• 2 weeks ago
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00:00First, came the Betrayer.
00:03I'll say it ain't so.
00:07That was followed with a burial.
00:09The Undertaker is literally being buried alive.
00:15And then came the Reaper.
00:19He is the one, he is the only, he is the Undertaker and look at that.
00:23The Undertaker battles mankind, no holds barred.
00:28It's Raw, and it's only on USA.
00:30Welcome everyone to WWF Monday Night Raw.
00:40Vince McDaniel along with Jerry, The King, Lawler, and good old JR.
00:44And look who's strolling to the squared circle.
00:47No less than the World Wrestling Federation champion himself.
00:51A monster of 300 pounders, and JR, an individual perhaps,
00:56is indeed leading us into a new era here in the World Wrestling Federation of Dominion.
01:01Well, as far as physical gifts are concerned,
01:04Psycho Sid may be the leader here in the WWF for a long time to come.
01:09But what a crossroad Psycho Sid finds himself backing this Sunday on pay per view.
01:15Because will it be time for Psycho Sid to etch his name into immortality?
01:20Yeah, there you see it.
01:21Or will it be Bret Hart's opportunity to regain the WWF title for
01:25the fourth time?
01:26Give me a break, Jim Ross.
01:27I don't see anybody in the WWF that can beat Psycho Sid right now.
01:31Look, he beat Shawn Michaels.
01:33He'll beat Bret the Hitman Hart.
01:34Who can put him down?
01:36Look at that.
01:36Psycho Sid, the World Wrestling Federation champion tonight in a non-title matchup
01:42going against another champion.
01:43Yes, it's champion versus champion.
01:46Psycho Sid, perhaps powerbombing us off here on Raw as Sid squares off against
01:53Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
01:55Compare Helmsley, if you would, JR, to the Hitman.
01:58Well, there's a lot of comparisons with Helmsley and Bret the Hitman Hart.
02:01Both are in great cardiovascular conditioning.
02:04And both guys are very, very sound fundamentally.
02:08Their technique is one of their biggest assets.
02:10And for Helmsley to survive this matchup, much like Bret Hart this Sunday on
02:14pay per view, he's gotta use leverage and balance, not power, against Psycho Sid.
02:19Hunter's a lot more handsome.
02:21Hey, where's Sid?
02:22Hey, wait a minute, Sid has just left the arena.
02:24Wait a minute, Sid, Sid's coming down the airway here.
02:27Sid, look at this- Look out, Hunter!
02:30He got him right in the jaw.
02:32Sid, hunting Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
02:35Wait a minute, what kind of champion is this, McMahon?
02:37What's he doing in this?
02:38Not gonna wait for someone to fool around like Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
02:42Sid, no, my goodness, boot to the chest.
02:44Look what Sid is doing to Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
02:47That size 16 boot of Psycho Sid caught Helmsley right in the face.
02:51And now the match officially underway, but look at the condition Helmsley's in.
02:55I thought the No Holds match was gonna be later, what's this?
02:58It is, No Holds Barred is later on, ladies and gentlemen.
03:01My goodness, look at this, a fist right into the chest.
03:04And Psycho Sid not too likely to let Hunter Hearst Helmsley out.
03:08Look at, look at, look at the punches right into the chest.
03:11And thus far, Psycho Sid, very impressive.
03:15You think he's trying to send a message to the Hitman JR?
03:18Absolutely, he's gonna tell Bret Hart right here tonight.
03:22It's gonna be a war this Sunday on pay-per-view.
03:24What do you think, King?
03:25I think the message that Sid is sending to Bret Hart is that he's a coward and
03:28he's a cheap shot artist.
03:29Look how he won the title, and he's showing Bret Hart he'll do absolutely
03:33anything to retain the WWF title.
03:35Well, I don't condone Sid's actions, but Sid is no coward.
03:38He's a 6'9", 313 pound monster with a nasty disposition, and
03:43he is the man right now.
03:44He used the camera to win the title, Roger.
03:47Look at that, over the top, to the outside, Hunter Hearst Helmsley in trouble.
03:51And Psycho Sid thus far dominating Mr.
03:53Helmsley, who really didn't have much of an opportunity to get into this match,
03:56or at least not yet.
03:57Look at this.
03:58Uh-oh, that's enough, what's he gonna do with him now?
04:02Too much power from Psycho Sid, and I've been informed that Shawn Michaels is gonna
04:06be sitting at ringside this Sunday as one of the television analysts for this matchup.
04:12Shawn Michaels within arm's reach of Sid and
04:15from Bret the Hitman Hart during the WWF title matchup.
04:19Well, Shawn Michaels, of course, has earned the right at the Royal Rumble in
04:22San Antonio, Texas to face whoever the champion might be.
04:26Would it be Sid?
04:27Will it be the Hitman Bret Hart?
04:28Time will tell.
04:29And yes, in fact, it is true, Michaels will be at ringside to watch that matchup
04:34this Sunday night, Sid against Bret the Hitman Hart.
04:37Let me just say this, you sit Shawn Michaels next to me and
04:40something bad is gonna happen.
04:42I don't like Shawn Michaels, Sid don't like Shawn Michaels, neither does Bret Hart.
04:46And Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a world of hurt.
04:49Helmsley has been unable to get out of the blocks, and he is a great athlete.
04:53No fair, look at this.
04:56And that's exactly what happened to the Hitman Bret Hart over in the United Kingdom,
05:00over in London, England.
05:01And Sid trying to dominate, well, not trying to, he is dominating Helmsley.
05:06Helmsley's had a tough 24 hours, he almost lost the Intercontinental Championship
05:10just yesterday morning on WWF Superstars.
05:12Here it comes, here it comes, here comes the powerbomb.
05:16This could happen to the Hitman Bret Hart.
05:19No, Hunter, a devastating maneuver.
05:24Sid goes one on one with Bret the Hitman Hart on pay-per-view.
05:29Get down, Hunter, get down.
05:30Wait a minute, look at this.
05:32I think Helmsley may have had enough, I can't say as I blame him.
05:34Helmsley's gotta take on the Wild Man Mark Murrow this Sunday in West Palm.
05:38And that will be for the title.
05:39It certainly will for the Intercontinental title.
05:41What kind of shape is that man, Helmsley, gonna be in?
05:45What do you expect after being jumped before the match ever even started by
05:48the Psycho?
05:50Hunter Hearst Helmsley, apparently, has been counted out.
05:54As a result of a countdown.
05:55And well, you can't blame him for running from Sid.
05:59And I don't know if the Hitman's gonna be running or not.
06:01Well, there's no shame in running away as long as you live to fight another day.
