Sueños de libertad Cap 135 (03-09-24)

  • last month
00:00You're still here?
00:15Yes, but I'm leaving.
00:16Wait, I want to talk to you.
00:18I'm in a hurry, Father. I have an appointment with the paraffin supplier at the factory.
00:21Why? What's wrong?
00:22Because the price has gone up a lot in the last few months and I don't want to make a miserable discount.
00:26And I'm going to make it very clear to him that we either negotiate or look for another one.
00:29We don't need a girlfriend.
00:30Well, he'll have to wait. We have to talk now.
00:40Father, if you want to talk about Marta's photos again...
00:42No, what I want to talk about is Begoña's matter.
00:47What's wrong with her?
00:49This is going too far.
00:51Yesterday she was about to drown in the pool and I don't need to explain to you what that could have meant.
00:58How do you know about the pool?
01:01Ah, Andrés told you, of course.
01:03And he was very worried about the incident.
01:06Well, don't worry so much about my affairs and forget about my wife at once.
01:09Stop being jealous, Jesus.
01:12It is logical that he would be alarmed.
01:15It would have happened to anyone who was there and had seen what happened.
01:18I insist that you stay out of my life.
01:21He asked me to talk to you.
01:24Oh yeah? And for what?
01:27He wants you to be convinced so that a specialist can see Begoña
01:30and that we see the possibility of hospitalizing her in a suitable center.
01:34Another like his wife?
01:36Did he really say that?
01:38If what you wanted was for everyone to think that Begoña was crazy, congratulations.
01:42You got it.
01:45But he's not the only one who's worried. I am too.
01:50What is clear is that the situation with Begoña cannot continue like this.
01:54I agree.
01:56Like this?
01:59All this was to get rid of that stupid idea of ​​going to London for a few days.
02:03And in that sense, goal achieved.
02:05And I had already thought about lowering his dose,
02:08but I have to do it gradually so that his improvement does not attract attention.
02:11And can I ask you what has made you come to your senses?
02:14Well, I already told him that I would leave the matter when I thought I could trust her again.
02:19And I think we are already at that moment.
02:21Are you sure?
02:23Yes, a while ago he has been very kind to me.
02:27He even thanked me for taking care of her.
02:29It was like when we started the relationship and she trusted me completely.
02:34It is ironic that he thanks you for taking care of her
02:37when you are the one responsible for her being as she is.
02:41It hurts me to see her like this too.
02:43I'm not a stone, but I had no choice.
02:46Well, the important thing is that we can return to normality as soon as possible.
02:50And it is not convenient for us to risk more with Begoña and that a misfortune may occur.
02:54This is going to end, it's a matter of days.
02:58I hope so.
03:00Well, I'm leaving now.
03:01Or I will be late for the date with the Paracetamol list.
03:21One moment.
03:32Come in.
03:38Hi, honey.
03:40How are you?
03:43How are you?
03:44Better, better.
03:45Can I show you something? I'm sure it makes you very happy.
03:50A 9 in the math exam.
03:53A 9? But Julia, congratulations.
03:59Begoña, are you...
04:03Are you much better?
04:07Yes, honey, I'm much better.
04:10You'll see how happy Dad gets when he sees you.
04:16Julia, honey.
04:18I want to tell you something.
04:23I have a surprise for you.
04:24A surprise?
04:27We're going on a trip.
04:29Really? And where?
04:32Do you remember that I have told you many times that I live in England?
04:35Yes, of course. And I asked you many times to take me there.
04:38Well, that's the surprise. That we are going together.
04:41The two of us?
04:42Dad's not coming?
04:44No, we're going alone. You and me.
04:48And how long?
04:51Well, quite a while.
04:54But what about school?
04:56Don't worry, I'm going to talk to your teachers and I'm sure they won't cause any problems.
05:00Well, I'm going to tell Dina and Grandma.
05:02No, no, no, wait.
05:04Wait, honey, come, come.
05:07Let's see.
05:09I know you're very excited.
05:13But this trip has to be a secret.
05:18Well, you know I've had a bad time.
05:20And I've been a lot in my room.
05:22Yes, and I'm very sorry to see you like this.
05:25Well, but I'm better now.
