• last year
Desafío xx años Capitulo 84 - martes 6 de Agosto del 2024 - Full Episode
00:00:05-♪ I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man ♪
00:00:07-♪ I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man ♪
00:00:11¡Qué lindo!
00:00:13Hogar, dulce hogar.
00:00:16También está feliz.
00:00:18Es más hermoso en persona.
00:00:20¡Qué lindo!
00:00:22Ahora les presentamos la casa de los finalistas.
00:00:25De los finalistas.
00:00:27¡Así es!
00:00:28¡Gracias, Dios!
00:00:30Esto es nuestra humilde morada.
00:00:33Todas son así, muy bonitas.
00:00:35Por aquí están los baños.
00:00:37Baño hombre-mujer.
00:00:38La ducha de las discordias, las peleas.
00:00:41Pero acá nadie vive.
00:00:43Está como mami.
00:00:44Ah, no, nadie.
00:00:46Es la privacidad.
00:00:47Creo que es un lugar tan hermoso.
00:00:49Hermoso, hermoso, todo muy lindo.
00:00:51Todo caso, y por eso es que nunca estamos
00:00:53con toda la platanera riendo.
00:00:55Sí, vale la pena.
00:00:57Este es el tesorizo.
00:00:59¡Ay, vean! Sí, esto es lo mejor.
00:01:03¿Yo, Rindel?
00:01:04No pasar de esto a nada.
00:01:05Sí, acá no tienen la verdad como ellas.
00:01:07No, y saber que es así,
00:01:09y uno ahí en el mueblecito mirando, ¿no?
00:01:11Con esa hambre.
00:01:12Oiga, bueno, hablando del baño,
00:01:14¿ustedes cómo vamos a hacer?
00:01:15¿Natalia y Kane, o cómo?
00:01:18No, vayan los hombres y vayan con nosotros.
00:01:21Por molestar.
00:01:22Vayan primero ustedes y no se vuelvan
00:01:24los ladrones.
00:01:26Ah, quiño, quiño, pues.
00:01:27Quiño, quiño.
00:01:31Bueno, no, ahorita nos bañamos todos
00:01:34porque estamos muy cochinas.
00:01:35Bailey, yo baño con Bailey.
00:01:37Pues si tú dices de que no llueve,
00:01:39pues dejémonos ahí a ver.
00:01:41Sí, ya sí, de pronto vemos que ya se lueve.
00:01:44Ven, Francisco.
00:01:45Sí, porque mira,
00:01:46llovió un poquito y...
00:01:48Ah, sí.
00:01:49Ven, Francisco.
00:01:50Otra vez los bobitos para allá.
00:01:52Y ya me estaba quedando dormido.
00:01:56¿Ya más o menos tuviste lo que te voy a contar?
00:02:00Y me preocupa mucho.
00:02:02Ay, sí, mami.
00:02:04Es que cuento.
00:02:05Yo dije, no lo puedo creer.
00:02:08De todas maneras, mami,
00:02:11no fue planeado ni tampoco...
00:02:12Ah, no, pues igual, igual, yo no sé.
00:02:14Eso, eso yo siempre he dicho.
00:02:20Ya tú sabes.
00:02:22No, es que todo fue ya cuando a él
00:02:24y a mí nos unieron en alfa.
00:02:26Una miradita, una otra, y yo,
00:02:28él tiene pareja, jamás.
00:02:30Es la típica, ¿no?
00:02:31Estamos mal, no sé qué.
00:02:33Bueno, parece que en ellos es muy cierto,
00:02:35como que tienen una relación muy rota.
00:02:37Él está con ella como por mucho agradecimiento.
00:02:40Kevin es un hombre
00:02:41que tiene muchos sueños y muchas metas.
00:02:43Y yo le decía a él,
00:02:44tú puedes lograr tantas cosas
00:02:45con este trampolín de oportunidad
00:02:47que tú al lado necesitas una mujer
00:02:49que sueñe igual que tú o más.
00:02:51Porque si no, tú nunca vas a crecer.
00:02:53Entonces la novia no le gusta nada,
00:02:54no le gusta que nos miren,
00:02:55no le gusta que nada,
00:02:56es súper celosa,
00:02:57que mejor dicho que a morir.
00:02:59Kevin es todo lo contrario.
00:03:00Kevin es coqueto, por naturaleza.
00:03:02Él es un hombre coqueto,
00:03:04él es un hombre que va,
00:03:05hace reír, él es caballero contigo,
00:03:07con todas, muy amable, muy atento,
00:03:09muy servicial, acá todas las chicas lo quieren,
00:03:11de todo.
00:03:12Si él sigue con la mujer,
00:03:13él no va a crecer más.
00:03:15Yo que te digo,
00:03:16y ver un hombre que tenga tantos sueños
00:03:18con una mujer que no lo deja.
00:03:20Bueno, pero igual él ahorita que salga,
00:03:22tiene que definir
00:03:24como qué es lo que quiere en su vida.
00:03:26Pues él ya me dijo que él iba a acabar eso,
00:03:29¿me entiendes?
00:03:30Es que una cosa es lo que están viviendo acá
00:03:32en este momento,
00:03:33y otra cosa es cuando ya salgan
00:03:34y vuelven nuevamente con su rumbo
00:03:36y se enfrenten de qué es lo que quiero,
00:03:38sí, sí.
00:03:39Pero por eso te digo yo,
00:03:40todo eso está en él,
00:03:42en él en que...
00:03:43Ah, claro.
00:03:44O es o no es.
00:03:45O eso no es.
00:03:46Porque uno nunca tiene que ser
00:03:47plato de segunda mesa,
00:03:49y eso sí,
00:03:50yo sé que contigo tú lo tienes clarísimo.
00:03:52Si él está un 150% decidido,
00:03:55o sea, si él lo duda un instante,
00:03:57adiós Natalia.
00:03:58Pero él no lo sabe,
00:03:59porque yo para qué lo voy a decir,
00:04:00yo no se lo voy a advertir.
00:04:01Si él lo duda,
00:04:02y si no lo duda,
00:04:04Yo lo quiero,
00:04:05es una persona que aprendió a creer mucho acá.
00:04:07yo digo,
00:04:08él hace más suerte
00:04:10que con la mujer que tiene.
00:04:13A mí la tristeza me da con mal genio.
00:04:16Y me puede llevar a tomar decisiones...
00:04:21No, la mamá.
00:04:23A mí me tocaron las fíbaras hoy,
00:04:25lo juro.
00:04:27Yo por mi mamá soy capaz de decir,
00:04:29tenga todo y chao,
00:04:30me voy de acá.
00:04:31No me importa la semifinal,
00:04:32no me importa la final,
00:04:33no me importa nada por mi mamá gorda,
00:04:36Hoy que la escuché yo,
00:04:37no pude creer que mi mamá esté acá.
00:04:40Pensé que era una llamada,
00:04:41ya después la sentí muy cerca,
00:04:42y yo...
00:04:44Y entré en pánico.
00:04:45O sea, yo no sabía,
00:04:46por eso yo creo que no pensé
00:04:48en lo que hiciste tú,
00:04:49en buscarla.
00:04:50En buscarla.
00:04:51Yo no pensé en buscarla.
00:04:52Cuando pasé por un ladito
00:04:53y me tocó,
00:04:55yo le di un beso en la mano
00:04:58y le mordí la manita,
00:04:59le hice así.
00:05:01Es que mi mami es muy tímida,
00:05:02ya todas estas cosas no le gustan.
00:05:04Es muy tímida.
00:05:06Por eso también me siento tan frustrada,
00:05:08porque sé que estar con otras personas
00:05:10la va a hacer sentir incómoda.
00:05:12Más, más.
00:05:13Y triste,
00:05:14muy triste.
00:05:16¿Qué pasó, papi?
00:05:19Obviamente yo llegué acá
00:05:21con la relación y eso.
00:05:24Pues la verdad yo no...
00:05:27No ni...
00:05:28No me interesa mirar.
00:05:30Pero pues ya...
00:05:32Ya pasó algo.