06:04Well, Bret Hart will not run from Psycho Sid.
06:07And I think Bret Hart will make Sid submit to the sharpshooter.
06:10That's what I think.
06:11And look at this, look at this.
06:14That's gonna be Bret Hart's head bouncing off there.
06:16The Hitman is watching as we are.
06:18And he must be wondering whether or
06:21not that's gonna be his fate on pay-per-view this Sunday.
06:25And of course, you wanna talk about fate.
06:27My goodness, the Boiler Room Brawl, ladies and gentlemen, from SummerSlam.
06:32Well, that's the way it may have started out there in Cleveland.
06:36But tonight on Monday Night Raw, it's gonna be finished up here one way or
06:41the other because we've seen him in a Boiler Room Brawl before.
06:45But JR, we've never quite seen these two go at it.
06:49No holds barred.
06:50It's gotta be settled, it's gotta be settled.
06:53No disqualifications, no count out.
06:55Must be a winner right here tonight.
06:58The Undertaker against Mankind.
07:02However, at the moment.
07:03Here he comes, the most bizarre individual perhaps in the history of
07:07the World Wrestling Federation.
07:10Here comes Goldust along with the lovely Marlena.
07:14What's bizarre about him, McMahon?
07:15What's bizarre, take a look.
07:17You see a lot of guys, 6'6", walking down the street with gold paint on their face.
07:21Their lids black.
07:22This guy's the mayor of Bizarreville, and she must be his first lady.
07:28And I don't think you're gonna be seeing Goldust in any of the Christmas movies.
07:31I'll certainly not jingle all the way.
07:33Well, he's jingling all the way down to the ringside right now.
07:35It certainly wasn't in daylight.
07:39Goldust, the daylight's shining on him right now, look at this.
07:42Goldust, a former two-time Intercontinental Champion.
07:44Look at this.
07:46Goldust, ready to lock up, ladies and gentlemen,
07:51with a man who almost became, JR, you called the match.
07:55He almost became the Intercontinental Champion just yesterday, Mark Gunn.
08:00As a matter of fact, I thought I did one of my best renditions yesterday.
08:03Really? I got a lot of faxes and cards and letters from fans.
08:06As a matter of fact, I'm gonna be here the whole hour.
08:08What? What? Yeah.
08:09Well, since you're the best play-by-play man in the business,
08:12you were there calling the match?
08:14Yeah, and I'll tell you something,
08:16the Hunter Hearst Helms League was a half a count away
08:19from losing the Intercontinental title to Mark Gunn.
08:21And if it hadn't been for Billy Gunn,
08:22we'd have a new Intercontinental Champion right this very moment.
08:26And there is he, Goldust with his histrionics, along with Marlena.
08:32I think Bart should move to Oklahoma.
08:33You can't trust a Texan King.
08:35Remember that when we go to San Antonio.
08:37Wait a minute, fellas.
08:38Ha, ha, ha.
08:40And there's a look.
08:41That's a bizarre one, Goldust.
08:43However, there's no denying his athletic prowess.
08:45And here we go.
08:47Bart Gunn on his way to the square truck.
08:49Ladies and gentlemen, Bart, as JR said just yesterday,
08:54a half a count of being deemed the Intercontinental Champion
08:58had not been for his brother, Billy.
09:00And those two are gonna get it on.
09:02They're gonna get it on right here next week, live on Raw.
09:05We'll be down in Tampa, Florida one week from tonight.
09:08What a great live event, ladies and gentlemen,
09:11at the Ice Palace one week from tonight.
09:14And Bart and Billy one-on-one right here next week.
09:16But let's take you back to yesterday morning.
09:19I'll tell you something.
09:20As you'll see right here, a bulldog headlock.
09:23That was enough.
09:24Helmsley was beaten.
09:25The Intercontinental title was gone until Billy Gunn
09:28caused the automatic disqualification.
09:31There you go.
09:33And then that was it all is a little, I guess maybe you forgot this, Bart.
09:38There was a pedigree.
09:39This was the good part.
09:41And look what Billy does to Bart.
09:43How can one brother turn on another one like this?
09:46Because Bart is an embarrassment to the whole Gunn family.
09:48What's, whoa!
09:51And behind the official's back, Goldust with a fistful of Goldust
09:56rose into the face of Bart Gunn.
09:58Bart now, my goodness, what a clothesline.
10:01And Goldust taking, look at this, all kind of liberties with Bart.
10:05Bart's seeing more spots in Cruella de Vil.
10:09Whoa, off the top rope.
10:11And Billy Gunn, no doubt, watching every second of this matchup,
10:15just as the hitman Bret Hart watched the first matchup.
10:18Look at that.
10:18What Psycho said, uh-oh, to the outside.
10:20You know, I've known for a long, long time that Goldust is a magnificent athlete.
10:24You know, long before he, well, you know, he's kind of a little
10:30freakish in some ways, but the guy's a great athlete.
10:33Is that Pot calling the kettle black?
10:34What do you mean by that?
10:35What do you mean, Pot?
10:37Goldust and Marlita.
10:40Thought she was gonna kiss him.
10:41I should have known better.
10:43Thought they were gonna mouth wrestle there for a minute.
10:46I wish he'd bring me a cigar.
10:47I'd like to smoke a big old cigar right now.
10:50Look out, Goldust!
10:52Nice shot!
10:53Goldust taking it to Bart Gunn.
10:56Bart Gunn, a former three-time WWF Tag Team Champion,
11:00along, of course, with his brother, Billy.
11:04And Billy's here tonight, as a matter of fact.
11:06I think we covered that.
11:07He's watching.
11:09And Bart, but you weren't listening.
11:10You were doing play by play.
11:11Well, I was doing some research.
11:12That's play by play, man, in the business, right?
11:13It's the best.
11:13I can't, these people who leave me alone, I can't sign autographs and do my work.
11:18I know, it's tough for you.
11:20However, ladies and gentlemen, still to come,
11:21notwithstanding the importance of this matchup.
11:23Yes, no holds barred.
11:25Perhaps you saw them in the boiler room brawl.
11:27Perhaps you saw them buried alive.
11:28You have never seen them.
11:30No holds barred.
11:32The Undertaker and Mankind, you want to talk physicality, they will get it on.
11:36And look at this.
11:37A lot of strength from Bart Gunn.
11:39And, of course- Also, I'm gonna interview Bret the Hitman, Hart.
11:41Is that all right with you, Ross?
11:42Let me interview the Hitman. No, it's not.
11:43He doesn't want to talk to you.
11:44Come on. I'm the only person who ever talks to Bret Hart.
