• last month
00:00♪ Closer each day
00:03♪ Home in the way
00:08I need to check his bloods.
00:09Wait, breathe, breathe!
00:10Uh, yeah, what's going on?
00:12Help, help!
00:13We just walked out on him!
00:14Your hesitation could have cost Alpha's life.
00:16And because we can't agree on what happened,
00:18I'm gonna have to report you.
00:19You'll be happy to know I've been suspended
00:20and caught in front of the hospital tribunal.
00:24What was that all about?
00:26Nothing, I'll tell you later.
00:28You really didn't need to get into it with Maz again.
00:30You're right, because I should have had it out with Levi,
00:32and that is exactly what I'm gonna go and do.
00:34If you go back in there, you are on your own.
00:36Suits me.
00:38You threw me under the bus.
00:40Alf's life was at risk.
00:41You're trying to sabotage my career.
00:43Okay, I can't listen to this.
00:45This is none of your business.
00:46Actually, this whole place is my business,
00:48and I need you to leave.
00:51You're so lucky that Dr. Levi came along when he did.
00:54I mean, he saved your life.
00:55I knew it got a bit dodgy there for a while,
00:57but I didn't think it was anyone's fault.
01:00No, it was.
01:01You nearly died.
01:12Everyone ready?
01:13Three, two, one, hop up!
01:16Yes, well done!
01:18Okay, well, I'll see you all next week,
01:20and leave a blood cell sort-em-out.
01:22See ya.
01:23See ya.
01:26I gotta catch up. I'm so bored of this.
01:28No way.
01:29No, you're not bailing on me.
01:30The next class is huge.
01:32Okay, I'll hang around for the first half of the lesson.
01:37So, this is how you teach surfing?
01:39Thought there'd be more water involved.
01:41That comes later.
01:42You're welcome to hang around and watch a lesson if you like.
01:45Yeah, sure. I don't have anything better to do.
01:48Didn't you have your first group counselling session today?
01:52Yeah, I did.
01:53Can't say it was my favourite thing.
01:55I'm not sure it's meant to be.
01:57Well, at least it was something to do.
01:59I have realised that being bored is really not a good thing for me right now.
02:02Well, if you want to keep busy, I could always use a hand.
02:06Doing what?
02:08Running the shop.
02:10Hang on, you're giving her a job?
02:13If she wants it.
02:14Absolutely, yeah.
02:17It's all pretty simple.
02:19Have you ever worked in customer service?
02:22I used to work the front desk at a funeral parlour.
02:24So, I think I can handle this.
02:27I know you don't surf, so if you have any questions...
02:31I've never been in a coffin before either, but I did my old job just fine.
02:34Fair enough.
02:36Kevvie will usually be teaching on the beach while I'm in here, right?
02:39Unless you do want to start learning.
02:41Nope, I am quite happy where I am.
02:46What do I do if I see someone dodgy hanging around?
02:48I'm sure that won't be an issue.
02:50Mr. Stewart will want the paperwork filled in, so I will be right back.
02:57I take it that didn't go so well?
02:59Mm, got kicked out.
03:03Don't say it.
03:04No, do not say I told you so.
03:06I wasn't going to say anything.
03:10Ah, Remy.
03:11Always a ladies' man.
03:13Not today, Abby.
03:20Maybe it wasn't that bad.
03:21It was bad enough for Mackenzie to step in.
03:23Why did you have to go up there in the first place?
03:25Because it is my reputation being damaged here.
03:28It's my job on the line.
03:29Yeah, but throwing fuel on the fire won't help things.
03:32Look, maybe you just need to see this as a wake-up call.
03:35How does that help me right now?
03:37Well, if you'd actually go see your counselor, maybe you could address some things.
03:40Like what? What do I need to address, Remy?
03:42Bree, there's a reason Dana's worried about you.
03:44But this has nothing to do with Dana.
03:45I'm going to lose my medical license because of Levi.
03:48You don't know that. Just relax.
03:49I can't relax.
03:50Remy, okay, you might be happy playing guitar for the rest of your life,
03:53but some of us have to work for our careers.
04:04Wow, you actually got my sister to help with something.
04:07What's your secret?
04:08He's paying me.
04:10I gave her a job. I hope that's cool.
04:12At least he's keeping me off the streets.
04:15I'll see you inside.
04:20I was wondering why you didn't call after your group session.
