Chasing Love (2024) Episode 19 Engsub

  • 4 days ago




00:30遗留草纹间 忽明忽灭
01:00前面就是杜君府了 It's Du Jun's mansion up ahead.
01:02我先进去 I'll go in first.
01:04你 You...
01:05晚点再回来 Come back later.
01:07好 Okay.
01:10对了 By the way,
01:16这张照片 I took this photo
01:19我从香港取回来了 from Hong Kong.
01:21带在身边很久了 I've been carrying it with me for a long time.
01:25给我吧 Give it to me.
01:31好 Okay.
01:51家昊 Jiahao.
02:00好 Okay.
02:06雪花掩盖的那条街 The street covered by snowflakes
02:14空气冷得将时间都凝结 The cold air freezes time
02:21像乱了章节的影片 It's like a broken chapter
02:28你今天好美啊 You look so beautiful today.
02:33家昊 Jiahao.
02:37对不起 I'm sorry.
02:43这个婚纱太紧了 This wedding dress is too tight.
02:45我穿了半天才穿上 I've been wearing it for a long time.
02:46让你久等了 Sorry to keep you waiting.
02:50再久也值得 It's worth the wait.
02:53我们拍照吧 Let's take a photo.
02:54好 Okay.
02:58把往事说得那么轻描淡写 Let bygones be bygones
03:09来 Come here.
03:11新娘靠近新郎一点 Bride, come closer to the groom.
03:14对 就这样啊 That's it.
03:16很好 Very good.
03:17三二一 Three, two, one.
03:28照片麻烦写得好一点 Please make the photo better.
03:33少都军放心 Don't worry, Mr. Shao.
03:35我们康华照相馆是整个红城最有口碑的 Our photo studio is the most popular in Hongcheng.
03:39少夫人也是我们的熟客 Mrs. Shao is also our regular customer.
03:42对了 少夫人 By the way, Mrs. Shao.
03:44您上次送来写的照片您还满意吗 Are you satisfied with the photo you sent me last time?
03:48上次 Last time?
03:50老板 您应该是认错人了 Boss, you must be mistaken.
03:54我今天是第一次见到你 This is the first time I've seen you.
03:56今天辛苦您了 Thank you for your hard work today.
03:58我们就不送了 We won't see you out.
04:00好嘞 Okay.
04:14你不就是那个 Isn't that you?
04:15慢走 Take care.
04:20别动 Don't move.
04:25别动 Don't move.
04:43你的新娘很漂亮 Your bride is beautiful.
04:51多谢大哥夸赞 Thank you for your compliment.
04:55家昊 Jiahao.
04:57我有点累了 I'm a little tired.
04:59我们先上去把衣服换下吧 Let's go upstairs and get changed.
05:03好 Okay.
05:15月儿 Yue'er.
05:18月儿 Yue'er.
05:22月儿 Yue'er.
05:26今晚我们娘俩喝几杯 Let's have a drink tonight.
05:31梁伯母 Aunt Liang.
05:49来 Here.
05:56来 Here.
06:03没事吧 Are you all right?
06:07月儿 Yue'er.
06:09我跟你说一个小秘密吧 Let me tell you a little secret.
06:11你知道家昊第一次说娶你的时候 You know when Jiahao first said he would marry you.
06:15他才七岁 He was only seven years old.
06:18那天他参加完你的生日宴会 That day he attended your birthday party.
06:22回来就跟我说 He came back and said to me.
06:23娘 I want to marry Xiaoyue.
06:27这辈子非他不娶 He is the only one I will marry in my life.
06:30你说好笑吧 It's funny, isn't it?
06:32来 Here.
06:37来 Here.
06:45月儿啊 Yue'er.
06:48我都羡慕你 I envy you.
06:51你可真幸运 You are so lucky.
06:54能遇到一个一心一意真心对待你的男人 To meet a man who treats you wholeheartedly.
06:59那是这个女人几辈子的福分 It's the luck of this woman's life.
07:05家昊待我确实真心 Jiahao really cherishes me.
07:08这我一直都是知道的 I've always known that.
07:14你我都是女人 You and I are both women.
07:16你也知道我这当娘的苦心 You know the pain of being a mother.
07:20只要你跟家昊好好的 As long as you and Jiahao get along well,
07:24娘做什么都值得 whatever I do is worth it.
07:27来 Here.
07:45月儿 Yue'er.
07:49这个是我刚进梁家门的时候老太太给我的 This was given to me by the old lady when I first came to the Liang family.
07:54这我不能 I can't...
07:55拿着 Take it.
07:58只要你跟家昊好好的 As long as you and Jiahao get along well,
08:01早日担起这个家就行了 you can start this family as soon as possible.
08:12月儿 Yue'er.
08:16月儿 Yue'er.
08:18娘 Mother.
08:22这么晚了你叫我过来做什么 It's so late. Why did you ask me to come here?
08:28月儿喝醉了 Yue'er is drunk.
08:31你要好好照顾她 You have to take good care of her.
08:41娘 Mother.
08:47娘 你干嘛 Mother, what are you doing?
08:49今晚你们就生米煮成熟饭今晚你们就生米煮成熟饭 Tonight you have to cook rice
08:51免得节外生枝免得节外生枝 so that you don't have to worry about the harvest.
08:53娘只能帮你到这儿了 I can only help you up to here.
08:55娘 你把门打开 Mother, open the door.
08:57娘 Mother.
09:17月儿 Yue'er Yue'er.