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00:00Round up your cows and put grandma to bed, it's time for yet another season of From,
00:04where my head explodes because this show is absolutely insane.
00:08For those of you new to these videos, this is a breakdown of all the biggest theories, mysteries, and hidden details found in the episode.
00:15I also have a full Season 2 video for those of you wanting to brush up, which I'll leave a link to in the comments below.
00:21And before we begin, make sure to like and subscribe and leave your thoughts and theories in the comments below.
00:26We start right where we left off at the end of Season 2, with Tabitha at St. Anthony's Hospital,
00:32a fitting name since St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost things.
00:37We also get a location at Camden, Maine, but just how Tabitha got here after being shoved from the lighthouse by the boy in white is still unknown.
00:45But it can't be a coincidence that she just so happens to be brought to Victor's hometown.
00:50We'll later see that the lunchbox has his home address, a home address where Tabitha will meet Victor's father.
00:57This all seems to be part of the boy in white's plan.
01:00Shortly before pushing Tabitha from the lighthouse, he says,
01:03Sorry, this is all part of the plan.
01:05The boy in white can see into the future.
01:08He was the one who told Victor of the attack on Colony House in Season 1.
01:12He also seems to be the opposing force to the evil entity controlling the town,
01:17the one that manifested as Boyd's wife at the end of Season 2.
01:21Now, Tabitha will see this boy in white in Maine, but it's unclear whether or not this is simply a figment of her imagination,
01:28or if this boy can traverse the real world and from town.
01:32Speaking of the real world, Tabitha calls her mother to let her know she's okay,
01:36but holds off on telling her about her whereabouts.
01:39Tabitha's priority here is finding a way to get her family home,
01:42and getting others involved would only jeopardize this as they would likely find her story crazy.
01:47What I'm really curious about is how long she's been gone.
01:50Does time work differently in From Town, or is it the same as our own?
01:54Remember that Victor told us the seasons hadn't changed in ages, so perhaps time is different there too.
02:01Tabitha, completely lost, ventures to a nearby church where she confesses to the priest that it feels like her mind is breaking.
02:08She says that if there is a god, then he made a horrible place with pain and suffering,
02:12and blames God for her child, Thomas, falling off the change table to his death.
02:17Her journey leads to Victor's childhood home, where we're introduced to Victor's father.
02:22Not much is known about him, but he certainly recognizes Victor's disco lunchbox.
02:27It seems as though Papa Victor wasn't with his wife Miranda and two children, Victor and Eloise,
02:32the day they got transported to From Town.
02:34And judging by his haggard look, demeanor, and six-pack of beer,
02:38he may have turned to alcohol to cope with the pain of this loss.
02:42Boyd certainly has had a rough go of it after being shot by Reggie,
02:45who believed Boyd caused all the town's hardship by venturing into the forest at the end of Season 1.
02:50He's been haunted by the ghost of Father Catree.
02:53Whatever evil entity has its grasp over From Town has the ability to take the shape of dead characters.
02:59In the Season 2 finale, we saw it take the form of Boyd's dead wife, who eerily stated,
03:04It's not your fear that feeds the forest, boy.
03:07It's hope.
03:08So this really begs the question, what side is the ghost of Father Catree on?
03:13Now, there are two other issues that are still unresolved from Season 2.
03:17None of the three townsfolk who fell into these comas want to talk about their experiences,
03:22and it's yet to be explained how Boyd destroying the music box broke them from this spell.
03:28But more pressing is the issue of food.
03:30All their crops have rotted away, with Donna exclaiming that the soil is poison.
03:35To make matters worse, the townsfolk have raided Tian Chen's food stores and stolen the remaining food.
03:41Randall even tries to steal a goat,
03:42and Boyd is stuck in the middle trying to keep the town from falling into chaos.
03:47According to Donna, the cows could last them about a month if they had to resort to eating them,
03:51so things are looking pretty dire.
03:53The weather also looks to be turning to winter, something Victor says is strange,
03:57for any time the town changes, something bad happens.
04:01But Boyd's problems really take a turn for the worse when the monsters let loose the cattle.
04:05It becomes a sort of race against time to return the animals before they go missing or are slaughtered.
04:11At the same time, Sarah helps Julie and Ethan hide from the Old Lady monster.
04:15The last time we saw Sarah was at the Dungeon Ruins in Season 2,
04:19where she told Boyd that the town's evil entity is laughing at him for setting it free.
04:24Boyd and Tian manage to get one of the cows in the barn and place a talisman on the door,
04:28thinking they are safe.
04:29But unfortunately, the monsters have already made their way inside.
04:33Therefore, the talisman does not work.
04:36Among them is a cowboy monster who somehow knows the lines Boyd screamed in the forest
04:40after he made his way out of the dungeon in the Season 2 finale.
04:44You don't f***ing wake me!
04:47Boyd tries to fight them off, and notice how one of these monsters slashes his left shoulder,
04:51the same shoulder he received the gunshot wound.
04:54Whether that's just a coincidence or has some further meaning is yet to be known.
04:58There's also the added aspect of Boyd's blood.
05:01In Season 2, he was infected with some sort of parasitic worm,
05:04which made his blood poisonous to the monsters.
05:07Could this worm have left antibodies in his blood that might continue to help him?
05:11But it's Kenny's poor mother, Tian Chen, who seems to face the brunt of the monster's attack,
05:16making Boyd watch as they torture her.
05:18This is what the monsters made the girl in the woods with the nail in her head do in Season 2.
05:22Now, we never actually see her die, so there's still the possibility she'll be alive,
05:27but it doesn't look good.
