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La Isla Desafío Grecia y Turquía Capítulo 26 Completo HD
00:00:12Benito's a la sexta semana de la isla desafío gracia y turquía
00:00:38Gave us a bursa y llegamos con una muy buena energía
00:00:41Creo que todo el grupo a pesar de todas las cosas que han pasado ya ya traemos la energía en conjunto pues como que más limpia
00:01:05La semana pasada en estambul algo nunca antes visto sucedió en la isla una desafiante
00:01:12decide abandonar la aventura dejando absolutamente a todos impactados
00:01:20Que rocío sánchez
00:01:22Decidió escapar y abandonar para siempre
00:01:30El abandono repentino no es la vía y no es de ninguna manera
00:01:37aceptable la rivalidades crecen día con día
00:01:41si alguien tiene un directo conmigo quiero que me lo diga y también se lo voy a decir a fernando y también se lo voy
00:01:45a decir al padre
00:02:03Los castigos van incrementando su rudeza cada semana
00:02:28Dos nuevos desafiantes se unieron a la aventura con el equipo de los desconocidos
00:02:37Maho Cho y Nadia Caro
00:02:42La última batalla después de una durísima pelea una rebelde se despidió de la aventura
00:02:49Carla fue desterrada
00:02:57Esa piedita en el zapato y esa voz tan chillona yo no la quería aquí dentro de los rebeldes
00:03:01a ver a mí me molestaba la presencia de carla porque todo el tiempo estaba sobre de mí
00:03:22La historia continúa y ahora desde aquí desde el monte uluda al noroeste de turquía en bursa
00:03:29intenso rebeldes y
00:03:31Desconocidos avanzarán en esta aventura viéndose obligados a adaptarse o ser desterrados
00:04:07Esta semana rebeldes e intensos
00:04:09recibirán a sus nuevos integrantes quiénes serán
00:04:24Y los
00:04:25Territorios en espera de sus nuevos inquilinos cuál será el equipo que obtendrá la tan anhelada playa alta
00:04:39Descubramos lo juntos aquí y ahora en la isla desafío grecia
00:05:38Intenso rebeldes y
00:05:40Desconocidos bienvenidos a la sexta semana de esta aventura aquí en la isla desafío grecia y turquía
00:05:52Desafiantes estamos en bursa desde aquí seguiremos escribiendo la historia de esta aventura
00:05:59Grandes giros son los que se avecinan porque aquí y ahora
00:06:03Se enfrentarán para obtener el emblema de esta ciudad no olviden la importancia de acumular emblemas
00:06:09Pues en algún momento de esa aventura cuando llegue la prefunción
00:06:13El equipo que tenga más emblemas en su poder podrá mantener su nombre y su color lo que significa que su legado
00:06:21Continuará aquí en la isla pero la perpetuidad de sus equipos
00:06:25depende solamente de ustedes desafiantes
00:06:30Pero antes rebeldes diego una nueva semana una nueva ciudad
00:06:36Como llega como enfrenta el equipo verde el inicio de una nueva semana un nuevo ciclo en esta aventura y
00:06:43Estrategias hay buena comunicación al interior del equipo o lo contrario estamos felices este la neta
00:06:51Se nos fue carla sin embargo lo dimos todo para que se quedara fernando lo dio todo lo entregó sin embargo no pudo
00:06:57Pero bueno estamos los que estamos sin embargo aquí venimos a ganar en la neta y a divertirnos también ya lo demás
00:07:09Es la isla cambia cada semana personas son las que se irán pero los equipos lo único que tienen que hacer es
00:07:17fusionarse para poder seguir adelante juntos
00:07:22Intensos chispa
00:07:24Más adelante el día de hoy tendrán que elegir un nuevo capitano capitana
00:07:29Quizás la tradición de ustedes el equipo naranja indica que será una mujer
00:07:33Para que históricamente
00:07:35Sigan cumpliendo con lo que han venido haciendo esta semana lo harán o cambiar absolutamente la dinámica anterior
00:07:42Costa lo que ni venimos con muchas ganas con ánimo renovado y el capitán que sea aquí hombre o mujer lo hará de la mejor
00:07:49Manera ya planearemos que es lo mejor para el equipo pero estoy seguro que el que porte el gafete
00:07:54Va a ser un gran líder y esta semana venimos por todo
00:08:01Esconocidos equipo morado
00:08:03Eduardo inicio de semana con dos nuevos integrantes al interior de sus filas
00:08:08Me imagino que la energía al interior del grupo morado a cambiado a modificado
00:08:13Si ahorita venimos con todas las pilas venimos con toda la actitud son dos mentes nuevas
00:08:18Entonces ya estuvimos platicando y un poquito con ellos empezar a conocer los nuevas estrategias
00:08:24Platica ya sobre juegos sobre todo entonces venimos con todo y ahora sí que
00:08:30vamos a darnos guerra no porque acá
00:08:34En la última esta entonces va así vamos un pan pasito a pasito
00:08:39Como en la isla va evolucionando y semana a semana será mucho más complicada
00:08:45Pero bueno desafiantes les cuento bursa es la primera capital del imperio
00:08:50Otomano y esta comunidad en la que nos encontramos es un ejemplo exacto de cómo inició la historia del imperio que fue
00:08:58considerado como el más extenso y duradero del mundo
00:09:02y este lugar es ideal para la misión de esta semana para ganar el emblema tienen que
00:09:10escuchar con atención en el año
00:09:141553 su ley man el magnífico fue el emperador del imperio otomano
00:09:19y este al sentirse en peligro de perder el poder por su hijo mustafa
00:09:24se puso en una situación que cambiaría para siempre la historia pues le arrebató la vida a su propio
00:09:42Sen bananía
