Sueños de libertad Cap 144 (16-09-24)

  • 2 weeks ago


00:01I didn't want to do it.
00:06I didn't want to.
00:11You forced me.
00:15I didn't want to.
00:18I didn't want to.
00:21I didn't want to.
00:24I didn't want to.
00:31Valentina, stay away from her.
00:37Why are you doing this to me?
00:41Shut up.
00:43Shut up.
00:44Shut up!
00:47Are you okay?
00:55I was dreaming.
00:57I hope I didn't scare you.
01:00I'm not the one who seemed scared.
01:06I don't remember anything.
01:08Maybe it was a nightmare.
01:13You really don't remember?
01:17It seemed like you were dreaming about Valentin and Clotilde.
01:22What's wrong?
01:23Now you can also dig in my head.
01:26It's okay, Jesus.
01:28Let's have the party in peace.
01:29You tell me that?
01:31That you have declared war on me for a long time?
01:34That doesn't mean I can worry about you, does it?
01:36You seemed very troubled with your nightmare.
01:41And what did you say?
01:42If you can know.
01:43Come on, tell me.
01:45Are you sure you enjoyed it?
01:47Are you sure you want me to tell you?
01:50You had a lot of fun with Valentin.
01:52A lot.
01:53I'm sure it was the night...
01:54Look, you know what?
01:56To hear a bunch of lies out of your mouth, you'd better save them.
02:03It must be hard, right?
02:05To face the horror of crimes you committed.
02:07That you don't even get rid of in dreams.
02:10What are you playing at now?
02:11What the hell do you want from me?
02:12I want you to pay for what you did.
02:14But since real life is going to be impossible, it reassures me that you suffer in dreams.
02:17You're a wretch.
02:19And that's why I pray to God every day so that your nightmares chase you for the rest of your days.
02:24Are you going to let me go?
02:26Or are you going to keep accumulating crimes in your history?
02:49I'm sorry.
03:17Good morning.
03:18Good morning.
03:19Come in, please.
03:20And sit down.
03:27I'm very grateful that you came.
03:30Your call left me a bit puzzled.
03:32The truth is, the other day in Madrid, I had the feeling that you had no intention of seeing me again.
03:39And that's how it was.
03:41I'm not going to lie to you.
03:42Well, you tell me.
03:45After our conversation, I think I can give you a little more.
03:50Don't worry.
03:51I didn't make you come to Toledo so that you can continue telling me about your romance with my husband.
03:56I don't need any more details.
03:59I've decided that I'm not going to continue suffering more than I've already suffered for all this.
04:05You know, I had many doubts about whether to come to this invitation.
04:14But I've come because I want to tell you that I'm sorry.
04:19I'm very sorry, Dina.
04:22What do you feel?
04:24That my husband loved you and not me?
04:28That my marriage was a farce, without me knowing it?
04:33I'll tell you again that it wasn't like that.
04:35Gervasio was very committed to you and your children.
04:39Gervasio wasn't committed to me.
04:41My husband was tied to me when he started loving you.
04:48I shouldn't have come.
04:52I'm sorry.
04:55Can I have a minute, please?
04:56Yes, of course.
05:08Where am I?
05:10Where am I, Marta?
05:12You're still in your room.
05:15Yes, it's me.
05:19Marta has gone out for a moment to take a message.
05:21She told me she'd be right back.
05:29You've had a rough night's sleep, you know?
05:32Are you in pain?
05:35No, I'm fine.
05:39That's because the medication is working.
05:41But if you feel the slightest discomfort, let me know so I can increase the dose, okay?
05:48It doesn't make any sense for you to have a bad time if it's in our hands to avoid it.
05:53Are you giving me corticosteroids?
06:00An impeccable decision, Doctor.
06:04As always.
06:06I've been lucky to learn from the best.
06:09I agree.
06:13Listen to me.
06:15In addition to your vision problems, have you felt any changes in your hearing, in your touch?
06:23But we both know it won't take long.
06:28Can I be honest with you?
06:30Of course.
06:32I'm scared to death.
06:35I don't want to suffer.
06:36Don't worry.
06:38That won't happen.
06:40Neither Marta, nor I, nor anyone in this family will leave you alone with your pain.
06:57It's the hat Gervasio wore on a sunny day.
07:02It fit him very well.
07:04Every time I saw him wearing it, I told him it reminded me of Galigran.
07:09I want it to be for you.
07:11And all this too.
07:13Don't you want to keep it?
07:15I feel like these things don't belong to me anymore.
07:18And I think they'll be better in your hands.
