Escape Pod Full HD

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After a deadly explosion on their deep-space vessel, a young astronaut wakes up on an escape pod with no memory of how he got there or of the explosion. With limited knowledge, he must listen to the stories of those on board with him to piece together what really happened.
00:00:005, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:00:30Hey, are you okay?
00:00:42Asher, wake up.
00:00:54Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:00:58Hold this there.
00:01:04Launching in 5, 4, 3, 2.
00:01:12Launch failed.
00:01:15The locking mechanism is stuck.
00:01:18Where am I?
00:01:21Ah, ah, ah.
00:01:36Momentum stabilized.
00:01:38Please stay seated.
00:01:42Warning, oxygen system breached.
00:01:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, sit down, you're hurt.
00:01:48I'm fine.
00:01:49Your head is in bad shape.
00:01:50I'm fine, let me help.
00:01:52Warning, oxygen system breached.
00:01:56We need to patch these.
00:02:00Find some XR tape.
00:02:06Warning, oxygen system breached.
00:02:18Warning, oxygen system breached.
00:02:25Got it.
00:02:26Patch this up.
00:02:36Warning, oxygen system breached.
00:02:39This one too.
00:02:51Oxygen stable at 39%.
00:02:54Time remaining, one day, ten hours, forty minutes.
00:03:01Oh, shit.
00:03:02Your head.
00:03:04Come on, let's go look at it.
00:03:07What's going on?
00:03:08Sit down.
00:03:12Where am I?
00:03:13An escape pod.
00:03:14I need to ask you some questions.
00:03:17Try to remember these words.
00:03:22Hold on.
00:03:23I'll explain in a minute, just repeat those words.
00:03:30What ship were you on?
00:03:33None, I'm an intern.
00:03:37Who's the current president?
00:03:39Starline or the U.S.?
00:03:41Whatever you remember.
00:03:43Starline is Juan Gutierrez.
00:03:45U.S. is Taylor Martin.
00:03:47You're a couple years off.
00:03:48What were those words again?
00:03:55What is the last thing you remember before blacking out?
00:03:58I don't know.
00:04:00You don't remember anything.
00:04:02I remember working for Starline and then I remember applying to work on the Magellan and I was signing up for the entrance exam and...
00:04:17My name is Maya Oberlin.
00:04:19This might come as a bit of a shock to you but you've been working on the Magellan III for the past five years.
00:04:25Doing what?
00:04:27Your badge said upkeep technician.
00:04:34Oh, I guess I failed that exam.
00:04:41There was an explosion on the top deck.
00:04:44I was on the orlop checking cargo when it happened.
00:04:47You were out cold by the pod door so I pulled you in.
00:04:56You don't seem concussed but you have severe amnesia from the head trauma.
00:05:01Give it time.
00:05:04Where are we going?
00:05:05I'm currently navigating to the NASA diamond mine on Cupid.
00:05:10With Cupid?
00:05:11Like Alpha Centauri Cupid?
00:05:13We're a long way from home.
00:05:14I've never been out of the solar system.
00:05:16I've never even been to outer space.
00:05:18I know this is a lot but I need you to bear with me.
00:05:23What's our ETA?
00:05:24We will arrive in two days, four hours, and twenty-one minutes.
00:05:30Oxygen's going fast.
00:05:32Probably another leak.
00:05:34Cosmo, send a distress signal to the NASA Cupid base.
00:05:38Speak your message aloud when prompted.
00:05:43There was an explosion on the Magellan III and our pod is damaged.
00:05:46We are headed in your direction but we will not have enough oxygen to make it.
00:05:50We need a shuttle to retrieve us.
00:05:54Message failed to send.
00:05:56Please check the DSN ship and try again.
00:05:59Cosmo, retry.
00:06:02Message failed to send.
00:06:05Please check the DSN ship and try again.
00:06:08Cosmo, where's the DSN ship?
00:06:10The DSN ship is located behind the A panel on the port side.
00:06:16Do you know how to fix that?
00:06:19I didn't know how to fix a pipe either.
00:06:21Do you remember any of your pre-mission training?
00:06:24Not even college feels blurry.
00:06:29So you're a UT with no training and no education.
00:06:32Believe me, I'm not happy about it either.
00:06:45Cosmo, system reboot.
00:06:47Wait, wait, why are you rebooting?
00:06:49I'm making sure it's not an ID10T.
00:06:51A what?
00:06:52You don't remember?
00:06:54No, I told you, I don't remember anything.
00:06:56When something's not working and all it needed is to be rebooted, it's an ID10T.
00:07:06They actually teach you that?
00:07:08Day one, Starland tradition.
00:07:16Hey, I think I found it.
00:07:18It looks fine.
00:07:22Well, it's not.
00:07:23So keep looking.
00:07:24Cosmo, owned and operated by Starline Incorporated.
00:07:28It seems I was rebooted from a previous session.
00:07:31Would you like to pick up where you left off?
00:07:34Cosmo, resend distress signal to the NASA Cupid base.
00:07:38I'm sorry, I'm unable to connect to the deep space network.
00:07:42There we go.
00:07:44Cosmo, troubleshoot DSN chip.
00:07:48One of the physical connections to the DSN chip has been lost.
00:07:51I'm already on it.
00:07:54There's a split wire.
00:07:56That's an easy fix, right?
00:08:00There we go.
00:08:03Cosmo, resend distress signal.
