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Are You The One Season 1 Episode 3 (English Sub)


00:00Yan Tian's Song
00:10Yan Tian's Song
00:20Yan Tian's Song
00:26昨日永吻江边花落红透了轻薄 Yesterday, I kissed the flowers by the river, and they bloomed red.
00:33谁家门前有烟雀相和 Who's house has a swallow in front of the door?
00:40岁月无风闹世无声下重做一座 Time has no wind, no noise, and no sound.
00:48无人似我只爱的轮廓 No one is like me, only love.
00:54若来人有江风照面过 If someone can light up the wind,
01:01且换我不做那庭中客 Let me not be the guest in the pavilion.
01:08梦看破往事一雪也无误 I dream of the past, but I have nothing.
01:16用香烛淡墨书红窗深处用墨陈俗 Use the ink brush to paint deep into the window.
02:06公子的琴声如此悲凄 是在思念刘姐姐吧 The sound of your guitar is so sad. Are you missing Sister Liu?
02:13有面堂消息了吗 Do you have any news of the noodle shop?
02:22公子放心 我们的人已经深入珍珠 很快就会有消息 Don't worry, Young Master. Our people are already deep in the pearl. We'll have news soon.
02:30夏季盛宴 这棵海棠树竟然枯了 The cherry tree has withered in the summer night.
02:59梦看破往事一雪也无误 I dream of the past, but I have nothing.
03:29无论他回不回来 云儿都会陪着公子 No matter he comes back or not, Yun'er will be with Young Master.
04:00公子 找到了 找到柳娘子了 Young Master, we've found her. We've found Miss Liu.
04:20我不去 I'm not going.
04:22夫君要去骑射 那我们一同把这个拜帖送过去岂不是更好 为何要推三阻四啊 If you're going to ride a horse, wouldn't it be better for us to send this invitation together? Why do you have to push it back and forth?
04:29我们就是手谈关系 我去请人家吃酒 俗了 我不去 We're just friends. I'm not going to treat them to a meal.
04:36来不来是他们的事 请不请是我们的礼数 就算客人不赴宴 主家也不能怠慢了呀 夫君昨日说的话我想了一整夜 I've been thinking about what you said last night.
04:49你说请客拜香是替我证明 那我们一同把这个拜帖送过去岂不就是最好的机缘 You said inviting a guest to pray for incense is a proof for me. Then wouldn't it be the best opportunity for us to send this invitation together?
05:00李妈妈 马车可备好了 是 行啊 我这还没发话 车都备好了 走吧 Let's get the carriage ready. Yes.
05:11行啊 我这还没发话 车都备好了 走吧 Let's get the carriage ready.
05:17走吧 Let's go.
05:26夫君 你怎么看起来脸色不太好 Husband, why do you look pale?
05:32没有啊 I'm not.
05:41走 Let's go.
05:48来啊 Come on.
06:01二位贵客 里面请 Please come in.
06:13主人老师早 Good morning, Master.
06:18诸位好 Good morning, everyone.
06:21坐坐坐 Sit down.
06:23你们继续 继续 You guys carry on.
06:31九九 这位九兄 Uncle, this is Ninth Brother.
06:34九九来了 Ninth Brother, you're here.
06:36来得正好 早就想与您切磋一番 I came at the right time. I've been wanting to have a fight with you.
06:40九九兄 那择日不如撞日 不如我们... Ninth Brother, why don't we...
06:45改日改日 今日带夫人转转 Let's take a walk today.
06:50你们继续 继续 You guys carry on.
06:58夫君 与他们家好啊 Husband, do you get along well with them?
07:01那是当然了 Of course.
07:03那我这拜天... What about my day off?
07:06去那边 去那边是可以的 You can go over there.
07:09九九兄 继续 继续 Uncle, carry on.
07:18九九兄 九九兄 Uncle, Uncle.
07:23九九兄 Uncle, Uncle.
07:30大家整日一起切磋棋艺 We play chess all day long.
07:33我们之间是很友好的 We are very friendly.
07:36看出来了 I can see that.
07:40九九兄 九九兄 Uncle, Uncle.