05:26What happens is that people think I shouldn't travel yet.
05:29Do you understand?
05:31But you're really better, aren't you?
05:33Yes, yes, but the family always worries too much.
05:36And they wouldn't let us go.
05:38But don't worry, as soon as we arrive, we'll call them.
05:41But if we do that, Dad will get angry.
05:44Don't worry, he'll be the first to call.
05:47But do you really think he won't feel bad?
05:50Julia, I'll convince him, don't worry.
05:53But that's why it's very important that no one knows.
05:57Especially him.
06:00But well, if you don't want to go, it's okay, I'll go and we'll see each other later.
06:06No, no, no, I want to go with you.
06:07I already told you.
06:08And besides, you promised me that we would never separate, that we would always be together.
06:13And I'm going to keep my promise, Camillo.
06:15I'm very excited to go on this trip with you.
06:17But Julia, promise me that you won't tell anyone.
06:23No one, I promise you.
06:26How nice, we're going on a trip together, both of us, like two friends.
06:30Will you show me the house where you lived?
06:32I'm going to show you everything.
06:37I'm going to show you everything.
06:45It has been difficult for you to come to terms, but I am glad that we have reached an agreement.
06:49We will soon make the new order.
06:51The pleasure is mine, Your Highness.
06:54Have a good afternoon.
06:55I say the same.
07:02Good afternoon.
07:07Good afternoon.
07:12Do you have a moment?
07:13I wanted to tell you something.
07:21I suppose it will be about the matter that we have between our hands, right?
07:25The Merinos keep this matter a secret.
07:28I had to reinforce my trust in Gemma to find out something.
07:32Although her husband resisted that we had any relationship.
07:36Joaquin's good man smells something, doesn't he?
07:39Without taking away my merit, I think I have also earned it.
07:43What a gem you are made.
07:46The point is that I have managed to cross that barrier.
07:49Although maybe there is some rumor that I have called him a tyrant.
07:53If that has helped the Merinos to open the door for you, no problem.
07:57Let's get down to business.
07:59I found a clue of some files that I had very well stored.
08:02And now I know what it is about.
08:06Tell me, why did they want those damn lands, Isabel?
08:09It seems that they are rich in thermal waters.
08:12Thermal waters?
08:15And as you suspected, they have a project in their hands.
08:18To build a swimming pool there.
08:22A swimming pool?
08:26And you are lucky that it was Tassio who wrote the letter of love to the Sons.
08:30Can you believe it?
08:31And he has never written to you?
08:33To me?
08:34But if I have only seen him write when we signed the apartment contract
08:37and the signature looked like that of a ten-year-old boy.
08:40Look, really.
08:41I was about to forgive him.
08:43But this boy doesn't stop surprising me.
08:45The truth is that he has a way, Carmen.
08:47But well, comfort yourself.
08:48That the letters would not be very good when Sons.
08:50let him spend money on the bus driver.
08:53No, that's true.
08:55But I don't know, I want to know what's going on in my husband's head.
08:58You don't know what's going on in my husband's head?
09:00Carmen, Tassio loves you.
09:02Yes, I already know that, Claudia.
09:04Yes, I also want a letter of love from you.
09:09Hi, Mateo.
09:13I'm going to the bathroom for a moment.
09:18Mateo, I'm glad to see you, but you shouldn't be here.
09:22Yes, yes, I know.
09:23But I want to tell you something.
09:26I've already found out that you're staying.
09:29Well, the circumstances have changed a bit.
09:32Don Damián spoke to me and even Don Agustín spoke well of me.
09:36Well, whatever it is, I'm really glad that you can stay in La Colonia.
09:43What's up? Is it bad news or what?
09:47That's why I came.
09:49It's true that I'm staying in La Colonia.
09:52But it's only going to be a few weeks.
09:54Claudia, I've applied to go on missions to Africa.
10:00To Africa?
10:03It's the best for both of us.
10:08Well, well.
10:12You want to become independent, don't you?
10:15You want to set up your own business outside of La Reina's.
10:19And from what I've been able to verify, it's a very well-studied and planned business.
10:25It's very viable.
10:27It seems that your ambition has awakened at this point.
10:30To compete with us, perhaps?
10:32Perhaps, yes.
