Ep 112 in Eng Subtitles : Battle through the heavens Season 5 Official | Btth Season 6

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Ep 112 in Mix Subtitles : Battle through the heavens Season 5 Official | Btth Season 6
Battle through the heavens season 6 eposide 112
Battle through the heavens season 6 eposide 113
btth donghua new episode 112 #btth_new_eposide_112
#btth #donghua #eposide_112 #xiaoyan #cailin #fengzunzhe #xiao_yi_xian
02:00She's a man
02:27We should eat you true or non-dualty
02:29So you're dead?
02:31So you think of him?
02:33Who's injured?
02:35So you don't turn?
02:37Go to shot you
02:39You don't show
02:41What are the
02:43Who's you?
02:45You do
02:47You don't show
02:49You don't show
02:51You don't show
02:53You don't show
02:55You don't show
02:57You don't show
02:59You don't show
03:01You don't show
03:03You don't show
03:05You don't show
03:07You don't show
03:09You don't show
03:11You don't show
03:13You don't show
03:15You don't show
03:17You don't show
03:19You don't show
03:21You don't show
03:23You don't show
03:25You don't show
03:27You don't show
03:29You don't show
03:31You don't show
03:33You don't show
03:35You don't show
03:37You don't show
03:39You don't show
03:41You don't show
03:43You don't show
03:45You don't show
03:47You don't show
03:49You don't show
03:51You don't show
03:53You don't show
03:55You don't show
03:57You don't show
03:59You don't show
04:01You don't show
04:03You don't show
04:05You don't show
04:07You don't show
04:09You don't show
04:11You don't show
04:13You don't show
04:15You don't show
04:17You don't show
04:19You don't show
04:21Brother Xiao Yan
04:23People from Ice River Valley are coming
04:51I finally found you
04:53The vicious one
04:55The one hiding next to you
04:57Come out
05:01The peak of the Fight Clan
05:03The Ice River Valley
05:05is really willing to help
05:07For you, the vicious one
05:09It's not too much
05:11to let me help
05:13You go to guard the valley
05:15Don't let anyone escape
05:17Yes, Elder Tian She
05:21What a coincidence
05:23I had a fight with the vicious one
05:25last time
05:27In the end, I lost
05:29I don't know how strong you are
05:33You'll know when you try
05:51The Ice River Valley
06:13What a strong Ice Mirror
06:17The peak of the Fight Clan
06:19The number of them is enough
06:21The young man
06:23and the soul body
06:25come out
06:27I won't let anyone go
06:49The Ice River Valley
07:09Hmph, lowly
08:21You are much worse than
08:23the vicious one last time
08:27Don't worry
08:29In the next two or three months
08:31I will get the magic box of Tian Du Xie Long Shuo
08:33At that time
08:35I can order you to completely control the vicious one
08:37Sorry, Xiao Yan
08:41I can't wait for that day
08:55Do you want to solve the vicious one?
08:57If you solve it at the beginning
08:59It will be a little tricky
09:03It's too late
09:19Why are you following me back to the Ice River Valley?
09:21Maybe there is a way out
09:33Elder Tianzhi, this is
10:41Elder, you are really not easy to deal with
11:15Oh, no!
11:17Hurry up and take the Black Dragon Mystic Formation!
11:27Xie Ji Qian Long!
11:59You overestimated yourself
12:11空间绞杀 Space Chop
12:38快跑 Run!
12:41天望前辈 别让他们逃了 Senior Tian Huang, don't let them escape!
12:54该死 此人对空间之力的掌控 根本不像是刚刚踏入刀损 Damn it! This guy can't even control the force of space!
13:00天上长老 我想想办法 Master Tian Shang, I have an idea!
13:03你们三个 去挡住他 You three, go and stop him!
13:06不 天上长老 No, Master Tian Shang!
13:08你总可以丢下我们 You can't leave us behind!
13:12空间绞杀 Space Chop
13:18这家伙心真够狠 居然拿同伴的命来助自己逃跑 This guy is really cruel. He actually used his partner's life to help him escape.
13:23刚刚得到身体 体内斗气短时间内并不能彻底恢复 可惜了 He just got his body back, but his fighting spirit hasn't fully recovered in a short time. What a pity.
13:30天火前辈无须自责 谁也想不到此人还未达到斗尊级别便能够划开空间逃遁 Master Tian Huang, you don't have to blame yourself. No one would have thought that he would be able to break free from space before he reached the level of Douzun.
