EastEnders 16th September 2024

  • 4 days ago
EastEnders 16th September 2024


00:20Didn't have a test. Just making sure, before I tell Bobby, huh?
00:23Good news.
00:25But we still need to talk about Freddy, no?
00:27I'm happy.
00:29This is going to be perfect for us.
00:32I'm happy for you.
00:34Morning, all.
00:36Oh, darling, you still don't look all right.
00:38I'd better cover your shift for you.
00:40But your baby's sitting for me.
00:41I mean, Cheryl's coming out of prison.
00:43I need to see her.
00:44Well, I'll come for you.
00:45I'll give you the whole day off, yeah?
00:47Oh, Bobby's calling.
01:03Right. Ready for another day of real world domination?
01:07Anna's not picking up.
01:08Should I go round, just to see if she's OK?
01:11You want some advice about a woman?
01:14Right, and what you've got to think to yourself is,
01:16what does my woman actually want?
01:57Getting out, aren't you?
01:59Well, you could look a bit happier.
02:02No farewell grand tour like Chrissie?
02:05I've got a few decisions to make.
02:07Sometimes wonder which world is harder.
02:10In here or out there.
02:12You belong with your boy, Sharon.
02:15And your air straightness.
02:18Come here.
02:25I've come back.
02:27Not if I can help it.
02:40Stay out of trouble.
02:58Walking to school?
03:00You are going in.
03:08Here, let me get that.
03:10Oh, what's this then?
03:12Biology, yeah?
03:14Right, thanks.
03:15Education is important, as I keep telling people.
03:18It's hard to know. I mean, take this, will you?
03:21Deoxy what? I mean, what even is that?
03:24Deoxyribonucleic acid.
03:26DNA. That's what DNA stands for.
03:29Oh, yeah, that's all very clever.
03:31I mean, when does anyone ever ask you that stuff in real life, right?
03:40Well, I could have driven you for sure.
03:42I thought you'd be too tired to drive.
03:44Oh, you're back. Do you want your bedsheets doing?
03:47Ian's doing a service wash. Kat's letting me stick my drawers in.
03:51Well, no, my bedsheets are clean, thank you.
03:53I changed everything before I left, so...
03:55Yeah, but his hairy backside's been in them.
03:58Can he told you?
04:00He's moved back in.
04:10Anna, Anna, look.
04:13That is you and Bobby.
04:17And you're all in love, aren't they?
04:20You're wearing your little stick hands.
04:22Wow. Mm-hm.
04:26Ah, you invited him over, then.
04:32Hey. Hey.
04:35Hi. Uh...
04:37Thought you needed cheering up.
04:39You haven't answered my calls for a few days.
04:42They're lovely.
04:45You're lovely.
04:46Hey, there is a massive chocolate cake in the pub kitchen.
04:50I was going to throw it away, but maybe...
04:53Oh, come on.
04:55Yeah, go on.
04:56Come on, then.
04:59I'll, um... I'll leave you to it, yeah?
05:02No, I said I'd help set up the bar, didn't I?
05:05So I can't see you right now, Bobby.
05:07Busy, sorry.
05:09Are you working?
05:10Have to.
05:11But you're sick.
05:12Yeah, but she promised, didn't she?
05:14Another time. Yeah, Bobby.
05:16Oh, OK.
05:18Uh, lunchtime?
05:25Yeah, bye, Bobby.
05:27Yeah, bye, Bobby.
05:34Mm, OK. No, no, no.
05:36It's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK.
05:40Vinnie, talk to me.
05:42What do you want for your birthday tomorrow?
06:00I was just checking on Anna.
06:02Yeah, she's OK.
06:08Look, Freddie, I was thinking about what you were saying,
06:11about feeling like the third wheel,
06:13and if we are leaving you out, then I'm sorry.
06:16I've got nothing to apologise for.
06:19You're literally the best mate in the world.
06:24OK, good.
06:26Because I don't want you to find new mates.
06:28You know, I want it to be us again.
06:30Like, um, like the three amigos.
06:34Me too.
06:46Look, a little domestic issue has surfaced for me.
