बारिश से तापमान में थोड़ी तो कमी हुई है लेकिन इतनी राहत नहीं मिली है कि एयर कंडीशनर की जरूरत न पड़े। हालांकि इस मौसम में गर्मी की तुलना में कम एसी इस्तेमाल हो रहा है फिर भी इसकी देखभाल करना जरूरी है। अक्सर लोग सोचते हैं कि गर्मी में एसी की देखभाल ज्यादा जरूरी होती है , यही एक गलती एक बड़ा नुकसान करा देती है।
The rain has brought down the temperature a little, but it has not brought so much relief that there is no need for an air conditioner. Although AC is being used less in this season as compared to summer, it is still important to take care of it. Often people think that AC care is more important in summer, this one mistake causes a big loss.
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The rain has brought down the temperature a little, but it has not brought so much relief that there is no need for an air conditioner. Although AC is being used less in this season as compared to summer, it is still important to take care of it. Often people think that AC care is more important in summer, this one mistake causes a big loss.
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