• last month


00:08Guess I just want to see for myself Felicity's death meant something. Thank you
00:17You're looking for something that reminds you of your sister. Yeah, the transplant didn't change where I am. It just made me well again
00:23He's moved on with another woman. That is not a new girlfriend. She's one of the recipients of the organ donation
00:28Felicity was my best friend and I I want to meet her. No, you can't cash, please
00:32You are not the only one who misses Felicity. Yeah, it's just so no
00:37Who was that it sounded kind of intense. Oh, hey, we're friends. Yes friends cash
00:42I came here to get to know Felicity better
00:45So if they were best friends, then why can't I meet her you knew I was interested in buying the business
00:50No, even spoke about being partners. Now. I find out that you've just gone behind my back. Sorry
00:54I've got more important things to do is right now. You're not talking to the right person
00:57I'll talk to cash. He's the one that knocked me back
01:01I'm agreeing with you. It's not right. Why are you stopping me from seeing cash? I'm not I'm saying take a breath before you do
01:09And also think about what you would want to achieve with this because I don't think you're gonna change his mind
01:15No, I know but I just I need I need to know why I wasn't a part of this
01:18I don't know why cash didn't know I don't know what's going on here. But I suggest you hold off talking to cash
01:24He's got a lot on his plate at the moment. No, I know. I just need an answer not today, mate
01:28It's just a conversation. Trust me
01:30Not a good idea
01:51What do you want?
01:53I'm sorry
01:54You're gonna have to be a little bit more specific. What exactly you sorry about? Okay
01:58I know that you have every right to be what angry
02:02Disappointed how about you let me finish your sentence just when I thought that you couldn't hurt me any more than you already have you
02:08Decide to keep me out of this
02:10None of this was to hurt you
02:13You do realize how wrong this is don't you? Oh, yeah
02:20Having said that do you still want to meet her because she wants to meet you
02:31No, that does usually come with a cherry I
02:36Paid for this drink. Yeah to start discount. I just don't think that's a reason to skimp on the garnishes barkeep
02:47Thank you, sorry, I'm just
02:50Not feeling very enthusiastic about this job today. I know it's not fair
02:55Things have not happened the way they should have
02:58Thanks. I appreciate that
03:01But also Steven matter in the end
03:05You're on your new path now. You got the business course the jet remember
03:11Just focus on that
03:13Yeah, that's right
03:16Hey, I
03:19Just walking on something to know no not really
03:23So you two aren't fighting?
03:25We're not but I can't say the same for him and Mac why what's going on with them?
03:38Perfect timing
03:41Thank you, how's your day going? Hey dick, it's not all the better for seeing you. You're just using me for coffee. Mm-hmm
03:47I'm the coffee. No way
03:49Muffins are repetitive. Yeah. Oh, hang on. Hang on
03:54I'm sorry. I gotta get this how convenient you gonna let him get away with it. Absolutely. Not you owe me. Sure. I did
04:03So you decided what to do me a big day it's tomorrow isn't it?
04:06I'm just gonna lean into the romance now everything the day wasn't that is perfect
04:11Yeah, I'm thinking about redoing the proposal making it the best proposal ever
04:16As opposed to the worst proposal ever I have an opportunity to reclaim the moment and that's exactly what I'm gonna do
04:25Wait, I don't get it. Suddenly. He's selling his half of salt to Mac. Yeah
04:30What happened did they not want Santa to own half of it? Honestly, no clue
04:35Given what cash is dealing with right now. It could just be a communication issue. Yeah, but then what's Mackenzie's excuse?
04:41Either way definitely could have been handled better
04:46And I think
04:47Now that he's doing the course
04:49He really wants to own his own business
04:51Sounds like the old Zen's making a comeback didn't know there was an old Zen
04:55Yeah, it's been a long time since I've seen him this passionate about his future or a career
05:01Rather than just a job used to be like that when he was a paramedic
05:06So I should definitely get behind him on this one. Yeah, I mean we both should
05:22This is Eden
05:25Looks best friend
05:29Hello Michelle, hi
05:33I'm actually only nine parts Michelle and now one or two parts
05:39Felicity I
05:41Am so sorry, I'm just really nervous. No, it's okay. So am I something to say? No, actually it was
05:48It was the perfect thing to say
05:52And I flick what I loved it
05:56From what cash has said about her. It seems like she was one of a kind
06:01Yeah, yeah, she was fearless
06:04Actually a little bit lost without her
06:20Must be so hard. I have no idea
07:11So what do you have in mind I am thinking I'm gonna set the mood with his favorite music
07:18I'm gonna cook his favorite meal and have flowers and candles. Yeah the words reckon Leah knows what she's doing
07:24Oh, of course, she does and whatever she does will be fantastic
07:28Are you about to steal more of my baked goods? Oh, I am here to walk you home. It's a
07:34Hold that thought I gotta get this
07:36You're a popular bloke today. Oh, yeah wife of a busy mechanic, you know
07:41Excuse me. I'm just taking these to the coffee cart. Just let just in the way
07:46So what time did you get?
