Team India, after their T20 World Cup victory, met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his Delhi residence. The meeting has concluded, and the team is now en route to their hotel before flying to Mumbai later in the day. Despite intermittent rain in Delhi, security measures are in place for their airport transfer. A victory parade is planned for the evening in Mumbai to celebrate their championship win with fans.
#TeamIndia #T20Worldcup #Worldcupnews #PMModi #NarendraModi #GroundReport #News #Sportsnews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
#TeamIndia #T20Worldcup #Worldcupnews #PMModi #NarendraModi #GroundReport #News #Sportsnews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00So, there we are at the Prime Minister's residence here in the National Capital where
00:14the National Cricket Team of India which has just returned from Barbados after winning
00:19the T20 World Cup is meeting here at the Prime Minister's residence with the Prime Minister.
00:26The media houses, the gamut of media presence as you can see is all there.
00:31It's almost 11 o'clock in the morning here in the National Capital of Delhi and the kind
00:37of buzz that is being created around this meeting between the Indian cricket players
00:43and the Prime Minister is something that is hogging all the limelight.
00:47Now we have seen the Prime Minister being very active when it comes to meeting the sportspersons,
00:52those who perform well and every time the country wins a national or an international
00:58accolade, Prime Minister Modi doesn't shy away from meeting the winning contingent,
01:04the winning team.
01:05As of now the traffic is on here, the team members are inside and the Indian cricket
01:11team obviously is meeting the Prime Minister and right after this meeting they will be
01:17heading to Mumbai, the commercial capital of India where they would be participating
01:23in a road show that starts at 5 o'clock and then culminates at 7 o'clock at the 1K Day,
01:29the iconic 1K Day Stadium where India had won the World Cup in 2011 as well.
01:36What a way to pay tribute to the winning team at that time and also the winning team here.
01:41Mohit Sharma would be leading the contingent in an open bus and the peripheral, the arterial
01:47Queen's Necklace which is right besides the iconic 1K Day Stadium, there the whole road
01:55show will happen, two hours long.
01:57I'm assuming that it will be a chock-a-block traffic situation there, elaborate arrangements
02:02have been made also there.
02:03We are in Delhi where the Indian team is currently meeting the Prime Minister.
02:10Mukund, you are with me from One India.
02:11Mukund, how are you feeling here?
02:12It is a day that I've been waiting for for a long time, I've been waiting for 17 years
02:16and the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, who has always thought for the players, understood
02:22them, brought schemes and today is a big day for the players.
02:27Jai Shah has also come to listen that he is also present with the whole team.
02:31This team which is having breakfast with the Prime Minister, all those stories and stories
02:35will be shared.
02:36That team will also leave from here in a while.
02:39There will be a different atmosphere in Mumbai.
02:41There will be a different atmosphere in Mumbai.
02:42The whole focus will be on Mumbai.
02:43In a while, the Indian team will leave for Mumbai.
02:46The road show will take place there from 5 pm.
02:50Right, as you can see, the media gamut is also here outside the residence of Prime Minister
02:59Narendra Modi and in a few moments from now, the team India would be coming out of the
03:057 LKM, the official address of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then they will be heading
03:09to the airport from where they go to Mumbai, the commercial capital of India and there
03:14the all-important road show is lined up.
03:17It is going to be reminding all the Indians and the world of the 2011 World Cup victory,
03:23something that we have seen it in the past as well but who will say no to this refreshing
03:28memory of Team India's victory at an ICC World Championship.
03:33Stay with One India.
03:34We will be bringing you all the details related to this mega, once-in-a-lifetime affair on
03:39just One India.
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