M0T0GP MISAN0 2O24 | fp2

  • 2 days ago
00:00this guy has been part of this team for many years he won many races many
00:05championships he did many pole positions so absolutely everybody in the team was
00:11super happy because we lived that difficult moment with him and the good
00:17ones but also the bad ones and there was a lot of bad years so after this you can
00:23only be super happy when you see that finally one guy makes this massive
00:28effort and come back so really happy for him and we deserve his we deserve him
00:35the best and the best of luck for the rest of the season and for next year
00:38Alberto thank you for your time and give our best to Johan thank you yeah thanks very
00:43much Jack thanks to Alberto Puig yes I'm very unfortunate if most of us have
00:48been laid low by a nasty bout of gastroenteritis it's very unpleasant and
00:52what it really does it just drains you of all your energy saps you of all your
00:56energy so probably the wisest move just to withdraw Johan from this race let him
01:01just build up some energy try and just keep some food down by the sound of it
01:05keep some liquid down horrible place to be in wish him a speedy recovery hope
01:08he's back for the important test on Monday it's Matt Burt Simon Craig from
01:12the commentary box is always talking through the action we've already heard
01:15from Jack Appleyard down in pit lane wants to gain the joy of our team fans out in
01:19force really unfortunate me he's had such a tough 18 months hasn't he Simon
01:23John Mason's moving over to Honda they must be so keen so eager to get him fit
01:28for that Monday test when they roll out this heavily revised bike really good
01:32point Matt yeah everything you listed we've all experienced it mine was
01:36Indonesia I think it was a year or two ago and it's not just everything you've
01:40listed but you can't you know I just hit in the dark I hit in the dark in my room
01:45and I didn't even have confidence to leave the room or the facility of the
01:50bathroom so you just bullets in the lot so and the thing is if you find for a
01:55world championship you'd find a way to get out there you know you'd find the
02:01way dig really deep suffer take whatever you could but he's not you know there's
02:06no chance
02:09spectacular results and the big thing is they're not bringing new parts for Joanne
02:16any of the Honda riders here but they are on Monday so clearly the goal really
02:23you know the important one is to ride Monday so that's the obvious you know
02:29aim for Joanne yeah it's a horrible place to be in is I'm sure he's now just
02:32lying in his motorhome lying in his bed just praying when will this end we've
02:38all been that it is not a very pleasant feeling so the 30 minutes at the two
02:42session is underway here are under beautiful clear blue skies what a day we
02:48have in store here at the Mazzano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli for this 13th
02:53round the World Championship Pecco Bagnoli than it was that led the way
02:56yesterday Simon we talked in commentary in that practice session about just how
03:00good he is that immediately blocking out bad weekends he did it in some style
03:05yesterday although he did say he tried an FP1 without the painkillers impossible
03:10the change of direction he was he said every time he'd maneuver that Ducati
03:14around through some of the high-speed sections like somebody was just
03:16sticking a knife into his ribcage he felt a little bit more comfortable a
03:21little bit more focused that's more important he wasn't distracted by the
03:24pain having jacked himself up on a bunch of painkillers for yesterday afternoon
03:28but you have to say once again for him to come back so quickly after that
03:31crash and set the pace and show the guys on the right to beat this weekend was
03:36impressive you know he does it so often we expected wondering into the end of
03:43the session or at least he'll be in the top ten and then he'll do something
03:46special today but yeah he did it earlier than then he even needed to you know
03:51the painkillers like you said worked Oh Dobby good to see him back in the paddock
03:55brilliant to see Andrea Di Vizio so back in the paddock yeah a MotoGP legend
04:012004 125 cc world champion we just heard from Alberto Puzder saying about
04:06what a great story was for Mark Marquez at Honda one of the few riders that could
04:09give Mark a headache or two in the the back end of his career was Andrea Di
04:13Vizio so was really such a fundamental part working in tandem with Gigi Ligna
04:18to steer Ducati out of the doldrums and to a position of supremacy and
04:22domination they're experiencing right now and he's still active of course in
04:25MotoGP Cal Croxlow's ongoing injury woes as the Yamaha's test rider
04:30Yamaha were a bit short on numbers and when they came to the private test at
04:33the Spielberg they called up Andrea Di Vizio to come and cut a few laps I
04:39think actually we can go down to Jack right now. Has he got Andrea with him?