00:05:34No lo pedí,
00:05:35no la busqué,
00:05:36no nada.
00:05:37Nada, nada.
00:05:38Lo que no me gustó
00:05:39es mi güey que...
00:05:41Ey, yo no lo quería acá.
00:05:43O bueno,
00:05:44si se hubiera dado las cosas
00:05:45de pronto afuera.
00:05:47Sí que uno dice, bueno,
00:05:48se hubiera tratado mejor afuera.
00:05:50Pero simplemente no pasó así.
00:05:52Era el derecho.
00:05:53Obvio, mami.
00:05:54Siento como...
00:05:57Un baldao y agua fría,
00:05:58pero demasiado helada.
00:06:00Y de verdad,
00:06:01pues a mí sí me duele.
00:06:03Es bastante fuerte.
00:06:04Quisiera estar al límite de esto,
00:06:06pero que igual me involucra.
00:06:09Como mamá,
00:06:10como suegra,
00:06:11me involucra.
00:06:13O sea, tampoco quiero decir
00:06:14que usted di un mal ejemplo
00:06:17para que usted fuera así.
00:06:19Quiero pensar
00:06:20en que fueron decisiones tomadas
00:06:24y quiero creer
00:06:26que con responsabilidad,
00:06:27aunque esto suena
00:06:29que responsabilidad
00:06:31no se ve como muy cuerdo.
00:06:33Soy sensible en esta situación
00:06:35porque ella es hija
00:06:37y ella es mamá.
00:06:39Porque pues son familias,
00:06:41que cada uno tiene su familia
00:06:42y se van a lastimar.
00:06:45Yo le he pedido a Dios
00:06:46que por favor
00:06:47no perderle a mi hijo
00:06:49como el hombre que es espiritual
00:06:52y nada de eso.
00:06:53Eso ya es otra cosa, mamá.
00:06:55Yo sé,
00:06:56pero que tampoco pierda principios.
00:06:59Su felicidad para mí
00:07:00es lo más importante.
00:07:03Pero tampoco hay que dejar de mirar
00:07:06que la felicidad de nosotros
00:07:08es la tristeza de otras familias.
00:07:11Ella está haciendo cosas para...
00:07:14¿Para qué?
00:07:17Para el niño.
00:07:25Se caí cinco años y nada.
00:07:27Esperando y nada.
00:07:28Se caí cinco años yo y mami también.
00:07:31Creo que si ella hubiera hecho eso
00:07:32yo ya lo hubiera dicho antes tal vez.
00:07:36Se tuvo el tiempo,
00:07:37se tuvo...
00:07:39cómo hacerlo.
00:07:40Se tuvo mucha confianza.
00:07:44Yo dejé el cosillo por allá
00:07:45pero ya no quiero entrar por ahí.
00:07:50No quiero entrar por ahí.
00:07:52¿Le has dejado la basura?
00:07:53Sí, pero hay cosas que le tocas
00:07:54a los generales.
00:07:55Sí, claro.
00:07:57Ahí sí.
00:07:58Yo le indeliría a él.
00:08:00También les trajimos el detallito a ustedes.
00:08:02Javi, María.
00:08:04De pura comida.
00:08:05Ay, sí.
00:08:07¿Tanto que las busqué?
00:08:08Sí, gracias, mami.
00:08:10Uy, comida.
00:08:12De pura comida, pura comida.
00:08:15Sí, es para ti.
00:08:17Esas flores han...
00:08:18Ay, mami, gracias.
00:08:19Esas flores.
00:08:20Ay, sabe que amo las flores.
00:08:22Gracias, mami.
00:08:24Esto no te bobará.
00:08:26Esto es poquito
00:08:27para todo lo que...
00:08:28la que la he luchado,
00:08:29lo que la he guerreado.
00:08:32Gracias, mami.
00:08:33Esas flores antes llegaron.
00:08:34Antes sí.
00:08:36Con perro, con flores,
00:08:37con tus mami venías, era.
00:08:39Ay, no.
00:08:40Venga, las pongo acá.
00:08:45Gracias, mami.
00:08:49Eso también.
00:08:56Que se lo manda con mucho amor.
00:08:59Qué duro.
00:09:01Gracias, mamita.
00:09:02Muchas gracias.
00:09:04Muy gentil.
00:09:05Le iba a mandar uno al niño.
00:09:08Les vamos a mandar un beso.
00:09:12Muy gentil.
00:09:14Les iba a mandar
00:09:16uno al niño.
00:09:30Memaking it look with everyone.
00:09:34Me making kisses.
00:09:35Mení un babo.
00:09:38They look thinner.
00:09:40Of course.
00:09:41Yes, of course. More macrail.
00:09:43You can see Natalia's feet.
00:09:46Her legs are terrible.
00:09:48Her face is rough.
00:09:52She has allergies.
00:09:54She looks very different.
00:09:55Of course, very pale, tired.
00:09:57Her eyes are drooping.
00:09:59Her skin is very dry, wrinkled.
00:10:02I'm telling you the truth.
00:10:04Her skin is very beautiful.
00:10:06You can see her sick,
00:10:08and she's limping.
00:10:10She's very heavy.
00:10:12Look at Natalia's legs.
00:10:14Natalia looks like a map.
00:10:16Oh, that's horrible.
00:10:18Oh, Natalia.
00:10:19I have a back pain.
00:10:20I can't see anything.
00:10:22Your dad, those bruises,
00:10:24they hurt like they hurt you, I think.
00:10:27But we're in the semi-finals.
00:10:29It doesn't matter.
00:10:30It doesn't matter.
00:10:31It's worth it.
00:10:32It's a cure.
00:10:33Yes, it's a cure.
00:10:34Please get up, Natalia.
00:10:36Get up.
00:10:37Natalia, get up!
00:10:38Get up!
00:10:58Natalia, get up.
00:11:01I'm sorry.
00:11:10There's a lot of expectation with Omega.
00:11:13Because, obviously, no one gives a crap about him.
00:11:16I don't know.
00:11:17It's history.
00:11:19You're the only one.
00:11:21The only ones with the two names that there are.
00:11:27I've never been so far.
00:11:30I mean, in the whole history of the challenge.
00:11:32Oh, that's great.
00:11:35Very good.
00:11:36I didn't expect less from you.
00:11:38The last one from Omega.
00:11:40The cap.
00:11:42And you left the name until the end.
00:11:45Super good.
00:11:47And I'm going to take all my boys
00:11:49to compete with Marleya Rosa.
00:11:51I'm going to throw her to the family
00:11:53to make them happy again.
00:11:55The Londoners are...
00:11:56No, both.
00:11:58Both families are super happy.
00:12:01So every now and then they send out audios
00:12:03screaming when you go on the tests.
00:12:05Supporting the girls.
00:12:07The girls are happy, it's obvious.
00:12:09The girls, all the cousins.
00:12:11All of them.
00:12:12Because I think they are the most important.
00:12:14Yes, because you know that you have always been different.
00:12:18Now more than you are on the big screen.
00:12:20And the grandmothers crying of excitement.
00:12:23It is that they have moved a lot from pride,
00:12:25from happiness.
00:12:27It has been very beautiful.
00:12:31The family has moved a lot in a very beautiful way.
00:12:34And you know that these are very important
00:12:36after such difficult times.
00:12:38I love you so much.
00:12:40I love you so much.
00:12:42I love you so much.
00:12:44I mean, Natalia has touched her heart.
00:12:46Because Natalia went to Sardina's house.
00:12:49She left, first she started,
00:12:51she left at 17, then she came back,
00:12:53and then she left again.
00:12:55But she has achieved things on her own.
00:12:58She did a little career, not yet.
00:13:00No, she studied,
00:13:02six semesters of university,
00:13:05of international trade.
00:13:08But it didn't give her
00:13:11because she started working with trading,
00:13:15those coins with bitcoin and all that stuff.
00:13:19Then she started making money.
00:13:21Then she said no.
00:13:23I mean, I earn more here.
00:13:27She is very hardworking.
00:13:29She is very hardworking.
