マウンテンドクター 第11話 2024年9月16日

  • 4 days ago
00:00I'm going to take back what I said about you being just a mountain-loving doctor.
00:09You are...
00:16Dr. Emory!
00:19Is your chest hurting?
00:21I feel a pulse.
00:22He may have caused a cardiac arrest.
00:24I'll call the ambulance.
00:26Dr. Emory, let's take him down.
00:28Dr. Emory?
00:29I called for a helicopter, but they said they might not make it in time for the fuel.
00:35I'll check on the helicopter and call you as soon as I can.
00:39Get ready to take him in.
00:41Yes, please.
00:42The helicopter won't come.
00:44Let's keep him warm and wait.
00:46Just go home.
00:47I don't want to lose anyone in the mountains anymore.
00:51Dr. Emory?
00:53Dr. Emory!
00:54Dr. Emory!
00:55Let's inject him with nitrogen.
00:59That's enough.
01:08It's going to hurt a lot.
01:16Of course, there are circumstances.
01:18But can't you just get the helicopter to fly?
01:21I'm sorry.
01:23Even if it's a request from the General Hospital of China, we can't go.
01:26It's a rule.
01:27It's a situation where one country is at war.
01:29Excuse me.
01:32Please wait a minute.
01:34I'm sorry, I'm in trouble.
01:36It looks like you called for a rescue helicopter again.
01:40Are you going to cause secondary damage to the mountains again?
01:45That's not what I meant.
01:47I just can't go to the rescue now.
01:48You deserve the consequences.
01:51How many times do I have to tell you?
01:53I told you not to let the doctor climb the mountain.
01:57Leave the mountain rescue to the rescue team.
01:59The doctor should focus on the treatment at the hospital.
02:04MMT is a stepping stone for the rescue team.
02:07It's not a stepping stone!
02:11The doctors on site are doing their best to save lives.
02:17All right.
02:18Let's hold the bone marrow transplantation at the radiation center.
02:20You contact Shingen.
02:23If the blood pressure drops, do a drainage.
02:26I'm counting on you.
02:34The people who were rescued from the landslide are the ones who were brought in now.
02:42If the doctor hadn't gone to the mountain site, he wouldn't have been able to save his life.
02:49Of course, I know the risk of the doctor going to the mountain.
02:56But if there is still a life to save, I want to do my best.
03:02Isn't it natural for a doctor to think so?
03:06That's why Dr. Emori tried to save the patient's life even if it meant putting pressure on his own body.
03:15Did something happen to Dr. Emori?
03:22I got a call that he had collapsed at the site.
03:24Is that so?
03:26If he hadn't been transported by helicopter, he would have...
03:29No way!
03:31He could have been treated at the hospital, but he went to the site.
03:35Isn't that self-sacrifice?
03:40Is accepting and waiting the only medical treatment?
03:44He went to the mountain to save the life he was looking for.
03:49Dr. Emori, Dr. Miyamoto, and nurse Ayukawa.
03:54The three of them treated him appropriately at the site.
03:57That's why he was able to survive until he was transported to the hospital.
04:00That's why we were able to save his life.
04:03Isn't that one of the possibilities of mountain medical treatment?
04:09Can't you ask the fire department to send a helicopter to Dr. Emori?
04:14The rescue team is essential for the mountain rescue in this city.
04:18We can't let him go to a high-risk rescue.
04:20Knowing the high risk,
04:23Dr. Emori fought to save his life.
04:27Are you telling me to kill him?
04:32Unfortunately, the time limit is already over.
04:38The answer to the governor is the same.
04:43According to the regulations, we can't rely on a helicopter.
04:49I'll replace the dropper.
04:54Dr. Emori, are you okay?
04:57Let's do our best, Dr. Emori.
04:59It's okay.
05:00Excuse me.
05:02Saturation is 75%.
05:04It's hot.
05:05I'm not confident.
