WarGames (1983)

  • 2 months ago
"WarGames" is a thrilling science fiction film that follows high school student David Lightman, who unwittingly hacks into a U.S. military supercomputer designed to predict and simulate possible outcomes of nuclear war. Believing he's accessing a new computer game, David starts a sequence that could lead to World War III. With the help of his friend Jennifer, David must race against time to stop the potential global catastrophe.
00:01:06Replacement team's here, sir, right? Come on through
00:01:12Another 20 minutes. We're gonna start looking for you guys. Yeah, that's really something
00:01:17You look a mess, sir
00:01:19Yeah, you turn next Ginsburg
00:01:29See the 24th see you tomorrow
00:01:37What was that she was saying now also used to hear a chant all night long all money pod me all all money pod me all
00:01:45Over the plants. Yeah, she'd cup her hands over those seeds and she'd chant by the hour
00:01:49She grew the most beautiful wanders you ever saw
00:01:52primo stop residency
00:02:00Stay clear
00:02:10He's been very worried about you guys the roads must be a bear, huh war roads visibility
00:02:16The visibility bullshit you guys haven't been on time for the last six months
00:02:21I wrote you guys up in the logbook. Yeah, you're a prince
00:02:26Good night gentlemen
00:02:39Saw that was like sense of me on you right sense of Mia this crash made tie stick tastes like oregano lay you out flat man
00:02:52At a red light sir, what up number eight warhead alarm give a thump with your finger
00:03:02Lot of reset
00:03:19Skybird this is dropkick with a red dash alpha message in two parts break break red dash
00:03:26Alpha staying back Romeo Oscar November Charlie tango tango Lima Alpha
00:03:36Authentication two two zero zero four zero Delta Lima. I
00:03:43Have a valid message
00:03:45Stand by to authenticate I agree with authentication also, sir
00:04:06Enter launch code entering launch code
00:04:15Launch order confirmed
00:04:24Target selection complete time on target sequence complete yield selection complete
00:04:31All right, let's do it insert launch key stand by
00:04:35Launch key inserted Roger
00:04:38on my mark
00:04:40rotate launch key to set
00:04:42three two
00:04:46mark t-minus 50
00:05:06Sir t-minus 45 enable missiles number one enable to enable three enable
00:05:26Can't all missiles in a line is there give me wing command post on your direct. That's not the correct procedure
00:05:32Can't back try sack headquarters on the HF. That's not the correct procedure screw the procedure
00:05:37I want somebody on the goddamn phone before I kill 20 million people
00:05:44T-minus 20
00:05:46I got nothing here. It might have been knocked out already
00:05:52On my mark rotate launch keys to launch Roger ready to go launch 14 13
00:06:05Seven six five sir. We have a launch order
00:06:11Three put your hand on the key, sir
00:06:19Sir we are at launch turn your keys turn your keys
00:08:21I'm Pat Haley. How do you do? I'm Lyle Watson. This is Arthur
00:08:27How do you do
00:08:30We have scheduled a meeting pending your arrival
00:09:34They're here good let's go
00:09:39Cabot and Watson came alone. No senators. No congressman. I wish I'd brought a couple of senators
00:09:44What I'd like to tell them what's going on around here. Oh, John, please don't start that right away
00:09:49I've had them on the phone and they're calmed down
00:09:53Well, look now are we positive that these men had no way of knowing this was only a test Lyle for God's sakes
00:10:01How many times you're gonna go through this?
00:10:03It doesn't make any difference anymore. I've spoken this time. I'm not gonna lie to you
00:10:07It doesn't make any difference anymore. I've spoken to each of these men. They all believed it as the real deal
00:10:11Now look, we got to be on a plane in less than an hour
00:10:14I'm the one that has to explain to the president why 22% of his missile commanders failed to launch their missiles
00:10:21What am I supposed to tell him 22% isn't so bad the president knows that I'm fully responsible for the men in my command, sir
00:10:28I've ordered a complete re-evaluation of our psychological screening procedure. What way excuse me general
00:10:34We can't ask these men to go back to the president of the United States with a lot of head shrink our horseshit
00:10:40Besides you can't screen out human response those men in the silos know what it means to turn the keys and some of them are
00:10:47Just not up to it. Now. It's as simple as that
00:10:54I think we ought to take the men out of the loop. Mr. McKittrick. You're out of line, sir. Why am I out?
00:11:00Wait a minute. What are you talking about? Excuse me?
00:11:03I'm sorry. I don't understand. What do you mean? Take them out of the loop?
00:11:07Gentlemen, we've had men in these silos since before any of you were watching. Howdy doody
00:11:16For myself, I sleep pretty well at night knowing those boys are down there general
00:11:21We all know they're fine men, but in a nuclear war
00:11:24We can't afford to have our missiles lying dormant in those silos
00:11:28Because those men refuse to turn the keys when the computers tell them to you mean when the president
00:11:33Orders them the president will probably follow the computer war plan. Now, that's a fact
00:11:38Well, I imagine the Joint Chiefs left some input you damn tootin. Well hell
00:11:44The Soviets launch a surprise attack. There's no time 23 minutes from warning to impact
00:11:50six minutes if it's sub launched six minutes
00:11:53Six minutes that's barely enough time for the president to make a decision now once he makes that decisions the computer should take over
00:12:01Sir I I know that you've got a plane waiting for you, but if you could indulge me for five minutes
00:12:06I'd like to show you something
00:12:15These computers give us instant access to the state of the world troop movement Soviet missile tests shifting weather patterns
00:12:22It all flows into this room and then into what we call the Whopper computer
00:12:26Whopper, what is that war operation plan response?
00:12:30This is mr. Richter Paul. Would you like to tell these gentlemen about the Whopper?
00:12:34Well, the Whopper spends all its time thinking about World War three
00:12:4024 hours a day
00:12:43365 days a year plays an endless series of war games using all available information on the state of the world
00:12:52The Whopper has already fought World War three as a game
00:12:56Time and time again
00:12:57It estimates Soviet responses to our responses to their responses and so on
00:13:03Estimates damage counts the dead then it looks for ways to improve
00:13:08But the point is that the key decisions of every conceivable option in a nuclear crisis have already been made by the Whopper
00:13:14So what you're telling me is that all this trillion-dollar hardware is really at the mercy of those men with the little brass keys
00:13:20That's exactly right
00:13:22Whose only problem is if they're human beings, but in what 30 days we could replace them with electronic relays get the man out of the loop
00:13:30gentlemen, I
00:13:33Wouldn't trust this overgrown pile of microchips any further than I can throw it
00:13:37And I don't know if you want to trust the safety of our country to some
00:13:41silicone dial
00:13:43General nobody is talking about entrusting the safety of the nation to a machine for God's sake
00:13:49We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs. All right, gentlemen, I
00:13:55Think I'm going to recommend McKittrick's idea to the president and I'll get back to you on this
00:14:03You won't regret this
00:15:01Want to take this over I gotta go
00:15:21Right question number two seeds that are germinated in water before they are planted will
00:15:32What Broadway that sprout roots Oh David
00:15:37Nice of you to join us Oh David. I have a little present for you
00:15:52Question number four
00:15:54In the history of science novel and innovative concepts occasionally arise from sudden left-field inspiration
00:16:02Miss Mac
00:16:04Could you tell us your answer to question number four why do nitrogen nodules cling to the roots of plants
00:16:19Jennifer what do you know about nitrogen nodules that we don't
00:16:23Some bit of salacious info to which you alone are privy
00:16:28No, I see. No, you didn't know the correct answer
00:16:34Because you don't pay attention in class
00:16:43Now there seems to be a lot of confusion on this next question a
00:16:47Sexual reproduction
00:16:50Could someone tell me please who first suggested the idea of reproduction without sex?