11:47Who's the only guy that's interviewed him since he's been back?
11:50Because he's scared to talk to me.
11:52All right. All right, now.
11:52Bart coming off the ropes.
11:53Knee to the midsection.
11:56For him.
11:57And Goldust almost surprised him.
11:59Look at it.
11:59And Bart firing off the southpaw.
12:02Hammering away.
12:04Southpaw sets up Goldust.
12:06What a nice shot.
12:07Billy Gunn standing by.
12:08Billy, I want to ask you a question.
12:09What's it gonna take for you guys, you and your brother, to settle this situation?
12:12You know, first of all, Jim Ross, look at this.
12:15This is pathetic.
12:16He doesn't even belong in my family.
12:18Everybody knows that I, Billy Gunn, carried this guy his whole career.
12:25This is ridiculous.
12:27He can't even go out there and do anything without me.
12:29Everybody knows I won the title three times.
12:32Everybody knows that I carried him.
12:34What's it gonna take?
12:35It's gonna take me whipping his tail all the way back to Texas.
12:39All right, there you have it.
12:41And that opportunity will come to us, ladies and gentlemen, next week,
12:44right here on Raw, live from Tampa, Florida.
12:47I think maybe Billy Gunn wants to pull a Tommy Lee.
12:49Tommy Lee got Pam Anderson back with a little, he made a few changes.
12:52Maybe he thinks Billy Gunn thinks Sonny will come running back to him.
12:55They deserve each other, that little Jezebel.
12:57Let's be nice.
13:00And Goldust, in control at the moment.
13:02You gotta admit what Billy said is right.
13:04Look at Bart Gunn.
13:05He is absolutely nothing without Billy Gunn.
13:07Remember when Billy, he was, after he recovered from that devastating neck
13:11injury that he was out of action for a long time with, he's still single-handedly
13:15won the tag titles three times.
13:17All right, notwithstanding that, ladies and gentlemen,
13:19of course, it will be this Sunday night.
13:22Live on pay-per-view is only the World Wrestling Federation can bring you
13:26the Hitman Bret Hart.
13:27Will he become the next World Wrestling Federation champion at the expense of
13:31the dominating Psycho Sid?
13:33And of course, we mentioned earlier on,
13:34Wildman Mark Merrill against Hunter Hearst Hemsley for the Intercontinental title.
13:38And what about the tag titles?
13:40Owen and Bulldog are not acting like a team in my book.
13:43I think Razor and Diesel walk away from the gold, and what's gonna happen here?
13:48And look at that, uh-oh, he's in trouble a bit now.
13:50Goldust, stay with us for the- Get him!
13:52Close one.
13:54Welcome back, everyone, to more WWF Raw.
13:56Yeah, McMahon, speaking of backs, watch Goldust back.
13:59Almost bust by King's Corner, damn it, and that was before we went to break,
14:03of course, and Goldust has been pretty much in control of this matchup.
14:07Although again, considering the caliber of Bart Gunn,
14:10who is really making an impression in singles competition, and
14:13making quite an impression, I think, right here tonight as well.
14:15JR, would you concur?
14:17Yeah, I would, I hate to, but I will with you.
14:19The left hand of Bart Gunn certainly has been very effective, but
14:23don't discount this little aggressive, this mean streak of Goldust.
14:27Bart Gunn left a lot on the field yesterday,
14:29yesterday morning, against Hunter Hearst Hemsley.
14:32And we're on high there, and look at it, cross body to a cover, yes, one, two, and
14:37a kick out by Goldust.
14:39Well, I got a lot of questions to ask Bret Hart.
14:41King, I don't think you should- Come on, let me ask him some questions.
14:43I don't have any feeling about- Bit of a slugfest developing here between Bart and
14:46Goldust, and perhaps one developing here around the announce booth as well,
14:49as to which one of these individuals will interview the Hitman.
14:52Look at this, and- A bulldog, and that's what almost took, here we go,
14:56Bart Gunn, two in, almost a count of three.
15:00He almost won the title that same way yesterday.
15:02I'd ask Bret Hart some serious questions.
15:04Did you know that Stu and Ellen, Bret's parents, they used to be nudists?
15:09They used to be nudists, until they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.
15:12I'd ask him about that.
15:15You're a riot.
15:16All right, here we go, Bart wants to, to the outside, elbow, wait a minute,
15:20Bart now with a high risk maneuver, perhaps, yes, he's going upstairs.
15:23Look out, Goldust, look out.
15:24And taking a little too much time there.
15:26Hit his knee, Bart Gunn struck his knee on the canvas.
15:30He may have dislodged his kneecap there.
15:33Goldust with an opportunity to capitalize on the unfortunate situation with Bart,
15:36and you know he will.
15:37He went right for the knee, a cover, a count, and he gets it.
15:41How about that?
15:42Goldust victorious, ladies and gentlemen, over Bart Gunn.
15:47And it will be Bart, if he is physically able to go one-on-one with his brother,
15:51Billy, next week.
15:52Wait a minute, here it comes, Billy.
15:56What gives now with Billy coming out here?
15:58Look out, Goldust, what's the deal?
16:01Is he gonna take up, or is it not too likely?
16:05Another big mouth text.
16:06See here, see here, this is what happens when Billy Gunn's not around.
16:14You are nothing without me.
16:17I won the Tag Team Championship three times.
16:22You are nothing.
16:25This is what happens when I'm not around, and you just remember that.
16:32Bart Gunn with a little something there.
16:33Bart Gunn up on his feet, and Billy hammered down.
16:36Bart now, look at this, hammered down, and Billy Gunn is getting out of there.
16:42And Billy Gunn could very well get more of that next week when these two
16:45brothers go toe-to-toe live from Tampa right here on Raw.
16:50However, you wanna talk live, you wanna talk buried alive, so to speak.
16:54That's right, buried alive.
16:56These two went at it, and that ain't nothing, as the expression goes, listen up.
17:04And then, unbelievable.
17:07That's the shovel.
17:13Yes, they'll go at it, ladies and gentlemen.
17:15No holds barred, right here tonight,
17:17The Undertaker squaring off against mankind.
17:20That is gonna be something, it's gonna be ugly.
17:24Yep, must be a winner tonight.
17:26I'm gonna talk to Bret Hart, King.
17:27I'm gonna talk to Bret Hart.
17:29We've got the Hitman, plus we have a handicap matchup as well.
17:33It's coming up, ladies and gentlemen, right here tonight.
17:35Double J, you go around bragging about Desert Storm.
17:36I keep head colds longer than that, more or less, and don't tell me about war.