07:33I don't think Gervasio was very excited about the idea of this box changing hands.
07:39I don't know.
07:41But if you don't want it, I'm going to get rid of it anyway.
07:44No, please.
07:48First your children, with the letters, now this.
07:54It seems that their belongings are destined to return to me.
08:00And it could be otherwise.
08:04I don't know.
08:08But if that's your wish, it's fine. I'll keep the box.
08:13Yes, it's my wish.
08:16And deep down, we both know that it would also be Gervasio's.
08:23You don't have to give it to me.
08:25I assure you.
09:00I've been face to face with death so many times,
09:06that I thought that when my time came,
09:10I would face it in a way,
09:13I don't know, with a little more dignity.
09:20It's all over the world, Jaime.
09:22You're just as good as a patient, as a doctor.
09:27We both know that's not true.
09:30Until yesterday, I was not really aware of what it feels like when you perceive
09:37that your life will be fading away little by little, eminently.
09:42Think of something else now.
09:44It breaks my soul to leave this world in such a sad and noble way.
09:52Luz, I need to ask you one last favor.
09:54Of course.
09:55Whatever it is.
09:58You have to promise me that when the time comes,
10:03if I go back to Prada,
10:06you won't do anything to cheer me up.
10:11We made a deal.
10:15I am aware that it is difficult to carry out for someone who is dedicated to saving lives,
10:20but I need to be sure that when that time comes,
10:27you will do what I ask of you.
10:33I understand by your silence that you have doubts.
10:39Jaime, I know what we agreed on, but you will understand that...
10:44Are you sure?
10:47I have never been so sure of anything in my life.
10:53Can I count on you to go in peace?
10:58I promise you that it will be so.
11:13I love you.
11:30I know, honey, but don't worry.
11:32You will be able to come home on the weekends, you'll see.
11:37Julia, please don't cry.
11:39Don't cry, my love, you're going to make me cry too.
11:43Look, let's do something.
11:45Do you want me to try to see you this weekend?
11:51I miss you a lot too.
11:54I love you, my love.
12:01Did you talk to Julia?
12:05Did she call or did you call her?
12:07Does it matter?
12:08It matters to me, and a lot.
12:10You don't only forbid me to go to the hospital with her,
12:13but you also forbid me to talk to her on the phone.
12:16Because your whining doesn't do her any good.
12:19It makes her weak, which is what I've always been trying to avoid.
12:22Look, Jesus.
12:23If you think the distance will separate us,
12:25it's because you don't know your daughter or me.
12:29What's the name of the hotel in Sigüenza where you stayed?
12:32What for?
12:34To make a reservation for the weekend.
12:36Didn't you hear what I told you less than a minute ago?
12:38Didn't you hear what I told you?
12:40That the girl needs me and I'm going to see her.
12:42I remind you that you're talking about my daughter.
12:44Yes, your daughter.
12:45The one you used to take revenge on me.
12:47Without caring about her feelings or her well-being.
12:49God, I'm sick of your complaints and your laments.
12:52And I'm sick of your threats.
12:53So count on me going to see her first thing on Saturday.
12:55Stop challenging me, Begoña.
12:57You know it's not good for you.
12:59You know what?
13:01It doesn't matter.
13:02I'll find myself a hotel.
13:04You're not going to see Julia, Begoña.
13:07Oh, no?
13:10And how are you going to stop me?
13:12Are you going to lock me up again?
13:14Or are you going to worship my tesanas?
13:22You don't have to go to that extreme.
13:27As soon as you walk out the door, I'll call the school
13:29to forbid them to let you see her.
13:32In fact, I'm going to forbid them to give her to you on the phone
13:34when you call there.
13:37You won't be able to.
13:39Do you doubt it?
13:41Love, I remind you that I am her father.
13:44I have the motherland and the power of the girl.
13:46And the law is on my side.
13:47And those nuns know it as well as you do.
13:51Begoña, remember one thing.
13:54You will see Julia whenever I want you to see her.
13:57And as long as you keep setting up little scenes like this
13:59or like this morning in the room,
14:01I assure you that waiting for her
14:03is going to be very, very long.
14:07You're a bastard.
14:12But in any case, I'm a bastard with a lot of work.
14:15So if I understand it a lot, I have to leave you to go to the factory.
14:19I'll make the call from there.
14:26Well, what are you going to do, Carmen?
14:29Well, I've decided to take the bull by the horns
14:31and sign up for the accounting school in Toledo.
14:34And when are you going to go to class?
14:35With your new job, you're going to be on top of the store all day.