10:35I'm very sorry for giving you this bad news.
10:37No, you don't have to be sorry at all.
10:39You've done a very good job, Isabel.
10:42I've put all my interest into it.
10:43And do you have any more specific information?
10:47Do you have any more specific information about the project?
10:50Yes, but since I couldn't pick up any documents to avoid raising suspicions,
10:54I had to memorize as much as possible.
10:57Perfect. Make a report.
10:58Something will have to be done with this matter.
11:00Very well.
11:01Isabel, you will go far in this company.
11:09And you don't always have to wear the same handkerchief.
11:14There are other colors, but they are so expensive.
11:16Don't worry.
11:17Pay the company.
11:20And now I'm leaving.
11:21If anyone asks for me, tell them I'll be late.
11:37But Mateo, are you sure this is what you want?
11:41I'm sure it's the best I can do to continue being a good priest.
11:47And if I'm absolutely honest with you,
11:50I couldn't be by your side.
11:53I still have a few weeks left
11:55and we have to stop having any kind of relationship.
11:59You understand, right?
12:01Yes, yes, yes.
12:02Come on, don't worry.
12:03If I see you out there, I'll turn around.
12:06Well, we don't have to do that.
12:08We live in the same place.
12:09It's almost impossible that we don't see each other at any time.
12:13Well, that's the way it is in the chapel.
12:17Mateo, it's better if you leave
12:19because I don't want to have problems at the store.
12:21Yeah, you're right.
12:25Take care of yourself, Claudia.
12:28And you.
12:39Mateo, have you left?
12:46What's wrong?
12:49Mateo told me he's going to Africa.
12:53You're far away.
12:55Carmen, why does this have to happen to me?
12:57I'm a disgrace.
13:00Oh, my girl.
13:16Suspicions were very disorganised.
13:18I'm sure it's different now.
13:20Maybe you're lucky and you can discover that...
13:22Discover what?
13:24Who you really are.
13:46Come in.
13:47May I?
13:48Of course.
13:49You always do.
13:52Hey, do you mind if I stay to sort out the bank papers before I leave?
13:55As you wish.
13:57And that photo?
14:04It's the only photo I have of when I was a child.
14:06I'm the one in the corner.
14:07You're this girl.
14:12And why were you looking at her?
14:17It's because of the conversation we had before, right?
14:20It seems like a lie that we haven't known each other for so long and you know me so well.
14:25What we've talked about has moved you.
14:29And I've been defensive, as always.
14:31Forgive me.
14:33You don't have to apologise, Luz.
14:36It's a body armor I've been wearing all my life.
14:40It helps me not to look back and the past doesn't affect me.
14:43But the reality...
14:44But the reality is that deep down you're just hiding that it doesn't affect you.
14:48The procession is inside.
14:55The other day when we ate with your mother and today that we've been having coffee with her,
15:00did you see how she looked at you?
15:03With affection.
15:04With tenderness.
15:06You don't know how lucky you are, Luis.
15:09I know.
15:10Believe me.
15:11Believe me.
15:13And now I want you to know that my family is also yours.
15:18Before you arrived, I was thinking about what you told me.
15:23I don't know, for a moment I valued the idea of calling the nuns from the orphanage
15:28and asking them if they knew anything new about my mother.
15:31And why didn't you do it?
15:33I don't know.
15:34Maybe it's silly.
15:36It's not silly, Luz.
15:38It's about your life.
15:41And it's normal that if you feel there's something pending, you try to solve it.
15:46The same if you go with your mother.
15:49You know yourself better.
15:52And so you know why you love medicine.
15:54Because you're so beautiful.
15:59You are a gift that life has given me.
16:01I like to see you happy.
16:11I love you.
16:19Come in.
16:21Mr. Damián, excuse me.
16:23Kifina Valero is here.
16:25Yes, let her in.
16:33Come in.
16:35Mr. Damián sent for me.
16:37Sit down.
16:38Excuse me.
16:42I suppose you don't have any complaints about my work, do you?
16:45Because I always arrive on time.
16:47And I put a lot of effort into what I do.
16:49No, no, no.
16:50There's nothing against your work.
16:53I know you're a good employee.
16:56I do everything I can.
