The George Mossey Show: Before the 90 days: AfterShow S7EP3 #90dayfiance #thegeorgemosseyshow #news

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The season of 90 day fiance: before the 90 days Episode 3 premiere! Join George Mossey & Gina @portugueseprincess143 for the #90dayfiancebeforethe90days #90dayfiancetheotherway #podcast #recap #90dayfiance #90dayfiancenews #90dayfiancememes #90dayfiancé #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #90dayfianceBeforethe90days #90dayfianceBeforethe90daysnews #90dayfiancebeforethe90dayspodcast #90dayfianceTheOtherWay #90dayfianceNEWS #90dayfiancePodcast #90dayfianceMemes #90dayfianceRecap #georgemossey #georgemosseypodcast #entertainmentNews #entertainment #realityTV #realityTVnews #realityTVPodcast #explore #ExplorePage #exploremore #90dayfiancehappilyeverafter #realitytvnews #georgemossey #theGeorgemosseyshow #tlc


00:00Hi, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Happy Sunday. I'm George Mossey. This is the
00:11George Mossey Show, the after show for Before the 90 Days, Episode 3. Unfortunately, Cara
00:19or Deedee will not be joining us tonight, but we do have a special guest who's going
00:23to come in and talk with us. Gina will be here. So we're going to get into this episode
00:29and talk with Gina. So we'll get Gina in here. We're going to start talking about Episode
00:393. Hi, Wheels1056. I love your name. Hi, Lisa. Hey, how are you? I'm good. How are you?
00:48I am good. I'm good. I'm getting sick, but not like fully sick. I'm just in the vicinity
00:55of sick. Take vitamin C in emergency. Yeah, I got some tea and coffee and I'm going to
01:02be like good on my vitamins and stuff. But this happens to me all the time. I get sick
01:07all the time. It's not weather related. I just get sick. I don't know. But we're going
01:11to get into this episode, Episode 3 of Before the 90 Days. So I want to talk about Rain
01:19and Chitty first because we got the big scene with the chickens, right? So we saw what happened,
01:27her reaction to Victoria purchasing, because okay, so she had arrived in Lagos, and she
01:34spent the night there and they were going to have a big meal together, right? They were
01:37going to cook dinner for her to welcome her, you know, into the home and they were going
01:42to have chicken, which is, you know, a pretty normal thing that you would eat in Africa,
01:47right? Like chicken is pretty normal. So they took her to the market and their market, it's
01:53a very fresh market, right? A little more fresh than we're used to here in the US. So
01:58they were going to actually kill a live chicken to bring home to cook. And Rain or Renee was
02:07very offended by the idea of killing a chicken. But Victoria brought up a really good rebuttal
02:14because she was like, well, don't you eat chicken? And she's like, well, yeah, yeah, I
02:19totally will eat chicken. I just won't be a part of killing it. And it's kind of hypocritical,
02:24right? Because I know I have friends that are vegan. And if it was alive, they have no
02:30part in it, right? They won't eat it. They don't support the eating of it. They don't
02:33support of killing it. You know, so Rain is kind of on both sides of the fence. You know
02:38how there's you have that one friend who's like kind of playing both sides. She's playing
02:41both sides of the fence because she raises chickens as her family, right? As her own,
02:46but she also eats them. Which, you know, in a human standpoint, that's like saying that
02:51you love humans, but you're also a cannibal, right? Like, it's really hypocritical. So
02:57I want to get your thoughts on that. Because most people on X or Twitter said that she's
03:02just she's missing all of the screws, right? Like she's a few tools short of the toolbox.
03:09So is that how you feel too?
03:10I think that she's wearing an invisible tinfoil hat, you know, like the phrase like, like
03:17people who are, well, like Renee, should generalize that. Sometimes they wear a tinfoil hat, and
03:26she is one of them. But I was just like, Oh, my God, why are you such a hypocrite? Like
03:31you eat chicken? Oh, well, I can't see it. Like, the butcher needs, if it had feelings,
03:37the butcher needed to have feelings. What? What feelings? No butcher has feelings. They're
03:43there to make money to sell you the product.
03:45Well, I don't like how she was blaming everyone else. Like she's blaming Victoria. She's like,
03:51well, she's gonna, she knows that I love chicken, she would kill a person's family. Like she
03:55was weaponizing her love for chickens, and using it against everyone involved. Like,
04:01I would never go to the grocery store and ask for the name of the supplier of a certain
04:06type of meat, and then weaponize that person or that company and say that they don't have
04:10feelings. You know, you can definitely have feelings and work as a butcher or work in
04:16a slaughterhouse farm. Like, it doesn't make you a bad person. And I felt like she was
04:21trying to make it seem like people who kill chickens are bad people. Because if you could
04:25put that in a category, people who eat chickens are bad people, you know, because if you really
04:31care about, because there's a lot of people, PETA, you know, there's people who fight for
04:36the rights of animals, and they fight for the rights of treatment of animals. And if
04:40you really, really gave a damn, you wouldn't eat it, right? Like, okay, so for instance,
04:45my favorite animal when I was a kid was a giraffe. So when I got older, I used to join
04:50all these groups, so I could get like up close and personal with giraffes, and I would donate
04:53and become members of these groups. And the last thing I would ever do to this day or
04:57ever in my life is eat a giraffe, because I really, really care about that animal. So
05:03the idea that she thinks that she can care about the animal and then eat the animal at
05:07the same time, it's just crazy. Well, doesn't she makes her bread and butter,
05:11Renee, like selling eggs and chickens and stuff like that? What do you think these people are
05:16going to do with the chickens? Just let them wander in like their gardens or their farms?
05:24No! It's to reproduce, make eggs, make money. To say that, because did you notice in some of
05:33the scenes, we were watching them walk through the market in Lagos, and there were just random
05:37chickens roaming free. So I was like, if anything, they definitely respect, because you know,
05:42in America, they put them all on a farm and put them in a gate in a coop, and they're not allowed
05:46to. Right. So I was like, they definitely respect the animal, because there were just random
05:51chickens roaming around. No one was trying to eat those. It's just like with turkey and with their
05:57love for the cats too, but they're not going to eat the cats, obviously, but because it's,
06:01you know, but I was gonna say too, I wrote it down, like, Victoria's house is nice.
