Fundamental Understanding of Self Realization

  • 2 months ago
On getting Self-Realization, one gets two fundamental understandings of life. "Who am I" and "Who is the Doer". Please watch this video for more insight.
00:00In Nyanceri Muni, two important knowledge we are getting, one, who am I, and one is
00:07another, who is the doer.
00:10When we get who am I, I am pure soul, not Paolo, then anybody says bad word to Paolo,
00:18still you feel, oh, it is not with me, I am pure soul, I am separate.
00:28And another knowledge, who is the doer, is also very important knowledge, because we
00:35are believing that I am doer, I can do so and so, but sometimes we cannot able to finish
00:44work or we cannot able to do, at that time we can realize whatever I am, I was believing
00:52that I can able to do, but due to some circumstantial evidence, I cannot finish my work, something
00:59is obstructing, so really we are doer or really we are not doer, in the 4 o'clock we want
01:08to get up, we want to put alarm or anything, we have to alarm, one example we will take,
01:17you want to make tea, you can able to make tea or coffee, yes, it is very easy, every
01:25day I am making, but with the help of any evidence is required or without help of anybody
01:32you can able to do, it is easy to make tea, but without help of wife or anybody you can
01:41able to do, anybody, yes, if I have water, you need water, water, tea, stove, pot, milk,
01:57sugar, now you can make tea here, oh it is not possible, kitchen is required, space is
02:05also required, time is also factor, there are so many evidence required, your physical
02:12body is also perfect, if it is sick or something happen, back pain something, you cannot able
02:18to do single cup of tea, so many evidence is required, so here also we are believing
02:29that I am doing, I am doer, but you are not whole and sole doer, you are not the evidence,
02:36and so many evidence is also required, then only you can able to make one cup of tea,
02:45from home you came here, so I came here, I was driving car, so car is required, key and
02:55tires and petrol and so many things is required, you need address, I came here, so it is also
03:03one of the evidence, you have taken address, where this program is there, so many things
03:09is required, then when you came enter the hall, then somebody say, oh no, you have to
03:15sit here, okay, so why you sit here, it is also circumstantial evidence, everywhere we
03:24will say, for any single work, so many things is required, human cannot do single work without
03:36help of so many evidence, really who is the doer, so Dada Bhagwan says scientific circumstantial
03:43evidence are the doer, so this knowledge we are getting over here, who is the doer, who
03:50am I, what is the true address of God, how the karma is getting charged, how to stop
03:57charging of new karma, everything that knowledge can be given here.