05:07Dr. Emori, let's do our best together.
05:10Let's go home alive together.
05:15Let's do our best together.
05:17Dr. Emori.
05:21Blood pressure is 190 to 100.
05:23Nitro is increasing by 5 cc.
05:25We can't do this anymore.
05:26Let's resuscitate him.
05:28Midazolam is increasing by 2 cc.
05:33Saturation is 93.
05:35Blood pressure is 132 to 84.
05:43But we have to take him to the hospital as soon as possible.
05:47At this time, the helicopter...
05:52Dr. Miyamoto.
06:00Can I help you?
06:01Dr. Miyamoto.
06:02I have to take him to the hospital.
06:05Dr. Miyamoto.
06:07I don't want to give up.
06:18Dr. Emori, I'm going to wake you up.
06:32Dr. Emori.
06:35Why did you let him go to the mountains?
06:37He's still young.
06:38I want to love the mountains.
06:40I want to be a doctor in the mountains.
06:42It's up to you to pursue your ideal.
06:44It's up to you to pursue your ideal.
06:47But reality is not so easy.
06:49Don't be overconfident just because you're in the top three.
06:52You're still just a doctor who loves the mountains.
06:57There are still a lot of things I want to learn.
07:00I couldn't make such a decision on my own.
07:05You saved him.
07:08You saved his life.
07:12Do you know how many mountains there are in this prefecture?
07:15You can't do anything on your own.
07:20There are a lot of things I want you to teach me.
07:23If a stone goes to the mountains, there is a life to save.
07:27We have to find the ideal of MMT together.
07:34When we get back, we'll find the ideal together.
07:39Please say something.
07:42You can't die here.
07:47Can you hear me?
07:53What are you going to do if you die in the mountains?
07:57Dr. Miyamoto, his breathing has stopped.
08:05Dr. Emori, are you okay?
08:09Dr. Miyamoto.
08:11I'll come back alive.
08:15I'll never let you die.
08:22Dr. Emori.
08:32What was that sound?
08:34What was that sound?
08:37A helicopter.
08:54Dr. Emori.
08:57The helicopter is here.
08:59Just a little more.
09:01Let's do our best.
09:05Dr. Miyamoto.
09:07I'm sorry I'm late.
09:08We're in a state of emergency.
09:10Get ready to evacuate.
09:12Thank you so much for coming.
09:15You saved the lives of many people.
09:20It is our duty to save lives.
09:28Please give me CPR.
09:30I understand.
09:31Let's go.
09:32I understand.
09:50Let's go.
09:54Let's go.
09:56Let's go.
09:59Dr. Emori.
10:01Dr. Emori, we've arrived at the hospital.
10:03I'll change my shoes.
10:05Dr. Emori.
10:08Dr. Emori.
10:10One, two, three.
10:12I'll turn on the monitor.
10:17I turned on the monitor.
10:24150 joules.
10:26Dr. Emori, you can do it.
10:28Stay away.
10:32Stay away.
10:34I'll turn on the monitor.
10:36Dr. Emori.
10:37Stay away.
10:41Dr. Komiyama, there's a reaction.
10:49I turned on the monitor.
10:50I'll take your blood pressure.
10:56It's an AMI.
10:58Call the emergency room.
10:59Get an echo.
11:00Call the A-Line.
11:20I've done my best.
11:23But to be honest,
11:25I'm in a dangerous situation.
11:28It took me a long time to get here,
11:31but I've done my best.
11:35I don't want to admit it,
11:38but you'd better be prepared.
11:58Thank you very much, Dr. Komiyama.
12:01I'm glad you're all safe.
12:10Thank you for your hard work.
12:13Not at all.
12:14As for Dr. Emori,
12:17if you don't take him to the helicopter,
12:19I'll have to do it myself.
12:22I'm sorry.
12:24I'm sorry.
12:25I'm sorry.
