Sueños de libertad - 108

  • 2 months ago
Sueños de libertad - 108


00:00How many sanatoriums have we already called?
00:09Well, to all those in the province of Toledo and Madrid.
00:11Don't move.
00:12What are you doing?
00:13No, no, no.
00:14What are you going to do?
00:15Yes, a little water.
00:16Water, please.
00:17The most important thing is that he has transmitted his interest in putting us in contact with
00:21the Mogó warehouses.
00:22Please, what he told you were lies, exaggerations.
00:24If Gema loves you madly.
00:25I'm going to leave you.
00:27I love you madly.
00:28I love you too.
00:29Your scene today has been from Hollywood actress up.
00:30Come on, what a way to expose arguments.
00:31My mother.
00:32I've been thinking about Maria's pregnancy for days.
00:33The doctor who treats her is in Madrid and I would like someone close to watch her.
00:34I can't do like you and father.
00:35I can't accept that my wife doesn't love me and continue with her.
00:36And I don't know if someone in the family and also a man is the right person to do
00:37that kind of follow-up.
00:38I want to marry you.
01:00No, please.
01:02No, no.
01:05I'm going to do what you've asked me to do.
01:23I don't love you.
02:21This one a patricia lambert
02:28Possible venir a visitar la fábrica y luego a venir a comer a esta casa que te parece bien supongo
02:35Lo organizado marta para ver si podemos abrir mercado en francia
02:40Se ve que esa mujer tiene mucha mano allí
02:45Así que parece que la familia de la reina está entrando en los círculos sociales más importantes por la puerta grande
02:53De qué decir tiene que espero que vengas a esa comida claro si en principio si muy bien
03:01Siento lo de noche begoña
03:03Estoy muy preocupada por mi madre
03:06y que no me entiendas entiendo claro que te entiendo pero si me mantengo firme en mi postura es por ti
03:13ella allí está bien cuidada ahora eres tú la que se expone me necesita y hasta que no lo vea en persona no me voy a
03:19quedar tranquila
03:22No quiero que se sienta abandonada me siento terriblemente culpable pero cómo vas a ser culpable de que esta maldita epidemia se haya extendido por
03:29todos lados
03:30Si mi madre se hubiera quedado en casa no se habría contagiado
03:33Pues a lo mejor no se habría contagiado pero a lo mejor se habría vuelto a escapar y con fatales consecuencias
03:37Eso es no te das cuenta de que esa gripe está acabando con personas mayores y delicadas de salud cuántos muertos van ya
03:43No lo sé cientos no eso es lo que nos cuentan pero he estado siguiendo las noticias por la radio son miles en toda europa
03:49Pues menos mal que todavía no ha llegado a la colonia
03:52Si no te preocupes luces se ha prevenido por si aparecen los primeros casos para que no entorpezca la producción
03:58razón de más para que tengas cuidado begoña soy tu marido y que
04:02no me lo vas a impedir jesús esto no voy a ver a mi madre aunque tenga que pasar por encima de ti
04:12Begoña por favor ser razonable como enfermera sabes mejor que nadie el altísimo riesgo que corres como enfermera voy a tomar todas las
04:19precauciones porque soy la primera interesada en no traer ese virus a casa
04:22Jesús si voy con mi coche no tardaré más de una hora es un momento sólo necesito decirle que no está sola
04:28por favor estate tranquilo es que no quiero que te pase nada
04:33Si salgo ahora poder volver a tiempo para la comida con patricia lambert no me pongas esto más difícil por favor
04:42Está bien
04:45Pero antes bajemos a desayunar no
04:48No no no quiero perder ni un minuto le diría digna que me preparé algo de comer cariño no estoy nada convencido pero yo
04:54sí por favor no te preocupes por nada y centrate en preparar esa comida
04:58a la comida no puedes faltar
05:00te lo prometo
05:14Sinceramente no esperaba volver a veros pensé que había quedado todo más que aclarado
05:25Bueno mario nosotros queríamos
05:29Agradecerle su sinceridad y también queríamos que supiese que jamás
05:35Ni antes ni después nos atreveríamos a juzgarle a usted o a nuestro padre
05:41Herbaceo era una persona especial un hombre
05:47extraordinario al que me honra haber conocido
05:52Fue todo muy difícil para nosotros
05:56Los dos sufrimos lo que no está escrito
06:01Primero antes de reconocer lo que sentíamos y
06:08Cuando decidimos aceptarlo
06:15No me abra si ante vosotros igual mario mario está bien está bien
06:23Ninguno de nosotros puede elegir cómo somos