06:09From what it was, from the standards that we've seen TLC, whether it be Michael and Angela,
06:15like her, the standards, I'm like, dang, that house is kind of nice.
06:21No, it was nice. And also, I want to bring up the cooking of the breakfast. So Chidi woke up
06:26and cooked her breakfast, which his independence is so impressive to me. And also, we're going to
06:31get into Brian and his independence too later. But he's very independent. And I did get a little
06:36nervous. He had a really sharp, long knife. And he was kind of, and it made me nervous,
06:42because I didn't know if he knew that Renee was behind her. And he was like swinging the knife
06:47around. But the fact that he can cook, cut up things with the knife, light up a gas stove,
06:53all of the things that he could do, you know, not being able to see really makes me realize how much
06:57I take advantage of what I have, you know. And I think this is a real eye opener for me.
07:04I remember, okay, this is gonna sound stupid, but I was in the shower, and I was washing whatever
07:08little hair that I have. And I got shampoo in my eyes. And you know, once you get shampoo in your
07:13eyes, you can't see, it burns, you have to like run the shower over your eyes for a while. And I
07:17was like, you know, temporarily unable to see until I could fix that. And I remember shuffling
07:23around and almost falling, you know, just from like two seconds of not being able to see. And
07:28then I'm watching Chidi as all of the things that he's able to do, like all of the hazards that he
07:33has to go through just in his town, right? Like of going out and doing things. And then it makes
07:38me realize like, wow, I was like, unable to see for two seconds and almost fell. And this man is
07:44able to live, cook, you know, become independent and do all these things. It really opened my eyes
07:49to, you know, the struggles that people have and how we just take full advantage, you know,
07:55of those things that we have. And we're not appreciative, you know, of having eyesight,
08:01having hearing, having your limbs, you know, like we're not appreciative of that.
08:04Your senses, actually, from what I've read or heard, your senses, actually, if one takes away
08:11your sense of smell, your like sense of taste or sense of hearing, if you're blind, is enhanced.
08:18Because you have to learn how to like, have to learn how to adapt, right? So your senses are
08:25like more with the different other senses that you have.
08:30Well, yeah, he said that the market, it was really distracting and disorienting because
08:35his hearing is so heightened. So you know, we heard all the horns, the cars, the
08:40killing of chickens, you know, there's a lot going on, you know, for you to take in and you
08:45also take advantage, you don't really appreciate that as well. You know, when our senses are
08:50evenly distributed, so the sound doesn't get to that point because it's evenly distributed.
08:56But when you take away a sense, and then one is so much more heightened than the others,
09:00it does, it's very distracting, it's hard to concentrate, it's hard to really focus.
09:04And that's something that he's dealing with on a daily basis, you know? So I was just,
09:09I was impressed watching him cook breakfast on his own without, and the way that he wanted her
09:13to sit down and not help him. I'm just so impressed by the level of independence that
09:19everyone this season has, you know, suffering from, you know, different disabilities. I don't
09:23even like to call it disabilities, but like disadvantages. They still want to be independent
09:28and take care of themselves and be their own individual without asking for help. And I think
09:33that's just really admirable. Definitely.
09:37So she, Chidi finally found out that it's time to tell a story, right? So Chidi told
09:44Renee that they're not going to be having sex. His vow to God is that he's going to be celibate.
09:50And she didn't take it well. You know, she was very upset. And you know, I can understand that
09:56traveling thousands and thousands of, you know, almost 10,000 miles across the world to be with
10:01someone that you've been talking to for five and a half years, and y'all have had conversations
10:06about being intimate. And then when you get there, the story has changed,
10:10you know, how would you feel? Would you, would you feel like you were betrayed if you got there
10:15and then found out after the fact that y'all weren't going to be intimate? Because I know
10:19that you're kind of like strangers, right? Like I see it from both sides because you've never
10:23physically met, even though you've been talking for five years, it's not the same as having a
10:27real relationship, a bond, a friendship for five years in person. Like when is an acceptable amount
10:33of time after you arrive, that you would expect that you guys would be intimate together? Or do
10:37you feel that way at all? Well, first, I wouldn't travel that far. For nobody, nobody, nobody is
10:48not worth it. And you were talking to five years, then, like, obviously, she was led on to believe
10:56like, he portrayed himself differently. So that's obviously not a red flag. But maybe she made more
11:04of it than what it what it actually was. And maybe it was just to entice her to go there.
11:09So then they can see how they would work out, right? Like, because he hid that he was blind.
11:16And then, like, just different little things. And I do like him. Like, I do. I do like him,
11:23I have a soft spot for him. Like, I do like him. But I think there may be more to it than
11:29what she's portraying, like, oh, well, this and that, and the text messages. But when you're
11:34actually text messaging somebody, it's portrayed differently than if you're actually face to face
11:38or on the phone. So she could have. And plus, she has a tinfoil hat on. So Lorde, like,
11:44with about aliens and stuff. She could be like, oh, like, she could even be making this stuff up
11:50about everything, because it wouldn't surprise me.
11:53He did withhold the blind thing from her in the beginning. You know, I look for patterns.
12:00So like, I feel like, I don't know, like, but I don't know if that is something that you lead
12:05with. Because watching the show, we're starting to learn that people don't always reveal things
12:09right away. Like, we're learning that if someone is trans, they don't always tell the person on
12:14the first date, right? Like, you do want to try to get to know somebody before you tell them
12:18something. Like, obviously, they're not going to be intimate on the first date. It's not necessary
12:22to bring it up. So I was like, well, maybe Chitty felt like, well, I'm not going to physically be
12:27on a date with her. We're not going to be physically out together. It's not necessary
12:30for me to tell her that. Because if you consider it a disadvantage, or something that about you
12:35that might be negative, because we watched that with Brian, it isn't necessarily something you
12:39want to lead with, right? Like, we as us, like me and you, we wouldn't lead into a conversation as,
12:45oh, I don't work well with others. Or I don't catch on to things as fast as other people. Like,
12:50we don't lead with our disadvantages when we meet people. We put our best foot forward,
12:54and then later on, people learn, you know, that we have these things about us that people don't
13:00really like. So I looked at it like that, too. I was like, maybe he didn't tell her because it
13:04wasn't pertinent information. Because, you know, when you want to get to know someone,
13:09and you want them to get to know the real you, your disadvantages are not really
13:14that big of a percentage of who you are. You're so much more than just being blind,
13:19or so much more than being quadriplegic, or so much more just than being trans. So I think it's
13:24important that people get to know the person before they start taking, you know, their
13:30disadvantages and making judgment off of that.