00:08:06Distress signal sent.
00:08:13Cosmo, contact another escape pod.
00:08:16I don't see any other active Starline pods near you.
00:08:21Cosmo, search for escape pods from Magellan-3, mission MDS-06.
00:08:26I don't see any active escape pods from Magellan-3, mission MDS-06.
00:08:32Maybe we're the only ones.
00:08:34Maybe no one made it down.
00:08:38All the pods are in the bottom deck.
00:08:41You remember that?
00:08:43I may have been obsessed with Magellan since I was a kid.
00:08:52Cosmo, lower the viewport shield.
00:08:55Okay, lowering the viewport shield.
00:09:12It's beautiful.
00:09:14It's no Earth, but...
00:09:20Why are we in Alpha Centauri?
00:09:23It was a detour on a 25 year deep space mission.
00:09:2725 years?
00:09:29That's like a prison sentence.
00:09:33My family thought I was crazy for going.
00:09:37Why did you?
00:09:40I bought into the whole Earth has ended movement.
00:09:45Politics aren't a good enough reason to shoot yourself in the space for a quarter of your life.
00:09:49I learned that the hard way.
00:09:52These missions are long and dangerous, so Starline recruits young and naive.
00:09:57And I was both.
00:09:59Plus, I didn't feel like I could do anything else more meaningful at that age.
00:10:06What about you?
00:10:08Why would you have signed up?
00:10:11I've always loved space.
00:10:13I think about, you know, for the first time we can finally explore other worlds.
00:10:20I think about the old scientists like Hawking or Einstein and how jealous they'd be.
00:10:27It'd be a waste if I didn't go.
00:10:33What did you do on board?
00:10:35E.T. Bio. We were looking for life.
00:10:39That's all Starline's ever been looking for.
00:10:44About a month ago we took a detour to Selene to take some samples.
00:10:49Find anything?
00:10:51Can't say.
00:10:52Come on.
00:10:53No. No. Starline is super strict about sharing classified information.
00:11:04You know, that cut on the DSN chip looked pretty clean.
00:11:10Yeah, like it was cut on purpose.
00:11:13Everything in there was completely ruined except for that one wire.
00:11:17That doesn't mean anything.
00:11:18Think about it. We took a detour to Selene. We found something on the surface.
00:11:23I didn't say that.
00:11:25It's never classified when you find nothing.
00:11:30Let's just say Selene was a lot like Europa.
00:11:37Your message to the NASA cube at base has been received.
00:11:45We should take inventory.
00:12:03Beds if we can sleep.
00:12:31Cosmo, where's the key for the lower trapdoor?
00:12:34The key is located in the black toolbox on the rear wall to the right of the exit ladder.
00:12:45Maybe it's supposed to be locked? Maintenance only?
00:12:48Then I should have a key.
00:12:57Something else is going on here.
00:13:00Everything is a conspiracy. Tragedies happen. Keys get lost.
00:13:09Before, you said you were on the bottom deck looking at cargo.
00:13:15What cargo?
00:13:17Can we just focus on making it home?
00:13:20NASA is going to have questions. I want to have the answers.
00:13:26We thought we left some cargo on Selene. I was making sure we didn't.
00:13:31Lucky you were there.
00:13:33I just hope I'm not the only one who got lucky.
00:13:36You seem pretty calm considering the circumstances.
00:13:40We're trained to stay calm.
00:13:43Okay, but if we really are the last people out here, then that probably means-
00:13:46Are you trying to push me?
00:13:48I don't want to panic or get in trouble for telling you something I shouldn't.
00:13:52Yes, it's weird that a wire was cut and that there's no key.
00:13:55But these missions always take detours.
00:13:57And we didn't find anything on Selene.
00:13:59Just like Titan and Europa and Enceladus.
00:14:02And if there is some big conspiracy, Starline will fix it on Earth.
00:14:06But we're not on Earth. We're not even on Cupid.
00:14:10We're in a metal box with a shitty engine, no signal, light years from home.
00:14:16Incoming message from Cupid Mine SNR. Playing message.
00:14:21Hello, this is Commander Jack Schaefer, head of SNR from the NASA Cupid Diamond Mine.
00:14:27We've received your messages and have all of you located on radar.
00:14:31We're sending a rescue shuttle and will be there within 24 hours.
00:14:34Halt any navigation, stop your engines, and stay in place.
00:14:38We want to keep you in the same area.
00:14:40Halt any navigation, stop your engines, and stay in place.
00:14:43We want to keep you in the same area. Hang tight.
00:14:49Cosmo and navigation.
00:14:51Stopping navigation to the NASA Cupid Diamond Mine.
00:14:56He made it sound like there were more pods.
00:15:00Then why couldn't we colony them?
00:15:02Maybe there's something else wrong with our chip?
00:15:05Or we're not the only ones with a split line.
00:15:10Warning. Incoming object.
00:15:14Warning. Incoming object.
00:15:18Warning. Incoming object.
00:15:22Grab the lever!
00:15:24Warning. Impact detected.
00:15:27Warning. Impact detected.
00:15:30Warning. Impact detected.
00:15:33Warning. Impact detected.
00:15:36Warning. Impact detected.
00:15:40Warning. Impact detected.
00:16:00Hydrogen. Oxygen. Nitrogen.
00:16:04I'm sick of it.
00:16:05Do you want to bail and get some dinner?
00:16:15Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
00:16:18You okay?
