotches on her hands?
03:53He said it looked like some kind of allergic reaction.
03:55But, you know, we'll run more tests
03:56once we get the body back to his lab.
03:58Here you go.
03:59Oh, thanks, but I have to wash these first.
04:02Guys, he touched something that may have touched apple juice.
04:06We're all very concerned.
04:35Beware of the poisonous dart frog.
04:37One touch can be deadly.
04:39Karen, wait!
04:56I-I said wait!
04:58How you doing, big fella?
05:00Any fingers?
05:02Come on.
05:03A lot.
05:05I had to shoot him before he got soap on his hands.
05:08I'm serious.
05:09There's a poison in that soap dispenser
05:11that would paralyze him.
05:12That is why our victim had to use the printer
05:14to declare that she was murdered.
05:15She couldn't pick up a pen because she was paralyzed.
05:18The printer's got to be voice-controlled.
05:19Printer, print.
05:20Morgan saved Karadek's life.
05:22On it.
05:25Tray one is empty.
05:27Okay, well, if it hadn't blown its load
05:29on all that murder confetti, that would have been very cool.
05:31Get back to the poison bit.
05:33Yes, okay.
05:35The frog aquarium is bolted and locked
05:37because it is home to two poison dart frogs,
05:39Wilma and Fred.
05:41Poison dart frogs secrete deadly toxins from their skin.
05:44Now, the bolt is there, but the lock is loose.
05:47More importantly,
05:48Wilma's poisonous buddy is nowhere to be found.
05:51Wait, what?
05:52Oh, yeah.
05:53So, we got a missing frog.
05:56We have a hand rash,
05:58a reaction to the batrachotoxins.
06:00We've got a wadded-up paper towel next to the victim
06:02because she was drying her hands when she became paralyzed.
06:10Fred's in the soap dispenser.
06:13Here's dead Fred.
06:15Sue, you guys think he caught any of that,
06:17or are you gonna want to fill him in later?
06:19I think you mean, is he okay?
06:20He's okay.
06:21The tranquilizer was for a snake.
06:23He's gonna be fine.
06:24You're gonna be fine.
06:28Hey, Lieutenant.
06:29How's he doing?
06:30Uh, a tad slow, usually.
06:32He's alive.
06:34You and Daphne keep processing the scene.
06:36When Karatik is okay to drive,
06:37I need him and Morgan to head to a salon on Grand.
06:40A friend of Dr. Monica's reported her missing last night.
06:43A Bethany Reed.
06:45I'm texting you the address.
06:48You guys got all that?
06:49I got it.
06:50He got it.
06:51I don't think he got it.
06:52I'll drive.
06:59How you doing over there?
07:02I am still not talking to you, Morgan.
07:05That's fair.
07:06Uh, you did just miss a call from someone named Aubrey Browneye Bumble.
07:11Whoa, I'm sorry.
07:12Did you answer my phone?
07:13It was connected to your car.
07:14I didn't want the ringing to wake you up.
07:16She says that Saturday at 1 o'clock at Coast Grill sounds perfect.
07:21I put it in your calendar for you.
07:25How you doing?
07:26I know it kind of doesn't seem like it right now,
07:28but I do feel really bad about shooting you, you know?
07:32Morgan, I totally understand why you did what you did.
07:37If anything, I guess I want to thank you.
07:39You don't have to thank me.
07:40I want to thank you.
07:42Okay, go ahead.
07:45I just thanked you.
07:46Well, you are welcome.
07:48You think you can walk on your own?
07:50I think so.
08:00Whoa, look at all these bees.
08:05My son Gavin had a karate tournament last night and Monica promised to be there.
08:10So you called the police?
08:11Only after I wasn't able to reach her for hours.
08:14It's just so unlike her not to show.
08:18That's a quality friend.
08:20Shows up to all your kid stuff.
08:22Oh, I'm sorry.
08:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:29No hugging.
08:30We don't hug.
08:31We don't do hugs.
08:32Okay, Bethany, Detective Karadek would like to ask you a few questions.
08:37How did you know the veterinarian?
08:40We met about two years ago in a yoga class.
