El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 11 Completo en Español

  • last month
El Ángel De Aurora Capitulo 11 Completo en Español
00:00:07¿Qué hubo de mi Isabel Campero?
00:00:10¿Quién es usted? ¿Qué quiere?
00:00:13El mejor maestro que nunca nadie pudo tener.
00:00:19Más que usted.
00:00:23¿Y cómo está su hermana, Aurora Campero?
00:00:28Yo a usted no lo conozco y no tengo idea
00:00:30de qué me está hablando, así que mejor vaya a ser
00:00:32antes de que llame a seguridad.
00:00:33Tranquila, tranquila.
00:00:35Pues si no le estoy haciendo nada.
00:00:38Yo que usted checaba bien.
00:00:39Porque yo no vi que nadie vigilara la entrada, ¿eh?
00:00:43Con mí no me vas a venir a amedrentar.
00:00:45Hay cámaras de seguridad por todos lados.
00:00:48Con un... con un guardia que se dé cuenta
00:00:50van a venir por ti.
00:00:53A usted no se le quita lo cabezona, ¿verdad?
00:00:56¿A poco quiere hacer un numerito con sus guaruras
00:00:59y fingir que no me conoce?
00:01:02Hágalo y su hermanita sabrá toda la verdad.
00:01:11¿Todo bien?
00:01:14El modelo vino a hablar con la señora Aurora.
00:01:18Te veo luego.
00:01:24¿Se puede saber por qué llamaste al modelo?
00:01:27Porque me interesa saber qué pasa con la campaña.
00:01:30Bueno, te aviso, ya lo descartamos.
00:01:33De hecho, Elena está buscando a alguien mucho más apropiado
00:01:36para la campaña.
00:01:38Vi la propuesta que Elena hizo a los clientes
00:01:40y me encantó.
00:01:43Voy a hablar con el señor Ángel.
00:01:45Yo también lo tengo que aprobar.
00:01:48Bueno, yo me tengo que ir, ¿eh?
00:01:49Ahorita nos vemos.
00:01:50Está bien, Ángel.
00:01:50¿A dónde vas?
00:01:51A ver, a ver, a ver, Demián.
00:01:53Demián, todavía no termino de hablar contigo.
00:01:58Quiero saber si tú sabías que Antoni
00:02:00iba a ser el nuevo socio.
00:02:02No es momento para hablar de eso.
00:02:03A ver, a ver, a ver.
00:02:06Yo decido el tema que quiero tratar
00:02:08con los empleados de mi empresa.
00:02:13Te veo en mi oficina.
00:02:18¿Qué pasó?
00:02:19¿Te molestan algo o por qué me trataste así de gacho?
00:02:22No tengo nada que hablar contigo, Ángel.
00:02:25Elena, por favor, escúchame.
00:02:33¿Y tú no pierdes la esperanza de que te demos algo aquí?
00:02:36No sé, ¿una despensa?
00:02:39No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:02:44¿Una despensa?
00:02:50Ella está fuera de tu liga, carnal.
00:03:11¿A quién estás viendo, papá?
00:03:14A nadie.
00:03:15Voy a estar un rato en la oficina,
00:03:17pero tú puedes ir con Aquiles y Gloria
00:03:19a comprar la ropa que necesites.
00:03:21Ya solicité el permiso para que puedan salir.
00:03:24¿Te vas a tardar mucho?
00:03:26No lo sé.
00:03:27Tengo que ver unos asuntos,
00:03:30pero me avisas cuando regreses y nos vemos aquí.
00:03:43no quería que nadie supiera de tu existencia.
00:03:46Bueno, a excepción de Aquiles y Gloria.
00:03:49¿Tienes miedo de que me pase algo?
00:03:54Entonces te espero al rato para cenar juntos.
00:04:08¿Qué pasó, Ángel?
00:04:11¿Tuviste algún problema con Elena?
00:04:17La neta no sé por qué es tan molesta conmigo.
00:04:20De pronto se portó muy seria.
00:04:23Pero dígame, ¿para qué soy bueno, señor?
00:04:26¿Para qué quiere hablar conmigo?
00:04:28Ay, Ángel, discúlpame.
00:04:30No sé por qué sentí la confianza
00:04:32de preguntarte la razón de tu tristeza.
00:04:35Perdón, perdón.
00:04:37No, no me incomoda.
00:04:39Al contrario, yo también me siento
00:04:41mucha confianza con usted.
00:04:43Digo, a diferencia de con su sobrino.
00:04:46Mira, te hablé porque vi el demo del comercial que hiciste.
00:04:50Me gustó muchísimo.
00:04:52Creo que va a ser una campaña
00:04:54muy exitosa para las marcas.
00:04:56¿En serio?
00:04:58¿Como que el de mí no piensa lo mismo que usted?
00:05:01¿Qué pasó?
00:05:03Yo soy la presidenta de la empresa, Ángel.
00:05:09¿No te llamas Ángel Gabriel?
00:05:11Me llamo Ángel, pero no Gabriel.
00:05:14¿Por qué me lo vuelve a preguntar?
00:05:16No, no, por nada.
00:05:18Me confundí.
00:05:20Sí, me confundí.
00:05:22Oiga, ¿y de casualidad aquí no hay otra chamba
00:05:25que no sea de modelo?
00:05:30A ver, aquí podemos hablar tranquilos,
00:05:32pero rápido, porque no tengo tiempo.
00:05:34Tranquila, pues tranquila, mi Isabel.
00:05:38Es lo que a mí me sobra.
00:05:40Y ya que hablamos de eso,
00:05:42¿cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde que usted...
00:05:44Bueno, te puedo hablar de tú, ¿verdad?
00:05:46Pues si ya somos viejos conocidos,
00:05:48yo diría que hasta amigos.
00:05:50A ver, yo no soy amiga de gente como tú.
00:05:52Pues, ¿por qué tan agresiva, mi Isabel?
00:05:55Si nos parecemos más de lo que crees.
00:05:58¿Hace cuánto fue que me ofreciste a tu hermanita?
00:06:01¿O qué? ¿O no te acuerdas de que me la echaste
00:06:03a andar diciéndome que le gustaban los tipos como yo?
00:06:07¿Hace cuánto que murió el pobrecito de tu papá?
00:06:09Pues ya ves, sí tenemos tiempo,
00:06:11¡harto de conocernos!
00:06:13¿Me puedes decir a qué carajos viniste?
00:06:15No, pues solo estoy recordando.
00:06:17Recordando bellos momentos, o tristes también.
00:06:21Porque tengo entendido que aquel albañil,
00:06:23¿cómo se llamaba?