12:26If you didn't take him to the helicopter,
12:28he would have died in the mountains.
12:30Thank you very much.
12:32We didn't do anything.
12:35It's all the Air Force's fault.
12:38It's all the Air Force's fault.
12:40It's not good or bad.
12:43We may need to dispose of the violation of the regulations.
12:48So, what's the situation with Dr. Emori?
12:52He's still in a dangerous situation.
12:54Is that so?
12:57It seems that there is a greater risk
12:59than expected for a doctor to go to the mountains.
13:07We can't afford to cause any more secondary damage.
13:10With today's incident,
13:11the MMT will be suspended indefinitely
13:13and disbanded.
13:15Wait a minute.
13:17The governor...
13:18It's already been decided.
13:20Excuse me.
13:24Let's go.
13:38can't we just disband?
13:45We've been working so hard.
13:48If we do this,
13:49Dr. Emori, who risked his life,
13:51won't be rewarded.
13:55There was the MMT.
13:58There must have been someone who could have saved his life.
14:01If a doctor can't go to the mountains...
14:03Why is there a system called the Triad?
14:09I'm really sorry.
14:18Everyone in the MMT
14:20was doing their best.
14:24But we can't let everyone go to the mountains anymore
14:29and put them in danger.
14:40I'm proud of everyone in the MMT.
14:49But this is
14:51the decision of the president.
14:55I'm sorry.
15:03let's pray for Dr. Emori's safety.
15:25Dr. Emori,
15:28the MMT
15:30has been disbanded.
15:36Was what we believed
15:55A few days later
15:58The MMT has been disbanded?
16:01That's why
16:03we can't continue with our clinic.
16:07Please wait.
16:08I'll talk to the owner.
16:11The MMT is going to be disbanded?
16:15Why is my grandfather in the mountains?
16:18You told me to rest at home.
16:21I'm sick.
16:24So I decided to stay in the mountains.
16:30Are you serious?
16:31It's a shame.
16:33I don't have anyone to take care of me.
16:36If I can't continue with the clinic,
16:40it might be a good thing.
16:52The summer is not over yet,
16:56but the MMT is going to be disbanded.
17:00I'm so frustrated.
17:04I know.
17:06The MMT is not bad,
17:12but I, Noriko, and Rei
17:16are worried about it.
17:20I saw you working so hard.
17:26I don't understand why the MMT has to be disbanded.
17:31I know.
17:39I'll take care of it.
17:42I'm sure it won't work.
17:45Even if it doesn't work,
17:49I'll take care of it.
18:09The MMT is going to be disbanded?
18:12Sumie just called me.
18:16I'm sure Noriko will wake up.
18:20I was right.
18:45The MMT is going to be disbanded?
18:48The MMT is going to be disbanded?
19:12There is only one mission.
19:15Aim for zero deaths in the mountains.
19:22Mountain Medical Team.
19:35Everyone is looking forward.
19:37What are you going to do without I.M.?
19:44I don't know.
20:02If you go to the mountains, you have a life to save.
25:37It hasn't changed much.
25:40I'm still studying.
25:45Thank you so much.
25:49I think it's because you came to our house
25:54and faced the medical world
25:58that more people are trying to think about the future.
26:02I think Mr. A. Mori was preparing for that.
26:13So I want to watch over the mountains as much as I can.
26:21Like Mr. A. Mori.
26:27Like he's dead.
26:32Ms. Emori?
26:36Mr. Emori?
26:37Ms. Emori, do you understand?
26:45I'm so glad.
26:57I can't believe it.
26:59To recover from that state.
27:02Me too.
27:03It's the result of the rescue team and MMT's efforts.
27:08Well, MMT was disbanded.
27:13I'm glad I asked you.
27:17It's because you gave me the strength to live.
27:21I'm really glad.
27:25Don't be reckless anymore.
27:29I'm sorry.
27:41Come in.
27:46Thank you for your time.