04:44Yeah I've managed to dive into the back of the Yamaha box and grab a word
04:48with Andrea great to see you here just firstly how are you? Pretty good
04:54I'm happy to be here I did a test some weeks ago and it was
05:00so so nice to be back on a MotoGP bike that's bike are unique and after two
05:07years to feel again that stiffness, that rigidity and that power, that power was pretty nice.
05:16A useful day did you feel you're able to offer some value throughout the course
05:21of the day to steer Yamaha in a certain direction how was it I know one day
05:25isn't enough but how did it go? Well I did a test in Mugello a month before
05:32and after that when I came here the feeling was normal and I was able to
05:39push and my brake came back
05:44that was a good feeling because it was my my way to be aggressive and to be fast
05:51and the lap time was not too bad, that was very important
05:57you know in two years happen a lot of things they are much faster for many
06:02reasons for the
06:05all the development, even the tires
06:11but it was so nice to feel everything even if you are one second one second
06:16half slower and that was really good
06:21I don't know now we are we have a really good relation with Yamaha
06:25I have a really good relation with Max, the experience I did with the cat so
06:32it was so nice to spend a time with them and let's see that they are living in a
06:38strange situation they are able to recover a big gap, it takes time but
06:43everything have to be really step by step and they have to understand
06:48everything because the competitors now are very very strong
06:51So would you like to be a more permanent addition to the test team? Are there any
06:55talks at the moment about making you a member of that for the next year and
06:59beyond? I don't know this is not the right moment to speak about that they
07:03are involved on a lot of things because they are creating the second team with
07:07Pramac, they are pushing so much to try to come back
07:12they are spending a lot of money and a lot of effort to create the best
07:16situation so
07:19now it's not the moment to speak about that it was so nice to spend
07:24four days with them on the track
07:28If I can, whilst we have you, I'd love to get your thoughts on the World Championship
07:32picture at the moment it's such a crucial moment in the title chase with
07:36Peko losing out big time last time at Aragon, how do you see how the season has
07:41gone so far in these upcoming next rounds?
07:44Well it will be very very interesting because Peko I think still has a small advantage
07:50compared to the competitors, but the competitors are so strong and Martin is so talented
07:56and is there now, has a gap on the championship and that makes a big
08:00difference on the battle today, tomorrow, I think a positive thing for Peko is to
08:09do double race in Misano, I think it's one of his best track in the
08:13championship, let's see, let's see his situation
08:22whether he has some limits or not
08:26it's nice to see Mark again that strong, for sure he will not fight for the
08:32championship this year but this is a trip for next year to try to be ready
08:38yeah just finally on Mark, a man that you had so many battles with down the
08:43years, bring a smile to your face seeing him get back to the top of the sport
08:47last weekend, it was nice I mean to see him that competitive, I'm happy for him
08:52he deserves a bat after his big crash
08:59many years in a really bad situation
09:03more mental situation, it was very difficult
09:06and I think he's very strong in all the area but more in this
09:11it doesn't hurt me, Andrea great to see you here, enjoy the weekend, thank you for your time
09:17yeah thanks ever so much Jack, as he said fantastic to hear the wise words of
09:22Andrea Di Vincioso, he was such a fantastic rider and of course close
09:28connections as he mentioned there, Max Bartolini I'm sure he would have known
09:31more than anybody just how important and valuable Andrea Di Vincioso's input was
09:36of course for so many years at Ducati, now over at Yamaha so well yeah getting