06:31En cierto sentido me ayudan a reconciliarme conmigo mismo
06:44También habíamos pensado que
06:51Que debería ser usted el que tuviese las cartas seguro que mi padre es lo que hubiese querido
07:01Hacía tiempo que no dormía tan bien lo mismo dijo
07:07Es que hicimos una buena gimnasia
07:12Y te gustó
07:18Tanto que estaba pensando que igual podía ser un poco más tarde el despacho me está entrando un sueño
07:41Esto que es no sé abril o es un regalo para mí más bien para nuestro hijo
08:00Es precioso
08:02Estoy con mi padre cuando era un niño
08:05Pero juntos fue algo que nos unió muchísimo y quiero que lo tenga nuestro hijo
08:15Cada vez tengo más ilusión por la llegada de nuestro bebé
08:19Se iba a sacar lo mejor de ti de mí
08:23De nosotros
08:28Y yo
08:31Yo saco lo mejor de ti
08:34Sabes que sí cariño
08:39Y juntos aprenderemos a ser los mejores padres del mundo
08:42Y estoy segura
08:48Ha salado con jaime
08:50Sí sí sí y cuando sea la primera revisión quiero estar presente
08:56Apartido ahora no te dejaré sola nunca
09:01Café para los dormilones
09:04Gracias tía
09:06Dina queda algo del bizcocho que hiciste ayer o se ha acabado creo que es mi primer antojo no me digas
09:14Pues cuanto lo siento no te toques la cara ni ninguna parte visible del cuerpo pues si le sale una mancha la criatura por
09:20El antojo porque el bizcocho no queda
09:24Lo siento le di el último trozo a begoña que se ha ido corriendo al sanatorio a ver a su madre
09:29Ya deja los médicos y de verlo no sabes enterado la pobre mercedes se ha contagiado de gripe asiática
09:36Begoña ha ido sin saber siquiera si la van a dejar entrar a verla
09:42Y su madre como está
09:44Ya estaba delicada la mujer imagínate fatalidad que fatalidad y un poco irresponsable por su parte ir a verla justamente ahora
09:52Andrés mira a partir de ahora tendremos que mantener la distancia con ella
09:56Hasta que no sepamos si se ha contagiado
09:59Begoña es enfermera yo creo que precisamente por eso me parece una temeridad
10:02Ah estaremos unos días sin acercarnos a ella no te preocupes
10:08Y a usted digna le recomiendo lo mismo pensaba que begoña era más sensato muy bien
10:21Gracias pero no voy a poder guardarlas
10:27No puedo arriesgarme a que mi esposa o alguno de mis hijos no se encuentran
10:32entonces era mejor que las que me
10:36Pero antes las re leeré y reviviré durante unos días el gran afecto que es en
10:44Bueno que
10:46Que aún siento por vuestro padre
10:52Os aseguro que lo que nos unió
11:00Mucho más allá de unas pocas
11:03Cartas de amor
11:06Por lo menos eso es lo que he querido pensar siempre para poder seguir adelante
11:14No todo el mundo tiene la suerte de poder vivir un amor así
11:19Y aunque lo intentamos no pudimos evitarlo pero no me arrepiento
11:28Haber conocido a vuestro padre es las mejores cosas que me han pasado en la vida
11:37Nunca seré capaz de contárselo a mis hijos pero
11:44Haberlo podido hablar con los de mi querido amigo pues tal vez debería hacerlo porque a nosotros nos ha servido para
11:52Conocer a nuestro padre verdad joaquín y para entenderle mejor
11:57No estoy preparado
12:00Barrio y usted
12:05Como siguió con su vida y no se odió
12:09mirando hacia adelante y teniendo claro que lo mejor de mi vida ya lo viví
12:15Mejor guardado en el fondo me libera y me reconforta
12:22Habéis ayudado a enfrentarme a ello y os lo agradezco
12:39No puedo
12:47Debería empezar ya mi turno lo siento mucho
12:50Sí, sí que le acompaño a la puerta de la colonia. No, gracias. Si no es importante
12:56preferiría quedarme a solas un rato y
13:00dar un paseo
13:02Y despedirme para siempre de este lugar. Claro que sí
13:09Le deseamos todo lo mejor
13:11Yo también deseo que
13:13que viváis felices durante mucho tiempo
13:18Y que siempre recordéis a vuestro padre como la gran persona que fue
13:25así lo haremos
13:27Y después de conocerle a ustedes y saber toda la verdad
13:31Sería mucho más sencillo
13:56Sí adelante
13:59Disculpe don Damián pero no estaba la secretaria
14:02Pasa, pasa. Tú siempre eres bienvenido. Estaba en el muelle y me ha llegado el recado de que quería verme. Sí
14:10Bueno quería saber cómo te van las cosas. Pues como siempre y ahora empezando la jornada. Estupendo
14:18A ver cuando podamos nos escapamos otra vez al campo a tirar unos cartuchos, ¿te parece?
14:25Usted dirá. Pero sonríe hombre que estamos en confianza
14:33Aparte te he llamado porque quiero darte un regalo. ¿Un regalo a mí?