27:50What is it this time?
27:54I'd like to talk about MMT.
27:57MMT has already been disbanded.
28:02Is there still a problem?
28:04Yes, it's a big problem.
28:07What more do you want us to do?
28:10I'd like you to withdraw the disbandment.
28:14Actually, the other day...
28:16Excuse me.
28:17I'd like to talk about the disbandment of MMT at Shina General Hospital.
28:21Is there anyone in charge?
28:30I'm sorry, but what did you say?
28:32It's about the MMT patients who were saved by the MMT doctors.
28:40This is the signature of those who wish for the survival of MMT.
28:56I wanted to show you the scenery of the summit.
29:00I'm going to file a complaint against Dr. Emori.
29:04I like mountains.
29:06I'd like to climb the mountain with you again someday.
29:09Your wife's life is at stake.
29:12Ayumu, thank you.
29:14Let's all go together next time.
29:16I was able to climb the mountain thanks to my father.
29:19I was really glad that Ayumu came.
29:21Please don't lose MMT.
29:31Can you reconsider it again?
29:34Because there are MMT teachers,
29:36you can climb the mountain safely from children to the elderly.
29:41We can live next to the mountain.
29:45I understand the feelings of the patients.
29:48However, we have received a letter from the relevant authorities.
29:52I'd like to ask you too.
29:56As a fire prevention aircraft,
29:59I sincerely wish for the survival of MMT.
30:02For the future of mountain rescue,
30:04the power of doctors is indispensable.
30:08Please don't disband MMT.
30:17That's not all.
30:18There is also a new influence on SNS.
30:40The government has also given a lot of requests.
30:43As a result of re-consideration with the governor,
30:46medical care is no longer the convenience of the government or the organization,
30:50but only the convenience of the people.
30:53I hope that the government will continue to support MMT.
31:09Based on the basic guidance for patients,
31:13we decided to withdraw the disbandment guidance for MMT.
31:17It's an honor.
31:19For so many people to think that far.
31:24I'm sorry to say that, but...
31:28Of course,
31:31I don't think that the will of MMT alone can save all the patients in the mountains.
31:38Great nature is not something that people can fight against.
31:44The police, the fire brigade, the air force,
31:50and all the people who help them,
31:52the general manager, the people in the mountains,
31:55the hospitals,
31:57all the people involved in the mountains,
32:02how to work together,
32:04how to share the role,
32:07I think we should think about the mountain medical care and the mountain rescue system.
32:15Well, there is no room for denial.
32:19Then, please consider the issue of rescue soldiers.
32:26That's a different story.
32:31Let's continue to consider the budget.
32:36Thank you so much.
32:44Are you withdrawing the disbandment?
32:46That's right.
32:51That's not all.
32:53At first, it was a summer holiday.
32:59Summer holiday?
33:01All year round?
33:03Especially in winter, there are few mountaineers,
33:06but the danger of such an accident is increased.
33:09At the same time, it is directly related to the risk of the doctor going to the mountains.
33:14But I want all of these members to continue to lend me their strength.
33:25I understand.
33:31I think our experience will someday lead to the future of mountain medical care.
33:39Stay close to the mountains, stay close to the region, stay close to people.
33:48In order to continue mountain medical care, let's make it together.
33:55Yes, sir.
34:01What do you mean by withdrawing the disbandment?
34:08That's all for the report.
34:11Wait, is this okay?
34:14Don't you regret it?
34:19Good or bad, I am a member of the organization.
34:22I just follow the organizational policy.
34:28I thought I could crush that annoying MMT and raise my daughter again.
34:39Dr. Muramatsu, what is medical care to you?
34:51My hospital is a hospital that inherited from my grandfather's generation.
34:56It is a hospital with a reputation in the local area.
34:58It has a mission to protect the history and health of the region.
35:05However, do you think it is a medical mission to protect the future, not just the history of the region?
35:14Is that what MMT is?