00:13:31She doesn't have a boyfriend.
00:13:33And that dance, what is that?
00:13:37Yes, what is that?
00:13:38What is twerking?
00:13:39That's a dance...
00:13:41That's a dance...
00:13:42Exotic, sensual.
00:13:43To move the body.
00:13:44I really have no idea about that dance.
00:13:46She started dancing that dance
00:13:49and she likes it.
00:13:50That's for sports or...
00:13:52Like a hobby she has.
00:13:54I don't think many things will change
00:13:57when she leaves here.
00:13:59Yes, I'm also very worried.
00:14:03What are they doing here?
00:14:04They are friends.
00:14:08They say that parents know everything
00:14:11if you tell them.
00:14:13My mom told me that I was a little suspicious.
00:14:18Yes, they told me.
00:14:20It hurts me.
00:14:21It hurts me.
00:14:22But I can't make decisions for my son.
00:14:25But I see him very involved with his daughter.
00:14:28You can't judge anything
00:14:30because you are not here
00:14:31and you don't know how they have lived.
00:14:33Suddenly, the experiences that each one has
00:14:36or that one has had...
00:14:37At least in that sense, I didn't like it.
00:14:39I hope she is not a lawyer.
00:14:42She should be.
00:14:46Good night, right?
00:14:48Good night.
00:14:49Good night.
00:14:50Don't take your distance.
00:15:03Good night.
00:15:04Like this.
00:15:05I like it like this.
00:15:08Close it.
00:15:09It's already closed.
00:15:12Come closer.
00:15:14Let's stick together.
00:15:20Don't let it rain.
00:15:31The best thing that could happen to me
00:15:33was being with Santi.
00:15:34I knew that would relax you a lot.
00:15:37Amor and Renzo are my friends.
00:15:39I had to get rid of them.
00:15:41What the hell?
00:15:42Luisa is worth millions of pesos.
00:15:44She is very good.
00:15:46I have a very clear relationship with her.
00:15:49I have to use a lot of people to get ahead.
00:15:52You know that, right?
00:15:55There is nothing like death.
00:15:57It's very good.
00:15:58It's the best, Meli.
00:16:00Remember that the one who tells the story
00:16:02of the drug addict, Ulises,
00:16:06the one who survived
00:16:08Ulises is Ulises.
00:16:10An excellent warrior.
00:16:13I'm ready for the end.
00:16:15I'm one of the best in Colombia.
00:16:39Day 84
00:16:46Good morning, guys.
00:16:48Good morning.
00:16:49Good morning, man.
00:16:50We woke up well, excellent.
00:16:52Although we had a night of sacrifice
00:16:55because we had to control our emotions,
00:16:59our thoughts.
00:17:00We were able to channel the frustration very well.
00:17:04And well, we are here in Playa Baja, brother.
00:17:07To the expectation that anything can happen.
00:17:10But we are mentalized to keep getting to the end, guys.
00:17:30Look for your happiness.
00:17:32The happiness of Matias.
00:17:35And count on me while I'm alive.
00:17:38You know you count on me for the child.
00:17:41It's your turn.
00:17:43Go ahead.
00:17:45How did you sleep, Meli, today?
00:17:46The best thing about Vienna is to rest.
00:17:48Yes, how nice.
00:17:49And obviously super nice to go back to sleep
00:17:50after so long with love.
00:17:52Here's the vest.
00:17:54Wow, what are you doing?
00:17:57No, we thought there would be no more Playa Baja
00:17:59or more hunger.
00:18:00And where are we?
00:18:01It's raining, there's no more hunger.
00:18:02Well, for us there is no more hunger.
00:18:03Well, for me there is not.
00:18:04But I said, thanks to her we don't have to go
00:18:06to fight for food, see.
00:18:08How would you say?
00:18:09Playa Baja, my God.
00:18:11What a sin.
00:18:12In Playa Baja.
00:18:13Well, at least it rained for them to bathe
00:18:15and not stay in the swamp.
00:18:18But that down there, the night is not hard.
00:18:21The day is sunny.
00:18:24Guys, what do you think about
00:18:27that the finalist and the finalist of the challenge
00:18:29can easily be here?
00:18:31Yes, obviously.
00:18:32It is very gratifying to get to this point.
00:18:34Obviously, the situation we experienced yesterday
00:18:36was frustrating.
00:18:37More than the loss, it is the issue of the families.
00:18:40That's right.
00:18:41But the winner or the winner may be here.
00:18:44We have everything.
00:18:46And being here, I think it will fill us with courage
00:18:49to go out and eat everything.
00:18:51To continue having the clear objective
00:18:53of reaching the goal.
00:18:55What they did yesterday was win a track
00:18:57with our help.
00:18:59We helped, waiting for them to give us a hand too.
00:19:03It didn't happen, and here we are.
00:19:05The good thing was that they were told what was on their faces.
00:19:08What I felt, I told them.
00:19:10They recognized it too.
00:19:12The most important thing is not to hold grudges,
00:19:15not to hold on to things.
00:19:17And at this point, what to hold grudges?
00:19:19And not to hold anything, because we are only eight.
00:19:24There is no one else.
00:19:25Mentally, if they are a little in love,
00:19:28where I would have stayed with what my dad did yesterday,
00:19:31I would have cried all night.
00:19:33Maybe knowing a little bit about Caro,
00:19:35being very affected psychologically,
00:19:38being crazy because she has been lately,
00:19:41but with her mother here.
00:19:43Her mother is so beautiful.
00:19:46She is such a good person.
00:19:47Yes, true.
00:19:48All tender.
00:19:49All tender.
00:19:50Super noble.
00:19:51Noble there, yes.
00:19:52Super noble.
00:19:53Of course, I don't know Caroline outside.
00:19:55I don't know what she is like outside.
00:19:57She is in competition mode too.
00:19:59Me neither, but there are things here in the competition
00:20:01that I have not liked about her.
00:20:03There are things that I disagree with.
00:20:05I told her that ...
00:20:07One day I saw some things that I said,
00:20:11how not to inflate an old duck.
00:20:14On the other hand, I also feel that, for example,
00:20:16the attitude that Francisco had to do,
00:20:18suddenly he felt betrayed, offended, I don't know.
00:20:21I say that he did not take it personally,
00:20:22but obviously he took it personally because of how he expressed it.
00:20:25Because after you say goodbye in Playa Baja,
00:20:27with a ritual as we did ...
00:20:29Yes, we said, we will never come back here.
00:20:32So, for example, those little things,
00:20:33that has to affect mentally,
00:20:34because more than one will say, no, f***, enough, enough.
00:20:37But what I'm thinking is that
00:20:39when you have those sadness,
00:20:41when you are in Playa Baja,
00:20:42if they take that for the positive side,
00:20:44that's how good it is to compete.
00:20:46No, you come out like a choked bull.
00:20:48If they tell me, there is another month to the final,
00:20:51here I stay.
00:20:53Because I still feel very motivated, I feel on fire.
00:20:56I feel like in a physical and mental state today.
00:20:59He's here with the f***.
00:21:01Let me go.
00:21:02I throw myself into that,
00:21:03and whatever happens, whatever has to happen,
00:21:04because I know that I ...
00:21:05Whatever happens, whatever has to happen.
00:21:06I'm going to give it all.
00:21:08Do you want to win it?
00:21:09I would like to win the prize,
00:21:12because I know that with that prize I would help my children a lot,
00:21:16I would set up a good business,
00:21:18where I would have the support of my mother.
00:21:20And take advantage of the image.
00:21:22Karla, would you like to win this?
00:21:25My mind is still intact in this dream of being victorious.
00:21:29I know I can give a lot more on the track.
00:21:32And Santi?
00:21:33Yes, without a doubt.
00:21:35Winning the prize,
00:21:36and being able to tell your mother,
00:21:38and say,
00:21:39Mother, look, I won it.
00:21:40I won the challenge,
00:21:42after so much suffering, after so many things.
00:21:44But right now I am at God's will,
00:21:46at his mercy.
00:21:48If I don't make it to the final,
00:21:49don't throw me in the bus.