04:22Someone gave me a lift.
04:24You made a friend?
04:25Definitely not.
04:28I don't think I'm going to go back.
04:29No, no, no, no, no. You can't quit after one session.
04:32I just don't think that group is for me.
04:34Look, the only thing worse than talking about your feelings is doing it in front of strangers.
04:38Okay, well, there are other options.
04:39How would you feel about one-on-one sessions?
04:41Can we please just take half a day off from talking about it?
04:46But I'm not letting this go.
04:49Get back to work.
04:51Watch it.
05:00Hey, Doc.
05:01Alf, hey, I just got your message. Is everything alright?
05:03Yeah, well, look, the ticket seems to be going just fine, but I just got a few questions for you.
05:10Sure, how can I help?
05:12You got time for a walk?
05:15If Harper says that Perry is innocent, then he is innocent.
05:18Yeah, of course, but the poor bloke's probably freaking out.
05:21Doesn't mean it's okay to keep hiding.
05:23The sooner he comes to his senses, the better, because Tana is already in so much trouble.
05:27Tana, it will be fine. He didn't do anything wrong.
05:29Yeah, well, try telling that to your sister.
05:31Rose is just doing her job. You know this.
05:33Yes, but she should know that he knows better than to harbour a fugitive.
05:37I'll tell her.
05:38No, don't, don't, don't get involved with her. I'm serious.
05:40Well, I have to do something.
05:42If Tana goes to prison, where does that leave Harper?
05:44Yeah, alone and pregnant.
05:46Look, it's probably not even going to come to that.
05:48Well, I know, but Tana made all these promises about being there for her and the baby.
05:53And you will be.
05:57So, how's your sister taking to the bay?
06:00Oh, she's doing great. She actually got herself a little job today.
06:03Huh, good for her.
06:06Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?
06:12Actually, yeah.
06:14I was hoping you'd tell me exactly what happened at the hospital the other day.
06:20Ah. Ah, what would you like to know?
06:23Well, I've heard some stuff and I just wanted to get things straight.
06:29I reckon I've got a right to know how bad it got.
06:35Well, when you came in, you were in a pretty bad way.
06:39In a pretty bad way, but we were confident that we could get it under control.
06:42Marilyn made it sound like it was the end of the world.
06:45She's not wrong, Alf.
06:47Your condition deteriorated rapidly and that could have been avoided.
06:53Are you saying that Bree missed something?
06:55Not exactly.
06:57I'm just saying that there were things that should have been done that weren't being done.
07:03So, uh...
07:07How close was I to going down the drain?
07:11Honestly, it's a miracle that you're sitting in front of me, Alf.
07:32I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that about your career.
07:37No, you shouldn't have.
07:39You don't deserve me taking this out on you.
07:49Look, Bree, I know how hard you've worked to become a doctor.
07:53It's a big deal.
07:54Yeah, but it's not just about one job.
07:56If I lose my licence, then I'll never be able to practise medicine again. At all.
08:00If that happens, what then?
08:06Then I don't know who I am.
08:09What other than a smart, caring, slightly impudating girlfriend?
08:15Look, things aren't set in stone yet.
08:18You still have the power to fix this.
08:20Yeah, maybe I should apologise to Levi.
08:22No, no, I'd hold off on that.
08:24Let him cool down.
08:25You're right.
08:26What can I do?
08:27Well, I'm starving.
08:29We didn't get to eat at Salt.
08:31My fault.
08:32Maybe you can pick us up some food and we'll go through this when you get back.
08:56Still no word on the business loan?
08:58Not yet.
08:59The bank will go for it. Salt's got proven cash flow, strong customer support.
09:04I did some research when I was thinking of investing.
09:07Hmm. Well, let's hope the bank sees it your way.
09:11Sorry, by the way, if I came off a bit touchy about the whole you buying Salt thing.
09:15Oh, really? I mean, I didn't notice.
09:18I'm cool with it now. You've got my full support.
09:21Not that I needed it, but thank you.
09:27Where have you been? I thought maybe Bree had tracked you down.
09:30Nah, I've been with Alf.
09:32Oh, is he okay?
09:33He's fine. He just had some questions about how Bree managed his case.
09:37I'd say that's fair enough.
09:39Did you tell him the truth?
09:41Yeah. I mean, he had a right to know. I didn't feel great about it.