13:36当务之急是寻一处制阳制裂之地 帮小鱼仙彻底控制恶难毒体 到时我们两名斗尊即便是冰河谷想要动我们 怕也是得掂量一二 The top priority is to find a place to control the Yangtze River and help the Little Fish Immortal completely control the evil poison body. If it's the two of us fighting against each other, even if the Ice River Valley wants to touch us, I'm afraid we'll have to consider it.
13:48制阳制裂之地 我倒是知道一处 I know of a place to control the Yangtze River.
13:52在何处 Where is it?
13:54夜城 夜家禁地 阳火谷潭 Ye City, the forbidden area of the Ye family, the Yangtze River Valley.
13:59上次他们冲撞小炎大哥 只是不明你真正实力 这次若是再去 新郎保证 他们不会再敢有丝毫得罪 Last time they attacked Brother Xiao Yan, but they didn't know your true strength. If you go again this time, I promise they won't dare to offend you again.
14:16赵黑 你这是何意 Zhao Hei, what do you mean?
14:19夜城 此次我可是奉我黑火宗宗主之命前来 你们若是配合 我黑火宗不会亏待儿的 否则这些棺材便请收下 Ye City, I'm here on the orders of the chief of the Black Fire Clan. If you cooperate, the Black Fire Clan will not treat you badly. Otherwise, please take these coffins.
14:33你 你 阳火谷潭是我夜家禁地 按照通规外界都不可能 你们居然还想讨要过去 痴心妄想 You... The Yangtze River Valley is the forbidden area of the Ye family. It's impossible to follow the rules of the outside world. How dare you try to get it and get away with it?
14:43啊 你 他是六星巅峰斗宗 我们夜家无人是他的对手 He is the top fighter of the Six Stars. No one in our family can defeat him.
14:52识时务者为俊杰 夜城 你夜街所有老小的性命可都在你一念之间呢 The wise man does not fall short. Ye Chong, the lives of each and every one of your people are all in your hands.
15:01Hmph, the Ye family thought they were one of the Five Great Clans.
15:07That's right!
15:08To think the legendary family would be defeated like this!
15:12I wonder if the ancestors of the Ye family will be thrown out of their coffins.
15:18Hurry up and hand over the Yangtze Lake Pagoda and leave the Ye City.
15:21Otherwise, the entire Ye family will be killed.
15:26Hmph, leave the Ye City with your coffin within ten days.
15:31Otherwise, you can keep it for yourself.
15:38How dare you be so presumptuous in front of me, Zhao Hei?
15:42Kill him!
15:47We're running out of time.
15:48Elder Tian Huo, please take care of this.
16:08Dao...Dao Zun?
16:14Elder, please spare my life!
16:16I'm Zhao Hei of the Black Fruits Clan.
16:17I'm sorry for offending you today.
16:19Please forgive me!
16:23Is he dead or alive?
16:24Ask my little brother.
16:28Little brother?
16:29No, no, no!
16:31Please spare my life!
16:32I know I was wrong!
16:33I won't do it again!
16:35Please spare my life!
16:37Take your stuff and leave.
16:40If you do it again, go to the Black Fruits Clan.
16:44Yes, yes!
16:45Thank you, Elder!
16:46Thank you, Elder!
16:48Go, go, go!
16:49Hurry, hurry, hurry!
16:56Elder Xie, we meet again.
16:59You're Xiao Yan?
17:01Xiao Yan?
17:02He's the same Xiao Yan from last time!
17:05What's Xiao Yan's background?
17:06How could he let Dao Zun take advantage of him?
17:10I knew he could save our family!
17:14We were too careless and offended a great god.
17:19Mr. Xiao Yan, thank you for your help.
17:23Please don't take the Ye family's disrespect to heart.
17:27It was just a misunderstanding.
17:29Elder Ye Chong,
17:30I came to the Ye family this time to borrow the Yanghuo Bone Pellet.
17:34I wonder if Elder Ye Chong is willing to...
17:38The Yanghuo Bone Pellet is our forbidden area.
17:40According to the rules...
17:41What rules?
17:42It's abolished!
17:43It's abolished!
17:44Mr. Xiao Yan has repented.
17:46This favor is enough to break the rules.
17:49Thank you, Elder Ye Chong.
17:51Come, everyone.
17:52Please come with me.
17:54Let's go.
18:13Vicious woman!
18:15And that unknown Dao Zun!
18:18I will destroy you all!
18:24To be continued...
18:54Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
19:24Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
19:54Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
20:24Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
20:54Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
20:59Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