14:38Yeah, yeah.
14:39But hey, I was going to sign up at night.
14:42At night.
14:43Are you sure?
14:45I know we don't celebrate much,
14:47but it will be a few more months before the course ends.
14:50If that's what you think, of course.
14:53Yes, yes, of course.
14:54That way I can also accept my new job,
14:56which I got at night.
15:00Yes, well, it's nothing complicated, don't worry.
15:02It's in the wholesale market in Toledo.
15:04I got a job as a cleaning manager.
15:07But since when have you been looking for an extra job?
15:10Well, that's how I am.
15:12What do you mean, that's how I am?
15:14Tassio, let's see, now with my salary increase,
15:16we're going to be more than out of breath.
15:17Well, now we're going to be even more out of breath, huh?
15:19Better than better, what do you think?
15:22Tassio, you didn't do this because ...
15:23Carmen, I do all this to be a useful man.
15:26And that you never run out of money.
15:27That's it.
15:28But I don't run out of anything.
15:30Well, you won't run out in the future either, woman.
15:33Well, I'm leaving, I have things to do.
15:36Very good, Mrs. Marta.
15:37Good morning, Tassio.
15:40You look great in the new uniform.
15:43Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
15:44In the showroom I have left you everything you need to know
15:47about the sales points of the company.
15:49Any questions you have, ask me.
15:51Very good.
15:52And thank you very much for the opportunity.
15:55You deserve it.
15:56I'm going there.
16:11Jesús, we have to talk.
16:13What's up? Any problem with the delivery from Seville?
16:16No, everything is in order.
16:18In addition, we have taken advantage of the empty truck
16:20to bring us a shipment of eucalyptus.
16:22So we don't close the doors.
16:25Very good. And what are you looking for? Your medal?
16:28You asked me.
16:30And you have come to tell me something, right?
16:32Well, I'm all ears.
16:34Yes, I have come to tell you an idea that could save
16:36the company a few thousand pesetas.
16:39Well, that's always interesting.
16:42What is it about?
16:43Let's see how it sounds to you.
16:44It is about cultivating by our means
16:46part of the raw materials that we need.
16:49Just like we do with lavender.
16:51But closer to the factory and without disbursement.
16:55How without disbursement?
16:56I'm talking about exploiting the land that belongs to us.
16:59For example, the Olmos farm.
17:03The Olmos?
17:05Yes, I think we could get more out of that farm.
17:10Because of the location where it is located.
17:12Near the Guajaraz stream.
17:15I see.
17:17I don't know, right now that's a jungle.
17:19We would have to break it down and prepare the land well.
17:22Yes, the idea is to mark it and plant a tree.
17:24Yes, the idea is to mark it and plant there the essence
17:26that Luis considers most advantageous and suitable
17:28for that type of soil.
17:31I don't think we can do it right now, Andres.
17:34Don't you think it would be worth it at least
17:36to do a feasibility study?
17:38I don't know, to move the land a little bit
17:40and check the quality.
17:43Look, if your father gives his consent, go ahead.
17:46The farm is ours.
17:47But with the affection he has for it,
17:49I don't think it will be very funny, really.
17:55What's going on?
18:00Luckily, Dr. Borrell called an ambulance
18:02and they took him to the hospital.
18:07Do you have more information?
18:08Have they told you anything else?
18:11As it is right now, it is impossible for us to go to Barcelona.
18:15We have to wait for that...
18:17Oh, Marta.
18:18No, here in the store...
18:19I don't care, I don't care.
18:20Marta, I don't care what you tell me.
18:22Let's see if I can't hug you in a moment like this.
18:28Listen to me.
18:30Listen to me well.
18:32We will go to Barcelona when we can.
18:36Now the most important thing is that you are by his side
18:38as long as you can.
18:40And I will be yours for everything you need.
18:42Do you hear me?
18:43For everything.
18:46Marta, I'm not going to leave you alone.
18:49I'll never leave you.
18:53Oh, my love.
18:54Tell me, what can I do to help you?
18:56What can I do?
18:57I don't know.
19:00Well, for now,
19:02if you want, this afternoon, when the shift is over,
19:04we could go for a walk in the park next to my house.
19:08Of course.
19:09I don't feel like it anymore.
19:11I'm going to be looking at the clock all the time
19:13to see if the time comes.
19:17It will be better if I go now.
19:19I forgot.
19:20I forgot.
19:22I need the perfume that Jaime usually uses.
19:25Do you know what it is?
19:27He loves to go perfumed.
19:28And he finished it a few days ago.
