Anish Kapoor

  • 15 years ago
A film following the text that is engraved around the outside perimeter of the Sculpture 'Blood Relations' by Anish Kapoor. The work was originated in collaboration with the author Salman Rushdie, who presumably is mainly responsible for the text. The Sculpture is made of Bronze rolled sheet, silicone, pigment, wood and possibly GRP. The film was made in Fabrica, an artist run gallery in the former Trinity Chapel in Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex. To assist the reading of the text a vocal reading has been added, using the neutral, and non-interpretive voice of agnes, one of the text to speech voices provided with apple mac computers - additional sound is provided by the lens cap of the video camera gently tapping the bronze walls of the work.

The Film was made by David Parfitt, in order to provide a record of the text as part of the sculpture for research or creative interpretation - On the understanding that a filmic impression of the sculpture is not in any way equivalent to actually experiencing the work. In providing this film David Parfitt does not condone the views expressed in the text, far from it, or this particular interpretation of the one thousand and one nights.

The author of this work gives permission for copies or derivative works to be made of the film, provided that he is attributed as the author.