00:21:51No, the bus is ready.
00:21:53It's been washed and polished.
00:21:54Yes, it's ready.
00:21:55It's been fixed.
00:21:57The town is upside down.
00:22:00My colleagues come and ask me,
00:22:02Hi, Monica, how are you?
00:22:04I tell them,
00:22:05if you don't know her,
00:22:06she's been doing sports.
00:22:07That's Giovanni's daughter.
00:22:09That's his daughter.
00:22:10And you?
00:22:14The grandfather.
00:22:15The grandfather is happy.
00:22:17He says,
00:22:19This year the cube came out
00:22:21two or three times,
00:22:22and you didn't feel like being in the cube.
00:22:24Well, I enjoyed it,
00:22:25and I'll keep it in my heart
00:22:27for the rest of my life.
00:22:29And not just that,
00:22:30many things.
00:22:31Look, here.
00:22:33And even here I have a wall.
00:22:36When they separated us.
00:22:38Look, again.
00:22:40And why is it there?
00:22:42Because while you were sleeping,
00:22:43I was carrying balls,
00:22:46carrying stones,
00:22:47carrying tires from below
00:22:49to up there.
00:22:51More than when I touched this house.
00:22:54Let's go.
00:22:55And almost always
00:22:56it's just one of the flyers
00:22:57we made back there.
00:22:59It was very hard.
00:23:01How do you feel, Caro?
00:23:02Oh, a lot of congestion.
00:23:04I don't know what caused the allergy.
00:23:07Yesterday I had a big wear.
00:23:09On the track,
00:23:10my hands were cramping,
00:23:12my body and legs were cramping.
00:23:15Yes, I said,
00:23:16oh, poor thing,
00:23:17they're taking your money.
00:23:19No, that day,
00:23:21oh no,
00:23:22I had a cramp and everything,
00:23:24The day I saw you happier,
00:23:25far away.
00:23:26Man, I...
00:23:27I didn't have a clue,
00:23:28I had no idea.
00:23:29No, bro,
00:23:30because shit.
00:23:31What a shame, yes.
00:23:33And all those guys
00:23:34who didn't have money,
00:23:35that was a moral climb.
00:23:37So that Francisco
00:23:38is the one who takes the most money.
00:23:40Francisco is the one who...
00:23:41The one who paid, right?
00:23:42Because he touched
00:23:43all those zombies
00:23:44side by side.
00:23:45Don't you think, Francisco?
00:23:53Guys, what a blessing.
00:23:55We have Rexona.
00:23:57Three times more protection,
00:23:58even in extreme conditions.
00:24:00Rexona Clinical
00:24:01accompanies you in this challenge
00:24:02with three times more protection
00:24:03so that you have all the confidence,
00:24:05even in extreme conditions.
00:24:07Check your superiority
00:24:08while you show Colombia
00:24:09your skills
00:24:10and challenge your limits.
00:24:12I'll take mine.
00:24:15It smells delicious.
00:24:16It smells good.
00:24:18You know what it is.
00:24:20Don't leave us,
00:24:21we need you.
00:24:22Now let's go with Tobabe.
00:24:26Dear God, good morning.
00:24:27Lord, we thank you
00:24:28for this new dawn.
00:24:30We thank you
00:24:31for such immense love.
00:24:33We thank you
00:24:34because our families
00:24:35are here, Lord,
00:24:36filling us with energy,
00:24:38filling us with blessing.
00:24:40Please forgive us
00:24:41for the sins we have committed,
00:24:42the bad words and actions.
00:24:44You know that we are not like that,
00:24:45but we are human beings
00:24:46and sometimes we make
00:24:47that small mistake.
00:24:49We thank you
00:24:50for what we have,
00:24:51what is coming.
00:24:54Thank you, dear.
00:24:56No, no frustration
00:24:57to fill up so fast.
00:24:58Once you get there,
00:24:59you lie down
00:25:00and then you stand up
00:25:01to go.
00:25:02No, I stayed
00:25:03like an inflated duck.
00:25:04I stayed like a duck
00:25:05and I started walking like this.
00:25:07It's late.
00:25:08One day,
00:25:09at midnight,
00:25:10there was avocado.
00:25:12I saw an avocado
00:25:13and I said,
00:25:14do you want avocado?
00:25:15And he said yes.
00:25:16When I got there,
00:25:17they said,
00:25:20the daughter denied.
00:25:22all the mothers
00:25:26Bailey was the same.
00:25:27I had seen pictures.
00:25:29have you ever
00:25:30talked to them about Bailey?
00:25:32When we got there yesterday,
00:25:33she said hello to Bailey.
00:25:40I'm also here.
00:25:41Hi, baby.
00:25:42I exist.
00:25:43I brought Bailey,
00:25:44I am your mother.
00:25:45That is the beauty
00:25:46who did not greet you.
00:25:47I think she was waiting
00:25:48for her mother
00:25:49but she didn't go to Bailey.
00:25:50Of course,
00:25:51my mother
00:25:52was telling me,
00:25:53you were telling me
00:25:54that Bailey is coming out
00:25:55and she's waiting for us.
00:25:56And I was telling her
00:25:57to keep waiting for me
00:25:58because I'm not there yet.
00:25:59But I imagine
00:26:01And then
00:26:02when I said,
00:26:04I'm going to be with my parents.
00:26:05I imagine
00:26:06that she was there
00:26:07How many lessons do you think Playa Baja has taught you, Karen?
00:26:11Oh, many.
00:26:12Give me one.
00:26:14For me, this is the biggest lesson Playa Baja has taught me.
00:26:17Be resilient.
00:26:18And be positive in everything.
00:26:20Don't let anything overwhelm you.
00:26:22And value food every second.
00:26:24That's right.
00:26:26And value the life we have out there.
00:26:28There are people who are in Playa Baja every day.
00:26:30They sleep on the street, on the floor, in the mud.
00:26:33We know that this is temporary.
00:26:39It's one of the many dreams we wanted to pursue.
00:26:42And how?
00:26:43At this point, I don't feel bored or anything.
00:26:45I'm more positive than ever.
00:26:47Because we've come a long way.
00:26:49And I'm so proud.
00:26:50Our mothers know that we're all that's left.
00:26:53Oh, I missed you so much.
00:26:55Me too.
00:26:56I missed you so much.
00:26:57I missed you so much.
00:26:58Well, really, when they told us...
00:27:01We were so excited.
00:27:02We didn't expect that.
00:27:03We didn't imagine that.
00:27:04When we were in the box, I just felt his voice.
00:27:07I said, I know we're close.
00:27:09I'm going to feel him.
00:27:10Just the fact that I'm going to feel him,
00:27:12it calms me down a lot.
00:27:14When he talked to me, I said, Melissa is here.
00:27:17I have to get in, I have to get in.
00:27:19And I came out in a movie that you can't imagine.
00:27:21The movie I came out in.
00:27:23Do you think?
00:27:24I knew I had him there after so long.
00:27:26Obviously, what you don't think is wanting to hug, feel.
00:27:29I said, no.
00:27:30I'll talk to him first.
00:27:31If he focuses and concentrates, we'll see each other now.
00:27:34And so it was.
00:27:35Thank goodness.
00:27:36Oh, honey.
00:27:37I feel recharged.
00:27:39I feel ready.
00:27:41Everything you've done, you've done super well.
00:27:43Well, I see for everything you've been through,
00:27:45I feel calmer, happier.
00:27:47Like when you put up with hunger,
00:27:48you always had a high attitude.
00:27:50The punishments too.
00:27:51I know the whole family is proud.
00:27:55Your dad, your mom, your sister.
00:27:57I think so much about them.
00:27:59Of course, and I felt the energy up there,
00:28:01the blessings, the love,
00:28:02so that you have it very present.
00:28:04Seriously, you feel it.
00:28:05When you have the proof, you have it present.
00:28:08And don't give up,
00:28:09because there we are sending you all that light,
00:28:11all that strength.
00:28:12I'm going to give it all for being a finalist.
00:28:14For you, for my family.
