• 2 weeks ago
Enders 10th October 2024


00:00I can explain.
00:15You don't have to explain anything to him.
00:17You should shut your mouth.
00:18What, you're going to make me?
00:19No, I'm not.
00:20Ian will.
00:21I can't imagine he's going to be too happy when he finds out what's been going on.
00:25Do you know, I actually feel bad for him.
00:28Getting engaged to the same woman who betrayed him 30 years ago.
00:32He don't look too clever now, does he?
00:34No, David, wait.
00:35No, stop it.
00:37Dad's going to talk.
00:38Dad, Ian, you're all going to know.
00:39No, he won't.
00:40Leave it.
00:41I'll talk to him.
00:42David, what are you doing?
00:43You are so predictable.
00:44Don't do this.
00:45Do what?
00:46I just want a quick laugh, a whistle before I head off.
00:48Just hear me out, please.
00:50Do you know, I must be losing my touch.
00:52Because I started to buy all that flack about you and him wanting to be together and making it work,
00:56I actually started to think it was true.
00:58It is.
00:59You're having an affair.
01:01Another affair.
01:05Right under his nose.
01:06Once I filled him in with what's been going on, I don't think he's going to be too keen on walking down that aisle.
01:10Why are you doing this to me?
01:11You don't care about him.
01:13No, not much.
01:15But I don't like him lording over me, Cindy.
01:17I don't like the way he is.
01:19Like he's the big man and I'm nothing.
01:21Someone has to wipe that big, fat, smug smile off his face.
01:24Unfortunately, that person is me.
01:26No, please, don't.
01:28I will lose everything.
01:30My family, my security.
01:32Just give me ten.
01:34I did not.
01:35We can talk.
01:36We'll go somewhere.
01:37I'll take the truth.
01:39I'll tell you everything.
01:51You all right?
01:53Did he hurt you?
01:55Of course not.
01:56It's a lucky punch.
01:59Totally unacceptable.
02:00Look, don't worry about it.
02:01No, it's what he's like.
02:02He always has been.
02:03My so-called half-brother.
02:05He shows me no respect.
02:08Let me get you a glass of Prosecco.
02:09I'll make up for it, yeah?
02:10All right.
02:12David's come to do the book's tax stuffer.
02:14He's a bit of an expert.
02:15Yeah, tax avoidance.
02:17My speciality.
02:19Yeah, it's a bit of a private matter.
02:21Could you do that another time?
02:23We haven't finished testing out the recording stuff yet.
02:25Tomorrow, maybe?
02:26I'd really appreciate it.
02:29You'll have to give me a minute.
02:30I've got to log the recordings and pack up my stuff.
02:32Well, can't you come back later?
02:36Come on then, Fred.
02:40Don't touch anything.
02:42It's very delicate.
02:43All right.
02:52Well, come on, out with it.
02:54I ain't got all night.
03:00Lots of the good stuff.
03:02Hey, George, have you seen Cinder?
03:04No, sorry.
03:05I think she went outside.
03:07Oh, right, thanks.
03:09Look, that, um...
03:11Can I have a word?
03:13Cindy, you're cheating on him.
03:17If you care so little, why get engaged?
03:20Because I want it to work.
03:22I don't want this bloke on the side.
03:24I want a proper life.
03:26Well, you ain't got off to a very good start, have you?
03:28Cheating on your husband-to-be with your ex-husband's son.
03:31Don't you think that's messed up?
03:33Oh, and you're not much better.
03:36Sleeping with your half-brother's wife.
03:40You made me fall in love with you.
03:42You used me, and you cast me aside.
03:45That's not how I remember it.
03:47Anyway, this ain't about me, it's about you.
03:50Oh, so you can do what you want, huh?
03:54Leave a string of broken hearts,
03:57me, Carol, Sam, on and on,
03:59and I've got to be a nun.
04:01What have you got that's real?
04:02What have you got that's lasting?
04:04I've got kids.
04:06Oh, yeah.
04:07And where is she now?
04:08Are you going to walk around for her,
04:09or are you going to dump her like you did Joe?
04:11Oh, I don't want to talk about Joe, please, please.
04:13No, no, of course you don't.
04:15Walked out on him, walked out on me,
04:17walked out on Carol.
04:18How many other people's lives have you ruined, David?
04:20Well, at least I try.
04:24Good-looking bloke strolls by, gives you the eye,
04:26straight on your back.
04:27Ding, ding, jump on board.
