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Twilight of the Gods Series Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Zack Snyder presents Twilight of the Gods, an all-new daring and spectacular animated vision of Norse mythology. In a mythical world of great battles, great deeds, great despair, Leif, a mortal King, is saved on the battlefield by Sigrid, an iron-willed warrior with whom he falls in love. At their wedding, Sigrid & Leif survive a wrath of terror from Thor, which sets them – and a crew of crusaders – on an against all odds, merciless mission for vengeance. This heroic story of love, loss and revenge, is a journey to Hell and beyond... across fantastical lands, battlefields fierce & bloody, and wars waged against Gods & demons. Twilight of the Gods is an animated series co-created & written by Zack Snyder, Jay Oliva & Eric Carrasco, developed & produced by Stone Quarry Animation.

Featuring the voices of Sylvia Hoeks, Stuart Martin, Pilou Asbaek, John Noble, Paterson Joseph, Rahul Kohli, Jamie Clayton, Peter Stormare, Kristopher Hivju, Jamie Chung, Lauren Cohan, & Corey Stoll.


00:00Death was close, of that much I was sure, then came the woman, silence fell, it was
00:22beautiful. I knew then I was home. I am to be married. Your wedding will anger the gods.
00:38I am Thor and I want blood. Thor butchered my family like cattle. Lock him, help me kill him.
00:58It's well you acquire a taste for blood. Gather fighters. Seek those with hell in their heart.
01:08It's revenge I need. If I'm to succeed I need you with me. I'll piss and we can go, yeah?
01:15The maid is mine. The only thing here for you is death. Then let it claim me.
01:28Gods killing gods would go unnoticed. But a mortal? That would remake the world.
01:36We fear no gods. We fear no gods. We fear no gods. I fear no gods.