00:06:25Híjole, no me acuerdo.
00:06:27Pero él me contó
00:06:29que llevó al chamaco a tu casa
00:06:31a pesar de las amenazas de tu padre.
00:06:34Pero don Miguel, siempre tan dadivoso,
00:06:37le regaló a la criatura.
00:06:40Tu papá sí que era un hombre generoso.
00:06:44¿Quieres que te recuerde qué fue lo que pasó, Isabel?
00:06:50Porque tengo tiempo de sobra,
00:06:53Isabel Campero.
00:06:59¿Qué demonios haces aquí?
00:07:01¡Señorita Aurora!
00:07:03¡Traigo a tu hijo!
00:07:05Este bebé no es mi hijo.
00:07:07Tiene que estar en los brazos de su madre.
00:07:09¡Papá! ¡Sal, papá!
00:07:11¿Qué pasa?
00:07:13Aquí está su nieto.
00:07:15Enciérrate con tu hermana en su habitación y no salgan.
00:07:18Aurora está sedada.
00:07:19Ni los animales abandonan a sus crías
00:07:21como usted está haciendo con su propia sangre.
00:07:24¡Lárgate de mi casa, desgraciado!
00:07:27Y te advierto una cosa.
00:07:30Ese engendro no es mi nieto.
00:07:33Y si sigues así,
00:07:36voy a hacer que te encierren en la cárcel
00:07:38para el resto de tu vida.
00:07:41¿Y de qué me va a acusar?
00:07:43¿De regalarme a su nieto como si fuera una cosa?
00:07:46Háblale en este momento al comandante Bañuelos.
00:07:50¿Quieres saber de qué te voy a acusar?
00:07:53¡Del secuestrador!
00:07:55No sea inhumano, don Miguel.
00:07:57¿Qué le ha hecho a esta criatura?
00:07:59¿Por qué lo odia tanto?
00:08:01Eso a ti no te importa, ¿me oyes?
00:08:05Pero si dejas aquí a esa criatura,
00:08:08la voy a dejar morir de hambre.
00:08:11¿Me comunica con el comandante Bañuelos?
00:08:15¡Maldito sea, don Miguel Campero!
00:08:20Hija, ve a ver a tu hermana.
00:08:23Sí, papá.
00:08:29¡Maldito sea!
00:08:59Dime dónde está mi hijo.
00:09:01¿Dónde está Gabriel?
00:09:03Por favor, ya deja ese tema.
00:09:05Dime dónde está,
00:09:07o te juro que te denuncio por secuestro, papá.
00:09:11¿Y a quién van a creerle?
00:09:13¿A un empresario respetable
00:09:16o a una muchacha que ni siquiera sabe
00:09:18quién es el padre de su hijo?
00:09:20No puedo creer que me hagas esto, papá.
00:09:22¡Soy tu hija!
00:09:24Yo es tu hija.
00:09:26Yo estoy protegiendo el honor de la familia.
00:09:31Todo el mundo piensa que tú estás loca.
00:09:34Te perdiste la razón el día que
00:09:37ese hombre te dejó plantada en la iglesia.
00:09:41Aurora, por favor, te lo suplico.
00:09:43No hagas nada en contra de la familia.
00:09:46Por nuestra madre te lo pido.
00:09:48Ella estaría de mi lado.
00:09:51Y no solo pensando en el que dirán.
00:09:53Haz lo que quieras.
00:09:55Lo único que vas a producir
00:09:57es más vergüenza y tristeza a toda tu familia.
00:10:00Sé que llegará el día en que alguien me va a creer.
00:10:03Y a ti, papá, ni Dios te va a perdonar
00:10:05lo que hiciste conmigo y con tu nieto.
00:10:07Ya bastantes escándalos hiciste con la familia.
00:10:11Basta ya los dos.
00:10:13La familia es lo más importante.
00:10:16Hermana, yo sé que estás dolida después de esta tragedia.
00:10:20Pero tu hijo no va a volver a la vida
00:10:22solo porque te pongas en nuestra contra.
00:10:25¿Cómo me puedes decir eso, Isabel?
00:10:27¿No te das cuenta que ese hombre me está destrozando la vida?
00:10:31Créeme que a nosotros también nos duele lo que pasó.
00:10:34A mí más que a nadie me ilusionaba tener un sobrino.
00:10:38Verlo crecer, amarlo como a nadie.
00:10:42Pero no es culpa de mi papá.
00:10:45De nada sirve querer venir.
00:10:48De nada sirve querer vengarte.
00:10:51Esto no va a pagar tu dolor.
00:10:54Tú nunca vas a entender mi dolor.
00:10:57¿Por qué, papá? ¿Por qué me odias tanto?
00:11:01Yo soy incapaz de odiarte.
00:11:04Pero tú me fallaste.
00:11:07Pusiste el honor de esta familia en entredicho.
00:11:10Y eso no te lo puedo perdonar.
00:11:13Tengo que defender mi legado.
00:11:16Y no por culpa de tus errores nos vamos a ir todos a la ruina.
00:11:21Papá, mira. Dime dónde está Gabriel.
00:11:24Y nunca más me vuelves a ver.
00:11:26Esta loca desaparece de tu vida para siempre
00:11:29y nadie va a hablar mal de esta familia, ¿sí?
00:11:31Está muerto.
00:11:33¡Es mentira! ¡Eres un infeliz!
00:11:35¿Qué le hiciste a mi hijo, papá?
00:11:37¿Dónde está? ¿Dónde está?
00:11:39¿Qué le hiciste, por favor?
00:11:41¿Dónde está mi hijo, papá?
00:11:43¿Qué le hiciste?
00:11:45¿Dónde lo tienes, papá?
00:11:47Devuélvemelo, por favor.
00:11:57Papá, ¿dónde está mi hijo?
00:12:00¡Que me digas dónde está mi hijo!
00:12:04¿Dónde lo tienes?
00:12:06Es la última vez que te lo voy a preguntar.
00:12:07¿Dónde está?
00:12:10Devuélvemelo, papá.
00:12:12¡Por favor! ¡Por favor, te lo pido, papá!
00:12:16¡Por favor!
00:12:28¿Qué gano ahora con tu arrepentimiento, papá?
00:12:31¡Si ni siquiera puedes decirme dónde está mi hijo!
00:12:34¡Contéstame, papá!
00:12:36¿Dónde está mi hijo? ¿Dónde está Gabriel?
00:12:43¿Dónde está mi hijo?
00:12:52Madre Santa, permita que mi hijo esté bien en donde quiera que esté.