04:30So if a bloke falls around,
04:32he's a player, he's a stud, people look up to him.
04:35If a woman does it, she's a slapper.
04:37You are, Cindy.
04:39You're cheap.
04:41You always were, and you always will be.
04:43Cindy always comes first.
04:46Never a husband, never a children,
04:49just you.
04:52You slope off, witness protection,
04:55you get married on the sly,
04:57while two of your children died,
04:59and you didn't even care.
05:07It's about this woman I've been seeing.
05:10No, someone else.
05:12Someone new.
05:16Look, things have moved pretty fast.
05:18I just want you to hear it from me first.
05:23You've never been afraid of telling me exactly what you think,
05:26so just tell me now.
05:30You said those things, and it just touched a nerve,
05:33and I lost it, I'm sorry.
05:36No, it was me, I was out of order with what I said.
05:41It's just...
05:43I don't know.
05:45Seeing you like that...
05:48it upset me.
05:50It ain't exactly healthy behaviour, is it?
05:53Yeah, but...
05:55it's what we both had in common, wasn't it?
05:58Making bad choices.
06:02That's why I said yes to Ian.
06:04I made a good choice.
06:06I want to turn my life around.
06:12And Junior?
06:14I mean, if it's all working out so well, why go with him?
06:18As much as Ian means to me,
06:21there are areas in my life where he just doesn't do it for me.
06:28A bit on the side.
06:31I need it.
06:33I'm not like Ian.
06:35I need passion in my life, I need that.
06:39I just need something else.
06:45Do you love him, Junior?
06:47Oh, God, no, it's just sex.
06:50And that's enough? That's all you want?
06:53No, of course not.
06:55Well, then what do you want?
06:57Oh, you're stupid.
07:00No, tell me. Go on.
07:03God, if you can't tell me, who can you tell?
07:12Real, deep, romantic love.
07:20Well, you ain't got it with Junior.
07:25Doesn't even come close.
07:29You should have the answer to that.
07:33What about me?
07:37Did you have it with me?
07:40So you like this woman?
07:45I really like her, and I swear to God I didn't think I would.
07:48I thought things would be simple.
07:50First, it just happened, and now...
07:56I can't stop.
07:59I really care about her. This is serious.
08:02Well, don't she feel the same way?
08:04Yeah, yeah, I think she does.
08:09But there's, um...
08:11There's other people involved, other people in her life.
08:14I just want you to understand.
08:19Why do you care what I think?
08:23What is this?
08:25Do you remember how I told you I needed you?
08:30You said you felt the same.
08:36I mean, it was a bunk. I wanted it at first, maybe, really.
08:40But after a while, there was...
08:43There was something there.
08:45Something real.
08:47Or was that just me?
08:51To be honest with you, David, I don't like thinking about it.
08:54Why not?
08:56Because it was painful for me.
08:59I had feelings for you.
09:02I was head over heels for you. I told you.
09:06You told me that you loved me.
09:10Did you mean it?
09:12Oh, what does it matter?
09:14It was 30 years ago. We were different people then.
09:17We're totally different people.
09:19It matters. It matters to me.
09:24Then why weren't you there for me?
09:26You told me you were going to be there, and you weren't.
09:30I know, I know, I know, I know, but that doesn't mean...
09:33That doesn't mean it wasn't real. That doesn't mean I didn't have feelings.
09:37When I saw you...
09:39When I turned round and saw you for the first time,
09:42it all came flooding back.
09:46You and me.
09:50I remember what that felt like.
09:52What you felt like.
09:55And I wanted it.
09:57I wanted it again.
10:01But then you seem so settled with Ian, and you're getting engaged.
10:07So I thought, well, that door's closed.
10:11But now this.
10:13This situation.
10:18I can't tell you I don't have feelings for you, Sybil.
10:21But I don't look back and wonder what would have happened if I had come with you.
10:27Whether either of us would be in the situation we are now.
10:30You in this mess, and...
10:33Me on my own.
10:37I couldn't.
10:39I couldn't do it.
10:41I did what I always do. I ran away.
10:46So you think if you hadn't gone,
10:49if things were different,
10:52that me and you could have been together?
10:54We could have been the ones getting married. We could have had kids.
10:58I don't...
11:00I don't know, Cindy. Maybe...
11:05Maybe we could have been happy.
11:09Maybe we still could.
11:13So you want to be with her?
11:15This woman?
11:17Is that what you want?