19:29He hasn't even bothered to buy another one.
19:33I'll bring it to you right now.
19:40Marta, I love you very much.
19:43Very much.
19:46You don't know how I feel about everything that's happening.
19:50I love you too.
19:53You don't know how much.
20:06I don't know.
20:07You come to me so gently,
20:08making me a proposal that doesn't make sense.
20:10What are you looking for?
20:12Well, sometimes I also make proposals.
20:15Now it's you.
20:16It seems like you're on the defensive.
20:18The only thing I've been doing since you came back
20:21is defending what's mine.
20:23And what's yours?
20:25What's your company like?
20:27Your company.
20:29Well, no.
20:30Unfortunately, no.
20:31Because my father has insisted on turning it into a three-headed monster.
20:35But right now,
20:36I wasn't referring to the company.
20:39I was referring to what is mine,
20:41and only mine,
20:42which is my wife and my family,
20:44in case you hadn't noticed.
20:46I don't understand why you're provoking me now.
20:49I want you to know
20:50that many of the things I've been forced to do lately,
20:54I could have saved them
20:55if you had stayed in Jaca
20:56with your beautiful girlfriend
20:57and your beautiful mountains.
21:01If you want to think
21:02that it's always the others' fault,
21:05it's your problem.
21:07And it can't be that in this house
21:08you have very thin skin
21:10and you immediately feel aggravated.
21:13Are you the one who feels aggravated now?
21:16I wasn't the one who tried to strangle you.
21:19You're the one who tried to kill his wife.
21:30Tell me.
21:32Both of you?
21:36Yes, I'll tell him.
21:37I've got him here.
21:39See you later.
21:42It was Father.
21:43He wants us to meet at home at two
21:45so we can all eat together.
21:47He says he has something important to tell us.
21:50Any idea what it could be?
21:53No idea.
21:55A meal here?
21:56In the big house?
21:57That's it.
21:58I called you because I wanted to tell you personally.
22:00It will be us,
22:02and your cousins.
22:03Great, what an illusion.
22:04Well, we have to think about what to wear.
22:06I could wear the blue dress
22:07or the gray one.
22:08The gray one.
22:09My goodness,
22:10I can't imagine what you're going to eat.
22:13What's your problem?
22:14Don't you think you're going a little fast, Mother?
22:17We've known each other for half our lives.
22:19Do you think that's going fast?
22:21Don't make me talk.
22:23I know you haven't slept at home tonight.
22:25And you don't have to be very smart to know where you've been.
22:27Joaquin, do me a favor.
22:31I don't have to give you explanations about my life.
22:34Nor do I have to hide.
22:36I'm a mature and free woman.
22:37And I think I should decide
22:39what I think is appropriate for me.
22:40I thought that was clear.
22:42It was very clear, Mother.
22:43Don't worry.
22:44Well, if I were her, I would worry.
22:46Joaquin, stop it.
22:47What did we talk about yesterday?
22:48Well, yesterday we didn't know what we know today.
22:50That we have to sit down to eat with Jesus.
22:52What did you talk about?
22:53And what did you tell each other?
22:55Organizing my life again?
22:57Behind my back?
22:58No, Mother.
23:00We promised that we would stop being so selfish with you.
23:04And that if you were happy to have a relationship with Don Damien,
23:07we would be happy to see you happy.
23:10That's my husband.
23:11All we're asking for is a little time to assimilate it.
23:15Nothing more.
23:16Of course, son.
23:17I know you need time.
23:20Without your consent, I couldn't be happy.
23:22But I was not wrong, Mother.
23:24One thing is that we accept your relationship with our uncle.
23:26And another very different thing is that we sit at the same table as that bastard.
23:30Joaquin, please.
23:34It's just a lunch.
23:36Damien is doing it so that we start on a good foot.
23:39Yes, nothing better than letting your son start releasing toads and snakes through his mouth as soon as he sees us.
23:43For God's sake.
23:44No, Mother, no. I don't go there.
23:46No, me neither.
23:47We agree on that.
23:49Well, I'm willing to go.
23:51And if it's important for your mother, there shouldn't be a possible debate here.
23:54Thank you very much, Gema.
23:57And I'm very sorry for you two.
23:59But you'll have to go.
24:01Because your mother is asking you.
24:03Well, Mother, we're asking you not to go so far.
24:05Because you can't overlook everything that Jesus has done to us.
24:08For God's sake.
24:09It's only a couple of hours.
24:11Why is everything so difficult with you?
24:13No, no, no, no. I'm sorry.