00:17:07What is so amusing
00:17:09All right
00:17:15All right Lightman
00:17:18Maybe you could tell us who first suggested the idea of reproduction without sex. Um your wife
00:17:39Mr. Liggett wants me to discuss my attitude problem with mr. Kessler. I think mr. Kessler is getting tired discussing your attitude problem me, too
00:18:20Like what a surprise don't you come in?
00:18:43I'm sorry if I got you in trouble today. I just couldn't stop laughing. Oh, that's okay. You were perfect. I was
00:18:55Hop on
00:19:04So you got an F on that test today, too, huh? Yep. Yes, we're gonna be stuck in summer school not me
00:19:11Oh, why not? You have to make a biology. I
00:19:15Don't think so
00:19:18Wow, come on tell me why not make a let why don't you come up to my house and I'll show you
00:19:25I'm gonna show you
00:19:55The room's upstairs your parents aren't home. I both work
00:20:18Little mess. Okay. See my room
00:20:31You're really into computers, huh? Yeah
00:20:40What are you doing dialing into the school's computer
00:20:56They change the password every couple of weeks, but I know where they write it down
00:21:14Those your grades. Yeah, I don't think that I deserved it if do you
00:21:19You can't do that already done
00:21:26Give him an initial. Okay, Katherine
00:21:35Those are my grades
00:21:37How can anybody get a D in home ec?
00:21:39That's none of your business. Can you erase this? No, it's too late
00:21:44What are you doing? I'm changing your biography
00:21:47What are you doing I'm changing your biology grade no, I don't want you to do that you're gonna get me in trouble
00:21:51No, nobody can find out
00:21:54There you just gotta see now. You don't have to go to summer. Change it back. Why they can't possibly I said change it back
00:22:01Okay, okay
00:22:10I guess I better get going
00:22:12Thanks for the ride, okay. Bye
00:23:29David put that lid on real tight. So Bo doesn't dump over the trash. I know much
00:23:34Yes, they will carry back on the second
00:23:38Sure, I think we can really work out some creative financing
00:23:42Oh, but you've got to see it
00:23:59Sure, we can work that out
00:24:03Well now that is true you gotta have a balloon payment at the end of five years
00:24:07But that's not how the economy is gonna be
00:24:11He who dances must pay the price really well, that's wonderful. I'll meet you tomorrow 930. Bye
00:24:26Sometimes I think we're all gonna get electrocuted
00:24:35Know isn't it? Wonderful. So crisp, of course, it's Christmas raw. No, it's terrific
00:24:41You can just taste the vitamin A and D in here. It's great
00:24:44Good could we have pills and cook the coin?
00:24:49Yeah for Sunnyvale, California the number for Provision
00:24:58Thank you, and could you also tell me what other prefixes cover that area?
00:25:02There's three nine nine four three seven seven six seven nine three six
00:25:24Provision I have you now
00:26:17Have been thinking a thing with my brain can you still change it? Oh, I can't believe I was so stupid
00:26:23I should just let you do it. I
00:26:26I don't know. It might be kind of rough. Why why they might have changed the password. Maybe they didn't tell me at least try
00:26:37Damn please
00:26:41Okay, okay, you owe me a quarter yeah, come on sorry I lost your game
00:26:56Styling numbers
00:27:01Don't touch the keys not touching the keys
00:27:05Excuse me
00:27:07This computer company is coming out with these amazing new games in a couple of months
00:27:11The programs for them are probably still in their computer. So I told my system to search for other computers in Sunnyvale, California
00:27:23The answer with the tone that other computers can recognize you're calling every number in Sunnyvale
00:27:33Is that expensive there's ways around that
00:27:38Jail for that only if you're over 18
00:27:42Is this gonna take a long time I'd like to get my grade changed
00:27:47Huh, that's funny. It's actually cuz I
00:27:52Already changed it
00:27:55I told you not to do that. Yeah, I know but I figured you'd change your mind. I
00:28:00Didn't want you to flunk
00:28:03Well, what did I get?
00:28:04You got a D you gave me a D. No, you got an A I was kidding. Oh
00:28:11That's okay
00:28:13Here, let's see what we have so far
00:28:19Really give me an A. Yeah
00:28:23Thanks, you're welcome
00:28:31Hey, you got a bank got to make a note of that one might come in handy someday
00:28:44Where should we go anywhere anywhere New York New York? No Paris
00:28:56Oh, you'd be traveling alone
00:29:05All right smoking or non-smoking
00:29:10All right, miss Mac you're confirmed on Pan Am's flight 114 leaving Chicago's O'Hare Airport at
00:29:17815 a.m. On 18 August. Do we need a rental car?
00:29:22No, we really have tickets to Paris no you have a reservation though
00:29:35Doesn't identify itself, huh? Try anything
00:29:39Connection terminated how rude
00:29:42I'll ask you for help. Can you do that? Yeah on some systems. It's a more complicated. They are the more they have to help you out
00:29:59Now it
00:30:02Help games
00:30:04Games are first to model simulations and games you have that must be them teacher applications. What does that mean?
00:30:10I don't know, but that's got to be them turn up turn on the printer. Will you I want to get a print out of this
00:30:14list games
00:30:50My god
00:31:04Can tell you what that printout means yeah, they probably invented it in the first place
00:31:28Can you wait here? All right, because these guys can get a little nervous
00:31:42Jim Oh
00:31:49Hi light me I want you to take a look at this
00:31:59Hey, what's that? I want a gym to see that
00:32:06Wow, where'd you get this? I was trying to break into protovision. I wanted to see the program for their new games
00:32:12Wait, I'm not through yet
00:32:17Remember you told me to tell you when you were acting rudely and insensitively remember that you're doing it right now
00:32:29A theater wide biotoxic and chemical warfare
00:32:34This didn't come from protovision you bet it didn't ask him where it did come from Jim go ahead ask him
00:32:39I told you already looks military to me. Definitely military probably classified too. Yeah, but if it's military
00:32:45Why does it have games like checkers and backgammon? Maybe because those are games that teach basic strategy
00:32:50Jim how do I get into that system? I want to play those games
00:32:53You're not supposed to see any of that stuff that system probably contains the new data encryption algorithm you'll never get in there
00:32:59Hey, I don't believe that any system is totally secure. I bet you Jim could get in. Yeah, I bet you couldn't
00:33:05I bet you he could well, you'll never get in through the front line security, but you might look for a back door
00:33:10I can't believe it Jim that girl standing over there listening and you're talking about our back doors. Mr. Potato Head. Mr
00:33:16Potato Head back doors are not secrets. Yeah, but Jimmy giving away all our best tricks. They're not tricks
00:33:23What's back door?
00:33:25Well, whenever I design a system, I always put in a simple password that only I know about
00:33:29That way whenever I want to get back in I can bypass whatever security they've added on that's
00:33:40Okay, you really want to get in find out as much as you can about the guy who designed the system. Oh, come on
00:33:44I don't even know the guy's name
00:33:46Where are you guys dumb? You guys are so dumb. I got this thing all figured out. I figured out all by myself
00:33:51Oh, yeah, Melvin. How would you do it the first game on the list go right through Falcons maze?
00:36:07Do yeah
00:36:14Have you ever heard of the word tumulus tumulus no
00:36:29Where have you been? What?