00:12:58Te lo suplico, no me lo desampares, madre mía.
00:13:03Si yo no tengo la dicha de tenerlo conmigo,
00:13:07por piedad, que la vida sea buena con él.
00:13:13Yo vengo por una lana.
00:13:15Ya me cansé de que todo lo que me da son migajas.
00:13:17Es todo lo que te puedo dar por el momento.
00:13:20Déjame de molestar y lárgate.
00:13:22Yo te voy a buscar cuando haga falta.
00:13:24Siempre hago lo que tú me dices, Isabel.
00:13:27Y si me atreví a venir ahora es porque hoy no vienen tus criados.
00:13:31Tu hermanita está en la iglesia.
00:13:34Seguro aspirando a sus culpas.
00:13:36Más te vale que me des algo de lana o empiezo a gritar.
00:13:40O empiezo a gritar para que el viejo tibio que está en la sala se entere de una vez.
00:13:44Cállate, estúpido. Cállate.
00:13:47Tú armaste todo.
00:13:49Tú armaste todo para que yo me pudiera dar gusto con tu hermanita.
00:13:56¿Te imaginas si se entera que tú eres la culpable de la tragedia de Aurora?
00:14:01¿Qué tal que el viejo se entera de que tú me pusiste a tu hermana en bandeja de plata para que la hiciera mía?
00:14:08¿Qué tal?
00:14:23¡Tú provocaste que odiara a mi hermana!
00:14:25¡Siempre la preferiste a ella!
00:14:27¿Qué? ¿Te asusta cómo soy?
00:14:30Tú siempre dijiste que yo era igual a ti.
00:14:33Y sí.
00:14:35Yo hice que el albañil abusara de mi hermana.
00:15:28¡Yesabel, ya llegué!
00:15:32¡Papá, no te mueras!
00:15:34¡Papá, no te mueras, papá!
00:15:38¡Aurora, mi papá ya se nos fue!
00:15:41¡Papá, no! ¡Papá, no, por favor!
00:15:43¡Papá! ¡Papá!
00:16:15Nos hemos quedado solas, hermana.
00:16:19Tú no estás sola, Yesabel.
00:16:21Tienes a tu hijo.
00:16:23Tú sí pudiste formar una familia.
00:16:26Además, tienes a Fabricio a tu lado.
00:16:30¿Sabes que Fabricio es un bueno para nada?
00:16:33No lo quiero como ejemplo de mi hijo.
00:16:38Y yo no descansaría hasta encontrar al mío.
00:16:41¡Ay, por favor, hermana!
00:16:44¿Que no es suficiente con el dolor que estamos atravesando?
00:16:48Ya no sufras ni nos hagas sufrir.
00:16:51Ahora te necesito yo.
00:16:53Ayúdame a sacar adelante la empresa.
00:16:56Por algo mi padre te dejó como presidenta.
00:16:59Cambió el testamento sin que nadie se diera cuenta.
00:17:02Hasta Demián lo dejó protegido hasta que cumpla la mayoría de edad.
00:17:06Hizo eso porque no podía con la culpa, Yesabel.
00:17:10Yo sé que estaba arrepentido de lo que hizo.
00:17:14Retoma tu carrera.
00:17:16Con el tiempo sanarás, te lo aseguro.
00:17:18Me dejé sola con esta carga.
00:17:21Ayúdame, hermanita.
00:17:31¿Qué es lo que quieres?
00:17:32Billuyo, dinero, marmaja.
00:17:36Pero de verdad, no limosnas.
00:17:39Mi silencio sigue valiendo mucho.
00:17:43Bueno, te veo mañana aquí a las 11.
00:17:46Bueno, te veo mañana aquí a las 11, aquí mismo.
00:17:49Sin trampas, bonita.
00:17:52Porque te puedes arrepentir.
00:17:54Tengo una persona que está enterada de todo y va a hablar si algo me llegara a pasar.
00:17:59En tu vida, me vuelvas a decir bonita.
00:18:02Pues es que eres muy bonita.
00:18:06Está bien, pero si no te gusta que te lo digan, pues ni hablar.
00:18:10Bueno, me voy, pues es que tengo otra cita.
00:18:13Dale mis saludos a tu preciosa hermana.
00:18:21Te voy a quitar la sonrisa con todo tu asqueroso diente, perro.
00:18:30Ya son las 8, ¿eh?
00:18:32Como dice mi jefa, el tiempo vuela.
00:18:34Y más cuando uno se la pasa bien.
00:18:37Mantente al pendiente, puede que salga algo pronto.
00:18:40Eso sí estaría bien rifado, ¿eh, señora?
00:18:41La verdad es que con una buena chamba, pues podré echarle la mano a mis silves.
00:18:45Y se los voy a presentar a ella que damos.
00:18:48Sí, sí, sí.
00:18:50Yo soy bien afortunado. Tengo una familia que vale oro.
00:18:53Anita es como yo, así bien echada para adelante.
00:18:55Mi papá se llama Pascual y mi mamá se llama Victoria.
00:18:57¿Sí le había dicho, no?
00:19:00Bueno, pero mejor ya me voy, no le quito tanto su tiempo.
00:19:02Nos vemos.
00:19:04Hasta luego, señora Aurora.
00:19:06¿Ya le había dicho que tiene un nombre bien bonito?
00:19:08Aurora, ¿sí?
00:19:09Muchas gracias, Ángel.
00:19:11Nos vemos pronto.
00:19:12Nos vemos pronto. Con permiso.
00:19:23No, no puedo estar haciendo esto, Dios mío.
00:19:27Ay, yo me estoy volviendo loca.
00:19:29¿Cómo puedo pensar que este muchacho es mi hijo?
00:19:32No estoy bien.
00:19:41¿Tú no estabas en tu oficina?
00:19:43Atendí unos asuntos.
00:19:46Es que te vi hace un rato subir con alguien extraño por el elevador.
00:19:51Te veía como nerviosa.
00:19:53¿Todo bien?
00:20:00En un par de días te llamará Tania para decirte si te quedas o no en el comercial.
00:20:04Sabes que Demian no está de acuerdo con que tú seas el modelo,
00:20:07pero estamos entre la espada y la pared.
00:20:13Elena, mírame.
00:20:16¿Te hice algo?
00:20:21¿Por qué le enseñaste a Maggie mis mensajes?
00:20:26Los mensajes que yo te envié.
00:20:28Pensaba que eras otro tipo de hombre,
00:20:30que no andabas alardeando con cosas y que además te importaba.
00:20:32Elena, por favor, escúchame.
