• 2 days ago
Tells the story of the male protagonist Lin Xian, who wakes up his girlfriend Qing Wan who was unconscious in a car accident. He uses the neurosurgery engine to enter his girlfriend's dream, but is trapped in the dream by a clever trap set by commercial rivals. The world view of the play is superimposed on a high-concept space-time love. In the Name of Dreaming, the dual main lines of love and suspense run in parallel, leading the audience to immersively experience the boss's super love.


00:30当记忆像碎片一样消失 I will be attracted by you
00:34我依旧会被你吸引 When the memory disappears like a fragment
00:37在无处逃脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
00:41你的降临直到雨水落地 You will fall to the ground
00:45谁知道你的位置 却装作不在意 Who knows where you are, but pretends not to care
00:50满身伤痍却只字不提 You are full of scars, but you don't stop
01:00无处逃脚的人海里 In the endless sea of people
01:17怎么样 How about it?
01:21画面体感都很真实 The picture and the feeling of the body are real
01:25就是玩一会就会晕 But I'll faint after playing for a while
01:27会做调试改进的 I'll do some adjustments
01:29谢谢秦总 Thank you, Mr. Qin
01:31赫凡 I think you've changed a lot
01:35当你工作的时候好像变了一个人 when you work
01:39我就当是秦总对我的肯定吧 I'll take it as a compliment from you
01:43行 那没什么事的话我先走了 Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave
01:47对了 By the way
01:49我就有两张朋友给我的演唱会票了 I have two tickets for my concert
01:52热七俱乐部的 I remember you like the one from the R7 Club
01:55热七俱乐部 那我到时候把票先转你 I'll transfer the tickets to you later
01:59我是说 我们一起 I mean, let's do it together
02:08他怎么会出现在现有 How did he show up in the show?
02:17对了 By the way
02:19我就有两张朋友给我的演唱会票了 I have two tickets for my concert
02:22热七俱乐部的 I remember you like the one from the R7 Club
02:25热七俱乐部 R7 Club
02:45进 Come in
02:49林总 您找我 Mr. Lin, you want to see me?
02:52坐吧 Have a seat
02:55今晚 早上的事情我想和你谈谈 Tonight, I want to talk to you about what happened this morning
03:01林总 您指的是哪件事情 Mr. Lin, what do you mean?
03:07难道他的记忆真的选择信遗忘了 Did he really choose to forget his memory?
03:15对了 他怎么在这儿 By the way, why is he here?
03:19您说的是 You mean...
03:21刚才跟你在会议室的那位 The one who was in the conference room with you just now
03:22您说的是贺总吗 Did you mean Mr. He?
03:25但是贺总不是您请回来的吗 But didn't you invite Mr. He?
03:28我请他 I invited him?
03:30你的梦里你说了算 It's up to you
03:32好了 没事了 All right, it's all right
03:35对了 晚上到我家了 By the way, come to my house tonight
03:37林总 今天晚上 Mr. Lin, tonight...
03:39晚上要加班 You have to work overtime tonight
03:46林总 咱们今天什么工作啊 Mr. Lin, what kind of work do we have today?
03:49吃饱了才离职工作 We have to work after eating
03:52吃饱了才离职工作 We have to work after eating
04:22这到底是梦 Is this a dream?
04:25还是 Or
04:28你说什么 What did you say?
04:31没什么 Nothing
04:33需要帮忙吗 Do you need any help?
04:34需要帮忙 Yes
04:39回去 Go back
04:41回家 Go home
04:43回家 Go home
04:45回家 Go home
04:47回家 Go home
04:49回家 Go home
04:51回去 Go home
04:54回去 Go home
05:08回去 Go home
05:21回家 Go home
05:34来 尝尝 Come on, try it
05:42好吃 It's delicious
05:47谢谢 Thank you
05:51谢谢 Thank you
06:01细腻的烟熏味 带点秋叶的味道 It has a delicate smell of smoke and autumn leaves
06:04丹凝圆润 像天鹅绒一般 It's soft and tender like Tian'er Rong
06:07果味跟酸度平衡良好 The taste is balanced with acidity
06:10这应该是来自格拉夫红龙烟庄园 85年产的好酒 This should be a good wine from the 85-year-old Graf Honrong winery
06:17这些词都哪儿来的 Where did these words come from?
06:19我什么时候这么懂葡萄酒了 Since when did I know so much about wine?
06:21我瞎说的 I was talking nonsense
06:23我就知道你不会忘记 I knew you wouldn't forget
06:35老板 来两个山草的冰激凌 Boss, two mountain grass ice cream
06:38好的 您稍等 Okay, just a moment
06:41请你赴约我 Please come with me
06:46贺凡? 你又想要搞什么? He Fan? What are you up to this time?
06:57香草口味的冰激凌 两只 Mountain grass ice cream, two of them
07:01贺凡 我想我之前说得已经很清楚了 He Fan, I think I've made myself clear
07:04三十摄氏度的气温下 冰激凌融化的时间是十分钟 At a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, the ice cream melts in 10 minutes
07:11然而 当气温达到零下五摄氏度的时候 冰激凌融化的时间为半小时 However, when the temperature reaches minus 5 degrees Celsius, the ice cream melts in half an hour
07:18所以 它的质变时间是根据环境气温决定的 So the time it changes is determined by the environment and temperature
07:23它可以等 It can wait
07:27但是如果你不吃的话 它就会化成一滩血水 But if you don't eat it, it will turn into a pool of blood
07:34我知道了 我知道了 我知道了 I know now, I know
07:45你还嫌弃恶为 You still hate evil
07:48贺凡 我已经有喜欢的人了 He Fan, I already have someone I like
07:57是林衔 对吧 It's Lin Xian, isn't it
08:00千万 你应该也有怀疑过吧 Qin Wan, you must have doubted it before
08:05怀疑什么 Doubt what?
08:08险由 一家市值千亿的游戏公司 竟然会让一个毫无作品的设计师当副总 A game company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars would let a designer who has no work to be the vice president
08:18所以你什么意思 So what do you mean
08:20你知道现在是哪一年 你现在又在哪儿 Do you know what year it is and where you are now
08:24当然是2020年 Of course it's 2020
08:26在真实世界里 现在已经是2023年了 In the real world, it's already 2023
08:33三年前 你出了车祸 Three years ago, you had a car accident
08:37现在的你 还躺在医院昏迷不醒 Now you're still in a coma in the hospital
08:56闪烁着光芒 吹不荡漾 此刻都是你的模样 The light is shining, but I can't sleep. It's all about you
09:02无人知我 心中争斗 故作坚定恢复着 你的问候 I don't know what's going on in my heart. I'm just saying hello to you
09:10两个世界的我们 都忙着赶路 以为顶峰相见的房间会多么乱七八糟 The two of us in the world are busy looking at the road. I thought the room facing the peak would be so messy
09:19碎片一样消失 我依旧会被你吸引 I'm still attracted to you
09:25在无处落脚的人海里 你的降临是岛屿水落地 In the endless sea of people, your landing is the land of the island
09:33谁知道你的位置 却装作不在意 满心想你却只字不提 Who knows where you are, but pretends not to care. I miss you all the time
09:41炙热与哭泣 囧咳着回忆 当他旁的月光再无痕迹 When the hot rain and bitter loneliness engulf the memory, when the moonlight by his side no longer has a trace
