
  • last month


00:00Hello, the Elvis Presley of Puzzle Setters.
00:03Where's James?
00:04That's away. He's working a case.
00:06Your brother spent day in and day out at some grisly murder scene or other
00:10until three nights ago when he didn't come home at all.
00:13I can't access his office.
00:15In fact, the only person that can is James
00:17or somebody who looks remarkably like him.
00:22I've met most of his colleagues.
00:25I can brief you on all of them,
00:26certainly enough to get you through a piddly little visit to the office.
00:29I mean, I've no clue who this chap is.
00:31That's Chief Constable Ziegler.
00:33James has a completely different partner from the one you told me about.
00:36One that sat waiting for me to go and look at a dead solicitor with him.
00:40We have seven subjects, or suspects.
00:43It's a logic puzzle.
00:44Bit awkward, really. I think I might just have solved a murder.
00:47Do you think you've...
00:49Looks like a cipher.
00:51He was obviously using this to take notes about whatever he was investigating.
00:54What does it mean?
00:55Well, I haven't actually been able to solve it. I'll start tomorrow.
00:58So you're going back in there?
00:59It's a puzzle. Puzzles are meant to be solved.
02:40Oh, it's the photo from James's phone.
02:42How did you get that?
02:43I had Henry print it out for me this morning.
02:46Hmm, at least he's still talking to you.
02:50How are you getting on?
02:52I'm not seeing a pattern.
02:55Which means it almost certainly requires a source key to crack it.
03:00Some kind of book or something he used to code it,
03:03which I'm not seeing.
03:06Some kind of book or something he used to code it,
03:09which is why I've been going through all his other stuff.
03:12But so far, nothing fit.
03:14Do you know, I'm not in his address book.
03:17You still live in the same house he grew up in.
03:19I'm sure he remembers the address.
03:26Why do you think he does this?
03:28Covering notebooks in wallpaper?
03:30I just presume that was a hangover from your posh school. Do you not do that?
03:33No, I don't. Never even made sense to me back then.
03:36Wallpaper goes on walls. The clue's in the name.
03:42I'm going to have to go in soon.
03:45Oh, it'll be fine. You were okay yesterday, weren't you?
03:47No! I nearly had a breakdown!
03:50But aside from that, you were fine.
03:52At least we have some new leads to pursue now.
03:55Like why was James taking covert surveillance photos of his own chief constable?
04:00You need to find out what case he was working on when he vanished.
04:04It must all be connected.
04:06But how do I do that? I can't just ask.
04:08I'm supposed to be James. James would know full well what case he was working on.
04:13Just ask subtly then. Slip it into casual conversation.
04:16Check his computer.
04:18John, you are the only person that can do this.
04:20Just focus and no more distraction.
04:24That wasn't a distraction. It was a murder.
04:27What if there's another one today?
04:29How often do people get murdered around here?
04:31John, you're not attending another crime scene. This time you say no. Tell them you're busy.
04:34But what if they counter that with busy doing what?
04:39Just use the phrase mountain of. You've seen the crime shows.
04:43Gosh, it's practically their mantra.
04:45I'll take this. Have a crack at it.
04:48There's hardly any chance of you solving it, is there?
04:50Excuse me?
04:51No, it just...
04:53It needs a source key and if it's not here, it's probably at the station, so...
04:58Do you know, James didn't trust me, which is why we're in this mess.
05:01I didn't drag you halfway down the country for you to do the same.
05:04Don't James me, John.
05:07I never James you, Lucy.
05:12Find out what case he was working on.
05:15Do you know, pop your lenses in because you know it takes you 25 minutes.
05:20Right, yes.
05:21I mean, if you have to have these.
05:26That mountain of paperwork.
05:29That's the one. It'll work a treat.
06:03Oh, hi, James. I've been...
06:05I've been...
06:21Quite right.
06:23Do you see our tainer?
06:25Oh, hello.
06:33So, how are things working out with your new deal?
06:36Oh, you know.
06:53Door's closing.
06:57Given everything that happened,
06:59I was expecting a slightly more detailed response to my question than fine.
07:04Right, yes, of course.
07:07It's great. Really, really great.
07:09And you can drop the sarcasm.
07:10I wasn't being...
07:11I didn't want to see DI Neville transferred any more than you did.
07:16But after all that Sinclair business, there was no other option.
07:20It was you or him.
07:23You do know that?
07:26Yes, of course.
07:28Stands to reason.
07:29Especially after all that Sinclair business, as you say.
07:34DI Carter came highly...
07:38And I mean highly recommended.
07:45I just hope we can get back to normal now.
07:48That would be nice.
07:50I'm not...