06:49I was thinking to myself, race is my man.
06:52Do we have an appointment?
06:53I don't need an appointment.
06:55I've got debts.
06:56Ever since I made your Phil Mitchell-shaped problem just disappear.
07:00So do the same for my books, would you?
07:02Make money disappear, make me look poor.
07:05Can you do that?
07:06Well, legally, of course.
07:09Well, as legally-ish as you can, then.
07:11Look, I'm busy.
07:15Save our Sonia.
07:19My fiancée is guilty of this crime.
07:22How did I miss out the knot?
07:24Don't panic.
07:25It's easy to change.
07:27Just like my paperwork.
07:41Oh, darling.
07:43Oh, I missed you.
07:47One present has promised.
07:51So, everything OK?
07:54It's only a business trip.
07:57What's prison?
07:59Er, Martin was in here earlier.
08:01Talking about Sonia.
08:03Look, darling, why don't you take back to your room
08:05and I'm going to give you a big mummy hug before you go back to school, OK?
08:09Go on.
08:12I'll be up in a sec.
08:15Come on, please, ask people not to mention prison around here.
08:18Yeah, well, Sonia's looking at a bit of a stretch,
08:21and what her kid kept calling it.
08:24Yeah, and Rhys.
08:26He's useless.
08:28Anyway, you're out now. It's over.
08:31Not really.
08:33Ruby Allen's had a baby.
08:37It's Martin's.
08:39I mean, if it's true, Chrissie said she'd seen you pregnant, but...
08:42And you're telling me, not him?
08:44I'm trying to think what to do.
08:46I mean, if it's all lies, she's just going to bring trouble, so...
08:49Listen, keep your things secret.
08:51Eileen thinks that's what brings trouble.
08:53You should tell him. Tell him today.
09:11You keep saying that you're happy.
09:14Your things are perfect.
09:17Are they? Really?
09:21Come on, come on. It's me. It's just me.
09:24Just tell me how you feel.
09:35Like I've no control over my body.
09:39What's happening?
09:41What's happening?
09:43Like the spiking?
09:45Oh, no.
09:48I kept thinking...
09:52If I just say it...
09:54over and over...
09:58..this is a good thing.
10:02I want this.
10:04We want this.
10:07This is going to make us...
10:10..so happy.
10:15I'm a horrible person.
10:17No, no, no. No, no, no.
10:25I don't want this baby.
10:28That's OK.
10:30There's so many choices and options.
10:33Like adoption, I know.
10:40But I don't want to be pregnant.
10:44I want this to end.
10:48It's your body.
10:50And that is your choice.
10:53It's Bobby's baby.
10:55Yeah, but it's your right to make that decision.
10:57The law says that.
11:00Empowering. Yeah.
11:03Yeah, be empowered.
11:05You feel like you haven't got control, you take that control.
11:08You find people to talk to, that is where you start.
11:11I'm going to help you.
11:14I'm going to find somewhere.
11:16Yeah, a clinic.
11:18I've only just said this out loud.
11:20And you need to keep saying stuff out loud.
11:22Be honest. Please don't just say what you think other people...
11:26..want to hear.
11:30That's how you work it out.
11:32What to do.
11:35In these places, they've got people, really good people,
11:38and they'll talk you through every decision they're going to help.
11:41You don't know that.
11:44Well, I know you've got time.
11:4624 weeks is the legal limit in the UK.
11:52There's 14 in Spain.
11:58With Antonio.
12:01You never said...
12:03Yeah, well, I wanted to make a decision by myself.
12:08For myself, to get it right.
12:11And did you get it right?
12:13Yeah. I couldn't live that life.
12:16Back then.
12:18And, yeah, every now and again you think, what if, but...
12:22..I made the right decision for me.
12:26It's her body.
12:28It's her choice.
12:32Bobby. What if he works it out, me being sick?
12:36He's coming over. No, just cancel it.
12:42Oh. Excuse me, anyone going to do any work?
12:45I'm just looking after Anna right now.
12:47Yeah, well, there's others to do that now. Up here!
12:52OK, no, no, no, not if it's Bobby. Please.