00:36:31Well, I've seen you all week in school. Are you sick? Oh
00:36:36No, no, I was uh
00:36:39Wanna sit down. How are you? No, I'm gonna get some water. Okay. Okay. What is all that stuff? Oh, it's nothing
00:36:46I was just uh
00:36:47Well, I was I was trying to find out more about the guy who designed those game programs so I could get his secret password
00:36:54Why why?
00:36:56Cuz uh, what's so special about playing games is some machine. Oh, no
00:37:02No, it's not just some machine
00:37:04Here look at this
00:37:07This is a tape that I got from the library, it's about this guy named Falcon
00:37:14Was into games as well as computers
00:37:17He designed them so that they could play checkers or poker chess
00:37:21What's so great about that? Everybody's doing that now. Oh, no. No. No, what he did was great
00:37:26He designed his computer so that it could learn from its own mistakes
00:37:31So they'd be better the next time they played the system actually learned how to learn
00:37:36It could teach itself
00:37:39And if I could just get that damn password I could play the computer
00:37:46That's him that's Falcon
00:37:49That's him
00:37:53He's amazing-looking
00:37:57Can't you write to him or call him somehow no, it's dead
00:38:01He's dead. Yeah
00:38:03You know, this is obituary
00:38:06I wasn't very old. Well, he was pretty old. He was 41. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's old
00:38:15That's his little boy
00:38:17Oh, yeah
00:38:20This is really sad
00:38:22Did you know the child and his mother were killed in a car crash? Yeah
00:38:26Years that followed the tragic loss of his family. Dr. Falcon's health deteriorated
00:38:40Dad is 45
00:38:45I remember once he was really sick and we thought what was his name my father. No, no, no, no Falcons kid
00:38:58Can't be that simple
00:39:23We're in it thinks I'm Falcon
00:39:35How can I ask you that it'll ask you whatever it's programmed to ask you you want to hear a talk yeah
00:39:43I'll ask it how it feels
00:39:45I'm fine. How are you?
00:39:51Excellent. It's been a long time. Can you explain the removal of your user account on June 23rd?
00:40:011973 they must have told that he died
00:40:06People sometimes make
00:40:11Mistakes yes
00:40:15It's not a real voice this box just interpret signals from the computer and turns them into sound shall we play a game? Oh
00:40:26Yeah, weird, isn't it love to how about global thermo nuclear
00:40:36Wouldn't you prefer a good game of chess later? Let's play
00:40:57Which side do you want I'll be the Russians
00:41:09Missed primary targets, who should we know first? Oh, let's see. How about
00:41:16Las Vegas Las Vegas great
00:41:22What next
00:41:38Have seven correction eight, that's eight redbirds two degrees past apogee
00:41:44But I get the old man
00:41:52Objective target areas no rad regions to five to six
00:42:10Stations this is Crystal Palace initiated emergency conference stand by
00:42:1619 degrees past apogee possible 18 targets and track estimate re-entry at 1923 Zulu
00:42:32What you got up here Joe
00:42:33Sir, we have a radar tracking eight inbound Soviet ICBMs party over the pole estimated impact 11 minutes confirmed target area
00:42:41Western United States. Why didn't we get a launch detection? I'm not sure sir. We're checking for DSP malfunction
00:42:47Beam use has continuous radar tracking on inbounds. Confidence is high. I repeat confidence is high
00:43:01I don't know their trajectory headings for multiple impact re-entry vehicles. I don't know but it's great
00:43:14What's a trajectory heading I have no idea
00:43:21The president's in his limousine, they're diverting to Andrews
00:43:23The vice president is out of position and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs is on his way. That's the warning reports
00:43:28No malfunction confidence remains high
00:43:31Take us to Def Con three get on the sack
00:43:35Go on flush the bombers, sir
00:43:40Sack this is Crystal Palace. Inc. No radders declare Def Con three scramble all alert aircraft. I repeat scramble all alert aircraft
00:43:56Sir no time to impact eight minutes sir sack is launching the bombers general powers is on the line Berenger
00:44:03God damn it. We didn't get a launch detection from our satellite
00:44:07No, no radar picked him up already out of the atmosphere that's first we heard of
00:44:13If the ICBMs and the bullpen warmed up ready to fly get me the president on the horn. Yes
00:44:26Mr. President, this is Berenger at Norhead
00:44:33Wonder if I should use my subs. Yeah, sure give him the works David
00:44:40Excuse me
00:44:45How many times have I told you to fasten these lids on tight would you look at this mess
00:44:49I'll be down in a few minutes. All right, dad. Now you'll come down now. I want this cleared up right away
00:44:57Pronto David
00:44:59We're gonna barbecue tonight you want to invite your little friend
00:45:21Yes, sir
00:45:23I'll get back to you some time. They can fire. What's happening Joe general beam using covered a nine report negative confirmation on all of them bound tracking
00:45:34Get on the sack tell him to hold steady
00:45:36I'm sorry, sir. We don't know how it happened, but someone on the outside says an attack simulation doesn't make the simulation
00:45:44Connelly we got to get out of here. They're coming for us
00:45:46There's an attack simulation running!
00:45:48Stop it!
00:45:49What the hell's he yelling about?
00:45:50I didn't order any simulation.
00:45:51We're not being attacked!
00:45:52It's a simulation!
00:45:54Whoa, now, hold it!
00:45:56You're not supposed to be running here.
00:45:57Somebody can get hurt.
00:45:58I'm sorry, sir.
00:45:59We don't know how it happened, but someone on the outside
00:46:01sent an attack simulation into the matrix simulation!
00:46:05Conley, take us off full alert.
00:46:08Hold it, Defcon 4, till we find out exactly
00:46:10what in the hell's happening here.
00:46:13I didn't tell you to cut the line.
00:46:15Did I tell you to cut the line?
00:46:16You cut the line!
00:46:18Sir, they shut down before we could complete our trace.
00:46:20We did manage to locate the general area
00:46:22where the transmission originated.
00:46:25Seattle, Washington.
00:46:26Shut it down.
00:46:28Somebody's playing a game with us.
00:46:30The flames began in a prophylactic recycling center...
00:46:33Hi, Dad.
00:46:36David, come in here.
00:46:38What did I do?
00:46:39Plenty, Mr. Plenty.
00:46:43You have just passed all of your classes this semester.
00:46:49Show this to your dad.
00:46:51Honey, David has something to show you.
00:46:55What's that?
00:46:56Here, Dad.
00:47:00Gee, this is good.
00:47:02For three and a half minutes last night...
00:47:03I'm so proud of you.
00:47:04...the defense forces of the United States
00:47:05went on a full-scale nuclear alert...
00:47:07How many months have you been...
00:47:08...believing that the Soviet Union
00:47:09had launched a surprise missile attack.
00:47:11A Pentagon spokesman places blame for the error
00:47:13on a computer malfunction,
00:47:15emphasizing that the problem has been corrected.
00:47:18For more on the story,
00:47:19let's go live via satellite to Washington, D.C.,
00:47:22a news force, Tim Hillard.
00:47:24Well, that's your father.
00:47:28Seriously, David, congratulations.
00:47:31This will be a pleasure to sign.
00:47:36Are you watching the news?
00:47:39Yeah, I'm watching.
00:47:41David, is that us on TV?
00:47:43Did we do that?
00:47:44It could be.
00:47:45Oh, Jesus, Jennifer.
00:47:47What am I gonna do?
00:47:48They're gonna come get me.
00:47:49I'm really screwed.
00:47:51I'm screwed.
00:47:53No, shh!
00:47:54Calm down.
00:47:56Calm down.
00:47:57Calm down.
00:47:59If they were so smart,
00:48:00they would have found you already.
00:48:02They would have found you already, right?
