• 2 months ago
Arthur - 03x07 - Arthur Rides the Bandwagon; Dad's Dessert Dilemma


00:00Every day when you're walking down the street Everybody that you meet has an original point
00:10of view And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day
00:16If you could learn to work and play And get along with each other
00:22You got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm, rhythm of the
00:28street Open up your eyes, open up your ears
00:31Get together and make things better by working together
00:35It's a simple message and it comes from the heart
00:40Believe in yourself, for that's the place to start
00:44And I say, hey, what a wonderful kind of day
00:49If you could learn to work and play And get along with each other
00:54Hey, what a wonderful kind of day Hey, what a wonderful kind of day
01:00Hey, D.W.!
01:09Is it a toy? Is it a pet? Is it an alien?
01:14No, it's my Wiggle
01:16They dance like a broom, they scratch like a stick
01:20They wiggle and waggle and shimmy and shake
01:23They smile when you hold them and cry when you don't
01:27They're Wiggles, Wiggles, Wiggles
01:29They say something cute when you give them a squeeze like
01:33Can I have a hug? Pretty please?
01:36You can put them in hats or even a dress
01:40And they're better than pets cause they don't make a mess
01:44Wiggles, Wiggles, Wiggles
01:46Wiggles come in every color of the rainbow
01:48And in some, so collectible
01:50Wiggles, Wiggles, Wiggles
01:53Ha! Wiggles!
01:55Who would ever buy something so dumb?
01:58Hey, Buster!
02:04Oh, brother!
02:09Arthur rides the bandwagon
02:14Buster, I can't believe you bought one of those things
02:17They're so dorky!
02:19Yeah, you're right, but I really like it anyway
02:23I don't know
02:27His name's Bilbo
02:30You got Bilbo? That's one of the only Wiggles I didn't get
02:34Say hello to Snuffles
02:36Hi, Snuffles
02:38Hi, Snuffles
02:43This is a joke, right?
02:45I mean, you guys don't really think those things are cool
02:48Do you?
02:49Come on, Buster, he just doesn't get it
02:52Does your Wiggle like to sit under lamps?
02:54Mine does, but I was worried about him melting
02:59Francine, you're not gonna believe what Buster and Muffy just bought
03:04Oh, Arthur, you should have seen your expression when you sat on Archie
03:09Archie? You mean you bought one, too?
03:12Sure, why not? It was worth it for that gag alone
03:28Arthur, you look so Wiggle-less
03:31I got two Archies, you can have one, here
03:34No, no thanks, I don't need one of those dumb things
03:38If you don't want to have fun, OK, it's a free country, but don't take it out on my Wiggle
03:44Did that mean boy hurt Archie's feelings?
03:51Hey, Brain, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not playing with a Wiggle
03:56Why are kids so into those things?
03:58It's a fad, Arthur, a popular fashion that briefly captures the imagination of a community
04:05Maybe Tiny Einie can explain it better
04:07Fun equals you times me squared
04:16Wiggles, why?
04:19Let's make this a great class picture, big smiles
04:24Wait a second, where's your Wiggle?
04:28Yeah, you, bow-tie
04:35Um, I don't have one
04:39Oh, this is a disaster
04:41Let me think, let me think
04:47You sure I don't look doofy?
04:49No, kid, you look great, no one will notice the difference
04:54After that, everyone called me Broccolihead
05:00Father, do you mean you don't have a Wiggle to give me?
05:04Every other kid in my school has their parents' old Wiggle
05:08No, I don't have one, sorry
05:14It can't be true, oh, the shame
05:17I only hope there are some kind grown-ups out there with extra Wiggles who will take us in
05:26Broccolihead, Broccolihead, Broccolihead, Broccolihead
05:31No Wiggles, Broccolihead, Broccolihead, Broccolihead, Broccolihead
05:36No, no, no!
05:38No, no, not Broccolihead
05:48Sold out? There was a huge box of them just yesterday
05:52Yep, they went like hotcakes
05:55No Wiggles, sold out
05:59No more you-know-whats
06:04Muffy, there isn't a Wiggle left in any store in town
06:09You have a lot, can I buy one, please?
06:12Oh sure, I have four Go-Go's, you could have one cheap
06:16That'll be $27
06:18You said I could have one cheap
06:20That is cheap, according to the official Wiggles Collector's Price Guide
06:24I only have $5
06:26Then you don't have a Wiggle
06:32I'll take one, I'll take one
06:41Wiggles? Ew
06:44Hi guys, mind if we join you?