24:14Better say, why is everything so difficult with those of the Queen?
24:19Very well.
24:20You'll see what you're doing.
24:23But if I don't see you sitting at that table tomorrow,
24:27it will be a great disappointment for your mother.
24:34How are you feeling?
24:36Like a bull.
24:38Have you seen, Doctor?
24:40The patient maintains the sense of humor.
24:42Good sign.
24:43Of course.
24:45Can I do something?
24:47The truth is that Jaime wanted to brush his teeth a little.
24:49Don't worry, I'll do it.
24:51I'm sure he'll be fine.
24:53Thank you, Doctor.
24:54I'm sure he'll be fine.
24:56Thank you, Doctor.
24:57Thank you, Doctor.
24:58Thank you, Doctor.
24:59Thank you, Doctor.
25:00Thank you, Doctor.
25:01He wants to brush his teeth a little.
25:02Don't worry, I'll do it.
25:04I've already finished some errands I had pending at the factory
25:07and I've cleared my schedule this morning.
25:09Look, there's two of us now.
25:12Well, if you have the day off, you'll have to spend it with me.
25:15It will be a pleasure.
25:17I have to leave you. I have to go back to the pantry.
25:20Thank you for everything, Luz.
25:23Jaime, I'll be back later to see how you're doing.
25:27I'll be here.
25:29Thank you very much.
25:44Carmen, I'm not used to seeing you in the new uniform.
25:47You look beautiful.
25:48Thank you very much.
25:49Have you already placed the new genre?
25:52And this is the other store. It's nice to see it.
25:54I've never seen it like this before.
25:55We just need to get the order from the band we ordered in the warehouse.
25:58Very good.
25:59Anyway, don't force the machinery.
26:01You have to save energy for that baby.
26:04But he's like a king, come on.
26:07Or like a queen.
26:09Can you imagine a girl, Carmen?
26:12We'll know in six months.
26:14I'm so nervous.
26:16The same for then.
26:18Aunt Carmen is an accounting expert.
26:21Don't tell me you've signed up for the academy I told you about.
26:24Yes, I go to class at night.
26:26Carmen, you'll see what you've learned.
26:28You'll know so much that you'll be appointed to the company's board of directors.
26:31Well, little by little.
26:35Man, my husband, the slippery one.
26:37I left you the box of soaps you asked me for in the other store.
26:40Great, I'm going to put it in.
26:42Very good.
26:43See you later.
26:44Wait, where are you going to be light?
26:46We have a conversation to talk about.
26:56What do you think if we go to the garden later?
26:59To get some fresh air?
27:04What I really want is to stay in bed.
27:10You're not in the mood, are you?
27:14Honestly, to not see anything that surrounds me.
27:18I don't want to be alone.
27:20I don't want to be alone.
27:23Honestly, to not see anything that surrounds me.
27:27It's not worth it to leave the room.
27:33Even if you can't see anything, you can still hear the trill of the pins.
27:39You can still smell the fragrance of the roses.
27:43And notice the breeze of the sunset on your face.
27:48What a good adventurer you are.
27:52But I don't think I'm in the mood to go beyond the bathroom.
27:58Try it, please.
28:02Do you remember when you were the one who took me around the world?
28:07You used to say you liked the way I saw things.
28:10That I always brought you something new, something different.
28:14And I still do.
28:17Do you remember our trip to Pompeii?
28:20How can I forget it?
28:22It was so hot and I just wanted to go back to the hotel.
28:25And I'm not surprised.
28:27How hot were we supposed to be?
28:3040 degrees in the shade.
28:37Do you remember where I saw a mass of formless ash?
28:45Did you see the hug of two lovers?
28:49That the lava of the Vesuvius became eternal.
28:54And that same night, recreating that figure, we fell asleep in the hotel.
29:04We swore to return. Do you remember?
29:18You are one of the bravest men and adventurers I know.
29:25You don't deserve to say goodbye to this life, locked up between four walls.
29:30You know what?
29:35I think you're right.
29:38If we go to the garden together,
29:41will they be our private Pompeii?
29:48That's my Jaime.
29:51My usual Jaime.
30:09Of course.
30:18You do know how to make me smile.
30:31Carmen, do you think it bothers you that I want us to get along better?
30:34No, my love, how could it bother me?
30:36What happens is that I don't want to see you working like a mule at night when there is no need.
30:41What do you mean there is no need?
30:42No, there is not.
30:44Right now, with my salary increase and yours, we have plenty to live without exhaustion.
30:48And to ask for the mortgage, which is what we wanted.
