President's Sexy Wife Full English Movie

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President's Sexy Wife Full English Movie
00:00Let go of me.
00:02Is it because I'm...
00:21Hello? How can I help you?
00:23Could you please send a bottle of lube, a vibrator and two boxes of rubbers to room 2246?
00:29Yeah, sure. Yeah, I will have it.
00:31I'm from hotel.
00:32Ah, okay. Yeah, got it.
00:48Yep, one second.
00:51$137. Do you want to pay in cash?
00:53Yeah, in cash.
00:59Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
01:11Hello, officer. I'd like to report illegal drug use and forced prostitution in the Empire Hotel room 2246.
01:25Get lost! No questions asked!
01:29It was your right!
01:30I can't believe you helped these goddamn police!
01:34So what? Do you really think I'm going to take a big money and then just forget what happened?
01:39I'm going to leave this place and get it done.
01:41Everything has its consequences.
01:43Get out of here!
01:55Who is that?
01:56Henry Luther, head of the Luther family.
01:58I'm in the girl.
02:00Gianna, come home. Right now.
02:03Oh, I'll figure that out.
02:09Nah, it's fine.
02:23Gianna, how could you turn your sister into the police?
02:28Sister? My bad. I thought that bastard was fooling around with some hooker.
02:33Shut up!
02:34Thank you to you. Enough scandals.
02:36Now the whole world knows that Emily Sloopy is your fiancée.
02:41Is that a true, though?
02:42By the way, she's not my sister. Just some cunt you brought to the house.
02:46Gianna, oh my goodness!
02:48That mother of God has put Emily and Henry serious under the charges and brought shame to families.
02:56Do you understand?
02:59Emily just started her career as an actor.
03:02What's she gonna do after all this?
03:05Dad, are you serious? So I'm the bad guy now?
03:08They freaking cheated on me in that hotel and I'm the one you blame?
03:13So tell me, what should I do?
03:15Should I just walk away like nothing happened?
03:17Or should I high-five those two little bastards and say good job?
03:22Of course, you're the one to blame.
03:25Of course, you're the one to blame.
03:27He cheated because he couldn't keep his own. Don't you think so?
03:32You're right, Tracy. After all, my mom didn't teach me those tricks to seduce a man.
03:37You know, I really should have learned from you how to pick up the target, get him hooked,
03:42and then, what's most important, make his wife kill herself.
03:46Enough of your nonsense!
03:47Well, you know it's like nonsense or not.
03:51Emily, are you alright?
03:53Don't fight.
03:54G, I'm sorry. Don't blame it on Henry. I made the first move.
03:59Stop it, Gianna. Okay, maybe I fell in love with her.
04:02But what? I don't regret about it.
04:10But what? I don't regret about it.
04:13You know, look at yourself.
04:15You are crazy or delusional.
04:17Nobody can stand someone like you.
04:19You know what? I'm breaking up with you.
04:22What do you want? How much do you want from me?
04:24Excuse me? Six years we've been together and that's what you think of me?
04:28I don't need your canton money, Henry.
04:30Okay, then we're just over.
04:33Sure, I agree. But only if you let me have the company your family just supplied me.
04:38Gianna, down! What are you talking about?
04:40Wow, father, you like Henry that much? So maybe you should be his father, not mine?
04:45It's okay. I'm calling my warriors. We'll take in all the formalities. You can say what you want.
04:49You better keep your promise.
04:50Oh, I will.
04:53What are you doing?
04:54No, Henry, it's okay. As long as we get to stay together, a little push is nothing.
04:59Thanks God! I broke up with you. You were just crazy. Go and never come back!
05:07I can't believe it took me six years to realize how stupid you are, Henry.
05:12What did you say?
05:13Nothing. I was saying we just get perfect together.
05:16Betty, are you alright?
05:17Oh, it hurts.
05:20We're gonna be fine. We're gonna be fine.
05:39Gianna, you lost again.
05:41Is that why you called? To show me how proud you are?
05:44Oh, no. I'm calling you to tell you I'm pregnant.
05:47Ben, you're definitely calling the wrong person. I'm not the one who fucked you.
05:52Oh, don't worry. I told Henry all about it. Actually, we've just discussed our wedding date.
05:58Well, think about it, Gia. You've been dating for six years, right? And he hasn't even touched you.
06:04So, why is that? Maybe he wasn't into you in the first place.
06:08Every time we got together, we'd make love like there was no tomorrow. You know how that feels?
06:13In his own words, I'm the one that makes him high. And you, you just killed the boner.
06:20Good for you, Emily.