14:41Ayer me pareció que te quedabas al igual y caído por no poder estar juntos y por que Andrés me acompañase
14:51Vamos que
14:53Los hechos hablan mejor que las palabras
15:01Don Damián
15:04No me diga que fue usted al sastre y me encargó las camisas. No exactamente, no son nuevas
15:11Estas son camisas mías que ya no utilizo pero son de una calidad excelente
15:19Pensé que tú podrías darles un buen uso
15:23Pero claro al pensar tú que eran nuevas me he dado cuenta de que quizá no ha estado bien
15:30Aunque sería una pena desperdiciarlas
15:33Don Damián es que ni siquiera sé si tenemos la misma talla. Bueno, tú tienes una complexión de hombre joven
15:41Yo ya he echado un poco de barriga pero supongo que María del Carmen te las podrás arreglar
15:48A Carmen no se le da bien la costura
15:52Bueno, no sé, pensé que
15:55El hecho de que fuesen mías
15:58De tu padre
16:01Sería un valor añadido
16:04Pero bueno, sí, si te disgusta
16:07dámelas y... No, no, Don Damián
16:10Me las quedo y muchas gracias. Que no vas a estar elegante tú en misa los domingos
16:15Cuando vayas a pasear a Toledo con tu señora
16:19Me voy que me están esperando para descargar un camión
16:23Sí, no seré yo quien te entretenga. Gracias por acordarse de mí
16:33De nada, hijo. De nada
16:36Oye, Mateo, muchas gracias por el picnic del otro día. Bueno, y por ayudarme a coger las flores para el funeral
16:42Hombre, es lo mínimo que puedo hacer después de haberme salvado de una víbora venenosa
16:48Anda, qué menuda risa que se tuvo que echar mi padre contigo allí arriba
16:52Pues sí
16:53Pásamelo al tónico
16:55Además, creo que estaría muy orgulloso de ti
16:58Sí, porque mira, la culebra a lo mejor no me hubiese matado
17:03Pero de no ser por ti, lo que sí la habría hecho es el ataque de pánico que me hubiese dado
17:08Doy fe. Oye, y me debes una, ¿eh?
17:12¿Ah, sí?
17:14¿Te debo la vida?
17:15Pues claro que sí, naturalmente. Y no pienses que no me lo voy a cobrar, ¿eh? Que me lo pienso cobrar
17:20Ah, y...
17:23Pues claro que sí, naturalmente. Y no pienses que no me lo voy a cobrar, ¿eh? Que me lo pienso cobrar
17:26Ah, y... ¿Cómo te lo vas a cobrar?
17:29Hombre, pues ya te lo diré. Pero claro que me lo voy a cobrar
17:32¡Ay! ¡Ay!
17:33Pero no ves que me estaba agachando yo
17:35Bueno, bueno, usted perdone, ¿eh?
17:37Madre mía, tiene la cabeza muy dura, ¿eh?
17:38Bueno, tú sí que la tienes dura
17:40Si es así, un poquito de respeto con el cura, ¿no?
17:43No más que haces aquí
17:45Venía a traerte unos bollos
17:47Bueno, yo me... me tengo que ir
17:51Nada más, te agradezco mucho que me traigas los bollos, pero te he dicho que no me visites en horario de trabajo
17:56Estás trabajando tú, que es un gusto, vamos
18:00¿Tú no te ibas de excursión a Alcazar?
18:02Sí, y ya veo que el señorito cura ha venido de excursión a verte a ti
18:06Bueno, que te agradezco de verdad que me traigas los bollos, que además son de los que me gustan
18:10Pero, por favor, ¿te puedes ir antes de que venga doña Marta?
18:14¿Tú qué te traes con el curilla ese?
18:16¿Que me traigo de qué?
18:18Claudia, que nos conocemos
18:20Que a ti solo te entra en la risa floja cuando te gusta un niño
18:23¿Pero qué dices?
18:25Por favor, ¿tú no te acuerdas de cómo te reías cuando te tiraba de las trenzas el hijo de la Tomasa en la escuela?
18:29¿Ese fue tu primer noviete?
18:31No, que no, mamá, que éramos dos críos, vamos
18:33Y que Mateo es mi amigo
18:35Bueno, que Mateo cura
18:37Por eso mezca, mamá
18:38Si no lo fuera, estaría dando palmas con la oreja
18:41Anda ya, mamá, ¿qué tonterías dices?
18:43Vamos, no tendré yo problemas como para meterme en otro
18:45Ojalá que te lo pases bien en el alcance
19:16¿Eres quién, pedazo?
19:20Mario Garcés, sí
19:23Damián de la Reina
19:25He pasado mucho tiempo
19:28Sí, más de 20 años
19:32¿Qué haces tú por aquí?
19:34Tenía unos asuntos de trabajo cerca
19:36Y he venido a recordar viejos tiempos
19:41¿Qué recuerdos puedes tener tú aparte de aquella reforma de ampliación?
19:46No creo que tenga que darte ninguna explicación
19:49Sino más bien todo lo contrario
19:52¿Qué quieres decir?
19:54Que fuiste tú quien nunca me explicó por qué y con qué armas conseguiste que Gervasio te vendiera su parte de perfumerías de la Reina justo antes de suicidarse
20:04Gervasio me vendió su parte porque quiso, y en plenitud de sus facultades
20:10Y mira que me extraño
20:14Esta empresa era su vida
20:17La levantó con un esfuerzo y un trabajo ímprobos
20:21Pero fui yo quien le dio el crecimiento económico necesario
20:24Sí, vendiendo sus perfumerías
20:27¿Por qué?