00:20:35Barajéamela más despacio.
00:20:36¿Por qué le dijiste a Maggie que voy a caer contigo después de enseñarle mis mensajes?
00:21:07¿Cómo van los preparativos para nuestras competencias?
00:21:13Quiero saber todo con lujo de detalles.
00:21:17Tienes muchos problemas que resolver.
00:21:24Esto es tercer grado deportivo.
00:21:27Estados Unidos peluceó la Copa América.
00:21:30Hoy México es un equipo chico.
00:21:31Hoy México tiene que jugar a cerrar al rival.
00:21:33Busquemos colocar la guerra a un chico joven mexicano.
00:21:37Nunca fue el planaje en Melosano, Francisco. Nunca fue el planaje.
00:21:40Tercer grado deportivo. Todos los lunes al terminar en punto por las estrellas.
00:21:44En los momentos más difíciles.
00:21:46Las autoridades siguen buscando al hoy prófugo de la justicia, Gabriel Rubio.
00:21:51Ahora si nada ni nadie me va a detener hasta ver a Gabriel hundido.
00:21:54Ellos se unirán para siempre.
00:21:57Me quiero pasar contigo.
00:21:59Te amo.
00:22:01Últimos capítulos. 9.30 de la noche.
00:22:04Dicen que donde hubo fuego, la suegra queda.
00:22:07Es la misma Eva la que le puso el cuerno.
00:22:09¿Te acuerdas que mi mamá estaba obsesionada contigo?
00:22:13No creo que venga y me traiga un paquete de nata.
00:22:15Acaba de llegar tu mamá.
00:22:17Le dije que tú y yo no íbamos a volver.
00:22:20¿Es neta Eva? Este martes al terminar el noti por las estrellas.
00:22:24A la fortuna de encontrar el amor más puro.
00:22:27Así vamos a estar juntos por siempre.
00:22:29Le siguió la desgracia de la traición.
00:22:31Ahora al buscar la verdad voy a volver a la fortuna.
00:22:34Yo sé que Dios está vivo.
00:22:36La vida nos volverá a unir.
00:22:39El precio de amarte inicia lunes 2 de septiembre 9.30 de la noche por las estrellas.
00:22:45Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, domingo.
00:22:54La casa volvió para apoderarse de tu día a día.
00:22:57La casa de los famosos México.
00:22:59Lunes a viernes 10 de la noche por en 5.
00:23:01Domingo 8.30 por las estrellas.
00:23:03Y 24.7 por PIX.
00:23:05Laboratorio super secreto de comedia.
00:23:13¡Lancen B!
00:23:15La risa es una ciencia exacta.
00:23:17Afortunadamente, aunque nuestros científicos no son los más exactos,
00:23:21sí son los más divertidos.
00:23:23Televisa. Sabemos hacerte reír.
00:23:27¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh! ¡Oh!
00:23:57Sus nuevas amigas del club no descubran su pasado y el origen del dinero que tienen ella y su familia.
00:24:03La vida le enseñará a valorar sus verdaderos amigos y dejará atrás la ambición de Juana.
00:24:10La Rosa de Guadalupe. Capítulo de estreno. Lunes con las estrellas.
00:24:15N+. La información que te importa desde cualquier lugar.
00:24:18Accede al instante a lo que sucede en México y el mundo de manera rápida y fácil,
00:24:22con el seguimiento puntual a los acontecimientos de última hora.
00:24:25Siempre disponibles en la plataforma más cerca de ti.
00:24:28Síguenos para tener la información que te importa.
00:24:31N+. Donde estés, estamos.
00:24:35En esta vecindad sí saben hacer rendir cada centavo.
00:24:38¿Me da mi cuenta, por favor?
00:24:40¿50? ¡Ay, qué lindo! ¡50!
00:24:44Que sean 200.
00:24:45Apúntame con el número que sigue.
00:24:47¡Soy un gigante de las ventas!
00:24:50¡Bola de Locos! Este viernes al terminar el noti por las estrellas.
00:24:55Cada vez está más cerca el momento inevitable.
00:24:58¿Cómo van los preparativos para nuestras promesas?
00:25:01Adriano ya no puede esperar.
00:25:03Quiero saber todo con lujo de detalles.
00:25:05Y Eva sigue en el caos.
00:25:08Tienes muchos problemas que resolver.
00:25:11Por ella, soy Eva. Lunes a viernes, 1.30 de la tarde.
00:25:15Cuando una puerta se cierra...
00:25:17¡Libro al fin!
00:25:19...otra se abre.
00:25:21Te presento a tu hermana.
00:25:24Y se abre.
00:25:25Me enteré que ella es balón suelto.
00:25:27Y se abre.
00:25:29Tú puedes con esto y mucho más.
00:25:31Más vale sola.
00:25:32Estrelo Domingo, 1 de septiembre, 8 de la noche.
00:25:35En las estrellas, las mañanas son más divertidas.
00:25:37A las 9, música, consejos, rutinas de ejercicio y juegos en hoy.
00:25:41Vamos a hacer yoga facial para suavizar los surcos.
00:25:44Y al terminar, notas, cocina, famosos y más solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:25:49De Antonio Banderas contra Will Smith.
00:25:51Sacaron los pasos prohibidos.
00:25:53De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
00:25:55Una traición que la transformó.
00:25:57Nunca voy a dejar a Teresa.
00:25:58Y destruyó a una familia.
00:26:00Soy la dueña de la fortuna.
00:26:02Y pronto del pueblo entero.
00:26:04Voy a averiguar quién eres en realidad.
00:26:06Quien destruyó mi vida va a tener que pagar.
00:26:09El Precio de Amarte.
00:26:10Inicia lunes 2 de septiembre, 9.30 de la noche por las estrellas.
00:26:15Juan hará lo posible para que sus nuevas amigas del club
00:26:18no descubran su pasado y el origen del dinero que tienen ella y su familia.
00:26:23La vida le enseñará a valorar sus verdaderos amigos
00:26:26y dejará atrás la ambición de Juana.
00:26:30La Rosa de Guadalupe.
00:26:32Capítulo de estreno.
00:26:33Lunes con las estrellas.
00:26:35Las primeras horas del día también traen las primeras historias
00:26:37que hay que conocer.
00:26:39Ágil, precisa y puntual.
00:26:40Así conocerás toda la información en las noticias.
00:26:43Porque lo que pasa en México y el mundo está aquí.
00:26:46Soy Carlos Furtado y te espero en las noticias.
00:26:48Un noticiero de NEMAS.
00:26:49Lunes a viernes 5.50 de la mañana con las estrellas.