06:21Well, let's be honest. You must be pretty pissed off right now, aren't you?
06:25Why should I be pissed off? After all, I dumped him. So, I would say it's not a victory, it's a charity.
06:41Gianna, I knew it was you.
06:48Gianna, I knew it was you.
06:51What have your customers ordered? Rubbers? Lugers? Let me check it out.
06:57Sandy, what did your brother say about picking the brides?
06:59Come on, I know he dumped you. Nobody's going to back you up this time.
07:03Just forget about that Sandy.
07:04Brides? Perhaps she's transporting drugs or something.
07:07Yes, we need to do a street check.
07:12Baby, give me a hug.
07:17Dave, what?
07:20Where is she?
07:24Sir, sir, can I stay here for a while?
07:26Get out.
07:40Jesus, how much have you drunk?
07:54Gianna, Sandy told me she saw you living with some stranger in the bar. Are you going to explain this?
07:59That little rat. Why don't you ask your dear sister what she did to me that made me be afraid to go alone?
08:06Anyway, where are you? I'm sending someone to pick you up.
08:09Does Emily know?
08:10Enough. Emily is a kind, trustful girl. And like you, she cares about her family.
08:15So that's the reason why she called and told me that you're going to get married?
08:20I said enough. Emily has never said anything bad about you.
08:24I don't understand why you're so mean towards her.
08:29Was it worth it? Crying for a man like that?
08:32Baby, I'm not crying for him.
08:34What do you know about him?
08:36I don't. But I do know how to deal with a failing master.
08:40You just saw him. That's what I learned first.
08:50Hey, what do you think of selling sex toys?
08:54Nothing special. Business is business.
08:58What do you think of me? Do I look hot?
09:03Would you like to fuck me if I ask you to?
09:10Sorry miss, things like that come at a cost which I don't think you can afford.
09:14Just tell me the number. I'll pay.
09:18Why do you say that? Do you think I'm a prostitute?
09:20No, I'm saying that you're so cute.
09:24And those shooters.
09:26I'm going to be so jealous if they know I'm dating a supermodel.
09:32What's wrong?
09:33Excuse me, Mr. Sullivan. We have arrived home.
09:35Thank you, Arthur. Sorry to take you so long.
09:37Okay, no problem, sir.
09:38Okay, miss. Time to get off.
09:42You're an orange. What did you have?
09:48Let go of me.
09:49Is it because I'm boring? Won't I kill you?
09:52So you don't want to sleep with me?
09:54Okay, it's time to go to bed. Let me take you to the gas station.
10:04Sienna, do you know what are you doing?
10:06I'm taking you to bed.
10:07Are you sure you're going to do this?
10:18Are you sure?
10:36Are you sure you want to have sex with me?
10:39Okay, sign the contract and we can go outside and have fun again.
11:01What did you...
11:09Breakfast time. Get changed and come to downstairs.
11:14About yesterday, did we...
11:16We can talk at the table.
11:21I'm so sorry. I've never got drunk like that before.
11:25It's okay. It's my obligation to take care of you.
11:28Mr. Sullivan, it's approved.
11:33Mary? What's this? Why does it have my signature?
11:37You don't remember?
11:39Mary, ass. That's ridiculous. I shouldn't have ordered that ass drink.
11:44So you just signed the paper to get laid, huh?
11:47Good thing I kept the evidence.
11:53Listen, I'm sorry but this is clearly a mistake.
11:57How much I can pay you to compensate for this? I'll pay it all.
12:01Sure. Arthur.
12:05Ms. Lawrence, this is the Forbes 100 end list.
12:08Just in case you know, someone is willing to spend a staggering 600 million dollars
12:12just to spend a night with Mr. Sullivan.
12:15Does this mean I have to pay 600 million dollars to break up?
12:21But I clearly don't have that money.
12:26So you believe her but don't believe me, huh?
12:29Stop, Henry.
12:31Don't push your luck. Don't push me anymore.
12:34And you, take your time first.
12:37But I'm not gonna leave it like this.
12:39You wanna pay?
12:47What are you doing here?
12:48I don't have any business with any of you. Particularly with you.
12:51This is our lawyer, Lincoln.
12:54Tell him what we are here for.
12:56Nice to meet you, Mr. Ruffer.
12:58I'm here to inform you that you've filed a complaint.
13:01You'll be receiving the summers in a few days.
13:05Regarding the physical and mental damage you've caused Ms. Lawrence,
13:10we demand a reparation of 100 million dollars.
13:15100 million dollars?
13:17Do you even have an idea how much it is?
