The New Rich Family Grudge Full HD

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The New Rich Family Grudge Full HD
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#reelshort #haibarashow #fullshorttv #flextv #shorttv #shortmax #movieshort #hotshort #filmhot #englishmovieonly #hotmovie
00:00:04Gosh! When did you come back?
00:00:06Just now. I really missed you.
00:00:08I'm sure I'd come to see you as soon as I came back.
00:00:10Since you miss me so much, maybe we should...
00:00:20Are you busy with something right now?
00:00:22Hope I'm not taking too much of your precious time.
00:00:24Well, my dad is waiting for that report in the financial company.
00:00:28But I think you can wait.
00:00:30I think you can wait.
00:00:50What the hell is this?
00:00:52What the hell is this?
00:00:58What the hell is this?
00:01:00What the hell is this?
00:01:02What the hell is this?
00:01:04Hey, this is my room. You shouldn't knock.
00:01:06Well, I'm sorry to spoil your fun time.
00:01:08God damn it.
00:01:10We don't need to know each other.
00:01:12For your information, this is my fiancee.
00:01:14She's going to be your stepmother.
00:01:16This bitch is going to be my stepmother?
00:01:18You have to be kidding me.
00:01:20Hey, not only that,
00:01:22but she's pregnant with my child
00:01:24and we're getting married next Friday.
00:01:26Ben, you're out of your mind.
00:01:28You have plenty of girlfriends
00:01:30and I don't remember any one of them carrying your baby inside.
00:01:32Hey, bitch, get out of this place.
00:01:36She's not. She's mine. My dad's.
00:01:38Your mother passed away a long time ago.
00:01:40You can't blame him just for having found a woman.
00:01:42You don't get it.
00:01:44She is clearly deceiving him
00:01:46and he ignores my feelings completely.
00:01:48Stop it.
00:01:54Do you know who Kelly is?
00:01:56I don't know. I've never seen her before.
00:02:10Thank you for making me who I am.
00:02:20Is there anything else we need to talk about?
00:02:22You're already sleeping with my boss
00:02:24and you're married to the richest man.
00:02:26I'm your stepson?
00:02:30I was stupid enough to have believed you.
00:02:32We have true love.
00:02:34Honey, I'm pregnant.
00:02:36Pregnant from you?
00:02:38I don't know what we're going to do.
00:02:40Come on, let's get out of here.
00:02:42What? Where? How?
00:02:44We don't have any money.
00:02:46How is this going to work?
00:02:48We need money to raise the child.
00:02:50I know what I'm doing.
00:02:52I'm going to make sure that it's working.
00:02:54I love you.
00:02:56You're the only person on earth who has ever loved me.
00:03:00And Phil will be crushed.
00:03:02Just like this light.
00:03:08Good morning, my beautiful bride.
00:03:12Where are you going?
00:03:14Are you trying to escape me?
00:03:26Hey, so I think it was very particular
00:03:28that I really want an open-air wedding party.
00:03:32Open-air wedding party?
00:03:34That's funny. You're cheating, right?
00:03:36No, I'm not.
00:03:38I only organize the wedding
00:03:40according to the family tradition.
00:03:42I know you've been working for the Waltons
00:03:44since like forever.
00:03:46I'm not going to doubt your professionalism or anything.
00:03:50But I want an open-air wedding party.
00:03:54What's going on with all those roses?
00:03:56Can we get something, I don't know, wildflowers?
00:04:00I don't think so.
00:04:02This, let me remind you, is my wedding.
00:04:04I don't think people may like flowers
00:04:06as wild as you.
00:04:08Look, I was trained as a butler
00:04:10since I was a child in the Walton group.
00:04:12I know that every new member
00:04:14of this family
00:04:16background investigations.
00:04:18Yours is really interesting.
00:04:20Whatever you may have found, I do have an explanation.
00:04:22You only need to explain to the Waltons
00:04:24who is the person.
00:04:32So, I don't want you to have anything to do
00:04:34with Career Finance.
00:04:36They're all cheaters.
00:04:38All financial companies are cheaters, Dad.
00:04:40Just like your bride.
00:04:42You don't know her yet.
00:04:44She's got business at her, you know?
00:04:46By the way, I think Grandpa should assign me
00:04:48the new CEO.
00:04:50Well, then fight for it yourself.
00:04:52Don't use Grandpa.
00:04:54How can you use
00:04:56sexual orientation
00:04:58as a bargaining tool just to get
00:05:00your personal benefit?
00:05:02We'll talk about that later.
00:05:04What are you talking about?
00:05:06Career Finance LLC, of course.
00:05:08What? Dad, Career Finance Company is a project I discovered.
00:05:10How could you give it to him without even telling me?
00:05:12Business negotiation.
00:05:14And he was one of them that I wanted.
00:05:16So, what's the problem?
00:05:18Do you think I'm a prostitute too?
00:05:20Ever since, I have nothing to do with
00:05:22Waltons Group Company.
00:05:26You know, I am so amazed at you, Dad.
00:05:28You used every single one of us.
00:05:30By the way, I forgot to tell you
00:05:32that tonight I'm meeting Joe
00:05:34and you absolutely hate him.
00:05:36I do not hate Joe. I just do not like him.
00:05:38Right? So, how does it feel to be betrayed
00:05:40by an apprentice you took so long
00:05:42to cultivate? And let me remind you,
00:05:44he stole most of our clients.
00:05:46But he's out of the business, so it doesn't matter.
00:05:48As long as somebody is out of the business,
00:05:50you can just make them disappear.
00:05:52By the way, Kelly, do you know Rob?
00:05:54I heard his wife suffers from schizophrenia
00:05:56because she was being cheated on.
00:05:58What a shame, right?
00:06:02Hi, handsome. I'm Kelly.
00:06:04Oh, hi. I'm Phil.
00:06:06Yeah. Wow. You're really hot.
00:06:12Kelly, explain this to me.
00:06:14What is this?
00:06:16It's all in the past.
00:06:18I'm with you now. You have to trust me.
00:06:20I'm carrying your child.
00:06:22We're going to be a family soon.
00:06:24I'm carrying your baby.
00:06:26I'm taking care of you.
00:06:28I'm taking care of you.
00:06:30We're going to be a family soon.
00:06:32I'm carrying your baby.
00:06:34Don't be any misunderstandings like that.
00:06:36I just don't want to lose you, you know?
00:06:38Then why do you have your daughter spy on me?
00:06:40She was doing it to protect me.
00:06:42Honey, honey, it's all over now.
00:06:44I believe you.
00:06:46I just want you to know I'm still living here.
00:06:48Everybody hates me.
00:06:50Your daughter clearly doesn't want us to be together.
00:06:52David is giving me such a hard time.
00:06:54I just want us to have a family,
00:06:56to have a beautiful wedding.
00:06:58No, no, no.
00:07:00I'm taking care of all those problems, okay?
00:07:02Relax and come back, okay?
00:07:08Will it hurt Phil's feelings
00:07:10if you cooperate with Joe?
00:07:12I don't care.
00:07:14He hurts mine by acting like this.
00:07:16I advise you to think twice
00:07:18because Joe was the traitor to the Walton family.
00:07:20I don't care.
00:07:22As long as he can help me now.
00:07:24Okay, be careful.
00:07:38Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:07:40Oh, it's all right.
00:07:42I never thought you were going to call me.
00:07:44Well, I always thought you were cool.
00:07:46You know, I grew up in a slum
00:07:48and ended up leaving everyone from Wall Street
00:07:50to make millions.
00:07:52I was just a charity for Walton Group.
00:07:54How about a joint venture?
00:07:56We take over Fair Finance Company Limited
00:07:58and put it in my name.
00:08:00Have you forgotten that I'm blocked?
00:08:02I haven't forgotten, but I can help you get back in the game.
00:08:04Young lady, are you worried that I'm going to betray you?
00:08:06A young woman like me never fears that.
00:08:08In that case, I'm sure we can think of some different ways to cooperate.
00:08:10I know plenty of ways.
00:08:12I'd like to see more of that.
00:08:14Think about the cooperation I offered you.
00:08:18The Walton family
00:08:20will take back what belongs to me.
00:08:22Look at you, Miss Wildflower.
00:08:24I can barely recognize you
00:08:26in this beautiful dress.
00:08:28But it can't really cover up your foul breath, can it?
00:08:30It was Phil's idea to get married.
00:08:32He actually said you like surprises.
00:08:34I hate surprises.
00:08:36You should talk to him about that.
00:08:38You know, I'm really surprised you're still here.
00:08:40I thought my dad would kick you out
00:08:42as soon as he saw you canoodling with another man.