00:27:07¿Vas a querer dormir arriba o abajo?
00:27:09¿Lo dejaste solo en el cuarto?
00:27:11Con todo el dinero.
00:27:12Está libre este jueves al terminar el lote.
00:27:15Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, domingo.
00:27:24La casa volvió para apoderarse de tu día a día.
00:27:27La casa de los famosos México.
00:27:29Lunes a viernes 10 de la noche por el 5.
00:27:31Domingo 8.30 por las estrellas.
00:27:33Y 24.7 por VIX.
00:27:35Prefiero morirme a perderte.
00:27:37Esta es la última vez que tú y yo nos vemos.
00:27:39Sebastián no es hombre de una sola mujer.
00:27:40Y no es la primera vez que nos damos un tiempo
00:27:42y que él anda con alguien más.
00:27:45Por más que he hecho, no he podido olvidarte.
00:27:47¿Esta es la habitación de Mario Espinoza?
00:27:49Acabo de recibir tus flores.
00:27:51Yo no te mando ninguna flor.
00:27:52No sé.
00:27:53Lunes a viernes 6.30 de la tarde.
00:27:55Cuando una puerta se cierra...
00:27:58Libro el fin.
00:27:59...otra se abre.
00:28:01Te presento a tu hermana.
00:28:05Y se abre.
00:28:06Me enteré que ella es balón suelto.
00:28:07Y se abre.
00:28:09Tú puedes con esto y mucho más.
00:28:11Más vale sola.
00:28:12Estreno domingo 1 de septiembre 8 de la noche.
00:28:35y seguiste avanzando por todo mi cuerpo y no dejas de irme y aquí sigo pensándote
00:28:55No sé si voy a acostumbrarme, no
00:29:02Tú y yo somos de almas tan iguales
00:29:07que lograron encontrarse
00:29:13escribiendo un nuevo verso
00:29:18Y es que somos auroras en el cielo
00:29:23iluminando los momentos
00:29:29en un mundo paralelo
00:29:35Sé que existe ese lugar
00:29:39donde podamos
00:29:46de nuevo
00:29:54Libro de la noche
00:30:01I never taught Maggie anything.
00:30:02Much less did I say that.
00:30:03So how did she know?
00:30:05She told me in front of all the colleagues at the office.
00:30:08Elena, when I got the messages, I was with her,
00:30:13but I was also with my parents, I was with Anita.
00:30:15So you taught all your family the messages
00:30:18and you told them I'm going to fall for you?
00:30:24That man you saw me with was the cleaning man.
00:30:27I was scolding him because if you're not on top of them,
00:30:29they do pure crap.
00:30:33Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been all day.
00:30:36Do you need anything?
00:30:37No, nothing.
00:30:39And don't worry, I understand that you are attending to your personal matters.
00:30:46I'm going with Aurora to see if she has read the proposal.
00:30:51Anything else?
00:30:54Excuse me.
00:31:03Are you crazy, old man?
00:31:05How are we going to leave just because?
00:31:07Here is our life.
00:31:09What explanation are we going to give to Angel and Anita?
00:31:12We can't play, we're going to lose our son.
00:31:15And you think that by running away, we're going to solve it?
00:31:18That would be falling into the manipulation of Pintas.
00:31:22He's scaring us, old man.
00:31:25But a barking dog doesn't bite.
00:31:31I do everything for my children, Vicky.
00:31:35For you too.
00:31:37But that dog does bite.
00:31:40And I don't want to take any risks.
00:31:43I had my son in my arms when his grandfather hit me.
00:31:47I let that damn old man hit me.
00:31:51Don't curse him, Pascual.
00:31:52He's already on the other side, making up stories.
00:31:55Well, it's better for him, old woman.
00:31:58Because what he did to his daughter has no name.
00:32:03And that's what I'm telling you.
00:32:04Nobody takes my Angel away from me.
00:32:09We raised him and he will never know the truth.
00:32:14And if they take him away from me, I'll die, old woman.
00:32:20If Pintas keeps bothering us, we'll go to another town and that's it.
00:32:25Oh, my son.
00:32:26But we have to think things through.
00:32:30It's not that easy.
00:32:31Vicky, I...
00:32:34I'm sorry I kept nagging Rolas.
00:32:37What's wrong, dad?
00:32:39Why are you crying?
00:32:46Because I love them very much.
00:32:49And you know what?
00:32:52It would break my heart...
00:32:55if I lost them.
00:33:05There's no point in talking about this.
00:33:07I'm just asking you to stay professional and don't gossip about me.
00:33:11Now go.
00:33:16Look me in the eyes.
00:33:19I'm not a man of money, but I'm a man of rights.
00:33:23I would never tell anyone that you're going to fall for me because...
00:33:29You don't have to give me any more explanations.
00:33:32I'm just asking you not to repeat it, please.
00:33:37Don't worry. I control Maggie. She's very jealous.
00:33:40Well, there's no need.
00:33:42I'll see you tomorrow, right?
00:33:43Because Anita's game is on.
00:33:46But of course not.
00:33:48And much less after all the mess you've made.
00:33:51Elena, please.
00:33:53Elena, please.
00:33:56Of course you'll go.
00:33:58Because my sister likes you very much.
00:34:01Besides, we're just friends, right?
00:34:18I love you.
00:34:48I love you.
00:35:19I love you.
00:35:22I love you.
00:35:48I love you.
00:35:57So, are you going to read the proposal, Antonio?
00:36:01Until I get back from the flowers.
00:36:03By the way, I need you to help me with the sanction of Isabel and Demián.
00:36:09Are you really going to do it?
00:36:11Of course.
00:36:14You know what, Julio Cesar?
00:36:17I had a long talk with that boy a while ago.
00:36:20With Angel.
00:36:22The boy from the campaign.
00:36:23You probably saw him at the entrance.
00:36:28Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:36:32Julio Cesar, don't look at me like that.
00:36:36You know that every time I meet a boy of Gabriel's age,
00:36:39I get this maternal instinct.
00:36:42And speaking of that, how is Alberto doing?
00:36:44I would also like to talk to him.
00:36:47No, he's fine.
00:36:49Although today we were at the cemetery, we had an approach.
00:36:55However, the reproaches continue and, well, I understand.
00:36:59Julio Cesar has to go to therapy.
00:37:02This is not going to be solved in a day or in a month.
00:37:05It can take years.
00:37:07But they have to do it together.
00:37:12New clothes were also bought.
00:37:15I asked Quiles and Gloria to help him with that.
00:37:21You are an excellent father.