13:34Yeah, I don't know. Like, she's just-
13:37Well, Brain is, she's just interesting. The way that she said she was going to get violent.
13:43And I was like, well, what do you mean by getting violent? Are you going to, like,
13:46physically attack the butcher? Are you going to, like-
13:49Are you going to throw a chicken at him? Or are you going to grab a chicken and throw it at him?
13:54The way that she behaved, it was just so erratic and strange. And it was just really confusing for
14:00me because, you know, I never looked at her as a completely all-the-tools-in-the-shed,
14:06shiny-and-working person from the beginning. Like, she's different. It was different for me.
14:10But I was just like, the way that she reacted to the chicken situation, then when Victoria
14:15took her to the side and was like, you eat chicken.
14:19So, like, you can't behave that way because she's acting like a member of PETA, right,
14:24at a chicken fest.
14:25The one thing if she was a vegetarian and been like, I don't eat meat, or I don't eat eggs.
14:31But not only does she eat it, like you said, that she sells chickens and sells eggs. So,
14:37she's sort of exploiting chickens at the same time, right? Because, like, those same chickens
14:42that she has laying in her bed, she's taking their babies. Because let's get technical for
14:47a second. Those eggs hatch into chickens. So, she's taking those children from the mother.
14:52Because she said it. She's like, would you really kill a family member in front of them?
14:56Well, you-
14:57Well, she is.
14:58Right? Let's be technical, right? She's taking that
15:01unpatched baby from the mother and selling it to someone who is going to eat it.
15:07That is literally the definition of a hypocrite, right?
15:10Well, did you see her face when she was like, when Victoria questioned her was just like, well,
15:15like, again, with the eating chicken part, she was kind of like backpedaling, like,
15:18oh, like, and caught off guard. Like, when I saw her face, she was like,
15:24like, when I was watching it, she was like, kind of backpedaling it and
15:28like going off guard about it and stuff like that.
15:30Well, she knew that she had gotten, she was, he got her, she got her. Victoria was like, well,
15:36look, I would understand this reaction from a vegan or a vegetarian or, you know, someone
15:41who actually had a leg to stand on in this situation. But like, you literally
15:46sell chickens and eggs to people. So like, you are no better than this butcher. So
15:51placing yourself on a pedestal up here, when you are doing basically the same thing,
15:54it's completely crazy. Like you are literally on the same level, right? Like you might not take
15:59a knife and cut its head off, but you're literally selling its children to people so they can eat
16:04them. You know, like, it's pretty much the same thing.
16:06It doesn't make any sense. She doesn't make any sense.
16:10But it makes sense. Yeah. J. Queezy, she sells chickens and eggs. That's how she says she
16:14actually supports our whole family. She has two kids. And she has a farm. She has other
16:18animals as well. But she said the majority of her financial support comes from selling chicken
16:24eggs. So it's just so hypocritical, right? She's the pimp of the chickens.
16:31Right. She's basically the pimp and the chickens are making her cash. And then she somehow feels
16:37like she's holier than people who eat the chickens. Okay, so I want to talk about the
16:42new people tonight. So we got Veya and Sunny. And I wanted to get raw reactions from you because
16:48Veya. Okay, so do you remember Zaid and Rebecca? Do you remember we called Rebecca the filter queen?
16:57So a lot of people are saying that Veya is filter queen 2.0. So do you remember the pictures that
17:03Sunny showed us tonight on the episode versus who we saw tonight? How do you feel about that?
17:09You know what, honestly, if like, as long as you're not portraying yourself to be Kim Kardashian,
17:15because we all know that is not possible. Like, I filter some of my I filter some of my pictures
17:21too, by all means, like, you know, like, you're on TV, you're trying to put your best foot forward
17:26by all means, right. But it's one thing to majorly filter yourself like a Darcy and Stacey situation.
17:34But a little filter didn't hurt anybody, right? You got a little blemish here, a little blemish
17:39there. But she lives in Orlando. She's so close to you. Go find her.
17:43I know, I was very surprised. I was very surprised. She's my neighbor, basically. But yeah, I saw the
17:48pictures. And you know, I did see that people were posting the Rebecca and Zaid pictures where
17:53Rebecca was wearing the filtered picture on his shirt at the airport. And then when Rebecca arrived,
17:59the girl on the shirt didn't match the girl in the airport. Okay, J. Queezy, that's exactly where I
18:05was going next. J. Queezy was like, what about the fact that she looks older than 27? So the internet,
18:11the internet has been going deep. And they were like, you know, we can buy a lot of things that
18:16people sell. But her being 27, you know, I'm going to need to see a receipt, because they're just not
18:22seeing it. And I was like, 27 is a reach, I would have said 35, right. And that's like being very
18:28generous. Like she could even easily be in the 37, 38 range. I don't know my age.
18:35I don't know.
18:36Be at the 40 mark.
18:37Yeah, I don't know. She's lying about her age. But you know, the internet, they caught it right away.
18:42X and Twitter fans were like, well, one thing about 27 and her is she's not 27. They were like,
18:48well, that's the first thing we're gonna say she's completely lying about that. And then we met
18:53Sonny, but we're also meeting Rory. So it's kind of like a love triangle, right? So Rory is her ex
18:59that she was dating, I guess, prior to Sonny. And she's bringing Rory with her to South Africa
19:07in order because she doesn't want to be alone, which was confusing to me because she had two
19:10able bodied friends that were with her at her house that she could have asked to go with her.