07:43九九今日来得有些迟啊 Uncle, you are late today.
07:46这位是... This is...
07:51九夫人 Madam Jiu.
07:54见过二位 Nice to meet you.
07:56今日是我临时起议 这才耽搁了时间 I had a temporary meeting today, so I was late.
08:00我们夫妻初来临泉镇 We are new to Linquan Town.
08:02打算后日办一场拜香宴 We are going to hold a banquet the day after tomorrow.
08:04还望两位能够赏脸来 I hope you can come.
08:06九九设宴得空了一定去 I will go when I have time.
08:09好 好 好 Good.
08:11好 好 好 Good.
08:14你这小子挺有福气的嘛 You are quite lucky.
08:18是 是 Yes.
08:20这二人棋艺比七八岁孩童还不如 They play chess better than seven or eight-year-old children.
08:23夫君竟连他们也打不过 My husband can't even beat them.
08:31真没想到夫君在这儿人缘这么好 I didn't expect my husband to have such a good relationship here.
08:35那是当然了 Of course.
08:37大家整日一起切磋棋艺 We play chess together all day long.
08:40我们之间是很友好的 We are very friendly.
08:46九九兄 Brother Jiujiu.
08:47九九兄 Brother Jiujiu.
08:49九九兄 Brother Jiujiu.
08:50诸位好 Hello, everyone.
08:55九九 Jiujiu.
08:57夫人 Madam.
08:59先生 又见面了 Sir, we meet again.
09:02原来夫人的郎君是九九啊 So your husband is Jiujiu.
09:05是啊 Yes.
09:07我们后日准备办一场拜香宴 We are going to hold a wedding banquet the day after tomorrow.
09:10先生一定要来啊 Sir, you must come.
09:14我家夫君棋艺不精 My husband is not good at chess.
09:16还望先生日后多指点一挥 I hope you can give him more advice in the future.
09:18王爷的棋 The king's chess.
09:22王爷 Who is the king?
09:24谁是 Who is the king?
09:25什么王爷 What kind of king?
09:26淮阳王 King Huaiyang.
09:28王爷说九九的棋下得不错 The king said that Jiujiu's chess was good.
09:34夫君跟淮阳王下过棋 My husband played chess with King Huaiyang.
09:36那倒没有 No.
09:38是王爷有一次是经过我们棋社 Then the king saw it from a distance
09:41然后远远地看见了 after he passed by our chess club.
09:46正是 Yes.
09:49夫君这种水平还能被夸 My husband's level can be praised.
09:52可见淮阳王的棋艺也不过如此 It can be seen that King Huaiyang's chess is just so-so.
10:13我还知道一个店铺啊 I also know a shop.
10:15就在前面一步 I'll take you there.
10:16我带你去上楼看看 I'll show you around.
10:17快快快快 Come on.
10:18那不是崔家娘子的马车吗 Isn't that Mrs. Cui's carriage?
10:23看看 Look.
10:24这么崔家风光的 It's so grand.
10:27我听说那个崔家娘子 I heard that Mrs. Cui
10:29今儿一大早就上了廊山 went to Langshan early this morning
10:31给那个姓崔的请了天宁观的投降 to surrender to Mr. Cui's Tianning Temple.
10:37你说他们一个初来乍到的小商户 Why is such a small shop
10:40干吗这么小? so small?
10:42还租那么大的别院 And rent such a big villa?
10:44搞得全镇皆知 What a mess!
10:46太伤人了 It's so sad.
10:49就是为了堵你们这些畅售负的罪 It's all because of you.
10:56这是谁啊? Who is that?
10:57凶狠闲事 Who is he?
10:58什么人啊? Who is he?
11:00吓我一跳 He scared me to death.
11:01快走快走 Let's go.
11:15崔家家主大摆鸿门宴 Mr. Cui's family held a big banquet.
11:19唯独崔夫人当了阵 Only Mrs. Cui was there.
11:21还替你请投降 She even surrendered for you.
11:25有趣得很呢 It's very interesting.
11:30崔兄 Mr. Cui,
11:32你可是有婚约的人 you are engaged.