17:40I laid in Vietnam for 11 months and 27 days, so don't tell me about hell.
17:44Talking about hell, that's what you're gonna be in,
17:46cuz you can't beat this man by himself, let alone both of us.
17:49You're stupid enough to challenge both of us to a match, Double J.
17:52Well, let me tell you something, you ain't gonna be singing.
17:55You're gonna be squealing like one of them cows has had this
17:58braided iron stuck on his booty.
18:00Samurai Ninja.
18:04Cyber Fist.
18:06Tiger Ninja.
18:08And now, the Milton Bradley Karate Fighters Holiday Tournament.
18:13Hi, everybody.
18:14Welcome to the special edition of the Milton Bradley Karate Fighters Holiday Tournament,
18:18The Road to Karate Fighter Monday.
18:21Now, before we get into the title match, let's take a moment to look back and reflect on
18:26what has been a spectacular tournament.
18:50Only one can be champion.
18:53Cyber Fist.
18:55Samurai Ninja.
18:56And Tiger Ninja.
18:57They have all been spectacular.
19:00But this Monday, live from Tampa, Florida, Jerry the King Lawler and Sable will be faced
19:05with some very tough decisions.
19:07Which karate fighters will they choose?
19:10Which weapons?
19:11Will it be a spinning kick?
19:13An elbow to the chest?
19:14Or a devastating blow from one of the interchangeable weapons?
19:19On Karate Fighter Monday, the question will be answered.
19:22And a champion will be crowned.
19:29We're back with more WWF Monday Night Raw.
19:32Justin Hawke, Bradshaw, along with Zeb Akai in a handicap matchup.
19:36Going one-on-one, ladies and gentlemen, with a real Double J.
19:40Let's take you back and show you what led to this handicap match.
19:43Oh, yeah.
19:44Well, Double J had things going his way.
19:46Do you see the distraction?
19:48Right there.
19:49Call it whatever you want.
19:52I call it devastating.
19:53And with Zeb Akai's distraction, I think Justin Hawke and Bradshaw almost took the head off
19:58of Double J.
19:59You have to question the wisdom of Double J challenging for this kind of a matchup.
20:03I don't think there's any wisdom at all, McMahon.
20:05He's got to be an idiot.
20:06A complete idiot.
20:07Well, in the game, young man.
20:08No doubt about that.
20:09And he's here to make an impact, that's for sure.
20:11Got that Garth Brooks hat on.
20:13I bet they grow mushrooms.
20:14Got that Garth Brooks hat on.
20:15I bet they grow mushrooms under those things.
20:17Spending my day working hard on the go.
20:20But the hands on the clock keep spinning too slow.
20:24I can't wait to be alone with you and Zeb Akai.
20:28Whoa, look out.
20:29Here we go.
20:31Justin Hawke, Bradshaw, Hammond, Zeb Akai, Hammond.
20:32Look at this.
20:33Double J, a house of fire.
20:35Double J all over both of these men.
20:37Look at this.
20:38Coming off the rope now.
20:40We've got a back body drop.
20:42Double J with a drop kick.
20:44And Zeb Akai goes down.
20:45Double J is all over both men.
20:47Here we go.
20:48Justin Hawke, Bradshaw.
20:50Coming off the rope.
20:51Stay over the hip.
20:53Nice reversal.
20:54And Zeb Akai still in the ring.
20:56Ref, get him out of there.
20:57It's supposed to be a handicap match.
20:59Almost like tag team for Will.
21:00Oh, look at this double team effort.
21:01That's not supposed to happen.
21:02There you go.
21:03What did they expect was going to happen, McMahon?
21:05Oh, the rope in.
21:08How about that?
21:09And hammering away, Double J.
21:11And finally, the official to get one of these men out of here.
21:13Here we go.
21:14And setting him up.
21:16Nice one over there.
21:17Yet to come, ladies and gentlemen, right here tonight on Raw.
21:21No holds barred.
21:22Perhaps you have seen them in the boiler room brawl.
21:24Perhaps you saw them buried alive.
21:26You've never seen them.
21:27No holds barred.
21:28You want to talk high impact.
21:30That's coming at you tonight.
21:32Plus, of course, the Hitman waiting in the ring.
21:34And I am going to.
21:35Come on, Ross.
21:36Let me interview the Hitman.
21:37Ain't no way.
21:38One, two.
21:40And Zappacaya to make sure there was no three count there.
21:43You must be kissing your foot or something again, King.
21:45I'm trying to keep you out of trouble.
21:47Let's not go there.
21:48Double J, ladies and gentlemen.
21:51He just went out to the floor, didn't he?
21:53As a matter of fact.
21:54And Double J locked out there.
21:56And a block.
21:57A nice right hand there by Double J, who's holding his own against two individuals.
22:01For the time being.
22:02And again, a block and a hard right hand.
22:05Double J taking it to Justin Hawk Bradshaw.
22:09Here we go.
22:10Here we go.
22:11And that is trouble for Double J. Big time trouble.
22:14Imagine this young man challenging both individuals in a handicap matchup after losing to Justin
22:19Hawk Bradshaw last week.
22:21That's spunk.
22:22Well, yeah.
22:23Spunk or stupidity.
22:24One of the two.
22:26One of the things I'm looking forward to this Sunday on pay-per-view.
22:28Number one, what a great crowd we're going to have in West Palm Beach, Florida.
22:32But I cannot wait to see this matchup.
22:35Bret Hart going for the gold for the fourth time.
22:39I think it's going to be a stem winder this Sunday.
22:41Pay-per-view is going to be- All right.
22:43It's time to predict.
22:44You already said you thought the Hitman would become the champion.
22:46Did you not?
22:47Yes, I did.
22:48I think Bret will win the match this Sunday on pay-per-view by submission.
22:51That's your prediction, huh?
22:53I believe Sid will totally dominate Bret Hart just as he dominated Hunter Hearst
22:58Helmsley in a matchup that we saw here earlier tonight.
23:01You know, Ross, you remind me of Jimmy Johnson yesterday when he guaranteed a win over the Giants.
23:05What happened?
23:06Oh, the Dolphins got beat.
23:07That's right.
23:08That's what's going to happen to Bret the Hitman Hart, too.
23:10Oh, look at this.
23:11A kick to the chest area.
23:12Get out of there, Zip.
23:13Yeah, he does.
23:14He's quick to tag out.
23:15Here comes Justin Hart, Bradshaw.
23:16Well, with Shawn Michaels setting at ringside, you know there's no telling what's going to happen.
23:18Shawn Michaels has been seething.
23:20Shawn Michaels is full of, I think, well, a lot of emotion.
