• last year
MISMATCHED | Short Animated Film | Family Entertainment | Cartoon Short Film |

"MISMATCHED" is a delightful short animated film offering fun and engaging family entertainment. This charming cartoon short features mismatched characters who embark on a humorous and heartwarming adventure, showcasing the importance of embracing differences. With its colorful animation and entertaining storyline, "MISMATCHED" is a perfect watch for both kids and adults, providing laughter and valuable life lessons.

#Mismatched #ShortAnimatedFilm #FamilyEntertainment #CartoonShortFilm #FunnyCartoon #KidsAnimation #FamilyFriendly #AnimatedAdventure #HeartwarmingStory #CartoonsForKids #DailymotionShortFilms #PopularVideos #Animated #Animations #ShortFilm #ShortMovies


00:30Get down!
00:33Get on your knees, lay your hands against your kiss my feet
00:36You better get down
00:39I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
00:42You better get down
00:45You could only dream to get as high as me
01:01I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
01:04You better get down
01:08I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
01:11You better get down
01:13I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
01:16You better get down
01:18I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
01:21You better get down
01:30I'm a real star, so no matter who you are
01:32You better get down