11:35若连表妹见到此情此景 If cousin Lian sees this,
11:39不知作何感想 what will she do?
11:41逢场作戏 公务罢了 It's just a show.
11:45再过两个月 等崔夫人怀上身孕 In two months, when Mrs. Cui is pregnant,
11:49你是不是也得说一句公务罢了 shouldn't you say it's just a show?
11:53这马车能不能到震东还不一定呢 I'm not sure if the carriage can get to Zhendong.
12:11看一下 Have a look.
12:41你也太不懂怜香惜玉了 You don't know what's good for you.
13:06夫人 Mrs. Cui
13:12你没事吧 Are you all right?
13:14夫人没事吧 Mrs. Cui, are you all right?
13:16没事 I'm fine.
13:18夫人 这马车都散架了 Mrs. Cui, the carriage is broken.
13:21车上有暗套吗 Is there a cover on the carriage?
13:23有 Yes.
13:24套上 Put it on.
13:25是 Yes.
13:26夫人 你 Mrs. Cui, you...
13:41是那个人吗 Is that the man?
14:12夫人 套好了 Mrs. Cui, put it on.
14:21夫人 手伤还没痊愈 怎么能车马啊 Mrs. Cui, you haven't fully recovered yet. How can you ride a horse?
14:24他为我设宴 我在推迟 岂不让他颜面扫地 He's holding a banquet for me. I'm delaying it. Won't I embarrass him?
14:28驾 Go.
14:29夫人 Mrs. Cui.
14:35这个刘眠堂 This Liu Miantang
14:37与众不同 is different.
14:39怎么着 What?
14:40这个公务还要不要继续办 Shall we continue with this work?
14:43它入戏 It's a play.
14:45有的人才会入局 Some people will be involved.
15:10我们没合作 We're not cooperating.
15:18你给我出来 Get out of here.
15:21要不出来见白鸟跑哪儿去了 If you don't come out, I'll run away.
15:29你给我出来 Get out of here.
15:34夫人 见到人了吗 Mrs. Cui, have you seen him?
15:37家主被骑车的这几位好友劝解 The friends who were persuaded by the owner of the horse
15:39醉得厉害 are very drunk.
15:41现下在茶阁歇下了 They are resting in the tea house.
15:44我去看看他 I'll go and see him.
15:49九夫人 Mrs. Jiu.
15:52多谢款待 Thank you for your hospitality.
15:54此刻小九他正醉着呢 At this moment, Jiu is drunk.
16:00夫人 Mrs. Jiu.
16:03眼下还有这么多客人 There are so many guests now.
16:05您是主谜 You are the hostess.
16:07先去招呼一下吧 Please go and say hello.
16:09我还要招待后院的女眷 I still have to entertain the hostess of the back yard.
16:11如何顾得上前院啊 How can I take care of the front yard?
16:13可是家主一时半会儿也醒不了啊 But the hostess can't wake up for a while.
16:16今日来的这几桌接奉礼礼啊 Today's reception is easy to say.
16:21可这些商股左右着家主的前途 But these shops influence the future of the hostess.
16:24不能怠慢了 It can't be neglected.
16:26这全都靠您了 It's all up to you.
16:36感谢乡邻们赏光小宴 Thank the villagers for the feast.
16:39叶柳氏见过各位 Ms. Liu, nice to meet you.
16:43我与夫君初来乍到 I just came here with my husband.
16:45也不懂临泉镇的规矩 I don't know the rules of Linquan Town.
16:47今日多有怠慢 I'm sorry for the delay today.
16:49我先自罚一杯 I'll have a drink first.
17:00各位有什么想吃的想喝的 If you want to eat or drink,
17:03尽管交代与我 Just tell me.
17:05晚些我再与夫君敬各位的酒 I'll drink with my husband later.
17:10有礼了 There's a gift.
17:14王爷 都核查过了 Your Highness, I've checked it all.
17:17来宾大多是来自临泉镇清白的本地人 Most of the guests are innocent locals from Linquan Town.
17:20但是其中有几个人不是咱们临泉镇上的 But some of them are not from Linquan Town.
17:23哪几个 Which ones?
