‘That’s Simply Not True’: Roger Williams Slams SBA Admin Over Partisan Voter Registration Program
On Wednesday, Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) questioned Small Business Association officials on get out the vote programming during a House Small Business Association Committee hearing.
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00:00Thank you, Madam Chair. And let me just say this. We keep hearing the SBA is going to
00:05be implementing this agreement in a nonpartisan way. We just heard that. But that is simply
00:09not true. The Administrator chooses where to go and which event to promote to the American
00:14people. And therefore, if you want to avoid registering Republicans, you don't go where
00:18they are located, as we just saw on the map. You don't do any press on it. You don't invite
00:23the Michigan Secretary of State's office to set up a table to register voters.
00:28There are still a lot of unanswered questions in here, and we aren't going to stop looking
00:32this until we start to receive some real answers, which Representative McClain has tried to
00:37get from you. But with that said, let me yield back the rest of my time to Chairwoman Van
00:43Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Let me be clear. The reason why we're continuing
00:46to push this investigation is because the SBA has stonewalled us at every turn. You
00:52briefed the committee on May 3rd, but shut down more questions than you provided answers.
00:57The Chief of Staff said he could not recall pertinent information almost 200 times. We
01:02aren't getting answers. We aren't getting documents, and that's a fact. Further, the
01:06House passed my bill, which would create a link on the SBA's website for people to report
01:11COVID fraud at the SBA. We literally needed an act of Congress to get that link created.
01:18And guess what? SBA still hasn't done it. Instead, you're prioritizing creating a link
01:23to register voters. I think the SBA's priorities are pretty crystal clear. They want to register
01:29voters and forget about fraud. Under the NVRA, which we've heard a number of times today,
01:34the states are allowed to request help from agencies, not the other way around. The SBA
01:40has told us, and you, Ms. Kim, told us that the SBA reached out first. Do you stand by
01:45that statement?
01:47I don't think that I said that.
01:49Well, in fact, the legal ground upon which you and the Democrats are attempting to stand
01:53is shaky at best. I mean, you said the SBA heard that Michigan was interested in engaging
01:57with the SBA to register votes, but who told the SBA that Michigan was interested, and
02:02how did you know? This isn't normal. The NVRA has never been used like this in 30 years.
02:09In the SBA's own words, this is a first-of-its-kind agreement, as the SBA stated in a press release.
02:15This hearing has shown the SBA is as ineffective in implementing this project as they are with
02:20anything else, if not—you're at least consistent, if not anything else.
02:25So, Ms. Kim, you couldn't give me or Ms. Galton a viable reason for the lack of implementation
02:31of this MOU, and it's obvious the SBA doesn't seem to have any kind of plan to implement
02:35it at all. But on top of that, you and the Democrats are saying that this voter registration
02:40is so vitally important to small businesses' survival in Michigan that you've got to prioritize
02:45it, and yet now you're saying that small businesses don't even have access to the
02:52URL that you spent time putting together, and how does that make any sense?
02:57So it seems like we started looking into this, and as we started our investigation and asking
03:03questions and having your folks come to our committee and answer those questions and tried
03:07getting documents, basically, you basically stopped implementing the program. At least
03:13that's what it seemed, because we haven't been able to get any answers today on the
03:16time frame, on when the URL is going up. You've had this agreement signed since March. It's
03:22now nearly the end of July, and nothing has happened. So, again, you're just as effective
03:30in this program as some others. But I appreciate your time here today.
03:35Well, the gentlelady—
03:36Oh, I have—I'm going to yield the rest of my time to Representative McLean.
03:40I have a question for you, Ms. Kim. Did you reach out to the State of Michigan, or did
03:45the State of Michigan reach out to you?
03:48I joined the SBA in 2022, so the conversations with Michigan started in 2021, so I don't
03:54have first-hand knowledge of those.
03:55Do you have second-hand knowledge?
03:57Again, my understanding is that, you know, Michigan was interested in partnering, and
04:02so, you know, the whole—
04:04Can you get that answer?
04:06I'm not honestly sure who would have it, but I can definitely look into it. Again, it happened
04:10before I got here. And I should add—
04:13So I just want to make sure. So you don't know if the State of Michigan reached out
04:19to you to implement this program, or you reached out to the State of Michigan. And I say that
04:25because it's a very critical question that you don't have the answer to. If you don't
04:32have the answer, who would? Perhaps your boss?
04:37Again, all the work with the State of Michigan started before I joined the agency.
04:43But you use that as a common excuse. It started before you joined the agency. Okay? And you
04:49joined the agency when again?
04:51In March of 2022.
04:52In March of 2022. So any work that was done before March of 2022, you have no clue on?
05:00I have some general understanding. And again, when I started, that kind of work was already
05:04happening, and I, you know, tried to—
05:07You just like, okay, wasn't me. Do you think you could get me that answer?
05:11The lady's time has expired.
05:13Let me, let her answer, please. Do you think you could get that answer?
05:17Any specific requests, you know, I'm sure we can follow up. The lady's time has expired.
05:22I'd like to thank our witness for her testimony and for appearing before us today. Without
05:26objection, members have five legislative days to submit additional materials and written
05:29questions for the witnesses to the chair, which will be forwarded to the witness. I
05:32ask the witness to please respond promptly. There's no further business. Without objection,
05:37the committee is adjourned.