दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय छात्रसंघ चुनाव के लिए एबीवीपी ने घोषणापत्र जारी कर दिया है। अध्यक्ष पद के लिए एबीवीपी प्रत्याशी ऋषभ चौधरी हैं। उन्होंने कहा है कि दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के छात्र चुनाव लड़ते हैं, हम तो मात्र चेहरा हैं। पिछले 7 सालों में हमने लगातार कार्य किया है। हमें पूर्ण विश्वास है कि इस बार चारों सीटों पर जीत दर्ज करेंगे। हमने जो वादे पूरे किए हैं, उन्हें लेकर छात्रों के बीच में जा रहे हैं। इस बार जो मेनिफेस्टो जारी किया है, उसकी सबसे बड़ी बात यह है कि डीयू ओलंपिक शुरू करवाएंगे।
#DelhiUniversityStudentsUnion #DUSU #DUSUElection #DUSUElection2024 #DelhiUniversity #DU #Delhi #ABVP # RishabhChaudhary
#DelhiUniversityStudentsUnion #DUSU #DUSUElection #DUSUElection2024 #DelhiUniversity #DU #Delhi #ABVP # RishabhChaudhary
00:00Delhi University students fight for elections. We are just a face.
00:05They fight for elections with us. They have seen us working in the past 7 years.
00:10They have seen us helping the students.
00:12Elections are for the students of Delhi University.
00:15Students will fight. The foreign powers can't do anything at this time.
00:18And I have complete faith that we are going to make it 4-0.
00:22It is the love of Delhi University students that we are going to make it 4-0.
00:26This is the first time that we have fulfilled our promise.
00:29There are some promises that will take time, but we will fulfill them as soon as possible.
00:33We are the only Indian university that works in this field.
00:36We don't accept any challenges.
00:38We have started a hospital for 1000 students.
00:42We have started a special bus for the EU.
00:46We have started a student complex.
00:52We have started a security van for the students of Delhi University.
00:58It will be active 24x7.
01:02We have tried to work on all our issues.
01:06There are some issues that we are working on.
01:10We will complete them as soon as possible.
01:12Things take time. We want time.
01:15We promise our students that we will fulfill our promises.
01:21We are going to make it 4-0.
01:23We are wishing good luck to the students of Delhi University.
01:26We have faith in them.
01:28I want to tell all the students that in the coming 27th,
01:33we have to show the strength of the students of Delhi University.
01:37We have to show the strength of the students.