23:24Watch this.
23:26That's a good suplex right there.
23:28Oh, Double J.
23:29You know what?
23:30He'll be working somewhere else.
23:31He'll be Double R.
23:32He'll be working at Double A, MCO, Amco, the transmission specialist.
23:36Here's a cover and a count.
23:38Well, you'd be surprised if Justin Hart, Bradshaw able to pin Double J.
23:44Again, just give Double J credit.
23:46Or as you said, maybe he's a little bit on the thick side, but I don't believe so.
23:49Well, why would one guy want to wrestle two?
23:52Even though one looks like Yosemite Sam.
23:53Oh, there it is.
23:54Turn around, ref.
23:55Just turn around.
23:56He's already defeated Zip again.
23:58You know what?
23:59I'm thinking back to Monsoon about maybe me having a seminar with these referees.
24:02That might be nice.
24:03They need some of my wisdom.
24:04I used to be a referee, you know.
24:05Best play-by-play man gives the best seminars, I understand.
24:09And a boot to the midsection.
24:10Justin Hart, Bradshaw back in control, not surprisingly, against Double J.
24:15I don't know why everybody's so impressed with Double J.
24:17You think he can sing or write songs?
24:19I'm a pretty good singer and songwriter myself.
24:22Matter of fact, I've been working on a nice Christmas song.
24:25What's that?
24:26I'm writing it.
24:27Almost finished.
24:28Yeah, right.
24:29It's called Joy to the World Wrestling Federation.
24:31How would that be, McMahon?
24:33Oh, boy.
24:35Right now.
24:36Right in there.
24:38Levels Zipikaia.
24:39Oh, the rope underneath the clothesline.
24:41From the other side, Double J.
24:43Good stopping.
24:44Sidewalk slam to a pinning combination.
24:46Two and eight.
24:47No, no.
24:48Got the right shoulder up.
24:49Oh, Bradshaw's got a lot of power and, I think, unlimited potential.
24:52This guy's a big man.
24:53He's 6'6", maybe 6'7".
24:55Look at him pull old Double J up there.
24:57309 pounds.
25:00Justin Hawk Bradshaw is a big, rangy Texan.
25:04I like that term, raw bone.
25:06Can you use that?
25:07Can you hear me call raw bone?
25:08Not exactly.
25:09Ham bone, maybe, but not raw bone.
25:12Well, did you, man?
25:13Oh, first there on the top, ladies and gentlemen.
25:15There's a ham bone to the chops.
25:16Uh-oh, that's not the place to be, no matter who you are.
25:18And Double J's in trouble.
25:20Double J, nonetheless, giving it all he can here.
25:22A couple of shots there to the midsection.
25:24Double J going upstairs now.
25:27Let's see what he can do.
25:28High-risk maneuver coming up for Double J.
25:30And he's downed him with a clothesline.
25:33Double J should go for the cover.
25:34Oh, I should have gone for the cover right there.
25:36You probably want to shake his legs here.
25:38Zeppekiah was staring him right down.
25:40Yeah, boy, I hate when that stare down happens.
25:41Uh-oh, back body drop.
25:43Nicely done.
25:44And again, just to make sure Zeppekiah doesn't come in and interfere as he has,
25:48keeping him off balance.
25:50I think it's pretty good tactics on the part of Double J.
25:52Double J has avoided a well once too often there.
25:55That was a good cliche.
25:56I haven't heard that one in a couple of years.
25:58There he goes.
25:59Finish him off here, Justin.
26:00Oh, Double J.
26:01Justin Hawk, Bradshaw.
26:03Oh, missing it there.
26:04And a boot to the midsection.
26:06Here we go.
26:07Uh-oh, elbow and a butt of the jaw.
26:10Justin Hawk, Bradshaw, and Zeppekiah have a double team matchup.
26:14Oh, wait a minute.
26:15Here he comes.
26:16Oh, man.
26:17Did you see that?
26:19Zeppekiah hailing Justin Hawk, Bradshaw.
26:22There's the cover.
26:24Up on it, the pin.
26:25And the victory goes to Double J.
26:29Double J.
26:30Wow, Double J.
26:33I can't believe it.
26:34There he is, victorious, ladies and gentlemen.
26:36You talk about against all odds, huh?
26:39I'll tell you, Zeppekiah is privy to being about as inept as Ritz Cotite.
26:43That's pathetic.
26:44Look at this.
26:46What do you have to say for yourself, King?
26:48I can't believe Zeppekiah was that stupid.
26:50How can he make a mistake like that?
26:52Uh-oh, look at this.
26:54And a little arguing going on here.
26:57Oh, a hard right hand.
26:59Why would he do that to Zeppekiah?
27:01What kind of a human being is Justin Hawk, Bradshaw?
27:05A nasty one.
27:06One that has no patience, obviously.
27:09And obviously, no appreciation either for Zeppekiah.
27:13Zeppekiah has been helping this young man here in the World Wrestling Federation.
27:17And that's what he gets for it.
27:18Look at this.
27:19He's being branded.
27:22What kind of a lousy human being is Justin Hawk, Bradshaw?
27:27Talk about a sore loser.
27:30Still can't believe it.
27:31All right.
27:32The Hitman, Brad Hart, readying himself for a very special interview,
27:36no matter which one of you two are here.
27:38Get out here.
27:40Welcome back, everyone.
27:41Tonight, Monday Night Raw is brought to you by Sega Saturn.
27:44Sega Saturn systems.
27:45We now on December 31st and get three free games.
27:49Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure
27:52to introduce to you the most honored athlete
27:56in the history of the World Wrestling Federation,
28:00the legendary Brett, the Hitman, Hart.
28:04And here he comes, ladies and gentlemen.
28:06Yes, the Hitman in a special interview.
28:08We'll talk to the Hitman about this Sunday.
28:10Came to give you his opportunity to once again
28:12be the World Wrestling Federation champion
28:15at the expense of Cyclops.
28:17Can he do it?
28:18Here he comes.
28:33I knew that you guys would be scared to let me interview the Hitman.
28:37I'd love to be in there with him right now.
28:52Brett, this Sunday on pay-per-view in West Palm Beach, Florida,
28:57you have the opportunity once again
29:00to become the World Wrestling Federation champion
29:04for a fourth time.
29:06But you must defeat a 6'9", 313-pound monster.
29:12What are your thoughts as we count down the days
29:16to this Sunday night on pay-per-view?
29:20Well, the one thing I've learned
29:24is that things just get crazier and crazier and crazier
29:28in the World Wrestling Federation.
29:30Well, you're absolutely right about that.