19:16I just think it's really interesting to bring an ex because you know, I've talked about the
19:20ex subject a lot on my podcast and it's it's touchy because everybody feels different about
19:25it. Some people are like I can be friends with them because if I wanted to be with them,
19:29we would still be together. And then some people look at it as well. I always look at it as there
19:35are still feelings lingering even because a lot of people will say the hate they have for their ex,
19:39there's a little love in the fuel for that hate, because it's like a betrayal,
19:44or they cheated and the relationship ended badly so that the hate is driven by some sort of love.
19:49So how do you feel about her bringing an ex across the world to meet a boyfriend?
19:54I don't understand. Like, why? Why? Like, you can be civil with an ex. But obviously,
20:01there's some red flags there that they're filling each other's lives for a reason.
20:07And they don't want to cut ties with each other. Like I've cut ties with my exes. And the only
20:12thing that we say to each other on a yearly basis, and I said this before is like, happy birthday.
20:18That's about it. Right? Yeah, you said on Facebook, on Facebook, you say happy birthday,
20:24which, you know, that's pretty standard. Yeah, you know, I have people that I went to
20:29middle school and high school with, I say happy birthday on their wall on Facebook. And that's
20:33pretty much the extent of the whole conversation. Like if we run into each other, like,
20:39in the cities doing something or at the amusement park or whatever, we'll say, Hey,
20:43what's going on? How are you? But as the family, that's about it. Like, and there's nothing
20:48outside of that. But the fact that she's bringing an ex and doesn't, didn't it, like say, like to
20:55one of our friends with her anxiety and whatnot, that she claims, like, and I, it could be true,
21:01right? She did say she doesn't fly a lot, right? Bring a friend, not your ex. It's a red flag,
21:08it would be a red flag for me if someone was, well, first, I wouldn't want that to happen.
21:13Someone was traveling with me and brought his ex-girlfriend. Like, are you Dululu? Like,
21:18you're out of your mind. And it's like, I don't know where they are. I couldn't remember. I
21:23didn't write it down. But it's like, it's there's a very like, it's in somewhere in
21:27South Africa where they've got, and he's Muslim, too. Like, oh, yeah, it's South Africa.
21:33It's in Danish, South Africa, but he's actually from Bangladesh. But you're right,
21:38that's another aspect. He's Muslim. And you know, Muslim men are very strict on,
21:43you know, especially their wives or fiancees speaking to other men. Because, you know,
21:48in the Muslim religion, a woman is, if she's married to a Muslim man, she's not even really
21:53allowed to, like have a conversation with another man. We were actually watching this a little bit
21:58with Tiger Lily and Adnan tonight. So that's gonna be an issue, I can tell. And the main thing that
22:03he brought up, that Sonny brought up tonight with his friend Ali, was there's trust issues.
22:08He said that when they have a fight, she just doesn't answer the phone. She ghosts him, she
22:14disappears. You know, when you're really far away from each other, ghosting people is detrimental
22:20to the relationship, because it basically means you've erased that person from your life.
22:24And we've heard couples that do this on the show before. They just, and then when you're
22:28ready to talk to them again, you'll start taking their calls. But I don't trust that because
22:33it means that you had the option and opportunity to ex them from your life,
22:40like they never existed. So I feel like you never were in love. Because if you were, because if they
22:45were local, would you have done the same thing? You know, because if they were local, would you
22:49just pretend that they don't live in the same apartment as you? Like, would you just ignore
22:53them? I don't think you would. Exactly. And why is her ex on his Facebook, or his Instagram, sorry,
23:02laughing at his picture? See, I think that's jealousy. And like, because I was like, he's
23:08like, oh, you take too many selfies. I was like, that's what lots of, that's what people say when
23:12they're jealous of the person, or if that's the new boyfriend, girlfriend, or whatever. Like,
23:16that's not what an ex that doesn't care would say. First of all, why are you on his Instagram?
23:22Right? That was my whole point. Why are you on his Instagram? Why do you care? If you're just
23:26friends, then you're not going to be on his Instagram. Exactly. If you're stalking the new
23:30guy's Instagram, y'all are, you're not over your ex. Because you want to know who she's dating.
23:35You want to see every selfie he posts. You want to know who he's talking to, what he looks like.
23:39That's a red flag for me. Like, if you're on, because there's no reason why he should even be
23:45on the Instagram. You could know that she's dating him, but there's no reason for you on
23:49your personal account to be on his personal account, commenting, especially laughing emojis,
23:54basically saying, you're not good enough. I would be a better boyfriend. That's what I get
23:59from that. Like, it's just hate and jealousy. And it makes me wonder, you know, if they broke up,
24:06and she's moving on to another person, like you said, but she won't move forward from her ex,
24:12if Rory is still around, there's something there. Because, you know, and another thing that I was
24:17thinking, if I was to bring my ex to meet a new person, like, how often does an ex usually ever
24:23say anything positive about you? So like, that's like me bringing a hater with me to hate on me.
24:29Because usually, exes don't break up. And it's usually not like two best friends after a breakup,
24:34it's usually you saying vile things about each other, right? Like, that's usually how it goes.
24:39So I wouldn't want to bring a vile person with me to introduce to the person that I'm trying
24:43to convince to love me, because it's not going to go well, they're going to tell them all of my
24:47flaws, and then some exaggerations of my flaws to make me seem like a piece of crap. Pretty much.
24:54Well, I'm interested in the storyline, though, because I'm just, I'm intrigued. And when I found
24:59out she was local, too, I was even more intrigued. So I'm gonna be looking for her and Sunny around,
25:04around the city now, just to see if I run into them. But oh, I want to get into Brian and Ingrid.
25:09So Brian got to Brazil. And he, first off, he got there, things went well. And he, number one,
25:17asked Ingrid to install his hand controls, which confused her, because she was like,
25:24he's usually told me that he travels alone, he doesn't need anyone, he doesn't need help,
25:27he's independent. So her being a woman, she got her nails done, her hair done for this meeting,
25:34she was not physically ready to do mechanic work on a car. So she was like, okay, I'll do that.