12:57Hey! The three amigos.
13:00Uh, well, one. There was only one hat on Billy's store.
13:04Right. Downstairs, in the bar, now.
13:11Uh, three of us back together again, like old times.
13:16Maybe that'll make you smile.
13:18So, do you like my hat?
13:25Are you feeling any better?
13:34Coffee and a sticky bun, please, Kat.
13:37All righty, who fancies a free holiday?
13:40Me, Dermot O'Leary. Me.
13:42Who wants to go to Greece?
13:44Jean. She bangs on about it all the time.
13:48We're going to pick one caller at random
13:50to play our big quiz game today.
13:52To be in with a chance, just text us the answer
13:55to our qualifying question.
13:57Yes. Come on, then. Yes.
13:59What links these words?
14:02Mincing, frying pan, Little Britain.
14:06Oh, I never get these.
14:10Yeah. It's Mincing Lane, Frying Pan Alley,
14:14and the Cabbie Cafe.
14:16All London street names. There.
14:20Trip for two. Sun, sea, sand.
14:23You know the rest.
14:25Non-stop whingeing about sunburn for me,
14:27and if I took him, which I probably have done.
14:29Oh, I don't mind.
14:30No-one else would want to come, would they?
14:32And then it's Greece, where I had my honeymoon.
14:34Like I need reminding, so shut up, Dermot.
14:36At least you've got to go on honeymoon.
14:38I never will.
14:39I'm in the doghouse with Jean, aren't I?
14:42Yeah, she'll be back two seconds,
14:44and she's already given me a disappointed look.
14:46Well, what would stop her being disappointed?
14:49Trip to Greece.
14:50Hey, take her if you win.
14:58Room in that works, are we, for a quick debriefing?
15:01Hey, love.
15:03Those pillows you bought, they are a complete waste of money.
15:07Have you tried memory foam pillows?
15:09Yeah, once or twice.
15:10Well, it's like they're remembering somebody else's head, isn't it?
15:12Er, I think I'll go and get some errands.
15:14Erm, Armando's going to need some help, because Bobby's ran her.
15:17Has he?
15:18Yeah. Oh, and guess what?
15:19He even asked my advice about women.
15:21I think those two are getting serious.
15:23Hard to know what you want when you're young.
15:25Well, we got married young, didn't we?
15:27Right, I'm going to get some gel for my neck.
15:29Do you want me to get you some tablets for your headaches?
15:31No? Fine.
15:32See you in a bit.
15:35If Anna ever asks you advice,
15:37tell her there's nothing wrong with wanting excitement in your life.
15:41Get the fun.
15:43This evening? An hour?
15:45You'll get a headache for that.
15:47I get two.
16:05I'm going to give you a car, Reg.
16:07You tell me who owns it.
16:13Martin, I've done them.
16:15I'm raising awareness, telling people about the injustice.
16:18With what?
16:19Ten leaflets.
16:20You know, I'll do more.
16:21I ran out of printer ink and I had a bit of an emergency.
16:24This is an emergency, Rhys, isn't it?
16:26The mother of my child, the mother of your child.
16:28I mean, we've got to fight, haven't we?
16:29I am doing.
16:31Excuse me, have you got...
16:34Wait, excuse me, have you got a moment?
16:35I'm doing a campaign here.
16:37It's a miscarriage of justice.
16:38This is my fiancée, Sonia.
16:39She was arrested several weeks ago.
16:41This is lovely.
16:43Us back together again.
16:45Do you fancy some food?
16:47I've got these menus.
16:49Yeah, I'll run out and get them.
16:51Freddie, you're our mate, not our butler.
16:53No, I get the steps in.
16:54An order.
16:55Let me stick my phone on first.
16:57So, what are we feeling?
16:59Cos this is all tax deductible so we can go all out.
17:01Four seasons.
17:03I never liked the artichoke.
17:04Do you mind if I use your laptop?
17:07Though I could swap it for olives, couldn't I?
17:09It's broken.
17:11Look, have you seen that they do baked beans on pizza?
17:15Have you...
17:18Is the laptop broken?
