WWE CM Punk vs Mr. Kennedy SmackDown 9 March 2007 | SmackDown vs Raw 2008 PCSX2

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00:28From Chicago, Illinois, weighing in
00:32Good evening and welcome to Miami, Florida
00:36And we are in for an unbelievable evening of Smackdown action
00:40This Miami crowd is all fired up, they can't wait for the show to start and neither can I
00:44That makes two of us, and I know the entire Smackdown locker room feels the same way
00:48So what are we waiting for?
00:52You feel like a jerk when someone
00:56Counters you like that
01:00I hope this isn't
01:04The last time we see these superstars face off. I don't say this too often
01:08But I completely agree with you, this has all the makings of a nice long
01:12Rivalry. I don't know how nice it is, but there are
01:16Certainly some issues between these superstars and I think this match might only
01:20Exasperate them. Hey, watch your language, this is a family show
01:24I said exasperate, oh never mind
01:32These superstars have been giving it
01:36Everything they've got all night. They sure have
01:40And that's where the superb conditioning of the WWE superstars
01:44Comes into play. Yeah, you're not going to win a match if you're blown up
01:48Two minutes into it. You can say that again, I've seen matches
01:52Won and lost simply because one superstar was able to
01:56Outlast their opponent. He slipped out of that one
02:04Mr. Kennedy is my kind of superstar, he'll tell you
02:08Exactly what he thinks of you and then he'll back it up in the ring
02:12He certainly isn't shy about sharing his opinions, that's for sure, but I for one
02:16Could do without that enormous ego of his
02:20This capacity crowd is making their, and there's the reversal
02:28Man, this one's turned into a fight, pure and simple
02:32We knew it was going to be intense. Now that's the way to do it
02:36Let your opponent know who's boss. Or you can just keep posturing
02:40And give your opponent time to recover
02:44I think we might be looking at the future of the WWE
02:48In this ring tonight. Wouldn't surprise me one bit
02:52This is a great match, the fans are definitely into it
02:56And that's what really matters, if the WWE fans aren't happy
03:00They'll let you know it
03:06Night after night, the WWE superstars never fail
03:10To amaze the fans
03:14And that's a good thing, I don't even like to think about where we'd be if they didn't
03:18Well, we wouldn't be sitting here calling this match, that's for sure
03:26You've never been CM Punk's biggest fan
03:30But I'm sure you can come up with one good thing to say about him
03:34Well, he calls himself Punk, and that's exactly what he is
03:38That's the truth in advertising
03:46Seeing a match like this makes me proud to be part of it
03:50He likes fighting dirty, and it's easy to see
03:54I don't think the fans like that one too much
03:58I'm sure that breaks his heart
04:02These fans are the lifeblood of WWE, and he doesn't give a damn what they think
04:08It's so great seeing these superstars in competition here tonight
04:12I had a feeling they were going to wind up against each other sooner or later
04:16There were times when it seemed like it wasn't going to happen
04:20But I can't tell you how glad I am that it did
04:24That's for sure, you know anytime you throw these kind of combustible elements into a match
04:28You're guaranteed a great show
04:32And that's exactly what we're seeing here tonight
04:38When I first heard about this match
04:42I wasn't sure what to think, but these superstars are blowing me away
04:46Really? As soon as I heard about it, I expected a tremendous matchup
04:50And I haven't been disappointed
04:54I didn't say I'm not disappointed, but I'll talk about getting stuck
04:58I love it, talk about rubbing your opponent's face in it
05:02Yes, but this might not be the smartest course of action
05:06These superstars give everything they've got
05:10When they're in a match like this
05:14But a lot of people don't realize what they sacrifice behind the scenes too
05:18No question, if you want to make it in the WWE
05:22You've got to sacrifice just about everything for your career
05:26It has to be as important to you as anything else in your life
05:30And for a lot of guys, their WWE career is their life
05:34That's why you see so much passion for what they do in the ring
05:38And that's something you won't see anywhere else
05:42With all due respect to every athlete and entertainer out there
05:46No one gives as much of themselves to their fans as the WWE superstars