20:29Fui yo quien le dio el crecimiento económico necesario
20:32Sí, vendiendo sus perfumas prodigiosos
20:37Nunca lo entendí
20:40Y sigo sin entenderlo
20:43¿Qué hiciste?
20:46O te vas ahora mismo de mi fábrica
20:49O todo el mundo se enterará de que eres un invertido
20:55¿Pero qué estás diciendo?
20:57Vaya, vienes aquí amenazando, diciendo no sé qué insinuaciones extrañas
21:05Y te ofendes porque te digo algo así
21:07¿Pero tú con quién te crees que estás hablando?
21:12Lárgate o cumpliré mi amenaza
21:18Tardó temprano
21:21La verdad, toda la verdad sale a la luz
21:27Podrá tardar años, pero te aseguro que sale
21:32Podría decirte lo mismo
21:36Arreando, ya sabes dónde está la salida
21:58Buenos días
21:59Buenos días, padre
22:01Dios no le ha concedido a usted el don de la puntualidad, ¿eh?
22:04Tengo obligaciones, Ramona
22:06Vamos a organizar la misa, mi Juan Felipe
22:08Lo primero, ¿habrá coro?
22:10Las que cantan en misa son mujeres muy pías, pero solo vienen los domingos
22:14Ah, pues hay que decirles que el día de la misa tienen que estar
22:17Hablaré con ellas, pero claro, eso requerirá de un esfuerzo extra por su parte
22:22Tienen niños, nietos y muchos quehaceres
22:24Otra vez hablando del pecunio, yo pensé que con la aportación que le había hecho a su santidad pues ya estaba todo incluido
22:29Le pedí lo mínimo y siempre de forma voluntaria, pero si usted quiere una misa vistosa, pues...
22:33Habrá que bañarse sin coro
22:35Bueno, lo importante es que sea una misa bonita
22:38Y que el recuerdo de Juan Felipe viva en nosotros
22:42Muy buenas, padre
22:43Le pongo lo de siempre, muchachito
22:45Un café, un café Gaspar
22:47Muy bien
22:48Por cierto, doña Ramona, ¿le gustó el bollo a su hija?
22:52Ni una amiga dejó
22:54En fin, cualquier cosa ya sabe dónde estoy
22:58Bueno, este año tiene que salir todo de perla
23:02Más teniendo la oportunidad de oficiar la misa aquí en una ciudad como Toledo, que está religiosa
23:06Con arzobispo propio y con usted, que tiene tanta experiencia, tanto predicamento
23:11Bueno, no como ese tal Mateo, que era el que mi hija quería que oficiera la misa
23:15Se llevan muy bien esos dos
23:17Sí, me he dado cuenta
23:19Incluso estuvieron a punto de casarse
23:22Supongo que su hija se lo habrá comentado
23:24¿Pero qué me está contando? ¿Cómo se va a casar mi hija con un cura?
23:26Mateo no se había ordenado, pero como Claudia se había quedado embarazada
23:30Él, en un acto heroico pero absurdo, quería salvarle la honra
23:34Pero afortunadamente los dos entraron en razón
23:37Mateo superó su crisis de fe y tomó los votos, como siempre debió hacer
23:42Y se olvidaron de semejante locura
23:44Ya, claro, pero siempre queda algo
23:48¿A qué se refiere?
23:50Fortunately, all the employees of the factory who had symptoms similar to those of the Asian flu
23:55have had common colds
23:58Even so, we should be careful
24:01Jaime, are you okay?
24:04It's this damn blurry vision
24:07Let me check your pupils
24:10They are the nerve connections
24:12The tumor must be pressing the optic nerve
24:15Why don't you rest for a while? You haven't stopped since you arrived
24:18I'd rather have my head busy, really
24:21Look, it's done. It happened to me
24:25And apart from this, is there anything else that worries you?
24:29Well, look, yes, there is a temperature difference
24:32But it's normal, it's normal
24:34And apart from this, is there anything else that worries you?
24:37Well, look, yes, there is a family issue that has me a little out of place
24:43It turns out that Andrés asked me to follow up on Maria's pregnancy
24:46Here in the dispensary, doing tests, weight control, well...
24:50The usual, come on
24:51Yes, especially considering that she already has her own fetus in Madrid
24:54In Madrid? How impractical
24:56A little far, yes
24:58You'll see how we have to take care of the delivery
25:01And besides, some analysis will have to be done in the dispensary
25:04At least to control the glucose
25:06Well, Maria refused completely
25:10She hid it a little because Andrés was in front of her, but well, she left
25:13She confessed it clearly
25:15And did she give you any reason?
25:17Because she could have misjudged you
25:19What's the matter? That the rich can only be attended to by doctors in Madrid?