29:32Just a couple of weeks ago here on Raw,
29:34you're wrestling your brother, Owen.
29:36You're attacked by Stone Cold Steve Austin.
29:38And it looked like Austin and Owen were trying to,
29:41well, like, pilmanize your ankle.
29:43And I was shocked.
29:44I'm telling you, I was shocked when your brother-in-law,
29:46the British Bulldog, came to your aid.
29:48Of course, he paid for that.
29:50And then we go to London.
29:52And what a chaotic situation in the London arena.
29:55Again, the Bulldog is about to be power-bombed by Psycho Sid.
30:00And, well, Brett, I guess, for the lack of a better term,
30:03you kind of returned the favor.
30:05And then moments later, Stone Cold attacks from behind.
30:10And, well, Psycho Sid didn't cut you any slack.
30:13Brett, you found yourself helpless.
30:16Absolutely helpless.
30:18And quite frankly, Brett,
30:21Psycho Sid almost chokeslammed the life out of you.
30:24What are your thoughts about this Sunday night?
30:28Well, let me say one thing about Psycho Sid.
30:32Sure, Psycho Sid is 6'9".
30:38But Psycho Sid,
30:41this isn't going to be a wrestling match.
30:44You can take all the technical wrestling
30:48and you can throw it right out the window.
30:51Because Psycho Sid,
30:55for the longest time, for 6, 7, 8 months,
30:59I've thought about one thing.
31:01I've thought about being the World Wrestling Federation Champion
31:04again and again and again.
31:09So I want one thing. I want that title.
31:11And you're standing in my way.
31:13Now, Psycho Sid,
31:15when you snap,
31:18people call you Psycho Sid.
31:21But when I snap,
31:23they're gonna call me the World Wrestling Federation Champion.
31:31And I don't really care
31:33how big you are
31:35or how bad you are.
31:37But I can promise you one thing.
31:39This Sunday, you will be excellently executed
31:43by the best there is, the best there was,
31:46and the best there ever will be.
31:48Yes, that'll happen this Sunday night, ladies and gentlemen.
31:51Ladies and gentlemen, on pay-per-view, of course,
31:53tonight, however, one-on-one,
31:55No Holds Barred, The Undertaker
31:57against Mankind.
31:59And after this 30-second Slam of the Week,
32:01Mankind's on his way to the ring.
32:03And now, Acclaim,
32:05makers of the hot new video game,
32:07WWF In Your House,
32:09presents the Acclaimed Slam of the Week.
32:11What's Fats gonna do now?
32:15Get out of the way, Goon!
32:19Do it! Yeah!
32:21My king's corner, Kim, at work here.
32:23Watch this shot! Boom!
32:25Flash Fonk is getting funky
32:27here in the WWF.
32:29The Slam of the Week was brought to you by Acclaimed,
32:31makers of the hot new video game,
32:33WWF In Your House.
32:35There goes the neighborhood.
32:39And here he comes, ladies and gentlemen, Mankind.
32:41More than any individual, perhaps,
32:43in the history of the WWF,
32:45JR has rejoined us.
32:47No one has been able to give the Undertaker
32:49the problems that Mankind has.
32:51I don't think there's ever been a more intense
32:53physical rivalry ever in the WWF
32:55than exists right now
32:57between Mankind
32:59and the Undertaker.
33:01And recently, Mankind was on a tour
33:03along with other WWE superstars in the Middle East.
33:05We listened in.
33:07I wanna go home.
33:09Uncle Paul, take me away from all this.
33:13I wanna go home!
33:15I wanna go home!
33:17I wanna go home!
33:19Well, that's one way to keep him out of trouble.
33:21Put him out in the middle of the desert.
33:23Well, it's almost as interesting as
33:25the No Holds Barred matchup itself,
33:27or for that matter, almost as interesting
33:29as George and Adam.
33:31Wow. This is it, man.
33:33The Royal Rumble locker room.
33:35I bet it's Shawn Michaels' locker room.
33:37No way. It's too big. It's gotta be the champ's locker room.
33:39It's gotta be Sid's.
33:41No way, man, because you know why?
33:43Because Royce Sid it in your house.
33:45It's anybody's locker room. It's Bret Hart's locker room.
33:49Look at this shoe.
33:51Look at the size of these shoes.
33:53Size 19s.
33:55I bet they're Yokozuna shoes.
33:57You know what Yokozuna does in these shoes?
34:01Bad things, man.
34:05Yokozuna doesn't wear shoes.
34:09I knew that.
34:13We're back, everyone.
34:15We're at WWF Raw.
34:17This, of course, is SummerSlam footage.
34:19That was on concrete.
34:21Of course, they rustled their way out of the boiler room,
34:23back into the ring.
34:25All the Undertaker had to do was take possession of the urn,
34:27and he took possession already.
34:29He got ground with the urn, McMahon.
34:31Yeah, and there's the man who took possession
34:33and thus was declared the winner of the matchup.
34:35But will he be victorious, JR, here tonight?
34:37Well, I'll tell you something.
34:39This is gonna be nasty. It's gonna be physical.
34:41The six-year relationship that Paul Bearer had
34:43with The Undertaker ended at SummerSlam.
34:45Uh-oh, the lights go out.
34:47A good time to pick up the phone
34:49and call somebody, as they say.
34:51Wow, what a matchup, ladies and gentlemen,
34:53you're gonna see right here tonight
34:55on Raw, WWF-style.
35:01We know that mankind would rather fight a man
35:03than make love to a woman.
35:09One-on-one, no holds barred
35:11against The Phenom himself,
35:13The Undertaker.
35:15Where is he?
35:19There he is!
35:21Here he comes!
35:39Wait a minute!
35:51Can you feel it?
35:55Can you feel the chill
35:57running up and down your spine?
35:59The Undertaker making his way
36:01to the square and circle
36:03to do battle with mankind.
36:05I'm gonna say this, I'm no Undertaker fan,
36:07but mankind may wish he was back over in the desert in one of those bomb shelters over there before this night's over.
36:13This is where anything goes. I mean, no holds barred. You can do absolutely anything you have.
36:18And the Rimes come back out.
36:21Remember, this matchup has no disqualifications. It has no countouts.
36:26There must be a winner in this matchup.
36:29An old-fashioned slobber knocker is about to commence right here on Monday Night Raw.
36:35This one will not be for the weak at heart.
36:39The Undertaker and mankind have gone at it in the past.
36:45The Undertaker, of course, as Paul Bearer looks on,
36:48the Undertaker has felt the full effect of that Mandible Claw before the litigation, JR.
