• last year
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan, Hadi Tjahjanto yang mengimbau kepada intelijen untuk terus bekerja keras mengawasi kerawanan jelang Pilkada serentak 2024. Hadi menyebut, pemetaan kerawanan yang dikeluarkan badan pengawas pemilu bisa menjadi pedoman bagi aparat TNI, Polri, dan intelijen untuk mengantisipasi berbagai masalah jelang Pilkada 2024.


00:30in all areas according to the risk index,
00:32the potential for disruption when the election is sudden can be anticipated well.
00:37Hadi hopes that Intelligent will work as maximally as possible during the 2024 election,
00:41because the focus of TNI and PORI will be split
00:44to do security throughout the region.
00:49Intelligent NL is right
00:52to pay attention, to see, don't let there is even a small impact.
00:57If Intelligent NL has dominated the whole region,
01:01then the frequency of the alert that is issued per day
01:06can also be anticipated well,
01:10including the estimates issued by the police.