09:40some Adobe input at that recent test and always great to hear his thoughts and
09:45inputs into this year's title chase, he had some battle royales certainly down
09:50the years with Mark Marquez, boy Marty it is that leads the way a 131.684
09:56from Marty, we just saw that didn't we as we were listening to Adobe, an early
10:02problem in the sesh for an Air Bastille Union on the back of that Marshall
10:05scooter, there was a proper face of thunder wasn't there from the beast who
10:08had a bit of a difficult Friday, struggled on the medium rear tyre in the
10:12morning session he said, too much sliding mid-corner which he said was a bit of a
10:17worry because that medium rear tyre someone does like it will be the pick
10:19over the full distance tomorrow, 27 laps so that's something that the beast
10:23could have been eager to have ironed out with his crew this morning, completely
10:27right Matt, you'd be heading out in this session to do your homework for both the
10:32sprint and tomorrow you know, long run I'm trying to be consistent with the
10:36setting you think you know, the fuel load, the whole lot, this is a session you can
10:40do it and the bike he planned to do it on stopped, so he's like the whole plan
10:46out the window, so you've got to get back to the garage, you've lost time and then reset up
10:51another bike but you've also lost the tyres that you were going to do it on
10:55you know, unless you can get those that bike back quickly and swap the wheels
10:58over which that's gonna take some time and lose more time for him, just saw that
11:02graphic there, Jorge Martin, I think this is now his 25th lap on that medium front
11:08tyre so that's close to full race distance for Martin who was really
11:12rapid yesterday, 131.5 he was doing in practice yesterday with 18 laps on a
11:18soft rear tyre, it was very very strong pace, he came here of course brimming
11:23with confidence after his dominant weekend here in Misano 12 months ago and
11:28he said he just felt in the groove straight away, it felt like he'd been
11:32riding it till, well from dawn till dusk for the last fortnight around Misano, that's how
11:37good he felt, but he did run into a few problems he said with the new soft that
11:42a couple of times, so an overpower in the front he felt, he was struggling
11:45I think turn 1, 8 and 10 he said, with the front, the rear soft pushing
11:50that front, he was just trying to get the bike stopped and turned into those
11:54corners. Yeah, Piero Taramasa from Michelin has explained many times that
11:59the soft, the grip level is very high but I imagine to get that, this is not his
12:04words, but it's quite a soft construction, he said it's, in his words, is less stable
12:09you know more stable on the on the medium or the hard, so less moving you
12:14know, like less boing boing, like a soft spongy feeling you know, trying to
12:21explain it, so the bike is more wobbly because of that you know, the unstable
12:28you get some wobbling and I mean we saw it, a good example of what you were
12:33talking about pushing the front was Aleix, who said he never expected to
12:36crash on this corner like the right, as you accelerate and about to flick it
12:42left, we're about to see what's happened with Paul, right, about to flick it left, okay he's lost the
12:50front on the right, chasing his kind of teammate on a similar machine but not so
12:57similar, that you know, that new machine Paul's riding is what KTM has many parts at least, that KTM hopes to use on their next year's machine, Paul doing the development, so in the right hander, turn one, accelerating before flicking it left, sorry Aleix lost the rear momentarily,
13:20he had a good slow-mo of it, and as the rear came back into line, it pushed the front and
13:26he went down, he said he never expected to go down there, it was an odd crash and
13:31many riders in their debrief brought this up, how the rear slides but comes back into line quite, not smoothly, a little bit
13:40aggressive and throws the weight onto the front and the front is so on the edge
13:45of their speeds, that down they go, a lot of them saved them, but they said it's really easy to get caught out
