• last year
Mahiru Kouzuki, a skilled artist, gives up on her passion after her elementary school classmates ridicule her colorful jellyfish mural. Several years later, upon encountering an unexpected admirer in Kano Yamanouchi, a former idol with a troubled past, Mahiru decides to pursue her childhood dreams once more. Tasked with designing the mascot for Kano's new music project, JELEE, Mahiru enlists the help of her childhood friend and professional streamer Kiui Watase to make JELEE's first music video. Together with Kim Anouk Mei Takanashi, a pianist and fan of Kano's work as an idol, the girls aim to turn JELEE into a global hit. However, if they want to succeed in this ambitious endeavor, they will first have to free themselves from the shackles of their pasts.


00:00I like walking around Shibuya at night jellyfish are not capable of swimming on their own when
00:18I'm in a town where no one recognizes me drifting around as aimlessly as a jellyfish I don't
00:28have to worry about who might be watching they simply drift going along with the flow
00:36of the water when I walk surrounded by colorful neon lights I feel as if I'm shining too
00:44yikes they may seem like fragile creatures but they actually have quite an incredible
00:51trait and that trait is hey sis you're gonna be late to school my name is Mahiru Kozuki age 17
01:10living in Omiya ward of Saitama City oh that's not okay delete it huh but sleeping faces of
01:18real high school girls is the most coveted content this will go viral school kids shouldn't worry
01:24about going viral besides ordinary high school girls on pickpocker a dime a dozen I don't even
01:30have makeup on no one wants that hey that's power abuse how may I ask why don't you get going to
01:38school you don't get it do you these days going viral makes much more money than going to school
01:44and sitting around in class that's right I'm gonna be an influencer better not post photos
01:49of you goofing off at your job when you get older huh pranking on the job you can't cause
01:57trouble for other people you hear I'm not that immature oh but look at you you're actually
02:06pretty childish yourself hey what does it even matter no one's gonna see them anyway you always
02:11go for clothing and makeup that don't stand out um hello this lipstick was featured by Yukochi
02:17who has like 300,000 followers it's as standout as it gets nah sis that only looks good on her
02:24because she's fair-skinned with a tiny face and a nose like Cleopatra's Cleopatra but when some
02:30plain ordinary girl copies that look and if she does what then hey whoa she becomes run of the
02:40mill what but it's Halloween I mean we can go but do we have to get serious about costumes I know
02:50right well sure I guess but it's important to me that I prove I'm worth something before I die
02:56you know what I mean I can kind of understand that right entrance exams are looming ahead
03:02we don't have much time left we've got to transform into a new version of ourselves
03:07we've got you covered there Mahiru
03:11look at us new improved and cute thanks to illustrator extraordinaire Mahiru
03:22hey now there's no need to call me that I gave up the whole drawing thing years ago
03:26oh that's right us high school girls have to focus on what's in front of us
03:30and that's all we really want right Mahiru oh yeah absolutely
03:38but you don't actually think so well that's why I needed to vent a little that's pretty messy
03:45you managing okay you're as blunt as always I see well yeah that's why Nox Ryugasaki's so popular
03:54of course you know what you're talking about no wonder you're a Tatekita's student council
04:00president although to be honest I was kind of thinking the same thing as her
04:07it's not that I just want to wear a flashy costume
04:11but I do get the feeling of wanting to be someone other than yourself you know what I mean
04:17then you just should have said so I can't that's the problem
04:23getting shot down when you're being honest is so cringy
04:27you've always been a scaredy cat Mahiru at this rate I'll still be a nobody when I grow up
04:33oh no not at all
04:45I'm home
04:54that's so specific it cracks me up well I don't want to end up like that
04:58then what exactly do you want to be well
05:05nothing in particular nothing if anything I want to be someone who knows what she wants to be or
05:11knows what she likes I guess that's a conundrum I've got my streaming song recording and video
05:18editing there's tons of stuff I want to do oh
05:27Mahiru are you listening oh what were we talking about about what you want to be well you are
05:34special Kiwi when you're just an ordinary girl like me you gotta wait to be chosen you don't
05:39get to choose mom look at this my painting got chosen to be a mural
05:52have you really given up on drawing
05:57I don't have a reason to continue I just don't see the point in it anymore
06:02do it for yourself or whatever doesn't matter
06:08you don't understand jellyfish can't swim on their own don't lag behind you're too fast Mahiru
06:17come on this way
06:22ta-da look uh what's with the weird drawing huh jellyfish graffiti the colors are weird
06:29should we scribble over it no we'd get in trouble
06:35it'll be fine it's weird enough already right Mahiru
06:40yeah absolutely I mean it's super weird isn't it
06:50Mahiru sorry Kiwi it's about time I hang up sure
07:03these really aren't popular are they I'm on your side though
07:34hey dude stop defiling my drawing right now
07:37huh yeah right what kind of hot-blooded weirdo would do that besides it's not like I have any
07:47right to say that hey don't defile that mural I love huh what you mean this old scribble it's
08:02not a scribble it's a picture of a jellyfish this wait aren't you
08:31okay what am I a stalker still
08:38um well that's how these things go I mean what would I have said
08:50hey you keep following me are you a stalker or bent on doxing me doxing no I mean I can't
08:57deny I was stalking you through the streets fine let's call the cops no no no that's not it
09:02it's just earlier you raised your voice back at the live street singer I sure did
09:08so you said that you liked that mural yeah so what uh you see well I'm the one who painted that
09:21um I have proof here this is my account
09:25though I cringe when I think about it but yeah I know that's no excuse for me following you
09:32I'm a huge fan of yours huh here's your order um you've liked my art from before
09:43yeah back in middle school my dad brought me to shibuya for the first time
09:47I saw it and it was love at first sight love at first sight