30:50And the floor will have to be furnished, right?
30:52And the furniture is not very cheap, so to speak.
30:54Yeah, but what do you want to furnish all at once?
30:57No, first we furnish the living room, then the bedroom and the rest little by little.
31:02Carmen, I don't see where the problem is.
31:04I'm a young man and I'm not worried about having a hard job.
31:07Yes, I know, my love.
31:09But I don't like to be alone at night at home either.
31:12Yeah, but that's not going to happen either.
31:14If you sign up for the so-called academy.
31:16Well, don't compare it, huh?
31:18Mine is different.
31:19It is a training for a job that I already have.
31:22And that the two of us benefit from.
31:24Sure, and I'm going to go there and waste time, right?
31:26I didn't say that.
31:27Well, that's it, Carmencito.
31:29All I want is to make more money for me and for you.
31:31And be a good head of the family.
31:35My life, you will always be the head of the family.
31:40Well then, it's all said and done.
31:41I accept the job and period.
31:55I came from the pantry, but you weren't there.
31:57I went to see Jaime.
31:59I didn't imagine it.
32:01How is he?
32:02Very bad.
32:03It's a matter of days or hours that he left us.
32:08Is he still conscious?
32:09Perfectly healthy.
32:11He knows very well what he is facing.
32:12He knows all and every one of the symptoms he is suffering from.
32:19Don't worry, don't worry.
32:21I thought so, but I think I'm not prepared to live something like this.
32:25But I'm going to be by your side.
32:27And you know you have me for what you need.
32:29I know, honey.
32:31I know and I thank you very much.
32:34It's curious.
32:37I have always been aware of the severity of his illness.
32:40But I have not resisted thinking that this moment was going to come.
32:45It is a reaction of the most human.
32:46It's hard for us to get the worst of it.
32:48I'm not a coward.
32:50But when Jaime told me that he was going to Barcelona,
32:52a part of me felt sad for losing him as a companion.
32:56But another.
32:59Another felt relieved.
33:01Relieved, why?
33:02Relieved, because I was going to save myself,
33:04to see how someone I care so much turns off little by little.
33:07Jaime has always sought my happiness,
33:10at the expense of his.
33:12And that honors Luz.
33:14You have to think that that nobility of spirit will be his legacy.
33:18I would like to be able to do something to thank him for everything he has done for me,
33:20but I can't.
33:21I can't and that breaks me inside.
33:24My love.
33:31My love.
33:44You are radiant.
33:50If I'm not one day like today, when am I going to be?
33:54Everything will be fine, you will see.
33:57And your family will take a long time to come?
33:59Gema is on her way, but I don't know if my children will come.
34:04I understand that they still do not accept what is ours.
34:08Yes, they give us their blessing.
34:11But they are not going to sit at the table with Jesus.
34:15I can't say I didn't expect it.
34:18Damien, do you think it's a good idea to celebrate this meal today?
34:22I don't want such an important day for us to end like the Rosary of the Aurora.
34:26Don't worry, I won't allow it.
34:29I don't know.
34:31In the situation in which Jaime is, wouldn't it be more prudent to wait?
34:35Maybe yes, but ...
34:38I'll talk to him and explain it to him.
34:41I'm sure he'll be happy for us.
34:45You always have answers for everything.
34:54In the end, I had to postpone my plans with the Narvaez.
34:56As your father has warned us with such little preparation for the meal.
35:00The Narvaez. You had to eat at the Narvaez's house.
35:03They are one of the most influential families in Toledo. It is convenient to have them as friends.
35:07You are always so aware of social relations.
35:10And you always running away from the protagonist.
35:13I have too much work to be aware of those things.
35:16That's your problem.
35:18That you think making contacts is not part of the job.
35:21At least not mine.
35:23Well, you're wrong.
35:25You should get more out of everything that affects the company.
35:29You know that it is not my style to ignore anyone.
35:32No, of course.
35:34Your style is to run away when your wife organizes a lunch with the owner of a big store.
35:39And of course, let your brother take all the credit.
35:43Maria, I apologize for what happened with Miranda.
35:47And if you want, I'll fire you again.
35:50What I want is that you don't let your brother eat your land day after day.
35:54That's not quite right, Maria.
35:57Well, that's what happened with the lunch.
35:59And what happened with that report, which was supposed to be about the whole family, and in the end I only talked about him.
36:05Again with that. You know perfectly well what my brother has. It is insatiable.
36:10And yours is asleep.
36:12I just say that you should take more initiative.
36:28You go up with Jaime.
36:30How are you?