00:10:42La muerte de mustafa
00:10:44Marco un antes y un después del imperio otomano y hubo un
00:10:49elemento que fue el que generó que el sultán su ley man se arrepintera de haberle quitado la vida a su propio hijo
00:10:56desafiantes para poder obtener el emblema de bursa
00:11:00participarán dos integrantes por cada grupo estos tendrán que entrar a máximo seis chozas
00:11:06en cada una tendrán que superar un reto y de completar lo correctamente podrán elegir un elemento
00:11:15varios que se les van a presentar
00:11:17elemento que ustedes
00:11:18seleccionan tiene que ser la respuesta a este dilema que yo les acabo de plantear hay objetos como anillo reloj
00:11:25cuchillo carta tintero y pluma entre otros
00:11:30de todos solo hay un elemento correcto y ustedes tienen que estar completamente
00:11:36seguros de su respuesta y traerme tres objetos del mismo y de esa forma
00:11:42una vez que nos traigan podrán obtener entonces el preciado emblema de bursa
00:11:49este es el emblema de la ciudad de bursa son hachi walk y caragos
00:11:54los bufones del imperio otomano
00:11:58símbolos muy conocidos de la historia y los obtendrá el grupo que me traiga
00:12:04correctamente los tres elementos
00:12:14Rebeldes intensos y desconocidos tienen que escoger quienes de sus grupos van a participar en esta prueba son dos intensos
00:12:30Alva y yo muy bien del equipo naranja los intensos
00:12:35los encargados de la misión aquí en bursa alba y jorge
00:12:40del equipo morado los desconocidos quienes eran los dos integrantes
00:12:43y danny mao y daniel muy bien
00:12:47y finalmente ustedes equipo verde rebeldes
00:12:50fernando y diego muy bien desafiantes
00:12:53tienen que entregar lo todo desafiantes están listos a mi señal
00:13:09I got this
00:14:11Don't know
00:17:10What's up
00:17:21It's incorrect
00:17:54Holy shit
00:18:00The people esta utilizando la idea que considera más adecuada
00:18:04Obtener el emblema y lo tendrá quien logra traerme tres elementos
00:18:10correctamente es muy importante que entiendan que solamente uno de todos los elementos es el elemento
00:18:17correcto y por lo tanto me lo tienen que traer
00:18:41Controlo que cambio
00:20:34Gran vision de sapeantes
00:20:37Intenso ustedes alcanza la victoria me trajeron el elemento correcto tres cartas
00:20:44la carta que marcó la historia del imperio otomano
00:20:56Desafiante es como les comenté el sultán sulaiman
00:20:59Decidió quitarle la vida a su hijo mustafa el temía más bien que este le arrebatara el poder pero mustafa
00:21:07conocía perfectamente las intenciones de su papá de hecho al momento en que fue citado por su padre
00:21:13El fue vestido completamente de blanco
00:21:16dejó a un lado todas sus armas y se posicionó una carta
00:21:22en el pecho debajo de la ropa porque él conocía muy bien lo que iba a pasar una vez que pierde la vida
00:21:29descubren la carta y la carta decía lo siguiente
00:21:34Si fueron capaces de encontrar esta carta significa que han tirado su corazón a la basura
00:21:43En cuanto a mí he dejado este mundo como traidor sepa que usted es el
00:21:50culpable ha actuado en contra de nuestras promesas que hicimos entre sí que nunca lo
00:21:56traicionaría y que nunca le haría daño padre usted ha hecho lo que ha dicho que nunca se debería de hacer
00:22:03dejó este mundo en donde un padre es capaz de dañar a su propio hijo prefiero morir como un hombre inocente
00:22:11Por el daño de mi padre por el amor al poder y a gobernar
00:22:15Habrá un día en que la historia de los inocentes les diga también
00:22:32Así de fuertes fueron las palabras de mustafa su propio padre y de esa forma
00:22:39descubrieron que nunca
00:22:41traicionó a su padre y esto por supuesto vino el arrepentimiento del sultán y poco a poco la caída del imperio
00:22:49otomano se vino manifestar
00:22:53Muy bien desafiantes antes de avanzar en esta aventura recordemos
00:22:57El número de emblemas que tiene cada una de las escuadras al momento intensos ustedes tienen dos emblemas
00:23:05Muy bien
00:23:09Desconocidos ustedes tienen un emblema
00:23:12Y rebeldes
00:23:14Ustedes tienen dos emblemas
00:23:18Así que poco a poco se va
00:23:20Construyendo esta historia y muy pronto cuando llegue el momento de la prefusión alguno de sus equipos
00:23:26Podrá mantener su nombre y su color y ese será el que tenga más emblemas acumulados
00:23:33Por el momento desafiantes
00:23:36El territorio los espera definir quién se queda con playa alta media y baja
00:23:42ocurrirá en momentos y solamente su esfuerzo va a ser el que se las otorgue así que desafiantes
00:23:48Nos vemos más adelante
00:24:32Intenso rebeldes y desconocidos bienvenidos es el momento porque aquí y ahora se enfrentarán
00:24:40en el juego por el territorio
00:24:43las llaves de playa alta en juego señores
00:24:51Desafiantes espero que tengan claro su objetivo
00:24:54Y es solo uno alcanzar la victoria
00:24:58Recuerden que playa alta les va a dar
00:25:00Absolutamente todo lo necesario para hacer que su paso en esta aventura así como su rendimiento
00:25:05En los enfrentamientos de toda la semana sea el más óptico
00:25:10El equipo que obtenga playa alta en la verde bursa
00:25:14disfrutará de una cómoda estancia con amenidades como
00:25:19refrigerador con bebidas
00:25:20ilimitadas vistas panorámicas de la ciudad
