• letztes Jahr
Amazons italienische Spin-off-Serie Citadel: Diana knüpft an die Agentenserie Citadel an und steuert mit Matilda De Angelis in der Hauptrolle die zweite Serie zum Globus-umspannenden Geschichten-Netzwerk der Spione bei.

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00:00Diana, you're strong, intelligent, and angry.
00:18I'm not going to be done with this till I know why they died.
00:24I'm not going to stop.
00:32Join us.
00:35We'll get the people who murdered your parents.
00:42Who are you?
00:47Ever heard of the Zonnies?
00:50Their family is one of the biggest arms manufacturers in Europe, but they might be involved in a
00:56lot more than that, too.
00:57What do I have to do?
00:58Get them to trust you, but you'll still work for us.
01:06Can we talk?
01:15I can make sure you get the one thing you really want.
01:18Citadel technology.
01:28The ones in power are manipulating our lives.
01:34We are their pawns.
01:46And you make me nervous when you act like this.
01:48I can do worse than make you nervous.