00:16:20You okay?
00:16:21Yeah. Yeah.
00:16:22Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
00:16:23Yeah. Yeah. I...
00:16:27Power's out.
00:16:29We need to find the breaker.
00:16:33It's probably down there.
00:16:40Are you sure you're okay?
00:16:43I'm fine.
00:16:45Just help me pry it open.
00:16:57That's a lot of water.
00:17:00Yeah. That could explain why our oxygen's going so fast.
00:17:05On the Cosmopods, it's all one system.
00:17:08The water's split into hydrogen and oxygen.
00:17:11You add nitrogen.
00:17:13Breathable air.
00:17:16You remember that, but not ID-10-T?
00:17:21Yeah. I remember learning it somewhere, but...
00:17:24I don't know.
00:17:33I found the leak.
00:17:39This is all drinking water.
00:17:41What about the breaker?
00:17:47I see it.
00:18:01It's on.
00:18:20Something's down here.
00:18:25What is it?
00:18:30I don't know.
00:18:39What is that?
00:18:40I don't know. I couldn't see.
00:18:42Whatever it is, it's strong.
00:18:43What do we do?
00:18:45I need to know what we're finding.
00:18:47I don't know.
00:18:48Admit it. We found something on Selene, and now it's in our pod.
00:18:51We didn't find anything that big.
00:18:52We found bacteria.
00:18:54What the hell is down there?
00:20:16He cut our DSN line, and he locked himself down there.
00:20:22Let's see what he knows.
00:20:35I'm gonna go try to fix the leak. Let me know if he wakes up.
00:20:37What about our oxygen?
00:20:41Maybe if I fix the leak, we can salvage some of the water.
00:20:44No, even if you fix the leak, there are three of us breathing this air.
00:20:47Cosmos' timetable is only based on two people.
00:20:54And we'll suffocate before NASA gets to us, so we might consider...
00:21:01Look, we have this from the lab. We mix it with water, and he's gone.
00:21:05Why do you have that?
00:21:08It's an ingredient to something I was working on.
00:21:15We have to hear him out, at least.
00:21:17He tried to kill us!
00:21:18I don't like him either, but he has a right to explain himself before we just...
00:21:21Please! I have people at home.
00:21:24He probably does too.
00:21:27Murder should be our last resort, not our first.
00:21:37Fix the pipe!
00:22:19He's still out.
00:22:32Nobody's out that long unless they're dead or in a coma.
00:22:37Or they're faking it.
00:23:08I have the hammer.
00:23:10I will hit you with it if you do not speak up.
00:23:32Stop, stop, stop, stop!
00:23:44Goddamn a hammer!
00:23:47I could have just tickled me or something.
00:23:49Who are you?
00:23:52Gail Flanagan.
00:23:54I collect and manage off-ship samples for the Magellan.
00:23:59Do you know who I am?
00:24:03You're the upper deck UT.
00:24:05I've seen you.
00:24:08And you...
00:24:10You're the reason I'm in this mess!
00:24:12What are you talking about?
00:24:13Asher, I don't know who this guy is!
00:24:15She's lying!
00:24:19You realize sharing classified information is a breach of contract and a violation of federal law?
00:24:24Oh my god, I don't care!
00:24:28What did you find out, Selene?
00:24:29Gail, don't!
00:24:37Not quite like bacteria.
00:24:39Not quite like a virus.
00:24:42The bio team couldn't figure it out.
00:24:44See? I told you.
00:24:46I can hear you from down there! I've heard all this shit you've been telling him!
00:24:51You found microbes.
00:24:54I brought them on board.
00:24:56And took them to the bio team.
00:24:59They quarantined me, which is normal.
00:25:02But then I got sick.
00:25:03We couldn't let him out. It would have put the entire crew in danger.
00:25:06You tried to poison me!
00:25:07We tried to cure you!
00:25:11Fuck you!
00:25:18How'd you get on board?
00:25:20I played possum until I had a chance to escape.
00:25:23I hid on the orlop until I heard the explosions.
00:25:27Once I was on board, I caught the comm system.
00:25:31I couldn't have anyone tattling.
00:25:33Ow! Fuck!
00:25:39The bio scan says this thing's only contagious by blood.
00:25:42We found the same thing in the lab, so we should be good.
00:26:13Now tell me everything you know about the explosion.
00:26:16He probably blew it up after he escaped.
00:26:18Why would I blow it up?
00:26:19You threatened to kill everyone in the lab.
00:26:22How do we know it wasn't you?
00:26:23How? Why would I blow it up?
00:26:28Maya, you've told me a lot of bullshit since I woke up.
00:26:30I had to lie. I could be put in jail for sharing classified information.
00:26:34And you tried to kill us.
00:26:35I was freaking out, man. I didn't know what you were going to do to me.
00:26:38We all want to make it back to Earth alive, right?
00:26:43The only way we can manage that is if we cooperate.
00:26:55What are you doing?
00:26:57There's a reason humans have survived all these millennia.
00:27:01It's because of our ability to work together.
00:27:04You put three gorillas in a cage, they won't cooperate to find a way out.
00:27:07Same with three tigers, same with three dogs.
00:27:10Humans, on the other hand, will.
00:27:13That's the beauty of the human animal.
00:27:17If you try anything, we will tie you right back up.
00:27:21I'm good, man. I swear.
00:27:22Asher, he's not safe. He's already shown us that.