06:47What's that?
06:49It's my Wiggle, his name is Charles
06:52Charles? I don't think so
06:55OK, I don't know his name, but it's a Wiggle so I can play, right?
06:59Arthur, Wiggles stretch like a snake
07:06And they shimmy and shake
07:10And they bounce like a ball
07:16And they say something cute when you give them a squeeze
07:20I love you
07:27Hey Arthur, you bought one of those Poogles?
07:30Poogles? Ew!
07:33I knew it was a Poogle all along, I meant to buy a Poogle
07:44Everyone has one but me
07:47And I don't know, I just feel really left out
07:50That's how fads work
07:52Everyone just has to have it now
07:55But soon, no one will even care
07:58But it's not soon now, it's now now
08:01And everybody cares, a lot
08:04I wish I could help
08:06I remember when your father...
08:09Wait a minute, I bet I still have it
08:14Have what?
08:16Rocky, your father's pet rock
08:20They were all the rage 20 years ago
08:23Here, you can have it
08:27Binky! I can't let him see me with this, he'll laugh at me
08:35Hey Arthur, what's in the cage?
08:37Has your Poogle been bad?
08:39It's not a Poogle, it's a pet rock
08:43What's it do?
08:45Um, it rocks
08:49But it's not a Poogle
08:52Um, it rocks
08:55Get it?
08:59Poor Arthur, not having a Poogle has messed him up bad
09:02Hey Arthur, cool rock
09:08And after school, you'll get to visit Muffy and all her Poogle pals
09:13We can sit by the pool, won't that be fun?
09:16Oh, hi Buster
09:18I'm going to talk to Arthur for a sec, okay Bilbo?
09:22Bilbo says hi
09:24I was wondering, do you think it's possible that Woogles aren't good for you?
09:28What do you mean?
09:30Well, you spend all your time with it
09:32We haven't played hockey in days
09:34It's just Woogle, Woogle, Woogle, day and night
09:38Like you can't help yourself
09:40I can help myself, I don't need it
09:42I can get rid of it at any time and not care
09:45Are you sure?
09:55Hey, let go, it's mine
09:58You don't even want it anymore, you put it in the trash
10:02It doesn't count, you tricked me
10:10Poor Bilbo
10:12Can I just see it for two seconds? I've never even held one
10:16Just two seconds
10:21One, two, time's up
10:23What did you think?
10:25It wasn't so great
10:27Can I have it for another two seconds?
10:29How about one?
10:34Can I sit with you? You're the only other kid left who doesn't have one of those dopey toys
10:39Yeah, those things are so dorky you couldn't pay me to have one
10:44Hey, I finally got another chartreuse Woogle, enjoy
10:51It burps, check it out
11:00Have no fear, Bionic Bunny is here
11:04Keeping the world safe from, from
11:09There's nobody left to play bad guy
11:13Arthur, you're sitting here all by yourself
11:16I still have an extra Archie, take it and come play with us
11:19Gee, thanks
11:21But first, you have to admit you were wrong to say they were dweeby and that you really always wanted one
11:26Just say it, say I always loved Woogles, and it's yours
11:32Okay, I've always loved, no I can't say that, but okay, okay
11:38No, I still think they're dweeby, I don't even know why I want one
11:43I bet, I bet even this is more fun than a Woogle
11:50Yeah right, like anybody could think that old cat is more fun than a lovable Woogle
11:57Hey, cool
11:59Whoa, where'd you get that? I want one
12:03I want one
12:06Here Arthur, this is for doing so well on your report card
12:15Gee, Grandma, thanks
12:17But you were right about these just being a fad
12:20Now it's juice caps, they're really fun
12:33And now, a word of gift
12:36Hi, I'm Kathy, this is my class
12:39We designed and made our own toys and games
12:43Pom Pom Bugs
12:47This is a spider and its name is Spot
12:52Because it has a big spot on its back
12:55This is a helm
12:57And it's like sort of like an apartment house
13:02I'm the Tennis Ball Head
13:04My name is Tim the Tennis Ball Head
13:06I cut an open in his mouth so he can talk
13:09Your head is nothing but hollow
13:14We invented pencil people
13:17We made him with clay
13:19Elastic Ball
13:21It bounces
13:23We made it with rubber bands
13:25You can definitely bounce it
13:28Tennis Ball Animals
13:31This one can spin
13:34This one can bounce
13:38Space Station Claw with Pipe Cleaner People
13:42This is basically a space station made from paper plates
13:46These are two people from the space station
13:49The X-Out Thruster 98
13:51The Interstar
13:53This is a game called Flying Saucer Knockout
13:56And we try to knock the cans down with our flying saucers
14:00The X-Out of Paper Plates
14:02Here are different ways to set up the cans
14:12And now, back to Arthur
14:18Oh, hello! Are you looking for Arthur?