13:52yeah we saw that as Thomas said with Aces Barga yesterday, Polis Barga now in that first corner,
13:57I've got to say Jorge Martins lap times, sort of mid to high 131s, when you look at the distance
14:03he's put on that front tyre, Jorge looks really strong, he looks really up for another treble
14:11here, first of his four trebles in MotoGP in the new sprint era, came right here in Misano, Pedro Acosta
14:18well there's a big smile back on the face of the rookie, wasn't there, after his excellent Friday
14:23bringing the momentum from the double podium in Aragon here, sixth place, just you can see Simon
14:29going back to that very, well the standard setting he started with the year with, where he was
14:33looking very strong, very confident, he just got his mojo back, he just looks like he's enjoying
14:40life again, because he's been struggling a little bit hasn't he
14:48sorry Matt, excuse me, Acosta, you know changing that setting has obviously given him
14:55you know confidence back, that's for sure, talking to Herve in an interview,
14:58Pitt, Bayer and listening to Pedro, yeah clearly he's got some confidence back, especially to fight
15:06you know, and like I was saying yesterday, really easy, I actually spoke to a team member
15:11who works on the bikes and he said it's, you know how, he's been around a long time and he said you
15:16know how it is, so easy to try something and think oh that's better, try something else a little bit
15:21better, and then you go off down a path that you, with a lot of little things, really small but they
15:27all add up, and think they're all better, then you're back to back with what you originally had
15:33actually I can go better on the old setting, you know, and I think that's pretty much what's
15:37happened to to Pedro, so the quickest, I'm pretty sure it was Pedro sitting with that man, we just
15:43saw him scream for Travathan, who decided let's give it a go, and he was strong at the beginning
15:48of the season, let's see what that old setting's like, and he turned around and Aragon got a double
15:53podium, he did, he really did, he was impressive last weekend, said it was his best Friday for a
15:58long time here in Misano, yesterday he's got that speed back, that feel back, so it feels like he's
16:03back in that sweet spot, he was briefly up inside the top three, Acosta before Bagnaia has just got
16:09himself up into P3, Alex Marquez is having a good morning session, of course he's been undergoing
16:15round-the-clock physio to sort of help with a few bumps, bruises and scrapes from the Aragon
16:21late drama with Peco Bagnaia, Alex found himself struggling yesterday with a few of those injury
16:27niggles, 18th quickest, but this morning already a big improvement up to fifth for the Grazini racing
16:32rider. Little story for you, and in Moto2 the session before, and the only reason I'm telling
16:38you is it impacted this session as well, believe it or not, at the beginning of the session I saw
16:43someone step off the pit wall, super easy to do that, and not see a bike, because there was a big
16:51group of bikes leaving at the beginning of the Moto2 session, he stepped straight in front of
16:56a rider for the Clint Ford factory team, his name is Unai, I hope I pronounced that right,
17:04and poor Unai got wiped off his machine by the body of the person who flew over his screen,
17:14believe it or not, I couldn't believe my eyes, both people were right, both got up and walked
17:19off and sat down, but the problem is his machine continued without him, down pit lane, turned left
17:27and went straight into Alacia Spargaro's garage and into Alacia's bike on the left-hand side,
17:33ripped the whole side fairing off it, I think hurt the hand of one of the guys that glanced off
17:40and went straight into where the computer, the data guys and the crew chief sit,
17:45into there, luckily nobody there, because it was not their session, and so I went down and
17:51had a look and it looks like everybody's okay, and unbelievably, and just they
17:58had to do a bit of running around his mechanics and get another fairing on the bike.