00:37:23You will see that with everything you are doing for him,
00:37:25Alberto will soon recover his life from before.
00:37:28Of course.
00:37:30You will see that yes.
00:37:37An apology.
00:37:38I had to make a couple of calls and check a few things.
00:37:41I'm sorry.
00:37:55It's always the same.
00:37:56He came to vote for me with you as if you were my babysitters.
00:37:59You will come to work.
00:38:00Let's see, Bebo, calm down.
00:38:01Well, if he has to work, look how beautiful this is.
00:38:04Yes, besides, I would like to have a father like yours,
00:38:06who gives me many things.
00:38:08On the other hand, mine was born and left.
00:38:10But he told me we were going to have dinner.
00:38:13Are you coming with me?
00:38:16No, no, no, no, no.
00:38:17Why not?
00:38:18No, because you already had dinner.
00:38:19Or do you want to have dinner twice?
00:38:20I can have dinner twice.
00:38:21Oh, why?
00:38:22So that you don't fit in?
00:38:23What happens to you is that you envy me.
00:38:25Or that you have that body of a clavadista de la quebrada
00:38:29and you don't realize how Maggie sees me and says,
00:38:31Oh, what a delicious patty.
00:38:34I think it's better to say,
00:38:36Oh, what a delicious cheese bread.
00:38:39Don't touch me.
00:38:40Fatness, beauty.
00:38:41Thinness, bitterness.
00:38:43Oh, well, I prefer to be bitter to look like cotton candy.
00:38:46My curves are natural.
00:38:47Lumberjack of Agua Puerca.
00:38:49Well, my muscles are also natural.
00:38:50Hippopotamus of the safari.
00:38:52Hey, shut up, please.
00:38:54I don't feel quite right.
00:38:58Son, my little friend, I think we better go.
00:39:00Yes, we understand.
00:39:02Don't worry, we'll leave you alone.
00:39:03No, no, no, no, no.
00:39:04You don't have to go.
00:39:05You don't have to go.
00:39:07Do you really call yourself Gloria?
00:39:11Yes, right?
00:39:18What's up, my pintas?
00:39:21What's up with that dance?
00:39:24Chitón, Chitón, Chitón.
00:39:25How's the plan going?
00:39:26Tell me.
00:39:27Chitón, man.
00:39:28Hold on to my flesh.
00:39:31Because I was going to get some good money from the Lord.
00:39:34But thanks to another good idea I came up with,
00:39:37we can get the double.
00:39:40Well, no.
00:39:41The triple.
00:39:43I just needed to check if the Lord was really going to go to the date.
00:39:47Well, I saw a rich man in a very fine suit.
00:39:49And yes, he looked very heavy.
00:39:51But like, why are you going to lose more money, or what?
00:39:54Shut up.
00:39:55Shut up, Chitón.
00:39:57Well, I have a secret.
00:39:59Of those that are worth gold, bro.
00:40:02That's why I need you.
00:40:04And besides, I like you.
00:40:06Okay, pintas.
00:40:08But I already started working.
00:40:10And that costs.
00:40:12Watch, man.
00:40:13That's why you don't worry.
00:40:15I'm going to give you some money for every payment you make me.
00:40:19Come on.
00:40:21Come on.
00:40:22I invite.
00:40:23Did you sign?
00:40:24Of course, I invite.
00:40:26Guamazo invited him.
00:40:27One mole, father, please.
00:40:29Why do you see the control I have here?
00:40:31You'll see.
00:40:32Come on.
00:40:33In the most difficult moments.
00:40:35The authorities are still looking for today's fugitive of justice, Gabriel Rubio.
00:40:39Now if nothing or no one is going to stop me until I see Gabriel sunk.
00:40:42They will unite forever.
00:40:45I want to be with you.
00:40:47I love you.
00:40:48I love you.
00:40:49Last chapters, 9.30 at night.
00:40:59I thought you had already stopped cheating on people.
00:41:02I'm not going to let you ruin your life.
00:41:04I'm sorry.
00:41:05I didn't mean to make you feel bad.
00:41:06From now on we will be together as a family.
00:41:09As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:41:12They say that where there was fire, the shadow remains.
00:41:15Yes, but it's the same Eva who put the horn on him.
00:41:17Do you remember that my mother was obsessed with you?
00:41:21I don't think she comes and brings me a pancake of cream.
00:41:23Your mother just arrived.
00:41:25I told her that you and I were not going to return.
00:41:28Is it true, Eva?
00:41:29This Tuesday at the end of the NOTI.
00:41:31For the stars.
00:41:42The house returned to take over your day to day.
00:41:44The house of the famous Mexico.
00:41:46Monday to Friday.
00:41:47Ten at night.
00:41:48At five.
00:41:50Eight thirty.
00:41:51For the stars.
00:41:52And twenty-four seven.
00:41:53For VIX.
00:41:54These are the news in point.
00:41:55The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:41:59They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:42:03The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:42:06Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:42:09In point.
00:42:10Ten thirty.
00:42:11For the stars.
00:42:12The inevitable moment is getting closer and closer.
00:42:15How are the preparations for our concerts going?
00:42:19Adriano can no longer wait.
00:42:21I want to know everything in great detail.
00:42:23And Eva is still in chaos.
00:42:25You have a lot of problems to solve.
00:42:28For her I am Eva.
00:42:30Monday to Friday.
00:42:31One thirty in the afternoon.
00:42:32When a door closes.
00:42:34Free at last.
00:42:36Another opens.
00:42:38I present you to your sister.
00:42:41And it opens.
00:42:42I found out that she is a loose ball.
00:42:44And it opens.
00:42:46You can do this and much more.
00:42:48More is worth alone.
00:42:49Premiere Sunday.
00:42:50First of September.
00:42:51Eight at night.
00:42:52To the fortune of finding the purest love.
00:42:55So we will be together forever.
00:42:57He followed the misfortune of betrayal.
00:42:59Now, looking for the truth.
00:43:01I'm going back to fortune.
00:43:02I know God is alive.
00:43:04Life will reunite them.
00:43:07The price of loving you.
00:43:08It starts Monday, September 2.
00:43:10Nine thirty at night.
00:43:11For the stars.
00:43:12I prefer to die than to lose you.
00:43:14This is the last time you and I see each other.
00:43:16Sebastián is not a man of a single woman.
00:43:18And it is not the first time that we give ourselves a time and that he is with someone else.
00:43:22As much as I have done, I have not been able to forget you.
00:43:24This is Mario Espinoza's room.
00:43:27I just received your flowers.
00:43:28I did not send you any flowers.