05:54Mr. Kennedy's got it all
05:58He's got the look, he's great on the stick, and he knows how to get it done in the ring
06:02Yeah, and if you don't believe it, just ask him
06:06He won't hesitate to tell you how great he is
06:10Yeah, so, what's wrong with that? Kennedy's the total package, and he knows it
06:18These superstars have proven time and again
06:22Going up that turnbuckle hurts a hell of a lot less than coming down dry
06:26This could be big, but it could backfire
06:32It sounds like this capacity crowd has something on their minds
06:36Yeah, and 10,000 paying customers can't do wrong
06:46It really sticks in my craw that see him
06:50He wasted no time going for that pin
06:56There isn't an ounce of quit in these superstars
07:00There certainly isn't. They're in this one to the bitter end
07:10Without a doubt, Ken Kennedy is one of the most outspoken superstars on the SmackDown roster
07:14You make it sound like Kennedy's all talk and no action
07:18He doesn't seem to have much trouble putting his money where his mouth is
07:22Maybe not, but it's only a matter of time before Kennedy's mouth gets him into some trouble
07:26He can't get himself out of
07:30That isn't going to make you popular, but you got
07:34And here's the cover. What a cowardly move
07:38He can't win fair and square, so he tries to screw his opponent out of the victory
07:42And there's the pin. Come on, ref. That should have been a disqualification right there
07:46Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Bottom line is, it ain't
07:56Great reversal
08:04I did not remember the last time I've seen a crowd this pumped up
08:08I know what you mean, partner. These superstars have really brought the fans to life here tonight
08:18My loyalty is to SmackDown when I admit that I wish we could still see him punk to our roster
08:22Why? As far as I'm concerned, he's just a pretty boy
08:26Oh, wait. I think I just answered my own
08:30Now there's a superstar with guts. These top rope moves, though, are high risk
08:38Look at the confidence. He's letting his opponent know what's up
08:42He could pin his opponent right here
08:46One, two
08:50Man, I don't want this match to end
08:54I'm with you, partner, but it's gotta end sooner or later
08:58Well, whichever way it goes, no one can say that these superstars didn't give it everything
09:02Instead of pandering to the fans, you should really keep your head in the match
09:06Come on. You're looking at a superstar who can feed off a crowd and use that energy to win the match
09:10Oh, would you look at this. Talk about arrogant and sickening
09:14I think it's great. That's not arrogance. That's confidence
09:18And that's what wins matches
09:22Look at this, Cole. He doesn't look too worried about this match
09:26Well, he should be. Until that bell rings, this is still anyone's match
09:34There are a lot of superstars in the back who'd like to shut Ken Kennedy's mouth once and for all
09:38There's a huge difference between wanting to do that
09:42and being able to pull it off
09:50Each of these competitors is looking for the slightest hint of weakness in the other
09:54That's the law of the jungle. An injured superstar is like a wounded animal
09:58It's survival of the fittest
10:02And that also means that if you're not at 100%, you've gotta be able to hide it from your opponent
10:06That's absolutely right. This business is as psychological as it is physical
10:10You can't let your opponents... This superstar is all fired up
10:14And so is this capacity crowd
10:18Yeah? Well, one mistake and we're gonna see that fire put out pronto
10:26I know the internet loves seeing it all
10:30The kid is overrated
10:34I don't know about that. It's hard to argue with tens of thousands of screaming WWE fans
10:38They're wrong. End of discussion
10:42Looks like someone's making it clear that he's not feeling too threatened right about now
10:46Well, this is a good way to find yourself in a bad situation
10:50He's wasting time instead of following up here
10:54Wow, listen to that chant
11:02Boy, Mr. Kennedy certainly has a high opinion of himself
11:06You say that like it's a bad thing
11:10There's nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments
11:14What a jerk. How about a little less posing and a little more action?
11:18Give it a rest. There's nothing... There's the cover
11:22One, two, three
11:26I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever seen a super...
11:36And the winner of the match
11:44Mr. Kennedy