16:58Yes, Marta has no complaints about you.
17:04And that's why she called me.
17:07What did you say?
17:09What did you say?
17:11She called me to congratulate me on my work.
17:15Or for something else.
17:17Yes, it's for that something else.
17:21No, it's not that easy.
17:25I don't know, there are too many things that I can't get out of my head.
17:28Well, tell me.
17:29Imagine that I look for my mother at the meeting and she rejects me again.
17:33Or that I discover that she's a bad person and that's why she abandons me.
17:37Luz, come here.
17:39Calm down.
17:40It's normal that you're scared.
17:43Very scared.
17:45But haven't you thought that maybe your mother tried to look for you at some point?
17:50You can't know what can happen if you don't try.
17:55Come on.
18:10Could I please speak to Francina's mother?
18:14Tell her I'm Luz, Luz Expósito.
18:24Yes, it's me.
18:27I'm also very happy to hear from you.
18:30I'm very happy to hear from you.
18:32Yes, it's me.
18:35I'm also very happy to hear from you.
18:38How could I forget you?
18:43I'm calling you because I would like to ask you a favor.
18:49I would like to know if there is any possibility of knowing something new about my mother.
18:59I understand.
19:00Yes, I know they told me everything they knew, but...
19:03I don't know, maybe I could look at the files again and maybe there is some clue.
19:10I would be very grateful.
19:13Of course, don't worry.
19:15Whenever I can, yes.
19:18Thank you very much, mother.
19:25What did she tell you?
19:27That she will try.
19:29But she doesn't think it's possible.
19:32It's been a long time.
19:35Thank you for encouraging me, Luis.
19:39Do you know Barcelona?
19:43You should visit that magnificent city.
19:45And of course, the store we have there.
19:47It's in the middle of the Ramblas, imbued with the Mediterranean essence of the city.
19:54I'm sorry, Mr. Damián, but I don't know why you're telling me all this.
19:56Well, as I was saying, it's one of our most beautiful stores.
19:59And for a few days now, we've been doing independent interviews to cover a vacant square.
20:08And what does that have to do with me?
20:10A lot.
20:13Because this morning...
20:15This morning I was thinking it would be an ideal place for you.
20:19With your good history, I have no doubt that it would be the most convenient for the company.
20:27Well, I'm very comfortable here.
20:29And I thank you for thinking of me, really.
20:31But I don't want to leave Toledo.
20:35I'm happy here.
20:36Well, that's exactly what I expect from you.
20:38That you transmit that happiness, that enthusiasm, in your new position in Barcelona.
20:44Well, the store is also much bigger than here.
20:46And that is reflected in your salary.
20:50Mr. Damián, I prefer to charge much less.
20:53In the end, listen to me, the decision is in my hands.
20:58I can't leave, Mr. Damián.
21:01My father lives here and I'm not going to leave him alone after everything that has happened to him.
21:07I don't know if I haven't explained myself clearly enough.
21:10I think I have, but I repeat it to you.
21:15The best thing for everyone is that you go to Barcelona.
21:23Do you understand?
21:31Well, if everything is spoken, I think the best thing is that you go back to your job.
21:39Excuse me.
21:54Listen, the van can't be fixed, we don't have time.
21:57Put the merchandise in another one that leaves now.
22:00Very well, I'll go there instead.
22:04See you later.
22:09Hi, Julia.
22:11Did you want something?
22:13I wanted to look for a book.
22:15A book.
22:16And what book is it?
22:17Maybe I can help you find it.
22:19It's a book about European capitals.
22:21I need it for a job.
22:23Very well, don't worry.
22:25I'll give you one now.
22:29Let's see, let's see where it is.
22:36Ah, look.
22:39Here you have it.
22:44I don't tell you much because I want you to know.
22:48But I want you to know that you'll always have me there for whatever you need.
22:53No matter what happens.
22:56Thank you, uncle.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:09It's okay.
23:15I'd like to stay with you, but I can't.
23:18I have to go to work.
23:19I know, it's okay.
23:22Can I stay here and study?
23:24Of course.
23:41Tell me.
23:43Thank you for being so good.
23:49See you later, aunt.
23:50See you later.
23:51I was looking for you.