17:19Yeah, yeah, just a blank screen.
17:22You know what?
17:24I'm not actually hungry.
17:26Yeah, there's a chippy, it's busy.
17:34That was weird.
17:37Hello, Cathy.
17:41Dermot O'Leary?
17:44Am I on the radio?
17:45You are on the radio, Cathy Conn,
17:47because you got the right qualifying answer.
17:49London streets was the answer.
17:51How did you know that?
17:52She didn't.
17:53I didn't know it, Dermot,
17:55and my friend Harvey told me the answer.
17:57Is he there with you now?
17:58No, he's not.
17:59He's not?
18:00No, he's not.
18:01No, he's not.
18:02No, he's not.
18:03Well, let's hope you can answer.
18:04Is he there with you now?
18:05No, I'm on me own.
18:06Well, let's hope you can answer our big quiz question on your own.
18:11Oh, this is tough.
18:16Chimpy, really good at biology.
18:19I'm on the radio with Dermot O'Leary.
18:21I'm doing a competition.
18:23For the holiday.
18:25Deoxyribonucleic acid is more currently known by which initials?
18:33You what?
18:34Deoxyribonucleic acid.
18:37I know the answer.
18:39I know the answer.
18:43DNA! DNA!
18:45Deoxy thingy, nuclear acid.
18:49Kathy, I need your answer now.
18:51Does anyone know what it is?
18:54Sorry, sorry.
18:56Tell Kathy it's DNA.
18:57Sorry, sorry, sorry.
19:03You've won, Kathy!
19:05No, well, I haven't won.
19:06My friend Harvey has.
19:08You've won the competition?
19:10You're going on holiday.
19:11You can take genes.
19:13I won! I won!
19:14Oh, thank you.
19:15Thanks so much.
19:16You're welcome.
19:20He came.
19:24Well, it couldn't be worse than our last conversation.
19:29Telling Bernie.
19:30Betraying us.
19:31I told the truth.
19:33I had to.
19:34You had to keep secrets.
19:36Are you still drinking?
19:39I haven't touched a drop.
19:41I haven't wanted to.
19:42Now that Bernie knows.
19:43And what if she talks?
19:46I will take all of the blame.
19:49What risk losing your children?
19:51They'll be all right.
19:53They've got mum.
19:54You know, she knows everything.
19:56You told your mum.
19:58She had to be prepared.
20:00Look, I promise you there's no one else, OK?
20:02I can do this now.
20:05Are you sure?
20:07As long as you forgive me.
20:09Because I need that.
20:10I need you.
20:17I'm so glad you're home.
20:20Are we OK?
20:22We will be.
20:24Look, we'll talk again probably later.
20:26There's something I need to do first.
20:33A word?
20:37Are you sure you just want to stay here?
20:39I mean, it ain't much of a date, is it?
20:41What about that, um, burger place?
20:43All further east?
20:45Um, no.
20:46I mean, I don't really like the staff there.
20:54Shall we?
20:56Who's this?
20:58Do you know him?
21:01Vanya's in my class at school.
21:05Are you the one she's texting?
21:08You do know she's 50?
21:12You said you had uni mates.
21:14Yeah, and I do.
21:16I mean, you never actually asked me for my age.
21:19You're 18.
21:20That's like only a couple years older than me.
21:22Big deal.
21:23Three years, actually.
21:24And you're actually so annoying.
21:30Can I get some of that, please?
21:33I'm rage.
21:34No, you're right. He is annoying, isn't he?
21:38You know what they say.
21:39Girls mature so much faster than boys.
21:54Everything I've done has been to protect Linda.
21:57What, getting on a plane and leaving her?
22:00I was grieving, Elaine.
22:01I couldn't stay here.
22:03None of this was my fault, OK?
22:05What, her drinking?
22:06And her almost dying, choking on her own vomit?
22:09I didn't know she'd got that bad.
22:11And I didn't know why.
22:13If only you'd told me.
22:15I wouldn't be here.
22:17I wouldn't be here.
22:19I wouldn't be here.
22:21I wouldn't be here.
22:23You were stopping me.