00:08:44I actually have to thank you for that one.
00:08:46Your father and I are close friends.
00:08:48You know, I don't know how to thank you.
00:08:50But I have to thank you for that one.
00:08:52Your father and I are closer than ever.
00:08:54We have amazing news to announce.
00:08:56Amazing news. Let me see.
00:08:58What is there to announce, huh?
00:09:00Bitch, you used your pregnancy to get what you wanted
00:09:02and everyone knows about it.
00:09:04So, what's the big news?
00:09:06Rachel, you cannot talk to your new boss like that.
00:09:08Excuse me?
00:09:10I'm the new CEO, you see.
00:09:12It was supposed to be me!
00:09:14Dara, we'll have plenty of time to fight
00:09:16after the wedding.
00:09:18Who's gonna be the winner?
00:09:20Let's see. I give you a week.
00:09:22You should call me mother.
00:09:36The Watson family doesn't need a prostitute CEO.
00:09:38Calm down, Rachel.
00:09:40She's going to be a member of our family.
00:09:42You can't be outshined by a prostitute.
00:09:44In fact, you just feel
00:09:46you are being replaced.
00:09:48That's not the case. I think you should overcome
00:09:50these negative emotions.
00:09:52The Watson Group is the most important thing to my dad
00:09:54and he should have given it to me!
00:09:56To me, you are irreplaceable
00:09:58and your dad must feel the same.
00:10:00But he doesn't feel the same.
00:10:02He suddenly fell in love with this hooker.
00:10:04That's insane.
00:10:06Then just change the rules of the game.
00:10:08Or just wait and see.
00:10:16The Watson family
00:10:18is really gonna make a headline today
00:10:20with this hideous wedding party.
00:10:22This is that report from the last week.
00:10:28Ross? Ross?
00:10:30Ross? Ross?
00:10:36Well, well, well.
00:10:38Who is this?
00:10:40Last night I saw this guy put up a good show.
00:10:42I'm Kelly's brother.
00:10:46Makes sense. An apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
00:10:48Miss Hooker
00:10:50and Mr. Pickpocket.
00:10:52What are you doing in here?
00:10:54I'm here to help you.
00:10:56Don't forget, we are the best money-making agents.
00:10:58Stop telling people that you are my brother.
00:11:00You're not that kind of person anymore, don't you see?
00:11:02My good sister,
00:11:04I know how it hurts being the Watson family alone.
00:11:06But I can help you.
00:11:08You don't want more people to know about your past.
00:11:10Stop threatening me.
00:11:12I'm not going to lose what I got.
00:11:14I'm surprised you invited me to the wedding.
00:11:16Why? We are already partners.
00:11:18It's very common to get to invite you.
00:11:20Nice to see you, Jo.
00:11:22Ted, nice to see you too.
00:11:24And I was just going to tell you that Jo and I here
00:11:26are going to take over her finance company, Limited,
00:11:28and put it in my name.
00:11:30So I'll be your main competitor.
00:11:32Just remember, this guy is a traitor to the Watson family.
00:11:34I already told you this before.
00:11:36I just want to make money, so I don't care about that.
00:11:38I'll see you around.
00:11:44You killed my husband!
00:11:48On behalf of the Walton Group,
00:11:50I'm saddened to announce
00:11:52the death of one of our
00:11:54best, most talented employees,
00:11:56Mr. Ross Geller.
00:11:58This tragic incident is still
00:12:00under the investigation.
00:12:02We heard that this is a murder case now.
00:12:04Do you think it was a murder?
00:12:06I heard Ross was your former lover.
00:12:08Do you have any idea who did this?
00:12:10Do you have any idea who did this?
00:12:16Oh, no, what?
00:12:18You accused Phil of murdering your husband,
00:12:20but you don't have any proof!
00:12:22All I know is that it wasn't an accident.
00:12:24I'm really sorry for your loss.
00:12:26You're the one who killed Ross
00:12:28because he knew too much about your secrets.
00:12:30That's why you murdered him!
00:12:32But you don't have any proof!
00:12:34And that's why he's here.
00:12:36Hey, hey, hey!
00:12:40What I see you are!
00:12:42Hey, you got...
00:12:44I shouldn't have shown you any mercy!
00:12:46I should have had you killed a lot sooner!
00:12:48It's not making it easy for you!
00:12:50I'm not wrong! You're sexually vulnerable!
00:12:52Threatening me?
00:12:54What's going on?
00:13:02We are concerned that you can't drive home safely.
00:13:04I'll let the driver take you home.
00:13:06If you do not trust us,
00:13:08I'll call the police officer.
00:13:14Oh, man.
00:13:16It was like a year ago she had this car accident
00:13:18and she became schizophrenic.
00:13:20I don't know what's going on.
00:13:22I'm really sorry, Mrs. Walton.
00:13:24I need to arrest you. You are suspected.
00:13:26I'm really sorry.
00:13:28You have the right to remain silent.
00:13:30Everything that you say can be used against you
00:13:32in the court of law.
00:13:34Rachel, it's going to be okay.
00:13:44Did you murder Ron?
00:13:46Didn't you do it for your father?
00:13:48You're hating your stepmother for quitting her!
00:13:50Dad, these charges are nonsense!
00:13:52Hey, all I'm hearing is that you say that my daughter
00:13:54planned a murder to ruin my wedding?
00:13:56That's not true!
00:13:58Yeah, that's bullshit!
00:14:00I'm more concerned with the murder than the prostitute.
00:14:04I knew you'd make it back safe and sound.
00:14:06Thanks. You know, the morning when Ross was killed,
00:14:08I was with you, so I need you to be my alibi.
00:14:10Sure, but the relationship between us
00:14:12will be publicized.
00:14:16That's okay, I guess.
00:14:20I have deleted everything about you
00:14:22from Ross' phone.
00:14:24Here is my order.
00:14:28No, no, no, this can't be.
00:14:42Can I still play games?
00:14:44Call me, and I'll skip.
00:14:46Yes, because I'm clean.
00:14:48Someone is trying to set me up,
00:14:50and that's either that bitch Kelly or Dad.
00:14:52Maybe he's trying to teach me a lesson.
00:14:54I don't care.
00:14:56Someone went fast with Joe.
00:14:58You should be more confident, you know?
00:15:00And you know what kind of man I like?
00:15:02Except for work, I promise.
00:15:04This is Dad, he wants to see me in the study, so I gotta go.
00:15:06Did you delete those photos of the bitch I asked you to?
00:15:08Yes, miss.
00:15:10The phone went clean and destroyed.
00:15:14Bitch, you must be exhausted, huh?
00:15:16Playing so many roles in one day.
00:15:18Widow, wife, single, lover,
00:15:20what else is there?
00:15:22No more drama today!
00:15:24Hey, she wasn't enough for Ross,
00:15:26and now his crazy wife almost shot one of us.
00:15:28All I know is that
00:15:30we gotta get rid of Ross' information.
00:15:32Everything about him, including the photo of Kelly and Ross.
00:15:36Destroying anything will make us all look guilty.
00:15:38I agree with her,
00:15:40and why would I cover up for her?
00:15:42Who said she had nothing to do with the murder anyways?
00:15:44Because this is sensitive family information.
00:15:46I'm telling you,
00:15:48it could ruin Kelly's reputation.
00:15:50Yeah, that's funny of you,
00:15:52but we need to minimize the speculation of the public.
00:15:54So, whoever has that photo,
00:15:56delete it now, or else.
00:16:00What are you doing here?
00:16:02Keeping my mouth shut in front of the police?
00:16:04Lily, everything we can to cooperate with the police,
00:16:06find your husband's killer.
00:16:08The killer is sitting right in front of me.
00:16:10We'll cover Ross' funeral costs.
00:16:12Making dirty money
00:16:14and using it to cover everyone's mouth shut?
00:16:16I know money can't buy
00:16:18or take away the pain
00:16:20that you're feeling now from losing him
00:16:22and those who loved him,
00:16:24but we have some belonging here
00:16:26that might be special to you.
00:16:28Why is his shirt here?
00:16:30Was it Phil who killed Ross?
00:16:32Why did you kill him?
00:16:34Ross, I will avenge you.
00:16:36The Waltons, you just wait.
00:16:58I know I've got to lose my job,
00:17:00because Dad sabotaged everything
00:17:02and I lost my first investor.
00:17:04Maybe he's right.
00:17:06Anyway, I'm going to make the investment
00:17:08and I'm going to do it now.
00:17:12just one last time.
00:17:16It's not the time for the memorial yet,
00:17:18but here is our grieving widow.