23:53What do you want for lunch?
23:54I've made torrijas and they're delicious.
23:57Dina, I'm not very hungry.
24:00So what?
24:02Are you not feeling well? Does something hurt?
24:04No, no, I'm fine.
24:06Well, if it's just a matter of appetite, I can make you an orange with sugar that you like a lot.
24:12You eat it like it's nothing and it's very healthy.
24:16A book of capitals.
24:18Can I see it?
24:19I had one like that when I was little.
24:22Well, like that, but much older, of course.
24:25Have you ever traveled outside of Spain?
24:28No, not outside of Spain.
24:30But I always wanted to live in Paris.
24:32I was about to, but I couldn't.
24:35And why not?
24:36Because your great-grandfather Gervasio founded the factory with your great-grandfather Damián and we had to stay here in Toledo.
24:42And did it hurt?
24:44At first, yes, a lot.
24:46But then staying here had its compensations.
24:50For example, if I had gone to Paris, we wouldn't see each other every day and I would be very sad because I really like being with you.
24:57I also really like being with you.
24:59Well, great.
25:01It's better that I didn't go, right?
25:02So we are together and we see each other every day.
25:07I'm going to make the snack.
25:09I'll let you know when it's ready.
25:11Someday we'll go to Paris together.
25:44Dear Dino.
25:56What's going on here?
25:59The poor thing has taken a good beating from a client who was a bit rude.
26:04But what happened? What did you say?
26:07Well, it was a misunderstanding between the two of them and the lady ended up calling the rude Fina.
26:13Is that why you're like this?
26:16Has something else happened?
26:20Mrs. Marta Fina has been like this since ...
26:23since Mr. Damián called her to his office.
26:26Mr. Damián called her without consulting me first.
26:31Well, I'll leave you alone.
26:39Fina, what did my father tell you?
26:41He wants to send her to work at the store in Barcelona.
26:43Do it or don't do it.
26:52The syrup is taken every eight hours.
26:54And I also take a syringe, add water, a few drops of eucalyptus and massage.
27:01Is she okay, doctor?
27:03Yes, why?
27:05I don't know. Maybe she's waiting for a call.
27:08Oh, I'm sorry, Miguel. I'm so sorry.
27:11I'm so sorry.
27:13Please don't forget the syrup and the bags.
27:15And come see me in three or four days, okay?
27:17Okay, thank you.
27:18Good afternoon.
27:23Well, I have everything.
27:25Any news?
27:27No, not yet.
27:29You're impatient, huh?
27:31I won't deny it.
27:33Well, my mother gave me some advice today.
27:36She told me it's useless to get upset when you don't know anything.
27:39You'll get nervous when you find out, right?
27:41With all due respect, that advice is not worth a penny.
27:44Maybe you're right.
27:46But don't tell my mother.
28:02Mother Francina?
28:07She told you that?
28:09I can't believe it.
28:11Don't be naïve, Marta.
28:13We knew it could happen, and it did.
28:15No, no, and it's already happened.
28:17Tell me, how was the conversation?
28:21Was she unpleasant with you?
28:24No, no, no.
28:25Did she mention us?
28:26No, on the contrary.
28:28In fact, she was very skilful.
28:29A lot.
28:31She started by congratulating me on my job at the store.
28:34And she says that's why she sent me to Barcelona, to raise my level.
28:37And then she said she was going to raise my salary.
28:39A very typical strategy of hers.
28:42To keep me away from you, Marta.
28:44Of course.
28:45I couldn't let it pass.
28:47Both of us, face to face.
28:50Knowing perfectly well what we were saying, but hiding it, of course.
28:56I'm very sorry that you had to go through such a situation.
29:00Who is doing this to us?
29:05They're going to separate us, don't you realize?
29:06No, that...
29:08That's not going to happen.
29:10I'm not going to allow it.
29:13Your father has spoken to the people of Barcelona and the decision has been made.
29:15I don't care.
29:17I won't allow it.
29:19And what are you going to do?
29:21I don't know.
29:23But I'll find a way.
29:30I understand.
29:32Yes, of course.
29:33Don't worry.
29:34Thank you very much.
29:36A hug, mother.
29:46He has looked in all the files, but he hasn't found a single piece of data.
