El Señor De La Querencia Cap 35

  • last week


00:00You choose, Manuel.
00:05I can't believe what I'm hearing after everything that's happened between us.
00:08I'm just getting ahead of what José Luis is going to do when he finds out what's going on.
00:13You lied to all of us.
00:16That you thought I was going to get here and do what I wanted.
00:21That I could take what I wanted.
00:24What you're doing with Teresita is not a provocation.
00:27You're just trying to save your skin.
00:29Because you're just like everyone else.
00:32You're no different from José Luis.
00:35You're a savage.
00:37Don't get me wrong.
00:39I'm a normal man.
00:41And if I'm just like your husband, that's what you've got in your head.
00:46I, Misia Leonor, am what I see.
00:49A worker.
00:52A junkie.
00:53Who belonged to that group.
00:54But that doesn't make me a murderer.
00:56How the hell can I not understand that?
00:59You're going to get aggressive too.
01:04Stay away.
01:07From me and my family.
01:11I'm not going to tell you again.
01:14Otherwise, you're going to have to face justice.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:32Excuse me, José Luis.
01:34May I come in?
01:37Come in. What do you want?
01:46I want you to know that what I'm going to tell you is not easy at all.
01:53Okay. Speak.
01:57I have the obligation to tell you something about what happened today at the oratory.
02:03What do you mean?
02:05Your visions.
02:08I know you're talking to your dead father.
02:10Which, let me tell you, is not normal at all.
02:13That's why I'm here, José Luis.
02:15Because I want to offer you all my knowledge to be able to deal with your problem.
02:19Shut the fuck up.
02:23Shut the fuck up!
02:46I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry, Herminia. I can't contain myself.
02:50It looks like you're enjoying it.
02:53Hey, come on. Don't get like that. Don't make me look like a dry grass.
03:14What are you doing?
03:23Sir, please.
03:25Calm down.
03:27Calm down, please.
03:28I'm not sick.
03:30That's all I want to help you, José Luis.
03:32I don't need your help because I'm not sick, you hear me?
03:35Next time you can tell me I'm sick, I'll kill you.
03:40Do you understand me? I'll kill you.
03:43Get out of here. Don't you realize I'm busy?
03:45Yes, I have to tell you something very important.
03:47What's going on?
03:49Someone in this house is behaving in a very sinful way.
03:57Why are you doing this to me?
03:59I should go.
04:00Yes, go.
04:02Excuse me.
04:03You don't have to go, Juan.
04:04Excuse me.
04:08I don't know what's going on with me, Lucrecia.
04:12I'm not your property.
04:14Are you going to tell me that I'm imagining everything?
04:19You know very well that I like men.
04:22And that hasn't changed.
04:34Be grateful that Leontina saved you, man.
04:36He's the last one who dared to call my father sick,
04:38and he's still picking up his teeth.
04:40Let me tell you, Luis Emilio, that your father is a complete savage.
04:45I never imagined that he could react like that.
04:48But he already knows.
04:50Now he's going to have to think twice before telling him.
04:54This is too much for me.
04:57Juan Cristobal told you.
05:00Tell me something, Luis Emilio.
05:03Were you aware of your father's hallucinations?
05:10Well, if I'm honest, I had no idea.
05:12I had no idea.
05:14But I think it's an important issue.
05:17I think José Luis suffers from a very strange disorder.
05:24Listen, I'm going to give you some advice, my friend.
05:26Leave my father alone.
05:29I'm telling you from my own experience that it can get much worse.
05:35Definitely, things happen very, very strange in inheritance.
05:42What do you say? Did something else happen to him?
05:47I hadn't told you, but the other night I saw that woman.
05:53The one you say marks men.
05:59The brunette?
06:25Come on.
06:27Don't get like that.
06:31You know I like men.
06:36I've told you so many times.
06:38Come on.
06:40Come on.
06:42Don't get like that.
06:43Calm down.
06:47Don't cry.
06:56Come on.
06:59Calm down.
07:02Don't cry.
07:04Stop crying.
07:07Come on.
07:17I love you so much, honey.