00:43:30I do not know.
00:43:31Monday to Friday, six thirty in the afternoon.
00:43:34The information that matters to you from anywhere.
00:43:36Access the instant to what happens in Mexico and the world.
00:43:38Quickly and easily.
00:43:40With punctual follow-up to events of last minute.
00:43:43Always available on the platform closest to you.
00:43:46Follow us to have the information that matters to you.
00:43:50Wherever you are, we are.
00:43:53In Las Estrellas, mornings are more fun.
00:43:55At nine, music, advice, exercise routines and games today.
00:43:59We are going to do martial yoga to soften the ulcers.
00:44:02And at the end, notes, kitchen, famous and more, only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:44:07Antonio Banderas against Will Smith.
00:44:09They took the forbidden steps.
00:44:11From Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:44:13Here you will find the latest sports news, the results that interest you.
00:44:18So close to that gold, really, for me we won.
00:44:21Moments that mark day after day.
00:44:24I arrived at a good time, energetic, physical.
00:44:27Sports contact.
00:44:28Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at eleven thirty at night.
00:44:31With the stars.
00:44:33Juan will do his best so that his new friends in the club do not discover his past and the origin of the money he and his family have.
00:44:41Life will teach you to value your true friends and leave behind the ambition of Juana.
00:44:48The rose of Guadalupe.
00:44:50Premiere chapter.
00:44:51Monday with the stars.
00:44:54Look at us well.
00:44:56They tell us young people with few resources.
00:44:59But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
00:45:07Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
00:45:12See them.
00:45:13A betrayal that transformed her.
00:45:15I will never leave Teresa.
00:45:16And destroyed a family.
00:45:18I am the owner of the fortune and soon of the whole town.
00:45:21I'm going to find out who you really are.
00:45:23Who destroyed my life will have to pay.
00:45:27The price of loving you starts Monday, September 2 at nine thirty at night with the stars.
00:45:33When Paola returns.
00:45:34You don't have to wait for me.
00:45:36Here I am.
00:45:37Will be discovered.
00:45:39You are discovered by everyone.
00:45:43What will happen when Paulina also returns?
00:45:46I am the usurper.
00:45:48Monday to Friday, two thirty in the afternoon.
00:45:51By the stars.
00:45:53Our menu of the week contains many truths that will help you face your needs.
00:46:00I thought you had already stopped cheating people.
00:46:03I'm not going to let you go and lose your life.
00:46:05I'm sorry.
00:46:06I did not want to make you feel bad.
00:46:07From now on we will be together as a family.
00:46:10As the saying goes.
00:46:11Stories that connect with you.
00:46:13Your day begins, wake up.
00:46:18With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
00:46:23In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and crime.
00:46:27Wake up.
00:46:28A newscast from NMAS.
00:46:29Monday to Friday, seven to nine in the morning.
00:46:31With the stars.
00:46:33I prefer to die to lose you.
00:46:35This is the last time you and I see each other.
00:46:36Sebastián is not the man of a single woman.
00:46:38And it is not the first time that we give ourselves a time and that he is with someone else.
00:46:42No matter what I have done, I have not been able to forget you.
00:46:44Is this Mario Espinosa's room?
00:46:47I just received your flowers.
00:46:49I do not burn any flowers.
00:46:50I do not know.
00:46:51Monday to Friday, six thirty in the afternoon.
00:46:53In this neighborhood, they do know how to make every penny count.
00:46:57Give me my account, please.
00:46:59Oh, how cute.
00:47:02Make it two hundred.
00:47:03Note me with the number that follows.
00:47:05I am a giant in appearance.
00:47:08Lotus Ball.
00:47:09This Friday at the end of the noti.
00:47:11For the stars.
00:47:41The house returned to take over from your day to day.
00:47:45The house of the famous Mexico.
00:47:47Monday to Friday, ten o'clock at night.
00:47:48For five.
00:47:49Sunday, eight thirty.
00:47:50For the stars.
00:47:51And twenty-four seven.
00:47:52For PIX.
00:47:53For the stars.
00:47:54For PIX.
00:47:58How much is left for the audience?
00:48:03In fact, we have to leave because the most sure thing is that Antonio is already on the
00:48:14Everything will be fine.
00:48:15I promise you.
00:48:17You're going to be okay. I promise.
00:48:20Also, I'm going to ask your sister to come and testify.
00:48:24Isn't that enough with Antonio?
00:48:27If the medical record doesn't show up,
00:48:29Yesabel will serve as a witness that she did exist.
00:48:33The doctor who examined you is dead.
00:48:37The judge must remain seated. He did commit the crime.
00:48:40That's fine.
00:48:42The more evidence we have, the better.
00:48:45It won't be easy for Yesabel to come.
00:48:48Speaking of Yesabel, she must be spitting fire right now.
00:48:52She's already been sentenced.
00:48:56So she can learn not to jump without authorization?
00:49:00Aurora, I saw Yesabel talking to a very strange man.
00:49:05He said he was a staff member, but I know them all.
00:49:09He wasn't one of them.
00:49:15We have to go. I have to talk to the judge.
00:49:19Let's go.
00:49:21Let's go.
00:50:01Aurora, mi amor.
00:50:28¿Qué pasa?
00:50:30Yo llegué esta mañana y mi novia...
00:50:34a Aurora.
00:50:36She told me that you had just raped her.
00:50:40He raped me.
00:50:45How long were you together?
00:50:47One year, but we met a little more than two.
00:50:51I met her in a course I took when I saw her for the first time.
00:50:56Tell me more about the place where the events took place.
00:51:01I had the house built thinking that we would live there after we got married.
00:51:07Do you remember where you were on the night of the altercation?
00:51:10Yes, I do remember.
00:51:13I was with Aurora all day.
00:51:16At night I was studying with a friend, Fabrizio Morga.
00:51:22I remember that the next day Aurora arrived with torn clothes.
00:51:27Dad? Antonio?
00:51:30When the doctor arrived, he checked her room and determined that
00:51:37they had sexually abused her.
00:51:43The doctor who examined her gave the victim's will, but he is currently missing.
00:51:49I saw him. I saw him there in Aurora's bedroom.
00:51:53He had it in my office, but I don't remember.
00:51:56My sister, Isabel, must know because she took care of everything after what happened.
00:52:01If that is the case, it is necessary that her sister, Isabel Campero Navarro, come to testify.
00:52:10Did you see what my aunt did?
00:52:14She punished us.
00:52:24Do I really dare?
00:52:26No, I'm not going to allow it.
00:52:28We are the owners of the company.
00:52:30It's stupid to punish the owners.