00:27:26From now on, we cooperate to get out of the cage. Understood?
00:27:49So where's home, Gil?
00:27:51Portland, Oregon. What about you?
00:27:53I was born in Mobile, Alabama. Raised in Birmingham.
00:27:57How did you go from the Bible Belt to outer space?
00:28:00By telling them all to go to hell.
00:28:05Good for you. Nothing like a fuck you attitude.
00:28:10The West Coast could use some more of that.
00:28:16What about you? Where's home?
00:28:18Don't fucking talk to me.
00:28:19Whoa. Relax.
00:28:22There's a fuck you attitude.
00:28:30You okay?
00:28:31It won't stop itching. It hurts.
00:28:34Let me have a look.
00:28:54Is it bad?
00:28:57No, it's just gross.
00:28:58Oh, it feels gross, man.
00:29:07NASA will be here in 24 hours. Maybe they can take a better look at you.
00:29:12I know that the virus is blood-borne, but we'd all be just a little more comfortable if maybe...
00:29:17No! No, you are not quarantining me!
00:29:21We're not going to quarantine you, okay?
00:29:24I already busted the lock off to get down there.
00:29:26I couldn't if I tried.
00:29:57Jake blew it up. I saw her.
00:30:01She put explosives in the cargo area.
00:30:16What are you doing?
00:30:20Hearing him out.
00:30:22He's not alone.
00:30:25He's not a good guy, Asher.
00:30:29Cosmo says we have enough oxygen for just over 24 hours.
00:30:32A third person makes that 16, so we will suffocate before NASA...
00:30:36Maya, we can't just...
00:30:37I agree. We have to work together.
00:30:39But part of that is making difficult decisions.
00:30:41He's violent, he's breathing our air, and he's carrying a deadly alien parasite.
00:30:49This is part of the antiparasitic I was working on for him.
00:30:51A little bit won't kill you, but any more than that...
00:30:53I'm surprised that's not classified.
00:30:56I am sorry I lied. I was trying to do the right thing.
00:31:00But we gave him a chance to explain himself, and I still think the best thing would be to get rid of him.
00:31:05Either he dies, or we all do.
00:31:08Come on, where's that fuck-you attitude you're so proud of?
00:31:13If I do this, you tell me the truth. All of it.
00:31:18Yes. Yes, I just want to make it home alive.
00:31:44You're doing the right thing.
00:32:13I had some spare water and food.
00:32:25I'll get some more.
00:32:28She'll try to kill you, too.
00:32:30I saw her. It was a chemical bomb, rigged to explode.
00:32:34Why would she blow up the ship?
00:32:36You should know what is wrong with you. You should know me.
00:32:40I hit my head during the explosion. I can't remember much.
00:32:43You should at least remember something about these people.
00:32:47Why would I?
00:32:48Because you cleaned their lab.
00:32:53Look, I don't remember anything.
00:33:10Who's this?
00:33:17You should remember her, too.
00:33:29Did you do it?
00:33:40I'm going to pour the rest out.
00:34:36If it was dangerous to human beings, I'd do it.
00:34:53Are you ready?
00:35:46I think that should eliminate the problem. Hopefully, we'll be able to keep...
00:35:51You scared me.
00:35:52Who are you talking to?
00:35:54No one. Just myself.
00:35:56There's no one on your earpiece or anything?
00:36:00No. We don't have any signal.
00:36:03These are standard issue. You have one, too.
00:36:17If he's not contagious, and he's not violent anymore, I can't kill him.
00:36:25Are you serious?
00:36:27We have time. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try everything.
00:36:33Would you stop me if I did it?
00:36:43I'm so nauseous.
00:36:46We told you to stay down there.
00:36:49I don't feel good.
00:36:54Here. Drink. It'll make you feel better.
00:37:17Gail, don't drink that!
00:37:25Maya and I were talking, and there's only enough oxygen for two of us before NASA gets here.
00:37:33What's in this?
00:37:35Poisoned water. One of us has to drink it, or all of us will die.
00:37:40And since I'm the sick one, I should just take one for the team, right?
00:37:57The microbe inside me is the only proof humanity has ever had of life on another planet.
00:38:02Don't you think NASA would like to see that? Or, I don't know, Starline?
00:38:07I'm valuable cargo.
00:38:09Starline? I'm valuable cargo!
00:38:12My first instinct is to make her drink it.
00:38:15She's a liar, and she tried to kill me.
00:38:19But you, you're just a janitor.
00:38:22She's a biologist.
00:38:24She could keep me alive until we get home, or she could prove to the world that I'm not full of shit!
00:38:31And what do we do?
00:38:36We leave it to chance.
00:38:40That's only fair, right?
00:38:46Don't make me choose for you.
00:38:58You guys ever play spin the bottle on Earth?
00:39:01Oh, you've got to be kidding.
00:39:03You've got to be kidding.
00:39:07Whoever it lands on, drinks.
00:39:16You really think he'll drink if it lands on him?
00:39:19Look, it's the only fair way.
00:39:21If he doesn't do it, we'll kill him ourselves.
00:39:23How do you plan on doing that?
00:39:27Okay, look, Gail, there are other things that we could try, things we could do to extend the...
00:39:31Then why'd you almost make me drink it?
00:39:34Quit stalling!
00:39:43Who goes first?
00:39:50Unless you forfeit.
00:40:18Your turn.
00:40:32You said it yourself, we haven't tried everything.