18:02So that sounded like a super scary incident in pit lane, that was a bit gnarly wasn't it,
18:06for Pedro Acosta, almost airborne as he went in to attack the Cavoni corner there, he was just trying
18:13to, as he hugged the white line, he was just trying to get the widest sweep onto the kerb
18:17to flick it into 11, but I think he just went that little bit too early and just caught that little
18:21dip before the kerb started, I bet you if we had an on-board shot of that, he didn't even back off,
18:29he just kept the throttle pinned, because he's all action isn't he, Pedro Acosta, the beast has
18:34recovered after his early drama, that'll keep the home fans happy, because of course there's plenty
18:38of them here for Bastianini, 131.672 has put him up into third place, as always in their home
18:44Grands Prix, the Italians, so many of them roll out special home race helmets on Saturday mornings,
18:51gotta say I'm loving Fabio, the Gianantonios, the disco glitter ball, a bit of a homage to some of
18:56the nightlife that goes on here in nearby Riccioni, can he get a top result to be maybe celebrating
19:02one of those downtown discos here on a Sunday night, yeah top lad the Gianantonio and still
19:09struggling with that shoulder sadly, you know dislocated shoulder, so you know not long enough
19:15ago to be riding a MotoGP bike, he's a great guy, like really good to listen to in his debriefs and
19:23I have to hold my hands up and go, I never saw him being as successful in this class as he is,
19:32and I think will be in the future, I genuinely didn't see it coming, because I thought he was
19:39missing the really, you know dig deep and you know work ethic behind the scene, he just loved
19:47doing what he was doing, which makes him so pleasant to be around you know, but I thought
19:51he was missing the work ethic side, and when he was threatened with losing the ride on the
19:59paddock, this was a while ago now in MotoGP, I saw him dig so deep, have some results that
20:07obviously he was happy with, that shocked a lot of people, and he's, I believe, I haven't spoken
20:14to him about it, just watched, watching close, I believe he figured out the ingredients you know
20:20to be successful, because he already had the talent, and you know and loves the sport, but it's
20:25so good to see him have the whole ingredients now, and ride like he, you know, I know he's going to
20:31do some amazing things in the future now, and I really didn't believe he would. Working with Frankie
20:35Carciati in that second season at Grazina Racing, of course my case of current crew, he seemed to
20:40really help him, having got his head around what he needed from the bike and from himself for the
20:44second half of last season, it would have been an absolute travesty had he not been given the
20:49chance to really kick on and progress from the end of last season, being bombed out after just
20:54two years would have seemed incredibly harsh given the way he finished 2023. Thankfully, Salvation
21:00came in the Pertamina Enduro VR46 racing team, and they really have developed a successful
21:05partnership already, haven't they? Because Fabio Di Gennantonio will be one of only three Ducati
21:09riders to have a GP25 next year. He was a tough rider, they tried to reduce the level of painkillers
21:14compared to Aragon, but I think they backed up a little bit too much, and he might need a little
21:18bit more intervention this morning. A good Friday as well, wasn't it, for Marco Becsechi in a big
21:23home round for the Italians. Let's get some thoughts from the boss Pabonetto, who joins Jack.
21:28He does indeed, and he was just enjoying hearing both of you two sing the praises of his rider
21:33Fabio, given the work that he's done throughout this year to get that full factory contract,
21:38before we speak about this weekend. I mean, just following on what those guys are saying,
21:42what a journey it's been for Fabio to get to the position where he is now.
21:46Yeah, if you look in the back, one year ago he didn't have the bike, and then this year he made
21:52a fantastic job. I think he is a very good rider, very good talent, and finally he will have the
21:59factory bike. So that means that the working that we are making together is the right way.
22:05Ducati also believes in himself, also in Di Gennantonio, so we are very, very happy.
22:11On this weekend, how is he feeling? With the injuries that he got in the last
22:17races, he's still not 100%. But anyway, I think we have to try to pass this race, because
22:26just four days ago was the Aragon race, and it was very, very hard for him. But anyway,
22:32I think we can make a very good race. It's going to be difficult to pass to the Q2, but anyway,
22:38we will try. Marco, it looked like a more positive day yesterday, after a more positive
22:43weekend in Aragon. Do you feel that you have taken a slight step to get him closer to the front?
22:49Yeah, it's going to be very, very important this weekend for him.
22:55In the first part of this season was very hard for him. We know that the tyres and the bike
23:00was completely different. In my personal opinion, I think the worst case for him was the tyres,
23:06with too much grip. He liked a lot to slide the bike, and this is the problem. But I think he
23:12started working very, very good. It's very important to try to make this step that we
23:16can make in this race. In Aragon, he makes also a step. And if we are fighting for the top five,
23:22I think we can make a good end of the season. Changing the rider line-up next year, and just
23:27on Fabio again. He's had three different crew chiefs in three years so far. Looks like it's
23:31going to be four different crew chiefs in four years, coming next year as well. Big change on
23:35both sides of the garages. Yeah, David is going to Yamaha. For us, I worked with him since 2001
23:48or something like that. He was my mechanic, and I know him very, very good. I'm happy for him,
23:52because always when a crew chief is jumping to a factory team, it's important for him.