22:25I was trying to keep her safe.
22:27No, you were stopping me from doing that.
22:30All the things that happened. His funeral.
22:33I could have stopped so much hell.
22:36I'm her mum.
22:37I'm trying to save her.
22:39I know.
22:42And I just got out of jail, didn't I?
22:44Blocked away from my child because I was lying to save yours.
22:50Look, I'm sorry for her pain.
22:52But we're both on the same side here.
22:55You know, this terrible thing happened and...
22:57we need to find a way to help her through this.
23:03So now what?
23:04You do what I've had to do for months.
23:07Keep the secret.
23:08It's the only way to keep her safe.
23:11She is innocent.
23:13You're taking bets on whether Sonia's guilty?
23:15No, she's got you down at three tomorrow killing Keanu, here.
23:19No offence, Sharon.
23:20And we'll come back.
23:21I mean, these women are innocent.
23:22How could you think they could do something so evil, Moe?
23:24You should be ashamed of yourself.
23:26Calm him down.
23:28All right, everyone.
23:29The floor show is over. Thank you.
23:33I'm sorry.
23:34I know you've only just come home.
23:37I should be the one looking after you.
23:39It's OK.
23:40That's Sonia doing.
23:42I was supposed to be going to see her this weekend.
23:44What am I supposed to tell her? That it's all some big game?
23:46That you're doing everything you can.
23:48Yeah, I'm useless.
23:49I'm failing her and I'm failing our daughter.
23:54I can't cope, Sharon.
23:57I can't deal with it.
23:58I swear.
24:00One more thing.
24:14A bit like your boyfriend.
24:16Who cares if he's old off?
24:17You're family, mate.
24:19Especially if they knew you'd skipped school.
24:21Yeah, and if the school bullies knew that you'd never kissed anyone.
24:25I mean, that was why you was looking at me, Moe.
24:28You're some pervert weirdo.
24:32Maybe we both don't tell anyone, OK?
24:43Thanks for bringing the talk.
24:46Listen, never guess.
24:47You just listen.
24:50To me.
24:55Are we over?
24:57Stacey told me you had nowhere else to go.
25:00Yeah, but I still should have said no.
25:02And slept where?
25:04In your camp?
25:06It would have been no good for your chest.
25:08And we've been through too much for me to not care about your chest.
25:12And the rest of you.
25:14Angry as I am.
25:17The sofa.
25:18You can sleep there.
25:19And we'll talk.
25:21Over olives?
25:24I'm calling olives.
25:25Not with Grace.
25:28Let's go in.
25:38One of several thousand presents for Louis's birthday tomorrow.
25:43Can you believe that?
25:44Me having a baby in my early twenties.
25:46It seems mad now.
25:48Does it?
25:50You must have been so scared so young.
25:53I knew I wanted it though.
25:57You just knew?
26:02You alright?
26:12You saw, didn't you?
26:14Paige about the clinic.
26:15Yeah, I went sneaking.
26:16I know.
26:18It's not my business, but why'd you lie her?
26:22To what? Why'd you tell him the computer was broken?
26:28You have told him about the baby, right?
26:47Oh, how was Bobby's date?
26:49Yeah, he thinks something's up with Anna.
26:51Oh, I'm sure she's fine.
26:53Oh, I've got those headache tablets for you.
26:56Oh, great.
26:58What do you mean weird?
27:00We're just asking about having kids young.
27:03And she was feeling sick, wasn't she?
27:07That's weird, or she's hiding a little secret.
27:11I think you should just tell him.
27:14Your doubts and your fears, and he'll take them away.
27:16That's what Bobby does.
27:19Is that him? Ring him.
27:22Just let him tell you that everything's going to be fine.
27:26That was the clinic.
27:28I called them after you left, and they're going to see me tomorrow.
27:32Shouldn't you be saying this to Bobby?
27:33And break his heart.
27:34He can't know, Fred.
27:36He can't.
27:37Shouldn't you be saying this to Bobby?
27:38And break his heart.
27:39He can't know, Fred.
27:43He's my best mate.
27:44Who you must promise not to tell.
27:48I'm begging you.