UP में Kanwar Yatra मार्ग पर नेमप्लेट वाले आदेश को बताया ‘निरर्थक’
यूपी में कांवड़ यात्रा के दौरान पहचान सार्वजनिक करने मामले पर सियासत जारी है। कांग्रेस के यूपी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष अजय राय ने कहा कि यह पूरी तरीके से निरर्थक आदेश है, यूपी सरकार अपनी कमियों को छिपाने के लिए ऐसा कर रही है, जो उन्होंने 7 साल कुछ किया नहीं है जनता ने उनको पूरे तरीके से चुनाव हराया अभी इन्होंने तमाम तरीके के हथकंडे अपनाए हैं वैसे तो ढाबे हर जाति के लोगों के हैं, सरकार आपस में फूट डालना चाहती है। इसके अलावा केशव प्रसाद मौर्य के विपक्ष को कांवड़ लाने की सलाह देने वाले बयान पर अजय राय ने कहा कि हम सब लोग तो पंचकोशी यात्रा करने वाले हैं हम लोग तो भगवान राम का दर्शन गर्भ ग्रह में करके आए यह कितनी कितनी बार कांवड़ लेकर गए। कितनी बार भगवान राम के दर्शन किए यह बताएं।
#upnews #ajayrai #congress #upcongresschief #kanwaryatra #upgovernment #bjp #keshavprasadmaurya #akhileshyadav
#upnews #ajayrai #congress #upcongresschief #kanwaryatra #upgovernment #bjp #keshavprasadmaurya #akhileshyadav
00:00It is the order of the MLA to hide his shortcomings.
00:06He has not done anything in the last 7 years.
00:09The people have defeated him in the elections.
00:12The elections are coming up.
00:14He has adopted all kinds of tactics.
00:16He stopped the online attendance of the teachers.
00:20He stopped the friendship in Lucknow.
00:23He stopped the friendship in Aghbar Nagar.
00:26Today, he is planting a tree there.
00:30I think he is doing this to hide his shortcomings.
00:33He has all kinds of people in him.
00:35Hindus, Muslims, people of different castes.
00:41He has all kinds of people in him.
00:43He has all kinds of people in him.
00:45He wants to create a divide between all of them.
00:48Be it a small shop or a big shop.
00:50I think we are all going to do the Panchkosi Yatra.
00:55We have come to visit Lord Ram in Garhgiri.
00:58How many times have we visited Lord Ram?
01:01How many times have we done the Panchkosi Yatra?
01:06How many times have we visited Lord Ram?
01:12How many times have we done the Kuberdhan Yatra?
01:14We will fight together.
01:16We will fight with all our strength.
01:18There is no confusion here.
01:20Where there are 5 seats of the Socialist Party,
01:22we will fight in our own way.
01:24Where there are seats of the BJP,
01:26we will claim our seats.
01:28And we will definitely win 10 out of 10.