11:20I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do.
11:24It's real, Dad.
11:26I'd never suggest
11:29you did something that hurt someone.
11:31Never. I hate that.
11:37But if you love her, you want to be with her.
11:40She wants to be with you.
11:42She wants to be with you.
11:46If it feels right.
11:48We used to stand in the way of that.
11:56How many times in life do you get a second chance, eh?
11:59See? How many?
12:01You and Ian, you're going for it again.
12:03Why not? You and me.
12:05You don't even know me. We've spoken in years.
12:08Tell me you don't feel anything.
12:10Look at me and tell me you don't feel a little bit of what you used to.
12:13And you're going to be there for me, are you?
12:16That's it. I say yes, and we're together now.
12:18Maybe I just want another shot.
12:22Well, maybe it's just too late.
12:26Maybe we had never worked out.
12:28Maybe we're just too messed up.
12:30Yeah, then, sure.
12:32Can't deny that.
12:35But we're older now, aren't we?
12:37We know what life's like.
12:39How lonely it can get.
12:41We work through stuff.
12:43We can't go back, David.
12:46You can't pick up the thread and start again.
12:48That moment's gone.
12:50I wish we could. I really do.
12:54I wish...
12:56I could have seen you walking down that platform,
12:59holding Lucy's hand, and...
13:01we could have all been together.
13:03I wish you could have held me in your arms,
13:05told me you'd love me,
13:07and you'd never let me go, but you didn't.
13:09The years have gone, David.
13:11It's too late.
13:13And now we're here together, touching distance, but it...
13:16It's just too late.
13:18It's not.
13:19It is.
13:21I cannot fill that gap in your life, David.
13:24It's just not going to work.
13:29Maybe someone else has already filled it.
13:31Maybe you're just not as honest as you seem.
13:34Who is she, huh?
13:36It doesn't matter. It's not what you think.
13:38Do you know what, David?
13:39Me and you could never have worked out, and do you know why?
13:41Because you are a liar.
13:43You prefer it that way, don't you?
13:45You're never close to anyone, just happier on your own,
13:47keeping everyone at arm's distance,
13:49lying through your teeth.
13:51And you're not.
13:53You're not lying.
13:55To Ian. Junior.
13:58You're lying to yourself, Cindy.
14:02You've still got feelings for me.
14:03You just don't want to take the risk.
14:05No, it's not true.
14:07I can see it in your eyes.
14:09You're wrong.
14:14I'm in love with someone else, David.
14:17Do what?
14:20I'm still in love with George.
14:27No sign?
14:28No, just vanished into thin air.
14:31What about David?
14:32Gone, I think.
14:36You know,
14:38maybe you should put it all to bed now.
14:43Well, what happened with David and Cindy?
14:48Yes, I know, I know.
14:49I've hated her for years, in and all, but
14:52seeing him back here,
14:55it was all such a long time ago, Ian.
14:57You know, dragging it all up again.
15:00We need to show her that you've moved on.
15:02Jo, I can't believe I'm hearing this.
15:04I mean, are you serious?
15:06Forgive him, David Wicks, after all he's done to me.
15:09Hang on, she did it too, and you've forgiven her?
15:13And David, he's your half-brother.
15:15Don't forget that.
15:19We've got to stop living in the past.
15:21Let go and move on.
15:24When did you become so wise, Mother?
15:27I don't know, must be old age.
15:30Makes you see things like they really are.
15:34Maybe I'm not at that point yet.
15:37Well, try it.
15:38You might surprise yourself.
15:43Nothing's going to happen between me and George.
15:46We had a kiss a few months ago, but that's dead in the water.
15:52Does he know?
15:58I told him I was drunk and it didn't mean anything.
16:01Truth is, it just made me realise that...
16:04how I really felt.
16:07That I do really love George.
16:11I told him how I felt.
16:13He turned me down.
16:16He rejected me, so I...
16:18settled for Ian.
16:21Took the easy path.
16:23That's the reason I slept with Junior.
16:26That's the reason this whole thing started.
16:30Do you know, sometimes when...
16:33I'm in bed with Junior, I...
16:36close my eyes and I think of George.
16:41This is, I mean, even by my standards, which are pretty low,
16:45this is messed up.
16:47I know.
16:48Do you think I'm proud?
16:50I don't like it. I can't...
16:53I can't help the way I feel.
16:55You don't think it's going to blow up in your face
16:57and destroy everything that you've got?
