EE 06.08.24

  • last month


00:00It makes me think about the years I wasted.
00:03Hey, don't ever say you wasted anything.
00:08You were a mum, you ran businesses, you did everything on your own.
00:11You know, it's... You didn't know back then.
00:14It's just taken you a while to get here.
00:16And look at you.
00:18You're where you're meant to be.
00:23You were a bit quiet last night.
00:27I didn't want to butt in on the reunion.
00:29You know, you two have got a lot to talk about
00:32and you're chatting away like you'd never been apart.
00:37You know, ages ago, you said that you two were close
00:40and that she was the first woman that you had feelings for,
00:43so was it...was it weird?
00:46Must have felt weird seeing her again.
00:49Yeah, but she didn't know I had feelings for her.
00:54And nothing ever happened?
00:56It was so long ago.
00:59I would like to see her again, catch up properly.
01:04If you're OK with that?
01:07You don't need my permission.
01:09You know, and it's good if you get some gay friends
01:12and especially ones from the same background.
01:16You've had enough people stopping you doing what you want
01:19and I don't want to do that to you.
01:22What did I do to deserve you?
01:25I am pretty special.
01:29It's true.
01:32Hey, Lewisbury.
01:33All right.
01:35Can I get a flat wipe?
01:37Are they getting on well?
01:40Yeah, it's good to see your mum, so happy.
01:43Vinnie, Vinnie, come.
01:44You remember my son Vinnie, don't you?
01:46You didn't get a chance to meet him yesterday, properly.
01:48Well, I do remember a toddler.
01:51Look at you all grown up.
01:53And a successful businessman.
01:56He's having a good catch up?
01:58Oh, I hope you don't mind me stealing her.
02:00It's just, it's so good to talk after so long.
02:03Yeah, of course.
02:04Why don't you join us?
02:05Yes, come.
02:07Oh, come on.
02:08No, you need some time on your own.
02:09Oh, there's plenty of time for that.
02:10Come on.
02:11You too, Vinnie.
02:12I've got to go to an important meeting.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I see.
02:15Very important.
02:16Yes, auntie.
02:17Yes, I'm dead.
02:20I'll see you later.
02:25Aisha was telling me about her letters business in Manchester.
02:28Sounds like it's going brilliantly.
02:30Well, it's nothing compared to what you've achieved.
02:32Building all those businesses by yourself.
02:34Always been a steely one, our Suckfinder.
02:37There was this time with this dodgy window cleaner.
02:40No, no, no, no.
02:41We don't need to tell that story.
02:42No, no, no, no.
02:43I want to hear it.
02:44No, we don't.
02:45No, no, I'm getting death stares.
02:46I'd better not.
02:47Do you know, I never asked you last night
02:49what line of work are you in?
02:52Stacy's Baps.
02:54It's a Bap bun on the market.
02:57I mean, I used to be a lawyer.
02:59Ah, why the change?
03:02That's a long story.
03:03Well, people will always need Baps.
03:08Suki tells me that you used to run a lettings agency
03:11in London with Hardy.
03:13Yeah, but I sold out after he died.
03:16But, do you know, part of me regrets
03:19selling the business down here.
03:21Well, there's nothing stopping you from expanding.
03:24You could set up in London again.
03:26I could always help you out.
03:28We've got to support other women in businesses, haven't we?
03:31If you can spare the time, that would be great.
03:34If that's OK.
03:36Yeah, I mean, Suki's a talented woman.
03:38It would be rude of me to keep her to myself.
03:41It would just be nice to help out an old friend.
03:45Well, I should pay you for your time.
03:49Well, erm, let me fill you in on the gossip, then.
03:53OK, go on.
03:54Right, now, do you remember Shamila?
03:59She went unmarried.
04:01Are you still worrying about this Ayesha, are you?
04:04Miss, do you?
04:05Oh, Trace, thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.
04:08Tell Elaine that I'll just replace the lot in the morning.
04:10Will do.
04:15I think it's just Nish.
04:17No, he's getting in my ear.
04:18He's just stirring.
04:20You know better than to listen to him.
04:22Eve, I've never seen you this insecure before.
04:28Suki's the one, the first one, that's really cut through.
04:32I mean, before her, you know I've been in love.
04:37I've had long-term relationships, but I think I've always sabotaged them.
04:41You know, just sort of messed them up on purpose.
04:44You ditch them before they ditch you.
04:47When I lost Erica, I felt like,
04:50oh, if you can lose your twin just like that, you can lose anyone.
04:54So I lost her and then Mum and Dad wanted nothing to do with me
04:58and I thought, well, there's no point in clinging on to anyone, you know?
05:04They're all going to leave you at some point.
05:07I'm a therapist's dream, aren't I?
05:10Suki ain't going to leave you.
05:12She risked everything to be with you.
05:14She ain't about to throw that away.
05:17Thanks, mate.
05:19I'm sorry for stressing you out.
05:21Oh, shut up.
05:22What a wife's thaw, eh?
05:23Hey, I'll get that.
05:29It's a vintage ring.
05:30Diamonds either side of an oval cup.
05:32It's worth a lot.
05:34Well, no, that's just not enough.
05:36Thank you for your offer.
05:43A latte, please, Marie.
05:49I just bumped into Suki and Aisha.
05:52Oh, that's lovely, isn't it?
05:56Have you got nothing better to do?
05:59I'm genuinely really pleased for her.
06:02I'm genuinely really pleased for her.
06:04You know that they went to the Gurdwara together.
06:08But I'm guessing that's something that you'll never have in common with Suki.
06:12The religion, the culture.
06:16I'm sure you've read a bit here and there and you love the food, but...
06:21It's not the same as being from the same background, is it?
06:25Never will be.
06:28Why do you care so much?
06:32I know that you won't believe me, but...
06:38I'd hate to think that me accidentally bringing them together
06:43might drive a wedge in between you and Suki.
06:47You two have been through so much to be together.
06:49I know. I thought it.
06:52And seeing how happy you both are now, well...
06:57I realise that was never right for her.
07:00I realise that was never right for her.
07:06But that look that I saw in Suki's eyes when I saw her with Ayesha today...
07:14Just take it from somebody you know.
07:18I've seen it before.
07:19Do one. Fish.
07:22And I know that look that I'm seeing in your eyes, too.
07:30A little bit of doubt.
07:38I know what it feels like when she starts to slip away.
07:43And you can fight it all that you want, but that sick feeling in the stomach?
07:47And you can fight it all that you want, but that sick feeling in the stomach?
07:52It's telling you something.
07:56It's telling me that I have had an earful of you.
08:03Well, if you're really okay with them getting to know each other again, then fair play to you.
08:09I know I wouldn't be.
08:18Well, I could pop by now, you know, before you close.
08:23I don't have any kind of certification, either, but the ring's decades old.
08:27But that'll affect your evaluation that much.
08:31All right, I see. Thanks.
08:42I hope you don't mind, but Ayesha didn't have any plans this evening, so...
08:45It's fine.
08:47Thanks for being so brilliant about all this.
08:48Of course.
09:06Your little chat earlier, just so you know, you're not getting inside my head.
09:13In fact, you might have done me a favour.
09:30Are you getting them drinks here in a while?
09:31Yep, in a minute.
09:32Oh, I'll get them.
09:34Here, try some.
09:35Oh, all right, yeah.
09:48Me tenu pia kadeha.
09:50Or, as you say up north,
09:53I proper love you.
09:58You see that?
10:06What's going on?
10:10Ki tusi merina via karonga.
10:17Will you marry me?