07:24What's going on here?
07:29Betrayed in my own house.
07:32What does it mean?
07:34You're not going anywhere, you fucking bitch.
07:36You're a piece of shit.
07:38I'm not going to tolerate you invading my own house with this kind of immoral behavior, bitch.
07:44I love this woman.
07:47I love her.
07:49I want it to be clear to you, did you hear me?
07:50Lucrecia, please, no.
07:52I'm not going to tolerate this, bitch.
07:54What the lady did is not true.
07:55I'm not going to tolerate it.
07:56That's not true, boss.
07:57Please don't believe that.
07:58You're a piece of shit, bitch.
07:59Get out of here, bitch.
08:03And what are you going to do to me?
08:06I'm going to get that demon out of you.
08:10That's what I'm going to do.
08:11What are you talking about?
08:12I'm going to show you
08:14what a real man is, bitch.
08:17No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:20Please, no, no, no.
08:22Please, no.
08:28You fuck, bitch.
08:34No, no.
08:36No! No! No!
08:38Shut up!
08:40Shut the fuck up!
09:01What are you doing here?
09:02Were you with Manuel?
09:03Answer me, were you with Manuel?
09:06Yes, I was with him.
09:08It was to make it clear to him that he has to stay away from you.
09:11That's what I did.
09:12How dare you?
09:13How dare you?
09:14Manuel and I are going to get married. Understand it.
09:16No, you understand that you are never going to marry him.
09:19Did you hear me?
09:21I am his mother and you have to obey me.
09:24Or do you want to see him in prison?
09:26What are you saying?
09:28I went to talk to him.
09:30And I told him to give up this idea of ​​marrying you.
09:33Because if not, I was going to report you to the authorities.
09:37Did you hear me?
09:43Father, I heard you, Herminia.
10:03What happened?
10:08I discovered your wife.
10:11Flirting with the bitch of Herminia.
10:15But don't worry, son.
10:18I already took care of it.
10:21Your wife will not want to drag Poncho into any woman again.
10:27I showed it.
10:28Because it means a real man.
10:49No, no, no.
10:52Don't touch me.
10:58Don't touch me.
11:11That man is an animal, Maria.
11:13He's an animal.
11:14But you, Herminia, that I'm going to get you in there with that crazy woman.
11:17I never messed with her to make her pay.
11:19But he's looking for you.
11:20He looks for you and looks for you.
11:21And you never give him the cut.
11:23But that doesn't give him the right to do what he's doing to her, Maria.
11:25Did I tell you or didn't I tell you to stay away from that woman?
11:29Maybe it's up to you to end up now.
11:33Now I understand why the boss does what he wants with you, Maria.
11:37It's because you let him.
11:39You found the reason in everything.
11:41That's what you have to do.
11:43That's what you have to do.
11:45If you live here in the agency.
11:56Your father.
12:01Your father is a monster.
12:06I never thought I would be capable of so much, really.
12:13Please don't tell anyone.
12:17Please don't tell my mother.
12:19I beg you.
12:28Please listen to me.
12:31You have to forget about women.
12:35If you don't, your stay in this house is going to be hell.
12:42How can you stop being who you are, Ignacio?
12:51I don't want my father to ever do anything to you again.
12:56If at least being married to you would have been useful for something.
13:08I feel so dirty.
13:13I feel disgusting.
13:16No, no.
13:21I'm sorry.
13:25I'm sorry.
13:50Everyone makes things up about you, Manuel.
13:53I'm not going to get tired of defending you because I love you.
13:57You're so good.
14:00Be careful not to get hurt.
14:03Sit down.
14:06I'm sure this is another lie from my mother to separate me from you, Manuel.
14:09I'm sure.
14:10Listen to me.
14:13Everything I did to your mother is true.
14:16And I did belong to that group.
14:24No, Manuel.
14:25You're lying.
14:27I'm not going to tell you.
14:28You're making this up.
14:29You agreed with my mother to make this up.
14:32You want to stay with her.
14:34Manuel, why are you doing this to me?
14:36Calm down.
14:39You have to marry me, Manuel.