08:28Morning, Guv.
08:30Oh, her, yeah. Miss in person sent her up.
08:32I'm not sure why yet.
08:33Because she insisted.
08:35Despite there being nothing to substantiate foul play, they sent her up anyway.
08:39Feels like a fob off to me.
08:42You all right, Guv?
08:44Oh, er, yes, thank you.
08:47I've got a mountain of paperwork.
08:49Oh, I hear that.
08:50It never stops.
09:2722nd of the second.
09:30The day James vanished.
10:21Authorisation code.
10:32Now, this is DI Ashley. She's going to deal with you, OK?
10:35Please let him.
10:47Oh, sorry.
10:58Morning, Guv.
11:03It's a woman whose husband didn't come home from some work team-building retreat thingy
11:07despite apparently checking out last night.
11:11I took all the details down, but if you ask me,
11:13he'll probably rock up later today with a bad hangover and lipstick on his collar.
11:17She looked very distressed.
11:20Yeah, well, she got this weird cryptic phone call from him last night,
11:23which is the only reason missing persons were able to pass it on.
11:35Well, I'll, er, leave you to it.
12:09Sorry, but cryptic how?
12:14It's just a team-building residential.
12:16Boss leaves early, they keep going without him.
12:19So what is this exactly, a hunch?
12:21He calls her up in the middle of the night.
12:23Tells her they're leaving.
12:25Doesn't say where, doesn't say why.
12:27Then rings off and never shows up.
12:30Don't you want to know what happened?
12:32It's just not the normal lead-in to an investigation, that's all.
12:35And I don't know about you, but I left quite the mountain of paperwork back there.
12:39Tell me about it.
12:41Tell me about it.
12:51I mean, I'm still dotting the I's and crossing the T's on that whole Sinclair business, so...
13:01The what?
13:03The what business?
13:06Oh, doesn't matter.
13:31We're looking for a Mr Peter Williams.
13:34Mr Williams? Yes, the entrepreneur.
13:38He arranged a team-bonding exercise, but he checked out last night.
13:43The rest of his party are still here.
13:45He did book the place for a week, I made it very clear.
13:48There were no refunds.
13:51Quite right.
13:53Do you happen to know what time he left?
13:58He left me his business card.
14:00I shoved it in here somewhere.
14:02Hang on.
14:04This used to be the kitchen.
14:06This used to be a lot of things, Detective.
14:09Now, I live in the guest house and the guests live in mine.
14:12C'est la vie.
14:14Wait, you own this place?
14:16I'm Lady Bryce, yes.
14:19Sorry, I...
14:20I always thought these stately homes were run by the National Trust now.
14:25Not this one.
14:29May I ask what this is all about, Detective?
14:34Has he done something wrong?
14:36No. No, no, no. Not at all.
14:38He's completely vanished after making an alarmingly cryptic phone call to his wife,
14:42leaving her with no idea where he is or what's happened.
14:47Well, there is that.
14:52Do you think we could have a word with these colleagues?
14:55I believe they're in the dining room.
14:57Work is a scary word.
14:59Team isn't.
15:01So what is teamwork?
15:05Half as scary.
15:07Sorry to interrupt. Police. We need to talk to you about Mr Williams.
15:10Peter? Why? What's he done?
15:12Nothing as far as we're aware, but he didn't get home last night and his wife's concerned.
15:16Well, and that warrants two plain-clothes detectives, doesn't it?
15:18What can I say? Slow morning.
15:20So, when did you all see him last?
15:23Oh, I'm not actually staying here.
15:25Peter hired him. He's the one running the... workshop.
15:29Yeah, Ross Barkley. Motivational speaker. Nice to meet you.
15:32Excuse me, this isn't true.
15:35What isn't true?
15:36Only a team can win a championship.
15:40Yes, it is.
15:41No, it isn't. What about Garry Kasparov?
15:47Sorry, but do you think we should be worried here?
15:49I mean, do you think something's happened to him?
15:51It's fine, honestly. We're really just covering all bases.
15:54When did you see him last?
15:56He came down from his room just as we were heading to dinner.
15:59Said he wasn't feeling very well and that he was heading home.
16:02And that would have been around seven, would it?
16:05Yeah, I think so.
16:06But did any of you actually see him leave?
16:09Well, we didn't exactly wave him off or anything, but his car's gone and he weren't at breakfast, so...
16:14Right then, thank you all for your time.
16:16Yep, Garry Kasparov, chess player. Very clever.
16:19Well, it takes two to play a game of chess, so technically still a team.
16:24No, it isn't.
16:25Yes, it is.
16:26No, it isn't.
16:27Yes, it is. It's always been a team, OK? Always been a team.