35:19It depends on their efforts from now on.
35:34I'm home.
35:36I told you to call me when you go out.
35:40I was going to go to the vending machine.
35:44What's wrong?
35:46My father can't go out alone at night.
35:52Ayumu gave it to me and I found it.
35:55I can't go hiking because I'm worried about this.
36:00What? Are you going hiking?
36:03Just the two of you?
36:05Of course, I won't go to such a difficult place.
36:08My father is fine.
36:10You know, the four of us often went hiking together.
36:13When did you talk about it?
36:16That's right. You remember the old days, don't you?
36:19It's strange.
36:21The people of this land seem to have been raised in the mountains of the Northern Alps.
36:28It is because of the blessings of nature that they are given life.
36:43The life of the mountains lives in our bodies.
36:48That's right.
36:50Let's not forget to be grateful and cheer up.
36:54Let's share life.
36:59I'm going hiking, too.
37:02Let's go hiking together again.
37:07Let's eat.
37:10I'm hungry.
37:12Father, help me.
37:14I'll make miso soup.
37:19I never thought I'd be sharing my life with the mountains.
37:27I'll do my best from now on, too.
37:30I'll aim for a life that only I can have.
37:48Congratulations on your discharge.
37:51You must have had a hard time.
37:53Not at all.
37:57Here you go.
37:59Congratulations on your discharge.
38:06I'll leave it with the rescue team.
38:11You're welcome.
38:15I left it with the rescue team.
38:24You finally found it.
38:29I came back to you.
38:44You're welcome.
38:55don't go hiking anymore.
38:58Even if you don't climb the mountains,
39:01as a member of MMT,
39:03I have a lot of things I want you to do.
39:08Even if you don't tell me,
39:10I'm going to do it.
39:16I'm going to the medical field.
39:19That's great!
39:22I want to follow you wherever you go.
39:25Did you hear about the rescue helicopter?
39:27It's rumored that the country is looking for a woman.
39:31Will the helicopter be deployed to our hospital?
39:36I'm so grateful for your effort.
39:38Which one? The helicopter?
39:41It's the vice-president's chair.
39:44But I'm glad.
39:46Now you can call me stupid glasses.
39:49You don't have to call me stupid glasses.
39:52You don't know anything.
39:55You're the vice-president.
39:57You don't know when you'll be the president.
39:59That's a long-term plan.
40:02Mr. Kakegawa,
40:04marriage is a blessing of love.
40:09Can I use this for your poo?
40:13Can you use it?
40:16Can I use it?
40:19I'm so glad that you came back.
40:22The hospital is back.
40:25And this mountain hut is alive again.
40:28Ms. Rei.
40:30What about the old mountain bike note?
40:31What should I do?
40:34You can't throw it away.
40:36I can't throw it away.
40:38I'll put it away.
40:40Ms. Rei.
40:42About the menu.
40:45I came up with this.
40:49Are you going to change the menu?
40:52Chii-chan, shut up.
40:54I'm just trying to add a new menu.
40:56What do you mean?
41:00Who's going to eat this?
41:04He's not going to quit, is he?
41:08I don't think so.
41:12I think so.
41:25Thank you for your help for a long time.
41:31Is this really okay?
41:35Do whatever you want.
41:37I know it's useless to expect you anymore.
41:43But I won't give up this.
41:47I'm the one who raised you to be a good person.
41:52No matter where and what you do.
41:56You are my daughter.
42:10Thank you very much.
42:56Check if there is a problem with the central nervous system.
43:06Check the legs.
43:08Are you okay?
43:09Does it hurt?
43:10Check the blood vessels.
43:14Check the pulse.
43:21I'm sorry.
43:22I'm busy.
43:24It's for my own sake.
43:27Don't die.
43:31Winter mountains are not summer days.
43:50I'll take back what I said about you.
43:58You are a doctor of mountains.
44:20Thank you very much.