17:25大家吃好喝好 Everyone, eat well and drink well.
17:27此刻柳氏面前的那一个就是其中之一 One of them is in front of Ms. Liu.
17:29我们这桌的酒快喝空了 We're running out of wine.
17:32抱歉 I'm sorry.
17:34李嫂 快去拿些酒吧 Ms. Li, go get some wine.
17:36是 夫人 Yes, Madam.
17:38无妨 Mr. Wu,
17:40我这些兄弟们啊闲着也是闲着 I have nothing to do with them.
17:42让他们一起去吧 Let them go together.
17:44要不我陪你一起去 Why don't I go with you?
17:56还请夫人给我指个路 Please show me the way, Madam.
18:01还请各位稍候 I'll be right there.
18:03我这就去添酒 I'll be right there.
18:08喝酒喝酒 Let's drink.
18:19行了 继续留意着吧 That's enough. Let's keep an eye on them.
18:22是 Yes, Sir.
18:34怎么着 遇上钩了 What's the matter? Are you in trouble?
18:38嗯 Yes.
18:41那 他们哪个是陆文呢 Which one of them is Lu Wen?
18:45哪个都不是陆文 None of them is Lu Wen.
18:48其实我也想看看这个陆文到底会不会来 Actually, I'd like to see if Lu Wen will come.
18:53但是我现在更加地确信了 But I'm more certain now
18:56他是不可能来的 that he won't come.
18:59你见过陆文 Have you seen Lu Wen?
19:01没有啊 No.
19:03那你怎么知道方才跟他搭话的书生不是陆文 How do you know that the scholar who was talking to him is not Lu Wen?
19:05那个书生绝对不是 That scholar is definitely not Lu Wen.
19:08碧草 酒还够吗 Bicao, is the wine enough?
19:11夫人 前院的酒已经喝完了 Ma'am, we've finished the wine in the front yard.
19:13已经安排他们去拿了 去吧 They've already arranged to take it. Go ahead.
19:17你方才没有留意吧 You didn't notice that
19:19那个人跟柳彦堂说话说两句 when that man talked to Liu Miantang,
19:22他就会不自觉地往身边看 he would look around unconsciously.
19:25他身边的那个侍女才是真正的头目 The maid next to him is the real leader.
19:30菜还够吗 Is the food enough?
19:32够了 夫人 Yes, Ma'am.
19:33辛苦了 Thank you.
19:34多谢夫人 Thank you, Ma'am.
19:40倘若我是陆文的话 If I were Lu Wen,
19:43我一定会派一个贴身的人来打探情况 I would definitely send someone close to me to inquire about the situation.
19:48然后再想 Then I would think
19:50要不要把柳彦堂给带回去 whether I should take Liu Miantang back.
19:53而真正的陆文只会比我更加地严谨 The real Lu Wen would be more strict than me.
19:57这 This...
20:02刘演堂 Liu Miantang
20:28这么久都见不着人 I haven't seen anyone for a long time.
20:30这崔家娘子去哪儿了 Where is Lady Cui?
20:32让人等半天 I've been waiting for her for a long time.
20:35崔家娘子 到处找你呢 Lady Cui, I've been looking for you everywhere.
20:38我们还坐着呢 We are still sitting here.
20:39巴巴等着主母开酒令呢 Baba is waiting for his wife to give the order.
20:41你倒好 在这儿躲亲戚 You are hiding from your relatives here.
20:43就是 Yes.
20:44实在对不住啊 I'm so sorry.
20:45瞧我这光顾着前院 把后院都给忘了 Look at me. I forgot about the backyard.
20:47那回去可得自罚三杯 You should punish yourself three times when you go back.
20:49不然我们可不答应啊 Otherwise, we won't agree.
20:51就是啊 That's right.
20:54那边那个丫鬟 快去拿壶酒过来 That maid over there, go get a bottle of wine.
21:02崔家娘子 那你今夜是在这别院镇宅 还是回北街宅子呢 Lady Cui, are you going to stay in the villa tonight or go back to the northern street?
21:08镇宅)? The villa?
21:10败湘不就是为了镇宅嘛 Isn't the Bean Breeze Villa for the village?