16:29They're against each other.
16:30No, no, no.
16:31They're not on the same...
16:32No, it's always been a team. It's always been a team. Always been a team.
16:36No, it isn't.
16:37Again, thank you all for your time.
16:38No, no, no.
16:40They're working together to defeat one another.
16:42It's always a team, OK? OK?
16:44So, guys, as I was saying, team.
16:47I mean, he'd hardly be the first suit and tie to pull a Houdini, would he?
16:51This thing has mid-life crisis written all over it.
16:54The phone call, and none of them actually saw him leave.
16:58Well, he isn't here.
17:00Well, unless he's hiding under the desk, so I don't think...
17:43Can I help you?
17:46You interested?
17:48In what?
17:50Oh, no, I'm... Sorry, I'm looking for Matt Neville.
17:53He lives here?
17:54He did. Paid his rent off in full. Moved out a month ago.
17:57But all his things are still here.
17:59Yeah, they are.
18:00If you do find him, you can tell him he's got three weeks before it all goes to auction.
18:04Do you have a forwarding address or a telephone number?
18:07No, I haven't.
18:08But I'll tell you what I've told the others.
18:10I got the keys for the post, I checked for the rent, and that was it. He was gone.
18:14Others? What others? Who else is looking for him?
18:17Sorry, who are you exactly?
18:20I am a private detective.
18:23No, you're not.
18:24All right, I'm his sister.
18:26Fine, fine. We're having an affair.
18:29Does it matter? I just need to find him.
18:32Look, whatever this is, I can't help you, all right?
18:36These others, what did they look like?
18:39Policemen? Very tall policemen?
18:43No videos, just time-lapse stills.
18:47What time did you say he checked out again?
18:507.02, 7.04, 7.00.
18:56There he is.
18:59And there he goes. Happy?
19:02That seems to be it. It's empty till nine, and then the woman comes back.
19:07Why does it do that?
19:08Happens every night, we've checked.
19:10She probably unplugs everything she owns before she goes to bed.
19:14My mum does the same, actually.
19:18It's annoying.
19:19Make the one before that one go back on the screen again.
19:22What do you mean, click back?
19:24Yes, click back.
19:29I don't know.
19:30I don't know.
19:31I don't know.
19:32I don't know.
19:33I don't know.
19:34I don't know.
19:36Now click forward.
19:40Now click back.
19:42Now click forward.
19:44Actually, do you know what?
19:45Why don't you sit here and click back and forth
19:47while I go and put my Masters in Computer Science to slightly more practical use?
19:57OK, so his company, Cambridge Luxury Wellness,
20:01basically just sells exclusive memberships to a luxury spa retreat,
20:04only it doesn't exist yet.
20:06There's nothing but artist impressions on the website,
20:08and it looks like it's the advanced member fees
20:10that are supposed to finance its construction,
20:12none of which is evidence of foul play.
20:14Sorry, what would be?
20:15Oh, gosh, I don't know, Simon.
20:17How about a dead body?
20:19That's usually a good place to start.
20:21This wasn't his first rodeo, either.
20:23This time last year, he had a professional music festival
20:25that he was selling tickets to,
20:27and that collapsed under the weight of his own ambition.
20:29In fact, this is his fourth business in six years.
20:31They pop up, they go under, he forms another.
20:34I suppose that's one way to stay ahead of the creditors.
20:37And another would be to pull a midnight flip.
20:39And pound to a penny, it's not the first time he's done one of those, either.
20:43So what do you say, Gav, can we kick the can back on this one, or what?
20:50Something's different.
21:07So let me get this straight in my head.
21:10Not only do you not actively avoid attending another crime scene,
21:13you actually insist on it.
21:15Well, technically, it wasn't...
21:17No, no, wait, because this is the best bit.
21:19You then return to the station,
21:21the whole department tells you to drop it,
21:23literally letting you off the hook.
21:25And what do you say? You say no.
21:27Yes, because something is very, very wrong here,
21:30and you don't want to see it.
21:31Look, I'll show you.
21:33I had them print out the photos.
21:36Last night, this morning.
21:41Something's changed.
21:44I don't know.
21:45John, you were supposed to be looking into James' last case today,
21:48find out what this Ziegler chap,
21:50what's he got to do with anything?
21:51I found out more than you today.
21:53What do you mean?
21:55Well, I went to see D.I. Neville.
21:57You did what?
21:58God, all incredulous.
21:59We need answers, and we need them now.
22:02He could have given us them.
22:04Anyway, if it makes you feel any better,
22:06he's gone, vanished, just like James.
22:08That doesn't make me feel better at all!