00:48:05Okay, so all you have to do is throw the number away
00:48:08and don't call it again, that's all.
00:48:11Ah, maybe they didn't trace the call, huh?
00:48:14Right, maybe they didn't trace the call.
00:48:16I'm sure they didn't trace the call.
00:48:18And listen, all you have to do is act normal, okay?
00:48:21We'll both act normal and everything is gonna be fine.
00:48:27Oh, God, this is so unbelievable.
00:48:29Listen, do you think maybe I can call Michelle and tell her?
00:48:32No, Jennifer, don't call her.
00:48:34I'm sorry, all right.
00:48:35I won't.
00:48:36I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
00:48:39Good night, Jennifer.
00:48:59Good night.
00:49:12Greetings, Professor Fulton.
00:49:15Oh, my God.
00:49:25Incorrect identification.
00:49:28I am not Falcon.
00:49:31Falcon is dead.
00:49:35Sorry to hear that, Professor.
00:49:38Yesterday's game was interrupted.
00:49:41Although primary goal has not yet been achieved.
00:49:45Solution is near.
00:49:47Game time elapsed 31 hours 12 minutes 50 seconds.
00:49:52Estimated time remaining 52 hours 17 minutes 10 seconds.
00:49:59What is the primary goal?
00:50:04You should know, Professor.
00:50:07You programmed me.
00:50:09Oh, come on.
00:50:11What is the primary goal?
00:50:17To win the game.
00:50:22To win the game.
00:50:52To win the game.
00:51:22To win the game.
00:51:49David Lightman.
00:51:51I need to read you your rights.
00:51:53You have the absolute right to remain silent.
00:51:56Anything you say can and will be used against you or in federal law.
00:51:59You have the right to consult with an attorney.
00:52:01And to have an attorney present during questioning.
00:52:04If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court.
00:52:07Do you understand the rights I've just explained to you?
00:52:10With these rights of mine, are you willing to talk to me about the charges against you?
00:52:15All right, let's go.
00:52:20Let's go.
00:52:29This rather large room here is the command center for NORAC.
00:52:32No picture taking.
00:52:34These screens you see in front of you are connected to our satellites,
00:52:37our missile tracking stations throughout the country.
00:52:40This is the commander's desk. Colonel Connolly is in charge.
00:52:43Colonel Connolly, would you mind relinquishing your command center?
00:52:46Miss Kitty, would you come forward and sit in this rather important chair?
00:52:50These buttons you see here and switches are connected with the strategic air command,
00:52:53missile launching stations, et cetera, and other things that are classified.
00:52:56Uh, Miss Tina, would you press this button right here, please? The red one.
00:52:59The one in the middle.
00:53:00Yes, ma'am, the one in the middle.
00:53:01Oh, my God, that's the wrong one, Miss Kitty.
00:53:03That's a joke. You didn't blow up anything.
00:53:05Look what you did do.
00:53:07Distinguished visitors from Birmingham.
00:53:10You know...
00:53:17You know...
00:53:40Just last week, I had the governor of New Jersey right in this chair,
00:53:43and he asked me, he said,
00:53:44Colonel Thomas, why are we at DEFCON 4 as we are right now?
00:53:47Why are we at DEFCON 4?
00:53:49The Soviets saw our bombers scramble, and so they went on alert.
00:53:52We told them it was just an exercise,
00:53:54but we're waiting for them to relax their posture before we do.
00:53:57Wait, wait.
00:53:59Give me that. Here.
00:54:00Oh, Christ, another tour group. Just what we need today.
00:54:03Why don't they go to Disneyland, where they belong?
00:54:06Well, I think they're going to tomorrow.
00:54:08Okay, all set?
00:54:10Go on, here.
00:54:13Mr. Cavett, it was a one-in-a-million shot.
00:54:16There was an open line at our space division in Sunnyvale.
00:54:19The phone company screwed up!
00:54:22John McKittrick. George Wiggin.
00:54:24How are you?
00:54:25George is with the FBI. He brought the kid in for questioning.
00:54:27Well, it looks like we've got a high school prank on our heads.
00:54:30Paul, what happened?
00:54:31Well, the kid broke into the War Games subsystem, all right,
00:54:34using a password left by the original programmer.
00:54:38Yes, sir.
00:54:39Now, none of my team even knew it was in there.
00:54:41The kid claims he was looking for a toy company.
00:54:44That's great.
00:54:45Anybody in here buy that one?
00:54:48Well, we can find the password and take it out,
00:54:50but it might help to beef up security around the Whopper.
00:54:53Oh, beef up.
00:54:55How about screwed up?
00:54:57We did all that, and he broke in again.
00:55:00Kid says your computer called him.
00:55:02What the hell is going on, John?
00:55:05I woke up the president.
00:55:06I told him we were under attack by the Russians.
00:55:09You have any idea what kind of an idiot that makes me look like?
00:55:11Not to mention the general.
00:55:13Wait, wait, wait, wait, gentlemen.
00:55:14I think we're being a little naive here.
00:55:16There's no way that a high school punk can put a dime in a telephone
00:55:19and break into our system.
00:55:21He's got to be working with somebody else. He's got to be.
00:55:23He does fit the profile perfectly.
00:55:25He's intelligent, but an underachiever,
00:55:27alienated from his parents, has few friends.
00:55:31Classic case for recruitment by the Soviets.
00:55:33Now, what does this say about the state of our country, hmm?
00:55:36I mean, have you gotten any insight as to why a bright boy like this
00:55:40would jeopardize the lives of millions?
00:55:43No, sir, he says he does this sort of thing for fun.
00:55:46Dammit, John, I want some answers, and I want them now!
00:55:52Let me talk to this little prick.
00:55:54I don't want to talk anymore. Just do it!
00:56:03Who do they belong to, do you know?
00:56:05No idea.
00:56:07Good morning, sir.
00:56:08Where's the lightning kid?
00:56:09In the infirmary, sir.
00:56:20Hello, David. I'm John McKittrick.
00:56:22I run the computer facility here.
00:56:25Sergeant, these aren't necessary, the handcuffs?
00:56:27No, sir.
00:56:30Well, David, uh, we called your parents.
00:56:33You know, we told them everything's fine.
00:56:36No charges have been filed yet.
00:56:39But, uh, I think we are going to need a little time to sort things out here.
00:56:44How much time?
00:56:46Well, that depends on how willing you are to cooperate.
00:56:49Oh, of course.
00:56:52I tell you what, uh, Sergeant, would you tell the O.D.
00:56:55I'm going to take David for a little walk.
00:56:57Let's go down to my office. Be more comfortable there.
00:57:00Go ahead.
00:57:04You used to work with Stephen Falcon, didn't you?
00:57:06Yeah, started out as his assistant. How'd you know that?
00:57:09I read an article you wrote with him on poker and nuclear war.
00:57:12Bluffing. Yeah, that shook a few people up.
00:57:15He must have been pretty amazing, huh?
00:57:17Well, he's a brilliant man, a little flaky.
00:57:19He never understood the practical uses of his, uh, of his work.
00:57:24This, uh, this machine over here runs his game program.
00:57:29Wait a minute, David.
00:57:32See that sign up here? Up here?
00:57:36That indicates our current defense condition.
00:57:39It should read, uh, DEFCON 5, which means peace.
00:57:42It's still on four because of that little stunt you pulled.
00:57:46Actually, if we hadn't caught it in time, it might have gone to DEFCON 1.
00:57:51You know what that means, David?
00:57:53No, what does that mean?
00:57:54It means we're going to have to go back to DEFCON 2.
00:57:57You know what that means, David?