00:25:24cómodas y lujosas habitaciones
00:25:27Alberca climatizada
00:25:29jacuzzi aire
00:25:31acondicionado y todos los alimentos que decen que serán preparados por un chef profesional
00:25:37El grupo que obtenga el segundo lugar
00:25:40obtendrá la llave de playa media
00:25:43playa media en bursa cuenta con las comodidades básicas para la subsistencia como
00:25:50chosa de lámina
00:25:52Paño tradicional y su alimentación
00:25:55estarán limitada y el equipo perdedor se quedará con la nada deseada y muy temida playa baja
00:26:05Es una simple planicie al aire libre y solo un pequeño techo de tela estará sobre sus cabezas
00:26:13pernoctarán en bolsas para dormir sin baño y la precariedad de su alimentación la descubrirán más adelante
00:26:21desafiante saben perfectamente lo que significa
00:26:24luchar por el territorio cada uno de ustedes ha vivido la precariedad en playa baja
00:26:31algunos han obtenido playa alta y saben
00:26:35perfectamente lo que significa pero antes los quiero escuchar algunos de ustedes
00:26:42regrupero veo que tu equipo tiene cuatro hombres una mujer
00:26:47Este tipo de situación o situaciones a veces trae
00:26:51consecuencias de hecho la última persona desterrada esta aventura fue carla
00:26:57como se siente el equipo verde
00:27:00bueno yo siento el equipo muy fuerte
00:27:03nos comunicamos un poquito más con carlita de repente tenemos como
00:27:08como como un rocecillo porque no se conectaba con el equipo
00:27:11y este no es que me alegre que se haya ido pero si lo sentimos un poquito más tranquilos un poquito más en paz y
00:27:18pues la verdad es que
00:27:19todo lo que sea mejor para el equipo pues venga no y en el caso de los rebeldes en específico
00:27:26hay una disparidad de géneros en este momento entre el número de integrantes no tiene nada que ver con el género
00:27:34es simplemente
00:27:36compatibilidad de personalidades me pregunto yo
00:27:38Yo quiero decirte algo dicen que
00:27:42la información es poder y el poder lo tengo yo y esto es un regalito que le voy a dar a los morados y a
00:27:46los hombres de los naranjas
00:27:48no sé si lo han estado viendo
00:27:50pero en los naranjas han tenido muchos problemas con las mujeres no sé si les ha sonado la palabra chilaquil
00:27:56esto es algo que las niñas de toda esta competencia han estado armando desde el principio nosotros ya hilamos los cabos desde hace rato
00:28:02Entonces tienen el propósito de sacar primero a todos los hombres yo lo único que les quiero decir es que la cabeza de este plan
00:28:09desde antes de empezar esto de este reto que es la isla alba obviamente
00:28:13Diana Chiquete, Rocío y Fernanda Moreno
00:28:16Creo que aquí venimos a competir por igual exactamente y pues ellos fueron los primeros en hacerlo los hombres lo han visto nos han
00:28:22denostado lo ha pasado con los naranjas con silverio han hecho nos han menospreciado
00:28:28y pues bueno como pasó con alba acá en los verdes
00:28:31y yo digo alba que mejor guarde silencio cuando estoy hablando porque sabemos toda la gente que te conoce que te encanta
00:28:37Vale, ¿qué más me vas a inventar?
00:28:39Y pues bueno esa es toda la información que tengo, gracias Luchini
00:28:41¿Qué más me vas a inventar?
00:28:43¿Qué más me vas a inventar?
00:28:45Estás traumado conmigo
00:28:47Pobre chiquito
00:28:49Ese dato nos lo compartió Chío antes de partir
00:28:52Gracias Alba
00:28:54A mí me gustaría que el equipo verde tuviera cuidado con las cosas que dicen
00:28:58no es nada más hablar por hablar
00:29:00aquí en el equipo de los intensos no tenemos para nada algún problema con hombres ni con mujeres
00:29:04y se ha visto porque el equipo está unido
00:29:06se ha visto que el equipo está unido
00:29:08y quiero que se vea
00:29:10y que se vea
00:29:12y que se vea
00:29:14y que se vea
00:29:16y que se vea
00:29:18y que se vea
00:29:20of the United States, it has been seen so much so that I offered to go to the nomination,
00:29:25to the final test, which I don't think any of you will do.
00:29:31And if we had that problem, without any shame, we would have sent some of our colleagues.
00:29:37I think it would have been from the beginning when Luquiri was sent to Siberia.
00:29:41And apart from Fernanda de Sato, the war there came out when the two Pulsarey Lupero were sent.
00:29:47The truth is that the two points to Lalo were also sent.
00:29:52And I think they already knew.
00:29:54I would like, first, that there is respect.
00:29:57When you speak, no one interrupts you.
00:30:00So shut up and listen.
00:30:03Shut up and listen because also.
00:30:05And what you just did only shows how insecure and pathetic you are.
00:30:11I ask you for respect, please.
00:30:14What we did with the purple team was a team strategy, which very few can do.
00:30:21So nothing personal, the purple team.
00:30:24But in the end, here this is a game of strategies and the orange team,
00:30:29the intense team, has it.
00:30:31So I ask you for respect with the things you say.
00:30:34Thank you.
00:30:35I want to add something, Luquiri.
00:30:37I think the facts speak for themselves here.
00:30:39Be careful, Alba.
00:30:41Here we are not against each other.
00:30:44We are all taking care of each other.
00:30:46And if you want to add anything that you come up with out of your repertoire,
00:30:51look, I get it.