09:52so why were you following me uh well well what well you defended my mural so I just to um huh
10:06you defended my mural so thank you that's all I wanted to say I think
10:13um no never mind this is coming out so painfully awkward glad to hear it thanks
10:23you're awfully sincere yoru what yoru isn't that what you go by or do you prefer your real name
10:31sounds good call me yoru please I'm Kano Yamanouchi second year it's great to meet you
10:37oh she has such fair skin and a tiny face as well as Cleopatra
10:55a former pop idol yeah that was a long time ago though
11:01what the an idol huh and a delinquent
11:08I made sure to look the part back then okay black hair pure and innocent giving love to my fans
11:16she's definitely got the face for it so you're not doing that anymore
11:20well stuff happened stuff oh I see
11:27did you climb in a store's display fridge
11:31what why would you even think that yeah of course you didn't
11:35how do I put this I kind of went up in flames what now flames do you mean like online yeah
11:44something like that oh I see sorry no problem I'm used to it the fridge thing wasn't that far off
11:54I think I can understand that a bit what do you mean the feeling of wanting to quit
12:00it sucks when people around you talk about it huh hold on who said I quit huh but you said
12:07former pop idol you have it get your phone out open it up and search for jelly j-e-l-e-e
12:18huh the anonymous singer jelly I see like those me singing kind of videos this is who I am now
12:30what is this an octopus or squid no it's a jellyfish a jellyfish then by jelly exactly
12:37right there's sea creatures called jellyfish here check it out jellyfish she got the spelling wrong
12:44it's because of you huh well no doubt about it you've certainly got some interesting taste
12:53thank you
12:53you wanna listen can I yeah
13:14this song's called colorful moonlight it's the first song I wrote lyrics for back when I was an
13:20idol this is the guitar arrangement so what do you think it's amazing isn't it yeah the lyrics
13:31are really great thanks the music isn't my own yet but I find that I really like writing lyrics
13:38I feel like this character is part of my identity a means to express who I really am
13:47who you are really yeah check it out I'm gonna get back at everyone who made fun of me with my
13:54singing I'll be so good they won't even know it's me and even the ones who said they hated me
14:01they'll all be inspired I want to make them cry tears of gratitude that my singing saved them
14:06is that why it's anonymous my goal is to get a hundred thousand followers I decided I'm gonna
14:13stick to being myself no matter what that's my way of getting back at them
14:19what are you a kid I've got a great idea don't you think your art coupled with jelly would be
14:26the best you know a cute jellyfish showing the fans some love but you don't mean wait what if
14:32we collaborate together I mean after all I need an icon that's not an octopus or squid and looks
14:39like a real proper jellyfish oh hey I'm sorry about what I said okay but I'm not joking about
14:48this so will you think about it what we're gonna wear this yeah it's Halloween why not
15:03yeah I guess this looks pretty sweet too
15:09what do you mean you can't well I I haven't drawn anything in a long time and I worry
15:17about what others will think you can just ignore what other people I can't think like that
15:25I'm just an average high school girl I'm not even sure what I want to be or what my interests are
15:31and we've got to think about entrance exams it just isn't realistic
15:36studying like everyone else is what a high school girl is supposed to do
15:40see when you're a plain nobody like me you have to focus on what's directly
15:43in front of you and that's all we really want to see
15:51so you're more ordinary than I thought
15:53how could you understand you're special Kano I bet you've never hated yourself ever
16:06do I really look all that confident to you I mean it I really love your art
16:32figures all I do is run away I'm home
16:45that felt good
16:46hmm do I have the wrong person
17:00are you kidding she looks completely different
17:03she got bashed for punching another member in her group and effectively retired oh geez
17:12it was all over the news back then
17:16what really you didn't know about it at all no I'm sending you a video it's reporters
17:23interviewing her that's a crazy number of views is it true that you resorted to violence
17:31did you have issues with Mero Seto from before what's producer Yuki's stance on the matter
17:37I'm sorry
17:41well considering the backlash of course she quit
17:46that's only normal right
17:59please don't stop keep walking slowly the slower the walk the better
18:04the only things that are better with shoving
18:10boo trick or treat right sorry for the wait that's some intense cosplay
18:17that's our miss artist Mahiru like I said I don't
18:26sounds awesome right Mahiru Mahiru sorry gotta go wait what
18:40up next it's kind of just for laughs
18:55don't go defile a song that I love yeah right don't go defile a song that I love
19:02what the oh my gosh Kano happy Halloween did you say you love this song what um hey listen
19:12about the other day I'm sorry huh well it's just I figured I said something to upset you
19:19no I'm the one who's sorry I got all worked up it's just that my friends made fun of that mural
19:27once so I pretended like it wasn't my art that's when I stopped drawing altogether
19:34you had all those nasty things said to you but you never stopped singing you're so strong
19:40you saw that I just don't want to give in I don't want to give in to someone and then lose
19:47sight of who I am I don't want to be run of the mill I I get that I totally understand that feeling
19:57so then if you come out with an album I'll buy it for sure
20:02excuse me sir yeah that guitar can I borrow it for a bit
20:22what could you move out of the way okay uh who's she don't know
20:31you better be watching
21:20I want to sing loud in front of your jellyfish
22:15everyone hi I'm um no we're the mysterious mass artist jelly our logo isn't an octopus or a
22:25squid it's a jellyfish please remember that thanks for having us okay let's go
22:40you know originally jellyfish can't swim or shine on their own
22:47but once they absorb light from around them they're able to shine for themselves
22:52so maybe I can too
22:58if I'm around you maybe I'll shine of course so Yoru say you'll draw for me
23:18uh thanks
23:24these um were uh super cheap I only got them because they were so cheap and I
23:29oh those are awesome just the cutest ever yeah totally