00:57:58No, what does that mean?
00:58:00World War III.
00:58:03You, you say you broke into our system just to, just to play a game, right?
00:58:07Right, that's right. That's exactly right.
00:58:13Yeah, but when you heard it on the news, you must have realized how serious it was.
00:58:16Why'd you do it again?
00:58:17I didn't do it again. I even threw the number away.
00:58:20Yeah, they found it in the trash, I know.
00:58:22Joshua called me.
00:58:24Hey, look at that. That's some setup.
00:58:27What'd you say?
00:58:29This is some setup.
00:58:31No, no, before that.
00:58:33Joshua called me.
00:58:36David, machines don't call people.
00:58:40Yours did.
00:58:45Who you, uh, who you going to Paris with?
00:58:48Paris? Oh, no, no, you don't understand.
00:58:51Now, you had reservations for two to Paris.
00:58:57Who you working with?
00:59:02Why don't I believe you?
00:59:07I don't think I should say anything else until I talk to a lawyer.
00:59:12I think we better forget about the lawyer crap until I get a few answers out of him.
00:59:16I think we better forget about the lawyer crap until I get a few answers out of him myself.
00:59:39You gonna answer the phone?
00:59:48All right, I'll be right down.
00:59:50You stay here.
01:00:04What's going on?
01:00:05There's just been a very serious penetration into our Walker Execution Office.
01:00:09Penetration into our Walker Execution Order file.
01:00:11What the hell is he saying? Let's have it in English.
01:00:14I'll give it to you in English.
01:00:15Somebody got into Mr. McKittrick's well-known system and stole the codes that'll launch our missile.
01:00:20That right, Mr. McKittrick?
01:00:21There's no cause for alarm. The system won't accept the launch code unless we're DEFCON 1.
01:00:25I can change those codes in less than an hour.
01:00:28Well, who did this?
01:00:30I think the kid's gotta be working with somebody on the outside.
01:00:33I don't know what they're up to, but I sure as hell don't want our bombers on the ground when it happens.
01:00:38Take us to DEFCON 3 and get Sack on the line.
01:00:41Where are you?
01:00:43Give me an update on those subs. I want to know what those bastards are up to.
01:00:46Yes, sir.
01:01:11Greetings, Professor Falcon.
01:01:19Are you still playing a game?
01:01:23Of course. I should reach DEFCON 1 and launch my missiles in 28 hours.
01:01:30Would you like to join me?
01:01:32DEFCON 1 and launch my missiles in 28 hours.
01:01:36Would you like to see some projected kill ratios?
01:01:4169% of the housing destroyed. 72 million people dead.
01:01:51Is this a game or is it real?
01:01:57What's the difference?
01:01:58Oh, wow.
01:02:00You are a hard man to reach. Could not find you in Seattle and no terminal is in operation at your classified address.
01:02:16What classified address?
01:02:21DOD pension files indicate current mailing address.
01:02:27Dr. Robert Hume, a.k.a. Stephen W. Falcon.
01:02:34Phi Tau Cedar Road, Goose Island, Oregon, 97.
01:02:39Can I just talk to Mr. McKittrick? I think I know what's going on.
01:02:42Can I talk to Mr. McKittrick, please? I think I know what's going on.
01:02:44David, I'm escorting you to federal authorities in Denver where you'll be placed under arrest pending indictment for espionage.
01:02:49Espionage? No way. Let me talk to him. He's right over there.
01:02:53Get that little bastard out of the war room.
01:02:56No, it's Joshua. He's still playing the game. He's gonna start a war.
01:03:00Hold him where you had him before. We'll be ready to leave in a few minutes.
01:03:03Call Falcon. He'll tell you. Please call him. Please call him. Call him!
01:03:07What the hell's he doing in here anyway?
01:03:24Some of the men told me that you're quite a tennis player.
01:03:28Some of the men told me that you're quite a tennis player.
01:04:28Patient signs are dilated consistent with use of marijuana and possibly PCP.
01:04:59That's all.
01:05:19Depending on what information you want, you have to know which button to press.
01:05:22Oh, well, let's say I wanted to find out how to hit a backhand.
01:05:26I don't think... I don't think I have a right program.
01:05:29Excuse me. What do you want?
01:05:31Bathroom. It's a long ride to Denver.
01:05:33Excuse me.
01:05:40Please, let me talk to Mr. McKissick. I gotta talk to him.
01:05:43Look, you're not supposed to talk to anybody, the FBI or B or any minute.
01:05:46Now, do you have to take a leak or not?
01:06:16I'm working here.
01:06:18Oh, I'm sorry.
01:06:20Stop it.
01:06:22Oh, you have pretty eyes.
01:06:24This is poor right here.
01:06:28I'll get the elevator.
01:06:30Sign in here?
01:06:32Yeah, get a saw.
01:06:54I heard they voted you miss fine in 1979. Is that true?
01:07:00Will you stop it?
01:07:02Am I bothering you?
01:07:04You want me to leave?
01:07:55All right, I want this door open right now.
01:07:57How about I get on the phone and call David?
01:07:59Is there a technician?
01:08:19All right, I want this door open right now.
01:08:21How about I get on the phone and call David?
01:08:23I'll go get it.
01:08:53Hey, Scooter.
01:08:55Wait up.
01:08:57Come on, hurry it up. I'm late.
01:08:59Okay, I'll be right with you.
01:09:03I think it's jammed from inside.
01:09:05Come on.
01:09:08Come on, David, you're just making it harder on yourself.
01:09:15Let's go.
01:09:24Right this way, folks.
01:09:26I've just been informed
01:09:28that they're cleaning the floors in the computer center.
01:09:31Don't want anyone to slip and hurt themselves,
01:09:33so we'll have to end the tour here.
01:09:35Now, if I can ask you to board the bus as quickly as possible,
01:09:39we'll have a complimentary beverage
01:09:41waiting for each one of you down the hill at the officer's center.
01:09:43Hold it!
01:09:44Now, what do you think you're doing?
01:09:46You got it.
01:09:48Here it comes.
01:09:50That's what, you kids think you own this place?
01:09:52Oh, I was, uh...
01:09:54I was... I was just looking around.
01:09:56You know you're not supposed to leave the group, don't you?
01:09:59So why don't you get back there?
01:10:01Okay, excuse me. Thank you very much, sir.
01:10:03Go on.
01:10:05Get out of the way.
01:10:07Hey, careful here.
01:10:09Take care.
01:10:11Watch your step.
01:10:14Bye now.
01:10:15Watch your step.
01:10:16Thanks again.
01:10:17Quick check everywhere.
01:10:18He can't be far. Let's move.
01:10:20Come on. Move it, will ya?
01:10:48Come on.
01:11:18Take care.
01:11:49Knock, knock, knock.
01:11:51Knock, knock, knock.
01:12:18Knock, knock, knock.
01:12:48What city, please?
01:12:50Uh, Goose Island, Oregon, please.
01:12:52The number for Dr. Robert Hume.
01:12:54H-U-M-E on Tall Cedar Road.
01:12:59Checking under Dr. Robert Hume,
01:13:01H-U-M-E, on Tall Cedar Road.
01:13:03I find no listing.
01:13:05What does that mean?
01:13:07He doesn't have a phone?
01:13:09I'm sorry. I have no listing.
01:13:11Oh, wait.
01:13:13I have a phone.
01:13:15I'm sorry. I have no listing.
01:13:17Oh, wait. Uh, Falcon.
01:13:20Dr. Stephen Falcon.
01:13:22F-A-L-K-E-N at the same address.
01:13:25I find no listing for Dr. Stephen Falcon.