22:10Yes, well, I'm not exactly cock-a-hoop about it.
22:13Have you really got nothing new to report?
22:15Nothing at all?
22:18I don't know.
22:19I mean, maybe.
22:25Has James ever mentioned the name Sinclair to you?
22:34No, I don't think so.
22:37Then, no, I haven't.
22:46Lucy, don't.
22:48A woman's husband is missing.
22:51My husband is missing.
23:03She even looked like you.
23:05What, stylish, attractive and approachable?
23:16Yes, well, she's not the only one.
23:32Henry, I should have told you everything from the start.
23:35I was wrong.
23:36I'm sorry.
23:42Listen, we will find Dad, I promise you.
23:46Do you know your Uncle John is the most brilliant person I've ever known?
23:52There's nothing he can't do.
23:56Actually, that's a lie.
23:57There's quite a lot of things he can't do.
23:59But he can do this.
24:01We will do this.
24:06Did you even read the letter he wrote?
24:10A hundred times.
24:12He was talking like he thought someone was coming after him.
24:21What if...
24:25they found him first?
24:33I mean, what if he's...
24:34He's not dead.
24:37How do you know?
24:41Because he's my husband and my soulmate.
24:46And I would know.
24:47I would feel it.
24:50I would feel it in the core of my bones.
24:53I would know.
24:56He's not.
25:02You promise?
25:04I promise.
25:26You're up early.
25:27I couldn't sleep.
25:29You know he has a wife?
25:30D.I. Neville.
25:32Which means she's gone too.
25:33Which means, unlike my husband, he actually told her what's going on.
25:37That's certainly one possibility.
25:41Well, I'm taking this notebook today.
25:43No ifs, no buts.
25:44Yes, but...
25:46I mean, sure.
25:50There it is.
25:52I was looking for this last night.
25:54What, the address book?
25:58James made a telephone call from his computer the day he vanished.
26:01I was hoping the number might be in here somewhere.
26:04John, you said we had no new leads at all.
26:06Do you think this is a lead?
26:08I wasn't sure.
26:09I didn't want to give you false hope.
26:11I love false hope!
26:14Why would anyone...
26:15Have you rung it?
26:16Well, no.
26:17Why not?
26:19Someone might answer.
26:22Give me the number.
26:23The number?
26:27Oh, goodness me.
26:28Oh, goodness me.
26:29Get it here.
26:30Goodness me.
26:31Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
26:34It's hardly the first time I've given you an arm lock.
26:37Technically, this isn't an arm lock, but...
26:42It's ringing.
26:50It's a fax machine.
26:55Who would James know that still owns a fax machine?
27:10DCI Taylor.
27:12Good morning.
27:13Oh, hello.
27:15Team reviews this month, isn't it?
27:17That's this month, is it?
27:19Seems to get earlier and earlier each year.
27:23And when I say year, I do, of course, mean quarter.
27:28I'm hoping your new report will be as favourable as the last one,
27:32despite the recent changes to your team.
27:34Well, you know what they say.
27:36An individual may win a game, but only a team can win a championship.
27:44Yes, that's very true.
27:51Morning, Gov.
27:52We found the car.
27:55Oh, good.
27:56Well done.
27:57Which car?
27:58Sir, are you aware that you've parked outside the lines just now?
28:01Oh, yes.
28:02Well, they're really just a guide, aren't they?
28:05No, sir.
28:06They're not.
28:07Yeah, no.
28:08It was Mr Williams' car, we found.
28:09Abandoned at Hutley, east coast, about a two-hour drive.
28:12Notorious suicide hotspot.
28:13We're heading there now.
28:16Am I supposed to come with you?
28:18Not that I'm aware.
28:20I think the superintendent wants to see you, actually.
28:23Does she?
28:26Can I come with you?
28:44Oh, there you are, DCI Taylor.
28:48Do sit.
28:52D.I. Carter's just been explaining your impromptu investigation over at Bryce Manor yesterday.
29:04The fact that your hunch was correct.
29:09Those employees we met, they had to buy into their jobs, 500 quid each,
29:13all under the promise of a steady wage and a supposed percentage of profits down the line.
29:18It was all a con.
29:20Soft marks, selling high-priced membership to something that was never actually going to exist.
29:24There's only so many times you can do this sort of thing before you start flagging up on every system going.
29:29Our Mr Williams was declared bankrupt the day he disappeared.
29:32Assets were frozen, company was liquidated and an investigation was opened.
29:37Do you think his wife knew?
29:39No, but she was going to find out pretty soon.
29:43As were his current employees and all of his previous marks.
29:46The jig was up and he knew it.
29:49His car was found parked near a cliff this morning.