08:46He's going to need a little more.
08:48We bonded over both being so hopelessly bad at yoga and decided to meet up for hikes instead.
08:55And our friendship just grew from there.
08:58And it is so hard to make female friends as an adult.
09:00Bethany, had you noticed anything different about Monica lately?
09:04Actually, I did.
09:06I went to meet Monica for breakfast yesterday and she seemed distracted and nervous.
09:11So I asked her if something was wrong and she just said guy troubles.
09:14Was she dating someone?
09:15That's what was so weird.
09:16She never mentioned anyone.
09:19Oh, sweetheart.
09:21Sorry, honey.
09:22He just really wanted his mom.
09:23I can't believe I'm never going to see Monica again.
09:29You think that man hurt her?
09:32Which man?
09:34What man, sweetheart?
09:35When we were at Monica's clinic a couple of days ago, I heard her fighting with a man.
09:39And the man yelled at her.
09:41You mean the day we brought Monica lunch?
09:44Honey, I was there with you.
09:46I didn't see any man.
09:48He came when you went to get coffees.
09:50Did you see this man who yelled at Monica?
09:56So you don't know what color eyes he had?
09:59What about his nose?
10:01Was it big?
10:02Not big?
10:07Is that an Avengers comic?
10:10Yeah, I knew I liked you.
10:12Hey, let's make a bet.
10:14I bet you a lollipop of your choice that our favorite is the same guy.
10:19One, two, three.
10:21Hulk guy.
10:27You said the man talking to Dr. Monica had a beard, right?
10:31Was it a beard like Tony Stark's or a beard like Thor's?
10:36Tony Stark's, but not as pointy and it was brown.
10:42Was he tall and big or tiny like Ant-Man?
10:46We've been estranged from our daughter for over ten years.
10:49Twelve years.
10:51You said you lived in Reseda.
10:53Monica lived in Westwood.
10:54You were eight miles apart and you never saw each other?
10:57Like I said, we were estranged.
11:00Monica drifted away after she left home.
11:03Excuse me one time.
11:08Do you know that guy?
11:11His name is Shane Seeger. He was...
11:13It was the worst thing that ever happened to my family.
11:16Monica was 16 when she took up with him.
11:18He was 21.
11:19I tried to get her to stop seeing the creep, but, you know, what can I do?
11:23A year into their relationship, Shane was arrested for robbing a convenience store.
11:27Idiot wore flip-flops, slipped, and accidentally fired his gun.
11:32Shot a hole into a soda display and went to prison for armed robbery.
11:38Imagine what my neighbors were saying.
11:40My teenage daughter dating a criminal.
11:47Well, there's nothing in his file about flip-flops, but he did go down for armed robbery.
11:51Well, Shane's in prison. He's not our guy.
11:54Shane Seeger was released from prison last month.
12:05I don't know, Shane.
12:06Let me tell you that Monica's been murdered, and you don't seem at all surprised.
12:11Or sad.
12:12Surprise, sadness.
12:16You guys were really expecting a wide range of emotions, huh?
12:19Monica and I broke up, like, 12 years ago.
12:21Most I got for you is a yeah, and?
12:24Yeah, and an eyewitness places you at the clinic with Monica five days before her murder.
12:28Now, do you have any insight to offer us on that?
12:30You know, not really.
12:33Why were you guys fighting?
12:34I don't remember.
12:35Do you have an alibi for last night, Shane?
12:38Nothing's springing to mind.
12:41You know what I think?
12:42I think you got out of prison and wanted to pick things up where you left off with Monica,
12:45and she just could not get over it.
12:47Where you left off with Monica, and she just could not wait to say hell no.
12:50She was educated and successful.
12:52Pretty sure she knew she could do better than a smug ex-con.
12:56Because women never go for the bad boy, right?
13:00I think maybe 48 hours in a holding cell will help jog Mr. Man With No Alibis Memory.
13:07Ankle monitor was a condition of my release from prison.
13:10I'm allowed out of the house during the day to go to work.
13:13I'm a personal trainer down at Muscle Beach if you ever want to swing by for a sesh.