25:22No, she says that, well, she feels a little uncomfortable that...
25:25I'm her brother-in-law, I do some gynecological check-up
25:29But this girl doesn't know that doctors are busy
25:32We only see patients, not men or women
25:35Besides, you wouldn't give her any recognition, you're not a gynecologist
25:39I think what really bothers her is that she's a man
25:43Her stepmother is also a woman, I don't think that's it
25:46Well, in any case, I wanted to ask you to do the follow-up
25:49You're a woman and I'm sure she feels more comfortable with you
25:51Of course, no problem
25:53Now, we just need Maria not to expose them
25:58I think I'll go to the big house and try to talk to her
26:01I can take the thermometer and calm her down a bit
26:04I appreciate it
26:06Andrés asked me to do it and I don't want to be mean to him
26:09You can't be mean to anyone
26:25And we also have these soaps that have a bit of rosemary and smell wonderful
26:28But Claudia, where's the last Alvarán?
26:30I don't know, Fina, ask Carmen, right?
26:33No, because I need it now
26:35The soap supplier is coming and they won't be able to give me the quantities
26:38Claudia, we need to talk
26:41And we also have these glycerine soaps
26:43They don't have a lot of smell, but they make your skin very soft
26:46What about the fact that I was going to marry you to Father Mateo?
26:49Daughter, if it's not a good time...
26:51No, no, no, don't worry
26:53Mother, I'm working
26:55You don't care that I talk to my daughter, right?
26:57It's a matter of life or death
26:59I'll be right back
27:01No, no, no, don't worry, I'll take care of you
27:03You know that...
27:05Mother and daughter stuff
27:08What's wrong?
27:10Where there was fire, now there's ash, right?
27:12No, of course not, mother
27:14Mateo is my friend and he just wanted to help me get married to me
27:17Help you get married? He's a man of the church
27:19But doesn't he know that marriages have to do with the act of marriage?
27:23Of course he knows, mother
27:25But what's the matter with you? Do you want me to marry Joselito?
27:28What worries me is that between that priest and you there's something
27:30What are you saying, man?
27:32What you hear
27:33You're not happy with being single
27:35He wants to date a priest
27:37What you want to do is kill me
27:39Why you won't do it for me?
27:41He'll be the one to tell you
27:43The father is the creature, and Tassio is the head of the church
27:47Tassio is the child's father
27:49Mateo is just... my friend
27:51Don't be silly
27:53Men and women just can't be friends
27:55There's always an interest for either of them
27:57In this case, I don't
27:59You think I fell for a little guy?
28:02I've seen you
28:04He drinks the winds for you.
28:06Don't be silly.
28:07There goes another one.
28:08You like him too, don't you?
28:11Come on, answer me.
28:13Look, Mom, leave me alone.
28:15I'm working.
28:19I can't take it anymore.
28:27We're here.
28:29It's time.
28:30How are you?
28:34I called Begoña to tell you how your mother-in-law is doing.
28:37No, and I just hope she has time for lunch.
28:39Will Patricia Lambert be as shocking as they say?
28:42We'll find out soon enough.
28:45They're here.
28:46Let's go, let's go, let's go.
28:49This way.
28:51What about your Americans?
28:53Doesn't matter.
28:57And here we have the rest of the management team.
29:01I have the honor of introducing you to Mrs. Patricia Lambert.
29:05Jesús de la Reina.
29:07Pleased to meet you.
29:09Although we French are very protocol-oriented,
29:11I don't forget my Spanish roots.
29:13We can be friends.
29:15Thank you.
29:15It's a pleasure, Patricia.
29:16I'm Andrés de la Reina.
29:18The little brother.
29:19And I'm Luis Merino.
29:20Our cousin.
29:22Pleased to meet you.
29:23Everything is at home.
29:25Later, we'll go into detail about what position we each occupy.
29:28The factory looks magnificent.
29:30Well, we've been working on this for years.
29:32We have the latest in machinery.
29:34Yes, of course, I don't doubt it.
29:36But I'm used to the French industry.
29:39You'd have to see the factory that Guilain has in Chantilly.
29:43I see.
29:44Patricia, I have no choice but to praise the workshop.
29:47Is that how you say it?
29:49You're wearing a very chic outfit.
29:51Of course.
29:52Spanish-French, like me.
29:56Besides being a perfumer, you know about fashion.
29:58Well, it's just that I have a special sensitivity for everything beautiful.
30:02And a good suit, in a good coat, it is.
30:07Well, let's sit down, please.
30:09Let's go.
30:19I'm not here for anyone.
30:21May I?
30:23Father, excuse me.
30:25I'm very busy and I'm not here to attend to anyone.
30:31I think it would be very good to talk about everything, if you're so upset.
30:35May I ask why?
30:37I've had a little unpleasant encounter, nothing more.
30:40I'm all ears.
30:42Maybe it's a good time to confess.
30:44It's been a long time since you've been to the confessional.
30:47I have nothing to confess.
30:49Why don't you go to the confessional?
30:51I have nothing to confess, Father.