29:51Sergeant Finch and Constable Evans are on their way now to check it out.
29:54Where they'll doubtless find a note explaining it all.
29:57But none of this makes any sense.
30:00Excuse me, do you see our tailor?
30:02Why would you make an urgent phone call to your wife, tell her to pack all the cases and then go and jump off a cliff?
30:09No, I don't think so. We need to go back and talk to the team again.
30:13Especially now we have a motive.
30:15A motive for what?
30:17Well, murder.
30:26Thanks for that.
30:28I sense you're not wholly convinced.
30:31Investigating a murder where there's no evidence of a murder, I'll be honest Gav, not wholly.
30:39But I'll back you all the way.
30:40You will?
30:42Of course.
30:49Remember that case I mentioned the other day?
30:53Hey, I'm just on my way out, I'll give you a call back.
31:00Er, nice.
31:04Sorry, what were you saying about a case?
31:07Wasn't important.
31:10This can't be happening.
31:12I had to beg, borrow and plead to get my estate for this.
31:14Friends, family, I don't have that kind of money.
31:16You think we do?
31:18You think anyone applying to a job ad, sell a tape to a lamppost, there's a spare 500 quid knocking the bell?
31:23Can we get it back?
31:24I'm afraid we can't answer that at the moment.
31:26Our priority is locating Mr Williams.
31:28Yeah, good luck with that, he's probably fled the country.
31:30I'm afraid we can't answer that at the moment.
31:32Our priority is locating Mr Williams.
31:34Yeah, good luck with that, he's probably fled the country.
31:36Our priority is locating Mr Williams.
31:38Yeah, good luck with that, he's probably fled the country by now.
31:42Excuse me?
31:43Oh, here we go.
31:44I suppose you're going to tell me that this isn't true either.
31:46Well, obviously it's not.
31:49OK, can you think of a single situation where people have worked together and achieved less?
31:57This one?
31:59I truly believe that we can find a teachable moment within all of this, all of us.
32:07Will you just shut up?
32:09So, it was all a con? Even this?
32:12Mr Barkley, have you actually been paid for this gig?
32:16I don't work for free, detective.
32:18Well, unless you've been paid in advance, I'm afraid that's actually what you've been doing.
32:25Welcome to the club.
32:26Right, forget this, I'm going home.
32:28Sorry, but I don't think you can leave.
32:31None of you can, I don't think.
32:35Can they?
32:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you mean? Why can't we leave?
32:38Well, because you're all suspects.
32:41Aren't they?
32:49Just tell me what you want to know.
32:51Well, you can start with the last time you saw him.
32:53Like I told you before, at dinner.
32:56We were all sat around, waiting for the old girl to come and serve up.
33:00Good old Peter was the last one down.
33:04Peter, what is it? What's wrong?
33:07I think it's best if I go.
33:11He said he felt sick.
33:13And that he was going home, and that was it.
33:18The rest of us had dinner, then just went to our rooms.
33:20And none of you left the dining room at any point?
33:23Not even for a mid-meal bathroom break?
33:26A what?
33:27A mid-meal bathroom break. I'm pretty sure that's a thing.
33:31No, none of us had a mid-meal bathroom break.
33:34None of us left the room once, and by the time we did, he was gone.
33:38If he was feeling so unwell, how come none of you offered to drive him home?
33:42I don't think anyone wanted to miss dinner.
33:45I wasn't here, OK? I was at home.
33:48I don't even know what I'm being questioned about.
33:51I just really wanted to ask you what your credentials are.
33:57Have you heard of the University of Life, Detective?
34:00I have, actually, yes.
34:04No credentials.
34:06No, I don't need to take this.
34:16I mean, it's not like any of us knew him, or each other.
34:20We only met a week ago when we turned up for the job.
34:24Some bloody porter cabin in the middle of a car park.
34:27It was a job.
34:29They don't come that easy for some of us, you know?
34:32You said the ad was sellotape to a lamppost.
34:36Where exactly was this?
34:39Duke's tree.
34:41By the probation officers?
34:42Right outside.
34:45He knew who to target.
34:50You're a thief.
34:51I'm a woman on universal credit who some weeks can barely afford to feed herself.
34:56That's what I am, Detective.
35:03Destruction of property and assault.
35:05Property being my ex-wife's lover's front door, assault being his chin.
35:10Not worth it.
35:12Reckless driving.
35:14I was drinking the night before, I was still just over the limit,
35:17and a guy on a motorcycle came out of nowhere.
35:20There was no avoiding him.
35:21Was he...?
35:24There were no cameras, it was my word against nobody.
35:28I got two years, served eight months.