00:28:16Tell everyone that I love you very much, Mel.
00:28:18I already see that name of yours recorded in that room.
00:28:21It suits you very well, Mom.
00:28:22I know you're going to win.
00:28:24I love you very much.
00:28:27I'm very happy to have you here.
00:28:30We were always waiting for the last cycle,
00:28:33because that's where the family, the parents, the moms played.
00:28:37And nothing, it didn't come.
00:28:39And when we heard it, we...
00:28:41No, obviously, since I'm a desafiologist,
00:28:43I said,
00:28:44the prize, the prize is the parents.
00:28:46We have to go and go all out so that they come.
00:28:50And I said, no, my mom must be there.
00:28:52She's been waiting for us every day.
00:28:54Your mom, your mom enjoys you.
00:28:57And thank God, she has also won.
00:28:59She is happy.
00:29:01Chicanándola with her friends, with her family, with that.
00:29:04Those screams, she is very excited.
00:29:07I would say hello to her,
00:29:09that she can't come.
00:29:12But yes, well.
00:29:13Her behavior, proud.
00:29:15All the grandparents, the uncles.
00:29:17That's my nana, that's my maquinana.
00:29:22I put myself in that profile the first days.
00:29:26She is proud of this girl.
00:29:28She is there.
00:29:29She has seen it.
00:29:30A great pride.
00:29:31Well, she has already come a long way.
00:29:33She is more than a winner, but she has to finish.
00:29:36She has to win.
00:29:37Of course.
00:29:38Let's see the mountaineer that comes out of here.
00:29:40The mountaineer, the paisa, the marinita.
00:29:42Yes, proudly.
00:29:44I have always said that I, in the cup,
00:29:46I want him to say Darlene Giraldo.
00:29:48Give me Giraldo.
00:29:51And my daughter.
00:29:52And with the mind set on the goal,
00:29:54as Beta says.
00:29:57What are they, pebbles?
00:30:01Of, like, memories or things.
00:30:04I'll take you to take them.
00:30:07The aunts and they take it with their stones.
00:30:10That one and one I could take.
00:30:13One they take it and another you kill that they are the same,
00:30:15that they are almost similar.
00:30:17Oh yes.
00:30:19That for them they are important.
00:30:23They are round, they look like twins.
00:30:25They are the same, more or less.
00:30:27For Matías and for Luía.
00:30:29The mood is increasing, right, Carole?
00:30:32Until I don't get rid of the allergy, I'm not going to be better.
00:30:35It's just that it depressed me a lot, Fatty.
00:30:37Of course.
00:30:38So it gives me a lot of impotence to feel like this.
00:30:40And to see the point to which I have already arrived
00:30:42and suddenly feel like this
00:30:45and you know that first is health.
00:30:48Physical energy can be at 100%,
00:30:50but if something in your health doesn't work well,
00:30:53the mood is not going to be good.
00:30:55I understand you.
00:30:56It's just that you mentally want,
00:30:58you're never going to stop wanting to explode
00:31:00and get out of a track.
00:31:02For example, yesterday I wanted, I was pissed off.
00:31:04I got to Calambrada, I was all pissed off.
00:31:07But I got to a point where I was already stepping
00:31:09and the quadriceps was going up.
00:31:11So you mentally say,
00:31:13no, no way, forward, forward, nothing, nothing is going to stop me.
00:31:16It is the body that begins to weaken, not the mind.
00:31:19Because you want to leave everything.
00:31:21I'm very happy, really.
00:31:23I'm super happy.
00:31:24And I love how you look, sure, determined.
00:31:27I mean, I think I supposedly came to give you strength,
00:31:30but it was the other way around.
00:31:38I feel more recharged.
00:31:42That's very good.
00:31:43That was my surprise.
00:31:45If you wait for me, how many hours do I still play?
00:31:48I knew you were fine.
00:31:50But I didn't imagine it would be so much.
00:31:53I feel too good.
00:31:54Yes, I see you very well.
00:31:56For me, Brice, I swear.
00:31:58I'm not lying, I've been here for another two or three months.
00:32:02I know you did.
00:32:03It's serious.
00:32:04No, no, no, not at all.
00:32:08I can't wait to leave this year.
00:32:13She became a trainer.
00:32:15And I didn't stay.
00:32:18I always smiled because it fed me with victories.
00:32:21You're getting closer.
00:32:22The truth is, if you leave, I'm going to win.
00:32:24Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:32:27That's the truth.
00:32:29I love to see that you are fulfilling your dreams.
00:32:31I love to see the discipline you have.
00:32:33I love to see that everything you propose, you fulfill.
00:32:37That opportunity they gave us, that we came to see them.
00:32:40That is a reward.
00:32:43Here I always remembered how hardworking you are, how tough you are.
00:32:48I used to say, no.
00:32:49My dad, for example, when we have tough tests or punishments,
00:32:54I think a lot about my dad because he has a very strong job.
00:32:57Very strong.
00:32:58And if he can do this job, I can fulfill this punishment.
00:33:02I can.
00:33:03So everything I've lived in my life,
00:33:05they have made me be able to overcome this challenge today.
00:33:09And now I understand why they didn't call me 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago.
00:33:13You weren't ready yet.
00:33:14It was because God told me, wait, it's not time yet.
00:33:17Wait, it's not time yet.
00:33:19This experience has been apart from the physical, emotional.
00:33:23I come out being a better person.
00:33:26Let's say I had a very strong shock here because of what happened with Kevin.
00:33:29It was a very hard shock for me.
00:33:31I cried, I cried, I cried because I said,
00:33:33I'm doing something that all my life I said I wasn't going to do.
00:33:35He's going to find what I think.
00:33:37He's going to find everything, everything.
00:33:39It was a very hard shock that was even affecting me in the competition.
00:33:43But it's over.
00:33:44It's something I'm not proud of, but it's something that,
00:33:46Mom, what I'm telling you, I feel like I couldn't control it.
00:33:49Neither him, nor me.
00:33:50I feel like it's been the only bad thing I've done here.
00:33:54A little bad, just a little.
00:33:57Thank you very much for everything.
00:33:59I don't know who came today.
00:34:02I know, I hardly do it.
00:34:05But I said, if I don't go, he's going to worry worse.
00:34:08So I dressed up with the Lord and I said,
00:34:11Give me strength because I need to hug him.
00:34:14I need him to feel calm because I know he's got a lot of thoughts in his head.
00:34:20And I know he wants to ask me a lot of things.
00:34:22And I want to answer a lot of others.
00:34:25But it's a process, son, which is going to be very strong for you.
00:34:30But in your favor.
00:34:31This is not going to be against you.
00:34:33No matter what the results are out there, it's never going to be against you.
00:34:37You always have to take it on the positive side.
00:34:40I also told your dad, because he brags and everything,
00:34:44because his daughter was in the challenge, had managed to pass the challenge.
00:34:47And well, I told him, love, we have to understand that things are going to change,
00:34:53many things, and you have to be prepared to see what it is,
00:34:56both good and bad.
00:34:58You have to have an open mind for whatever comes.
00:35:02Because if you don't know, everyone already knows what they want for their life
00:35:08and what is good and what is bad.
00:35:10I can't get into that or judge or anything.
00:35:13You know I don't do that.
00:35:15From then on, God will do His will.
00:35:19I say that right now, in this semifinal, whatever happens,
00:35:22I'm going to give my 500%, my 3,000%.
00:35:25So I hope you feel proud.
00:35:27You are proud of me.
00:35:28Very proud, very proud.
00:35:30Really, this has been a great achievement.
00:35:32You finish enjoying this concentrated challenge,
00:35:35and I know you're going to be the winner, and I declare it.
00:35:39Better said than done.
00:35:42I came with the 400 million.
00:35:45I came halfway where we were.
00:35:47And who would have thought that I would come here, Mom?
00:35:51A lot, son, I thought a lot.
00:35:53You thought a lot.
00:35:54That's what I've said, I've said here.
00:35:56It's like everyone trusts me more than I trust myself.
00:36:00That's missing.