36:53And the Mandible Claw works. We all know it works.
36:56The Undertaker will say, yes, it works, but so does a Chokeslam, and so does a Tombstone Piledriver.
37:01Oh, and he'd love to get his hands on Paul Bearer. Here we go!
37:05Mankind and the Undertaker going at it no holds barred.
37:10Oh, to the buckle.
37:12Mankind, set up now for the ride. Reversal. Off the rope.
37:17From the other side, and yes!
37:19Away at the buckle.
37:20Tremendous athleticism by the 6'10", 328-pound Undertaker.
37:24There is none like him in this world.
37:26The Undertaker with the wrist. What's he gonna do? Gonna go upstairs?
37:29Yes, we've seen this. A patented Undertaker maneuver.
37:32Mankind, no doubt, will feel the effect from way high above.
37:36Look at the balance. Look at the coordination.
37:41And the Undertaker.
37:42Might wanna take that left arm home with him.
37:45Put it on top of the mantle, if you have one.
37:47And look at this. Here we go! Mankind!
37:52The Undertaker, thus far, taking it to Mankind.
37:55Are you surprised, thus far?
37:57I'm surprised. This thing may be over early. Look at this.
37:59That's right. And here we go.
38:01The tombstone coming up. This one's gonna end.
38:04Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Here comes the Executioner.
38:07Oh, and the Undertaker spotting the Executioner coming in.
38:10The Undertaker with the right hand.
38:13And wait a minute. This match cannot end via count out, JR.
38:16It certainly can't. There must be a winner.
38:18Wait a minute. Here comes Mankind.
38:20This match continues. Stay with us.
38:23All right, kid. Let's see what you got.
38:26WWF Full Metal The Album.
38:28The entrance themes of your favorite WWF superstars.
38:32This tuney makes me wanna munch.
38:35Full Metal The Album.
38:38Oh, my goodness. Look at this.
38:39And now to the stage. Welcome back, everyone.
38:41Come on, WWF Raw. Mankind has been all over Undertaker during the entire break.
38:46They've been all on the outside, and they still are.
38:48There's no count out provision, no disqualification.
38:51Look at this.
38:55And now the Undertaker finally turning things back around.
38:59Look at these fans, McMahon.
39:00They love it when it gets raw, don't they?
39:03And a hard right hand.
39:05Mankind diving to the steps.
39:06The Undertaker now taking over on Mankind.
39:10Pummeling, driving Mankind's head into the steel steps.
39:13And what's he doing here?
39:17What's it called?
39:18Oh, no!
39:19The Undertaker just stomped all over that mandible claw.
39:24And obviously, clear strategy on the part of the Undertaker
39:27to try and damage that claw.
39:29And watch out for Pulver.
39:31Wait a minute. What's this?
39:32Hey, wait a minute.
39:34The Undertaker has those steel steps.
39:36Don't tell me.
39:37The Undertaker now with those steel steps.
39:39No way!
39:40Look out!
39:42Oh, no!
39:47I think you can kiss the claw goodbye.
39:50The Undertaker knows what that mandible claw can do.
39:52Well, we've talked about it before.
39:54This is no-holds-barred, not for the faint of heart.
39:57Let's go back and take another look and see what-
40:01Right there on the hand, that mandible claw.
40:05And it has to be wiggled even more than it was before.
40:08That's great strategy by the Undertaker
40:11in this no-holds-barred matchup
40:13to try to break the hand of the deranged mankind
40:16whose scarred, mutilated body is something to behold.
40:20Look at this right here.
40:21Half of it is, well, in parts unknown, I guess.
40:24All right, coming off the rope now.
40:26The Undertaker.
40:28Hey, Mankind.
40:29Knocking the chocks out of the Undertaker.
40:31He's still got something left.
40:32I know the referee's just in there as a formality,
40:34but I don't think you should allow him to use those steps like that.
40:37Come on!
40:38Mankind may be deranged, but he's no idiot.
40:40He's very shrewd.
40:41He knows what he's doing.
40:42Mankind all over the Undertaker,
40:44and Paul Bearer watching every second of it,
40:46knowing full well that the Undertaker
40:49will be in action again this Sunday,
40:51not against Mankind,
40:53but against another protege of Paul Bearer,
40:56the Executioner.
40:57Yes, that's got Armageddon rules.
40:59That means, folks, no disqualifications,
41:01no submissions.
41:03The match can go any number of falls,
41:05and it only can end
41:07when either the Undertaker or the Executioner
41:11cannot continue.
41:13And that's up to the referee's discretion.
41:15It'll be an all-out war this Sunday on pay-per-view.
41:17What do you call this?
41:18No nose-bend to the outside!
41:21The Undertaker on his feet.
41:23looking at a hard right hand by the Undertaker.
41:26The Undertaker and Mankind
41:28taking it to each other.
41:29It's only, it can happen here in the WWF,
41:32and a reversal.
41:34And what is this match gonna take out
41:36of the Undertaker
41:37before this Sunday's Armageddon Rules showdown
41:40with the Masked Executioner?
41:42And the Undertaker may not be able to continue in this match.
41:46And Mankind having nothing to lose
41:49except, well, perhaps another half of an ear
41:52or whatever it may be,
41:53really taking it to the Undertaker.
41:55The Undertaker
41:57has withstood almost everything
41:59that could be thrown at him
42:01here in the WWF in the past.
42:03Obviously having great difficulty,
42:04as you would suspect he would,
42:06in this no-holds-barred matchup
42:08here tonight on Raw.
42:10Uh-oh, wait a minute.
42:11They're coming around this way.
42:12Uh-oh, get over here, Raw.
42:13Get in front of me.
42:14I don't like this.
42:17Uh, get him down!
42:19They're out here all over us.
42:21Look out.
42:22And look out.
42:23The Undertaker now with Mankind.
42:24Come on, get him, Mankind, get him!
42:27Mankind and the Undertaker
42:28right out here in front of us.
42:30Mankind sets up the Undertaker's leg.
42:33Look at, look at this.
42:35He's right out here all over us.
42:36What's he gonna do?
42:37Mankind now climbing back up.
42:39Oh, no way.
42:40Hey, don't tell me he's gonna-
42:41He's gonna break his leg.
42:42Hey, wait a minute.
42:43Mankind leaping-
42:45Down across the leg of the Undertaker.
42:47Did you hear that pop?
42:49I could hear it setting right here.
42:50I could hear it.
42:51That's it.
42:52He's finished.
42:54He can bury the Undertaker now.
42:59risking life and limb,
43:01leaping there from the apron
43:03crashing down with his full weight.