00:30:53Because I know you are a traumatized fan, that you are obsessed with me,
00:30:58and forgive me, Flor, for splashing your aroma,
00:31:01but we are not to attack you.
00:31:03Yes, we are taking care of each other, but we are taking care of everyone.
00:31:07Well, men, there is the information, you already know it.
00:31:11Luquiri, I think that if the island tried to compete
00:31:14to see who opens his mouth more and says,
00:31:16Diego, I would have won.
00:31:18Because he speaks pure nonsense.
00:31:20I mean, nobody knows what there is, more than those of us in each team.
00:31:24There is no strategy.
00:31:25This person is based on pure gossip.
00:31:27Alba, the situations get very complicated.
00:31:31But that is the rivalry between the teams.
00:31:34And they are right.
00:31:35Nobody has to offend anyone at all.
00:31:38Nobody has that right.
00:31:40Yes, we can talk to each other as adults,
00:31:42and say things directly, face to face, and seriously,
00:31:46but always keeping respect.
00:31:48I ask all of you, challengers.
00:31:50Thank you.
00:31:51I demand it.
00:31:52Thank you.
00:31:53Purple team, team of the unknown.
00:31:56You see how the rivalry has been growing.
00:31:59And that every week.
00:32:01Apparently, there are strategies, movements,
00:32:04that, I don't know,
00:32:06that want to eliminate some, but also support others.
00:32:09You, as a group, as a purple team,
00:32:12how do you feel about all this that is happening here,
00:32:16in this adventure called the island?
00:32:18Well, I think, Luquini, that right now, I mean,
00:32:21we, for example, right now we are focusing on today.
00:32:24We already have external problems.
00:32:27It will be seen later.
00:32:31Right now, we have a focus, which is to win Playa Alta.
00:32:35We want to know it.
00:32:36We want to receive the two new participants well.
00:32:38And we come with that focus, we come with that strength.
00:32:41Later, we will see strategies, both green and orange.
00:32:45We will talk about it as a team.
00:32:47But right now, we have a goal, and it is Playa Alta.
00:32:50The rest, to me, is also like ***,
00:32:52to insult each other.
00:32:54I come here to see, but still I listen,
00:32:58I analyze and everything for tomorrow.
00:33:00We also have a strategy, in case we have to attack,
00:33:03attack well.
00:33:04Lie against us, against the reputation,
00:33:07make us look bad, and then break us.
00:33:10Fernando, I hear you are talking to Silverio.
00:33:14What's going on?
00:33:16Well, at some point, it rained on Silverio,
00:33:19and we, without knowing,
00:33:21Alvarez made some comments against him,
00:33:24I repeat, without knowing what the problem was.
00:33:27Chio also made comments against him,
00:33:29without knowing what the problem was here.
00:33:31And what I'm saying is that it's true.
00:33:33Chio shared his information with us,
00:33:35he told us about the Chilaquil plan,
00:33:37led by the people that Diego said,
00:33:39and that all the women were involved in that.
00:33:42And the idea was to break the men one by one.
00:33:45So, we have heard it from time to time,
00:33:47that they say, Chilaquil is, Chilaquil, Chilaquil, Chilaquil is.
00:33:50We have all heard it.
00:33:52We are not fools.
00:33:53So, we started to tie the ropes when Chio told us.
00:33:56And from there, we decided to share the information,
00:33:59because we have not gone against the women, honestly.
00:34:01We have gone against the people who have created...
00:34:03Yes, it shows.
00:34:04Let me speak, because I'm being respectful.
00:34:06We have gone against the people who have created conflict within our group.
00:34:10Be it man or woman, who have created a conflict,
00:34:12that we do not share here because we wash the dirty dishes in the house.
00:34:16But that Chilaquil plan,
00:34:18we have all heard that word here,
00:34:20on repeated occasions.
00:34:21And not for nothing, from the beginning it was seen
00:34:24how Silverio was sent.
00:34:25And that does not matter, because it is part of the strategy.
00:34:28But they abandoned him there.
00:34:29They killed me too.
00:34:30And from there it is seen.
00:34:31We have gone against women too.
00:34:32Alba looks like Randall.
00:34:34She camouflages herself as a good person.
00:34:36And she is really a bad person.
00:34:38I mean, I know her for a long time.
00:34:40The only thing I can tell you is...
00:34:41I know what I am.
00:34:42Go back to your door.
00:34:43I know what I am.
00:34:44And look,
00:34:45what you say, I do not care.
00:34:47I slip.
00:34:48Attack me.
00:34:49Keep barking.
00:34:51Intense rebels and strangers.
00:34:54We have to calm down.
00:34:56I hear a lot every time they say
00:34:58that the dirty rags are washed at home.
00:35:02the dirty rags are washed where they want to be washed.
00:35:06You just have to do it with respect.
00:35:08It is the only thing I demand of you,
00:35:10that I ask of you.
00:35:11Very good.
00:35:13here and now.
00:35:15Things will happen that will define the course of this adventure this week.
00:35:20Because the territories are waiting for their new tenants.
00:35:28But first,
00:35:29the captains have to be defined.
00:35:35And these captains could mark the course of each of their squads,
00:35:40here and now.
00:35:41Perhaps the leadership of these new people
00:35:44will lead them to obtain high, medium or low beach.
00:35:47Perhaps strangers from low beach
00:35:50for the first time can reach high beach.
00:35:53The intense ones may fall to low beach.
00:35:56Rebels to medium beach.
00:35:58I do not know.
00:35:59We do not know what will happen.
00:36:00But the leadership and the head of each group
00:36:03will always make the difference.
00:36:06And that is why it is so important
00:36:08that you think intelligently
00:36:10the decision you are about to make this week.
00:36:14We start with the purple team of the strangers.