21:13这镇宅啊自然是要夫妻协力 The villa is surely supposed to lead a marriage life together
21:17因此在我们郑州啊 So the Bean Breeze Villa is called
21:19小春宵 at our town of Zhenzhou.
21:24那得闹一晚上吧 That sounds fantastic!
21:27你说是不是 你们说是不是 so why not let them do it tonight!
21:28这个别院待客是好 But the villa can only host guests,
21:30镇宅 还得是在自家住的主屋才行 but for the villa, the host should be staying in his house.
21:32不然犯了忌讳 see? Or the belonging can be unfairly worshiped.
21:34That's great!
21:35That's right.
21:40The master wants me to tell you that he'll be back soon.
21:43He wants you to wait for him in the room.
21:47Ladies, go and get ready.
21:49I'll be back soon.
21:52Okay, hurry up.
22:03Ying Wei has surrounded the courtyard.
22:06Why don't we just catch him in the act?
22:10Catch him in the act?
22:12I'm catching Lu Wen.
22:17Aren't you afraid that Liu Miantang will cooperate with him and run away?
22:21That's even better.
22:25How can I let her get away with it?
22:28I'm going to feed her to the enemy.
22:31That's more interesting.
22:53Where are you going?
22:55What happened to my husband?
22:57I have to go find him.
22:58His chess master is here.
23:01He has to see if your chess has made any progress.
23:04It's hard for him to refuse.
23:06It's going to be delayed again.
23:09What time is it?
23:10He's still thinking about playing chess.
23:12He knows it's wrong.
23:13It's only right to say that Madam is angry.
23:16So he said that you must let Madam rest first.
23:19He'll come over in person later to apologize to you.
23:23If you go there in such a hurry,
23:26won't you embarrass yourself in front of your chess master?
24:13Notify the Prince that the fish has been hooked.
24:26The fish has been hooked.
24:29The fish has been hooked.
24:57Your Highness.
24:58A suspicious man who seems to have written something
25:00went to see Liu Shi in private.
25:08Fang Xin.
25:10Go and call someone.
25:11Tell them there's a thief in my room.
25:12A thief?
25:13Don't make a noise.
25:14Don't disturb the guests.
25:15Don't spoil the feast.
25:16Go now.
25:26What do you think?
25:27Could it be the suspicious people just now?
25:30We'll know if we see it with our own eyes.
25:35What's wrong?
25:59I'm sorry.
26:00Did I burn you?
26:02I'm in a hurry.
26:03If I burn you,
26:04I'll apologize to you later.
26:07Don't you remember me?
26:10I'm Yun'er.
26:16Yun Niang.
26:17Sun Yun Niang.
26:18You really don't remember me?
26:20I'm sorry.
26:21I'm new to Lingquan Town.
26:22I can't remember many people.
26:24I'll remember you later.
26:25Don't worry.
26:26A thief broke in.
26:27It's not safe for you to stay here.
26:29Just follow this path and go back.
26:36Little darling.
26:42I'm coming.
26:55Do you remember
26:57you pinched my neck with a hairpin last time?
26:59You didn't pinch someone's neck.
27:02You clearly pinched someone's little heart.
27:06Let me tell you.
27:07I like your ruthlessness.
27:09It's powerful.
27:15Where is he?
27:17Isn't the key ring big enough?
27:26You like to play hide-and-seek with me, right?
27:29You'd better hide it well.
27:31If I catch you,
27:34I'll kill you.
27:42I see you.
27:44Don't hide anymore.
27:46Look at me.
27:48I'm handsome,
27:49I'm handsome,
27:50I'm handsome,
27:51I'm handsome,
27:55I'm handsome,
27:57I'm handsome,
27:59I'm handsome,
28:02Each is handsome.
28:09Give me a hug!
28:21I gave him a hairpin,
28:23but he still dared to buy it.
28:27The banquet I spent so much effort on
28:29was all ruined by this Deng Tuzi.
28:33Luckily you came.
28:35If I was one step late,
28:37I'm afraid
28:39I could only fight with that Deng Tuzi to the death.