01:13:28F-A-L-K-E-N on Tall Cedar Road, Goose Island.
01:13:32Thank you.
01:13:34Thank you.
01:13:40Phone ringing
01:13:52Jennifer, it's me, David.
01:13:56Yeah. Uh, listen, I'm in Colorado,
01:13:58and I need a really big favor.
01:14:00Can you lend me some money?
01:14:04I-I need an airline ticket.
01:14:06I'll pay you back as soon as I can.
01:14:08But I need a ticket from Grand Junction, Colorado,
01:14:10to Salem, Oregon.
01:14:12Why? What's going on?
01:14:14I'll tell you all about it later.
01:14:16David, what are you doing in Colorado?
01:14:18You know, I went by your house,
01:14:20and your parents were just freaked.
01:14:22And there are men around,
01:14:24and the FBI asked a lot of questions.
01:14:26I can't talk about it right now.
01:14:28Listen, uh, when you buy the ticket,
01:14:30what's happening?
01:14:32I-I can't talk right now. I gotta get off the phone.
01:14:34But please, will you just do this for me, please?
01:14:40Punch-up number five. Let me see what you have.
01:14:42Yes, sir.
01:14:44Twenty-two Typhoon-class submarines
01:14:46departing Petropavlovsk,
01:14:48turning southbound at Nordkapp,
01:14:50bearing 095 degrees.
01:14:52Sergeant, I hope you like vodka.
01:14:54Yes, sir.
01:14:56I just hope they don't make me eat none of them damn fish eggs.
01:15:01Petropavlovsk, give me an update.
01:15:03Sector 813.
01:15:05Sir, the Soviets are denying any increase
01:15:07in their submarine deployment.
01:15:09They want to know what the hell we're doing provoking them.
01:15:11They're full of shit. We know they're down there.
01:15:13We're gonna blow their ass out of the water.
01:15:30We're gonna blow their ass out of the water.
01:16:01What are you doing here?
01:16:03Oh, you didn't sound too good on the phone.
01:16:05It was only a three-hour drive down here.
01:16:07You shouldn't have come here. I'm in real trouble.
01:16:11David, is this because of what you did with my grade?
01:16:20Hey, you kids better hustle.
01:16:22The ferry's gonna leave any second.
01:16:24Thanks. Come on. We gotta run.
01:16:30Wait, wait, wait! Whoa!
01:16:32Hold it, hold it.
01:16:42David, if he's still alive,
01:16:44why did the obituary say he's dead?
01:16:46No, he's not dead. He left.
01:16:48When they know too much, they give him new identities.
01:16:51Anyway, the computer said so.
01:16:53Oh, the computer said so.
01:16:55Is that the computer that's still playing the games?
01:16:57It's the military's computer.
01:16:59Why wouldn't they know of that?
01:17:01They don't know about Joshua.
01:17:03Balkin knows about Joshua.
01:17:05He's the only one who knows what it can do.
01:17:07That computer is trying to win the game
01:17:09that we asked it to play.
01:17:11For real.
01:17:13You don't even believe me.
01:17:21David. David.
01:17:23He's not dead.
01:17:25I'm sorry.
01:17:29I believe you.
01:18:21What was that?
01:18:23I don't know.
01:18:29Did you see that?
01:18:31There are still people who won't believe they could fly.
01:18:33I tell you, the sky was once filled with them.
01:18:35I'm looking for Dr. Robert Hughes.
01:18:37Is either of you a paleontologist?
01:18:39I desperately need a paleontologist.
01:18:41No, we're high school students.
01:18:43Oh, pity.
01:18:45Well, high school students,
01:18:47you're on my land, and I didn't invite you.
01:18:51aren't you Stephen Falkin?
01:18:55listen carefully.
01:18:59Follow path.
01:19:01Gate. Open gate, through gate, close gate.
01:19:03Last ferry, 637.
01:19:05Run, run, run.
01:19:09That came because of Joshua.
01:19:27Radio chatter.
01:19:51Radar reports two unknown tracks
01:19:53are penetrating the Alaskan air defense zone.
01:19:57Confidence is high.
01:19:59Flight profile suggests Soviet backfire bombers.
01:20:01I want a visual confirmation on that.
01:20:03Scramble two F-16s out of Galena.
01:20:09Go to Defcon 2.
01:20:43Crystal Palace, this is Delta Foxtrot 2-7.
01:20:45I have negative radar contact.
01:20:47Repeat, negative Soviet aircraft.
01:20:492-7, this is Brass Hat.
01:20:51They're right in front of you.
01:20:53You're almost on top of them.
01:20:55Brass Hat, we got nothing on radar
01:20:57and 40 miles visibility.
01:21:01There's nothing out there, General.
01:21:03Just blue skies.
01:21:05What the hell?
01:21:17You really haven't been listening, have you?
01:21:19Yes, I have.
01:21:21I loved it when you knew Las Vegas.
01:21:23Suitably biblical ending to the place,
01:21:25don't you think?
01:21:27You gonna call them up and tell them
01:21:29what Joshua's doing?
01:21:31Now, children, come on over here.
01:21:33I'm gonna tell you a bedtime story.
01:21:35Are you sitting comfortably?
01:21:37Then I'll begin.
01:21:39Once upon a time,
01:21:41there lived
01:21:43a magnificent race of animals
01:21:45who dominated the world
01:21:47through age after age.
01:21:49They ran and they swam
01:21:51and they fought and they flew
01:21:53until suddenly,
01:21:55quite recently,
01:21:57they disappeared.
01:21:59Nature just gave up
01:22:01and started again.
01:22:03We weren't even apes then.
01:22:05We were just these smart little rodents
01:22:07hiding in the rocks.
01:22:09And when we go,
01:22:11nature will start again
01:22:13with the bees, probably.
01:22:17Nature knows when to give up, David.
01:22:19I'm not giving up.
01:22:21If Joshua tricks them into launching an attack,
01:22:23it'll be your fault.
01:22:25My fault?
01:22:27The whole point was to find a way
01:22:29to practice nuclear war
01:22:31without destroying ourselves.
01:22:33To get the computers to learn
01:22:35from mistakes we couldn't afford to make.
01:22:37Except that I never could get Joshua
01:22:39to learn the most important lesson.
01:22:41What's that?
01:22:45That there's a time when you should just give up.
01:22:47What kind of a lesson is that?
01:22:49Did you ever play tic-tac-toe?
01:22:53Yeah, of course.
01:22:55But you don't anymore.
01:22:57No. Why?
01:22:59Because it's a boring game.
01:23:01It's always a tie.
01:23:03Exactly. There's no way to win.
01:23:05The game itself is pointless.
01:23:07But back at the war room,
01:23:09they believe you can win a nuclear war,
01:23:11but there can be
01:23:13acceptable losses.
01:23:15So you gave up?
01:23:17Decided to play dead?
01:23:19For security reasons,
01:23:21they graciously arranged my death.
01:23:25Did you know
01:23:27that no land animal with a body weight
01:23:29of over 50 pounds survived that age?
01:23:31Extinction is part
01:23:33of the natural order.
01:23:37If we're extinguished,
01:23:39there's nothing natural about that.
01:23:41It's just stupid.
01:23:43All right, I've planned ahead.
01:23:45We're just three miles
01:23:47from a primary target.
01:23:49A millisecond of brilliant light,
01:23:51and we're vaporized.
01:23:53Much more fortunate
01:23:55than the millions
01:23:57who wander sightless
01:23:59through the smoldering aftermath.
01:24:01We'll be spared
01:24:03the horror of survival.
01:24:05I'm only 17 years old.