35:31I've been trying to pick up the pieces of my life ever since.
35:35Now here I am, jobless again, broke again,
35:39and being interrogated for being the victim of a fraudster.
35:44Anything else you want to ask?
35:46Yes, do you think you could take a quick look at this photo?
35:49I think we're done here, Gov, don't you?
35:57They're all criminals.
35:59Even the trainer.
36:01Sparkly isn't a criminal, Gov.
36:03Isn't he?
36:04He's charging £30 an hour to basically misquote Aesop.
36:08Well, as chequered as their past may be,
36:11the fact remains that their statements all match,
36:14tallying with that of Lady Bryce and the recording on the camera.
36:17Gov, sometimes the simplest explanation is simple for a reason.
36:21Why would someone clean one urn and not the other?
36:27I've absolutely no idea, Gov.
36:30Do you hear anything of what I just...
36:36Where's the vehicle, sir?
36:37Tell me if I've had a note.
36:38No note, sir. No nothing.
36:40Keys in the ignition, bag in the back.
36:42It's a classic abandoned car in a clifftop scenario.
36:44Oh, I think I see a shoe!
36:46Oh, hang on, Constable Evans thinks he can see your shoe.
36:48Oh, no, it just flew off.
36:52There's a negative in the shoe, sir.
36:56See you back at the station.
37:01That was Sergeant Finch.
37:03No note, I presume?
37:05No note.
37:08Great. A little arm round the waist?
37:10Cheesy grins?
37:36OK, surely we have enough to call it now, sir?
37:38You'd have thought so, wouldn't you?
37:40The cup of pens?
37:42They've certainly moved, but no.
37:45How close!
37:46They've certainly changed, but no.
37:51Spot the difference should never be this hard.
37:53They're basically an entry-level puzzle.
37:55This is very frustrating.
37:58Sir, your wife is downstairs.
38:00I shouldn't have thought so, no.
38:04Is there any reason why your wife wouldn't be downstairs, girl?
38:07I suppose not.
38:10Perhaps my wife is downstairs.
38:16What are you doing here?
38:18Don't hiss at me. You look suspicious.
38:20You sound like I brought you a packed lunch or something.
38:24No, I haven't actually brought you a packed lunch.
38:26Well, how's that going to work, then?
38:28Just smile at me like a loving husband.
38:30I've got something to show you.
38:32Not that. Don't do that. Don't smile like that.
38:34Are you Little Faith?
38:36You've cracked the code?
38:38Oh, no.
38:39I was going to say.
38:40Yes, all right, all right. You've made your thoughts very clear on that.
38:43As it happens, I've found something else just as important.
38:46Look! The first page has been torn out.
38:49Ah, yes. Good work.
38:51No, that's not what's important, John.
38:54I did that thing.
38:57That thing that they do in the films.
38:59Which film?
39:00That pencil-rubby thing.
39:02Look at this. Sinclair.
39:06Then there's some other bits and bobs which didn't come out so well.
39:08Then look at the bottom.
39:10Sieg ah.
39:12Chief Constable Siegler.
39:14There's some numbers after it.
39:16I think this is some phone scribbles.
39:19He was on a call to someone.
39:21He's writing Sinclair. He's writing Siegler.
39:23It's got to mean something, hasn't it?
39:25If those numbers underneath do what I think they do,
39:27this could just mean everything.
39:29Really? I knew it.
39:31I knew I was good at this.
39:33Up top.
39:37I'd better go.
39:41Thanks for the packed lunch.
40:06You're welcome.
40:59We've been through all the bank statements.
41:01We can't find anything that differs from the story.
41:04What did Holly's team get? What did they find?
41:16There's nothing in that card.
41:18But nothing. Absolutely nothing.
41:20Zilch. Zilch.
41:22Oh, what's that, sir?
41:24Something to do with the case?
41:26Oh, team reviews.
41:28Which, as we all know, are due this month.
41:30So that makes sense that I'd be printing it.
42:01Something to do with the bounce?
42:03I mean, why do they even have belts?
42:05Used to be a kitchen. Can I just...?
42:08No, that wouldn't mean...
42:11Which doesn't make sense.
42:17Are those the bank statements?
42:19Can I see them again, please?
42:23No outgoing amount at all. Not a single penny.
42:26OK, so what?
42:28So I thought Lady Bryce said he paid in advance.
42:30Maybe he paid cash.
42:32Paying in any form isn't exactly his forte.
42:36This only goes back two months.
42:38Yes, that's when he registered the business.
42:40Would you mind going back a bit further?
42:42A year ought to do it.
42:44And would you mind seeing if all the telemarketers,
42:47everyone, can join us back at Bryce Manor?