14:42You know what I'm capable of.
14:45Are you threatening me?
14:47I'm telling you that if you don't marry me,
14:50I swear,
14:51I swear
14:52that I'm going to kill myself.
14:59Take everything out and put it in those suitcases.
15:01The term for this woman to be in the carency is over.
15:05Of course, José Luis.
15:07What's going on here?
15:09Your stay here in the carency is over.
15:11Did you forget that I told you I wanted you to leave?
15:13But José Luis, please.
15:14Please what?
15:15Shut up.
15:16I just gave you an opportunity to heal your daughter
15:18and you just screwed it up.
15:20But Juan Cristobal told me he could help me.
15:21Shut up.
15:22No, but he didn't make it.
15:23And he'll never make it with those methods.
15:25You can't kick me out like this.
15:26Oh, no?
15:27You think I can't?
15:28Look how I'm doing it.
15:29Now you're going to grab your things
15:30and you're going to get out of this house quickly.
15:32Listen to me.
15:33Lucrecia did something because believe me,
15:34I was doing everything possible to make it.
15:36No, he didn't make it, I'm telling you.
15:38And it's over.
15:39You're going to grab your things with dignity and education.
15:42Get the cart ready
15:43because I want this woman to leave immediately.
15:45Right away, José Luis.
15:47You're not kicking me out because of Lucrecia.
15:50You're afraid.
15:51I'm afraid.
15:52Yes, you're afraid that I'll go and tell all your family
15:54that you're crazy.
15:55Don't call me crazy, shit.
15:59I want you to leave my house
16:00because I have every right to kick you out
16:02because this is my house.
16:05Do you understand?
16:06And you're a vulgar woman.
16:09You're insolent
16:11and you've abused my hospitality.
16:14So, please,
16:16I would appreciate it if you did it without scandal.
16:27The boss wants you as soon as possible at the entrance of the house.
16:31Yes, miss.
16:34That's how I wanted to catch you, disgusting rat.
16:39The mouth.
16:40Help, help.
16:41This woman wants to kill me.
16:43Take this and I'll kill you, do you understand?
16:45What happened?
16:46Did you get caught in the love story?
16:48To the tortulitas?
16:55It disgusts me.
16:56You're the most filthy person I know.
16:59I feel the same for you, so we're even.
17:07You're going to pay for this.
17:09Fucking devil.
17:34I need to talk to you about something very important, Manuel.
17:38Did your father send you?
17:41My father can't know I was here, Manuel.
17:47What happened?
17:49Consciousness is not leaving me alone at night.
17:52I can't sleep, Manuel.
17:53Oh, Ignacio, what happened?
17:58My father did it.
18:02My father planned the theft of his gold, Manuel.
18:11What are you saying?
18:14The truth.
18:22I knew it.
18:25I knew my sons of bitches were involved in all this.
18:27I knew it.
18:29Manuel, if you promise me not to react violently, I can help you.
18:36I'm not going to tell you why the fuck I'm telling you this.
18:42Because my father betrayed me.
18:56Mom, take me with you.
18:58I can't stay here.
19:00Something terrible happened last night.
19:02What happened?
19:04Lucrecia, what happened?
19:05No, take me with you. I beg you, please.
19:07Please, I beg you.
19:08Take me with you.
19:10Take me with you, Lucrecia.
19:12With Ignacio, your husband.
19:14Don't forget that.
19:15And you, Mercedes,
19:17leave for good.
19:19No scandals, please.
19:22I don't know what to do.
19:23I don't know how to stop this.
19:24I don't understand at all.
19:25Cousin, I want you to take care of yourself, please, and don't leave.
19:27You're going to find that man.
19:29Promise me.
19:42Please, no.
19:44Please, don't go.
19:45My daughter.
19:47I'm asking you, Ignacio, now.
19:49I love you very much.
19:51I really love you very much.
19:52I love you too.
19:54Take care of my daughter.
19:55Please, cousin.
19:57Don't worry.
19:58I'll take care of it.
20:00Take care of yourself, Mercedes.
20:03Goodbye, Mercedes.
