Eidevall reacts to a 2-1 home defeat

  • 3 days ago
Arsenal Womens manager Jonas Eidevall reacts to a 2-1 home defeat to Chelsea Women


Emirates Stadium, London, UK
00:00I felt like Arsenal did more than enough to get at least a point,
00:04but maybe have regrets in both penalty areas, ultimately.
00:07If we take the defensive penalty area, first of all,
00:11how disappointing was it, particularly because Arsenal play well overall,
00:16those two goals are very similar to some of the goals we saw on Wednesday night?
00:21Extremely disappointing, and we obviously got off to a really poor start.
00:26We conceded four goals from corners now in two games,
00:29that's not sustainable if you want to be a top team.
00:34The way we defend the cross on their second goal,
00:37it's obviously not good enough either.
00:40It's maybe particularly frustrating because it's not how the pattern looks in the game.
00:50It's a one-off situation in the game, but of course you're playing against a top team
00:53and that's enough to make that mistake, and they're going to punish that.
00:58Then I think the players show incredible character, incredible heart
01:02in getting back from such a difficult start, imposing our way of playing,
01:09finding our way back into the game again, together with amazing support from the stands.
01:18I think we deservedly scored a goal, and I think we certainly had chances
01:23to score the second goal as well.
01:25The players work extremely hard to get those inches right,
01:29but unfortunately we get the inches on the wrong side tonight, or today.
01:33On the other penalty area, I look at Kate Linden's goal for example,
01:39a really assertive final action, she really takes control in that situation.
01:44I don't know, I felt like maybe there were times where you didn't see that quite enough,
01:49maybe low confidence in the other penalty area, do you agree with that?
01:55So in terms of how assertive Kate Linden is in scoring that goal,
01:59but then in other attacking situations I felt like I saw maybe a lack of confidence
02:04sometimes to really take on that final action,
02:07or do you think maybe it was a little bit of bad luck as well with the finishing?
02:14Like I said, I think they work extremely hard to get the inches on the right side,
02:18and we don't get it.
02:20Then if it's the inches on the final pass, the inches on the finishing,
02:27the effort, I can't fault, and as I said, I think we create chances
02:33to score the second goal as well, unfortunately we don't.
02:37Emma, from the BBC.
02:39Hi Jürgens, how challenging was that for you,
02:43obviously in the early days in the league, but at the same time winning the Champions League?
02:47It certainly doesn't help with league-winning ambitions,
02:52but it doesn't change the perspective that you need to go game by game,
02:57and you need to do your absolute best in every single game,
03:01but there's no point of hiding away from reality
03:05and saying that it's a bad start to the season.
03:09I know there's obviously been some growing pressure on you this week,
03:14which you addressed on a simple match, obviously this result won't help that either.
03:19Do you feel your position is safe, have you been given that reassurance?
03:24I give absolutely everything today, in the preparation for this game,
03:28I think you can see that the players give absolutely everything on the pitch.
03:32I think that's the part you can control as a coach,
03:35that's the part you can control and ask for from your players as well,
03:40and just like focusing on the next match,
03:43I need to focus on the things I can control.
03:47Come back.
03:49Hi, Jonas, after drawing and losing twice,
03:52what steps will you take to ensure you win the next game?
03:55Say again, I missed the first part of the question.
03:57After drawing and losing twice,
03:59what steps will you take to ensure you win the next game?
04:04To make sure we recover, to make sure we prepare,
04:07and to make sure that we're giving absolutely everything on Wednesday night.
04:13Hi, Jonas, I just wanted to ask about Mariona,
04:15because she was playing centrally today,
04:17played off the right in the week,
04:18I was wondering, are those relationships things you're still trying to work out,
04:23or are you thinking that maybe she can offer different things,
04:28she has different teams and different positions?
04:31Yeah, it's a combination of all those things that you're asking about, to be honest.
04:37And yeah, it is, it's a mixture.
04:42Of those that I thought that was going to be the best way to start the game today,
04:49and then we had a different idea on how to finish the game.
04:54Hi, Jonas, there were some feelings coming to you
04:56as a part of the first couple of goals, and then a few of full-time,
05:00what would you say to the fans that maybe kind of lost faith in yourself and the team?
05:06That I think they should see to the players how incredibly hard they work,
05:10and how much heart they have, and how much character they have for the club.
05:13And that, I hope, gives supporters belief.
05:17And then I fully understand that people are disappointed
05:21when we don't win football matches, and we are also really disappointed.
05:26We are really hurting, I'm hurting, the players are hurting.
05:29We want to do that better.
05:33So I fully understand that in that moment.
05:36And just as you're allowed to show emotions when you win,
05:40you're allowed to show emotions when we lose, because they invest everything.
05:44They travel, they support us, they give us absolutely everything.
05:47So I totally understand that their frustration when we don't win football matches.
05:53Last one here, Kip.
05:54Hi, Jonas.
05:55We obviously talked about how tough this week was going to be
05:59from a physical perspective with the three games in 16,
06:01but now with the results not going away and those three games,
06:05how tough has it been from a more psychological, mental perspective this week?
06:11Like I said before, before the week,
06:14it's an extremely tough week
06:18with playing away in Europe, playing against teams like Bayern Munich and Chelsea
06:22with so short turnarounds, against teams that in both occasions
06:28get much better prep time for the games.
06:31Of course, that's extremely difficult.
06:35Again, I have to look and see how the players respond today
06:39and how they work.
06:41And I think when you see how much football we've been playing last week,
06:45I think it even more shows what a phenomenal character these players have.
06:50How they can keep on going there in such an adverse situation
06:55and having this never give up mentality.
06:58I think it speaks even more volume of that character when you consider the context.
07:05Thank you, guys.
07:05Thank you, guys.