00:36:01Paola says, Mom, tell Titi to trust him,
00:36:04that he lacks confidence, because the rest have it.
00:36:08I told her that I wanted her last name to be Rua.
00:36:15That's what I heard, Mom.
00:36:17I feel like those actions are for my mom.
00:36:21I couldn't exalt her, but look,
00:36:24you gave birth to the third generation,
00:36:26and you gave birth to their last name.
00:36:29I would like to do it even higher,
00:36:32so they know that there are black people here.
00:36:35And in those days, I said, Kevin, you've done it.
00:36:41But there's more to come.
00:36:43They tell me, you're the one who has to take the credit.
00:36:47I don't need credit.
00:36:48I need my son to be the man
00:36:51that he's always wanted and that God has him to be.
00:36:56I don't need credit because I don't want to look at him on the bike.
00:36:59That, for me, is nothing.
00:37:02Seeing him here is what fills me up,
00:37:05more than knowing that I have a bike there,
00:37:07something like that.
00:37:08Tell the boy that, obviously, he's good.
00:37:11Yes, that he's good, that he's happy,
00:37:14that Dad is happy, fighting for him.
00:37:17Matías is a boy, but he's very focused,
00:37:20and he knows that his dad is here for a goal,
00:37:23and he's very clear about that,
00:37:25because he's going to put him in a soccer school
00:37:28to be a professional.
00:37:29That's why.
00:37:30But the only thing is that he loves him very much, Dad.
00:37:35I love you, Mom.
00:37:36I love you.
00:37:40A little one.
00:37:59I'm very grateful for where I've come.
00:38:01I represented Carmen,
00:38:03and I left the name of the town up there,
00:38:05just like you left the name of your town up, Karen.
00:38:08That's true.
00:38:09Just like yours was up there, and your company,
00:38:12Just like Carolin left her city up in the air.
00:38:15That's right.
00:38:16Your family, everyone.
00:38:17We're all proud of you.
00:38:19I'm proud of you.
00:38:20We were the ones who thought we wouldn't make it.
00:38:25That's right.
00:38:26A Francisco.
00:38:27We were unimaginable.
00:38:28A Santi.
00:38:29We were unimaginable.
00:38:30We were unimaginable on a street.
00:38:32We were unimaginable in a car.
00:38:35We made it.
00:38:36We're here among the four best in the challenge.
00:38:39Four men and four women.
00:38:41Thank God for bringing us all together.
00:38:46Hola, hola.
00:38:48How are you?
00:38:50It's good to see you again.
00:38:52How are these challenging relatives doing?
00:38:54Very good.
00:38:55What a beautiful experience.
00:38:57We're staying.
00:38:57Oh, look.
00:38:58We're picking up for the rent.
00:39:02Yesterday, the first impression was very hard.
00:39:05In that dark cube, the impression of the voice.
00:39:07Of their lamentations.
00:39:09Oh, no, no.
00:39:10I wanted to leave there.
00:39:11I don't want them to hit me, I don't want bruises.
00:39:14I wanted to help.
00:39:15The bruises of the soul hurt more than the physical ones.
00:39:18No, no.
00:39:18They're my daughters.
00:39:19Yesterday, a dad and a mom wanting to help.
00:39:21With that voice, I had, it was dry.
00:39:23And you know, like, ceasing, and no.
00:39:25It was very hard.
00:39:26How nice.
00:39:27No, and having them here, I think
00:39:29it recharged them mutually.
00:39:31Mutually, yes.
00:39:32And we bring energy there to take to the family over there.
00:39:36To Matias.
00:39:37He takes a lot of energy from his dad,
00:39:39because mom gives my dad a lot of kisses, please.
00:39:43Dad needs him a lot.
00:39:45I know they're happy, that they want to stay much longer.
00:39:48But, well, it is what it is.
00:39:50I want them to get into what it is.
00:39:52Because if we don't go, the bad son will come to me.
00:39:55Well, then, the challenging families, let's go.
00:39:58Say goodbye to your children, please.
00:40:00To your boyfriend.
00:40:01And come with me, because I'm going to be your chaperone
00:40:04to say goodbye.
00:40:06The tremendous chaperone.
00:40:07I'm very happy to see you.
00:40:09I'm staying here with you.
00:40:11Happy, calm, relaxed.
00:40:16What did you do to me?
00:40:19No, I'll get there later.
00:40:21Healthy and safe.
00:40:22I'll get there with that glass.
00:40:25Don't take too long.
00:40:29I want you to stay.
00:40:31But I'm going to bring the news to Matias.
00:40:34Last hug and we're leaving.
00:40:36We don't like this moment.
00:40:37We don't like it.
00:40:38Alejo, take good care of her.
00:40:40Right away.
00:40:40We finally met.
00:40:43Alejo's wife.
00:40:44Yes, finally.
00:40:45You don't have to read it.
00:40:46It's nice to meet you.
00:40:48Bye, my love.
00:40:49Bye, mom.
00:40:51I love you for everything.
00:40:52I'm blessed and focused, Natalia.
00:40:55I love you very much.
00:40:59Come, come and say goodbye, my love.
00:41:01Bye, my love.
00:41:01Come and say goodbye to mom.
00:41:03We'll see you soon.
00:41:04Well, then, run.
00:41:05Bye, bye.
00:41:07Bye, mom.
00:41:09It's not easy.
00:41:10Oh, no.
00:41:11What an experience.
00:41:13Were you born in Naiba?
00:41:14Yes, I'm from there.
00:41:16How was your childhood?
00:41:17Most of my childhood I lived with my grandmother
00:41:19while my mom worked.
00:41:21Because my dad never answered for me.
00:41:25And then it was a childhood where I lacked a lot of love
00:41:29and attention from my mom.
00:41:31In view of the fact that I worked so hard.
00:41:34And I don't know, as you grow up,
00:41:36it's like you're creating a void.
00:41:38That's when I understand why you were so affectionate
00:41:41with your classmates.
00:41:43Do you know why I say that?
00:41:44Because the same thing happened to me.
00:41:46I lacked a lot of affection when I was little,
00:41:48but precisely for the same reason.
00:41:50Because my mom was working so hard for me.
00:41:53So you always have that lack of affection.
00:41:56And when you grow up, you give everything you receive.
00:41:59So now I understand why you treated the guys
00:42:02in your team like that.
00:42:03I'm very loving.
00:42:05There are two facets where I think one thinks,
00:42:08I'm going to be just as affectionate as they were with me
00:42:11or I'm going to give the affection that they never gave me.
00:42:13I love that.
00:42:14And great, great that you are like that,
00:42:16that you have that affection for people and that treatment.
00:42:19I like it.
00:42:19Well, thank God I didn't grow up with those traumas either.
00:42:23Mom and I have a nice relationship right now.
00:42:26Since I'm getting a quick diagnosis
00:42:28of the four people who are here.
00:42:30For example, Francisco really likes social work.
00:42:33You and I share that we grew up in an environment
00:42:36where we lacked affection, but we are very affectionate.
00:42:40And we have Karen, who is a girl from the village
00:42:42who also emerged through her own means
00:42:44and who really wants to keep growing.
00:42:46So I start to analyze and we all have something special.
00:42:50We have something to fight for and a beautiful essence.
00:42:53I feel that the people that God put me here
00:42:55in this stage are people who share a lot
00:42:59with what I am.
00:43:00So it's like I'm seeing in the three of you
00:43:03what I am now.
00:43:04Like a mirror, more or less.
00:43:05Of course, and I needed to hear the story of Karola
00:43:08in her childhood to understand that all of us here
00:43:11are like a puzzle and that the four of us intertwine.
00:43:16Dude, if I get to go out today,
00:43:18I think the first thing would be to go to my parents' farm
00:43:21to say hello to the whole family, to my cousins.
00:43:24And after that, without a doubt, thank God,
00:43:26I have a little bottle stored there.
00:43:28I would go to Santa Marta with Melis
00:43:30and I want to disconnect for five or six days,
00:43:33to relax.
00:44:00I would go to my apartment in Bogotá.