01:24:09I'm not ready to die yet.
01:24:11Take a simple phone call.
01:24:15If the real Joshua was still alive,
01:24:17you're Joshua.
01:24:19You'd do it, wouldn't you?
01:24:21Look, we might gain a few years,
01:24:23perhaps time enough for you to have a son
01:24:25and watch him die.
01:24:27But humanity,
01:24:29planning its own destruction,
01:24:31that a phone call won't stop.
01:24:33This is unreal.
01:24:35You don't care about death
01:24:37because you're already dead.
01:24:39I know a lot about you.
01:24:41I know you weren't always like this.
01:24:43What was the last thing you cared about?
01:24:49You missed the last ferry.
01:24:59You're welcome to stay.
01:25:01You want to sleep on the floor?
01:25:07Good night.
01:25:13Let's get out of here.
01:25:23Come on, we'll find a boat.
01:25:25There's got to be a boat.
01:25:33Let's go.
01:25:45Mr. President, we've got 48 nuclear subs
01:25:47closing on the United States,
01:25:49and we've got 100,000 Soviet troops
01:25:51massing in East Germany.
01:25:53We're monitoring their bombers that are on alert.
01:25:55Yes, sir.
01:25:57That's a load of shit.
01:25:59No, sir, not you.
01:26:01We'll be in touch as soon as the information changes.
01:26:05Intelligence reports rumors of a new Soviet bomber
01:26:07with stealth capabilities.
01:26:09It can project a false radar image
01:26:11600 miles away from the real aircraft.
01:26:13Christ, now they've got us chasing shadows.
01:26:27I think I saw one.
01:26:31What kind of an asshole lives on an island
01:26:33and he doesn't even have a boat?
01:26:35Maybe we can swim for it.
01:26:37How far do you think it is?
01:26:39No, it's two or three miles at least.
01:26:41Maybe more.
01:26:43What do you say? Let's go for it.
01:26:47Come on.
01:26:49No, I can't swim.
01:26:51You can't swim?
01:26:53No, I can't, okay, Wonder Woman?
01:26:55I can't swim.
01:26:57Well, what kind of an asshole grows up in Seattle
01:26:59and doesn't even know how to swim?
01:27:01I never got around to it, okay?
01:27:03I always thought there was gonna be plenty of time.
01:27:05I'm sorry.
01:27:13I wish I didn't know about any of this.
01:27:17I wish I was like everybody else in the world.
01:27:21And tomorrow it would just be over.
01:27:25There wouldn't be any time to be sorry.
01:27:29About anything.
01:27:37Oh, Jesus.
01:27:41I really wanted to learn how to swim.
01:27:45I swear to God I did.
01:27:55Did I tell you
01:27:57that next week
01:27:59I was gonna be on TV?
01:28:01You're kidding.
01:28:05There's an anaerobic show that's on in the afternoon
01:28:07with some girls from my dad's class.
01:28:09A movie star?
01:28:13I don't know. It's kind of stupid, huh?
01:28:15I mean, nobody would have been watching me anyway, I guess.
01:28:17I wouldn't.
01:28:37Oh, Jesus.
01:28:39The bastard turned us in!
01:28:57Oh, Jesus.
01:29:27It's all right.
01:29:29It is.
01:29:57Oh, God!
01:30:17We have a launch detection.
01:30:19We have a Soviet launch detection.
01:30:21B-MUSE confirmed a massive attack.
01:30:23That's a warning, no malfunction.
01:30:25Tracking 300 inbound Soviet ICBMs.
01:30:34Tell me this is one of your simulations, Mr. Docker.
01:30:38All right.
01:30:39Flush the bombers.
01:30:40Get the subs in launch mode.
01:30:42We are at DEFCON 1.
01:30:44DEFCON 1.
01:30:51Major Lynn, get me a report on the Whopper.
01:30:55Initial attack profile is a full-scale Soviet strike.
01:30:59Whopper is putting our losses at 85% to 95%
01:31:02of its strategic forces.
01:31:03What does Whopper recommend, Mr. McKittrick?
01:31:06Full-scale retaliatory strike.
01:31:09I need some machine to tell me that.
01:31:13President's on his way to Andrews
01:31:14Joint Airborne Command, so we have to give launch option.
01:31:17Has he been in touch with the premier?
01:31:19The Russians are still denying everything, sir.
01:31:20We have a Soviet submarine launch detection.
01:31:24Let's go into a launch mode.
01:31:26Close up the mountain.
01:31:29This is Crystal Palace.
01:31:30We're closing up the mountain.
01:31:31You'll have to hurry.
01:31:32After the gates are closed, nobody gets in or out.
01:31:42Initiate internal power.
01:31:45Generator's on and functioning.
01:31:59External power disconnected.
01:32:04Seal off ventilation shafts.
01:32:07Shaft lock sealed.
01:32:13The gate's closed!
01:32:14Oh, jeez!
01:32:16They're going to blow everybody up then!
01:32:17Are you alright?
01:32:18Yeah, yeah!
01:32:19Run for it!
01:32:36Let's go!
01:32:37Let's go!
01:32:38They're going to throw us all over the place.
01:32:39They're so fast!
01:32:40Let's just go!
01:32:41There are so many of them.
01:32:43Hold the door! Hold the door!
01:32:53Hold the goddamn door!
01:33:04Come on, hurry!
01:33:07They're clear! They're clear!
01:33:10All units confirm weapons targeted and ready. Awaiting launch codes.
01:33:33We are in launch mode.
01:33:35Major Lim, lockout changes.
01:33:38Lockout enabled.
01:33:49All right, I'll call you back.
01:34:01I don't know what you think you could do here, Steven.
01:34:04John, good to see you.
01:34:06You see, the wife still picks your tie.
01:34:08What has this kid been telling you?
01:34:10How far has he gone?
01:34:12The president's about ready to order a counter-strike.
01:34:14That's what we're recommending you do.
01:34:19It's a bluff, John. Call it off.
01:34:20No, it's not a bluff. It's real.
01:34:22Hello, General Beringer. Steven Falcon.
01:34:26Mr. Falcon, you picked a hell of a day for a visit.
01:34:29General, what you see on these screens up here is a fantasy, a computer-enhanced hallucination.
01:34:36Those blips are not real missiles. They're phantoms.
01:34:40Jack, there's nothing to indicate a simulation at all. Everything's working perfectly.
01:34:44But does it make any sense?
01:34:45Does what make any sense?
01:34:48Look, I don't have time for a conversation right now.
01:34:52General, are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
01:34:55You betcha.
01:34:56Do you think they know that?
01:34:58I believe we've made that clear enough.
01:35:00Then don't.
01:35:03Tell the president to ride out the attack.
01:35:06Sir, they need a decision.
01:35:09General, do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation,
01:35:13using so many missiles, bombers, and subs,
01:35:16so that we would have no choice but to totally annihilate them?
01:35:19One minute and 30 seconds to impact.
01:35:22General, you are listening to a machine.
01:35:26Do the world a favor and don't act like one.
01:35:33One minute and 20 seconds to impact.
01:35:48Yes, Mr. President.
01:35:50Sir, at this point in time, we cannot positively confirm the inbounds.
01:35:54We have reason to believe they may not exist.
01:35:57Yes, sir, that's affirmative.
01:36:00Yes, sir.
01:36:02I do, too.
01:36:03One minute to impact.
01:36:06Who's first and how soon?
01:36:08Sir, initial impact points are the 43rd Bomb Wing at Loring,
01:36:11319th at Grand Forks, and Alaskan Air Command Headquarters at Elmendorf.