05:28Jim and Kenny have their own adventure this episode as they begin their quest to find Tabitha.
05:33Boyd even gives them some pointers on how to get to the mysterious lighthouse which he saw in Season 1.
05:38If they find their way to Spiderweb Forest, they're on the right track.
05:42Now, even though Jim and Kenny follow the right path, they're led to an entirely new area.
05:46This leads me to believe the forest is constantly changing.
05:50Remember that Victor took measurements of the trees and found that they had moved.
05:54A new location we haven't seen yet are these three log cabins.
05:58No one in town has ever mentioned these before, and it appears as if they're from Pioneer times.
06:02Remember back in Tabitha's Dream from Season 1, we saw these carvings of different dates,
06:07which could mean the town has been around since at least 1506.
06:11We also have these absolutely creepy statues like they came off the set of The Blair Witch Project.
06:16There's even one that has nails hammered into its head, similar to that girl we met in the forest.
06:21I think it's a safe way to say that these are more of a warning than a welcome sign.
06:26Jim hasn't really been the smartest when it comes to making plans,
06:29and he thinks it's a great idea to set up a camp in one of these cabins by the creepy statues.
06:34At night, they're interrupted by a strange noise outside, but luckily, they have that talisman to keep them safe.
06:40We never find out what caused this noise.
06:42Is it one of the monsters, or could it be one of the animals that got loose,
06:46which may alert Kenny and Jim to head back to town?
06:49Jim, after all, does make the decision to discontinue his journey for fear of leaving his kids without a parent.
06:55Colony House is a new resident bitch.
06:57It's bad enough you're getting double rations without you hogging the bathroom.
07:00This is Nikki, and I hope she gets eaten very soon.
07:04She's waiting for Fatima, who's been experiencing morning sickness the result of her pregnancy,
07:09a pregnancy that wasn't supposed to be possible after being told in the real world that she would never be able to have kids.
07:15It's long been theorized that the drowned woman who haunts Elgin is Fatima, considering they wear very similar clothing,
07:21although it should be noted that in the end credits, the woman playing her is Asian and is credited as Kimono Woman.
07:28The only other real connection we have of Fatima and water comes in Season 1,
07:32when Ellis tells her to get into the water because she's too dry.
07:35Could this have been some foreshadowing?
07:37Uh, yeah, you just look too dry. Come here!
07:39Oh, no! No! No!
07:41What do you guys think? Is the drowned woman Fatima? Let me know in the comments.
07:45Elgin doesn't want to sleep, as the drowned woman only seems to appear in his dreams.
07:49Elgin has some sort of connection with dreams.
07:52In fact, he had a prophetic dream that foretold his arrival to FromTown,
07:56so I think that's something we'll see explored more this season.
07:59For those of you who have seen my previous videos, you know I'm really suspicious of Tilly.
08:04She tells Ellis that she gave birth to seven kids and was totally fine, so Fatima will be too.
08:09It's seven kids that Jade found in the cave last season.
08:13If you want a full breakdown of why I think Tilly is suspicious,
08:16do check out my Season 2 Ending Explained video, which I'll leave a link to in the comments below.
08:20The last person I want to talk about is Jade.
08:23Season 2 saw him get increasingly obsessed with this symbol,
08:26and the last time we saw him, he had ventured into the cave and found those creepy children on stone slabs,
08:31repeating the word,
08:33a word we have yet to decipher.
08:35He's drunk and frustrated because he's not sure what the children were trying to tell him.
08:40He seems a little more with it when he gets out of the drunk tank,
08:42but I'm curious where his story goes, considering there haven't been any more clues.
08:47Now, this is part of the video where we look at the trailer to see if there are any clues on where the show is headed.
08:52So if you want to turn away now, you've been warned.
08:54I won't be looking at every clip, just the ones I think are relevant for future episodes.
08:58Well, it looks like Boyd makes it out of the barn.
09:01Here we see him alongside Jade, carrying what is likely the corpse of Tian Chen.
09:05Jade finds this one-eyed man in the forest who we'll later see drinking from a skull.
09:09Later on, it looks as though he attacks Jade.
09:12I wonder if this guy is in any way connected to the log cabins Jim and Kenny found.
09:16Here we have Tabitha and Victor's father underneath a bottle tree.
09:20The bottle tree in Frum Town is where Victor found his dead mother,
09:23and it also acts as a faraway tree which transports people to the lighthouse.
09:27Beside a wall of family photos featuring young Victor and Eloise,
09:31Victor's father says he thinks Tabitha is here for what's in the basement.
09:35This basement has all sorts of paintings of the Ancui children,
09:38more than likely painted by Victor's father.
09:41Maybe he has the answers to what Ancui means.
09:44Here's a shot of what appears to be a funeral, most likely Tian Chen's.
09:48And who is this?
09:49There's a monster behind her.
09:51Maybe this is someone new coming to town.
09:54If you zoom in on her patch, you can make out what appears to be a boat.
09:57And if you cross-reference this with Camden, Maine's police patches, they look eerily similar.
10:02We'll also see this ambulance from Knox County, the county where Camden is located.
10:07So, Episode 1 ends on an insane cliffhanger.
10:10Tian Chen could be dead, Boyd is cuffed by the monsters,
10:13and the last of the town's food supply is taking off into the forest.
10:17It's going to take something big to set our heroes back on the right track,
10:20and I hope you'll consider liking and subscribing for more FromVideos.
10:24But now, I turn it over to you.
10:26What do you think will happen next?
10:28I want to hear your thoughts and theories in the comments below.
10:31Thanks for watching, and until next time, remember,
10:34Daddy loves you very much.
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