00:17:20How pathetic.
00:17:22Would you please stop the drama?
00:17:24It's making me sick
00:17:26and you're not the main character in this scene.
00:17:28Ross was a good man.
00:17:30Could have what, sex?
00:17:32Rachel, you're getting too far.
00:17:34Don't you dare tell me I'm getting too far.
00:17:36And this was a joke.
00:17:38You have no idea
00:17:40how life, real life, works.
00:17:42You have no idea
00:17:44what it is like to be trapped
00:17:46in a painful and loveless marriage.
00:17:48I tell you what's painful.
00:17:50Painful is that Ross
00:17:52chose his crazy wife over you.
00:17:54You should have a good cry about that.
00:17:58Rachel, such an embarrassment.
00:18:00What the hell is going on here?
00:18:02Celebrating that I'm not dead yet.
00:18:04Guys, please get out of the family matter.
00:18:06Dad, don't you get the picture?
00:18:08She doesn't quite regard me as her daughter
00:18:10and by deleting those photos,
00:18:12I lost my investor.
00:18:14So is your incompetence.
00:18:16It was not my incompetence.
00:18:18I left the company because you don't trust me
00:18:20and I should not trust you both either.
00:18:22Hey, Rachel!
00:18:24What kind of memorial is this?
00:18:26It's a cut and PR campaign.
00:18:28You think this is going to improve the public image
00:18:30of the company and the family?
00:18:32You've done a lot more questionable things for your family
00:18:34so don't be saying anything about Rachel.
00:18:42I'll go to the powder room.
00:18:44Okay, see you in a minute.
00:18:48Mom, calm down, calm down, calm down.
00:18:50What's going on?
00:18:52Mom, are you okay? Mom!
00:18:54What happened?
00:18:56I don't know. Mom keeps on calling me
00:18:58and then she hangs up on me
00:19:00and she's super agitated.
00:19:02I don't know what's happening.
00:19:04Yes, she needs my money or something.
00:19:08Give me my money, bad bitch!
00:19:10I didn't take your money.
00:19:14Mom, come with us!
00:19:20Miss Walton.
00:19:22So, I called my bank this morning.
00:19:24It was really weird.
00:19:26Your bank account has been closed.
00:19:28Why? What's going on? I didn't ask you to do that.
00:19:30Because it's a clause in the credit.
00:19:34A woman who lied about her name,
00:19:36age, experience
00:19:38and pretended to marry for love
00:19:40has become a member of the Walton family.
00:19:42I'm watching on you.
00:19:44If there is something wrong, I will tell Phil.
00:19:46Think twice before you spend the money.
00:19:50Mom, I can't live like this.
00:19:52I have to get out of this place.
00:19:54I have no money.
00:19:56You know what? I'm ready to sell my body
00:19:58to get out of here.
00:20:00Why are you crying all the time?
00:20:02Trying to be like a stray dog?
00:20:04Is that a ball?
00:20:06I will give you something to cry now.
00:20:10Get off her!
00:20:14I know you grew up now,
00:20:16and now it's the time
00:20:18to pay me up!
00:20:28Did you send money to Monica?
00:20:30No, David is lying on me.
00:20:32I know I'm going to figure something out.
00:20:34You can't sell his jewelry.
00:20:36Why? I can't?
00:20:38All the Walton jewelry is registered.
00:20:40Well, I will come and find out.
00:20:42Be careful, okay?
00:20:45Excuse me.
00:20:47It has always been me on behalf of the Walton family
00:20:49to wear this ring.
00:20:51You're going to be warned by Mr. Walton tonight.
00:20:53I don't think so.
00:20:55It's a charity party,
00:20:57not a wedding party for the slums.
00:20:59I'm not from the slums. I'm from Walton.
00:21:01I'm married to Phil now, you know.
00:21:03He can't just kick me out.
00:21:05You know, have the ring.
00:21:07I'm sure you've never worn anything
00:21:09so expensive before anyways.
00:21:14What's wrong with that?
00:21:16Can I see the ring again?
00:21:18Oh, here you go, honey.
00:21:20Oh, look at that.
00:21:22It's so beautiful.
00:21:24It fits like a glove.
00:21:26I love you.
00:21:28Let's get out of here. Let's go somewhere.
00:21:40Hey, Rachel. You look gorgeous.
00:21:42Thanks, but I'm really not in a good mood right now.
00:21:44Why not? We should be celebrating.
00:21:46We just got a new investor.
00:21:48Really? Is it the Kwan brothers?
00:21:50Well, actually, we need to keep Phil out of it this time.
00:21:52We really need something on him, actually.
00:21:54I've got an idea.
00:21:56You've got a bit on the diamond necklace.
00:21:58I bet it's going to be a great user's gift.
00:22:00No problem. For our future. Would you like to give it a try?
00:22:04Imagine his face when we meet under the sink.
00:22:06Mmm. Very good, honey.
00:22:08Hey, it's my shirt.
00:22:10What are you doing?
00:22:14I've been looking for you.
00:22:16Is there anything I can help?
00:22:18Yes. The guest outfit is torn.
00:22:20Get me another one.
00:22:22I'll take care of it.
00:22:26Ten million once.
00:22:28Ten million twice.
00:22:30Sold for ten million.
00:22:32Congratulations, Mr. Joe.
00:22:34You put on a good show, Joe.
00:22:36Beat you again, Phil.
00:22:38No, no, no, no. I'm the one who won.
00:22:40I've been jacking up the price this whole time.
00:22:42You're such a fool.
00:22:44Well, it's for Rachel anyways.
00:22:46Consider it payment for set.
00:22:48What did you say? You stay away from my daughter.
00:22:50Hey, buddy. I'll get you in big trouble.
00:22:52Stay there, man.
00:22:54Get out of here, old man.
00:22:56You're a mess. You should go clean yourself off.
00:23:06What are you looking for?
00:23:08I want all the documents on my dad.
00:23:10Tell me where it is.
00:23:12Rachel, you need to wake up and stop hanging out with Joe.
00:23:16Don't you understand?
00:23:18You are his leverage against your dad.
00:23:20Shut up.
00:23:22Rachel, I know you.
00:23:24You will never let this freak out because you are angry.
00:23:38What the hell are you doing here?
00:23:46Phil, are you okay?
00:23:50What the hell happened?
00:23:52Where did he go?
00:23:56The thief has a clear goal.
00:23:58He takes away the locked box from the bookshelf.
00:24:00If that gets out,
00:24:02the information on that flash drive,
00:24:04it is ruined!
00:24:10Luke, I don't care what it costs.
00:24:12I need you to find that thief.
00:24:14Because if that information gets leaked out, we're all doomed.
00:24:16Do you understand?
00:24:18Yeah. The whole department is looking into the case now.
00:24:20You do what you got to do, but you find that thief.
00:24:24Did you see the flash drive?
00:24:26I was wondering if you would not come to get me.
00:24:28If I knew
00:24:30how much you're going to pay for it.
00:24:34Flash encoder reached.
00:24:36People pay for figure out.
00:24:38Million dollars six o'clock.
00:24:40You remember
00:24:42when I told you I was an ex-con?
00:24:46I did these disgraceful things with an idiot friend.
00:24:48And this idiot friend looted your house.
00:24:50What? That was your friend?
00:24:52It was a charity auction.
00:24:54And I think he just want to quit me.
00:24:56I better call Luke.
00:24:58Not only the valuable stuff,
00:25:00but also the worst stuff.
00:25:02I don't see why you should help me.
00:25:04I think you care more about the reputation
00:25:06of the Walthoff family.
00:25:08And in the eyes of the outsiders,
00:25:10you kind of link with the Defo Pro.
00:25:12And most importantly, Kelly and I have no money.
00:25:16Where is the flash drive?
00:25:20Delete the phone backup.
00:25:22You swear there is no backup?
00:25:24Even the robber have a content.
00:25:28Why are you so nervous?
00:25:30I got the flash drive.
00:25:32Now everyone is fine.
00:25:36Luke, hi. We're done here.
00:25:38You guys can go in now.
00:25:40Yeah, don't forget a million dollar cash
00:25:42and you've got the flash drive.
00:25:44You called the cops?
00:25:46Hey, don't worry. I told them it had nothing to do with you.
00:25:48You're free to go, you thief.
00:25:52Looks like someone's making progress again.
00:25:56Ross and Kelly's secret.
00:25:58I wonder how Dad got it.
00:26:00Did he kill Ross?
00:26:02I think you should return it to its rightful owner.
00:26:04You know, the video is not really good quality
00:26:06and I really can't see much,
00:26:08but that bridge is kind of hot.
