• last year
01:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
01:30I'm sorry
01:33I'm sorry
02:00I'm sorry
02:03I'm sorry
02:06I'm sorry
02:09I'm sorry
02:12I'm sorry
02:15I'm sorry
02:18I'm sorry
02:21I'm sorry
02:24I'm sorry
02:27I'm sorry
02:57I'm sorry
03:00I'm sorry
03:03I'm sorry
03:06I'm sorry
03:09I'm sorry
03:12I'm sorry
03:15I'm sorry
03:18I'm sorry
03:21I'm sorry
03:54天空彩雪 遥远且强 The sky is so vast and far
04:00身不由己 惺惺作战 I am not alone, I am not afraid
04:07难追忆 断开疯狂那场心伤 The memories of the past are carved deep in my heart
04:15何知一瞬 都是心扉正面的内涯 How could I stop my heart from facing your eyes
04:22终点里 几朵浓愁几团烦恼 In the end, how many sorrows and how many troubles
04:30便如此 只将万千撩起花瓣 Just like that, I will pick up thousands of flowers
04:37难追忆 断开疯狂那场心伤 The memories of the past are carved deep in my heart
04:47何知一瞬 都是心扉正面的内涯 How could I stop my heart from facing your eyes
04:53终点里 几朵浓愁几团烦恼 In the end, how many sorrows and how many troubles
05:00便如此 放逐自己断舍离吧 Just like that, I will let myself go
05:18什么 What?
05:21真受不了了 就算重感情也不用这么惨烈吗 I can't stand it anymore. Even if I'm in love, I don't have to be so cruel
05:28果然是绝世美人 难怪男儿都为你痴狂 You're really a beauty. No wonder men are crazy for you
05:34死贼子罪恶滔天 你识相的 You're such a thief! You're such a liar!
05:37那可不巧了 我偏偏是不识相的 What a coincidence. I'm not a liar
05:41众弟子听令 Everyone, listen to my order
05:47众弟子听令 Everyone, listen to my order
06:17竟然 九尾妖狐 它是九尾妖狐 It's a nine-tailed fox. It's a nine-tailed fox
06:37众弟子听令 击打妖狐 Everyone, listen to my order. Attack the fox
06:48这是 幻术吗 What is this magic?
07:02不要看他的眼睛 Don't look into his eyes
07:17众弟子听令 Everyone, listen to my order. Attack the fox
07:29趁人之危 本香虎真是越来越不长进了 The fox is getting weaker and weaker
07:33惠丽施主深吸重大火 得罪了 I'm sorry to have offended you
07:37大犯般若 You're such a troublemaker
07:47神仙 神仙 神仙 You're a demon
07:54难得天一寺竟出了你哥的人 It's rare to see someone from your brother's family in the Heavenly Temple
08:17众弟子听令 击打妖狐 It's a nine-tailed fox
08:36好了 不陪你们玩了 Alright, I'm not playing with you anymore
08:47众弟子听令 天一寺竟出了你哥的人 It's a nine-tailed fox
09:06李师兄 Brother Li
09:09陆师妹 Junior Lu
09:11方才诡异诱奸 可是你用玉石所伤 You used the jade pool to hurt the demon just now
09:17是 Yes
09:31陆师妹 Junior Lu
09:43你这是何意 What do you mean by this?
09:45好持法 Good way of holding a sword
09:47好厉害 Good
09:56我的家 我的家 My home! My home!
10:01若是我能再早些赶来 If I could have come earlier
10:06或许事情就不会迟到无法挽回 Maybe things wouldn't have come to an end
10:09快 Hurry
10:16好一把天牙 果然名不虚传 What a great sword. You really deserve your reputation
10:22你醒了 You're awake
10:29你伤势不轻 还是要好生休息 You're badly injured. You need to rest
10:35多谢了 Thank you
10:37大巫师如何了 How is the Great Shaman?
10:41我带你走的时候看到金族人催庸着他 我生死不明 When I took you away, I saw the Jin people urging him. I don't know if he's alive or dead
10:57你这般不顾生死去见大巫师是为了碧瑶吧 You went to see the Great Shaman for Bi Yao regardless of your life, right?
11:06是的 Yes
11:15今晚与你交述的那个女子跟碧瑶比起来 The girl you fought with tonight is better than Bi Yao
11:20你更喜欢哪一个 Which one do you prefer?