25:41You know, strike one, right, strike one, she was gonna let it go. And then they get back to the
25:45hotel. And he kind of shows everything right away, right? So he has a bag that collects the
25:51urine. And you know, she knew about it, because she had seen the catheter before. But he kind of
26:00put it in her face, right? He was like, oh, I'm gonna put this on. And he kind of came on really
26:04strong. So I wanted to ask you, how do you feel? Because obviously, you know, these are things that
26:09need to be discussed and understood if you're going to be in a relationship. But how would you
26:14feel if you were Ingrid, and this was the first night, and he's showing you all of these different
26:20things, and kind of involving you in it, right? Because she literally rolled over to the bed and
26:25turned around and was like, I don't want to know. Is that how you would feel too?
26:29He's, like he said, in like the interview, like he's perfectly capable of doing it himself.
26:36And he was just taking advantage of the whole situation itself, just to see what she would do,
26:41or like to, I think, to get like, have any sympathy, to get closer to her type of thing
26:47like that. But he's totally giving me Garrick vibes from Seeking Sister Wives. I don't know
26:53what it is. Like, I don't know. He's totally giving me some Garrick vibes.
26:57Garrick? Really?
27:00He's always going to Brazil. He's always going to Brazil. He's always finding these Brazilian
27:04beauties, right? He's always going to Brazil, always trying to find, like, that's the only
27:09comparison, not having more than one.
27:11That's interesting.
27:12And the fact that he's been engaged like four times, right?
27:15Okay, and there were, and some were Brazilian. Okay, so I didn't get the vibe, but I see,
27:20I see, I see the journey to how we got here. I can see that. That's interesting. And I mean,
27:27I think Ingrid, being someone who's never been in a relationship with a quadriplegic,
27:32a person in a wheelchair, I think that I was always taught that you expose people to things
27:39a little bit at a time, right? So, like, when you're learning to drive a car, you wouldn't go
27:44on the I-95 or the 405 the first day that you start driving a car, right? Because that's way
27:51too much for anybody just starting out. You would go to the parking lot of, like, an old,
27:55run-down Kmart, right? Like, you would go where you have space. You can ease into things. And I
28:02think that that also works with exposing people to just anything that's different. There's nothing
28:08wrong with the way, you know, Brian has to go through life and the things that he has to do.
28:14But I think introducing people into that, because I think he basically was saying,
28:18I wanted to test and see how, you know, how she reacted. Sometimes exposing people to things too
28:24quickly, it's not going to get a good reaction, because a person is just shocked. And sometimes
28:30they're, you know, I call it scaring people away. You know, like, because they...
28:34The fact, like, he's been on a plane for how long and transferring for how long? The quadriplegic,
28:41at least in my cousin's case, because he's one, that's why this story is totally giving me, like,
28:46creepy vibes. He has to use the washroom every 40, like, use the washroom every 48 hours,
28:52something like that, because he has a catheter, he has a bag and whatnot. I don't need to know
28:57any other details. Like, he's had a girlfriend before, never knew about the aneurysm, don't ask,
29:03right, never knew about the details that he's sharing. So this story kind of hits close to
29:08home, but kind of doesn't, I just kind of want to block it, block it out, because
29:13it's too close for comfort for me. So, but with the, the, the maneuvering, the, the driving,
29:23or whatnot, it's, I don't think it would be easy for someone to install it, just because, or for
29:28someone who is a quadriplegic to install it themselves, just like, you're shuffling, you're
29:34moving around, right? So I did think that because he showed us the mobility of his hands, right? And
29:41he can't squeeze, the way that his hands work, he can't actually, like, grip. But I was wondering,
29:48do you think that he could have actually asked the car rental place to install that, but he wanted
29:54to see how Ingrid reacted to being asked? Do you think that's what he was trying to do?
29:59They probably didn't wouldn't know how to do it. Right? Like, you got to put in that factor,
30:05because like, how many like, everyone should be independent. So but a lot of people who are on,
30:12like who, who's a quadriplegic probably can't drive or won't drive or too afraid to drive.
30:20And that's why they're not probably specialized in it. I don't know. Like, I think for my
30:24cousin, he had a mechanic put it in, but like, or a specialized mechanic that specializes in that.
30:30But it just, yeah, he just, yeah, I don't think a lot of and, like needed to be like, it's kind of
30:39like, I think in Brazil, if I'm not mistaken, they would drive mostly standard to not automatic.
30:45And this car works like when they put in like the special equipment or whatnot works almost like an
30:50automatic. So my cousin asked me to drive his car. And I'm like, No, I refuse to drive your car.
30:57This was educational for me, because I was always taught that if someone was in a wheelchair,
31:03quadriplegic, or paraplegic, the end, all of the controls were on the steering wheel,
31:08and there were buttons. So this was a learning experience. For me, I didn't realize that you
31:12could take any car and install the controls. I was under the impression that the car had to have the
31:20controls built into the steering wheel. So this, I mean, like I said, it was very,
31:25it was very educational for me. But I think for Ingrid, you know, just like when you're in school,
31:30you're in college, and you go to school, and you take four classes in one day. And every professor
31:35wants to teach you everything in that one day. And you're like, this is a lot of information for
31:39me to retain in one day. I think she was overwhelmed. I think that she looked at it as this
31:44obviously, as the trip went on, she was going to be exposed to more and more of his daily
31:50activities. But I think what he did was a lot. And I'm just worried that he's going to scare her
31:56away. And I think this might be something that he does. He might come on too strong,
32:00because he's worried that women will be turned off by what he has to go through. And I think
32:06he exposes it to them really fast. And then he might be right. A lot of women are like, well,
32:10I can't deal with this. This is a lot. I've never...
32:13After like the fourth or fifth time, wouldn't you already know, like,
32:16and learn from your mistakes? Like, hey, maybe I shouldn't have do this and do this instead,
32:21or get like, you know, like...
32:23You would think, because let's not forget, he's also going to tell her what really happened with
32:28his ex-wife and how he got in this year in the first place, which, you know, I don't know if
32:33you guys read the stuff online. Yeah, but it's not good. Right? Like, this is not good. Like,
32:40she's not going to be happy to hear that it happened because of infidelity.
32:44I'm actually surprised his car in the United States, because my cousin has one,
32:49like his wheelchair, it actually, he hooks it to this thing, and it goes up,
32:55like he presses a button, and it goes up. And then it folds into this like,
32:59carport thingy, like on top of his car. Like, it's kind of like...
33:02Oh, yeah, his was in the passenger seat, wasn't it?