00:26:10You should delete all the backup.
00:26:12Phil has his reason for hiding this drive.
00:26:14You know, I brought the flash drive back
00:26:16and Luke caught the thief, but I'm still a suspect.
00:26:18Maybe Luke can help you.
00:26:20Help me? No.
00:26:22As a Walton, you've got to do everything yourself.
00:26:26Not everything.
00:26:34Get out.
00:26:38I need you to get Luke in here right away.
00:26:40I need to talk to him.
00:26:42He's on the way.
00:26:44This is getting serious.
00:26:46Did Dad tell you to be careful?
00:26:48I didn't know that Phil got this drive back.
00:26:50Why does Phil have Ross' flash drive to begin with?
00:26:52Did he really kill Ross?
00:26:54We really have to be more careful with these people.
00:26:56Walton's pure evil, I'm telling you.
00:26:58So, how are we getting away with this?
00:27:00Well, what happened is,
00:27:02this baby in my belly, my father's,
00:27:04he's picking off.
00:27:06Did you tell Rachel about the thief?
00:27:08I didn't have the money, so I asked her for help.
00:27:10But, you know, I lied to her.
00:27:12But I didn't get caught.
00:27:14Yes, I went to a computer.
00:27:20Hey, I'm glad we're both fine.
00:27:22What do you want from me?
00:27:24I want you to find out who killed Ross.
00:27:26Every time, every time.
00:27:28I need to investigate this case, and I can't get involved.
00:27:30I don't care.
00:27:32You hear me?
00:27:34Find a way to get this over with.
00:27:36Oh, got it.
00:27:40I'm free.
00:27:48Chandler, what are you doing here?
00:27:52Don't do it!
00:27:54Who killed Ross?
00:28:00I can't believe it.
00:28:02Chandler killed himself in front of Willie?
00:28:04The evidence was all there.
00:28:06Walton Group repeatedly refused to give Chandler a promotion.
00:28:08He was so angry about it.
00:28:10So he persuaded Ross to start a mass protest.
00:28:12But Ross refused.
00:28:14So then, the two had an argument.
00:28:16Chandler carried out premeditated poisoning to kill Ross.
00:28:18But will an insane witness be convincing?
00:28:20The point is...
00:28:22The key point is suicide to escape the punishment.
00:28:24Case closed.
00:28:26Rachel is clear.
00:28:28Can you tell me what really happened?
00:28:30Ross hid too many secrets about Phil.
00:28:32That's why he got killed.
00:28:34And you know, this could not happen another.
00:28:38You know, I don't get it.
00:28:40Luke sent me to come here, and I've got something to give you.
00:28:48Are you okay, Rachel? What was that?
00:28:50You know what? I'm really confused.
00:28:52Chandler accused you of killing Ross a week ago.
00:28:54So why would he confess now?
00:28:56Don't ruin it. If we get away with the case, what else does it matter?
00:28:58Don't ruin it. Go with it.
00:29:00So, I reckon you heard that me and Kelly are getting married.
00:29:02That means I do not want to see your face again.
00:29:04You understand that?
00:29:06Are you going to kill me?
00:29:08Hey, I'm going to give you money. You're going to go to Europe.
00:29:10I'm telling you. I'm not asking you.
00:29:12What the?
00:29:14Get up! Now!
00:29:20Feeling better now?
00:29:22You've been playing me for a fool all this time.
00:29:24I will not forgive you.
00:29:26And I will make sure you suffer the way I did.
00:29:28My husband is dead.
00:29:30You did not deserve a good life.
00:29:32And you deserve everything bad to happen to you.
00:29:34I'm going to kill you.
00:29:36I'm going to kill you.
00:29:38I'm going to kill you.
00:29:40I'm going to kill you.
00:29:46There's nothing we can do for her
00:29:48except to pay for her money bills.
00:29:50This time, your money is not going to solve this problem.
00:29:52So, what are we going to do?
00:29:54Just wait for this time bomb to go and tell everybody what we did to her?
00:29:56Wow, what do I see?
00:29:58Hello there.
00:30:00Newlyweds are fighting, huh?
00:30:02Dad, are you serious about keeping her around
00:30:04after she's ruined your family's reputation?
00:30:06And her sex tape is still out.
00:30:08Hey, great news.
00:30:10You're going to be free in the afternoon.
00:30:12And I recommend you stay at the Walton's.
00:30:14Yeah, you can stay with us.
00:30:16We'll take really good care of you.
00:30:18You can rest and recharge.
00:30:20How's that?
00:30:24Welcome to the Walton's, dear.
00:30:26And if you need anything,
00:30:28just let the maid know, okay?
00:30:30What are you doing here?
00:30:32Well, I invited her
00:30:34because I want Dad to know
00:30:36what it's like to have an outsider
00:30:38living here. And I want him to feel
00:30:40like I feel every single day.
00:30:42Unless you watched all the sex tape,
00:30:44you'll know that online slur is an understatement.
00:30:46It was you who gave the video to the press.
00:30:48What are you talking about?
00:30:50Being a bitch doesn't mean you can talk nonsense.
00:30:52Unless you have all the videos,
00:30:54you could never watch all the videos.
00:30:56So, apparently, after all,
00:30:58it was not leaked to the media.
00:31:00It was conveniently given to the media
00:31:02by my beloved staff.
00:31:04I'm helping you.
00:31:06Now everyone thinks that you failed at the CEO position
00:31:08because of the sex tape,
00:31:10not because of your own incompetence at work.
00:31:12You're a pathetic little bitch.
00:31:14Hey, I don't want this to get personal,
00:31:16but I think your main concern right now
00:31:18is your ex's widow.
00:31:20Since you and Dad caused this,
00:31:22now she is your responsibility.
00:31:24Good luck.
00:31:26You're really starting to piss me off, you know?
00:31:28You're ruining this family's reputation.
00:31:30I think you're really smart, don't you?
00:31:32I don't know what that bitch told you,
00:31:34but she is the one responsible for this stuff,
00:31:36and not me.
00:31:38No, you're really on the wrong track, girl.
00:31:40Dad, would you listen to me?
00:31:42I do not want to hear your explanation
00:31:44about how you attacked the Walton family.
00:31:46You're just as heartless as your mother.
00:31:48Get the hell out of this house!
00:31:52Hey, Rachel.
00:31:54Oh, hi. I didn't expect to see you here.
00:31:56Nice to meet you.
00:31:58You want to go dance with me?
00:32:00Okay. Until next time, then.
00:32:04Hey, Rachel!
00:32:06Oh, my God, that's amazing!
00:32:08That bitch is going to get what she deserves.
00:32:10Rachel, stop this!
00:32:12You've been kicked out of the family by Phil!
00:32:14So what?
00:32:16I want my dad to know who that phony gold digger is,
00:32:18and I am protecting him.
00:32:20You don't care about other people's feelings?
00:32:22Well, he didn't care about mine!
00:32:26Hey, what a day.
00:32:28I've been waiting for a while.
00:32:30She's not my girlfriend, man.
00:32:32Talk to Rachel yourself.
00:32:34Hey, man, we've known each other for a long time.
00:32:36Just relax and have a drink with me.
00:32:38Oh, by the way, David, this is my friend Mary.
00:32:40We've known each other since high school.
00:32:42She's Rachel's friend, too.
00:32:44Hey, I'm single?
00:32:52Hey, Rachel, are you all right?
00:32:54No! No one loves me anymore.
00:32:58Rachel, you're drunk.
00:33:00So what?
00:33:02Okay, fine, just go. Leave.
00:33:04Leave like my mom, leave like my dad,
00:33:06and David, just go.
00:33:08What happened?
00:33:10Was that unlovable?
00:33:12No, of course not, honey.
00:33:14And why does everyone abandon me?
00:33:16I'm still here, aren't I?
00:33:18Come here, baby.
00:33:20I don't want to be Rachel's boyfriend.
00:33:22I have to.
00:33:24Are you out of your mind?
00:33:26Out of my mind?
00:33:28The only way I'm going to get my shares
00:33:30of the Walton Group and control all the Walton family
00:33:32is if I marry her.
00:33:34You are too naive.
00:33:36You can't afford to mess with the Walton family.
00:33:38Naive? They'll cut me out of the business.
00:33:40Now I have no way back in.
00:33:42You deserved it.
00:33:44I deserved it? What about you?
00:33:46You didn't even betray the Walton Group,
00:33:48and now you're stuck too.
00:33:50Yeah, no one helped me during the tough times.
00:33:52I'm here now.
00:33:54Let's get revenge together and take back what's ours.