42:52Because I already know exactly what's going to be on that statement.
42:56And where to find Mr Williams.
43:02Oh, here you are again.
43:04Well, of course you are.
43:06I can't remember a time when you weren't here.
43:08See? It wasn't anything in the room that changed.
43:11It was the room itself.
43:13The wallpaper has shifted.
43:15Only marginally less than a centimetre, but it's shifted.
43:18See the pattern?
43:20Honestly, no.
43:22Well, trust me, it's shifted.
43:24Excuse me, you can't...
43:26This is a... Yes, this is a partition wall.
43:29This section of wallpaper has been stripped and reapplied,
43:32except you didn't quite line it up again properly afterwards.
43:35I have no idea what you're talking about.
43:37This whole section of wall will have to be cut out.
43:40And what if I say no?
43:42You'd be rather pointlessly delaying the inevitable, I suppose.
44:00A door. A pantry.
44:02Blocked off very cheaply, but surprisingly effectively,
44:06back whenever this became the reception.
44:09And behind which is either coincidental evidence
44:12of a completely unconnected crime we know absolutely nothing about,
44:16or the dead body of Peter Williams.
44:25Oh, my God! Mmm.
44:37Looks like it's option B.
44:46Look, what exactly are we all doing here?
44:50We're investigating a murder, Mr Barkley.
44:53We found the body.
44:55He's dead? Oh, God.
44:57Poor Peter. Oh, my God.
44:59Peterling! Oh, God.
45:01Oh, lads.
45:03Is he all right?
45:05Oh. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
45:07Poor Peter.
45:09That is awful. That is really...
45:15You were a silent partner,
45:17one who'd bought in for a lot more than £500.
45:20Ten grand transferred from your account to his eight months ago.
45:23Bryce Manor was supposed to be the location
45:25of this fantasy spa of his, wasn't it?
45:28At least, that's what he told you.
45:31He came here with his wife about a year ago.
45:36Talked to me a lot about the place.
45:38Then he came back a few months later
45:41with a zero-risk investment opportunity.
45:46Here's the words.
45:49That £10,000 was the last of my savings.
45:53Though a spa and wellness retreat
45:56with an exclusive high-paying membership
45:59would certainly have turned those fortunes around for you.
46:02If it had been real, of course.
46:06I'm not a stupid woman, Detective.
46:09But desperation and naivety go hand in hand.
46:13I wanted my home back.
46:15So I believed him.
46:18Camilla Bryce, I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.
46:21You do not have to say anything.
46:23Anything you do say might be held against you.
46:25Oh, what? I doubt she killed him.
46:28Well, I mean, she could hardly have done all that by herself, could she?
46:31It took two officers just to remove the panel from the wall just now.
46:35Right. OK, but you just said...
46:38I mean, you should probably arrest her anyway.
46:41If that's OK.
46:43If that's OK.
46:45But it's very unlikely she was the killer.
46:48Who is, then?
46:55Not sure.
46:58Does anyone want to confess?
47:06Fair enough.
47:08Probably doesn't matter.
47:10You were all involved.
47:12I'm sure I can make a fairly educated guess at a sequence of events
47:16based on simple deduction and reasoning.
47:19I mean, I did it before, so...
47:22OK, here we go.
47:24One of you found out about the collapse of this so-called company
47:28you'd all been cajoled into contributing to,
47:31presumably confronted him.
47:33Look at this.
47:35He's had five failed businesses.
47:43He panics, of course.
47:45I imagine it came as just as much a surprise to him as it did to you.
47:50But by this point, you'd all learned about it.
47:57We do know he checked out, we saw that,
48:00but clearly he didn't get very far.
48:17Did you attack him deliberately, or was it some kind of accident?
48:28It was a bit of both.
48:41It was a bit of both.
49:07You found him with the body?
49:10I was supposed to be serving dinner.
49:12They weren't there.
49:23It was... It was an accident. He...
49:26He stole from us!
49:28He stole from you?
49:36You were all victims.
49:38Or at least saw yourselves as such.
49:41He should have been going to prison, shouldn't he?
49:44Why should any of you?
49:48Quite. We should get him inside.
49:51After that, it was a case of turning off that camera in there,
49:56which apparently just involves unplugging the reception computer.
49:59Something it seems you do every night anyway,
50:02so it was very unlikely to raise suspicion.
50:05And then getting to work.
50:07Removing the section of wall, moving the body,
50:11and replacing the wall panel and paper.
50:14Fortunately for us, not quite as accurately as you should have done.
50:19All that was left then was a simple four-hour round trip
50:23to a notorious suicide hotspot,
50:26which, depressingly, one of you knew about.
