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How to Add Fractions with Like Denominators | Type 01 | MathoGuide

To add fractions with like denominators, simply add the numerators while keeping the common denominator unchanged. The result will have the same denominator.
For example, to add 2/9 and 7/9, add the numerators (2 + 7) to get 4, and the denominator remains 9.
Therefore, 2/9 + 7/9 = 9/9,
which simplifies to 1 whole.

When you add fractions with like denominators, it means the bottom numbers (denominators) are already the same. Here are step-by-step instructions:

1. **Identify the denominators:** Ensure that the fractions have the same denominator. For instance, if you're adding 2/9 and 7/9, both fractions already have a denominator of 9.

2. **Add the numerators:** The numerator is the top number in the fraction. In our example, you would add 2 + 7, which equals 9.

3. **Keep the common denominator:** Since the denominators are the same, you don't need to change them. The common denominator in our case is 9.

4. **Write the result:** Combine the sum of the numerators with the common denominator. In this example, it would be 9/9.

5. **Simplify if needed:** In this case, 9/9 simplifies to 1, since both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 9.

So, 2/9 + 7/9 = 9/9 = 1. This method works whenever you're adding fractions with the same denominator.

#addingfrcations #fractions #mathoguide #additionoffractions
00:00Hi guys, welcome to my YouTube channel.
00:03Today we are going to start addition of fractions and today we are going to discuss first type
00:09and this is very basic type when we add fractions and we have like or same denominator.
00:16As you know that we have two terms in the fraction.
00:19One term is above the bar that is called numerator and one term is below the bar that is called
00:28So while adding two or more fractions when we have like or same denominator.
00:33As here you can see that we have 2 over 9 plus 7 over 9.
00:38So here in the both fractions denominator is 9.
00:41So denominators are same.
00:43So this is very basic and first type of addition of fraction.
00:46How to solve this?
00:47Simply you have to write one bar and you have to write this denominator.
00:53As denominator in both fractions is same 9.
00:56So you can write here 9 and simply you have to add the numbers in the numerator.
01:01So we have 2 plus 7.
01:04So you will add these numbers and we will get the answer which is 9, 2 plus 7 is equal
01:10to 9 by 9 and by dividing this we can get the answer which is 1.
01:15So this is basic type of addition of fraction.
01:19Simply when we have same denominator.
01:21So you have to write denominator once in the denominator and you have to add or subtract
01:26the numerators.
01:27I hope so it was helpful and we will discuss further types of addition of fraction in the
01:32next videos.
01:33Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe my channel.