00:36:18Mau, who do you want to be your captain or captain this week?
00:36:23I vote for Lalo.
00:36:25Very good.
00:36:26Eduardo, one vote at a time.
00:36:27Eduardo, who do you want to be your captain or captain?
00:36:30Look, Luquini,
00:36:31as you said,
00:36:32how the positions are going to fall,
00:36:34that's how it's going to be.
00:36:35So, he also gave us a boost,
00:36:37he also brought us new ideas and everything.
00:36:39And I'm going to trust Mau with this vote.
00:36:42Because he also brought us another panorama.
00:36:45So, there to see and show us
00:36:48that now the purple team is coming.
00:36:50Very good.
00:36:51Eduardo, one vote.
00:36:52Mauricio, one vote.
00:36:53Daniel, who do you want?
00:36:54My vote is also going to be for Mau.
00:36:56He has been a great person since the first moment he arrived.
00:36:59So, I think he has a lot to show
00:37:01and what a better opportunity to show him as a captain.
00:37:03Mauricio, two votes.
00:37:04Eduardo, one vote.
00:37:06My vote is also for Mau.
00:37:08I think he can bring very good things to the team.
00:37:13Okay, with your vote, Diana,
00:37:15automatically you become the captain of Los Esconocidos.
00:37:20Thank you very much.
00:37:21Do it with a lot of responsibility.
00:37:23Thank you, Luquini.
00:37:24Nadia, just out of curiosity,
00:37:26who were you going to vote for?
00:37:28Also for Mau.
00:37:29Although we have little time here,
00:37:31the two of us,
00:37:32I think he has shown that he brings other ideas,
00:37:35he brings another vibe,
00:37:36he has made us move to the team
00:37:38and we all liked that.
00:37:40Very good, Mau.
00:37:41As I told you,
00:37:42do it with a lot of honor and a lot of responsibility.
00:37:44Thank you very much, Luquini.
00:37:45Let's go with the team of Los Intensos,
00:37:47the orange team.
00:37:49Diana Chiquete, I'm listening to you.
00:37:51Well, just a moment ago you mentioned something
00:37:53that I found very interesting,
00:37:54which is something historical,
00:37:55that women have been captains in this team since it started.
00:37:59But this time my vote is for a man
00:38:02who I think has a steel temple,
00:38:04that despite the bad comments and the situations,
00:38:06he always stays in his center.
00:38:08Besides, he has supported me a lot.
00:38:10And it's for Jorge.
00:38:12Very good, Jorge.
00:38:13A vote at the moment.
00:38:16Well, I'm going to vote this time also for a man.
00:38:19He is a person who surprised me a lot
00:38:22the day he directed me.
00:38:23And he is a person who always keeps calm in the team,
00:38:26a very wise person.
00:38:28And besides, we all love each other,
00:38:30so I consider him like a brother.
00:38:32And my vote is for Jorge.
00:38:34Jorge, two votes at the moment.
00:38:36It's your turn, Jorge.
00:38:38Well, my dear Luquini,
00:38:39I'm going to give my vote,
00:38:40as I said last week, to my dear Chispa.
00:38:43He has also shown to have good management
00:38:46of emotions, of situations.
00:38:48And last week he couldn't do it,
00:38:50so I give it back to him this time again.
00:38:53Good gesture at the moment.
00:38:54Jorge, two votes, Chispa, one vote.
00:38:56I'm with you, Alba.
00:38:58My vote is going to be for a person
00:39:00who, since the first day I joined this team,
00:39:04has made me feel part of,
00:39:06not a team, but a family, really.
00:39:09And I also feel that I have very good energy with him.
00:39:13Jorge, it's for you.
00:39:16Jorge, three votes at the moment, Chispa.
00:39:18One vote, Bea.
00:39:21My vote is for a person
00:39:23who, for me, not only makes me strong in the competition,
00:39:27but also strong in his heart.
00:39:29It's a person that I love a lot,
00:39:31and that I also admire,
00:39:33and it's for my dear Hércules, Jorge.
00:39:37Jorge, very good.
00:39:38Four votes at the moment.
00:39:40And with four votes, Jorge,
00:39:42you automatically become the captain of your team.
00:39:46Los Intensos, with orange.
00:39:49You're the best, team.
00:39:50You cut it with responsibility, Jorge.
00:39:52Thank you, boss.
00:39:53Chispa, out of curiosity,
00:39:54I want to know who you were going to vote for.
00:39:57I was going to return the favor to Jorge.
00:40:01Okay, very good.
00:40:02Silverio, you?
00:40:03Also for Jorge.
00:40:04Okay, unanimity.
00:40:05Very good.
00:40:06Good, orange team.
00:40:08Let's go with the team of the rebels,
00:40:10the green team.
00:40:11I'll start with you, Fernando.
00:40:13My vote is for a person
00:40:14who has shown to be strong,
00:40:17and unstoppable.
00:40:18We call him pinball,
00:40:19because he really doesn't stop,
00:40:21he crashes, he crashes, he falls,
00:40:23he always gets up and gives his best.
00:40:25It's for my dear Chris.
00:40:27Very good.
00:40:28Cristian, one vote at a time.
00:40:29Cristian, who are you going to vote for?
00:40:32My vote would be for the group king,
00:40:34since the day we made him captain,
00:40:36he had an impressive streak,
00:40:38so my vote is for him.
00:40:40Group king, one vote.
00:40:41Cristian, one vote.
00:40:44My vote is for a very important pillar
00:40:47also in the team,
00:40:49super strong, fast, capable,
00:40:51and he has shown us that he gives his body
00:40:54and skin and everything
00:40:56in each of the games,
00:40:58and it's for Cristian.