00:40:42Don't leave me with him.
00:41:01I'll drink it.
00:41:11I'll drink it.
00:41:17I'll do it.
00:41:19I'll drink it.
00:41:21That doesn't even make any sense. Why would you...
00:41:23I will. I'll do it.
00:41:24I'll do it.
00:41:28No, that doesn't make any sense.
00:41:47I can feel them moving!
00:41:55I can't breathe!
00:41:59I think I'm dying, Asher!
00:42:06I can't breathe!
00:42:25I heard you was dead.
00:42:30That's so fucking bad.
00:42:38Sometimes things just resolve themselves.
00:42:43Oh, it reeks!
00:42:45It smells so, so bad!
00:42:50Oh, no!
00:43:29How are you hungry after that?
00:43:32It's just puke.
00:43:34That was not just puke.
00:43:42Oh, we missed a message.
00:43:47Cosmo, play message.
00:43:50Playing message.
00:43:51This is Commander Jack Schaefer, head of SNR at the NASA Cupid Diamond Mine.
00:43:55Our rescue pods had to detour around an asteroid cluster but are en route to your location.
00:44:00ETA is ten hours and thirty-eight minutes.
00:44:05Cosmo, how much oxygen do we have left?
00:44:08You have thirteen hours and six minutes remaining.
00:44:22Oh, we're gonna make it.
00:44:27Well, unless there's another explosion impact or stowaway.
00:44:36I just want to make it home.
00:44:49Who do you have back home?
00:44:52My mom and dad.
00:44:54My sister.
00:45:00I don't really have anyone.
00:45:06Do you think you'll go back up?
00:45:08Of course.
00:45:10I regret going.
00:45:14We have to make it home. I can't let this decision kill me.
00:45:21If we're gonna do this, I need to know everything.
00:45:29You heard most of it.
00:45:32Gail's team found microbes on Selene.
00:45:35But then Gail got sick a few hours later.
00:45:37And we had to keep him locked up because he would black out and go on these violent rampages.
00:45:43So, when he got out, I stopped what I was doing and I put what I was working on in my pockets and chased him down to the Orlop.
00:45:57Who's this?
00:45:59Where did you find this?
00:46:07I don't know.
00:46:14I found it in the undercarriage. Gail said I'd remember.
00:46:18Do you?
00:46:21But I feel like he's right.
00:46:24Any memories coming back?
00:46:32I'm gonna do everything I can to get us back home.
00:46:37I promise.
00:46:49I love you.
00:47:19Cosmo, can you talk to me in my earpiece?
00:47:21Yes, I can. How can I assist you?
00:47:33Cosmo, where's the key for the vent by the command module?
00:47:36There are no vents by the command module.
00:47:39Cosmo, where are all the different keys located?
00:47:42The maintenance key is located in the black toolbox on the rear wall, to the right of the exit ladder.
00:47:49Cosmo, where's the other key?
00:47:52I'm not sure I understand.
00:48:19I'm not sure I understand.
00:48:49I'm not sure I understand.
00:49:19I'm not sure I understand.
00:49:49I'm not sure I understand.
00:50:19I'm not sure I understand.
00:51:13Look, would you blow it out?
00:51:16The procedure's painless, right? You'll be fine.
00:51:21What if I mess it all up?
00:51:25You have to blow it up.
00:51:29See you on the other side.
00:53:12Incoming call.
00:53:15Incoming call.
00:53:18Incoming call.
00:53:21Cosmo, answer me.
00:53:23Hello? Can you hear me?
00:53:25Who is this?
00:53:27This is Nico Hayes with the Magellan.
00:53:29Oh my God, it's Maya!
00:53:30Maya? Thank God you made it! Where were you?
00:53:34I was on the Orlop, looking for Gale.
00:53:36I was doing the same thing in the Captain's quarters.
00:53:39How'd you get in?
00:53:40The door was open. I thought he broke in.
00:53:44So, you're in the Captain's pod?
00:53:46Yeah. I think you and I are the only ones who made it out alive.
00:53:50What about the Captain?
00:53:52I haven't seen him.
00:53:54We managed to make it on a big Commander pod.
00:53:58Oh, I'm with a UT, Asher Collins.
00:54:01The upkeep guy?
00:54:03Yeah, I didn't recognize him.
00:54:05He cleaned our lab at night. You wouldn't have seen him.
00:54:08You know, Gale said I...
00:54:10Has NASA called you yet?
00:54:12Yeah. We got a message from them about an hour ago.
00:54:15Us too.
00:54:17I wonder if there's not a way for us both to...
00:54:20Don't mention Gale.
00:54:23If she finds out he was here, she'll tell NASA not to come.
00:54:26She thought he was contagious.
00:54:28He is?
00:54:29Yes, by blood. But she thought that it might mutate and become airborne.
00:54:32Will it?
00:54:33No. No, that's impossible. Viruses take weeks to mutate.
00:54:36Well, this isn't a normal virus.
00:54:38Incoming call.
00:54:40NASA can just quarantine us, can't they?
00:54:42No. They'll send a separate shuttle and they'll suffocate before it gets here.
00:54:45Incoming call.
00:54:47Hey, sorry, our connection's bad.
00:54:50I figured. Your pod only popped up on my radar a little bit ago.
00:54:54What are you doing?
00:54:55NASA needs to know if we're a risk.
00:54:57This is life or death.
00:54:58It's life or death for them too.