43:05Down into that leg,
43:06and the Undertaker cannot stand up.
43:08Trying to get up.
43:09He can't do it.
43:10Wait a minute.
43:11He's got him back in the ring.
43:12Mankind in control.
43:13We go back and take a look at what he did.
43:15Oh, this was beautiful.
43:16Right here.
43:17Right across the knee.
43:18I think Mankind hyperextended the knee
43:21of the Undertaker.
43:22Oh, wait a minute.
43:23Well, maybe not.
43:24I don't-
43:25This Undertaker's threshold of pain
43:27is off the page.
43:28It's not to be believed.
43:29That is for sure.
43:30And you can say the same for Mankind.
43:32Yeah, Mankind has no threshold.
43:34I mean, he doesn't even feel pain.
43:36Look at that.
43:37He loves it.
43:38Look at that.
43:39The back of Mankind's head
43:40just smacked.
43:41You can hear the splatter
43:42of the back of his head
43:43on that steel security railing.
43:44He's busted.
43:45The Undertaker
43:46coming right back after him.
43:47Again, a reminder,
43:48this is no holds barred.
43:50This is not what you-
43:51Oh, look at this.
43:53and Mankind
43:54just reeling all over the place.
43:56And again, his hand mangled.
43:58These two men-
43:59Here they come again.
44:00Mandible claw
44:01has basically been taken away
44:02from Mankind.
44:03Or so it would appear.
44:05Look out!
44:07Who knows what's gonna happen
44:09here in this matchup
44:10as we continue.
44:11Stay with-
44:13We're back with more
44:14WWF action.
44:15This Sunday,
44:16Milton Brownlee Karate Fighters
44:17presents In Your House.
44:18It's time.
44:19Live, exclusively on
44:22at 7 Eastern,
44:234 Pacific.
44:26Oh, my goodness.
44:27Continuing to work on that knee.
44:31Watch this.
44:35Right there
44:36in the announcer's table.
44:38And Mankind, however,
44:39at this juncture
44:40is in complete control
44:41as we speak.
44:42Mankind from the top.
44:43High wrist maneuver
44:44coming up.
44:46Pounding the clutch
44:47as he undertakes-
44:48How about that?
44:49Good drop toehold.
44:50Mankind with a counter.
44:51He is-
44:52He's a lot smarter
44:53than he looks.
44:54How about that?
44:55And Mankind
44:56may be the toughest man
44:58to ever compete
44:59here in the WWF.
45:00That drop toehold
45:01is the first wrestling hold
45:02we've seen in this match.
45:03Oh, here comes
45:04the old chair roll.
45:05No holds barred.
45:06Who knows what you're gonna see.
45:07This chair is just
45:08as legal as a headlock.
45:11in this match it is.
45:12All right, here we go.
45:13The undertaker, Mankind.
45:14How about that, man?
45:16That chair went right
45:17into the kisser of Mankind.
45:20trying to get it again.
45:21No, this time
45:22a right hand
45:23drives the chair
45:24into Mankind.
45:25Mankind down on the canvas.
45:26Come on, get up!
45:27We have action tonight
45:28on WWF Raw.
45:29We are pleased
45:30you've joined us,
45:31ladies and gentlemen.
45:32Uh-oh, look out!
45:33Here we go!
45:34No, no, no!
45:35He got wheels!
45:36He got it!
45:37The man to McCall!
45:38Yes, but what effect
45:39will it have?
45:40McCall's been damaged.
45:41Can the undertaker
45:42withstand this nerve hold?
45:43McCall's been damaged.
45:44But it looks like
45:45it's having its effect
45:46on the undertaker.
45:47The undertaker's
45:48being damaged.
45:49The undertaker's
45:50going down
45:51and Mankind,
45:52we thought
45:53his right hand
45:54may be cracked.
45:55It may be.
45:56And on the steps,
45:57how will he do it?
45:58He stomped.
45:59The undertaker
46:00stomped on his hand.
46:02the undertaker
46:03appears to be going down.
46:04Could we be seeing
46:05the last of the undertaker
46:06here tonight?
46:09Look at Ball Bearer!
46:10Ball Bearer
46:11sensing the undertaker's
46:13No matter what
46:14the outcome,
46:15this Sunday night
46:16on pay-per-view,
46:17the undertaker
46:18is going to come in,
46:19I don't think,
46:20at 100%.
46:21How could he be?
46:22Ball Bearer's
46:23been damaged.
46:24How could he be?
46:25I asked the undertaker
46:26to face the executioner,
46:27but what will be left
46:28of the undertaker?
46:29Wait a minute.
46:30Wait a minute.
46:31The undertaker.
46:32Look at these people.
46:33The undertaker
46:34is fighting this off.
46:35The undertaker
46:36fighting the
46:37Mandible Claw off.
46:38Look at this.
46:39Leads me to think
46:40that Mankind's
46:41right hand
46:42has got to be
46:43at least cracked.
46:44And the undertaker
46:45with an escape now,
46:46back up on his feet.
46:47Let's see
46:48what he can do.
46:49Oh, Mankind!
46:50Oh, Mankind!
46:51Oh, Mankind!
46:52Oh, Mankind!
46:53Oh, Mankind!
46:54Oh, no!
46:55Mankind hanging
46:56upside down now.
46:57Right back into the ring,
47:00The undertaker
47:01no longer has the power
47:02of the urn,
47:03but he still has the power
47:04of these creatures
47:05of the night.
47:06Did you hear him?
47:09Hey, wait a minute.
47:10Wait a minute.
47:11He has it.
47:12That's the tombstone!
47:13The leg won't hold him!
47:16The undertaker
47:17with Mankind
47:18out of nowhere
47:19with a tombstone one!
47:21Can he get the three?
47:23Oh, yes!
47:24And Paul Bearer
47:25what a war!
47:26Hey, wait a minute.
47:27What's that look?
47:28Wait a minute.
47:29What's that look?
47:30Oh, wait a minute!
47:31From behind!
47:33There's the Asiatic spike!
47:36The thumb into the throat area
47:37to the neck carry
47:38of the undertaker!
47:39He's got that spike
47:40driven to the carotid artery!
47:41It's like a sleeper hole!
47:42You said no holes for him!
47:43Anything goes!
47:44Yeah, but that's
47:45that's almost
47:46in the match!
47:47That's Tom O'Reilly
47:48about to get this!
47:49This is it!
47:51This is Armageddon
47:52for The Undertaker
47:53right here tonight!
47:55The Undertaker
47:57in trouble
47:59as we leave you tonight
48:00ladies and gentlemen
48:01we invite you to join us
48:02this Sunday night!