00:40:59Cristian, two votes.
00:41:01Group king, one vote.
00:41:03My vote is for Cristian,
00:41:05a.k.a. Elcina.
00:41:06I think he has everything he needs,
00:41:07and it's time to show him for a while.
00:41:09Very good.
00:41:10Cristian, you with three votes
00:41:11immediately become
00:41:13the captain of your team.
00:41:16Los Rebeldes.
00:41:24Thank you.
00:41:26Group king,
00:41:27I'm listening to you.
00:41:28Who are you going to vote for?
00:41:30Also for Cris, right?
00:41:31The truth is,
00:41:32it's time for him...
00:41:34He's already had a few blows,
00:41:35now it's time for him to get a prize,
00:41:36right, Chato?
00:41:39Very good, challengers.
00:41:40The captains have been decided,
00:41:42and we already have three captains.
00:41:45Mau for the team of the unknown,
00:41:48Jorge of the intense,
00:41:49and Cristian of the rebels.
00:41:52Great responsibilities
00:41:54and great decisions
00:41:56will have to be made
00:41:57during this week,
00:41:59so get ready, challengers.
00:42:02Very good, intense rebels
00:42:04and unknown,
00:42:05it's time for the game
00:42:07for the territory on the stock exchange
00:42:09to begin.
00:42:10Are you ready?
00:42:13To win the best territory we have,
00:42:16you will have to listen.
00:42:18The dynamics of the game
00:42:20is as follows.
00:42:21Two people per team will participate.
00:42:24Each pair will have to support a large weight,
00:42:27while using special pliers
00:42:30they collect pieces of wood
00:42:32and transport them to a table
00:42:35where they will have to build a tower
00:42:37with all the pieces collected.
00:42:40The first group
00:42:41that manages to keep their tower standing
00:42:44for five seconds
00:42:45wins a point.
00:42:47The team that accumulates
00:42:49the first three points
00:42:51will win Playa Alta.
00:42:53Come on!
00:42:55The second team
00:42:56to achieve three points
00:42:58will stay with Playa Media
00:43:00and the losing team
00:43:02will have to go
00:43:04to the dreaded Playa Baja.
00:43:07Is it clear, challengers?
00:43:10To your positions.
00:43:11Come on!
00:43:12Let's go!
00:43:19The time has come!
00:43:21Playa Alta on fire!
00:43:27In this case, each team
00:43:29chose two men to participate.
00:43:32Listen carefully, challengers.
00:43:34For each man,
00:43:3630 kilos of weight are added
00:43:39to the structure, of course.
00:43:41If it were a woman,
00:43:42it would be 20 kilograms.
00:43:44In this case,
00:43:45each couple carries
00:43:47a weight of 60 kilos,
00:43:5030 for each one.
00:43:51Are you ready?
00:43:53Remember that the impossible
00:43:55only costs a little more.
00:43:57On my signal.
00:44:03The challengers
00:44:04will have to work as a team
00:44:06and transport the pieces
00:44:08one by one to the center table.
00:44:18One piece falls to the purple team.
00:44:23The same goes for the green team.
00:44:29The orange team places their second piece.
00:44:33The strategy of each group
00:44:35is personal.
00:44:40They have to transport the pieces
00:44:42and, in turn,
00:44:43when placing them on the table,
00:44:45build a tower.
00:44:50I opened it.
00:44:51There it is.
00:44:53The purple team, two pieces.
00:44:55The green team, two pieces.
00:44:57The orange team, two pieces.
00:44:59The green team, two pieces.
00:45:01The purple team, two pieces.
00:45:03The orange team, three pieces.
00:45:06The green team, two pieces.
00:45:16Four pieces for the orange team.
00:45:20They are showing great speed.
00:45:23Concentration, determination,
00:45:25speed and a lot of strength.
00:45:28The pieces fall to the purple team.
00:45:31They also have to take into account
00:45:33the climatic factors.
00:45:35There is a lot of wind and a lot of light.
00:45:45The pieces fall to the green team.
00:45:48Easy, easy, easy.
00:45:51Lower it.
00:45:52Open it.
00:45:53That's it.
00:45:54Let's go.
00:45:57Where to?
00:45:58Six pieces for the orange team.
00:46:02Open it.
00:46:03One, two.
00:46:04Lower it, lower it.
00:46:05Open it.
00:46:06That's it.
00:46:07Place the seventh.
00:46:09There is only one left.
00:46:12One, two.
00:46:13Close it.
00:46:14Deconstruct their tower.
00:46:15And this one has to hold for five seconds.
00:46:23Lower it.
00:46:24Open it.
00:46:25That's it.
00:46:30Five points for the orange team!
00:46:44The first point for the orange team, Los Intensos.
00:46:52I think we did excellent.
00:46:54The orange team weighs more.
00:46:56They can move a lot more.
00:46:58The heavier the fish, the easier it is to move it.
00:47:01But we're going to keep trying with this strategy.
00:47:08You'll see that we'll soon be hitting that high beach.
00:47:12Let's go.
00:47:18The challenger is Marcador at the moment.
00:47:21Intense in his point.
00:47:22Rebels and strangers,
00:47:24without a score yet.
00:47:27They feel this climate, challengers.
00:47:30That's how extreme the beaches will be.
00:47:34That's why their only option, there's no other,
00:47:38is to get the keys to the high beach, gentlemen.
00:47:42The team that gets the first three points will win.
00:47:46Are you ready?
00:47:49Remember, it's not impossible.
00:47:51It just takes a little more. On my signal.
00:48:00Each team has to,
00:48:02only using the pliers and supporting the weight
00:48:05on their backs,
00:48:06move the pieces one by one to the center table
00:48:10while they build a tower.