13:19Well, since you caused my miscarriage and you cancelled the engagement,
13:23that's what you owe me.
13:24Wait a second.
13:25I'm not gonna pay any of this.
13:27Here for all you say, sir.
13:29How do you know I cheated?
13:30Did you see me and Jesse in bed together?
13:32Cut the crap, Henry.
13:34We wanna know our fair share in three days.
13:38Anyway, the people will know that Emily lost her baby because you beat her.
13:44Think about how much that'll cost.
13:46Watch your mouth.
13:48Don't forget who you're talking to.
13:50Well, that's what you asked for.
13:52Joanna was right from the very beginning.
13:55What a fool I am.
13:58Just wait and see. This isn't over.
14:02Hope you can find the door, yeah?
14:10Sir, sir.
14:12Take a look at this.
14:13Just as you suspected.
14:17Where's Joanna?
14:18I don't know.
14:21Oh, God.
14:31Oh, God.
14:50Sir, sir, can I stay here for a while?
14:52Can I stay here for a while?
15:00Don't touch him!
15:22Oh, yes.
15:56Sis, you're in a good mood tonight.
15:59It's nothing.
16:05Miss Guerin.
16:06What brings you here?
16:08Gina was hit by a car.
16:13She's in hospital?
16:15Which one?
16:16Miss Valley.
16:17She's chill, right?
16:19I hope she doesn't seriously hurt.
16:22I hope she doesn't seriously hurt.
16:24Thanks, senpai.
16:28Of course, you wish I was dead.
16:36What are you talking about?
16:39Are you okay?
16:40I was in the hospital.
16:43What happened with Mr. Salomon?
16:46They hired a hitman to crush me.
16:49She's always doing these things to us.
16:51This is not first time when she does it.
16:54Stop lying, Tracy.
16:56Don't listen to them.
16:58They were guiding me since forever.
17:02In case you haven't heard this.
17:05I want the tide.
17:07Whatever it takes.
17:11God, Tracy.
17:12What have you done?
17:13It's not me.
17:15I'm innocent.
17:16What did you say?
17:20What did you say?
17:23That's what you tell yourself?
17:25That you were innocent?
17:27After you killed Jasmine?
17:32She was murdered?
17:34Jasmine didn't commit suicide.
17:37Her car fell off the cliff
17:39because someone broke her brakes.
17:45Here's the recording of her buying of the adjuster.
17:48And the inspection record of my mom's car.
17:58No, no!
17:59How about just I send you to my mom?
18:01I bet you have a lot to tell her.
18:04Take her to the cliff.
18:05Let's see if you're gonna regret of what you've done.
18:11Harry, do something!
18:12You can't let her do this to my mom!
18:15I don't care you ask for my help.
18:17First, you lied about a baby.
18:20How dare you ask for my help?
18:22First, you lied about a baby.
18:24I even gave some of my stocks to you.
18:27Then, you got everything.
18:29You continue to go on.
18:31You got rid of your own baby.
18:34And blame it on me?
18:35And Gianna?
18:37So keep my name out of your fucking mouth.
18:40You got what you deserve.
18:43It's not what you think.
18:45Shut up!
18:48My ears are hurting.
18:50Mr. Saloon, just leave this to me.
18:52Come on, hurry up!
18:55Oh mom, did you see it?
18:57I finally got them.
19:13It's been two weeks.
19:14Why you didn't get any better?
19:17I don't know.
19:24You sneaky liar!
19:42When did you recover?
19:44I think a week ago.
19:46Why didn't you tell me?
19:48It's not like I'm gonna walk out on you.
19:50Because, you know,
19:52I always try to find a way to explain the whole thing to you.
19:58She's name is Leila.
20:00I adopted her in the Finland's nursing home.
20:03When I was a kid, I was drowning in the Finland's pool.
20:08And a woman and her daughter saved me.
20:11And years later, I learned that woman's name was Jasmin.
20:20My mom's necklace?
20:22How did you...
20:24I know, Janna.
20:25It seems all look like unbelievable, but...
20:28I don't understand.
20:30How did you get it?
20:31The necklace I got from Leila's mother.
20:34The twin girls saved my life.
20:40You mean...
20:42When I met Leila in Finland, she was super ill.
20:46That's the reason why I adopted her.
20:50So, Leila's mother is my twin sister?
20:55Yes. Since you and your mother saved my life,
20:58I've been looking for you.
21:00When I was going to give up, I met you at the barn that night.
21:04I believe it's the destiny bring us here.
21:06Do you remember our contract?
21:10I don't have confidence that you will love me.
21:13So, it's the only way that I can keep you around.