33:07Yeah, I think his is in the passenger seat. And it was just causing my cousin to have more
33:11back problems. So he invested in that and literally just hook it and just put it up,
33:16or someone puts it in the backseat. But before, but now he's got this little mechanism going on,
33:22he hooks it to the thing, and it goes up, and then it folds in, and then it closes.
33:28Well, I don't know how I feel. I don't know if I have high hopes for this relationship.
33:32I do like Ingrid, though. I do like...
33:35I do like her, too. She's very patient. And like, Cara had said last week, she shows a lot of love
33:42and care when she first saw him, and like, took the time to get ready. And like, there's some love
33:47and empathy there as well, right? But he's coming off too strong, I think. So it would be for many
33:54reasons. So...
33:56Babies, too, you know, like, taking on, you know, because he is selling himself as being super
34:02independent, he didn't need help. But in actuality, he does need something from time to time. And he
34:08has to be willing to give that to him as well as take care of her babies and as well as do, you
34:13know, the things that her responsibilities are. You know, that's a lot to ask, you know, it's a
34:18lot to ask. He's been married a lot of times, you know, so I feel like there's probably something
34:23going on with him, like you said, that is rubbing women the wrong way. And I don't think it has to
34:28do with the chair, like you said. I think it has to do with other things. And we're probably going
34:33to learn more about that as we go along. Because he makes it seem like, oh, women are, they're
34:38afraid of a man in a chair. And I was like, I don't think it's that. I think you might be doing something
34:42specific that they don't like. And it doesn't really have to do with you being in a wheelchair.
34:46I think you might just be a liar or a cheater, or it's a behavior of yours, you know, that women
34:51all find repulsive. You know, women don't want certain behaviors out of their spouses, you know.
34:56He did say, don't bring a ring with you, right? Like,
35:00Yeah, because that's his MO. That's his MO, right away, trying to get engaged, trying to get married,
35:07and that can scare a woman away. It's really ironic, because a lot of men are like, women just
35:12want to get married, and they want to get engaged. And I was like, yeah, in the right timeline,
35:17women do want to get married, they want to be engaged, but not like 15 minutes after meeting
35:21you, you know, like, there's a timeline that they're looking for. Obviously, if you've known
35:25her for eight years, and you're not engaged, she's probably going to leave you. But if you've
35:29known her for eight days, and you're not engaged, she's probably okay with it, right? She's still
35:34getting to know you. So I think he's rushing things, which I get it, he's 51. He wants to
35:40find a forever partner, and he's been married so many times. So I understand it from both directions.
35:45But still.
35:47Yeah, there's something going on with that.
35:50So Adnan and Tiger Lily have gotten married, and they have consummated the marriage. He refused
35:57to give us any details. But he did tell us that he's no longer a virgin, which I would assume,
36:03right? He gave us the detail on that. But something that he said tonight was really
36:11interesting. He said that he doesn't have a problem with her not wearing a hijab and showing
36:15her hair. And he doesn't even have any intention of wanting her to convert. This is new for me.
36:22Right? Like, this is new for me for a Muslim man to not have that intention is really new.
36:28It's just a show, George. It's just you wait, like, like, no, no, it's just for a now thing.
36:38Because it's just like, oh, we're newly married. I'm gonna like do whatever. Like, I'm just gonna
36:42make my wife happy right now. But things will change.
36:46Oh, so you think it's the relationship is too fresh? The marriage is too fresh
36:50for him to really start to show his control?
36:54Oh, control factor that he had with the hairdresser with her friends?
36:58Yeah, I wanted to everything else.
37:01I wanted to talk about the hairdresser situation because he literally stood there and watched.
37:06And then he had the audacity to set a timer. Now one thing I know about women,
37:10hair salons, and hairstyles. I know when a woman goes to the hair salon, we could talk we're
37:16talking maybe two hours to five hours, sometimes six or seven hours, depending on the type of
37:21hairstyle they're getting done. So when on Friday, two and a half hours to get my hair, right?
37:26In and out thing, right? So he's like, Oh, I'll give you five minutes. And I was like, see,
37:30I can tell you're new to women. Because five minutes is not even enough time for a woman to
37:35put on lipstick. You know, like, that's crazy to me. And the idea that he doesn't want her to
37:41convert. He doesn't want her to cover her hair. But he doesn't also he doesn't want her to be
37:45around any other man. It's really conflicting for me.
37:48Just the small things like first, it's like, I don't want you to be around other men.
37:52And then it's going to be a bigger change. And then a bigger change and a bigger change. I must
37:56say, though, his mom is very beautiful. His mom is very stunning. She's very beautiful. She's a
38:00very beautiful woman.
38:02She was. She was also she had her hair covered. Because I was like,
38:07Well, partially because you can see like the bangs or whatnot.
38:10Right, right.
38:11Makeup was done, her makeup was on point. Yeah.
38:14I don't know. I want to believe that he's, he's gonna, he's gonna be the controlling person,
38:21because we've it's been I don't think we've ever met a Muslim man that didn't want some
38:24form of control over his wife, right? It's part of their religion. It's part of the book that
38:28they study. And it's it's I don't like it. It's like a cookie cutter story. Like we've been
38:33watching the same story over and over. So when he said that, I was a little confused. Also,
38:36at the wedding ceremony celebration, not the ceremony itself, they were eating with their
38:42hands and everyone was reaching their hand into the food. It was like, I wanted to call the health
38:48department like really bad. It was so gross. And I understand that Muslims use their hands to eat.
38:55I actually was watching Forbidden Love. And the guy said that they actually wipe themselves
39:01with their hands, like when they go to the bathroom, and one hand is for bathroom,
39:05and the other hand is for eating. And they don't use toilet paper. And it was,
39:11it just blew my mind because I'm a very germophobic person. So the idea of eating with my
39:18hands or going to the bathroom with my hands, you know, it's, it just seems like a disease waiting
39:25to happen, right? Like I would be so, so when I watched, he would literally reach his hand in the
39:29food and then put it in her mouth. It was it was just, it was new for me. Right? Like, that was
39:34the whole thing was new for me. And it was new for her too, because she's like, I'm not used to so
39:37many people trying to shove food in my mouth. Right? It's just like, it's just really weird.