28:43It's a pity that my husband
28:45lost his heart
28:47and ended up alone.
28:53you are really too kind.
28:55With your skills,
28:57you don't need to think about these things.
29:05it's my fault for being reckless
29:07and hurting you.
29:13It's my fault.
29:19This little injury
29:21can't be blamed on you.
29:23You're lying.
29:29I already said it's nothing.
29:35Did she
29:37do it on purpose
29:39without knowing?
29:41Do you feel better?
29:45why are your ears red?
29:47Did you get scalded?
29:51Nanny Li,
29:53change the water.
29:55Master, Madam,
29:57the water is ready.
30:07I think this lantern is special.
30:11I brought it here.
30:27Husband, why are you staring at me?
30:29I think
30:31today's ending
30:33is a bit rushed.
30:37the process is not in vain.
30:39Of course,
30:41it's not in vain
30:43to invite people to eat.
30:51The pattern
30:53on the lantern
30:55is quite special.
31:01did you recall
31:17I don't know.
31:19I just have a little headache.
31:25Should I invite
31:27Zhao Shenyi here?
31:29It's okay.
31:35What's wrong?
31:37I suddenly remembered something.
31:39What is it?
31:47you called me Madam
31:49in front of everyone.
31:53That's all?
31:55Even if it's not in front of everyone,
31:57I still want to hear it.
32:26Do you feel better?
32:28It's good that
32:30you don't move.
32:51Husband, why are you staring at me?
32:55I was thinking that
32:57it must be hard for you
32:59to come here today.
33:01It's not as hard as
33:03your plan.
33:05Let's go.
33:26You didn't know
33:28that we came to Lingquan Town.
33:30Don't mention
33:32anything about today.
33:36Have you heard
33:38the name Cui Jiu before?
33:55Cui Jiu
33:57Cui Jiu
34:19It's almost dawn.
34:26Aren't you going to turn off the light and rest?
34:31I'm not in a hurry.
34:39Does it still hurt?
34:46The ointment still works.
34:49Thanks to Dr. Zhao.
34:51Dr. Zhao.
34:54What about you?
34:56Does your head still hurt?
35:03Do you remember
35:05anything after that?
35:11What should I remember?
35:13Of course it has something to do
35:15with what you saw today.
35:18Isn't Baixiang for Zhenzhai?
35:22needs to work together.
35:24Therefore, in Zhenzhou,
35:26Baixiang Banquet
35:28is also known as
35:30Xiao Chunxiao.
35:38Do you remember?
35:47it's not that important.
35:56I'm not ready yet.
36:07What are you going to prepare?
36:09You and I are husband and wife.
36:12Of course you have to believe me.
36:18What you think
36:20is very important
36:22to me.
36:36What are you doing?
36:39Take off my clothes.
36:50I want to
36:52spend time with you.
36:59I didn't know
37:01until you told me today.
37:03It turns out that
37:05Baixiang Banquet
37:07has the custom of sharing a room.
37:12you prepared a banquet for me.
37:14I can't pretend
37:16that I don't know your mind.
37:20today you stood up
37:22for me
37:23and taught me a lesson.
37:31I didn't mean that.
37:33You are right.
37:35We are husband and wife.
37:37I should believe you.
37:48I think you are right.
37:51Take your time.
38:00I can wait.
38:02I can wait.
38:06she is
38:10What's wrong with her?
38:16It's a terrible disease.
38:20In fact,
38:22no matter which man encounters this disease,
38:24he will be
38:26afraid of hurting himself.
38:28Let alone
38:30his wife.
38:34he can only
38:36look around
38:38and hide his
38:42physical strength.
38:46you mean...
38:50God is watching.
39:08What are you doing?
39:10Don't block his mouth.
39:12What can I do?
39:14Can I ask him to check you?
39:18Don't be angry.
39:32Don't be angry.
39:34Don't be angry.
39:36Don't worry.
39:38I didn't kill him.
39:40I said
39:42you can recover
39:44if you take care of yourself.
39:56Liu Mianta,
39:58Liu Mianta,
40:00you called me
40:02so many times
40:04and made me
40:06lose my temper.
40:10You really pissed her off.