30:53In fact, I'm having one of the happiest moments of my life.
30:57There is always something that the mind doesn't have.
30:59And it's not too much to get rid of old fears.
31:02And if I've heard it once, I can do it again.
31:04And so appease your soul.
31:07But, Father,
31:09even if it's something to save my family,
31:13it's the economic disaster.
31:16Something that has weighed on me all my life.
31:19Something horrible, Father. Horrible.
31:22God knows that man is weak, trust him.
31:28I ruined Dina and her children's lives.
31:37Because I caused my good friend Gervasio to take his own life.
31:42The sin of suicide is only the responsibility of the one who commits it.
31:46No, Father.
31:47Gervasio would never have committed suicide
31:51if it hadn't been for me.
31:55When I became a widow, I stopped taking care of the business.
32:00And he wanted to associate himself with others.
32:03You mean Gervasio betrayed him?
32:05He didn't mean to.
32:08But I discovered his secret
32:12and threatened to make it public.
32:16He had a sexual weakness, Father.
32:24He was a pervert.
32:28But he forced me to accept all his actions
32:32and invite him to his wedding.
32:36And I invited him to commit suicide
32:38so that he wouldn't have to give explanations to his family.
32:44It was my fault, Father.
32:49I left my children without a father.
32:54I left them all alone.
32:58I hid the woman I now love with all my being.
33:04I became a widow.
33:09You heard the awkward conversation I had with that guy at the factory.
33:13Am I wrong?
33:14It was a bit unpleasant, to be honest.
33:17Because that guy seems to know what happened.
33:22Maybe, but he has no proof.
33:26The only one who really knows what happened is you.
33:29And I hope I can trust that you won't say anything.
33:34That confession was between you and the Lord, Damian.
33:37And it will be like that for centuries.
33:41That's why you come to remind me of that thorny matter from time to time.
33:45Damian, I only come to calm your soul.
33:48Those fears are only in you.
33:51My mouth is sealed by the secret of confession.
33:55And tell me, what is the reason for that happiness and fullness I was talking about?
34:01You will find out very soon, Father.
34:03Very soon, about my word.
34:05Of course. Let me be a part of your happiness.
34:08I am always at your disposal.
34:14The Queen's brand combines the best of tradition with avant-garde trends.
34:20And for that, we have a perfume alchemist like Luis Merino.
34:24You will find out very soon.
34:27Luis, would you mind giving Patricia the special edition of our star product?
34:31We have it prepared for her.
34:33Well, I love being so foresighted.
34:35Knowing where I was coming from, I haven't put on my usual perfume today.
34:46Each woman smells different.
34:50Oh, it's an exquisite fragrance.
34:55With clear influences of Master Guilain.
34:57But with a personality of its own, right?
35:00Tout à fait.
35:01En plaisir.
35:03I love it. Thank you very much.
35:05You're welcome.
35:06If you like, we will visit the rest of the facilities and the laboratory of essences before lunch.
35:11Our house is open to you.
35:13I am at your disposal.
35:20Thank you.
35:37I'm here.
35:41I had a little fun with the doctor because I wanted him to tell me in detail how you were.
35:46If you need anything, I'll be at your service.
35:49Thank you.
36:05I'm so happy to see you.
36:09You know they didn't want to let me in?
36:11I came at dawn, but I haven't convinced them yet.
36:14I told them I wasn't leaving until I saw you.
36:18How are you?
36:23Mom, it's me, Begoña.
36:42Yes, Mom.
36:55I've missed you so much.
36:59I've missed you a lot too.
37:03If I hadn't brought you here ...
37:10How are you?
37:17I'm fine.
37:24Are you sad?
37:33You're right.
37:36I'm sad because life ...
37:39Life is not how I wanted it to be.
37:42You're here.
37:45Didn't you come with your husband?
37:53No, my husband ...
37:57Andrés couldn't come.
38:02He loves you.
38:06Someone ...
38:08Someone who looks at you with those eyes.
38:12Like light.
38:15It's so nice to see you together.
38:23You're wrong, Mom.
38:25Andrés is not my husband.
38:30And he and I will never be able to be together.
38:33To have that certainty is ...
38:37It's very hard.
38:40And seeing him every day makes me unbearable.
38:43Why isn't he your husband?
38:49Because fate wanted it that way.
38:53No, no, no, Mom, don't be sad.
39:00You're burning.
39:03Nurse, please.
39:05My mother is burning.
39:07It's done, my love, it's done.
39:09Come on, Mom, come on.
39:11Come on.
39:19They are already here with Mrs. Lambert.
39:21Open up, Digna will be in the living room.
39:24Don't worry, Maria.
39:25I think I'll know how to do it.
39:32Good morning.
39:33Digna, I'm here to see Mrs. Maria.
39:35Is something wrong, Luz?
39:36No, it's about a medical matter related to her.
39:39Let's go.
39:42Maria, Dr. Borrell has come to see you.
39:45What a surprise.
39:46Thank you, Digna.
39:47I'll stay with her.