00:55:00I am not getting caught up in the formalities of quarantine.
00:55:08Where did you get...
00:55:09Stop. Don't move.
00:55:13Tell me everything.
00:55:15I already did.
00:55:16You're lying.
00:55:22My earpiece.
00:55:28Asher, give it back.
00:55:29Why? There's no signal out here.
00:55:34Unless there's something you're not telling me.
00:55:36I already told you everything.
00:55:43You had a maintenance key this whole time.
00:55:46You went through my pockets?
00:55:47I found your stash.
00:55:49The poison and the gun.
00:55:51Okay, okay, okay. They're not my keys.
00:55:54I found them on you.
00:55:57I didn't drag you in. I found you in this chair when I got on board.
00:56:02You had a gun, which scared me.
00:56:04Your head was messed up. I didn't know who you were.
00:56:06But I didn't want to leave you, so I just took your stuff and I hid it.
00:56:12How do I know you're not lying?
00:56:16You don't.
00:56:17You don't?
00:56:35The med kit did not have staples. It had butterfly bandages.
00:56:39Who fixed me up?
00:56:41I don't know.
00:56:42You were like that when I got here.
00:56:44Then why were you putting bandages over the staples?
00:56:48Because I know that wound.
00:56:51I've seen it before.
00:56:54It's a chip.
00:56:57Designed to selectively remove your memories from the last five years.
00:57:07And this?
00:57:09That's what worried me the most.
00:57:12These chips, they're designed to remove classified information.
00:57:16And they use these remotes to punish you anytime you remember something they don't want you to.
00:57:22That means, either you stole it at gunpoint, or whoever put that in your head gave it to you.
00:57:32Either way, I felt it was safer if you just forgot.
00:57:57The procedure's painless. You'll be fine.
00:57:59What if I mess it all up?
00:58:00You have to blow it up.
00:58:01See you on the other side.
00:58:02But would you blow it up?
00:58:04Out of water.
00:58:09Out of water.
00:58:14I figured it out.
00:58:19Are you alright?
00:58:21Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...
00:58:24Wrong pipe.
00:58:25You don't look fine.
00:58:29There's something in my throat.
00:58:30Maya, if you're sick...
00:58:31I'm not sick.
00:58:34I'm not sick.
00:58:39I figured it out.
00:59:04It's just like Gail.
00:59:06He was fine.
00:59:07And then all of a sudden he's...
00:59:09Oh, no.
00:59:10No, no, no.
00:59:11Go get the bioscanner.
00:59:35It mutated.
00:59:39No shit.
00:59:43How long did Gail survive?
00:59:47Three and a half days.
00:59:50If NASA sends a quarantine pod,
00:59:52then it's just a matter of how much oxygen we have left.
00:59:54We are not telling NASA.
00:59:57Maya, we can't expose them to it.
00:59:59We can't.
01:00:00We are not telling NASA.
01:00:03Maya, we can't expose them to this.
01:00:05We don't know how it manifests in other people.
01:00:08Maybe mine will be mild.
01:00:10Maybe it varies by sex.
01:00:11You're not sick.
01:00:12And you were exposed the same time as I was.
01:00:19Let's get you to bed.
01:00:31I don't want to die out here.
01:00:36Can I tell you something?
01:00:45I lied, too.
01:00:49Some memories have been coming back.
01:00:52What kind of memories?
01:00:55I don't know.
01:00:56Some memories have been coming back.
01:00:58What kind of memories?
01:01:01Maya, I blew up in the jail.
01:01:10What the fuck?
01:01:24Don't move.
01:01:26Don't move.
01:01:38That's impossible.
01:01:41If he's been alive this whole time,
01:01:43then how have we had enough oxygen?
01:01:51Oh, shit!
01:01:56Oh, shit!
01:02:17Where's that gun?
01:02:19I'm coming, Asher!
01:02:57I got him!
01:03:04He's playing dead.
01:03:07Our oxygen levels have stayed constant since he died.
01:03:10There's no oxygen on Selene.
01:03:11The microbes are controlling his body.
01:03:14Grab the gun.
01:04:27Hey, you okay?
01:04:31Wake up.
01:04:34Thank God.
01:04:36What happened?
01:04:37I think you got shocked.
01:04:39How long was I out?
01:04:41Less than a minute.
01:04:44And Gail?
01:04:46I think he was electrocuted.
01:04:49Well, was he or wasn't he?
01:04:51I don't know.
01:04:53Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, take it easy. Slow down.
01:04:55I'm fine.
01:05:08And with him goes the whole pod.
01:05:09No power, no water, no DSM.
01:05:14When does Nessie get here?
01:05:16Ten hours.
01:05:17As long as we appear healthy, we can make it on that shuttle.
01:05:28Maya, I blew up the Magellan to stop the spread of the virus to Earth.
01:05:34That doesn't make any sense.
01:05:36No, I've had memories.
01:05:37Come back, talking to Gail and the girl on the ID about it.
01:05:40That doesn't mean you blew it up.
01:05:42Maya, I don't know.
01:05:43As soon as Gail got out, maybe I ran to the Captain's quarters and...
01:05:48Then why wouldn't you have taken the Captain's pod?
01:05:51And what about your chip?
01:05:52Those take hours to implant, plus recovery time.
01:05:55Your wound was fresh when I found you.
01:05:59Regardless, blowing it up was the right idea.
01:06:13Killing hundreds of people on board was the right idea?