00:48:13The team that manages to build the tower
00:48:15and keeps it up for five seconds,
00:48:18gets a point.
00:48:19Open, open, open.
00:48:31Green team placing their second piece.
00:48:34Orange team, two pieces.
00:48:35And to the purple team, they drop a piece.
00:48:41Each team has an extra challenger
00:48:44in the vicinity of the game,
00:48:45whose function is to mobilize the piece
00:48:48that falls to the ground in case they can't reach it.
00:48:58Lower it, Chusta.
00:49:00Open, open, open.
00:49:02That's it. Open, open.
00:49:03Open your hand.
00:49:06Purple team placing their third piece.
00:49:08Orange team, four pieces.
00:49:10Green team, four pieces.
00:49:25Another difficulty of this challenge
00:49:28is that the clamp is handled by both challengers.
00:49:31Each one has an extreme
00:49:34and must work perfectly synchronized
00:49:37to be able to mobilize them and place the pieces.
00:49:41Purple team, four pieces.
00:49:43Orange team, four pieces.
00:49:44Green team, five pieces.
00:49:46At the moment, they're about to place their sixth piece.
00:49:59Purple team, five pieces.
00:50:00Orange team, four.
00:50:02Green team, six pieces.
00:50:56Get away from me.
00:50:58No, no, no, no.
00:50:59Get away from me.
00:51:01One, two, three, four.
00:51:05Green team, four pieces.
01:06:17Tanto intensos como rebeldes, con seis piezas al momento.
01:06:21Enfrentamiento realmente cardiaco.
01:06:37Seven pieces for the Orange Team.
01:06:39There's only one piece left.
01:06:43The Green Team doesn't give up.
01:06:45Three of their pieces have fallen.
01:06:47Three of the Green Team are still standing.
01:06:51The weather conditions are making it difficult.
01:06:57Give it more.
01:07:01Close it.
01:07:08That's it.
01:07:09Lift your elbows.
01:07:11Lift your elbows.
01:07:16One, two, three, four.
01:07:20Time's up for the Orange Team.
01:07:26Orange Team, you're going straight to Playa Alta.
01:07:33But no one gives up here.
01:07:36Rebels and strangers,
01:07:39you will continue to compete.
01:07:41Whoever manages to collect the first three points
01:07:44stays with Playa Media.
01:07:50Points for the intense.
01:07:51They win the territorial game
01:07:53and with this they stay with the precious Playa Alta.
01:08:00Come on, family, let's go.
01:08:03We did it!
01:08:04One, two, three, four!
01:08:10What's next?
01:08:14What's next?
01:08:15Let's see, what's next?
01:08:16Playa Media or Playa Baja?
01:08:19We can't go to Playa Baja again.
01:08:21Let's go now with everything.
01:08:24Who's going?
01:08:25We have to secure points.
01:08:28Let's go, we understand each other perfectly.
01:08:31And we close this.
01:08:39Come on, Reis.
01:08:41In this game, Reis got very intense.
01:08:45He was totally out of focus.
01:08:47He lost consciousness of everything.
01:08:49He affected us a point, but it cost us that point
01:08:52because if we had won,
01:08:54we were so close to winning.
01:08:56My team was getting used to Playa Alta,
01:08:59so we have to lower our level a bit
01:09:02to come back and be grateful.
01:09:05And we have to work hard to win Playa Alta.
01:09:14Challengers, Playa Alta already has tenants
01:09:18and they are the intense ones.
01:09:20But this game doesn't end
01:09:22because we have to decide
01:09:24who will stay with Playa Media
01:09:27and who with the dreaded Playa Baja.
01:09:30And it will be nothing more and nothing less
01:09:32the group that accumulates the first three points.
01:09:35Marker at the moment.
01:09:37Rebel of two points.
01:09:38Unknown without a score yet.
01:09:41Are you ready?
01:09:42As always.
01:09:43Remember that the impossible only costs a little more.
01:09:46At my signal.
01:09:53If the rebels win this point,
01:09:56they would automatically stay with Playa Media,
01:09:59but nothing is lost.
01:10:01The unknowns can move on,
01:10:03win game by game
01:10:05and stay with the best position that is still available.
01:10:10Let's go, let's go.
01:10:13Team Purple, two pieces.
01:10:14Team Green, two pieces.
01:10:17You can do it, Purple.
01:10:18You can do it.
01:10:19Strong, strong.
01:10:20The quick concentration and determination
01:10:24will decide who will stay with this very valuable position.
01:10:29Let's go.
01:10:30Let's go.
01:10:31Let's go.
01:10:32Let's go.
01:10:33Let's go.
01:10:34Let's go.
01:10:35Let's go.
01:10:36Let's go.
01:10:37Let's go.
01:10:38Let's go.
01:10:39Be strong.
01:10:40Don't lose the weight.
01:10:42It's just a little while.
01:10:45Team Green will have four pieces.
01:10:48Team Purple will get the fourth piece.
01:10:54Go, go, go, go.
01:10:59It's okay, it's okay.
01:11:01Team rebels, five pieces.
01:11:04Just a little while.
01:11:06You can do it.
01:11:10-♪ Los morados cinco piezas en este momento ♪
01:11:13-♪ Los rebeldes acaban de colocar su sexta pieza de ocho ♪
01:11:21-♪ Un solo error podría cambiar absolutamente todo ♪
01:11:34-♪ Mucha concentración ♪
01:11:39-♪ Seis piezas los morados, siete piezas los verdes ♪
01:11:44-♪ El esfuerzo que está haciendo cada una de las parejas ♪
01:11:46-♪ Es inimaginable ♪
01:11:48-♪ Dale, dale, dale, fuerza, hermano, fuerza ♪
01:11:53-♪ El equipo verde coloca su última pieza en este momento ♪
01:11:56-♪ Uno, dos, tres, cuatro y playa media ♪
01:12:02-¡Ya tienen dueños para el equipo de los rebeldes!