13:23The monitoring station confirmed Shane's story.
13:27You know, he can't be a murderer if he was at his own place all night.
13:30We gotta cut him loose.
13:34Do you think that there's any way that parents could be involved?
13:37The dad, maybe, but did you see the mom?
13:39That woman was devastated.
13:40Monica hadn't spoken to her parents in a dozen years.
13:43Grieving mom included. Besides, my mom's threatened to kill me hundreds of times.
13:47Well, I've been doing this for a little while, and I can tell you that filicide is one of the rarest forms of murder.
13:56You have time for a quick, non-work-related, potentially overly personal question?
14:01Do you ever snoop on your kids?
14:03Oh. That was definitive?
14:06It's not snooping when a concerned mom does it.
14:09I like to think of it as responsible parenting.
14:17Chloe's still napping.
14:18And as suspected, avocado, not a big hit.
14:21You're home early.
14:22Yeah. I just had to check on something.
14:26Ava took a pill this morning.
14:28What kind of pill?
14:29I don't know. The sneaky kind that you swallow behind your mom's back.
14:32Did you come home to snoop?
14:34It is not snooping when it's a concerned mom doing it. It's called responsible parenting.
14:38Morgan, stop. Snooping is a slippery slope.
14:41Once you invade someone's privacy, there's no going back, no more communicating. It becomes your go-to mode.
14:49She's microdosing. Well, she's macrodosing.
14:54She could be buying Adderall off that Shelby character.
14:57If Shelby's gunning for Yale, she wouldn't be selling her Adderall.
15:00Maybe Ava just had a headache. She could have taken an aspirin.
15:03Yeah, well, you don't hide aspirin from your...
15:08Oh, God. It's birth control.
15:09No, it's not.
15:10It certainly looks like all the birth control I forgot to take.
15:12I'm not emotionally prepared for this.
15:15Yes, I am. I am.
15:17Okay. Okay, here's what I'm going to do.
15:20I'm going to sit here in the dark, and when she walks in, I'm going to hold up the evidence,
15:23and I'm going to turn on a single light bulb.
15:25Or both of us forget this ever happened and never speak of it again.
15:31No, I'm going to do my light bulb move. Yeah.
15:33It's okay. It's okay. I'm in an interrogation room half the day. I can handle this.
15:37Or another option, you do that annoying grown-up thing where you hold onto information
15:41and don't do anything with it.
15:43Let her come to you.
15:45Once you break her trust, you're not going to get it back.
15:47I don't want to break her trust.
15:49But parenting comes with major consequences.
15:51And she has a boyfriend.
15:53I make one wrong move, I don't step in when I should have,
15:56and her whole life is screwed.
15:58I mean, that...
16:01What are you guys doing?
16:03We've got to talk to you about something.
16:08We need to know if you think your room will fit one of those swinging chairs that you love.
16:13It totally would!
16:15Yeah, yeah, yeah!
16:17Like, the Rattan one from Urban Outfitters would be so perfect for right here.
16:27Hey, guys.
16:30Hey, Oz.
16:32Come check out these reviews for Monica's clinic.
16:38What have you got on our veterinarian murder?
16:40Okay, there's something curious about Monica's vet clinic.
16:43The reviews online were exceptional up until about six months ago,
16:46then she started to receive a string of one-star reviews.
16:49This one guy, he goes by the moniker Asimodeus,
16:51he paints Monica out to be some kind of monster.
16:54A monster who needs to be stopped.
16:56This so-called veterinarian is going to pay for what she's done.
16:59Track down this Asimodeus person.
17:02Pay him a visit.
17:06Do you know this woman?
17:09She sent the police?
17:11That chick's got some nerve.
17:13That chick was murdered yesterday.
17:16Then why are you talking to me?
17:17Glad you asked, Rodney.
17:19We've got a couple of threatening online reviews you directed at Monica,
17:22under the name Asimodeus.
17:24How'd you find me?
17:25We did a reverse image search on your profile pic.
17:27You don't exactly blend in.
17:28So, what did Dr. Monica do to deserve all the threats and anger?