01:06:17Maya, they were dead as soon as Gail got out of the lab.
01:06:22We need to end this here and now.
01:06:28I'm fine.
01:06:29Maya, you're not fine.
01:06:39I think we should consider blowing up the pod.
01:06:43So that's it then?
01:06:44You just decided I'm gonna die up here?
01:06:48I haven't decided anything.
01:06:50I'm just saying that we should consider...
01:06:55I will lock you in the undercarriage when NASA gets here.
01:06:58You can fend for yourself.
01:07:01Then what?
01:07:02NASA quarantines you, you survive, they let you go?
01:07:09Maya, look at your hand.
01:07:16You were sick.
01:07:17It's only a matter of time before I get sick too.
01:07:22You can't survive this.
01:07:24How the hell do you know?
01:07:27If you want to kill yourself on this ship, that is on you.
01:07:30But I have a life on Earth.
01:07:33I was whittled into a quarter century prison sentence.
01:07:38My mother begged me not to go.
01:07:40My sister told me she'd never forgive me.
01:07:42My father acted like I was suicidal.
01:07:45I have to see them again.
01:07:51All I'm saying is that we consider this without you pointing a gun at me.
01:07:56That's all.
01:08:11Remind me why you went to space.
01:08:13I told you, I bought into the whole Earth has ended bullshit and...
01:08:18You wanted to make a difference.
01:08:27Maybe this is your chance.
01:08:36Maya, are you alright?
01:08:41False alarm.
01:08:50Let's turn the power on and blow up the pod.
01:09:16This water is freezing.
01:09:18Yeah, try having your head dunked in it.
01:09:23You know, I used to swim every day on Earth.
01:09:27Yeah, I actually didn't learn how to swim until I was 14.
01:09:31What? How?
01:09:33I grew up in the city and just never went to the pool.
01:09:37What made you learn?
01:09:40My mom told me it was too late.
01:09:44So then I had to learn.
01:09:47So, what, you bought some floaties and found a pool and gave it a shot?
01:09:55Pretty much, yeah.
01:09:57I don't know, it wasn't hard.
01:10:00Proved my mom wrong.
01:10:04Proving people wrong has motivated me to do a lot.
01:10:07Did proving people wrong motivate you to go to space?
01:10:13Not really.
01:10:16I've never really helped many people in high regard.
01:10:20Then why try to save them by blowing yourself up?
01:10:29This wire should hold.
01:10:33Are you sure about this?
01:10:36Not really.
01:10:39Come on, I have an idea.
01:10:44We're lucky.
01:10:46Not many people get to choose their last meal.
01:10:52Tube of gravy?
01:10:57Pea soup?
01:11:03Freeze-dried ice cream sandwich?
01:11:07I can't, I'm lactose intolerant.
01:11:11Will it kill you?
01:11:39Death row lightning round.
01:11:42You ready?
01:11:45What's something you've never told anybody?
01:11:54I lost my virginity in my grandparents' bed.
01:11:57What the fuck?
01:12:01It's not like they were there with us.
01:12:03We were house-sitting for them and it was the only bed.
01:12:09What was her name?
01:12:12Mary Kate Sherwood.
01:12:14Oh, so southern.
01:12:17Yeah, we broke up just after I applied for the Starline job.
01:12:21Do you miss her?
01:12:23I always knew it wouldn't last.
01:12:25I was going to spend my life in space no matter what.
01:12:27Despite what she said or my mom or my teachers or...
01:12:32But you didn't answer my question.
01:12:36A little.
01:12:39There's a few people I miss from that time.
01:12:42Like who?
01:12:46My mom's ex-boyfriend, Mike.
01:12:50My high school best friend, Levi.
01:12:52Were you trying to prove them wrong?
01:12:56I don't think people know how life works.
01:12:59It seems that at some point everyone decides they're one thing
01:13:03because of what's happened to them or what they've been told or...
01:13:07I don't know, I guess everyone I knew felt pretty small and...
01:13:11when they looked at me, they saw the same thing.
01:13:14But what are you supposed to do when all that you've wanted is something more?
01:13:19I don't know.
01:13:20But what are you supposed to do when all that you've wanted is something more?
01:13:26So I guess I thought that if they could hear my name
01:13:30or see my face because I discovered something bigger than all of them
01:13:33that that would be the biggest fuck you.
01:13:40you're out here in space
01:13:43doing good for humanity
01:13:46that you also want to say fuck you to?
01:13:49How does that work?
01:13:50What are you getting at?
01:13:52That you have people you need to make amends with on Earth, clearly.
01:13:57And that you have so much to offer out here in space.
01:14:00I mean, you said it yourself, Asher.
01:14:02It would be a waste if...
01:14:12How are you feeling?
01:14:17Totally fine.
01:14:20Then you should go without me.
01:14:25I'll be sick soon.
01:14:26No, Asher, maybe some people are immune.
01:14:29Maya, I know that you want to make it pack, but...
01:14:34I'm getting sicker, Asher.
01:14:37I'm not going to make it, but you have a chance.
01:14:40You're not sick and you should be, so you should go without me.
01:14:47Maybe you're right.
01:14:50Spacecraft approaching.
01:14:54Spacecraft approaching.
01:14:57They're early.
01:14:59Spacecraft approaching.
01:15:04Asher, you should go.
01:15:07I don't know.
01:15:10This microbe is the only proof we have that there's life on other planets.