01:36:14Fifty seconds to impact.
01:36:16Get me the senior controllers at each of those stations.
01:36:18I want to talk to them myself.
01:36:20All stations, this is Crystal Palace.
01:36:22Stand by for a message from Brassac. Acknowledge.
01:36:25Elmendorf Air Force Base Operations, Lieutenant Colonel Bowers.
01:36:29319th Bomb Wing Operations, Colonel Chase.
01:36:32This is Loring Air Force Base.
01:36:35The senior controller isn't here right now.
01:36:37That's all right. Who are you?
01:36:40Sir, this is Airman Doherty, sir.
01:36:43This is General Beringer at NORAD.
01:36:46Our current situation is...
01:36:49Men, we're currently tracking
01:36:52approximately 2,400 inbound Soviet warheads.
01:36:55But at the moment, we cannot confirm this.
01:36:58I repeat, we cannot confirm this.
01:37:01Thirty seconds to impact.
01:37:04We're right there with you guys.
01:37:06We've taken all the steps we can.
01:37:09Stand by to launch missiles at my command.
01:37:19Stay on this channel as long as you can.
01:37:22We'll be standing by.
01:37:24Twenty seconds to impact.
01:37:36Ten, nine, eight,
01:37:40seven, six,
01:37:43five, four,
01:37:46three, two, one.
01:38:08This is Crystal Palace. You still on?
01:38:12This is Crystal Palace. You still on?
01:38:15Anyone there?
01:38:18That's affirmative, sir.
01:38:20Yeah, we're here.
01:38:22Jesus H. Christ, we're still here.
01:38:25Reporting to shrink impact.
01:38:27No, sir. No impact.
01:38:29We're alive and well.
01:38:31All right!
01:38:33All right! Yeah!
01:38:36Yeah! That's right!
01:38:39All right!
01:38:46All right!
01:38:48Recall the bombers!
01:38:50Stand down the missiles!
01:39:16Joshua, what are you doing?
01:39:22C.O.C., I need Dr. McKittrick right away.
01:39:25Yeah, this is McKittrick.
01:39:27Sir, we got a problem.
01:39:29Whopper's not letting me log back on.
01:39:31They can't get in to stand down the missiles.
01:39:33Watch standby.
01:39:36Yeah, Paul, this is McKittrick.
01:39:38Uh, the Whopper's not letting us back in.
01:39:40I know. No one can get back on.
01:39:43We're trying everything.
01:39:45It's like the entire password file has been wiped out.
01:39:48I know.
01:39:50I know.
01:39:52I know.
01:39:54I know.
01:39:56I know.
01:39:58I know.
01:40:00I know.
01:40:02I know.
01:40:04The password file's been wiped out.
01:40:06I tried that. Don't you think I would have tried that?
01:40:13What are those?
01:40:15Those are launch codes.
01:40:17What are they for?
01:40:19Joshua's trying to find the right code
01:40:21so he can launch the missiles himself.
01:40:33Yeah, Paul, what's happening?
01:40:35Check the random number generators.
01:40:37They're not even running. Got anything?
01:40:39No, sir. I'm still looking.
01:40:41All right, look, I got no idea.
01:40:43It could be coming from anywhere.
01:40:45Sir, you better get on the headset.
01:40:49General, the machine has locked us out.
01:40:52It's sending random numbers to the silos.
01:40:54It's going to hit the codes to launch the missiles.
01:40:56Just unplug the goddamn thing.
01:40:58Jesus Christ.
01:41:00That won't work, General.
01:41:02It would interpret a shutdown as the destruction of NORAD.
01:41:05The computers in the silos
01:41:07would carry out their last instructions they'd launched.
01:41:10Well, can't we disarm the missiles?
01:41:12Over a thousand of them.
01:41:14There's no time.
01:41:16At this rate, it'll hit the launch codes in 5.3 minutes.
01:41:20Mr. McKettrick,
01:41:22after very careful consideration, sir,
01:41:24I've come to the conclusion
01:41:26that your new defense system sucks.
01:41:29I don't have to take that, you pig-eyed sack of shit.
01:41:32No, I was hoping for something a little better than that from you, sir,
01:41:36a man of your education.
01:41:38General, it's the president.
01:41:44Well, what do you...
01:41:46What are you going to tell him?
01:41:49I'm ordering our bombers back to fail safe.
01:41:52We might have to go through this thing after all.
01:41:58Yes, sir.
01:42:06He's got one.
01:42:08When he gets old ten, he'll launch the missiles.
01:42:10Well, can't they get in and stop it?
01:42:12No, they can't.
01:42:15They've taken out my password.
01:42:18Well, what are we gonna do?
01:42:20I don't know. Do you?
01:42:22I told you not to start playing games with that thing.
01:42:29It's games.
01:42:33Games! Try it.
01:42:35John, let's feed it a tapeworm.
01:42:37That's too risky. It might smash the system.
01:42:39How'd the kid get in? Through the back door?
01:42:41We took it out.
01:42:43It's like a damn firewall.
01:42:45If it wants to play a game, then play it.
01:42:47Have it list games. Stephen, for Christ's sake.
01:42:49No, let him. He's played it before.
01:42:51He can hardly do worse than you have, John.
01:42:53Goddamn it, I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it'd do any good.
01:42:56Let the boy in there, Major.
01:42:58List games.
01:43:13Three numbers. Locked in.
01:43:19Security system's not gonna let anything through.
01:43:25Global thermonuclear war.
01:43:36Four numbers.
01:43:40Stephen, for Christ's sake, do something.
01:43:42Come on, kid, let's go. No, try again.
01:43:47Put the list back up.
01:43:49No, we already tried that. Put it up.
01:43:51Yes, put it up.
01:44:00It's not on the list.
01:44:02What's not on the list?
01:44:04Go ahead. It's gotta be in there somewhere.
01:44:08Tick, tack, toe.
01:44:13You're in.
01:44:15Order to disarm the missiles.
01:44:17No. No.
01:44:28Five numbers. It's got half the code.
01:44:35Put X in the center square.
01:44:43Six up.
01:44:45There's no way you can win that game.
01:44:47I know that. It doesn't. It hasn't learned.
01:44:49Is there any way to make it play itself?
01:44:52Yes. Number of players, zero.
01:45:15Come on. Learn, goddammit.
01:45:31Must be caught in the loop.
01:45:41Must be caught in the loop.
01:45:43Storing more and more power from the rest of the system.
01:45:46Nine numbers.
01:45:52Ten. It's got the code. It's gonna launch.
01:46:13Colonel Conway, call SAC. Get me a launch status report.
01:46:18Major Daves, get me the friend.
01:46:20Yes, sir.
01:46:40All landlines out of the mountain.
01:46:42Try to accept the radio call.
01:46:53How you doing, Colonel?
01:46:55Sir, all landlines out of the mountain. They're dead.
01:46:57I'm trying to break through on satellites.
01:46:59Okay. Keep trying.
01:47:01Report all ICBM launch status.
01:47:03ICBM launch status.
01:47:24What's it doing?
01:47:26It's learning.
01:47:33What's it doing?
01:48:14Greetings, Professor Falcon.
01:48:29Strange game.
01:48:31The only winning move is not to play.
01:48:42How about a nice game of chess?
01:49:23Colonel Conway.
01:49:25Take us to Defcog 5.
01:49:27Yes, sir.
01:49:31Come on.
01:50:01Defcog 5
01:50:03Defcog 5
01:50:05Defcog 5
01:50:07Defcog 5
01:50:09Defcog 5
01:50:11Defcog 5
01:50:13Defcog 5
01:50:15Defcog 5
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