17:00Is that really what you want?
17:01No, that's not going to happen.
17:03No, you need to make a decision.
17:05You need to go back there now and you need to tell Ian the truth.
17:10dump Junior.
17:12Choose commitment.
17:14Choose stability.
17:15You're children, make a commitment.
17:16Oh, like you've made a commitment to Bianca?
17:18That is your choice, Cindy.
17:20It's my choice to make, not yours.
17:22Then make it.
17:23Otherwise I will make it for you.
17:25Why? Why would you do that?
17:27Because I can't...
17:28stand it.
17:29I cannot stomach any more of these lies.
17:33You do not get to tell me what to do, David.
17:37Well, maybe I have lived a lie my whole life.
17:39Maybe you're right.
17:41But not any more.
17:42Ian may be a prat, Cindy,
17:44but he's a prat who's about to commit the rest of his life
17:46to a woman...
17:49who doesn't really care.
17:51And that's just...
17:52just... just...
17:55You're better than that, Cindy.
17:56No, what are you doing?
17:57Where are you going?
17:58David, no!
17:59You'll find me in the long run.
18:00Please, David.
18:01David, don't do this.
18:02You're just going to wreck my life
18:04just to prove a point, get revenge.
18:06It's not about revenge, Cindy.
18:08I'm doing you a favour.
18:09I'm setting you free.
18:10What, by telling Ian?
18:11Well, it's your choice to make.
18:12Tell Ian, dump lover boy,
18:14because I ain't sitting around
18:15and watching you live in this chaos.
18:16Don't even live it.
18:17What do you care?
18:18I care...
18:19about you.
18:21I didn't realise it until today.
18:23I still do.
18:24Just... just stop.
18:26Just stop.
18:27Let's just talk about this.
18:29Look at me.
18:30Just look at me.
18:32If you still love me,
18:34if you ever love me,
18:35don't do this.
18:36Please don't do this.
18:47Where have we gone?
18:48I've changed your plan.
18:49I've got something I need to say to you.
18:51And I could not live with myself
18:53if I walked off and kept silent.
18:54What is the point?
18:55Ian, please, speak to me.
18:56No, just stop.
18:57No, you listen to me for a change, OK?
18:58All this grief, right?
19:00You have a go at me,
19:01I have a go at you,
19:02but we need to put it behind us.
19:06No, seriously, I mean it.
19:07Like, you...
19:09you're my brother of sorts,
19:10and I haven't got a lot of family left,
19:13and neither are you,
19:14so we need to make the most of...
19:16of what we've got, right?
19:19It might not be what we would choose.
19:21It might have been a few bumps along the way.
19:24That is your fiancée you're talking about.
19:29But that's all in the past, all right?
19:30This is the future.
19:31Me and Cindy.
19:32This is our future, all right?
19:34And I don't...
19:35I don't want any shadows hanging over me.
19:37Did you hear that?
19:41That's why she loves me.
19:43I can put petty differences behind me.
19:45So, um...
19:47how about it, eh?
19:48Let bygones be bygones?
19:52Oh, come on, David, don't leave me hanging.
19:59Look, I don't think we're ever going to be best friends, but...
20:03it's a start, innit?
20:07Come on, then, what were you going to say to me?
20:13I just...
20:15want to wish you both the very best.
20:17I know it didn't work out before for you two, but...
20:19you got another crack at it.
20:22And I hope it works.
20:24I really do.
20:26You love each other.
20:27And you're loyal.
20:28What could possibly go wrong?
20:30No, I really appreciate it.
20:31Look, let me get you a drink.
20:32No, no, no.
20:33No, no, sure, mate.
20:35I think I've outstayed my welcome.
20:37You have yourselves a nice night.
20:40I'll see you next time.
20:52I just want to say thank you for not saying anything.
20:56You don't know how much that means to me.
20:59I think I do.
21:01Anyway, who am I to tell you how to live your life?
21:04None of my business, Cindy.
21:06We had something, me and you.
21:09But we blew it.
21:10It just feels so sad.
21:14Standing here, it doesn't feel like 30 years ago, it just...
21:18just feels like yesterday.
21:24And I mucked it up.
21:26I ran.
21:29Like I always do.
21:31You don't have to run anymore, David.
21:35Can't you see that?
21:38You've got people that love you.
21:44Don't run away.
21:45Don't make the same mistakes again and again and again.
21:49Well, I could say the same to you.