00:44:03I would go, I want to lock myself up for a few days,
00:44:05calm, without anyone bothering me.
00:44:08Without anyone bothering you.
00:44:10Without anyone bothering you.
00:44:11Ah, good.
00:44:12No, well, maybe yes.
00:44:13You can bother me.
00:44:14And you?
00:44:15I would go to my house in Mosquera.
00:44:17I would relax.
00:44:18And later on, maybe in a few days,
00:44:21I would go to Puerto.
00:44:23Puerto Boyacá.
00:44:24Puerto Boyacá, where the people are yours.
00:44:28I think that when we get there,
00:44:30we're going to take a deep breath, like,
00:44:32what happened?
00:44:33What happened here?
00:44:34It's like a micro-dream, right?
00:44:36It's like we've been going in for the first time,
00:44:39and it's like, that's it.
00:44:41Imagine that.
00:44:42We did it.
00:44:44What's happening to you
00:44:46is because you're learning for when you get out of here.
00:44:49Do you know why God sent you team by team
00:44:51to meet different people?
00:44:53Do you know why God sent you team by team
00:44:55to meet different people?
00:44:57Because you're going to be mayor.
00:44:58And to be mayor,
00:44:59you need to know different personalities.
00:45:02He took you from community to community
00:45:05so that you would learn to understand
00:45:07each of the people in that community
00:45:10so that you would understand their needs,
00:45:13how they moved in their community.
00:45:15You're going to be mayor.
00:45:17You're going to be mayor.
00:49:33¿Qué dice aquí?
00:49:36De alto rendimiento.
00:49:37¿O todo lo que tiene que ver con él?
00:49:41Entonces, ya tienes que irte,
00:49:42y el mejor año que tú te puedes ir
00:49:44comenzó a partir de junio de este año
00:49:47y termina hasta junio del 2025.
00:49:52O sea, esta es una época en tu vida
00:49:54en donde por fin llegas a lo más alto.
00:49:57Me voy a ir con Darlene.
00:50:00Tú, por la fecha que me das,
00:50:02eres una escorpión ascendente, Leo.
00:50:05Escorpión es como el signo de Harry Potter,
00:50:08el signo de la magia, del misticismo.
00:50:10O sea que tú debes de tener un sexto sentido.
00:50:13Pero también tienes a Júpiter,
00:50:15que es el mejor planeta del Zodíaco,
00:50:16en la casa 11,
00:50:17y la casa 11 es la casa de los Coach.
00:50:19O sea que lo tuyo es armar comunidad,
00:50:21pero no Colombia.
00:50:24No me digas.
00:50:25Él es el extranjero.
00:50:26No me digas.
00:50:27Tu destino.
00:50:29Y tu vejez y tu plata están en el extranjero.
00:50:33¿Tienes alguna víctima hoy día?
00:50:36Pues a nivel emocional.
00:50:37Claro, mi pareja de cinco años.
00:50:39¿Qué signo es?
00:50:43Ay, ay, ay.
00:50:44Ay, no.
00:50:45Qué pesada es mi gordito.
00:50:49Mejor nos sigo.
00:50:50Siga, siga.
00:50:51No hay nada que hacer.
00:50:52De una.
00:50:53Ay, es tu luna negra.
00:50:56Esa relación se puede volver muy tóxica
00:50:58en algún momento de la vida.
00:51:00Muy cierto.
00:51:01Sí te aseguro algo.
00:51:03Si te llegas a casar, te divorcio.
00:51:06En menos de dos años y medio después de que te cases.
00:51:10En menos de lo que canta un gallo.
00:51:12Caroline, a ver,
00:51:14tú eres una libra ascendente cáncer.
00:51:19Libra es como si fuera tu piel,
00:51:21y cáncer es como si fuera tu ropa.
00:51:23Es lo que compartes con los demás.
00:51:25Y cáncer es el signo,
00:51:27por eso los representan como dos pechos maternos.
00:51:30Porque cáncer es el signo que siempre está alimentando a los demás.
00:51:33O eres la mamá de todo el mundo,
00:51:35o tienes que jugar mucho ese papel de ser la protectora de todas las personas.
00:51:38Por eso temas que tienen que ver con alimentación,
00:51:41porque eso también lo va a regir Libra.
00:51:43Cáncer, que rige todo lo que tiene que ver con la nutrición.
00:51:45Te funcionan todo ese tipo de temas.
00:51:47Mejor dicho, invierte en restaurantes,
00:51:49invierte en todo ese tipo de temas,
00:51:51porque funcionan sin ningún inconveniente.
00:51:53Sin embargo, quiero decirte algo.
00:51:55Hay una casa que sí me pareció muy curiosa en tu carta astral,
00:51:58que es la casa ocho.
00:51:59Rige todo lo que tiene que ver con la muerte.
00:52:01Yo no sé qué debió haber pasado.
00:52:03Algo en tu vida muy difícil
00:52:06que marca temas que tienen que ver
00:52:09con un proceso difícil con uno de tus familiares.
00:52:12Sí, una tía fue asesinada hace ocho años.
00:52:14Todavía me ha costado un montón soltarlo.
00:52:17Pero mira cómo es de exacto una carta astral.
00:52:19Aquí no te estoy adivinando nada.
00:52:21Solamente lo interpreté.
00:52:23Pero es entender que si el destino está ahí escrito,
00:52:26pues como yo también comienzo a coger fuerzas
00:52:29para poder ser lo que me puedo levantar hoy día en ser.
00:52:33Me voy a ir ahora con Natalia.
00:52:36Tú eres Tauro ascendente Géminis.
00:52:40Uno de tus más grandes problemas para poder llegar al éxito,
00:52:43¿sabes cuál es?
00:52:44La procrastinación.
00:52:46Sí, es cierto.
00:52:48Tienes que tener mucho cuidado con la procrastinación.
00:52:51Pero Tauro rige la plata, va a tener plata.
00:52:53Toda la que tú quieras.
00:52:55Tú tienes la abundancia en la casa once,
00:52:57casa de las tecnologías.
00:52:59Mija, ¿sabes algo?
00:53:01Todo lo que tiene que ver con el internet,
00:53:03marketing, todo lo que tiene que ver con influencer.
00:53:06Lo mío.
00:53:07Eso es en donde te va a dar plata.
00:53:10Pero quiero decir algo.
00:53:12¿Podemos decir cualquier cosa?
00:53:16Vamos con la famosa luna negra en la casa cinco,
00:53:18que es la casa de los hijos.
00:53:21Quiero decir lo siguiente.
00:53:23La luna negra puede traer algún tipo de pérdidas
00:53:27o abortos en temas que tienen que ver con hijos.
00:53:32Si no quieres tener un embarazo no deseado,
00:53:34un embarazo de alto riesgo,
00:53:36yo te diría que no tengas un hijo de signo E libra.
00:53:40Y de hecho, no solamente un hijo,
00:53:42ni una pareja, ni una relación,
00:53:44ni un socio, ni una amistad,
00:53:46ni nadie libra.
00:53:48Libra para ti va a ser muy tóxico.
00:53:51¿Y tú qué te ríes?
00:53:54Espera que la va a quitar.
00:53:56Ay, padre.
00:53:57No la puedo ver.
00:53:59En ese orden de ideas,
00:54:01las personas libras no te funcionan.
00:54:03Ay, qué información.
00:54:05Vamos a hacer tu carta.
00:54:07Soy un buen libra.
00:54:10Libra ascendente escorpión.
00:54:12Cuando libras se divorcia o enviuda.
00:54:15Y si él nace con la casa cuatro,
00:54:17que es la casa de los padres vacía,
00:54:18quiere decir que también tienes un vacío
00:54:20con uno de tus padres.
00:54:21Tienes una herida que tienes que sanar
00:54:23con uno de tus padres.
00:54:24Pero yo creo que tu mamá no es,
00:54:26porque tu mamá es la cómplice absolutamente de todo.
00:54:29Es más por la parte masculina.
00:54:31¿Es así o no es así?
00:54:32Sí, totalmente.
00:54:33Pues no lo quería aceptar.