29:50I can't believe it.
29:52Not even a medical record, a birth certificate, nothing.
29:58Well, Luz, I know it's not what you expected.
30:00You're not going to have it easy, but I'm going to help you.
30:02We'll get it together, you'll see.
30:03Thank you very much for encouraging me, Luis.
30:06But this matter ends here.
30:08There will be no more attempts.
30:12Are you sure about that, Luz?
30:14I'm not going to deny that I was very excited to find my mother, but...
30:18I finally have everything to be happy.
30:21And I'm afraid that if I keep looking at the past,
30:25I won't enjoy the present.
30:27Well, what you say makes sense.
30:32For my part, I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy every day.
30:46Wait a minute.
30:47Didn't you have an appointment with the doctor?
30:50No, I didn't.
30:52I'm sorry.
30:54Wait a minute.
30:55Didn't you have an appointment with the bank?
30:57Damn, it's true.
30:59Joaquín must be nervous.
31:01I have to go.
31:04Wish me luck.
31:05Good luck.
31:06I'll call you later.
31:08I love you.
31:24With your gaze, Aterciopelada.
31:30Anastasio sounds weird, really.
31:34Yeah, that sounds weird, doesn't it?
31:38What are you doing?
31:42What do you mean nothing? What are you writing?
31:45This is...
31:46This is...
31:47This is...
31:48This is...
31:49This is...
31:50This is...
31:51This is...
31:52This is a request for a client, that's all.
31:55A client for Aterciopelada?
32:00Tashi, aren't you going to show it to me?
32:04That's a letter.
32:08For whom?
32:12I can't believe it.
32:13Gaspar asked me to write another letter to the Sonsoles.
32:15What for? To say goodbye?
32:17Look, Carmen, why don't you let him finish writing it
32:19and we'll talk about it calmly?
32:20Yeah, man, what do you think?
32:26Dear Carmen...
32:31I wish I knew how to write better
32:33to be able to describe what I feel for you.
32:37But you know that I'm not very good at words,
32:40despite what I say, Gaspar.
32:44I can only tell you that you have put your feet on me
32:47since I met you
32:48and that I couldn't be without you anymore.
32:52Because you're like the air I breathe,
32:55the light that illuminates my life.
32:59I've stayed out there.
33:00I was going to write something like your look at Aterciopelada,
33:02but it was a little weird.
33:06Is it time for me to do it?
33:08With you?
33:10Well, if you let me finish writing it,
33:11I'll give it to you as God commands, really.
33:15You're so stupid.
33:19It's perfect as it is.
33:22How come you haven't written this before?
33:25Well, because I've always had you present, Carmen,
33:27and I always had time to say everything to your face
33:30and, in the end, I'm going to have to settle for...
33:44I thought it was someone,
33:46but now I realize that without you, I'm empty.
33:50I love you, Carmen,
33:51and I'll love you for the rest of my life.
33:54Yes, she would be like a dependent, understand.
33:57And nothing to pay her like a beginner.
33:59A good salary.
34:02Soon I will confirm the incorporation of Miss Valero.
34:06Yes, Serafina Valero.
34:09I hope you can solve it soon, director.
34:14What the hell are you doing?
34:16You can't make decisions about the employees without consulting me.
34:19I've already done it.
34:20And there's nothing to discuss.
34:21What do you mean?
34:22You've heard me.
34:23You can't jump on my authority over the store for a personal matter.
34:27It would be setting a precedent, it's not convenient for you.
34:30Let's make one thing clear, Marta.
34:32It's not a personal matter.
34:36I've made this decision for the good of the company.
34:39I prefer to send an employee far away
34:41than for this to become a scandal.
34:43You're always going to put the company before the people, right?
34:46The company that took me so much effort to build
34:49and whose image has been threatened too much lately.
34:53I'm going to ask him.
34:54And where are the people?
34:56The people should think very well about what they do.
35:00You're maintaining an extra marital relationship with a woman.
35:04And you really don't understand it?
35:07You're going crazy, Marta.
35:09Instead of asking for explanations,
35:11you should thank me for saving the company that feeds you all.
35:15I can't believe what you're doing.
35:17Don't give me another option, daughter.