00:34:08It's real comfortable here.
00:34:10Are you already back?
00:34:12You missed me already, honey?
00:34:14Yes, so hurry up.
00:34:16You scared me, honey.
00:34:26What are you doing here?
00:34:28Excuse me, I'm going to go downstairs.
00:34:30This is my wife's clothes.
00:34:40You would have remembered if we did it.
00:34:42I was very drunk.
00:34:44We got our first investment.
00:34:48Great news. Thanks to you.
00:34:50Thanks to us. We're family now.
00:34:52We'll never leave you. We'll stay here as long as you like.
00:34:54That's so nice of you. Thanks.
00:35:02Somebody help! The cat ate my pills!
00:35:06What are you just standing here?
00:35:08We need to go to the back now!
00:35:14Oh, you're waiting for me, honey?
00:35:16I'm coming in too so we can do it.
00:35:20Lily! What are you doing here?
00:35:22Oh my God!
00:35:24We gotta get out of here.
00:35:26My wife is gonna be coming here.
00:35:28What are you doing here?
00:35:30I don't remember how I got in here.
00:35:32Lily, you gotta get out of here.
00:35:34What the hell is going on here?
00:35:36No, no, no, Kelly.
00:35:38It's not what you think.
00:35:40Lily was here before I got here.
00:35:42Come on, you gotta get out of here.
00:35:44Lily, see what you're doing.
00:35:46Kelly, wait!
00:35:48Hey, seems like someone got really heated up last night.
00:35:50No, I was just too tired.
00:35:52Well, I'm sorry. Listen, I really didn't mean it that way.
00:35:54And I was just angry and everything.
00:35:56Forget it.
00:35:58I care about you. Hey, please forgive me.
00:36:04You slept with my friend?
00:36:06Maybe I'm a better match for David.
00:36:08You bitch!
00:36:10I'd rather throw it away than give it to you.
00:36:12I never did that or want it!
00:36:20I found that bitch.
00:36:22In Bill's bathroom.
00:36:24What's she doing? She's trying to seduce him.
00:36:26She's a real psycho.
00:36:28She is. And she, how old is she?
00:36:30You know, the vet said it was antidepressant.
00:36:32But he tested it to be just milk to the day.
00:36:34That's so, so bizarre.
00:36:36Who would do such a mistake?
00:36:38Maybe no mistake, you know.
00:36:40Someone shamed the vet to make her incapable of recovery.
00:36:42Who would do that?
00:36:44Maybe yourself.
00:36:50Honey, I'm sorry.
00:36:52It was a terrible idea to have Lily living in the house.
00:36:54Well, like I told you,
00:36:56Lily needs 24-hour professional care.
00:36:58Not someone over it like a...
00:37:00You know how to get me going, don't you?
00:37:02I'll help her move out after Thanksgiving or something.
00:37:08Are you sure you don't want to come with me?
00:37:10I'm sure.
00:37:12I think going home for Thanksgiving is the best idea.
00:37:14Maybe Dad will change his mind
00:37:16and I can go back, finally.
00:37:18Well, let me know if you change your mind.
00:37:20Bill definitely isn't that kind of guy.
00:37:22We'll see.
00:37:26It's okay.
00:37:28Walton's got plenty of plates.
00:37:40You scared me.
00:37:42I've been looking for you.
00:37:44Kelly has something important to tell you. What are you doing here?
00:37:46I have a headache, but I can't find my tablet.
00:37:48I don't know where it is.
00:37:50Medicine is upstairs.
00:37:52Okay, let me take you there.
00:37:56Where is David?
00:37:58Shut up and follow me!
00:38:00Go sit next to him.
00:38:02Take this and tie yourself up.
00:38:04Do it!
00:38:08Don't you play a trick on me.
00:38:10Do it properly.
00:38:14Open your mouth.
00:38:22What are you doing here?
00:38:24You already know I'm off my meds.
00:38:26I'm going to go to bed.
00:38:28Sit down!
00:38:30If you make any distressed messages,
00:38:32your new family member is going to die.
00:38:34Didn't you like to play
00:38:36with my husband in the bathroom?
00:38:38Take off your clothes.
00:38:40Let me see.
00:38:42You're a hunk, aren't you?
00:38:46What are you doing?
00:38:48Are you okay, honey?
00:38:50Lily, what's going on here?
00:38:52I'm sorry about your husband,
00:38:54but please, we can work this out.
00:38:56Stop! Just shut up!
00:38:58I've got money. I can help you.
00:39:00I don't want anything. Just shut up!
00:39:02One more word and I'm going to shoot this bitch.
00:39:06Where did you get it?
00:39:08Will you hurry?
00:39:10If you keep nagging me, I won't get you out.
00:39:12Let's die together.
00:39:18I'm home!
00:39:20I know nobody likes me, but I'm here anyways.
00:39:22Like me or not.
00:39:26Dad? Dad, are you upstairs?
00:39:30Dad, are you in here?
00:39:32Whoa! Why does this crazy bitch have a gun?
00:39:34Turns out she's not that crazy.
00:39:36She's been faking it all along.
00:39:40Why would she do that, you crazy bitch?
00:39:42Of course I'm crazy.
00:39:44This bitch has been seducing my husband.
00:39:46You're a liar.
00:39:48You've got better.
00:39:50And then you kept on telling me
00:39:52that you still trust that Ross takes you.
00:39:54Wait, why would she fake after Ross died?
00:39:56That's a perfect alibi, isn't it?
00:39:58Right, that's a perfect alibi.
00:40:00Nobody would question that we're the women who do this.
00:40:04Where's your husband?
00:40:06He's not doing good.
00:40:08I told him I was still sick
00:40:10and he still wanted to leave me.
00:40:12Don't push her.
00:40:14Dad, that gun has been broken for years.
00:40:16Oh yeah?
00:40:20I told him I was still sick
00:40:22and he still wanted to leave me.
00:40:26Don't push her.
00:40:28Dad, that gun has been broken for years.
00:40:30Oh yeah?
00:40:32Where is Dave?
00:40:34Everybody shut up!
00:40:36Hey, you shut up!
00:40:38Listen to me.
00:40:40Ross chose Kelly over you.
00:40:42Maybe you should question yourself first.
00:40:52She's gonna be okay.
00:40:54Shh, shh, shh.
00:40:56I'm not gonna give up so easily.
00:40:58You should be faking it.
00:41:00What about what you did?
00:41:02What about what you did to Chandler?
00:41:04All we know is that you killed Chandler also
00:41:06and you did a suicide kill.
00:41:08Walton, do you think you can get away with everything?
00:41:10Yes, I can!
00:41:22Dad, you should really say something different, like, I miss you or I love you.
00:41:35I'm sorry that I said anything bad about you before.
00:41:36Me too.
00:41:37I'm sorry too.
00:41:38I thought I might not like you.
00:41:39Yeah, growing up to be just a little powerful girl, huh?
00:41:40Kelly, where are you going?
00:41:41I just need to talk to my brother about something.
00:41:43You need to energize, you know?
00:41:45I mean, like, I would have done the same thing.
00:42:23You let the woman be questionable moral and trouble past become a member of Walton family
00:42:29You know, I know everybody has an opinion of rape Kelly and her scandals and sex tape
00:42:34Maybe she's not suitable for the Walton family, you know, I didn't choose her for where she came from
00:42:39I chose because I thought she'd be a good change for the Walton family. And you know, what Kelly means a lot to me. Oh
00:42:46What's happening everyone has their own way for the family and you are not like your father
00:42:54You like to challenge? Yeah, I know. I love a challenge. So this challenge only one. Yeah
00:42:58Yes, yes
00:43:09I will keep your secret because you are a harmless
00:43:12Gold digger and not enough to threaten by Walton group if someone want to get money from someone like you
00:43:19That's going to be happen
00:43:22Why does this always happen to me?
00:43:24There's always someone who wants to take it away. I shall be the one who helps you after I manage the family
00:43:30Sure, I'm gonna help you
00:43:55Hey Kelly, how are you doing?