39:42But I get that part of their, their religion is the cleanliness, cleanliness, right? And being
39:50closer to God through cleanliness, and then eating, you know, the hand goes straight from
39:54food to the mouth. And it's, it's, I've heard them explain it before it made sense.
39:59It's just, it's crazy to me because I could never eat with my hands. I mean, get I mean, I'm, I'm,
40:05I've eaten fried chicken with my hands. There's certain stuff that chicken wings, pizza,
40:11I get it. But like what they were eating, that was spoon and fork food. Right? Like that was
40:18and then they were eating it and then the spit from their hands and they're going back in it was
40:22just, oh, it was a lot for me. I needed to call the food department, the health department,
40:28and I needed the violations to be written up like now. So I was like, No, no.
40:32But honestly, who goes to bed? Or who wakes up with like, false lashes, eyeliner? I'm like,
40:38Oh God, and she couldn't have done her own hair. Like, are you? Are you kidding me? And then I was
40:43wondering through the whole ordeal, like with like, when they went to register for the wedding
40:48or whatnot. I'm like, Okay, you just signed something. You don't know what you signed.
40:54You have no idea what you signed. Why didn't you take out your phone? Google has a thing now where
40:59you can put the like, take a scan something, it'll tell you exactly what it says. And the fact she
41:05didn't have her friends there. I thought her friends weren't like for a while until she said
41:09that I gave him the day off. I thought they had like just arrived for the arrival with the hair
41:16and the makeup. And that was it. That was the next day when they arrived. She got she got married
41:22the ceremony that night. Then the next morning was when she was gonna go meet the parents. She
41:27had already given them the day off. And I was like, See, these are sounding more like employees
41:32because she made it seem like, Well, yeah, they're my employees, but they're my friends.
41:35They should want to be there with you to support you. An employee would be like, No, I'm off today.
41:41Don't call me. Don't text me. That's an employee. Your friends should want to be there when you
41:45meet his family should want to be there when you're getting married should want to be there
41:49for the celebration for the celebration. And why are they even there? If they're not going to be
41:53doing her hair and doing the makeup? Why are you even there? Like at this point, I'm just confused
41:57at the whole presence of them being there. How someone wants to pay me for like for me to keep
42:04them company and give me so many days off like and you want to pay for the flight by all means
42:08you can do that. I will gladly accept that. I mean, I'm open to that. Hold on. There's somebody
42:15we didn't talk about. Oh, Lauren and Faith. So Lauren has arrived in the Philippines and
42:23he had enough money to book his hotel for 20 days. Did he? Did he? Did he? Well,
42:31we think we don't know. We don't know if Faith actually paid because this is her job. So she
42:38could have asked for a comp room like we don't know exactly. Accountant room. Right. We don't
42:43know. I'm pretty sure when you work there, like if the rates 150 a night, like an employee can
42:49get it for like $75. Right. Like that's usually how it works. So she probably got him a deep
42:54discount, but she's going to notice right away because somebody brought this up. He got there
43:01with a backpack. So he didn't have any clothes. He didn't know we're near enough for 20 days. So
43:06he's got to go shopping and buy some stuff. And then we saw in the preview. Hopefully not on her
43:11dime. Oh no, absolutely. Absolutely. I'm pretty sure. Because in the preview, Faith was taking
43:18him shopping because obviously he had no clothes and she was like, I didn't, I'm not with him for
43:23the money. But she was like, I also feel like he should have more. She was like, you know,
43:29he has so little money. And it's funny because I was always taught if you don't have any money,
43:35take your broke ass home. So there's no chance that you would catch me on a vacation or out
43:40on somebody's airplane or go into another country with no money. That's crazy. First of all,
43:46my anxiety wouldn't let me like, I have to like, if I'm going on vacation, I have to have at least
43:51a couple of thousand dollars to bring with me just in case, just to make my nerves calm down
43:58enough. Cause what if you get over there and something happens and they ground all the
44:02airplanes and the only flight out costs a hundred or $1,500. Right. Like say, remember when there
44:08was all those issues over there in Israel and with all the, and people, the planes were grounded
44:14and there was no way to get out. Like, that's the type of stuff that goes through my mind.
44:17So the idea that, oh yeah, Jay Queezy, he brought $46 on a 21 or a 20 day trip to the Philippines.
44:26$2 a day almost, or $3 a day that he plans on spending.
44:30Yeah. Well, I think the money, our money is worth a little more over there. So like it was,
44:35it's probably going to triple, but still come on now, $2, $3 a day, that's not even going to cover
44:43your food, your expenses. And he didn't have any clothes. I know he went there with the intention
44:48of using faith. I know that's what he was going to do. He went there with that intention. I think
44:53that he thought that he was going to stay with her for free. I think that's what he originally,
44:58initially thought. Then when she got there, she was like, look, cause she did admit tonight,
45:03she's been in relationships with men, but none where she actually had feelings for the person.
45:07So this is the first time that she loves someone and is in a relationship with them. So she wants
45:12to take it slow. She doesn't want to just hop in the bed. You know, that's a mistake that she
45:16had made in the past. I like her. I really do. And he's just going to trample on her and use her.
45:23And she's, she's like so hardworking and dedicated. And she's a hustler. Like,
45:29three jobs, four jobs. And he's just going to hurt her and walk all over her. And then when he,
45:36when she finds out, I want an open relationship, she's going to be like,
45:40heck no. Was that his mom? Or was that her mom in the preview for next week?
45:46Yes, that was her mom, which that's big, you know, meeting her mom. I think that,
45:52I think that when he sold himself to her, it was all lies. Because when the mom was asking, like,
45:58you know, well, what's going to happen? What are your intentions? And he's like, oh,
46:01I kind of want to stay here. And she was like, that's not what we talked about. You know,
46:07we've talked about you bringing me over to Las Vegas, and I could work and I could
46:11have a better life. And like, again, he's reverse green carding her. So basically,
46:16you know, the scam is actually reversed. He's trying to squat into her life. Because imagine
46:23your life in the US is so messed up, that the Philippines seems like a better option. Like,
46:29imagine that the bad decisions that you have to make because in Faith's mind,
46:32she was like, I could go over there and live the best life. I could work hard.