39:50I come on behalf of Dr. Berenguer.
39:52I'm sorry, I can't see her right now.
39:54We are waiting for a very important visit.
39:56I'll just steal a moment.
39:58Dr. Berenguer has told me his reticences
40:01so that he is the one to follow up on the pregnancy.
40:03I already have my doctor.
40:05I know.
40:06But wouldn't it be better to do an analysis
40:08and take his attention from time to time?
40:10Maybe it's more comfortable between women.
40:12Well, look, no.
40:13I'm not more comfortable.
40:14This seems like a coffin to me.
40:16It's a normal pregnancy and everything will be fine.
40:18Without a doubt.
40:20Then why is he here?
40:22Because I wanted to take his attention
40:24and fill a medical file with some simple questions,
40:27such as when was his first miscarriage.
40:29My doctor knows those things.
40:32Taking his attention will only take a few seconds.
40:35I don't know.
40:36I don't know.
40:37He has put that device on me more times.
40:39Well, if he thinks it's good,
40:41another day he can go through the dispensary.
40:43There we can weigh it and do an analysis.
40:46Shall we start with the questionnaire?
40:49Of course.
40:54The other way around.
40:55I loved it.
40:56All the dissertation your cousin has done on aromas
40:59is impressive.
41:01The truth is that it is a safe value.
41:03I will tell you that there are things that are no longer seen in France.
41:06Let's see if you're going to want to steal our best perfumer now.
41:10The truth is that I have nothing more to congratulate you for the facilities.
41:14Well, they are not as big as those of Chantilly, but hey.
41:17Yes, yes, but come on, nothing undeniable.
41:20And the qualification and efficiency of the staff.
41:23Come on, you are an example for the sector.
41:26Thank you.
41:27Thank you for your words and your assessments, Patricia.
41:30They are very important to us.
41:32The revelations that lead us to run this company
41:35become satisfaction when I listen to you.
41:37I'm glad.
41:38But I'm very honest.
41:41Excuse me a moment.
41:44Tell me.
41:45Jesús, it's me.
41:46Listen, I have to take care of some business in the store.
41:49See you in half an hour to go home?
41:51Of course, I close a couple of things and we go.
41:53Please excuse me with Patricia.
41:57My sister, who has to take care of a work matter,
42:00and she will join us when we go to eat.
42:03There will be, I hope, Spanish delights.
42:05I'm looking forward to eating ham.
42:07I have a weakness.
42:08I imagined it.
42:09And I myself have taken care of ordering it
42:11in the best charcuterie in Toledo.
42:13Do you want a jerez?
42:19Ah, what was I going to say?
42:20If you have detected any process that we can improve,
42:24we are all ears to your recommendations.
42:27Or, if something has aroused your interest or your curiosity,
42:31you have nothing more to ask.
42:35About the recommendations?
42:38Does it also include what I can visit in Toledo?
42:42Ah, look, do you want to do tourism?
42:44Oh, well, Toledo is a city with so much history,
42:48with so much art.
42:49I love the Greek, too.
42:51Me too.
42:53Well, there goes a direct question.
42:59Would you come with me to, I don't know, visit something?
43:02And maybe have dinner later?
43:08After the first trimester, César,
43:10how many kilos have you put on in the pregnancy?
43:12A couple.
43:14A couple alone?
43:15That's not much.
43:16But hey, your constitution is thin.
43:19Have you had any bleeding?
43:21No, please, of course not.
43:24It's normal.
43:25Sometimes it happens and you don't have to give it much importance.
43:28When was your last check-up in Madrid?
43:30A few days ago and everything is perfect.
43:33Are we done?
43:34No, just a couple more questions.
43:37Have you suffered pelvic pain or leg swelling?
43:39Look, I'm perfectly fine, really.
43:41And this is a nightmare.
43:43No, I won't bother you anymore.
43:45If you want, you can give me the phone number of your obstetrician
43:47and I'll talk to him directly.
43:49So we can save ourselves this nightmare.
43:52Are you taking me for a fool?
43:54Or for a child?
43:55I'm sorry.
43:56Look, I trust my doctor perfectly.
43:58And he's the one I tell things to, not a...
44:00These are just some courtesy questions,
44:02without the intention of offending.
44:04But I see that it's not a good time.
44:06I already told you.
44:10Doctor, I'm sorry.
44:12Really, I'm sorry for my tone.
44:15My condition makes my nerves run wild,
44:17and you know that changes of mood are typical in pregnancies.
44:21I see.
44:23Good morning.
44:31I thought you had other plans.
44:35Well, no, I've been dedicating all my time to La Reina.
44:40There's a restaurant right next to my hotel.
44:44It looks really good.
44:46I'd love to go there.
44:49I see.
44:50And your husband doesn't want to go with you?
44:54He went to Paris yesterday.
44:57I'm alone.
44:58Oh my God.
45:00In that case, my wife and I will be delighted to go with you
45:04and show you the jewels of our city.
45:07I was thinking about something a little more...