09:47And Bree was right. I should have just sorted this out between us privately.
09:51From what you said and from what I saw, there was no way that she was going to listen to you.
09:56Yeah, maybe not, but this isn't over yet.
09:59The tribunal wants me to give evidence against her.
10:02That's going to be fun.
10:03Levi, I know that she's your friend, but your loyalty is to your patients first, right?
11:02Oh, hi. Levi's sister, right?
11:10Dana, Abigail, Abigail, Dana.
11:13Nice to meet you.
11:14Lovely to meet you.
11:15Welcome to the surf club, I guess.
11:17Yeah, thank you. I just got the gig.
11:19Have you done the paperwork yet?
11:21Yes, I've done the paperwork. Why is everybody so worried about it?
11:24Nothing. It's just clear that Marley has spared you from a lecture from John or Alf.
11:33I've got to head home and catch up on some board orders.
11:36Wait, wait, wait. You're trusting me with all of this?
11:39That's the idea. But don't worry, you won't be on your own.
11:42If you have any questions while I'm gone, Gabby's in charge.
11:46Any questions, just ask.
11:51Well, how about we get you changed into a uniform and we can start on invoices?
11:55We're running a little behind.
11:56It sounds like you should get started on that.
11:58I'm going to take my break.
12:07All right.
12:08I've got burgers, I've got chips, all the food groups.
12:31Where are you?
12:32Just call me back and please tell me you're not doing anything stupid.
12:39One moment.
12:44I'm not here to have a go at you, I just want to talk.
12:48We tried that already, Brie.
12:55Come in.
13:04Mackenzie's not home, you're safe.
13:08Firstly, I need you to know that I understand why you reported me.
13:12Do you?
13:14You're worried about patient safety and that has always been a priority for me.
13:19All I have ever wanted to do was help people.
13:22And that is why I want to ask you to retract the report against me so that I can keep on helping people.
13:29I swear to you, it won't happen again.
13:31What won't happen again?
13:32What do you actually think happened?
13:34Things just, things just got away from me.
13:37But it was a once-off.
13:39You still can't admit that you did something wrong.
13:41Please, Levi Medicine is my life, same that it is yours.
13:44Don't punish me just to make your point.
13:46If you think this is personal, then you're wrong.
13:49Someone's life was on the line.
13:50You think that I don't know that?
13:51I know how much you care about your patients, Brie.
13:54Why are you doing this?
13:56Look, we're human, we all make mistakes.
14:01But as doctors, we have to be able to hold ourselves accountable.
14:04And you don't seem to be capable of doing that right now.
14:07Please, Levi.
14:10If you're asking me to just forget about what happened, I'm sorry.
14:15But I can't help you.
14:20I'm sorry.
14:29So the board shop, huh?
14:30I did not picture that for you.
14:32Yeah, me either.
14:33It's actually pretty chill though.
14:35And you get free board wax whenever you need it.
14:37If I ever do, sure.
14:39I mean, the main perk is you won't have to babysit me so much.
14:41Oh, that works for me.
14:44Your uniform?
14:47So, are you planning to come back to work anytime soon?
14:49I'll be there in a minute.
14:50Abigail, your break is over.
14:52Since when are you someone who cares about being late?
14:54Since that's how jobs work.
14:58You know, once for my birthday, Eden said she'd give me and all my friends makeovers.
15:04I mean, of course she'd been away on another Lyric road trip.
15:07But I mean, she promised me that she would be there.
15:09Unfortunately, somebody had other ideas.
15:13Turns out Kirby had heard about this great new bar on the way home that she just had to stop and check out.
15:17I... I don't remember that.
15:20No, of course. Well, why would you?
15:22It wasn't your birthday that got ruined.
15:24Abby, I'm sorry.
15:25I will be downstairs when I'm done checking out this great bar.
15:38Can I get another drink?
15:51Hello. You alright?
15:53Uh, staffing issues.
15:55Oh, things not working out with Abigail?
15:57Well, I can't really complain. I was pretty slack myself when I first started.
16:02Dana. Dana, hey, I'm glad I ran into you. Have you got a second for a chat?
16:06Oh, you're actually talking to me now?
16:08I thought you wanted nothing to do with me outside of the hospital.
16:11Please, it's about work.
16:13I am gonna love you and leave you.
16:18Have you been asked to give a statement about Alf's care?
16:22Alf Stewart? No, why?