46:36A better life.
46:37Exactly. And she could because she's like you said, she's a hard worker.
46:41She doesn't run from work. And I feel like Lauren runs from work. He runs from that.
46:46Because it pissed me off a little bit tonight when I saw that he had money for the hotel.
46:50Because we you know, I've been watching the Reddit post.
46:55He says all these nasty things about his ex-wife. And he's like, oh, she wants me to pay all this
47:00child support. And I was like, she doesn't want you to Lauren. You're supposed to.
47:04It's an obligation.
47:05It's an obligation. She doesn't want anything from you. You are court ordered to pay her.
47:12She doesn't want anything. How dare he make it seem like she's a horrible human being
47:17for wanting the best possible life for the children that he abandoned.
47:21Like he's really getting to me. And I just when I saw him show up and he had money for the hotel,
47:27and I was like, so he just inserts himself in other people's lives and takes advantage.
47:32That's exactly what he does.
47:33He is a leech. He is a blood sucking leech. And I'm sorry, what would he do? Oh, with these 40
47:41questions? Like, you have a peanut brain? What are you gonna do? Like, are you gonna give it to
47:47like, a psychiatrist? Because you're the one that needs help, dude. You're the one that needs help.
47:52Faith handed it back to him and was just like, we're in grade school. And it's I'm hoping that
47:58she catches the red flag. And also that pissed me off a little bit too. Because in her in his
48:03opinion, he was like, I need to make sure you're good enough for me. And I was like, bro, you're
48:09her right? Like, she needs to run from you. You are not the catch here. Right? Like you have no
48:16one is no one should be subjected to whatever you got going on in your life. You need to just be
48:21alone for a while and just figure all this hot mess of a life out before you involve anybody else.
48:27So when he handed her the test, I was like, how dare you think that you have that
48:32the option to say, Oh, well, if you don't pass this test, you're not good enough to be with me.
48:36I was like, please, he's serious. She is literally, she is, she is basically the top of
48:43the line. She's a Lexus Cadillac of women compared to what he deserves. So it was kind of disrespectful
48:52to even give her that. Exactly. I Yeah, I was just like, Oh, God, why is he so dumb?
49:00I'm like, Oh, I know why. But you know, well, when I saw that he was saying that his ex wife
49:05was evil because she wanted child support. I knew I knew what we were dealing with. Right?
49:09I was like, well, I already know what we're dealing with here. Because she don't even care
49:13about the child support. The court is who's telling you to pay, right? Like you, it's your
49:18responsibility. And the fact that you're out here doing everything but doing that I know what we're
49:22dealing with. So next week, we're going to meet another couple. Did you see that? Yes, I did.
49:28Yes, I did. Yeah. So next, I think this is the last one. And then we'll be with everyone on
49:35the season, right? I believe so. Like so far, there's one, two, three, four, six. I think there
49:42were six couples from what I saw. Yeah, I think this is the last one. So for episode four, we'll
49:47have everyone which is it's exciting. I didn't even realize that we're missing anyone. I felt
49:52like the drama either. Yeah, I felt like the drama was pretty good at the way it was. So I saw the
49:58new couple and I was like, Oh, this is exciting. Another another person to add to the chaos. So
50:03oh, and tomorrow I Love a Mama's Boy is premiering. So if you guys are not familiar, amazing
50:10show. I love it. As you guys know, I was a mama's boy for a long time. I slept in my mom's bed with
50:15her until I was 12. I was a huge mama's boy. Okay, so I love this show. Like unfortunately, my mom
50:21lives thousands of miles away from me now we moved far away. But when I was younger, up until like
50:261716 I was a huge mama's boy. So I'm very relating to the show. I love it. So if you guys aren't
50:32watching, tune in tomorrow night. It's coming on after the other way. No, I'm sorry after pillow
50:37talk for the other way tomorrow. And then we're gonna try to do an after show for that. Probably
50:43not tomorrow though. But we'll figure it out. And I have an announcement tomorrow. We're gonna be
50:48doing a podcast announcement tomorrow of collaboration. So I'll let everybody know
50:52about that. And oh, I want to make sure that I say get well soon to Cara. She's under the weather
50:57tonight. Yes, please. We miss you. And Didi too. And Didi. And thanks to Gina for joining me
51:05tonight. Thank you everybody for listening and chatting. I do have one thing to say though. Sorry.
51:12Did you I sent you the Debbie's picture with Colt is in my city. And he's apparently on the dating
51:19apps here right now in my city. Yeah, that's me that yeah, he like visit he's visiting his mom,
51:27right? Yeah. But oh my god, no. And literally, they're having like this car free day event
51:35near my house. And I'm like, Oh, no, no, no, I ain't going. No, no, no, you don't even want to
51:40run into him. I don't want to run. I definitely absolutely love Debbie, though. I know. I know
51:47my friend and I have been like, we've got to meet Debbie. We got to meet Debbie. We got to be good.
51:50We could just never find her. But yeah, he he is in town. I don't know for how long, but hopefully
51:57not for a long time. So he is in town. So I saw her the pictures of them. And I'm like, Oh, God,
52:04dear God. I'm like, the last thing the city needs is more dirt bags. So it's really it's
52:11peculiar to when somebody is only in town for a short amount of time. But they're on dating apps
52:15trying to look for people. It's like, so you know, you're not in town for long. You're just
52:18trying to just randomly hook up. Well, he said that he was on dating apps. I can assume that
52:23he's on like looking for girls. Oh, I know he is. I know. That's who he is. I know he is. You don't
52:29have you have to sell me. I know he's there. He can be there. Allegedly. Allegedly. He would be
52:37on a dating app. Exactly. All right, guys. Um, make sure you're following. I'm Gina. I'm gonna
52:43tag her in this video and make sure you're following me on all social media platforms
52:46at George Mossy, Anyway, get your podcast type in the George Mossy show.
52:50Thank you for joining us tonight. Everybody have a good night. And we'll talk. Wait,
52:53does he take care of his kid? Colt does not have a kid. I think he means Lauren. No, he does not.
52:59No, he doesn't. Scum of the earth. No. Good night, everybody. Good night. Bye.