45:10Petit comité? How do you say that in Spanish?
45:16More than anything, in case we start talking about work,
45:19your wife...
45:21Oh, look.
45:23Nothing, you had a motorcycle in your impeccable jacket.
45:30Don Jesús.
45:31Tell me, Isabel.
45:32He asked me to remind you that you have to sign these contracts
45:35before lunchtime.
45:36Okay, bring them to me.
45:38I won't entertain you anymore.
45:39I'm going to stop by the store before lunch.
45:42I hope you don't overwhelm me with more gifts.
45:45Sure, Isabel, if you can accompany her to the store, please.
45:48Patricia, I'll pick you up in five minutes with my sister.
45:52See you later.
45:53Au revoir.
45:59Do you need anything else?
46:02Absolutely nothing.
46:04Very well.
46:13What is this?
46:14You'll see.
46:17So coming home because your head hurt was for this?
46:22To pick up your things?
46:26It doesn't make any sense that I'm lying to him now.
46:29And you didn't even think of saying goodbye?
46:32It's just that...
46:34I don't know how to say goodbye.
46:37I don't know how to say goodbye.
46:39It's just that...
46:41saying goodbye is hard for me.
46:45Especially with you, who's like a second mother to me.
46:47Don't say that.
46:49I'll leave you here. You're not going to say goodbye. I'll leave you here.
46:54It's just that I feel incapable of saying goodbye.
47:00How could you get to this point? How?
47:02It's all my fault.
47:04Don't cry.
47:06But he won't let me.
47:07Calm down.
47:10Come, come. You can't leave like this.
47:12Sit with me for a while.
47:26This is very sad.
47:29And there's nothing to do.
47:32That's why I just have to pack my bags and go to Benavente.
47:35I never thought I'd see myself like this.
47:39Don't give up.
47:40And what do I do?
47:42Tell me what I'm going to do with my eyes closed. What do I do?
47:46I don't know what to tell you.
47:49I don't know what you can do.
47:52What I can tell you from the bottom of my heart
47:55is that no matter how painful my son is,
47:57he loves you.
47:58He loves you very much.
48:00And he'll make it up to you.
48:02Listen to me.
48:03Listen to me.
48:05Hold on a little.
48:06I can't.
48:08If only my presence bothers him.
48:10So even if it's so that he doesn't suffer, I have to go.
48:15Have you decided?
48:18Can you wait a little?
48:22I want to tell you something, all three of you.
48:25Joaquín and Luis are on their way.
48:28What does he have to tell us?
48:29If you want to know,
48:31you have to go later.
48:33And you have to see it.
48:34Please, Reina.
48:37Hello, son.
48:41Mother, he just gave me this letter from prison.
48:44It comes from Brazil.
48:45From Brazil?
48:47Have you opened it? Is it from your brother?
48:48No, it comes in his name.
48:51It must be from Valentín.
48:59It's written on the machine.
49:00It's not from your brother.
49:01It looks like an official document.
49:04I missed you, Vázquez.
49:11Mother, what's going on?
49:12What is this?
49:14What is this?
49:15What's wrong, Mother?
49:16What is this?
49:18What does it say?
49:19What is this?
49:20I testify that a citizen of Spanish nationality,
49:22Mr. Valentín Merino Vázquez,
49:23passed away on March 26 in the city of...
49:26Help me, help me, Luis.
49:29Where are you?
49:32I'll support you.
49:33I'll support your head.
49:36I'm going to call the dispensary.
49:42Look at me, look at me.
49:43Please, Digna.
49:45Come on.
49:46Your mother isn't reacting, Luis.
49:47She's communicating.
49:49She's not reacting.
49:50Please, do something.
49:51I'm going to ask for help.
49:52Hurry up.
49:54Digna, please.
49:57Listen to my voice, please.
49:59Open your eyes, please.
50:02Please, Digna.
50:06My mother has received bad news
50:07and she has fainted.
50:09What are you doing with the savings card in your hand?
50:11You left it in the kitchen.
50:12Whatever it is, I'm going to tell me
50:13what you spent the money on.
50:14If we don't want to hurt each other anymore,
50:15it's better if we respect that space
50:17you asked me for yesterday.
50:19If I were the one who proposed it,
50:20you wouldn't do it, would you, Begoña?
50:21This safe seems like a jewel to me.
50:23Because of its aesthetics,
50:24because of its concept,
50:26and also because of its quality-price relationship.
50:30Besides, we're all in it together.
50:32I'm sorry for them, please.
50:35What do you want me to tell them?
50:37I don't know.
50:38I don't want to infect them with the Asian flu, for example.
50:40You have no idea how sorry I am.
50:46Where is Uncle Pepe's killer
50:47going with Joselito and Joselito's family?
50:50That way, between Morcon and Morcon,
50:52you'll get back in touch.
50:53My paychecks would be
50:565% of sales in France.
50:59You've never loved me!
51:02Get out of here!
51:03Bad daughter!
51:05Don't see me here for a while.
51:07This is a very delicate matter.