• last year
After Daphne's Aunt Olivia receives a medallion of the Cat Creature, she has dreams about becoming the thieving feline.


00:19No, I didn't.
00:21The cat, I...
00:23The cat!
00:24It wasn't me!
00:27The cat.
00:28Oh, oh!
00:30it wasn't me the cat
01:00hey taxi it's no use guys we'll never get a cab in New York with a storm
01:18coming well at least we won't starve while we wait
01:22Scooby and I found a place that sells mile-long hot dogs Scooby you ate the
01:41whole hot dog yourself no like thanks a lot old pal old buddy old scoob it's
01:54okay shaggy and Olivia will fix you something in her apartment if we ever
01:59get there Daphne we still can't get a cab okay you scoob get a cab
02:11like what's going on in there big speed jewelers the windows are all fogged up
02:32what is it Shaggy did you see something worse something saw me something in the
02:39jewelry store let me have a look it's horrible Fred all that hair all those
02:44teeth well there's nothing there now but it looks like something tore the place
03:10Scooby Scooby-Doo
03:21the burglar alarm rings in my apartment that's when I called you I'd like you to
03:45check it out mr. Bixby he must own the jewelry store my entire collection of
03:52jewels completely wiped out I don't care about the rest of the jewels only the
03:58Richmond Ruby a cat creature and a jewel theft it looks like we've got a mystery
04:03on our hands so well I wash my hands of this whole thing
04:07whoo-hoo some cat-like creature must have tunneled into the store robbed the
04:13place then gone back out the same way where Scooby saw him let's check it out
04:18right now storm is moving pretty fast Velma like right let's get to Daphne's
04:25aunt's place and check this out tomorrow hey hey what's this on your collar Scoob
04:29it looks like an emerald like I told you never to accept gifts from strangers
04:35especially cat creatures which is about as strange as you can get
04:44here it is kids York Towers strange things happen there some people go in
04:53and never come out these New York cab drivers really have a sense of humor I
05:00wasn't joking I was afraid of that come on shaggy we'll get soaked out here it's
05:09better than getting spooked in there where do you think you're going if I
05:15have a choice Palm Springs would be nice my aunt lives here Olivia Derby she
05:22expects you yes can we go in now our valet will be along with our bags
05:33Oh boy an old cage elevator they haven't built these in years punch the
05:44top floor for us will you Scoob
05:48she's got to be home I wrote her we'd be arriving tonight
06:05where I'm coming I'm coming
06:20who is it it's me and Olivia Daphne and my friends Daphne inside quickly
06:35strange things are happening Daphne you shouldn't have come you'll never
06:46believe I'll have to show you wait here
06:53this jewelry wasn't here earlier this place gives me the creeps it's just old
07:00shaggy yeah well so was Count Dracula I'd better start at the beginning two
07:06weeks ago a strange package was delivered
07:14yes what's this I took the package inside unwrapped it and found a strange
07:24medallion it looked valuable and I assumed someone had made a mistake
07:30thinking someone would claim it I kept it and that night had an incredible
07:36nightmare I I dreamed I turned into a creature in this form I would go out and
07:51commit robberies I couldn't help myself and look what I found in my room tonight
08:01look at this emerald earring just like the one Scooby found
08:08creature yeah well we'll send the National Guard it's all right children
08:23this is my doctor dr. Bell he's been treating my nervous condition like I'd
08:31be nervous too if I was turning into a cat creature hey what's this why that's
08:37the wrapping paper the cat medallion came in and it's got a return address
08:42miss Derby we'll see if we can help you that clue should give us a good start
08:46and nice to have met you dr. Bell yeah
08:56shaggy girls and I will check out the return address you and scoop see what
09:01you can find at the jewelry store like there's no way I'm going back to that
09:05jewelry store tonight Fred then you and Scooby check out the address and
09:10we'll go to the store that's better boy Scoob we sure put one over on them this
09:20address is only two blocks from the apartment we'll be back in no time hey
09:26here it is now three oh five six East Westmore and it's a this prescription