17:33She killed Fernanda.
17:36Okay, that's crazy.
17:38I have the exact same tattoo.
17:39Dr. Monica killed your pet spider?
17:41Fernanda was a Peruvian glass-haired tarantula.
17:44She wasn't some pet, she was my baby.
17:46I took Fernanda to the clinic for a routine visit.
17:49Dr. Monica insisted I leave her for an exam.
17:52And later, Dr. Monica called and said
17:55that Fernanda was infectious and needed to be incinerated.
18:00I never even got to say goodbye.
18:02She was my best friend.
18:06But I swear, I swear I didn't kill Dr. Monica.
18:09I just wanted to ruin her reputation online
18:11because people needed to be warned.
18:13Yeah, maybe I took it too far.
18:15Took it too far how?
18:18I followed her home one night to scare her.
18:20That's it.
18:21I'm guessing you were the only dude in Brentwood with a face tat?
18:24I didn't follow her to Brentwood.
18:26I followed her to an apartment in Hollywood.
18:32Digging those French tips, Valerie.
18:34Very old money.
18:35Thanks, Morgan.
18:42There was a Good Times roll bag at the murder scene.
18:44It was delivered to Monica at a Hollywood address.
18:47But she lived by the clinic in Brentwood.
18:51So why would Monica have food delivered to a Hollywood apartment
18:55when she lived and worked on the other side of town?
19:02Daytime stakeouts are less cool.
19:04I feel gross eating Swedish fish and Pringles while the sun's out.
19:07Pay attention, please.
19:09I can chew, regret my choices, and stare at a building
19:11all at the same time, Daph.
19:13Do you think Karatek stops for snacks?
19:15I probably think about what Karatek does a lot less than you do.
19:18I just have a lot of respect for him.
19:20Morgan has such a great learning opportunity right now.
19:23Here, you're the only one learning.
19:28Is that a gun?
19:32Come on! Get out of the way!
19:40Freeze! Police!
19:42More cops?
19:44What are you guys doing here?
19:46Did you call for backup?
19:47You said I could call for backup next time.
19:49Uh, this is Larry, the building super.
19:51We thought we saw him pull a weapon.
19:53Did you pull a weapon, Larry?
19:54I just took out my drill.
19:55I'm supposed to fix that busted ceiling frame?
19:57Larry, you dog! You got a holster for your drill?
20:01I like it.
20:02Uh, didn't Morgan's text say we were meeting the building super?
20:04I didn't get a text from Morgan.
20:06Yeah, you did. I texted because Karatek was driving.
20:08Yeah, it's right here.
20:09Daphne Lewandowski.
20:11That's not you. That's not you.
20:13In my defense, who's got two Daphnes in her phone?
20:15You know what I mean?
20:17Wait, how did you find this place, then?
20:19I checked the reviews for Monica's clinic online,
20:21tracked down a disgruntled spider owner who threatened her,
20:24got him to admit that he followed her to this apartment.
20:26What about you?
20:27Oh, Morgan found a receipt on the good times rollback
20:29at the murder scene, and the address was on it.
20:31Great minds.
20:33Uh, guys?
20:35You're gonna want to check this out.
20:48Hey, Oz, come here.
20:50Is that...
20:54That is definitely her.
20:59What was she up to?
21:01Looks like Monica Davis,
21:03doctor of veterinary medicine,
21:06and a secret life as an exotic animal trafficker.
21:10Pastel python. 7,500 bucks.
21:13Palm cockatoo, 15,000.
21:20I think I've got something.
21:22Looks like some kind of coded list, right?
21:25This first line, 3912 Lamer, 2381.
21:30I think I've got something.
21:32Looks like some kind of coded list, right?
21:34This first line, 3912 Lamer, 2381.
21:38Lamer, 2381, 9424.
21:42Lamer could be lemur misspelled.
21:44Okay, this last part could be the price.
21:46Why is Monica getting to the black market?
21:48I mean, what's she needing the money for?
21:50I mean, she's operating a one-woman clinic.
21:52That can't be cheap.
21:53These are not codes for animal sales.
21:55It's abbreviations for house listings.