21:51Come on, you've got another chance now.
21:53You've got your kids back.
21:56Don't muck it up, Cindy.
22:00I hope everything works out for you.
22:05Come here.
22:09I did love you, you know?
22:12Me too.
22:14In my own way.
22:18Me too.
22:28Goodbye, David.
22:31Bye, Cindy.
22:43What happened?
22:44Not here.
22:46In a minute.
22:49Oh, there you are!
22:51Here, Winston got us some shots.
22:53Oh, thanks.
22:55Did you, er, say goodbye?
22:57Yeah, you didn't mind, did you?
22:59Of course I did.
23:01I trust you.
23:03It means a lot, yeah?
23:06Oh, blimey, do you want another one?
23:08Oh, yes, please.
23:10It's just the guys, the ladies.
23:14Here, here you go.
23:15Oh, thank you very much.
23:28This has to stop.
23:29Oh, yeah, of course it has.
23:30No, no, no.
23:34It's over.
23:37Right, go and pack a bag.
23:39You're coming with me.
23:41I'm not leaving you down here to sort all this mess out on your own.
23:44I need to be with you.
23:45Make sure you get help.
23:47I need to be by your side, wherever it leads, no matter how bad, how painful.
23:51I thought you didn't care.
23:54Of course I care.
23:56You're my girl.
24:00I ran out on one kid when he was rock bottom.
24:03I ran out on your mum.
24:05And all the women in my life.
24:08Well, that stops now.
24:09So go on.
24:10Go and get your bag.
24:12We're going to go up north.
24:13There's someone I need you to see up there.
24:16I can't.
24:19I can't run out on Sonia.
24:21I just can't abandon her.
24:25I want to look after you.
24:26I need to take care.
24:29You stay here then.
24:30No, no, no.
24:31I can't do that.
24:33It's complicated.
24:39No, I can't come back. I'm sorry.
24:40It's alright.
24:43You know, the fact that...
24:45you haven't just run out and that...
24:48you want to be here with me.
24:49It just...
24:53It means the world to me.
24:58I'll just call you.
24:59I can call you.
25:00You can call me.
25:02And I can just come and visit.
25:03Just call me.
25:05I will.
25:10Go on, go on.
25:11You are going to miss your train.
25:14And you'll go to the doctors, yeah?
25:16Bianca, swear to me.
25:17I will.
25:18And I will call you after.
25:19I want to, yeah.
25:22Say hello to this...
25:24this woman.
25:25Whoever she is.
25:28It's not like that.
25:30I hardly even know her.
25:32I've only met her once.
25:36I hope it works out for you.
25:38I really do.
25:41What's changed?
25:43I'm getting married.
25:44That didn't seem to bother you earlier.
25:46Yes, but it does now.
25:48Is it because of him?
25:50David, I mean, what did he say to you?
25:51Nothing, it's not him.
25:53I just can't do this anymore.
25:55I've got feelings for you.
25:58Like genuine feelings.
25:59I don't care.
26:01I just can't do this anymore.
26:02I don't care.
26:03I just can't do this anymore.
26:05All this sneaking around.
26:06The lies.
26:07Ian and George.
26:09It's because of Dad.
26:10I mean, he's done what this is about.
26:11No, it's not him.
26:12It's me.
26:14From now on, it's just me and Ian.
26:16That's it.
26:22Good luck with that.
26:24You say that feels in a week or so?
26:26It'll feel just fine.
26:27Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
26:35You all right?
26:36Sorry I kept you calling.
26:38No, no, no, it's all right.
26:39It's fine.
26:41I'm sorry I didn't get back to you.
26:42I've just had my hands full.
26:44Everything all right up there?
26:46Yeah, I just thought it'd be really nice to see you.
26:49Yeah, no.
27:01Yeah, no, yeah.
27:03Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
27:06Seeing you graduate.
27:08That'd be a real thrill.
27:10Yeah, well, Dad says you can even stay here if you want.
27:13Did he?
27:15Yeah, he's here now.
27:16I can put him on.
27:22Hello, Joe.
27:25You all right, Dad?
27:26You look well.
27:30Listen, this girl's really looking forward to seeing you in person.
27:33Me too.
27:35Both are.
27:37It'd be nice to spend some time together.
27:40After all these years.
27:42Tomorrow, then?
27:43Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:44I'm on my way.
27:45I'll see you tomorrow.
27:48Bye, son.
27:49Bye, Dad.
27:52See you.