00:54:36Pero sí.
00:54:37¿Tu mamá de qué signo es?
00:54:38¿O cuándo cumple año?
00:54:39Si no sé mal, es acuario.
00:54:41El 6 de febrero.
00:54:43Ah, los dos son acuario, ¿no?
00:54:44Con razón, no funcionó la relación, Manu.
00:54:46Nada que ver.
00:54:48Nada que ver.
00:54:49Es que signos iguales no.
00:54:51Sí, no funcionan.
00:54:53¿Y con quién estás casado?
00:54:54Ahora si hablemos del matrimonio.
00:54:56¿De qué signo es la víctima?
00:55:00¿Cuándo cumple año?
00:55:02Bueno, pues si está muy bien el matrimonio,
00:55:04¿por qué ni te acuerdas?
00:55:06Es el 29 de septiembre.
00:55:09Pues es libra igual que tú.
00:55:11Dos libras.
00:55:12Yo brindé.
00:55:13¿Para qué íbamos nosotros?
00:55:15Te voy a decir algo.
00:55:16Naces con libra en la casa 12,
00:55:18que es la casa de los karmas y de las otras vidas.
00:55:21Quiere decir que tú de otras vidas te la vienes a encontrar a ella.
00:55:25Por eso en algún momento
00:55:27o tienen que ser muy felices y muy cómplices
00:55:30o tienen que odiarse mucho.
00:55:33Así que espero que sea lo primero.
00:55:36Ah, ok. Gracias.
00:55:38Hemos terminado.
00:55:40Súper genial.
00:55:41Bastante información.
00:55:43Espero que les haya gustado mucho.
00:55:45Nos encantó.
00:55:46Muchas gracias, Dani. Dios le pague.
00:55:48En serio que fue muy gratificante.
00:55:50No lo necesitábamos.
00:55:51Esto los va a dejar listos para enfrentar todo lo que se venga.
00:55:54Así es.
00:55:55Que estén muy bien.
00:55:57Vuelve pronto, Mafe, por favor.
00:55:59Chao, muchas gracias.
00:56:01Nos vemos.
00:56:03Estuvo buena esa información.
00:56:07¿Cómo la valió?
00:56:08Qué chimba.
00:56:09Una vez hace tiempo me hizo esta carta
00:56:11y me salieron dos cosas que se dieron.
00:56:14Que yo iba a estar encerrado.
00:56:16Ah, que bien.
00:56:18Se supone que esos dos signos
00:56:21había escuchado que precisamente
00:56:22no es que pegaran mucho.
00:56:25¿Está Aurelia?
00:56:27No supe cómo mis parejas se han quitado duro
00:56:29y Capricornio tampoco.
00:56:31Y Bea.
00:56:32Y Bea.
00:56:34Yo le dije a mi mamá
00:56:35que a él le iba a dar duro ver esto.
00:56:39¿Qué a quién le iba a dar duro?
00:56:40A mi expareja.
00:56:43Desde eso yo no he estado con nadie,
00:56:44ni nunca me he visto con nadie,
00:56:46ni con nadie.
00:56:48Que yo ya.
00:56:49Chao, hasta el rato.
00:56:50Pero el tema de él para superarme
00:56:52ha sido muy largo.
00:56:54Sí, creo.
00:56:55Yo lo entiendo.
00:56:56Es cuando le da a uno como alza.
00:56:58O uno ve y uno alza.
00:57:03¡Un puto!
00:57:25¡Semifinalistas, buen día!
00:57:26Buenos días.
00:57:27El desafío por todo.
00:57:28Los separó en dos territorios,
00:57:29Playa Baja y La Casa,
00:57:31playa baja y la casa en donde pasaron la noche los ganadores desde esos dos
00:57:36lugares antagónicos hoy ustedes empezarán a vivir ese viaje ese que los
00:57:42llevará a la final del desafío 20 años cómo será esa respuesta se las daré aquí
00:57:48en el sitio en el que siempre nos encontramos después de las pruebas
00:57:52semifinalistas pónganse sus uniformes y traigan sus maletas ya los veo
00:58:15hay como ir a hacer el corte con el otro tramo
00:58:23de vacanería entonces que creen que puede pasar será que nos ponen a competir
00:58:29ahorita o nos reunirán a todos en una casa no sé hipotéticamente hablando
00:58:34creería que pronto van a reunir a ya dicen váyase todos para una casa y
00:58:38esperen noticias para hacer un semifinal algunas noticias nos tiene porque no nos
00:58:43mandó directo a un box estoy muy agradecida soy hasta risa
00:58:49seriedad porque va a ser parte del capítulo de la semifinal del desafío
00:58:52dios mío eso es mucho o sea que le esté por todo fue solo por esta noche
00:58:57sí experiencia tan maravillosa y lo que falta y no hemos reído bueno
00:59:04a sobre llevar las cosas a soltar tienen una energía muy bonita no es a la idea
00:59:10no me lo esperaba no muchas veces se deja llevar por los comentarios de la
00:59:13gente sabe así claro muchas veces es errado no en el concepto de una persona
00:59:18por lo que le han dicho siempre fuimos una familia siempre muy unidos no dejamos
00:59:22caer a lo otro así como nos ves así viendo el estado positivo a los momentos
00:59:28difíciles exactamente yo no se me sentía muy mal o sea si se te notaba ni
00:59:33siquiera tanto por haber perdido no sino por el tema de mi mami me sentía muy
00:59:38frustrada muy vacía o for real claro me imagino y todos lo sentíamos así no la
00:59:44guerreamos demasiado para estar aquí lo único que les pido de corazón como
00:59:48competidores que no la disfrutemos que hoy vamos a ir a una excelente pista a
00:59:52darla toda que vivamos esto como el sueño de nuestras vidas para adelante
00:59:57muchachos que lo que nos espera es vivir este sueño
01:00:02en el corazón esta experiencia no me la roban nadie
01:00:06chau playa baja hasta nunca playa baja me enseñaste mucho espero que a los
01:00:11próximos desafiantes les enseñes igual que a nosotros que a mí en lo particular
01:00:15y bueno las bonitas reflexiones hicimos hoy y aquí se queda la foto niños bueno
01:00:202 3
01:00:28gracias dios
01:00:30chau playa baja
01:00:32chau playa baja
01:00:34gracias por tanto
01:00:36amores y odios en este lugar
01:00:44su mama
01:01:24como se los dije el primer día
01:01:26ustedes son los guerreros
01:01:30para enfrentar estos 20 años
01:01:32del desafío
01:01:34se lo han ganado
01:01:36y por eso les tengo una última
01:01:42mi mamá
01:02:09Oh, my boy!
01:02:15Oh, my love!
01:02:20Oh, my love! I love you so much!
01:02:28I'm so happy you're here with me.
01:02:31I missed you so much!
01:02:34How are you?
01:02:35I'm fine.
01:02:36I'm so happy to see you.
01:02:38I'm so happy to see you.
01:02:39I'm so happy to see you.
01:02:42I love you, my love.
01:02:44This is the challenge, Fabio.
01:02:47You saw me.
01:02:48Don't be surprised, my brother.
01:02:56How's the news?
01:02:58I don't understand what's going to happen in the end.
01:03:00When they told you I was coming here, what did they say?
01:03:11That's it.
01:03:13You can sit there.
01:03:16Do you know why your families are here?
01:03:20Because they've come for you.
01:03:22To take you home.
01:03:23To take you home.
01:03:32To nourish you with the energy you're going to need to face the final stretch.
01:03:39The most challenging of all this competition.
01:03:44Are we going home?
01:03:48To your homes.
01:03:50To your real homes.
01:03:52Thank you, Andrea.
01:04:01There's no competition anymore.
01:04:12I love you.
01:04:13You're the most beautiful thing in this challenge.
01:04:16I'm serious.
01:04:17I'm going to miss you.
01:04:19Thank you for everything.
01:04:27Thank you, challenge!
01:04:29Thank you!
01:04:32For taking care of our children.
01:04:51For taking care of our children.
01:04:54For taking care of our children.