23:58But, you know, I'm a little bit sad because he's a very, very, very good
24:02chief mechanic. He's making a very good job. And on the other side also,
24:07change again to Fabio. But anyway, I think it's coming Maximo Branchini. He's one of the best
24:16chief mechanics I have in my career, because I know him very, very good. And I think we can make
24:22a very good job. Thank you very much, Pablo. Good luck this weekend. Thank you. Yeah, thanks very
24:26much, Jack. Thanks to Pablo Nieto. Yeah, David Munoz will be Alex Rinda's crew chief in the
24:31factory Yamaha team next year. Of course, he was given his debut in MotoGP a few years ago,
24:36wasn't he, by Valentino Rossi. Such a big part in Moto2 back in the day, when he was with Pekka
24:42Bagnaia, winning the world championship. And Bagnaia is back where he adores to be in Misano,
24:48back at the top of the leaderboard with a 1.31.332. In fact, I was going to say that's just
24:56about a second away from the all-time lap record, which given that out there on old rubber most of
25:01these riders, building up some data for the sprint and race tomorrow. It's not a bad pace at all,
25:07is it, by the reigning world champion. We just saw there the riding style comparison of them going
25:12through that absolutely jaw-dropping Turn 11. The Cavoni corner, one of the most spectacular
25:18corners on the whole calendar. About 285 kmph when you flick it right there. It was interesting
25:23what Jackie Miller was saying in his media debrief yesterday. He said Pekka's got so much confidence
25:31to commit and flick the bike at that corner. He said yesterday it was embarrassing the difference
25:37that Pekka makes. And of course, when they were former Ducati teammates, he had a good close look
25:43at Bagnani's data going through Turn 11. And he said he is just a beast in that fast ride. That's
25:49where he makes up so much of the time. Of course, he's here all the time riding Panigales. He gets
25:54to play whenever he wants, living just up the road in nearby Tivolia. But he's just so, so dynamic,
26:02Simon. So good through that Turn 11. Well, Mark was asked about it yesterday, and one of the
26:08journalists had obviously been studying his homework and said, like, you're losing in that
26:12sector. And Mark said, actually, I'm losing in two. And, well, a couple. And I said, and he plans
26:19to make up the others. But he just plans to not try not to lose too much on Pekka on that one.
26:26In other words, even Mark believes he can't go faster than Pekka through that one. Pekka's like
26:33unbelievable. So, yeah, amazing corner. And, you know, for the people out there that
26:40have ridden bikes and especially the ex-riders that used to ride before the Aero came in,
26:46the amazing thing about the Aero, even with the production bikes, it's the same,
26:51that before you used to have to close the throttle at least or even dab the brake to get
26:58load on the front before turning into a fast corner like that. Otherwise, the front has no
27:04grip to allow you to turn in. And with the wins, that's gone. It's quite, that's one of the biggest
27:11differences from riding with the Aero and without is the front always has weight on it. So you don't
27:17have to put weight on it to change direction. It's looking so good once again here this weekend,
27:22isn't it? Pekka Banyai, second season of course, he's come to Misano, a little bit beaten up,
27:27a little bit battered and bruised. He arrived in a lot more discomfort, a lot more pain after that
27:31horrendous escape he had in the Catalan Grand Prix 12 months ago. Some rides, some performance,
27:37well, he's some rider, isn't he? Fabio Quattroro, the 2021 MotoGP World Champion,
27:43fighting like he's every lap, his last lap at the moment to get Yamaha back to the front
27:49into Q2. He went yesterday at ninth place. There's a new Yamaha chassis that's been delivered
27:55here this weekend. Alex Rins said he felt like no negatives, felt like it given back a little
28:02bit more agility. Of course, one big complaint of Yamaha over the last 18 months or so, it's been
28:07rather cumbersome, a bit heavy to change direction and heavy to turn into the corners. Rins felt
28:12there was a step in the right direction in terms of that area. Fabio Quattroro, as he said at the
28:17test recently, great race pace, but the time attack still too weak for his liking. The Yamaha
28:23only make a jump of three or four tenths of a second on soft tyres, where most of the other
28:28riders seem to be able to jump forward nine tenths to a second, if not a little bit more.