09:44should help mr. Derby thank you thank you very much dr. Bell
10:15I don't really care about getting all the jewels back just the most valuable
10:20piece the Richmond Ruby we'd like to help you mr. Bixby you mind if we check
10:28the store for clues help yourselves don't bother locking up when you leave
10:32there's nothing left anyway I didn't see anything like this in aunt Olivia's
10:37jewelry he neither that's strange so's this Fred I'll bet this is how the cat
10:44creature got in and out good work let's check it out well I guess we got to
10:52check it out you first Scooby it's an old custom Scoob dogs before chickens
11:03now what would your father say if he saw you like that
11:15creature it was only the gate is anybody home it's not funny Scoob
11:30who'd be home in a cemetery I don't get it
11:44the return address says 13 B look 13 B I guess it's just a head
11:59wait Scoob it's just a statue it's only a marble statue oh boy this is one
12:07return address I never want to return to again let's get out of here
12:14Oh Scooby that's no statue that's the cat creature
13:04how far does this tunnel go seems like miles
13:15what was that it sounded like a cat look
13:23it's the cat creature it's only an alley cat if he got in there must be a way
13:34out up ahead so let's find it see if you can find a light switch Scooby
13:43oh like close enough relax relax it's just another statue the place is
13:56crawling with him and listen to this the cat creature who shall rise again
14:04but I think he's rising now go away whatever you are oh my goodness I can't
14:24so this is where the tunnel leads
14:29Shaggy Scooby what are you doing here resting but not in peace
14:47I mean there's no way out like there never was a big market for tomb exits
15:01it's the cat creature
15:14it's got me Scooby
15:16it's got me
15:20this way guys
15:22we found the door
15:24right let's use it
15:36red hot red hot
15:38get your red hot hot dogs
15:40right here
15:44take my word
15:46you'll love it sir
15:48a little ketchup
15:54some relish
15:56there you go sir
15:58bike right in
16:05stop in again
16:07any time sir
16:09let's go Scoob
16:13I think your Aunt Olivia definitely has a problem Daphne
16:20hey where's Haskell the doorman
16:22probably on a break
16:30thank you for coming so quickly Dr. Bell
16:32yes thank you
16:34I just don't know what's happening to me
16:38this prescription should help
16:40I'll check back in the morning and see how you are doing Miss Derby
16:45Aunt Olivia what's that in your hand
16:48it looks like a piece of cloth
16:51this was ripped from Shaggy's shirt by
16:53the cat creature
16:55then it's true
16:57I am the cat creature
16:59not necessarily Miss Derby
17:01and I've got a plan to find out for sure what's happening
17:06why us
17:08why us
17:10don't worry we'll be right outside the door
17:12besides what better protection against a cat creature than a guard dog
17:19yeah but this guard dog is a scaredy cat
17:26Scoob did you close the window
17:30I think you better
17:59Scooby Doo
18:07what's going on Shaggy
18:11oh no
18:13now the cat creature's got Shaggy and Scooby
18:23head for the stairs
18:27lay down
18:35faster faster
18:43oh no
18:45the creature's in the elevator with Scooby
18:53we've got to get to the control box
18:55good idea Velma
18:57we'll just boost the elevator's power
19:00and have Scooby down in no time
19:24good work Scooby
19:26you did it
19:31I don't understand
19:33it's simple Aunt Olivia
19:35Dr. Bell was using you as a front to commit his robberies
19:38he hypnotized you with this medallion into thinking you were the cat creature
19:43and he sent that phony cat medallion
19:46we know that because the handwriting matches the handwriting on the prescription he gave us
19:51but but why me
19:53because you responded to hypnosis better than any other patient I ever had
19:58it was a snap
20:00he would leave just enough jewels with you to convince you that you were guilty
20:04but kept the valuable pieces for himself
20:06like the Richmond Ruby
20:08but but where's your friend Shaggy
20:11this old place is full of secret rooms and panels
20:24hey everybody
20:26I like what's going on
20:30oh Shaggy Shaggy
20:36wait hey
20:38how do you stop this thing
20:44Shaggy Scooby
20:46we're okay Fred
20:48what are you doing out there
20:50oh just hanging around
20:52hey Scoob


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