00:52:32It's disrespectful.
00:52:34Yesterday, Mom, she left me alone in her office.
00:52:41And that's it?
00:52:43Are you done?
00:52:46Damián, you don't learn.
00:52:49Why don't you let the businesswoman play and ignore her?
00:52:52None of what I do is absolutely relevant.
00:52:54I don't understand why you love to play manipulations, Mom,
00:52:59if you and I have almost all the power.
00:53:04Let your mom take care of it, okay?
00:53:13It's delicious.
00:53:14It's delicious.
00:53:21I haven't allowed you to take care of anything since I realized your manipulations.
00:53:29The company will be mine.
00:53:34Neither you nor Aurora have the ability to handle it.
00:53:40Look, as long as you behave like a spoiled child,
00:53:44you won't be able to handle anything at all.
00:53:48You won't even be able to control Elena.
00:53:51Let your aunt get distracted with her nonsense about the complaint
00:53:55and you get to work.
00:53:57That way you'll get to the presidency faster.
00:54:00You think that without her, the company will go bankrupt, right?
00:54:03Well, go ahead.
00:54:05Prove it.
00:54:08And change your vest, you're already dirty.
00:54:21I'm on my way.
00:54:25Go ahead.
00:54:28Do you think it's okay how you behaved with Miss Elena?
00:54:31That's why no one wants to join us at lunchtime, Maggie.
00:54:34Well, I just said what I saw.
00:54:36Anyway, you were very rude and you didn't have to.
00:54:39Oh, well, I think you're right about that, Mrs. Espe.
00:54:42Oh, but it also gives me a lot of courage
00:54:44that I'm throwing the dog at my angel when she already has a boyfriend.
00:54:47What do you care, Margarita?
00:54:49And it's not to defend her, but I know
00:54:52that she's not conquering anyone.
00:54:54Don't confuse her kindness.
00:54:56Still, I don't want her to eat with us.
00:54:59Well, let her go to her luxury restaurants.
00:55:01She doesn't have to use us to take her town baths.
00:55:05And who are you to decide where she eats and where she doesn't?
00:55:13Go for it, Anita!
00:55:14Careful, careful.
00:55:16Pass it.
00:55:17Come on, Rolas!
00:55:18Go for it!
00:55:21Come on!
00:55:22Go for it, Anita!
00:55:23Go for it, Anita!
00:55:25Careful, careful!
00:55:26No, it can't be!
00:55:28Rolas, open your hands!
00:55:30Rolas, go for it, go for it!
00:55:32I can't see, I can't see!
00:55:34Why does the goalkeeper put it on? I don't understand.
00:55:37Who is it?
00:55:38Sorry I'm so late, I couldn't find a place to park.
00:55:40Don't worry.
00:55:41Bosses, this is Briana.
00:55:43Nice to meet you.
00:55:44Victoria Pascual, my bosses.
00:55:45How are you?
00:55:46Nice to meet you.
00:55:48And your sister?
00:55:49She probably went to have breakfast with her boyfriend and then to the kitchen.
00:55:56She probably didn't want to come to Maggie's show.
00:55:58Which show?
00:56:00Nothing, it was a show there.
00:56:02Come on, come on!
00:56:05It can't be!
00:56:06Let's go!
00:56:07Let's go!
00:56:08I can't believe how jealous you can get, Margarita.
00:56:11Why are you so jealous?
00:56:14Of course not, Mrs. Espe.
00:56:15Jealous of what?
00:56:17I was your age, Maggie.
00:56:19And I was also jealous when I was dating Pepe La Hierba and Lupe La Clipa.
00:56:24I mean it.
00:56:27You have to apologize, Elena.
00:56:29Besides, you have to see about your son's illness.
00:56:34What illness?
00:56:35Don't play dumb, Margarita.
00:56:37Your son has a visual impairment.
00:56:41Yes, I know.
00:56:43But I don't know how to help him with that.
00:56:46He doesn't know everything I've investigated.
00:56:49What happened?
00:56:50Why are you fighting?
00:56:53No one is fighting here.
00:56:55And don't create a mess again, please.
00:56:58We'll talk about food later.
00:57:00By the way, yesterday I was calling and calling to ask you something.
00:57:05Oh, we were with Pepe's son.
00:57:14Mr. Antonio must have the entire list of workers who were in that building.
00:57:20I'm not sure, Julio Cesar.
00:57:21That was almost 30 years ago.
00:57:25I don't think I've kept that information.
00:57:28You must have something somewhere.
00:57:30Please, you have to look for it.
00:57:32I'm telling you I don't know.
00:57:33It's okay, I'll look for it.
00:57:35If you really want to help, you have to give priority to that list.
00:57:39The abuser may be among those workers who worked in that house.
00:57:44Gentlemen, please focus on the statement.
00:57:51Let's go!
00:57:53Anita, your mark!
00:57:55Hey, you have a penalty!
00:57:57Up, Anita, up!
00:57:58The mark, the mark!
00:58:00You don't deserve a card.
00:58:01What happened?
00:58:04Rulas, get ready!
00:58:05Don't stand still, guys!
00:58:06To your mark!
00:58:08Hey, Angel, what are you going to do after the game?
00:58:11What if we go to the movies?
00:58:13There's a new horror movie that looks great.
00:58:15Yes, yes, yes.
00:58:27I told you you'd come.
00:58:28Yes, but only for a little while, because I have a lot of work with this new campaign.
00:58:34I thought you were with Demian.
00:58:36No, he's doing other things.
00:58:38What do you think? Angel just invited me to the movies.
00:58:44If it hadn't been for your father, we would have done this a long time ago.
00:58:52Before I got here, I walked around the church.
00:58:56I remembered those moments when we went to the procession.
00:59:01Erase those memories like I did.
00:59:06I'm sorry, Aurora, but I could never.
00:59:10All that doesn't exist anymore, Antonio.
00:59:13Why can't you understand?
00:59:16Because I love you.
00:59:18Because I love you, Aurora.
00:59:19I love you.
00:59:20I love you.
00:59:29Lena and Briana are with the dog Naco.
00:59:31Well, then we'll see each other tomorrow.
00:59:33It's time for me to get the chance to love again.
00:59:36Well, keep loving.
00:59:39You must be Antonio's friend.
00:59:41What friend?
00:59:44Lena, what if you fall in love with the model?
01:00:06Well, is this all the experience you have?
01:00:09Yes, ma'am, but what I don't know, I can learn.
01:00:12I like that attitude.
01:00:14Well, when can you start?
01:00:23Well, when can you start?