14:23He must be doing his homework
14:26I'm working on my latest creation
14:29It's bold, risky
14:31No other chef has dared to combine what I have combined
14:35Cinnamon Toast Soufflé
14:38The only problem is getting them out of the toaster
14:43Like all great inventors, Galileo, the Wright Brothers
14:47I'm used to setbacks
14:49I'm also used to my experiments being misunderstood
14:53For dessert, Chunky Pudding Balls
15:01Anyone for Cranberry Prune Crumble?
15:04I don't like broken food
15:06Shouldn't you be encouraging us to snack on vegetables?
15:09Oh, it's delicious!
15:14Oh well, if Da Vinci could deal with it, so can I
15:18If Da Vinci could deal with it, so can I
15:22Oh, Arthur! Just in time
15:24I need someone to taste this
15:29Dad's Dessert Dilemma
15:36And so, in 1609, Galileo built the first astronomical telescope
15:42Tomorrow is the birthday of this great Italian scientist
15:46We'll celebrate by studying his theory of the solar system
15:49If it's his birthday, we should have a birthday party
15:53That would help us learn better
15:55And every birthday party needs cake and ice cream
16:00To celebrate someone's birthday and not have cake seems disrespectful
16:04We can't disrespect Galileo
16:06All right, a birthday party it is
16:09My mom can make ice cream
16:10I'll bring cake
16:11My mom can make chocolate chip cookies
16:13Excellent! My treat to you is I'm cutting five questions off your quiz about Galileo
16:19I wish he was giving us peanut brittle instead
16:23Mom, we're having a class party tomorrow
16:25I said you'd bake cookies
16:27Oh, honey, I have three deadlines I'm trying to meet
16:30Did someone mention baking?
16:33I'll bake you something
16:34Oh, you're not going to make anything weird, are you?
16:38Weird? When have I ever made anything weird?
16:41Oops, got to check my turnip muffins
16:46Don't worry, Arthur
16:47Your dad will come up with something very unique
16:50That's what I'm afraid of
16:53And here it is
16:57What is it?
16:58Honey cake in the shape of the Leaning Tower of Pisa
17:02Galileo, Italy, get it?
17:05But I said I'd bring cookies, not a whole tower of pizza
17:10It's nice, Dad. Thanks
17:19What is it?
17:21It seems to be glorifying poor architecture
17:24Finally, something I don't want to eat
17:27I give this cake and its owner a D
17:30D for disgusting
17:40Your mom's ice cream is great, Bray
17:46Aren't you bringing something, Arthur?
17:54Oh, my
17:56I've never seen anything like this
18:03What is it?
18:05D for disgusting
18:08This is delicious
18:13Who brought this cake?
18:15I did. My dad made it
18:17I want some
18:19Is there a party?
18:21Try the cake Arthur's father made
18:24Oh, yummy
18:26I'd love a cake like this to serve my class after our sing-along
18:30My dad can make it, no problem
18:32Oh, Arthur, you're a sweetheart
18:37Everyone loved it. I brought the most popular dessert
18:40That's great, Arthur
18:42Miss Sweetwater liked it so much, I said you'd make one for her class sing-along
18:46That's wonderful. What?
18:48How come Arthur got cake and I didn't?
18:50I'm in school, too
18:52Giving some students cake and not others is against the law
18:56If you want a cake for your school, D.W., I'll make you one
19:00I'm a hit
19:03This beautiful cake was brought to us by Arthur Reed in Mr. Ratburn's class
19:13I have an important note to deliver. Be right back
19:22Arthur, what are you doing?
19:27I thought you might want to see the spring reading list
19:31Oh, are you having cake?