28:33Quattroro said maybe the new chassis feels like a little bit better edge grip. Of course,
28:37they're looking for more mechanical drift on corner exit. That still remains one of the main
28:41weak points of the Yamaha, but small baby steps in the right direction, it seems, Simon. And again,
28:48Fabio, just another superb performance to go directly to Q2. Yeah, another great effort from
28:55Fabio through Q2, which always makes a rider happy to be out of Q1, you know, so all the
29:02riders coming up, you know, it's only a few minutes away, the action will start and Q1,
29:06they dig so deep, don't they, Matt? It's crazy lap times, always real difficult to come through
29:12and quite a few good riders in there. I've got to say, we're talking about Yamaha is
29:19Dobin, I mean, he's another one that's mentioned how hard Yamaha are trying. I know Yamaha and
29:25Honda are digging really deep to get out of that hole. And so the thing that makes sense to me is
29:34Bartolini, the new engineer that Yamaha have put in a powerful position in their race department,
29:41head of technical of MotoGP project, that's amazing to have an Italian at the top of that
29:47and a Japanese manufacturer. So Dobin, it makes sense, they know each other, like you mentioned.
29:54And also, I mean, I think it's sad for Honda that they lost Danny, you know, Danny gives so
30:01much good information to KTM, I still hear that, whispers of how good of feedback Danny gives. And
30:08Dobin could do the same sort of thing, because at least filter out what is worth testing for
30:15the factory guys, because they don't have the time to test everything. And Dobin will be perfect for
30:21that, filter through, and especially when Carl is injured, you know, poor old Carl Crutchlow,
30:27when I say injured, he had an operation on both forearms, you know, his arm pump surgery,
30:31and one of them's gone bad, you know, and they're really, really been a problem for him,
30:36apparently even difficult to go cycling, so there's no way of riding one of these things.
30:41And when you're missing your test rider, who better to pull in than Dobin, he's one of the
30:46most technical-minded riders the paddock's ever seen. Carl Crutchlow's recovering injuries must
30:53be really bad if he's keeping up his pushbike a little bit, because Carl was a serious mild
30:57munchie, wasn't he, on two wheels? Yeah, there's still a lot of rumors that Augusto Fernandez,
31:02current Gas-Gas Tech 3 rider, is going to move into the Yamaha test riding role next season,
31:08that's not to say they're going to dispense with Carl Crutchlow, but just strengthening
31:12the test team behind the scenes, and of course that could come with the potential of at least
31:16six wildcard appearances for Augusto Fernandez. Now this is the Marco Betseke, we've missed,
31:23this is the Marco Betseke, we absolutely love to see his name back in P1 here in Misano, 131.237
31:31from Baz, yeah we won't get too carried away because it is only FP2, but he has just looked
31:36a lot more like his old self here this weekend. And it is an important one for him, you know,
31:42it's a home race, it's a opportunity to really try to figure out that problem that's been a
31:48nightmare all year, you know, rear pushing the front, and he can't ride it, slide the rear,
31:54turn the bike, he always feels like he's pushing the front, and it is a nightmare for any rider
31:59to have that feeling, and he hasn't been able to fix it, and to work on it at your home race,
32:05you know, two races in a row and a test gives him, I think, a big opportunity, and I was thinking
32:10that coming into this one, and to see him going well, even if this session isn't the most important,
32:16it makes me smile, Marco makes me smile, Matt, I think he brings out my father instincts in me,
32:22he's not much older than my son, and he just, I just want to give him a hug when it's not going
32:28well, you know, poor fella. He's just a brilliant character, he just loves life, very effervescent
32:33character, isn't he? I'll miss him, of course, because last year when he was so strong, and
32:37fighting for wins, podiums, and fighting for the championship for most of last season, he was a
32:42very frequent visitor to the press conferences, you just knew sitting down before you introduced
32:47it, Marco was always going to give you a line, he was always going to come up with something that
