Netflix Delivers High-Stakes Drama on Mission: Cross
Check out the “Daring Rescue” clip from Netflix's action-comedy Mission: Cross. Directed by Lee Myung Hoon, this film features an outstanding ensemble cast, including Hwang Jung Min, Kim Joo Hun, Jeon Hye Jin, and more. Stream Mission: Cross now on Netflix!
Mission: Cross Cast:
Hwang Jung Min, Kim Joo Hun, Jeon Hye Jin, Yum Jung Ah, Jolene Kim and Jeong Man Sik
Stream Mission: Cross now on Netflix!
Mission: Cross Cast:
Hwang Jung Min, Kim Joo Hun, Jeon Hye Jin, Yum Jung Ah, Jolene Kim and Jeong Man Sik
Stream Mission: Cross now on Netflix!
00:00Hyung-ah, that woman is the wife of the guy who made you like this.
00:30Oh, my God.
00:54Oh, my God.
01:24Oh, my God.