01:15:14You could be the one to bring that to Starline.
01:15:16How many lives are worth my own?
01:15:18If I'm immune, can I spread it?
01:15:20Would I take that back to Earth?
01:15:21What if five people from NASA die because of me?
01:15:24Or two, or even one?
01:15:26Asher, you're not sick.
01:15:31If I go, no matter what, I risk spreading the virus back to Earth.
01:15:35You don't have to do this.
01:15:36If even one person died because of my selfishness, I couldn't live with myself.
01:15:49Cosmo initiate self-destruct.
01:15:51You would like to initiate the self-destruct mechanism.
01:15:55Is that correct?
01:15:59Confirmed. Self-destructing in fifteen, fourteen...
01:16:02I'm sorry it had to be this way.
01:16:06Me too.
01:16:20The character and ethics section of the Starline astronaut entrance examination has been completed.
01:16:26Please make your way to the exit so that we may disable your memory chip.
01:16:37Stand back.
01:16:38Escape pod simulator door opening.
01:16:43Stand back.
01:16:44Escape pod simulator door opening.
01:16:48Stand back.
01:16:49Escape pod simulator door opening.
01:16:53Stand back.
01:16:54Escape pod simulator door opening.
01:16:58Hey, stay back!
01:17:00Asher, it's okay.
01:17:01I'm not sick, do not come on board!
01:17:03Asher, put the gun down.
01:17:05Asher Collins, we have a doctor ready for you.
01:17:09Asher, Asher, Asher...
01:17:11No, don't, we're sick. Don't, stay back!
01:17:13Asher, you have to calm down or they're going to have to restrain you.
01:17:20You lied to me.
01:17:24Alright, you guys take it from here.
01:17:28Hey, it was just a test.
01:17:31Give us the gun.
01:17:33Hey, hey, it was just a test.
01:17:35No, no, no, no, no!
01:17:37No, no, no, no, no!
01:17:38Stop it, stop it!
01:17:39Get down!
01:17:40I'm sick!
01:17:42I got the gun, it's a fake gun.
01:17:43Stop it!
01:17:45Oh, thank God.
01:17:49Don't get off me!
01:17:55Don't worry, it'll all make sense after the procedure.
01:17:58Let's get him out.
01:18:08Oh, my God.
01:18:11Hey, Gail.
01:18:13Hey, John, how's it going?
01:18:16Asher, you nearly fucking killed me.
01:18:21But that's how it goes, so, good job.
01:18:24Hey, what's up?
01:18:25Nice work.
01:18:28What the fuck?
01:18:44Hey, congrats.
01:18:46You too.
01:18:48What are you doing out here?
01:18:50Just enjoying the earth while I'm still on it.
01:18:54Oh, you have to tell me about your exam.
01:18:56Maya told me that it was crazy.
01:18:58Yeah, it was.
01:18:59It was.
01:19:00It was.
01:19:01It was.
01:19:02It was.
01:19:03It was.
01:19:04It was.
01:19:05You have to tell me about your exam.
01:19:06Maya told me that it was crazy.
01:19:08Yeah, it was.
01:19:10We were pretty off script.
01:19:13Gail told me they had to buzz you because you almost electrocuted him.
01:19:18Yeah, you know, I also stole a key from Maya
01:19:20and broken one of the supply vents.
01:19:23You know, by the passenger chair,
01:19:24they had a vent that they were feeding her props.
01:19:27Like the fake gun and a buzzer and, like, extra powder.
01:19:31Did you have to take that powder?
01:19:32Oh, no.
01:19:33And apparently that was why Maya and Gail were so sick.
01:19:36It's awful.
01:19:37It's like baking soda and vinegar for your stomach and lungs.
01:19:40We played spin the bottle, so I had to drink it.
01:19:43Did you get all the skin rashes?
01:19:46It's like a fungus.
01:19:48It dries up and scrapes off right after they give you the antidote, but still.
01:19:52You know, Maya told me they're rewriting a bunch of the exam
01:19:55because I exposed so many holes in it.
01:19:57Yeah, I heard you tore the freaking staples right out of your head.
01:20:00Yeah, I mean, what did they expect?
01:20:01They plan to put staples there and expect you to just accept that that's brain damage?
01:20:07You know, I found your ID in the undercarriage, too.
01:20:09The cleanup crew had completely forgotten to take it out.
01:20:12Yeah, I mean, it totally threw us off script.
01:20:15Did you hear that Jacob failed the exam?
01:20:18Yeah, I'm glad, actually.
01:20:19The exam was made to weed out people like him.
01:20:22But I like Jacob.
01:20:24Look, he's nice, and he did really well on all the written exams,
01:20:29but as soon as the memory chip goes in and all that training goes away,
01:20:35your true character comes out.
01:20:37To be honest, I'm not really at all surprised that he decided to save himself and not blow up the pod.
01:20:43I could have failed.
01:20:45I really thought about saving myself.
01:20:51Yeah, I guess that's kind of one thing the exam revealed.
01:20:55Like, most of my reason for going to space was that I wanted to prove something to people back home.
01:21:04I always imagined that I'd do something big and die with a legacy,
01:21:08not die anonymously, saving everybody from a virus they'll never know existed.
01:21:18That's my alarm.
01:21:21Actually, I gotta go.
01:21:23Where are you going?
01:21:24I got family to see.
01:21:26Just gotta clean a few things up.