32:51put smiles on people's faces, so yeah, I've missed him on Thursday press conferences, I've missed him
32:57a lot on Sunday press conferences as well, so no pressure, Marco, but can you come back as quickly
33:00as possible? He's already proved he's absolutely magic when he feels comfy on the bike, as fast
33:06as anyone, so let's hope Marco's back into the beast. Speaking about being back, horrible start
33:13to the session, losing a bike, and obviously the plan goes out the window, and hopefully he's got
33:18the info that he wants, because he's going fast enough. He's pushing as well, look how
33:24that Ducati was moving around on the brakes into the Misano corner, he's currently, where is the
33:31beast, fourth at the moment, that was just his best lap of the session, 12 laps of 12, he took the
33:36chequered flag as well. So if you're new to MotoGP, that session didn't count, that's why we're not too
33:42worried about the lap times, it's all about getting the info for the sprint and the race,
33:49the fuel economy, tyre consumption, bike setting, and get the info, but these next two sessions,
33:57hold on to your sofa, it's about to get exciting. Yeah, it really is, we have the Italian fans on
34:04their feet, they love that, because Marco Bersseke then leads FP2, Pekka Bagnai was second,
34:10problem with the start for Zaka, wasn't it? Yeah, I'm just dubbing over in my head some
34:14swear words in French, because that rear tyre just lit up, and like we saw with the dirty track in
34:20Aragon, you know, on the start line, and that's a, you know, it doesn't make you happy, you know,
34:27they would have had hot tyres, and he'd have been really disappointed to lose that info
34:32on the start. So five pumps with the clutch first, and right, both forks completely compressed,
34:40the rear suspension right down, and so super low centre of gravity, so the thing doesn't wheelie,
34:45and can deliver huge power, and punch forward as fast as possible. Thank you, I'm just so happy
34:51that he's got some grip when he drops the clutch, of course, catch your minds back last weekend,
34:56the sprint down the Grand Prix, as soon as he went full gas, he was sideways on that dirty side of
35:01the grid. Have a look at those forks, see how low they are, pulled right down, so the rider brakes
35:06as he's pulling up there, someone's, they're waiting for someone ahead, who obviously is
35:10having some hassle, so as they pull up, they pull the brakes, and push a button, and just like
35:14motocross bike, compress those forks, see they're squashed to the bottom, and that little device holds
35:22the forks down until they brake hard enough, and a little pin pops back out, and the suspension
35:27can work again, but it holds that, basically the engine lower to the road, and gets less wheelie,
35:33and same, exactly the same with the rear, but it doesn't compress the spring with the rear, it
35:38extends the suspension linkage, the linkage isn't solid, it's like a, it looks like a rear shock,
35:44and when they push the button, it extends, and just lowers it, it doesn't move the shock. Well,
35:50if that was the starter of the day here in FP2, we're looking forward to the main course in
35:54qualifying, and the sprint coming up later on, because Marco Bazzacchi leads FP2,
35:59Bagnani and Martin, the top two riders in the championship, right in the mix as well,
36:04Bastianini on home turf, fourth looking strong, likewise Frankie Mormodelli,
36:08Marc Marquez, just outside the top six, strong once again, but Bez is back in front of his home
36:14crowd, no better place to do it, a 1.31.237, sees him take the spoils in FP2, near 10th clear
36:21at Bagnani, Martin once again in the top three, ahead of the beast about technical problems
36:25early on, Mormodelli once again inside the top six, ahead of Polisbargo, good session
36:30out for KTM's wild card, after he had an early fall at Turn 1, Marquez, Acosta, Alex Marquez,
36:35and later Spargo complete your top ten, just outside was Fabio Quartararo, who's in Q2,
36:41Brad Binder and Fabio Vigel Antonio, two big names that are coming up shortly in Q1,
36:46Mario Vinales, 16th, further down, Joao Anzaca in 20th, we just saw him make a bit of a hash of
36:53his practice start, Raul Fernandes has had a forgettable weekend so far, what is going on
36:58with your number 25 at Track House?