36:32Worse every day. I can't say anything else.
36:35How sorry, daughter. My heart shrinks just to hear you.
36:38We are all like that.
36:40Then he promised me that he would go for a walk with me to the garden.
36:43Let's see if I can get it.
36:45And that table?
36:47Are there guests?
36:49Well, the sailors come to eat.
36:51Celebrate? Because, aunt, I hadn't noticed, but you are very elegant.
36:57The occasion deserves it.
36:59Someone explain it to me.
37:01Well, I was going to say it when you were all together, but now that you're here, I'm going to advance it a bit.
37:08Your aunt Dina and I have started a relationship.
37:12A relationship ...
37:14A relationship?
37:16We are very in love and ...
37:18We are very in love and ...
37:21We didn't want to keep suppressing our feelings.
37:24It's not that I didn't expect it, but ...
37:27It caught me suddenly.
37:29I guess it was a love cooked over low heat.
37:32Yes, you could say that.
37:34You'll see when your mother dies.
37:37Rest in peace.
37:39I began to see this precious woman with different eyes.
37:43And she, me too.
37:44And, well, the prejudices and problems between the families raised a wall that we have decided to tear down.
37:52Marta, honey.
37:54You know how much I loved my sister.
37:56But it is important that you know that I will always keep her memory, always.
38:00Aunt, you won't find any compensation from me.
38:08And I'm glad.
38:10I wish you the best.
38:11And I hope my father knows how to give it to you.
38:14Don't worry, I'll give it to you.
38:17Loving and being loved is a privilege.
38:20I hope no one interferes.
38:24And that they take advantage of it.
38:28Excuse me, I'm going to prefer to be in the room with Jaime.
38:31Of course, daughter. This is where you have to be with your husband.
38:35Congratulations again.
38:37Thank you, daughter.
38:42Mariana, I like that you tell me those things.
38:46That you don't want to take things out of your pocket, like my brother did every two by three.
38:50It doesn't mean that I don't have initiative.
38:53Well, make your decisions more noticeable.
38:56It is the only way to gain points in front of your father and in front of Jesus himself.
38:59Well, I don't know what to do, really.
39:02Get ahead of yourself.
39:04Call Miranda, for example.
39:06Call her for what?
39:08Aren't you waiting for her answer?
39:11Well, get in touch with him and find out where she is, before your brother does.
39:15Maria, in business, a missed call could ruin everything.
39:19That sounds like an excuse.
39:22It is clear that you feel more comfortable waiting for others to make decisions for you.
39:26And what is the easy option?
39:28No, the easy option is to criticize.
39:30Especially how the bulls know from the barrier.
39:33That's what I mean, Andres.
39:36You and I have to get out of this barrier.
39:38And occupy the place that belongs to us in the company and in this family.
39:41Well, that's it, I don't want to talk about it.
39:43You're ready, right?
39:45Well, I'm going to the bathroom and we're leaving.
39:53Sorry, I thought you were late for lunch.
39:56Where is everyone?
39:58For business matters so punctual and for other things.
40:03There are many commissars, right?
40:05Who are we waiting for?
40:09Well, to say goodbye.
40:11Did I already know that this food was important?
40:13Of course.
40:15Come on, sit down, don't stand there making us wait.
40:22Good afternoon.
40:24You have come, my children.
40:26How could they not come? With the illusion that you make of them.
40:28What a remedy, right? At this time, the hunger is overwhelming.
40:31Well, I'm very happy to see you.
40:33Sit down.
40:35Joaquín, Gemma, please, Luis.
40:37I'm glad too.
40:41Marta has excused herself because she wants to be next to Jaime.
40:46So she just needs Jesus.
40:49Well, no one is going to miss him either, right?
40:52Joaquín, let's have the party in peace.
40:56Wow, why are you so down, father?
41:00It's not down.
41:02This is a celebration, as God commands.
41:05So behave.
41:07And what are we celebrating?
41:09That Jaime is about to embark on a long journey?
41:15Treat your sister's husband with more respect.
41:18Yes, I already see the respect you have for him,
41:20putting on all this percal,
41:22dressed on a Sunday to celebrate I don't know what.
41:26Well, if you sit down and behave as God commands,
41:30you will get out of doubt.
41:32You will know.
41:36like my son Jesus,
41:39you will wonder why I have gathered you.
41:42Well, it is neither more nor less
41:45than to officially inform you
41:48that Digna and I are in a relationship.
41:51So from now on,
41:53she will be the new lady of the house.
41:57Bravo, Aunt Digna.
41:59Do I have to kick you out of your own house, Jesus?