21:583912 Lamer is the address.
22:00Then it's square footage, lot size, bedrooms, bathrooms,
22:03garage size, and the date of the open house.
22:08Monica needed money for a house.
22:13Huh. Okay.
22:15Daphne, I want you to dig into the trafficking,
22:17see if you can find anything on the buyers.
22:19Oz, you get Dr. Monica's patient files,
22:21see if you can connect any of these animals to the clinic.
22:23Morgan and I are gonna go have a little chat with Ty Williams.
22:25She started out looking for a home way up in Orland,
22:27but she had a partner and it wound up being too far from her.
22:30Did you ever meet this partner?
22:32Do you have a picture of the property she was buying?
22:34Of course.
22:38Well, thanks for coming by, Mr. Williams.
22:42Well, if you're ever looking to move out of the city,
22:45give me a call.
22:50According to Bethany,
22:51Monica said she was having guy troubles.
22:53Maybe it wasn't Shane.
22:54If there was a man in her life, we need to find him.
22:56Oh, I don't think she had a man in her life.
23:02She had a bee in her life?
23:04Follow the bees, Keredith.
23:06The garden?
23:07See how these tall flowers are clumped together?
23:09That is a pollinator garden.
23:11Like the one outside of the salon?
23:13The salon that had flowers and bees all over the sign?
23:16They're planted like that
23:17so the bees can quickly go from flower to flower.
23:19Bees are the reason Monica originally wanted to find a house in Orland.
23:23It's the bee capital of California.
23:26And do you see these little pastel roofs?
23:28Those are the top of the apiaries for beekeepers.
23:30Monica wanted to find a house for the woman she loved.
23:38You lied to us.
23:40Um, why don't you just head back
23:42and Jen will get you rinsed out.
23:45You and Monica may have bonded over bad yoga,
23:47but you were more than friends, weren't you?
23:52Yeah, we were.
23:54And she was buying a house for you?
23:56She was buying a house for us.
23:58Buying a house for us.
24:00For the three of us, okay?
24:01I was leaving Nathan, and Gavin and I were gonna move in with her.
24:04A house she was purchasing using the proceeds
24:06from her illegal animal trafficking business.
24:10No, Monica would never...
24:11She was stealing clients' animals from the clinic
24:13and selling them on the black market.
24:14Why would she do that?
24:15My guess is because she loved you.
24:17We saw the brochure from the new house.
24:19It was a bee lover's heaven.
24:21Seems like she really wanted to make you happy.
24:23Bethany, did your husband know about this affair?
24:25Did he know you were planning on taking his son away?
24:30Nathan saw some of the text messages that Monica had sent me.
24:34He wanted to work on things, but he knew I was leaving him.
24:39You don't think he...
24:41No, Nathan would never...
24:50Hi, I'll be with you in a minute.
24:53Mr. Reid, thanks for coming.
24:55Thanks for coming.
24:57Yeah, sorry, I was picking Gavin up from karate when I got your call.
25:01He said you just had a few questions.
25:02Yeah, it's no problem.
25:03Is Detective Oz here?
25:05He's not, but I am.
25:07And I happen to know about a secret stash of gummy bears
25:11in Detective Carradine's desk.
25:13Don't tell him.
25:15I'll take care of him.
25:16Let's go.
25:17Check out my new belt.
25:19No way!
25:21It is understandable you had some anger towards Monica.
25:23I really didn't.
25:24She was taking your wife, your family.
25:26Did you confront her?
25:28Look, I never...
25:41You want to tell us about this?
25:46Did you really think we wouldn't find it hidden in the bottom of your tool chest?
25:49Did you really think that we wouldn't check the table of contents for poisoned dart frogs?
25:55No response.
25:58Okay, how about this?
26:02I'm guessing you're a coffee man.
26:19All right, I did it.
26:22I killed Monica.
26:24I killed Monica.
26:31Everyone did some nice work.
26:32It wasn't just me.
26:33It was a team effort.
26:35It's Friday.
26:36Time time went on.
26:37Who's in, huh?
26:38Bobby, come on.
26:43One drink.