40:12You really
40:14look bad.
40:16What are you doing?
40:18Let me check your pulse.
40:28You are so arrogant.
40:30You pretend to be her husband
40:32and take advantage of her.
40:34You are so arrogant.
40:36You even
40:38make yourself
40:40a hypocrite.
40:48After all,
40:50Liu Mianta is a pitiful person.
40:52Why do you
40:54compete with her?
40:56Why do I compete with her?
40:58Why do I compete with her?
41:00I don't know her well.
41:02Anyway, it's going to end soon.
41:06They didn't do anything
41:08last night.
41:10They will
41:12do something next.
41:14Lu Wen
41:18show up soon.
41:20If you
41:22catch Lu Wen,
41:24will you
41:26punish Liu Mianta?
41:28Of course.
41:40What are you doing?
41:46Mo Ru,
41:48I added two dishes
41:50for my husband.
41:52You take him to play chess.
41:56You must tell him to eat on time.
41:58Don't just play chess.
42:00It's getting cold.
42:02He needs to take care of his health.
42:06By the way,
42:08you go to
42:10inquire about the official's family.
42:12The official
42:14saw that Chen Tu was burnt by hot water
42:16and was badly injured.
42:18So he was allowed to go home and rest.
42:20He dared to bully a good woman.
42:22Even if he was injured,
42:24he saved himself.
42:26How could the official
42:28avoid his punishment?
42:30Just because he is the nephew of the guard?
42:32About this matter,
42:34he is just an ordinary merchant.
42:36It's hard for him to comment
42:38on the official's family.
42:40I'm not blaming my husband.
42:42I'm blaming the King of Huaiyang.
42:46He didn't respond
42:48when he received the letter.
42:50Now he even let the officials
42:52investigate the king's law.
42:54What kind of love affair is this?
42:56It's clearly a private fishing.
42:58What's wrong?
43:00Am I wrong?
43:04You are right.
43:16The official's family
43:18has its own rules.
43:22he was badly injured.
43:24It's reasonable for him
43:26to be treated first.
43:28Don't worry, husband.
43:30No matter how badly he was injured,
43:32he saved himself after all.
43:34Even if the King of Huaiyang
43:36wants to protect him,
43:38he can't beat us.
43:42I made some
43:44nourishing food for you.
44:02Remember to eat, husband.
44:04Thank you, madam.
44:06Thank you, madam.
44:10Your Highness.
44:12Do you need to say hello
44:14to Fu Yin
44:16and deal with Chen Tu?
44:18You really treat him as your wife.
44:24Go to the camp.
44:30I made some
44:32nourishing food for you.
44:36Thank you, madam.
44:40Lady Liu.
44:42Why are you here?
44:44I suddenly remembered
44:46that I haven't sent you
44:48a gift for your Banxiang Banquet.
44:50You are welcome.
44:52Your Highness.
45:04Your Highness.
45:06That day,
45:08a group of bandits from Yangshan came out.
45:10This is indeed the secret message
45:12from Yangshan.
45:14Tomorrow, we will cross the border
45:22Your Highness.
45:26Your Highness.
45:28Lady Liu
45:30got out by carriage.
45:46Your Highness.
45:48There is a crossroad here.
45:50Your Highness.
45:52Lady Liu's carriage
45:54is going in that direction.
45:56Is she going to
45:58leave Zhenzhou?
46:00Your Highness.
46:02We lost the crossroad.
46:04We should follow Lady Liu.
46:06Follow her.
46:20Your Highness.
46:30The secret message said
46:32we were crossing the border.
46:34But we came here.
46:36We almost got cheated.
46:38We almost got cheated.
46:40She is really
46:44She is coming.
46:50Lady Liu.
46:52Sorry to keep you waiting.
46:54We are on the way.
46:56Your Highness.
46:58We are on the carriage.
47:00It's OK. I just arrived.
47:02Let's go inside.
47:06Let's go.
47:10The environment here is really good.
47:12The environment here is really good, isn't it?
47:14There are many people here.
47:16It's really hard to find.
47:18Why are you still sleeping?
47:20Did you miss something?
47:26Could it be...
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