01:12:05¡Automáticamente el equipo morado!
01:12:07¡Los desconocidos caen directamente a la temida playa baja!
01:12:33-¡Punto de color verde para los rebeldes!
01:12:36¡Y se quedan con playa media!
01:12:47No les deseo mal, pero qué bueno que estamos en playa media,
01:12:49al menos porque tenemos techo.
01:12:51-♪ Tocó un papa... ♪
01:12:54-¡No vas a poner al mejor pollo!
01:12:56-¡Ya, desde ese día, Bolengo!
01:12:57¡Ya, ya!
01:12:58Tenemos unos muy buenos chefs aquí.
01:13:04Desafiantes, intensos rebeldes y desconocidos,
01:13:08ha sido una batalla inigualable.
01:13:12Playa Alta ya tiene inquilinos
01:13:15y son ustedes equipo de los intensos.
01:13:20Por eso, mis felicitaciones.
01:13:22Pueden pasar por sus llaves.
01:13:26Muy bien merecido, intensos. Muy bien merecido.
01:13:30Nuevo capitán, Jorge.
01:13:32¿Qué significa para tu escuadra, los intensos,
01:13:37después de ese acalorado inicio,
01:13:40obtener esas llaves, Playa Alta?
01:13:42Mi voz, de verdad, no quepo en mí.
01:13:44Estoy muy feliz, muy orgulloso del equipo que tengo.
01:13:47Gracias también, de verdad, todos y cada uno de ustedes
01:13:50por confiar en mí.
01:13:52Bursa ha sido un gran lugar.
01:13:54Creo que llegamos con una buena actitud,
01:13:56con una buena energía, sin excusar las demás cosas,
01:13:59simplemente haciendo caso a nuestro corazón, a nuestra alma
01:14:02y queriendo hacer las cosas bien,
01:14:04deseando lo más bonito al prójimo.
01:14:06Y creo que eso ha cumplido la misión que necesitábamos,
01:14:09que es ganar el emblema y la playa anhelada,
01:14:12Alta, porque la necesitábamos ya.
01:14:15Y ahora, ¿qué pasa?
01:14:18Necesitábamos ya.
01:14:20Y ahora, ustedes, rebeldes,
01:14:22su esfuerzo les otorga nada más y nada menos
01:14:25que Playa Media.
01:14:28Adelante, pueden pasar por las llaves.
01:14:31Bien merecido, bien ganado.
01:14:32Gracias, Lekini.
01:14:33Bien, Christian.
01:14:36Equipo morado, equipo de los desconocidos.
01:14:39Daniel, te vi enojado, te vi molesto, te vi frustrado.
01:14:45La Torre, al final le pegaste un golpe, la tiraste.
01:14:48Cuéntame, ¿cómo te sientes?
01:14:51Esa desesperación que sientes,
01:14:53¿qué está pasando a tu interior?
01:14:55Pues la verdad, Lekini, pues es obvio.
01:14:58Es obvio el que no hemos caído en Playa Alta.
01:15:02El pensar en todo eso me mortifica,
01:15:05me pone a pensar,
01:15:07pues, ¿de dónde tengo que sacar fuerzas otra vez?
01:15:10El cuestionarte muchas cosas.
01:15:13Pero mientras me estaba muriendo de frío,
01:15:15pensaba en toda la gente que le gustaría estar en mi lugar,
01:15:19en toda la gente que dejé para venirme aquí.
01:15:22Entonces, ese golpe, pues, es como mi representación
01:15:26de que saqué mi enojo,
01:15:28pero luego me pongo a reflexionar.
01:15:31Sí, luego me pongo a reflexionar en todo eso
01:15:33y me vuelvo a tranquilizar, vuelvo a sonreír,
01:15:35vuelvo a tener la cara en alto.
01:15:38Eso quiere decir que me tengo que esforzar más en mí,
01:15:41en mi persona, en mi equipo.
01:15:43Y, pues, sí, esto es una niñería que hice, la verdad.
01:15:46Es una ridiculez.
01:15:48Pero me voy dando cuenta yo solo de mis errores.
01:15:51Entonces, si tengo que volver a caer en Playa Baja,
01:15:54volver a comer frijol, volver a comer chícharos,
01:15:57para darme cuenta de lo fuerte que soy,
01:16:00lo voy a volver a hacer.
01:16:02Voy a volver a agarrar energía y voy a ir para arriba.
01:16:05No, volví a caer abajo, no me importa.
01:16:08Sé que puedo esto y mucho más.
01:16:10Acuérdate, Daniel, Equipo Morado,
01:16:12que se aprende más de las derrotas que de las victorias.
01:16:15¡Ánimo! Vamos para arriba.
01:16:19Muy bien, intensos rebeldes y desconocidos.
01:16:22Escuchen muy bien.
01:16:24Falta muy poco, pero muy poco,
01:16:28para que tanto rebeldes como intensos
01:16:32reciban a esa nueva persona
01:16:35que va a integrarse a sus filas.
01:16:37Un nuevo compañero muy, pero muy pronto
01:16:41se va a unir a esta aventura
01:16:44y los complementará cada uno de sus grupos.
01:16:51Tengo mucha emoción y realmente deseo
01:16:56que vayan a conocer sus nuevas playas aquí en Bursa.
01:17:00Por eso, intensos rebeldes y desconocidos,
01:17:03a sus nuevos territorios. ¡Adelante!