19:34Please join us
19:43Everyone wants my cake
19:47Hey, what else do we do around here that needs cake?
19:53Dad, you can make dessert for our band recital tomorrow, can't you?
19:56Another dessert?
19:58Performing is hard. We need the kind of energy you can only get from sugar
20:03I have tons of orders to fill today
20:05Please! Everyone wants your desserts. You're more popular than Bionic Bunny
20:11Really? Well, then...
20:13Great! There are 20 of us in the band. That's probably one cake
20:17And maybe, like, two more for the audience? Thanks, Dad
20:23He's getting a bit carried away
20:25I suppose
20:27It's just that a couple of days ago, I couldn't even get him to take one bite of my chocolate-dipped ham
20:34It's only a few more desserts
20:36I can handle that
20:38I guess
20:40Arthur's Three Cakes and the Youngst Club Beef Stroganoff and Raspberry Jelly Rolls
20:46Beef Roll and Raspberry Stroganoff. Great!
20:55This is the best dessert ever! Or since Monday, at least
21:00I just wanted to drop off the spring class list
21:03Oh, are you having cake?
21:06Yes, I'm having cake
21:08Oh, that's great
21:10I just wanted to drop off the spring class list
21:13Oh, are you having cake?
21:18Your desserts have made you the most popular kid in school
21:23Hi! How are you doing? Good to see you. I'm glad you liked it
21:26Excuse me, I'm really busy. I've got to go. Catch you later
21:29You've got a birthday coming up, right? Cake?
21:32No problem
21:37Oh, please
21:40When your mom puts together the next bake sale, tell her to give me a call
21:46Got a little carried away with the Rocky Road mix
21:48I'd hate the surplus to go to waste
21:51You can bring your extra ice cream here anytime
21:54Even if it's just one tablespoon, one teaspoon, even one molecule
22:00Ice cream is the best dessert ever discovered
22:03Oh, no!
22:12Is Dad in the house?
22:14Why? What's wrong?
22:15I need desserts fast! Brain's moving in on my dessert turf
22:19Arthur, you can't keep asking your father to make desserts for you
22:23Why? Dad loves it. He said so
22:26He's been working really hard
22:28He wants to do all these things for you, but do you think it's fair to ask him to do so much extra work?
22:34No. I'll wait a while before I ask him to make any more desserts
22:41I've waited an hour and a half. That should be long enough
22:44Four cakes, six pies, and a sachet of torti
22:47That'll stop old Brain's ice cream dead in its tracks
22:53You said the food for our party would be ready at four o'clock
22:57It's four. I don't see any food
23:00I'm running a little behind schedule, Ed
23:03I had a special cake order to do last night
23:06I'll have everything done in two hours
23:08I'll have everything done in two hours. I promise
23:11I hope so. Otherwise, I'll have to take my business elsewhere
23:21What's wrong?
23:22Dad got behind in his work doing my cakes
23:24And now Mr. Crosswire's mad. Dad might lose his business
23:28Lose his business? We'll have no money
23:31We'll lose our house and end up on the street
23:33Mr. Crosswire's business, not Dad's catering business
23:37We'll have almost no money. Our furniture will end up on the street
23:41What will I do? I need these desserts
23:44Throw it away! Your crazy demands will destroy us!
23:48Give it back!
23:49What's going on?
23:52Arthur ruined your business. Put him on the street first
23:57I was just using your desserts to make everyone like me
24:01I'm sorry I made you get behind in your work
24:04You know I'll do anything to help you if I can
24:07But I'd prefer if you ask me, not tell me
24:10That's how a family works. We cooperate with each other, right?
24:14You're right, Dad. I wish there was a way I could make it up to you
24:18Well, actually, I could use a hand right now
24:22Do you have time to help me?
24:23Sure. Me too. Even though this is all Arthur's fault
24:34All done
25:01All done
25:02Phew! I never knew cooking was such hard work
25:06Thanks to you, I could make a second cake for us
25:11Arthur, I thought I'd better bring you the spring reading
25:14Oh, are you having cake?
25:18Oh, brother
25:32Brownie cake!
26:03Oh, believe in yourself
26:05For that's the place to start
26:07Start and I say hey!
26:10What a wonderful kind of day
26:12We can learn to work and play
26:15And get along with each other
26:18What a wonderful kind of day
26:21What a wonderful kind of day