26:44All right.
26:50Something's not quite sitting right with you about Nathan's confession.
26:56The pieces just aren't quite clicking together in my brain.
26:58Yeah, well, Nathan's wife was leaving him for Monica.
27:01He did confess to the murder, but I don't know.
27:03Won't hurt to look at it with fresh eyes on Monday.
27:08No, I can't go into the weekend like this.
27:09I won't be able to stop thinking about it.
27:10You got your big date to distract you.
27:13What date?
27:14Aubrey Brown-Eyed Bumble.
27:17Tomorrow at 1 o'clock, Coast Grill.
27:22You don't remember who she is?
27:23How many dates did you arrange?
27:25I cast nets, okay?
27:29Morgan, you have exactly one second before I arrest you for theft.
27:32You left your interests blank?
27:34I did, okay?
27:35There needs to be some discovery.
27:36I am a cipher, a man of mystery.
27:39I can't give you this phone back until I know you have interests other than punctuality and hygiene.
27:48And I'll have you know I have plenty of very normal interests.
27:52You know, history.
27:54Working out.
27:56So you're a cover model for Generic Girl Weekly.
27:59I also play a lot of Scrabble.
28:01Oh, my God.
28:02Okay, listen.
28:03I say this as a concerned citizen, okay?
28:05You gotta loosen up a little bit.
28:07Have some fun.
28:08Step out of your comfort zone.
28:10Morgan, in the interest of our professional relationship, do not say another word.
28:14I'm just trying to...
28:15Not one more word.
28:20That doesn't count.
28:22But while I'm at it, wear your dark blue shirt tomorrow.
28:24It brings out your eyes and makes you seem less uptight.
28:26Also, something's off with this timeline, so the case isn't over.
28:32Do you remember how Bethany said that she had been friends with Monica for two years?
28:37But you know, I found that picture of Bethany and Gavin in Monica's apartment.
28:40Well, Gavin had his yellow belt then.
28:42He got his purple belt today.
28:44So as you get older and better, you test to earn new belts.
28:47It starts with yellow, then orange, green, blue, and purple.
28:51So even if Gavin went to karate twice a week,
28:53it would take him longer than two years to go from yellow to purple belt.
28:57And I didn't really see his face in the picture, but he was certainly much shorter.
29:01So are you saying that Monica was stalking Bethany?
29:04Either that or Gavin had an insane growth spurt and is a karate prodigy.
29:08Yeah, well, like I said, let's just dive back in on Monday.
29:12No, but my brain's spitting ideas out now.
29:18Why'd we stop at this Swift Mart? It's, like, forever out of the way.
29:22So you two had to pee.
29:24And about a decade ago, some meathead robbed this place, so I wanted to check it out.
29:46Nobody move! This is a robbery!
29:56What kind of idiot robs a store wearing flip-flops?
30:01I told you, he's a moron.
30:04Hang on. How did you know he was wearing flip-flops?
30:11Hi, guys.
30:12Who wants to go to the beach?
30:14Is there food there?
30:24Are we coming with you to interview a murderer?
30:27Don't worry, sweetie. Just an ex-con with an airtight alibi.
30:31Good push.
30:33Okay, make yourselves comfortable. We'll go for tacos after.
30:38Wow, one earbud, huh? How annoying and on-brand.
30:41Hey, good hustle. Get out of here.
30:46What do you want?
30:47Why didn't you tell the police that Monica was your accomplice in the convenience store robbery?
30:51If she was a minor, she would have gotten a short sentence.
30:55I know she was with you. Her father gave details of the crime that weren't in the police report.
30:59Yeah, like I care what he...
31:00I'm sorry. Can you take this stupid...
31:02Hey, are you crazy?
31:07She was pregnant.
31:13The last three months were bananas. I spent all my free time studying, but I finally got my SHRL certification.
31:19Oh. Oh, congratulations. SH... What is that? I'm sorry.
31:22Oh, sorry. Not everyone's in HR, Aubrey.
31:26It's an advanced credential for human resource professionals.
31:29Yeah, that's... Wow.