07:49No, no, no that that that's fine that gives me the afternoon to do what I've got to do
07:58Yeah, I cannot believe the day is almost here I
08:05See you tomorrow
08:09Oh, she's gone to the cart
08:13And I'm on to you
08:14Just a moment. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I am and I have to tell you that I am
08:22delighted because
08:24because you're doing something special for Leah aren't you to
08:28celebrate the anniversary of your engagement
08:32So what is it?
08:36Can we just keep this to ourselves for now, oh, yes, yes, of course your secret is safe with me
08:43Thanks, miss. I'm gonna go and check on Leah at the car. Okay
08:54What's going on in that head of yours Merrill they're both making secret plans
08:59What if the plants clash could be a disaster
09:06We needed a place to stay and it was a no-brainer for Felicity, so we all just crashed here the whole band
09:12Yep, all four of us one big happy family. It's like husband wasn't a very big fan of the Rick
09:18She was married. Yeah
09:22Are you living here too? I wasn't at the time. No, I moved in later
09:32Anyway, um, we weren't gonna stay long and then fleek started booking us gigs. It's salt
09:37Oh, she was so much fun. Her energy was next-level
09:42Sounds like you two got up to some mischief. Oh, yes, we did. We did
09:46So, uh, what's salt? It's the restaurant. She co-owned. Oh, you mentioned grabbing some food. Do you think we could go there?
09:53Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Are you up to it? Yeah, as long as you're happy to drive
09:58Deal, yeah
10:06The mains are good, but this place is known for its pizza. All right. Well, what was Felicity's favorite the Hawaiian?
10:14Pineapple pizza. Yeah, don't ask me to explain it. There you are. Thank you
10:19Mackenzie was telling me you're selling your half assault to her. Yeah, that's right. Are you gonna talk to me about it?
10:24I didn't realize that I had to I can take a break. We could sit down
10:27It's definitely not the car
10:33Thanks, you know
10:39To Felicity to Felicity
10:55Know this probably isn't my place to say but um
11:00You two barely said a word to each other since we got here
11:03It's a little strange for us being here
11:08Of course. Yeah, this is where she used to work. This is where she collapsed. I
11:14Am so sorry it was our engagement party
11:19But you two were engaged we were I were not anymore because of Felicity, you know, and really
11:28Really cash cash
11:34Eden I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to upset anyone or okay. You didn't it's on me. I shouldn't say anything
11:59Really make me work out today. You shouldn't have followed me out. Hey, yeah, I told Eden I'd come and check on you
12:04Yeah, well tell her I'll take a minute then we can go back upstairs and order
12:12Cash if I'd known I never would have pushed to meet Eden
12:15Well, I probably should have told you about that
12:18That's my fault
12:22Can I ask
12:25Why did you break up the engagement
12:28She disagreed with the choice that you made about Felicity. No, no, no, nothing to do with that
12:37Every body that I care about ends up getting hurt and I guess that I'm just trying to keep her safe
12:49And when I was on the transplant list I
12:53Knew that the only way that I would get to live was if someone else died
13:01I'm so sorry. You're in so much pain. No, no. Hey, don't feel bad Michelle. You're the only good thing to come out of this
13:13Now I
13:15Have a whole life ahead of me because of you
13:19And it's really really beautiful
13:25I just want the same for you, too
13:43So guy
13:45We got anything on tomorrow
13:48I'm not sure. I'd have to check right the way. Um, do you have something on?
13:55Just work
14:00Helen come in. Sorry to call back so late
14:04Has something happened? I know no nothing's happened, but something might be about to happen
14:10And mr. Stewart told me to stay out of it, but I can't do that. I'm sorry
14:15You are starting to make me nervous now, yeah me too. Okay
14:19Here's the thing. Tomorrow is a very special day for both of you and
14:24I would hate for anything to ruin that. Hey, okay. So what I have to say is
14:31Both of you are planning
14:34Special secret surprises for the anniversary of your proposal. Are we are you planning something?