42:01But I'm telling you with total sincerity.
42:04Congratulations, Aunt.
42:06You know that for Marta and for me,
42:08you have always been a second mother.
42:10I know.
42:12Congratulations, Digna.
42:14And congratulations, father-in-law.
42:16Thank you, María.
42:18Congratulations to both of you.
42:22I hope my father knows he is up to what he deserves.
42:24Yes, because my mother deserves that and more.
42:27I know.
42:29Congratulations, Don Damián.
42:31I'm sure he knows
42:33he's taking the best woman in the world, right?
42:35Welcome to our family, Uncle Damián.
42:38He doesn't want to hear it.
42:42Well, shall we begin?
42:44No, wait a minute.
42:46I haven't finished my speech yet.
42:49If you'll allow me, a few more words.
42:52It won't be what I'm imagining.
42:55Thanks to you, Digna,
42:57I have regained a feeling
42:59that I thought I had lost forever.
43:01That of loving
43:03and being loved.
43:05So, with the courage
43:07that unconditional love gives me
43:09that I feel for you,
43:11I want to ask you a question.
43:13Go ahead, my daughter.
43:15Digna, please.
43:18Would you like to make me
43:20the happiest man in the world
43:22by marrying me?
43:26This is incredible, come on.
43:28Jesus, please.
43:29Please sit down, Jesus.
43:32Or at least,
43:34for once,
43:36don't try to be the center.
43:38Father, one thing is that I have to bear
43:40your love affairs,
43:42and another, very different,
43:44is to tolerate such insensitivity.
43:47So I've come this far.
43:56The less bulk, the more clarity.
44:00No matter how hard Jesus tries,
44:03neither he nor anyone
44:05will ruin this moment for me.
44:09my love,
44:11I repeat,
44:13will you marry me?
44:15Yes, I do, Damian.
44:19Of course I do.
44:43Teresa, serve me wine, please.
44:50Thank goodness
44:52he agreed to go to the dinner.
44:54I had the feeling
44:56they were going to announce something.
44:57And they did.
44:59I can't believe it.
45:01Have you seen Digna's reaction?
45:04It took her a second to tell him he was my father.
45:06With everything that happened between the two families,
45:09and with everything your father has done,
45:11that he has protected Jesus after killing Valentín,
45:13I really can't...
45:15But how can we marry her
45:17and hide the fate her son had?
45:19We have to deal with Valentín's body.
45:21It's the only way to bring him to light.
45:24Yes, I know.
45:25My God, it's getting more and more unbearable
45:27to live in that house.
45:30What did my brother do this time?
45:32Besides setting up the number,
45:34he's not used to it,
45:36so this time he's set it up again, for a change.
45:38What I miss the most today
45:40is that this morning I spoke to Julia on the phone.
45:42And? How is she?
45:46I promised her I'd go see her on the weekend,
45:48but Jesus is going to call the boarding school
45:51to forbid me from doing so.
45:53And to forbid me from talking to her.
45:55He's a bastard.
45:57We have to stop him.
45:59And we have to do it now.
46:02Begoña, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.
46:06Because I think Jesus didn't bury Valentín's body
46:08in the Alps as he thought.
46:10But what about that?
46:12Yes, I spoke to him,
46:14and he didn't seem to care much
46:16that he wanted to set up the Alps.
46:18But what excuse did you give him?
46:20To grow the plants there,
46:22for our perfumes.
46:23A lantern to make the alfalfa bloom.
46:25And it hasn't bloomed.
46:29If Valentín had been buried there,
46:31he would have gone mad.
46:33But he hasn't even mutated.
46:36Jesus had a nightmare last night.
46:39A nightmare?
46:41Yes, he talked in his dreams.
46:43He talked to Clotilde and Valentín.
46:45But he woke up very quickly and tried to hide it.
46:47And what did he say?
46:49They were inconexious phrases,
46:51but I assure you he was very distressed.
46:53It turns out that my brother has something similar
46:55to a bad conscience.
46:57Well, what is clear is that he is tormented by what he did,
46:59and that there are times when he can't control what he says.
47:05that's the trap we have to play.
47:07The trap of his need to expiate his guilt.
47:12And how do you expect to unmask him?
47:14Are you going to spend the night in bed
47:16waiting for Jesus to tell you in your dreams
47:18where Valentín is buried?
47:20Well, don't go off course.
47:21It wouldn't be the first time it happens to him.
47:23He already did it when he had the car accident.
47:28we can help him remember.
47:31But in a more effective
47:33and fast way.