31:32This burger's perfect. Just how I like it. Not too much stuff on it.
31:37I usually only read meat right before sex.
31:40Care Deck! There you are.
31:44Oh, my God. I'm starving. Can I please have some fries?
31:48She promised us tacos, but I don't think that's happening.
31:51You know this woman?
31:52Uh, yeah, I think so. I'm his wife, and these are his kids.
31:56And this, Adam, is not you playing squash with your buddies.
32:00I thought we agreed that we were only going to splurge on hookers as a couple.
32:05I'm just messing with you, Aubrey. I'm his partner.
32:08We're not partners.
32:09Non-romantic partner.
32:10We're not partners. She's actually just a consultant.
32:12We work on cases together in a partnerly fashion, all right?
32:16Does that work? And I've got a theory about the one we're working on right now, and oh, boy, is it a doozy.
32:21Bethany's son, Gavin, is definitely adopted.
32:25And I'm more than pretty sure that Monica and Shane are his biological parents.
32:30Wait, wait. How do you...
32:31Should I...
32:32So Shane and Gavin both have preauricular sinuses, a.k.a. ear dimples.
32:36Some biologists think that ear dimples are a vestige of fish gills.
32:41It's not important. The point is, they're super rare.
32:43Only 0.1% of the population has them.
32:46And it's even rarer to have them in both ears.
32:49So if you do, it is 100% inherited.
32:53So when a daddy with two ear dimples loves a mommy, the baby will also have two ear dimples.
32:59And that is exactly how we know that Gavin is Shane and Monica's biological potato.
33:06Child. Sorry. We're all hungry.
33:08Bethany and Nathan, no dimples. Shane and Gavin, two dimples each.
33:13Also, I swung by and I talked to Shane.
33:15You did what?
33:16She talked to Shane with ear dimples.
33:17He basically confessed facially that he was covering for Monica the day of the convenience store robbery
33:22because she was pregnant with his baby.
33:26A teen pregnancy.
33:27That's why Monica's dad was so ashamed of her. That's why they were estranged.
33:30Yes! And I think Bethany learned the truth.
33:33She's not the person Monica wanted to keep in her life.
33:36It was Monica's biological son, Gavin.
33:43Yeah, see? Look. Right there. They're so tiny. You have to really look closely.
33:46I don't need to see any more photos of ear dimples. I get it.
33:49So now you're saying that the husband confessed to a crime he didn't commit?
33:52No, my guess is he's devoted to his wife, trying to protect her.
33:55Or, I'm so good, I got an innocent man to confess.
34:03I came as soon as I got your message.
34:05Is there news about my husband? He's innocent.
34:07Bethany, I think it's best that we move someplace we can talk privately.
34:11Detective Osle, take care of Gavin.
34:14Bethany, what was your reaction when you found out that Monica wasn't really in love with you?
34:19Monica's parents forced their pregnant teenage daughter to give her baby up 12 years ago.
34:24Monica didn't just happen to bump into you at yoga, did she?
34:28No. No, she sought you out.
34:30She befriended you, and she pretended to fall in love with you to get close to the person that she really loved,
34:37And the person who loved you, your husband, Nathan, confessed to a murder he didn't even commit.
34:42Now, maybe you're fine with that.
34:44I mean, he did sneak that frog book into his toolbox.
34:47But, Bethany, can you really live with sending an innocent man, a man that you married, to prison for the rest of his life?
34:56I destroyed my marriage for Monica, and it was all a lie.
35:00That day, when Gavin heard the horrible man arguing with Monica, I was there.
35:05Only, I didn't know Gavin overheard it at the time.
35:09And he was yelling at her for giving up their son for adoption.
35:13In that moment, I knew two things.
35:16Gavin was Monica's biological child, and Monica seduced me to get to him.
35:22She was trying to steal my son!
35:28It was working.
35:30Gavin loved Monica. They had a connection. He wanted to be a vet like her.
35:39One of the reasons why I fell in love with Monica was because of how amazing she was with Gavin.
35:44And now I can't stop wondering if, maybe, it was the same for her.
35:51Maybe it only just started out as a lie.