11:36如今的我没有资格谈这些 碧瑶用性命救了我 我欠她的要用命去偿还 Bi Yao saved me with her life. I owe her my life
11:55情之一丝 君神燃骨 无尽苍生 Love is like a burning flame. It burns the whole world
12:13死猴子 我们走了 Little monkey, let's go
12:25师兄 你来得可真早啊 Senior, you came so early
12:40你带着弟子先行回谷 You take the disciples back to the valley first
12:43是 Yes
12:46昨夜你跑得没影儿 今天一来就发号施令吗 You didn't show up last night. Why did you issue the order today?
12:51昨夜我遇到些许意外 回谷再说 I had an accident last night. Let's go back to the valley
12:56刚前的九位 回谷再说 Let's go back to the valley first
12:59是 Yes
13:02走吧 Let's go
13:07承蒙二位倾力相助 鼻谷上下感激不尽 Thank you for your help. I appreciate it
13:11上官师叔客气了 天下正道 同气连志 本是分内之事 Uncle Shangguan, you are welcome. The world is just and we should work together
13:18师叔面色不佳 不知昨晚发生何事 Uncle, you don't look well. What happened last night?
13:22为莫所视 不必挂怀 此间事了 实在不敢再劳烦二位 Sorry for the inconvenience
13:30改日 老夫与云师兄一定登山拜访 I will visit you again
13:41若是那邪魔真的复生 只有那年轻人才能给南疆众生带来一线生机 If the evil demon really comes back to life, only the young man can bring a glimmer of hope to the people of Nanjiang
14:01那年轻人身怀玄火剑 那是镇压收妖的唯一之宝 The young man with the Mysterious Fire Mirror is the only treasure to suppress and subdue demons
14:09希望我在临死之前能救下那年轻人的朋友 盼着这点情分 灾厄来时他挺身相助 护我族人 只要族人在 金族就有希望
14:39前辈 你所求之事 我答应你了 Senior, I have granted your wish
14:52多 多谢前辈 Thank you, Senior
14:56不过 我并无十分把握 只能尽力而为 But I am not sure if I can do my best
15:10我希望你也能答应我一件事 I hope you can promise me one thing
15:18前辈 莫非是要我寻回金族圣器 Senior, do you want me to find the sacred weapon of the Jin Clan?
15:23只怕为时已晚 实不相瞒 这圣器乃南疆远古传说中魔王复生之药 I'm afraid it's too late. To tell you the truth, the sacred weapon is the ancient legend of Nanjiang that the demon king came back to life
15:38如今危机已陷 南疆圣灵恐危 此件厉害已如实相告 他日若是金族罹难 还望你能护佑一样 可否 I'm afraid it's too late. To tell you the truth, the sacred weapon is the ancient legend of Nanjiang that the demon king came back to life
15:49若是金族罹难 还望你能护佑一样 可否 I'm afraid it's too late. To tell you the truth, the sacred weapon is the ancient legend of Nanjiang that the demon king came back to life
16:00此事我应下了 I accept your wish
16:03多谢 Thank you
16:07走 Let's go
16:37我们走吧 Let's go
17:07我们走 Let's go
17:37我们走 Let's go
17:55山雨一雷 我等乘风而起 Thunder and rain, I wait for the wind to rise
18:07山雨一雷 Thunder and rain
18:37双眸之间 山丝雪花 逆驰长剑 双袖白霞 Two eyes meet, the mountains and the snow
18:49逆驰长剑 双袖白霞 Two eyes meet, the mountains and the snow
18:56难以言喻 将心火化 It's hard to speak, my heart is on fire
19:03尽在咫尺 远似天涯 It's far like the horizon
19:11终究不敢 彼此念挂 Never dare to miss each other
19:18一哭一润 一失一伤 One cry, one smile, one loss, one injury
19:24伤口在天 缭乱结痂 The wound is in the sky, it's a mess
19:32身不由己 心心作假 It's hard to breathe, my heart is fake
19:39难追忆 短暂疯狂满肠心上 It's hard to recall, my heart is broken
19:47何知否 口是心非真的泪啊 I don't know if my tears are real
19:55纵遍历 几多浓稠几短刹那 I've been through a lot in the middle of the night
20:02便如此 只将万千了计划罚 It's like this, I've only got thousands of plans
20:09难追忆 短暂疯狂满肠心上 It's hard to recall, my heart is broken
20:17何知否 口是心非真的泪啊 I don't know if my tears are real
20:24纵遍历 几多亏欠几短刹那 I've been through a lot in the middle of the night
20:31便如此 封住自己短舌泥巴 It's like this, I've only got thousands of plans