00:44:02Hey show some respect this is my father
00:44:11What you doing here
00:44:24You see you your involvement in a murder investigation
00:44:34Leave me dad. Don't worry. It's all been dealt with
00:44:41Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you dad
00:44:45You probably will show up but believe me it won't I've taken care of everything
00:44:53Find a new CEO or the board is going to find you but you can't be serious dad. Come on
00:45:03What a bright time is the right time to dance the night away
00:45:10What are you doing? It's party
00:45:12all right
00:45:15Miss Walton, you have to remind your mother's behave
00:45:19This party is about honoring the family not embracing them. You know what? Maybe this family needs to be embarrassed
00:45:31I did so you get mad. This is my house
00:45:36Oh my didn't you go all the way by robbing someone's husband? I think I didn't make and help you
00:45:41Take even mine. I didn't take Tony from you
00:45:46He tried to rape me. I was saving you. Of course. I'm not good mother. No, you're not
00:46:03You kill it my husband and I help you to scare you all me and I want you to make it up to me
00:46:09Give me all the food. I want to be what son if you want to remain the CEO put the board on family
00:46:15You gotta know what you have to do
00:46:35Why do you have this money you say it is a hassle to send money everyone
00:46:40You decided that blackmailing me is such a great idea. You're using my past against me. You're my mother
00:46:45Only one way I get to know you
00:46:48About me
00:46:50Everything I have done for you all these years
00:46:53I'm just good to step over like you did to my family business. Am I hearing what I'm hearing?
00:46:59You're telling Tony is alive. Don't worry. He's not here
00:47:03So I'm up there like all this time you're telling me this break is still alive and you're bringing him back in our lives
00:47:09You speak about my cousin
00:47:45You can't wake a person
00:47:59What are you doing in here mom, why did you bring him what's going on me I can kill whatever I like
00:48:05I don't need your permission. Wow, it's the candy can of Christmas herself. Thanks for coming
00:48:12No, no, she can stay. I'm actually very happy that she came because if it wasn't for you
00:48:16We wouldn't know the dark history of Kelly
00:48:29Excuse me waiter. Oh
00:48:31No, I heard Mary and you broke up you didn't seem very upset
00:48:35One more second David anything you want to tell me about Rachel and I know she can't take care of herself
00:48:50Instead of taking down the Walton group, I think we should just take it over. I
00:48:56Think Phil's the one who underestimated me just wait until I have Rachel in my hands
00:49:00Everything she owns will be mine, including the shares to the Walton group. Just wait until we get married
00:49:10Don't get in our way. Yeah, you better stop you can't win over the Wattons
00:49:16What about the money then you're gonna get some money man. Come on. It's not enough for our life our family for us
00:49:27I won't betray Kenny. Do you understand?
00:49:56Thank you for coming birthday presents parked in the garage
00:50:00You can drive it to my house whenever you like Wow. Thanks wash. Oh, tell me how you feel wherever you are
00:50:06Thanks a lot, but maybe we should slow down a notch. You know, my dad is still just a birthday present
00:50:10Would you like to dance? Sure?
00:50:28Hair of the Walton family is waking up now
00:50:37I am the man who your stepmother Kelly tried to kill
00:50:41So what do you want me to pay for what she did your father is going to pay for your life
00:50:46I don't think so. My father is gonna make you regret. You know the Walter name
00:50:57Rachel I
00:50:58Feel who's this? I am Tony the stepfather that your wife Kelly tried to kill
00:51:04What are you doing with my daughter's phone because your daughter is with me now if you want to have her back
00:51:10Safely, you must send me 300 million US dollar in cash and flying with your private checks
00:51:17You're going to bring me out of the country. Don't inform the police or your daughter is going to die
00:51:24How do I know you're not lying to me?
00:51:28Send me the money at 6 p.m. That's impossible
00:51:31Nothing is impossible for a man like you you can make the impossible. No, I think you don't understand
00:51:38It's not a matter of time. It's a matter of me not paying you at all. Not one single dime
00:51:53Just got a phone call from Tony you never believe this he and your mother Rachel what yeah, they're asking 300 million dollars for her ransom
00:52:05I'm gonna do this the Walton way. They messed with the wrong person. Honey. Tony is really dangerous
00:52:10I'm sure that Kelly's gonna be okay with my daughter
00:52:15Fuck so your father doesn't want to pay. Yeah, maybe because your value is zero
00:52:25Do you want to teach how to deal in this case don't forget that you are not my first hostage
00:52:40I'm the one who's in control of this situation
00:52:45Yeah, I feel because of your hesitation now is up 500 million US dollar in case no
00:52:53No, no, no, that's not how you negotiate
00:52:59Stop wasting your time
00:53:01You even touch her you won't get any money. You just left you just have for our left, right?
00:53:14Don't know I keep on calling him not answering I really need him here now
00:53:25Now with the case in the state and also the working capital we can write
00:53:30300 million dollar in cash within time limit even if we add in all the valuable
00:53:35We're still short a hundred million, maybe Georgia and hell Russia. No, no, no, the Waltons can take care of themselves. Remember that much
00:53:45Jacket you ruined it. Why do you want a new one?
00:53:53Get it anywhere shoot me talking and I'm going to shoot you for sure. Take a look at this beach
00:53:59I have to do something outside
00:54:03'm such a jerk. Why do you stay with me? You're so
00:54:07Beautiful, you deserve someone better someone like my grandpa. Shut up
00:54:11Seriously guy, but I get you seem like a kind of woman who will sacrifice anything for a man. What do you mean?
00:54:17You're actually very insecure Tony and our partners. I am here because choose to really yes
00:54:25Yes, funny because what I see is you give me orders everywhere around and you're really nothing here
00:54:31Really? Can you see right through me? You think you can brainwash me with that very stupid thought of yours?
00:54:37Save it!
00:54:41Think I found someone that can track Rachel's location. I'd also like to do something for Rachel
00:54:49Sorry boss I had to tell you 80 million in cash and jewelry is all I can muster on such short notice get out
00:54:55This has nothing to do with you. This is a family matter
00:54:57Sure, I think I can track her GPS. She is driving the car. I just got her for her birthday, honey
00:55:03Rachel's safety should be our priority right now. Okay, what do you need? I need to use a computer
00:55:16Okay, let's get started
00:55:17You said you got car for Rachel. Yeah, it's birthday present. She prefer a red one. Thanks
00:55:23So I heard you could track her now, right?
00:55:26It's only 6
00:55:30Hey, today's not a good day for us to meet
00:55:36Yeah, I got the money, okay
00:55:39Yeah, you ready Fulton County Airport get your agents out there whoa, what agents what if he finds out he's gonna kill Rachel
00:55:46Don't you get it? Rachel is my daughter. I'll save her the way I want to
00:56:01Who give you this shit Monica, she's lying
00:56:05Shut up
00:56:07You are lucky because your father is going to come to save you from this trouble
00:56:09Take her with you. Time to go
00:56:23I got the location. It was dumped in an abandoned industrial area
00:56:25Son, you need to come to the hospital. Your mother is dying
00:56:32Okay, dad, I will be there soon. Please do your best save Rachel
00:56:41What damn it Kelly, where you been? I think you're gonna get some help
00:56:53You are lucky that your mom answered the phone, yeah, you're very very lucky. Otherwise Rachel would be dead
00:57:00You can't go to the airport
00:57:03Did you bring the money? Yeah
00:57:08You mean the money
00:57:14How do I think that this stuff is not fake
00:57:18It's real you have been always liar
00:57:21I want more leverage now. I want to become more rich get in the car. Come on
00:57:29In the car bitch
00:57:33What are we waiting for then I mean Rachel's in the car alone with the ransom money on the way to the kidnappers
00:57:48Um, do you really have to tie us together because she smells shut up the game is almost over
00:57:57I think the morning we go in 10 minutes. Don't do anything stupid
00:58:06I'll get us out of here. We just need to get rid of the great plan Kelly. You're in let's try
00:58:18We're gonna have to ram it come down can't you see the police already here?
00:59:08Did you listen to him Tony's more like a family to me than you are what mom I'm your daughter
00:59:15Literally, what are you talking about? Thank once in your life. Why don't you leave him?
00:59:26Bitch can you believe it or not? I'm going to shoot you. Let's go
00:59:32Monica stop it. He really loves you and can sacrifice everything for you
01:00:06You sure money can not Tanya's I can please
01:00:08The only thing my mother ever did wrong was marrying that asshole. She loved after Rachel has escaped. Where's the money canal?
01:00:14I don't know. Are you sure that the truck just you and Tony? That's enough questioning now. Leave us alone
01:00:19Leave is that your safety is all that matters to me now, honey
01:00:33If it wasn't for Kelly
01:00:38Sorry, okay, it's all my fault
01:00:47So, sorry
01:00:57I'll do anything for you
01:01:07What are you doing here, I'm sorry about your baby
01:01:11Did you tell Rachel about your mother? I need little privacy right now. I understand
01:01:17I just wanted to let you know that you're very important to all family and that we're gonna make sure that your mother here gets
01:01:24the best
01:01:35Think it's mother's in the hospital. What what happened to her? She was badly injured during the rides
01:01:41David's part of our family. So let's get him a good medical team. We need to do something about our investment in car
01:01:47Okay, I'll take care of it and we need to talk to David honey. You just had a baby
01:01:50I think you should we go home take a rest and I'll take care of everything. Okay, so you just
01:02:03Hi there career woman, you just lost a baby. Why don't you take a break?