35:20Do you realize that with that decision you're destroying me?
35:24Believe it or not, I'm doing this for you too.
35:28Now you want me to thank you?
35:31Do you remember that you challenged me to report you?
35:34You were right when you said I wouldn't be able to do it.
35:37But I've discovered that there is a person who would be able to.
35:43I don't want to get into the subject, but that person would see the road paved
35:46if you ended up in jail or away from the company's management.
35:51Is it the same person who gave him the photos?
36:00I suspected him from the start, but...
36:03I refused to believe that my own brother was capable of something so mean and cruel.
36:08He's the one who should be ashamed, not me.
36:12I hope you understand my decision now.
36:15Send Fina to Barcelona and save both of you.
36:19If you really care about that girl, let her go.
36:33You really don't want a coffee?
36:34No, thank you. I'm so nervous, that's all I need.
36:38Joaquín and Luis should be here.
36:41They must have had a problem with the loan.
36:43I don't know, everything can happen.
36:45But I think that this house's support should be enough.
36:48I agree, but...
36:50Everything will be fine, Gemma.
36:52Look, they're here.
36:57What did they say?
36:59Are you going to let him go?
37:02They didn't give us the money.
37:07They didn't give us the loan.
37:12They didn't give us the loan.
37:14We're going to be able to buy the land and start building the spa!
37:17It's been a long time since I've been so happy, son.
37:20You're the best.
37:22You're the best.
37:23It's been a long time since I've been so happy, son.
37:25You're the best.
37:28Come on, let's go.
37:31We did it.
37:32Your father would be very proud.
37:34Very, very proud.
37:38Oh, what a heart.
37:39Look how excited he is.
37:40Come on, you're also discreet.
37:48You're not going to kiss me like that, are you?
37:49You? Come on, get out of here.
37:53We did it, brother.
38:00What are you doing here? You're not in the dining room.
38:02It's dinner time.
38:03I'm coming right now.
38:05What were you doing?
38:07Homework at this time?
38:09Julia, you should have done it a long time ago.
38:11You know I don't like to leave things to last minute.
38:14I'm sorry, I won't do it again.
38:16I hope so.
38:18And what were you writing?
38:19An essay.
38:21An essay?
38:27I'd like to read it.
38:29So I can correct your mistakes.
38:31You don't have to, dad.
38:32We'll see it tomorrow in class.
38:52I don't understand.
38:53What kind of essay did they ask you to write?
38:57They told us to...
39:00to write a letter to someone.
39:02If we were...
39:03if we were abroad.
39:06And I thought about writing it to Dina.
39:12I hope you're not mad at me for not saying goodbye.
39:15I hope you can come to visit me in London very soon.
39:22You've written,
39:23I hope,
39:24twice in a row.
39:29That can be improved.
39:30I'll correct it.
39:32And London?
39:34Why did you choose London?
39:35It's the city I've been in class.
39:37Although I would have preferred a more exotic one.
39:40Like Istanbul, for example.
39:44Istanbul, yes.
39:53You know it's very ugly to lie to dad, right?
39:57But this isn't a lie.
40:00I haven't lied to you.
40:02Wash your hands and come down for dinner.
40:14Well, family,
40:15now it's time to focus on what we have ahead.
40:19It's time for the sailors to go out afloat
40:21after everything we've been through.
40:22Oh, my God.
40:23That's the way to talk.
40:25To our spa.
40:26To us.
40:33Well, I was thinking
40:34we could call Peralta right now.
40:37And close the purchase of the land.
40:38Of course.
40:39And you should do it, right?
40:40I know you've been in contact with him all this time.
40:43Come on.
40:44Let's go.
40:45Very good.
40:50Tell him he came out late from work.
40:51Don't let him get mad for calling him at this time.
40:53It's the last thing we want.
40:54Yes, it's late.
40:55Yes, yes, yes.
40:56Of course, don't worry.
40:58A little more.
40:59Okay, a little.
41:00Luis, don't overdo it.
41:01I know you.
41:02Come on, come on.
41:05No, no, no, no.
41:06It's done, it's done.
41:10Yes, hello.
41:11Good evening.
41:12Yes, Mr. Peralta.
41:13I'm Joaquín Merino.