50:32And it was as if he'd never even been here,
50:35despite, as my initial hunch suggested,
50:40having never actually left.
50:48Sir, what about Mr Barkley?
50:54I don't actually know what he's doing here.
50:56Oh, you just said to bring everyone, Gov, so...
50:58I didn't mean him. He's got nothing to do with it.
51:01I doubt he's got any idea what's even happening right now.
51:04No, yes. Yes, I do.
51:08I mean...
51:10sounds like they've...
51:12worked as a team.
51:17You must be very proud.
51:24Just arrest them.
51:38I've got to be honest, Gov, you had me worried for a bit there.
51:41Standing, watching our police officers
51:44ripping the walls from a listed building,
51:47did feel a tad career-ending.
51:54I've never been so relieved to see a corpse in my life.
51:57What if we stopped?
52:00Whose house is this?
52:11Mrs Williams. Mind if we come inside?
52:39It never gets any easier.
52:44You still remember your first one?
52:48As if it was today.
53:11Oh, there you are. How did it...?
53:13Oh, dear. Are you OK?
53:16James didn't just vanish.
53:18He left breadcrumbs,
53:21coded messages, a puzzle.
53:24His disappearance was prepared in advance by him.
53:30My brother isn't dead.
53:32Yes, I know that.
53:34You hope it. I know it.
53:36No, John, you hope it. I know it.
53:42The Sinclair case is...
53:45Roger Sinclair, single man,
53:47disturbed a burglar who then killed him
53:50in a panic of self-preservation.
53:52And that's it. That's the whole thing.
53:54They got the guy, case closed.
53:56James didn't even seem to be involved in it.
53:59So why is that name being scribbled in notebooks,
54:02whispered by superintendents,
54:05and hidden behind passwords?
54:07It says here he's a blogger. Have you Googled him?
54:10I think we both know the answer to that question, don't we?
54:14We need to trace this fax number.
54:16What fax number?
54:18Goodness me, what is? Like a bat.
54:21Apparently Dad sent a fax on the day he...
54:24You know, goodness knows who did.
54:26I don't know anybody who still has a fax machine.
54:28What, apart from us, you mean?
54:32Dad's got one. It's bottled up in his office.
54:35What? He's still got that?
54:43Can you fax yourself?
54:46There's not much about Sinclair online.
54:49Well, if he did have a blog, he's taken it down.
54:52There's only one mention of his death, local newspaper.
54:56Er, nothing here that's not in the report.
55:02Make that picture come back up the screen again.
55:05You mean scroll down? Yes, scroll down.
55:10OK, well, that one was certainly easier to match than a wallpaper pattern.
55:15It's the same house. Yes, it is.
55:17I've got it working.
55:19What have you got? Let me see.
55:22Oh, it's just another copy of the Sinclair crime scene report.
55:25No, something's changed.
55:28Oh, don't start all this again.
55:30But it has.
55:32Look, it's dated a day earlier.
55:34James is down as lead detective.
55:36There's no mention of a break-in or burglary
55:39and he describes the murder as appearing professional.
55:43It's official. Superintendent Shaw signed it off, see?
55:47Then 24 hours later, a completely different report,
55:50a completely different detective,
55:52suddenly there was a break-in, there was a burglary,
55:55there's even an arrest.
55:57And look who signed off this one.
56:02Chief Constable Ziegler.
56:04Do we know anything about this guy? Not yet.
56:07But there's one thing I know for certain.
56:11It's definitely not D.I. Carter's niece.
56:25How was your day?
56:27Someone murdered a tour guide in a church.
56:30I meant, how was your day in terms of our investigation?
56:33Yes, sorry, well, I've actually been looking over the original crime scene report.
56:37What we're supposed to do today is get closer to D.I. Carter.
56:40What we need is personal information.
56:42Do you follow football at all?
56:45What's his connection to Ziegler?
56:48Oh, yeah, I've got one of those as well.
56:51Ah, there it is. See?
56:53We've identified all the suspects.
56:55These people here, there are seven of them,
56:57which creates a fairly traditional spatial puzzle.
57:00Sinclair was a conspiracy theorist and a pretty batty one at that.
57:03Of course, you can imagine how Henry's taken this.
57:05They caught Sinclair, they framed Bowen,
57:07and when Dad wouldn't drop it, they started coming after him.
57:09I have been looking into their supposed burglar,
57:12this guy they arrested, Rhys Bowen.
57:14She might arrange for me to meet her son.
57:16What? In prison?
57:18I'm led to believe that you've been performing miracles recently, D.C.I. Taylor.
57:21I'm certainly keen to witness it.
57:23The puzzle is impossible.
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