• letztes Jahr
Mit der Horrorserie Hellbound verfilmt Train to Busan-Regisseur Yeon Sang-ho den südkoreanischen Comic Hell für Netflix. Darin erscheinen plötzlich übernatürliche Wesen auf der Erde, die die Menschen zur Hölle schicken.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/hellbound


00:00It's been 8 years since Chairman Jeong Jin-soo disappeared!
00:08Chairman Jeong...
00:09Chairman Jeong Jin-soo!
00:13Jeong Jin-soo...
00:19What the hell are you?
00:21It's been 8 years since Chairman Jeong Jin-soo disappeared!
00:26You are not the criminal Park Jung-jeok from now on.
00:30You are the resurrected Park Jung-jeok.
00:32Let's make a new relationship with Park Jung-jeok.
00:36It's a trust!
00:37It's a trust!
00:38He has an anxiety factor.
00:43Jeong Jin-soo has been resurrected.
00:47I was in a world full of hell.
00:51You're a professor who came back from hell.
00:54I'm going to reveal the true truth.
00:56It's fun for a private professor to find the truth.
01:06I'm the one who saw the truth.
01:09Jeong Jin-soo is a criminal!
01:11He's a real bad guy.
01:13He's a real bad guy!
01:16Your hell and my hell...
01:19Jeong Jin-soo!
01:22Please let me meet Park Jung-jeok.