41:16I don't know if you remember me.
41:17Yes, very good.
41:18Sorry about the time,
41:20but I just left the factory.
41:22I couldn't call you before.
41:23Look, I guess you remember
41:25all the land we wanted to buy.
41:28Well, I'm calling to tell you
41:30that we are already in a situation
41:32to proceed with the purchase
41:33and that if you are doing well,
41:34we can make the payment tomorrow.
41:44But that's not...
41:45But it's not possible.
41:46You and I would...
41:48Yes, but some solution...
41:55Well, then there's nothing else to talk about.
41:57Very good.
41:58Good night.
42:02What's going on, Joaquín?
42:03What did Peralta tell you?
42:06Well, that...
42:08they made her another offer for the land.
42:12And she accepted it.
42:14What? When?
42:15It can't be.
42:17But why didn't you tell her
42:18that we were willing to raise the offer?
42:20Because the purchase is already closed.
42:22Joaquín, this is a joke.
42:23No, it's not a joke.
42:24Nothing can be done anymore.
42:25Nothing can be done anymore.
42:30Why doesn't everything turn out so badly?
42:46My love, dinner is almost ready.
42:48Do you want to go down for a drink?
42:50No, it's just that I'm...
42:51I'm a little dizzy.
42:52I'd better stay here quietly.
42:54Wow, that's strange.
42:55I thought you were feeling much better.
42:57Like tomorrow you're going to London with Julia.
43:04Tomorrow we're all going to London.
43:07Have you packed your bag?
43:09As soon as we get there,
43:10my colleagues will be waiting for us
43:11and they're going to take us to Buckingham Palace
43:13to see the tower.
43:16Aren't you excited, darling?
43:19Where did you hide the passports?
43:20You have them, don't you?
43:21I asked you to get the tickets for tomorrow.
43:24I always keep them in the safe
43:26and they're not there.
43:27It's obvious that you took them.
43:30Well, Jesus, if you lost them...
43:32We can't do anything now.
43:33We can't go on a trip,
43:34we can't do anything.
43:35Begoña, look at me.
43:39Look at me, I'm telling you.
43:42Have you taken the herbal tea?
43:43You look a little agitated.
43:46Of course I've taken it.
43:47Of course I've taken it.
43:55What are you doing?
43:58What are you doing, Jesus?
44:02What are you doing?
44:05Can you stop, please?
44:07Stop, Jesus.
44:08Stop, please, stop!
44:09You stop, you stop.
44:33What is this?
44:35Tell me, what is this?
44:38Are you going to leave again?
44:40With my daughter?
44:42How can you be so uncivil?
44:44How dare you talk to me like that?
44:45How dare you?
44:46You've been poisoning me, you bastard.
44:48You made me think I was going crazy.
44:50Me and everyone else.
44:53You forced me.
44:55What did I do?
44:56You reported me to the police.
44:57You wanted to get away from me.
44:58You wanted to go far away.
44:59I couldn't allow it.
45:01How can I stay next to someone who tried to kill me?
45:03You're the one who's sick, Jesus.
45:05I'm an incurable disease.
45:07I'll never be the wife you want.
45:09Do you hear me?
45:11Shut up.
45:12I don't care what you do.
45:13If you hit me, if you drug me, if you shoot me.
45:15I don't care.
45:16I'll never be that wife.
45:19It's okay.
45:21It's okay.
45:22It's okay.
45:26I have other ways to hurt you.
45:32I don't believe it, Jesus.
45:34There's nothing you can do.
45:38Do you know what I forgive you the least?
45:40That you put my daughter against me.
45:44Leave the girl alone.
45:47She's not to blame for anything.
45:49You convinced her to lie to me.
45:51To go with you.
45:53You're a pernicious influence for her.
45:55You know that's not true.
45:56I love her.
45:57I'm going to get her away from you.
45:59That's what I'm going to do.
46:01I'll send her to a boarding school.
46:03Jesus, no.
46:04You can't do that.
46:06Please punish me.
46:08But don't force the girl to leave her house.
46:10Now you're worried about her?
46:11Jesus, please.
46:12Don't be cruel.
46:13Leave the girl alone.
46:15I should have thought about it before putting her against me.