01:02:08Afraid I'm gonna steal CEO role. Hmm. Don't worry. I already got my own company
01:02:13Do you remember the scandal with our investment in Clara? What about it that handed it very well?
01:02:19I think so. Look at you carried away by relationship like that. That's not like you
01:02:23I know I know but what can I do? I'm in love
01:02:26Do you know that David's mother is in the hospital what she got injured during the riots that are caused by our investment of large
01:02:38Why don't you tell me your mom is in the hospital
01:02:42You should have told me I want to support you
01:02:56Care about you David, let me be there for you
01:03:03He's the one who got married
01:03:20Have you already forgotten I mean how he betrayed the Walton group
01:03:27Smart girl, you're finally waking up. Maybe you're starting to listen to the people who really love you
01:03:36Maybe hacked our Internet. Why would you let him use a computer the other day? I was just so stressed out
01:03:41I was trying to save you. I just wasn't thinking when I let him use the computer
01:03:48You married Joe, yeah, then you can get closer to him and we can find out the data that he has on the server dad
01:03:55With all due respect. This is outrageous. I am NOT allowing you to take my life
01:03:59Hey, you will have this fake marriage for the Walton group. Listen to me
01:04:06He's noticed your talent and intelligence so
01:04:12I'm so clumsy. You gotta take a care of that real quick in the bathroom. No problem. Actually the honey the bathrooms that way. Oh
01:04:20Right. Well, I'll go wash it later. Sure
01:04:25You know, I got something to tell you I made up my mind
01:04:28There's nothing but tolerant with me. You've been very supportive
01:04:31You've been on my side the whole time and you can stand my little temper
01:04:34I'm really happy you mentioned that honey something. I've been wanting to ask you Rachel. Will you marry me? Yes
01:04:46That's enough everybody out
01:04:51Rachel David said you want to see me. What's going on? Can I make sure that Joe and I don't sign our wedding papers?
01:04:57Just relax. Everything's okay. I mean the texts are here. They're taking care of the house. So everything I feel so tired dad
01:05:03And I'm suffocating here. You need to relax and like I said before you need to separate your imagination and your feelings
01:05:10Think of it as a happy day, but it's not a happy day dad
01:05:13I should be marrying the wedding dress for the one I love. It's every girl's fantasy Rachel as my daughter
01:05:18You need to get rid of these girly fantasies. Can you leave me alone for a minute?
01:05:25If you've come to laugh at me spare it I can see you're upset but hey, that's how it always is
01:05:31I'm used women. Maybe one day is gonna change but remember what happened to David's mother. You were beautiful. Thanks
01:05:40How is it going
01:05:56We are here today to celebrate the union of Rachel and Joe
01:06:07Don't have much time
01:06:09Marriage is sacred and we can't treat it lightly
01:06:13We need to be reverent if anyone objects on this marriage speak now
01:06:22Or forever hold your peace
01:06:26You lose again Joe, what are you talking about? We got your server you lied to me from the very start
01:06:32And you used me to get my dad's company. Well, what do you expect? They'll ruin my life
01:06:36I'm just trying to take back what belongs to me. You're out. I know the shares are back to me now boy
01:06:52Knew you were the only one standing on my side
01:06:57Please forgive me. You know, I had my heart broken that today you met
01:07:04Even though
01:07:16Leave there
01:07:21It's illegal that you hired someone to get rid of the evidence really in related to Clark
01:07:27I don't know what you're talking about. Really? I know what you did. You know what now nothing will stop me to go
01:07:33Don't be so sure about that. Listen to this
01:07:35So do you admit that the rising Clark was caused by the world?
01:07:39They have sacrificed civilian for the benefits of themselves
01:07:42I was defending the Walton group. You're gonna make any more problems for the Walton group
01:07:46You'll be the first one to go to jail. I'm your wife. Hey, I love you. Do not pretend to be innocent
01:07:52Well, that's the way it should be
01:07:55Remember what I told you one day women will fight back
01:08:09See, I'm a little busy here. We talked yesterday.
01:08:12I don't like you. Don't worry about it.
01:08:15Now you're finally understanding me.
01:08:17I'm sorry, Pete. I overreacted.
01:08:19What do you want to do about it?
01:08:24Oh yeah, I'll be ready for that. I'll move over to the back. Wait a minute.
01:08:27Oh yeah.
01:08:28Good luck.
01:08:31I'll be waiting for you.
01:08:33We have five minutes before the code expires.
01:08:35I didn't expect David to be here.
01:08:39Okay, I'll figure something out.
01:08:54Who are you talking to?
01:08:56I don't know. I'm just putting you in silence.
01:08:58Are you sure?
01:08:59Very sure.
01:09:00Oh, yeah. I like that.
01:09:09Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:09:21Hey, I brought you food. Here.
01:09:26This is a live feed from Clark.
01:09:29According to what we have learned, the ride was caused by the Watson Group.
01:09:34They forced residents here to move for the sake of the group's interest.
01:09:44Is my mom's injury related to the Watson Group?
01:09:47I don't know about that. I don't know.
01:09:49Don't you know?
01:09:50I don't know. If I knew, I would have told you.
01:09:52That's why I allocated professional medical resources for my mom.
01:09:57Let me talk to my dad. Let me talk to my dad.
01:09:59No, I don't trust him anymore.
01:10:01Okay, let me talk to him first. He'll tell me the truth.
01:10:03And if he's responsible, I promise you, I promise you he'll make up for it.
01:10:07I promise you, David, please.
01:10:11It's all over the news about the riot in Clark.
01:10:13What, you think I did it?
01:10:15Why not? You want to make it public and ruin the reputation of my family?
01:10:18I would never do such a thing. Come on, I'm not that stupid.
01:10:21There he is. See you in the office.
01:10:25Was it you that announced what happened in Clark?
01:10:27What? Of course not.
01:10:29Well, I mean, I went to the study and looked in the safe and the recorder's gone.
01:10:33You must have leaked the information and set me up.
01:10:36Do you happen to have the recorder? But I did not give it to the media.
01:10:39Well, who went in and got it for you?
01:10:41Me? I just kind of sneaked in.
01:10:43Did you happen to hear anything on it? Because the recorder's been erased.
01:10:46No, no, no. I just broke it.
01:10:48But honey, what's going on between us? What kind of relationship is that?
01:10:53Our marriage is now based on threats?
01:10:57I think we should reconsider our relationship.
01:10:59I mean, I can't tell if you're, you know, telling the truth or not.
01:11:02Excuse you?
01:11:07Public opinion about the riot in Clark has gotten out of control.
01:11:10Our lawyers and public relations people are working hard on this.
01:11:12I think we should attack.
01:11:13We can't attack, dad. And we can't defend either.
01:11:16We have to handle this in the right way.
01:11:18But what is the right way?
01:11:19First, we stop all our investment business.
01:11:21Then we pay all medical bills for the injured.
01:11:23And then we set up a foundation, a charity.
01:11:25No, no, no, no.
01:11:26If we do it your way, that means we have to admit to some mistake.
01:11:29And we'll have to pay all the injuries. And we'll suffer losses.
01:11:32And I do not want to suffer anything.
01:11:34Dad, don't you get it? An honest and positive image is good for the company.
01:11:38If we admit to any mistake, that means I'll go to jail.
01:11:41And the family will be investigated.
01:11:42I think you better check on your priorities.
01:11:44It's either the company or David.
01:11:46Dad, how am I going to make that choice?
01:11:48I don't know. But whatever you do, it'll make you stronger.
01:11:52It's sad to say we'll be closing all our real estate investments here in Clark
01:11:56and turning it into profitable charity foundations.
01:11:59My daughter here, Rachel, will be leading those projects.
01:12:02And her new company will be merging with the Walton Group.
01:12:05And she will be the new CEO of the Walton Group.
01:12:08And me and Kelly, we will be going to invest in her family life.
01:12:11And we both agree that Rachel is the perfect successor for the Walton Group.
01:12:18Your mom's getting worse.
01:12:23Mom, please. Please.
01:12:28Just wait for me to die.
01:12:30I didn't know he was going to fire you.
01:12:32Please stop lying just once.
01:12:34How could I be so naive to believe that I'm going to go against your father?
01:12:37What do you want me to do?