20:05They're gone.
20:10They're gone.
20:31Whatever you need, please, count on me.
20:34I just want to be alone in my room.
20:41Why did you do this?
20:42Oh, please, Leonora.
20:43What are you talking about?
20:44Why did you do that to my cousin?
20:46I'm the owner of this house and I do what I want.
20:49I'm very clear about that.
20:50I just think I have the right to ask for an explanation.
20:52You have no right and I'm not going to give you any kind of explanation.
20:54Do you know why?
20:56Because it's such a delicate and disgusting issue
20:58that neither you nor any decent woman deserves to hear it.
21:02It's because of my cousin.
21:04Because of my cousin.
21:06Because of my cousin.
21:07Because of my cousin.
21:09Is it because of Lucrecia's problem?
21:15Is that it?
21:18Is it because...
21:21Lucrecia doesn't like men?
21:28Did you know?
21:31I found out a while ago.
21:39Excuse me.
21:42Luis Emilio.
21:44What a nice surprise.
21:46Excuse me.
21:54I'll leave the towels here.
21:59You look handsome there.
22:02You too, Violeta.
22:06Would you like me to bathe you?
22:09Yes, of course.
22:34Do you like it?
22:35Violeta, stop.
22:36It's not how it should be.
22:40Doesn't it feel good?
22:43A woman should never take the initiative, Violeta.
22:48You don't know why?
22:50Because I'm the man.
22:51And I like clear things.
22:53Oh, Luis Emilio, what a fruit.
22:56I thought you would like me to be affectionate.
22:58Well, you thought wrong.
23:01You thought wrong. I don't like it.
23:04I love it. Come here.
23:07Luis Emilio.
23:12How could you not tell me anything?
23:14How is it possible that such serious information has been hidden?
23:18Because I found out recently.
23:20How long ago did you find out? Before or after the marriage?
23:23Answer me.
23:24How long ago did you find out? Before or after the marriage?
23:29So you understand why I kicked you out of this house, you scoundrel.
23:33She's my daughter.
23:34She said she was going to keep everything under control.
23:37It was exactly the same thing she told me.
23:39Do you realize? She's a disgrace.
23:42Your family, Leonor.
23:44Your family.
23:46They leave a lot to be desired.
23:48They are all sinners.
23:50Mercedes tried to deceive us.
23:52That's what she did.
23:54Imagine the damage to the reputation of our family
23:57if people find out that Ignacio married a degenerate.
24:04She's an idiot.
24:06Don't talk like that. Let him go, please.
24:11You, Leonor.
24:15You didn't tell me.
24:18You should have done it as soon as you knew about this aberration.
24:22I apologize. I didn't think about it.
24:30I don't accept your apology.
24:32It's your duty to inform me.
24:35Be very careful.
24:37Because these are issues of the devil.
24:40I am your husband.
24:47Get out of here.
24:51I don't want to see you. Get out.
25:02Get out.
25:12Lucrecia, I wanted to talk to you.
25:17What happened? Did my father bother you again?
25:19My mother left.
25:21She left forever.
25:23What are you talking about?
25:25Her father kicked her out.
25:27Please, Ignacio.
25:29Talk to me.
25:32Talk to me.
25:40How could you betray me like that?
25:42What are you talking about, Manuel?
25:44You know exactly what I'm saying.
25:47Are you going to deny that you planned the robbery?
25:49Please, Manuel.
25:51Where did you get that from?
25:53Everything is known, sir.
25:55No, no, no.
25:57Where did you get that from? It's a rumor from some peasants.
25:59Maybe a peasant told me.
26:00We are partners.
26:02For the same reason.
26:04He's going to marry my daughter.
26:06Why do you think I'm going to want to hurt him?
26:08That's what I want to know. Why do you want to hurt me?
26:10I'm going to pretend that this conversation is not happening
26:12and all those insults you're giving me didn't exist
26:14because I don't want to have this kind of problem
26:16with the one who is going to marry my daughter.
26:18No, you're wrong.
26:20Because it's over.
26:22Society is over.
26:24And I don't even marry your daughter.