16:25Well, you were there when he got brought in and you saw that I was taking care of him, didn't you?
16:29What is this about?
16:30Levi has overreacted to something that is completely benign and reported me to the board.
16:36I need you to speak on behalf of me at the tribunal.
16:38Well, I wasn't there. I left after Alf's first round of tests.
16:42Yeah, but can't you just say that everything was all good?
16:44In fact, you can explain to them how I've been really supportive and thorough with all of my patients.
16:48Free, if I'm asked to speak, I will be honest about what I've seen lately. All of it.
16:52Yeah, but I'm not asking you to lie.
16:54I think you are. You have serious problems.
16:59You have no idea what you're talking about.
17:07What are you doing? Dinner's almost ready.
17:10No, I was just double checking a few things before the tribunal.
17:13Oh. Marley, I'm making dinner if you want to join.
17:17No, thanks. I've still got one more board to shape.
17:20I've got to head back into the club. I promised Abi a lift home.
17:24Yeah, about that, you might want to keep an eye on your employees.
17:28Well, they don't seem to be getting on that well.
17:30Yeah, I'm on it.
17:34My loan's been approved.
17:37That's great, Mackenzie. Congratulations.
17:40Oh! That means I'm going to be the sole owner of Salt.
17:45I can't believe this is still going on.
17:47The search for 18-year-old Perry Hayes continues.
17:50Oh no, it must be going out of his mind.
17:52Police are asking anyone who has information regarding Hayes' whereabouts
17:55to contact Yabby Creek Police Station or Crime Stoppers.
18:03Wow. Still here? What time does this place actually close?
18:08When the work is done.
18:13Do you actually want this job?
18:15Yeah. Well, at least I thought I did.
18:18Okay, then we need to clear the air.
18:21Or you could just show me these invoices.
18:28Ria, don't call him.
18:29I know, I know. I'm sorry.
18:31How many times are we going to do this?
18:33Do what?
18:34This. You say you're going to do something and you go and do something else.
18:37At first it was a counsellor, and now what? You're bolting when I turn my back?
18:40Guess I'm unreliable.
18:41What did you do this time?
18:42Nothing dangerous.
18:43What does that mean?
18:44It means that I don't need another person telling me what a mess I am.
18:48Oh, so here I am thinking that I was helpful.
18:51I don't need your help, Remy.
18:52Alright, can you just give me some space?
18:59What did you say?
19:00You heard.
19:04Ren, just wait!
19:11Whatever it was, I'm sure it was his fault.
19:23Did Bree really ask you to speak for her?
19:25Yeah, like the last few weeks it never happened.
19:28And she was really full on about it as well.
19:30Sorry, I'm being harsh. I know she's your friend.
19:33No, no, I'm with you.
19:34She shouldn't be putting that kind of pressure on you.
19:36No, it sucks.
19:38She's a good doctor, but I don't trust her right now.
19:40I'll try and talk to her.
19:43I only handle so many crises at a time.
19:46I'm guessing you haven't heard from Harper then?
19:48No, except for the fact that she can't find Perry.
19:50And I keep telling her to take it easy.
19:52But she's just as stubborn as you.
19:59I just want to know how I can help.
20:07I'm off.
20:08Wait a minute.
20:09What do you want now?
20:10Shop's closed. I did everything that you asked.
20:12Whoa! This isn't about that.
20:15I'll take shorter breaks.
20:16This is about your attitude to Remy before.
20:19That's none of your business.
20:20It is my business when you're here.
20:22Abigail, I don't care if you don't like me, or him, or anyone else for that matter.
20:27But when you're here, you need to keep it to yourself.
20:29You're not in charge of me. You know that, right?
20:31You don't own this place.
20:32No, but I do.
20:36What's going on?
20:37I was just telling Abigail that if she wants to come back tomorrow,
20:41she needs to leave the Attitude at home.
20:46I'll be in the car.
20:55No, I haven't seen Perry.
20:56So you guys are coming in?
21:00Thanks again for letting me stay.
21:01No worries.
21:02But I'm not sure how much longer we can keep this up.
21:04What's going to happen to Perry if he doesn't show up soon?
21:06Well, the longer he's in hiding, the more guilty he looks.
21:09I just hope he hands himself in before things get any worse.
21:14The autopsy report just came in.
21:17It cast doubt on the claim that Perry was acting in self-defense.