01:12:38Shout the truth out at the press conference?
01:12:44So what do you want me to do?
01:12:45Shout the truth out at the press conference?
01:12:47Because they'll think I'm a maniac.
01:12:48And they'll look at the job of someone else who's obedient to him.
01:12:50I can do better.
01:12:51I'm the CEO.
01:12:53If you got to fail, it doesn't mean I will.
01:12:55Yes, probably.
01:12:56You're going to succeed?
01:12:57It's just, you know what, maybe you're right.
01:12:59Maybe you're going to succeed.
01:13:00It's just me and you.
01:13:02We've never been on the same page, anyway.
01:13:03What do you mean?
01:13:04How do I know?
01:13:05It's not you who made the tape.
01:13:06Why would I do it?
01:13:08To get back with me.
01:13:09To make it harder.
01:13:10Here's my job.
01:13:11Is that what you want?
01:13:12Is that what you want?
01:13:13So you think I'm gonna abandon my own firm
01:13:15and start working for my dad again?
01:13:17I don't know anymore.
01:13:19I thought you were gonna do this all for David.
01:13:20It's clear.
01:13:21You only care about yourself.
01:13:22Like father,
01:13:23and you can't do it for me.
01:13:29Hey, are you okay?
01:13:32I'm fine.
01:13:33You see what happened today?
01:13:34I'm gonna make sure that your mother
01:13:36gets the best medical treatment.
01:13:37My mother has to wait.
01:13:39Darling, I'm so sorry.
01:13:42I'm sorry.
01:13:50I don't want to listen to her anymore.
01:13:51I've given Walton family everything I can,
01:13:54everything I had,
01:13:55and they take everything from all over the world.
01:13:58And they will stop.
01:13:59Who can stop them?
01:14:00Rachel says she took the CEO position.
01:14:02You'll be giving her?
01:14:03I wish I could.
01:14:04I mean, the only way it can be done is from within.
01:14:06Waltons are responsible for my mother's death.
01:14:10Is there anything I can do for you?
01:14:19Did he hate you?
01:14:21No, but you know,
01:14:23sometimes I have this feeling
01:14:25like he really wants me to be afraid of him.
01:14:27He will soon be afraid of us.
01:14:30I can avoid prenuptial agreements,
01:14:33and make sure you live a rich and peaceful life
01:14:37after divorce.
01:14:38I love the way you think.
01:14:39You know what?
01:14:40I'm going to fight for the board right now.
01:14:43I don't want him to notice that.
01:14:45Well, that's a suggestion by a house.
01:14:49You need to prepare to escape at any time from now on,
01:14:53but don't forget next door around here.
01:15:02I didn't think you'd want to talk.
01:15:03Kelly offered me this job.
01:15:04You don't need this job.
01:15:05You're already a butler at the Walton.
01:15:07I'm here to make a difference in Walton.
01:15:09About the whole Clark thing.
01:15:10So am I.
01:15:11I am here for the same thing,
01:15:12and I'll do best.
01:15:13I promise.
01:15:14At the risk of losing your job as a CEO?
01:15:16Yes, at the risk of losing my job.
01:15:18Anything I can do to help you, I'll do that.
01:15:20I promise.
01:15:23Dad, I need you to authorize
01:15:24a $100 million check for me.
01:15:27I want to build a library for people in Clark.
01:15:28What are you going to do with all that money?
01:15:29I want to name the building after David's mother.
01:15:31No way.
01:15:32That's an admission of guilt.
01:15:33There's no way I'm naming anything after that lady.
01:15:36Come on.
01:15:37If you want it to be a fair donation,
01:15:39that's fair.
01:15:3930 million each, five towns.
01:15:41Wait a minute.
01:15:42You just raised the price.
01:15:43I wasted 10 minutes of my time, Rachel.
01:15:46Dad, did you know if you just said yes,
01:15:48everything would be done?
01:15:49You know, in the past,
01:15:50you were somewhat a generous humanitarian.
01:15:51Ah, I see what you did there.
01:15:53Well done.
01:15:58Oh, that's my girl.
01:16:01If it were a donation,
01:16:03Clark would get only 30% of the money.
01:16:05I get that, but we can't rush it, okay?
01:16:09Revenge takes time and planning.
01:16:10That's a start.
01:16:11Be on my side.
01:16:11We have to do this together.
01:16:13I can't just make whatever.
01:16:23So what do you think?
01:16:24It's good.
01:16:25I'll take it.
01:16:26Can we maybe like defer the deposit or something?
01:16:29I really want to keep the secret, you know?
01:16:32No one else will know except you and your lawyer.
01:16:50We just finished this interview to better our image.
01:16:53That's great news.
01:16:54Dad, well done.
01:16:55Thank you so much.
01:16:58What Walton Groups need
01:16:59is a stop putting the band-aid on that image.
01:17:02David, what are you doing?
01:17:03You promised me change!
01:17:05We are changing.
01:17:06Hey, if you stop now,
01:17:08you'll still be my butler.
01:17:09No, I want to stop.
01:17:10You and Walton Group, you want to kill more people?
01:17:13You're fired!
01:17:13Dad, he just lost his mother.
01:17:15And what?
01:17:16He's blaming us for that?
01:17:17And if we don't get rid of him,
01:17:18you gotta get your priorities right.
01:17:19It's either him or the company.
01:17:23Rachel, I think you should choose him.
01:17:25We were made to be different.
01:17:26You know, I am trying my best
01:17:28and I'm gonna get the company.
01:17:30Will you give me some time?
01:17:31I'm sure you will get the company,
01:17:33but I'm not sure you will change it or not
01:17:35because you care about your interests more.
01:17:38You're really crossing the line here.
01:17:40I'm really sorry about you, mom, and I really am.
01:17:42But if you loved me,
01:17:43you would never do this to me, David.
01:17:44That's it!
01:17:45That's it!
01:17:56Yeah, so you already forgive me for firing you?
01:17:59I heard you firing David, what's going on?
01:18:01What do you mean?
01:18:02It was you who brought him there.
01:18:03It was you, wasn't it?
01:18:05I told you guys to talk.
01:18:06I didn't know he's gonna be like that.
01:18:07I'm sorry.
01:18:08He'll be okay.
01:18:10Don't work at the Walton Group anymore.
01:18:11We haven't passed anything up,
01:18:13so I really don't know, you know?
01:18:15Sorry, I'm still getting over losing my child.
01:18:18Well, wait with that, wait with that.
01:18:22No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:18:24Explain this to me.
01:18:25What's this?
01:18:26Darling, I just wanted to buy Hank a little house.
01:18:30You know, he cannot stay with us all his life.
01:18:32It's impossible.
01:18:34What a perfect lie.
01:18:35You little lying whore.
01:18:36We're done.
01:18:38I have not given away my rights like this.
01:18:42Yeah, you think that attempted murder,
01:18:44petty larceny, identity theft,
01:18:46you think you're the only person that I've ever investigated?
01:18:49You, you know, people will feel sorry for me
01:18:52if you're a cheating little, you know what?
01:18:55Well, both father and daughter are single again.
01:18:58Yeah, we shouldn't let anything get in the way of work,
01:19:01especially love.
01:19:02I'm great.
01:19:03Yeah, so am I.
01:19:06Grandpa, I didn't know you'd come visit.
01:19:09Why didn't you tell us?
01:19:11Because I think it was a good idea to come here
01:19:15to deal with my son's divorce.
01:19:18So, I'm here to talk to you about it.
01:19:20I'm here to talk to you about it.
01:19:21I'm here to talk to you about it.
01:19:23with my son's divorce scandal.
01:19:26I agree.
01:19:27Tricked into marriage by a scheming woman,
01:19:29Walton family would die of shame.
01:19:31And see that?
01:19:32I almost got scammed by her and my butler.
01:19:35Dad, I think we're the same people.
01:19:36We all have some parts of rebellion, you understand that?
01:19:39Yes, but I was always watching you,
01:19:41I'd be silently at your back.
01:19:45That's not watching, Grandpa, that's spying.
01:19:47Typical Walton.
01:19:49Now is the time to talk about the future
01:19:52of the CEO of our family.
01:19:54Dad, if it were me, you can't say I take your job.
01:19:57I always said you'd be a perfect successor.
01:19:59Like father, like daughter.
01:20:01The Walton has chosen you, Rachel,
01:20:04because you must take care of the interests
01:20:07of the Walton family.
01:20:08So please, have a long view about it,
01:20:11because the Walton family is not just a family business.
01:20:15It's a kingdom.
01:20:16To the Waltons.
01:20:17To the Walton family.