14:47Wasn't sure whether we should celebrate and there you are both thinking the same thing
14:54That is crazy. It's crazy
14:57Should we compare notes? Oh, no, I want to keep mine a surprise. Ah, well, mine's a surprise too
15:06Two surprises
15:08That's very special. It's very romantic
15:15Thought you were going to take John's advice I was but then I saw an opportunity and I took it
15:20You were supposed to leave it alone. I wish I did because he barely gave me the time of day
15:26What are we talking about cash again? Yes, unfortunately
15:29Did you talk to me? Yes, but in my defense he came in here for dinner with Eden and some other woman
15:34What Eden was there? Yeah, and now that I think about it, the vibe was really weird
15:38Yeah, that's because the other woman is Felicity's organ recipient now you might understand why cash is a little preoccupied today
15:46I'm sorry
15:47Little late for that. I
15:51Messed up didn't I? Yeah, no one's denying that
15:55But also this might be the universe trying to tell you something
16:01Well, you only really like the event planning side of things here, right?
16:06Right, so you don't need to own half a salt to make that your career focus
16:12That's true, yeah, I think it's time to start thinking bigger
16:24Morning. Good morning. Now. Are you absolutely sure that you're up for a road trip?
16:28Do you know how many road trips I've been on? Honestly, pretty high cost enough. Precious time to make this one count
16:36Hello, hey
16:37Happy I get to see you again. Yeah, Cash texted me said you were hitting the road. He's taking me to meet Gary and
16:45Visit Felicity's grave. You're gonna love Gary. Yeah, Cash said the same thing
16:54Eden, um, thank you for being so open to talking to me about Felicity. It helped me too. So thank you so much
17:02All right, you guys drive safe and give my love to Gary. I will. Thank you
17:11You up somewhere?
17:13Yeah, yeah getting away for a couple of nights. Michelle. Sorry. This is my dear friend John. Oh, wow
17:18I've heard a lot about you. Oh, you have. John, we've got a long road ahead of us
17:24Yeah, well, I'm very pleased to meet you. Me too. Okay
17:27Let's go
17:40You all right? Not at all
17:47I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine
18:03Here you go
18:04Thank you. All right spill. What are your plans for the engagement anniversary? Oh, no, I'm not telling come on
18:16Come on now the cats out of the bag. What's the harm in sharing our plans? Okay, great you go first
18:23Sure, um, I'm planning on doing something here something special just the two of us. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that sounds great
18:34What is your turn right, um, I have made a booking at salt salt we go all the time. Yeah
18:45Something else come on doing what you're planning and ruin the surprise. I don't think so
18:58Know Justin it's never gonna be just dinner at salt. Hmm
19:02Did he give you any clues? No, and usually I could get it out of him
19:06But this time I couldn't you don't think he's trying to surprise you
19:10Oh, the problem is is that his idea might be better than mine. I know your idea was very romantic
19:14I thought so too, but like what if he's organized a band playing or fireworks and we can't be at two places at once
19:23Well, there's only one way you're gonna find that out
19:26Marlon you are right. You're okay here. Yes, of course again
19:31Maybe you could take a step back and let them organize it. Oh, mr. Stewart. I would never interfere
19:49You're up cash has made his decision, so why should I waste any more time fighting it?
19:53Yeah, exactly, and this is an opportunity for me to do my own thing on my own terms good
19:58Yeah, I'm just gonna I'm gonna focus on finishing this business course, you know, I've also been thinking
20:03Mm-hmm, because you are such a great event planner. I have the perfect event to hire you for
20:10You wanna hire me? Yeah. Well, I can get the best of this
20:14Harper's baby shower. I mean, I don't know much about babies, but isn't it too soon during the pregnancy for that?
20:22Yeah, maybe what about those gender reveal parties they still think I don't know I don't think I would be into it
20:28Good Oscar yeah parties party. I mean also if she wasn't into it, I would talk her around. I'm sure you would. Mm-hmm
20:36Hi, sorry. Um, I just want to check what time our booking is for tonight. Sure
20:42What was the reservation under Justin booked it
20:47There's nothing here for tonight you sure yeah, I mean I can put one in now for you if you like
20:52Xander it's okay. I know about Justin's surprise. I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't spoken to Justin
21:09No, I'm not working Remy I'm just waiting for my counselor have you got like very much lately why I just miss having the dream
21:16team around
21:24Why don't I do that, thank you Dana, but I've got it how's else I'm not sure yet everything. Okay, mr. Stewart