35:55Do you think...
36:02Have them release Nathan. Bring that man to his son as soon as possible.
36:09Easy. Watch out. Watch out for the dragon guy.
36:12There you go. All right.
36:14Sounds like a big guy coming.
36:16Excuse me. I got turned around.
36:19I'm here to collect my daughter's effects.
36:22Sure. I can find someone to help with that.
36:26Hey, buddy, why don't you go get yourself some snacks in the snack machine, okay?
36:30Come on. Go.
36:32Um, just have a seat here.
36:36I'll go find an officer to help you, okay?
36:43Hey, you seen Hoffie?
36:45No, but Bethany confessed.
36:48She found out that Monica was Gavin's biological mother.
36:51She thought Monica was stealing her son from her.
36:59I'm so sorry to bother you again.
37:02I just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna come back tomorrow.
37:05I'm not afraid tonight.
37:07No problem. Whatever works for you.
37:11Hey, Oz.
37:13Could you bring Nathan up from holding?
37:16Yeah. Thank you.
37:21I'm sorry I jumped the gun.
37:25What I don't get is why you confessed to a crime you didn't commit.
37:30I grew up without a mom.
37:33It was hard.
37:37I didn't want that for my son.
37:43I wouldn't have wanted to grow up without my dad.
37:53This sucks.
37:55It doesn't feel like we won.
37:58Hate to tell you, but it's like not a lot.
38:03Here you go, sweetheart. Try that.
38:11Finally. Thank you.
38:13The bill was just too wrinkled.
38:15That's why the machine kept spitting it out.
38:20What did you get?
38:22Sour cherry tsunamis.
38:24My daughter used to love sour candy.
38:32Gavin! Dad!
38:34Hey, bud.
38:38Oh, man.
38:40You all right?
38:42Let's go.
38:54Let's go.
39:24Let's go.
39:42Be with you in a minute.
39:44Your friend here doesn't look that patient.
40:02Oh, you're awake.
40:04It's not even noon, though. Is everything...
40:06Are you okay? Are you feeling okay?
40:08What are you doing here?
40:10Brought you some mango juice.
40:14You know, this room service thing is kind of sus, right?
40:20I did something really awful,
40:22and I'm scared that you're not gonna forgive me for it.
40:24Did you shrink my lululemons?
40:30I snooped in your room, and I found your birth control.
40:35I saw you being stealthy and swallow a pill,
40:37and my mind just kind of ran wild,
40:39and I... I should have asked you.
40:41I can't believe you did that.
40:43I know.
40:45I know I want you to trust me, and then I didn't trust you,
40:47and I just... I messed up.
40:49And that's why I'm coming clean.
40:51But it kills me that you thought you had to hide that from me.
40:54I knew you'd freak out.
40:56Yeah, I'm gonna freak out.
40:58And then I'm gonna pull it together
41:00and come to my senses and have your back.
41:04I know.
41:06I'm serious. I'm your ride-or-die,
41:08your bury-the-bodies-and-ask-questions-later.
41:10I know, Mom.
41:14I'm sorry.
41:16I should have just told you.
41:19I was going to, but it just seems stupid.
41:21No, it's not stupid. I get it.
41:23My skin just got so bad,
41:25and you just kept telling me,
41:27oh, you look so pretty, and no one will notice.
41:31My skin? My whitehead situation?
41:33Jennifer Jay started taking birth control,
41:35and her acne is, like, gone.
41:37So I saved up all my babysitting money,
41:39and I went online...
41:41Wait, you went on birth control for your complexion?
41:45Oh. Oh. Wow.
41:47That's really good. I...
41:49But did you see how cool and supportive I was
41:51when I thought you were having sex?
41:55Well, no, I am having sex,
41:57but that's not why I got the birth control.
41:59Yeah. Yeah.
42:01And that's something that we can talk about.
42:03Oh, my gosh. Mom, you're so easy.
42:05Oh, I hate you.
42:07I hate you. Don't laugh at me.
42:09I'll beat you with your own birth control pillow.
42:11I'm stuck. I'm so mad at you.
42:13The Brownettes!
