Pentagon Holds Press Briefing After US Military Bases Across Europe Enter Heightened State Of Alert

  • 2 months ago
Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder holds a press briefing.

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00:01General Ryder, does Secretary Austin think that Ukraine should be allowed to join NATO?
00:05I think you've heard Secretary Austin and others say that that Ukraine's future is in NATO
00:11And so it's not a u.s. Decision whether or not to let Ukraine into NATO. It's a it's a NATO Alliance decision
00:19So 32 countries, but certainly the things that we are doing now are to and you've heard others say
00:26This is build a bridge for Ukraine to come into NATO
00:29And so part of that is working with them in in terms of looking at their military and their defense capabilities
00:35Not only to ensure that they can sustain those into the future
00:39But also to build interoperability in for the day when they are a member of NATO
00:45Leaders next week at the summit decide to allow Ukraine into NATO the u.s. Would support that
00:51Well, again, I'm not going to get ahead of what NATO may or may not announce other than to say, you know
00:56We've been very clear that we see that Ukraine's future is in NATO
01:00Can I follow up on the threat to US bases in Europe is the threat a potential terror threat linked to the NATO summit?
01:08so again
01:11There is no single
01:13Threat as I understand it as it relates to
01:18Efforts to step up vigilance. It's a combination of factors
01:22Again, military commanders around the world have the authority to take appropriate and prudent measures to ensure the safety and security of our forces
01:30But again as I understand it, this is not necessarily
01:33Based on a a single threat but out of an abundance of caution
01:39Let me go to Jim and then I'll come here
01:42Joe just real quick. You said that they've talked about the dynamics on the ground in Ukraine
01:48Have the dynamics changed? What did the ministers tell the secretary about the about the situation?
01:57again, Jim, you know, we'll get you a fuller readout here, but
02:02you know what what we continue to see on the ground is it remains a tough fight Russia continues to
02:09Attempt to take ground, but the Ukrainians have done a good job of holding a line
02:16again for context in the seven months
02:20That we were working to get additional security assistance and supplemental funding for Ukraine the Russians
02:28made an effort to try to push and take
02:34Ukrainian territory and really did not accomplish that much in terms of the the amount of geography that they were able to take
02:41So what we see now is the Ukrainians in large part
02:46Empowered by the security assistance. It's being rushed in to include ammunition or not, you know continuing to hold the line
02:53We'll continue to support them in their efforts to defend themselves
02:56Talk about counter
03:00Again, well, we'll get you a readout, but I'm not going to get into talking about potential future operations or you know
03:06Refer you the Ukrainians talk about their operations, sir
03:09Thanks general. I go back to the pier
03:14Marshall area was full according to the information that you gave us last week is almost full and the W
03:23Fp said that they already transferred
03:26The sensitive aid material that could be ruined
03:30Under the open air to their depots inside the area somehow
03:36Do you have any latest on the situation there?
03:40Because the WFP says that the security condition is not still yet at the level that they want
03:47Have you ever contacted your idea of counterparts about that?
03:51Israeli defense minister was here a week before so any talks about providing security for this
04:01Yeah, so a few things there so first of all
04:03For specifics, I would refer to you refer you to the world World Food Program and USA ID
04:09As I understand it the World Food Program has begun to take
04:15Some of that aid out of the marshalling area to onward
04:18warehouses and distribution centers
04:20But for the details on that, I'd have to refer you to them
04:24Okay, I do you have any talks with them to provide security for the aid?
04:28well, as you know, we've established a coordination cell that is comprised of
04:34humanitarian organizations IDF
04:37US forces that are managing the pier
04:40And again, as I understand it World Food Program is also discussing security with the IDF
04:46But ultimately this is a question for humanitarian organizations
04:51To determine of what level of security support do they require and need?
04:56Recognizing that they are not combatants on the battlefield in the middle of a combat zone attempting to deliver humanitarian assistance
05:02So those conversations are of course always ongoing
05:05If your question is whether or not, you know
05:08The u.s. Is planning to put boots on the ground and provide security. The answer is no
05:13So I'll just leave it there
05:15Characterize the amount of aid that's sitting in Cyprus and then also does either Cyprus or the amount of aid in Cyprus or
05:23At the end of the pier, does that factor into the decision about whether or not you return it and reattach it?
05:30So I would refer you to USA ID since they they ultimately manage the amount of incoming and outgoing aid
05:37In terms of how much is in in Cyprus?
05:40And as always, you know when you take a step back and you look at the big picture here in terms of what is it?
05:46That the international community is trying to do
05:48It's trying to get aid into Gaza for the people of Gaza. The Maritime Corridor is one aspect of that
05:55and so
05:57lots of different variables, you know will be
06:00Considered in terms of how best to get that aid in right now
06:04The Maritime Corridor affords a way to get aid in so as long as that's useful
06:09That will be something that we continue to look at
06:12And I'll just have to leave it there
06:14Plans to reattach them here as of now as I mentioned right now looking at the weather states
06:18I can't give you a date on on when that would occur, but that's something that we're monitoring
06:23So, you know, I'll keep you posted on that. Let me go to the phone here and I'll come back into the room
06:28Let me go to
06:29JJ green WTOP
06:35Thanks general rider
06:38Talking with some u.s. Allies and NATO partners
06:41for the NATO
06:43Summit coming up. They've repeatedly talked about their concern as
06:47Recently as today that they think Russia is likely preparing for an attack on a NATO country within the next three to five years
06:55So what if anything can the Pentagon say about how it views that potential threat?
06:59And I know you're not trying to scope out how you're going to deal with possibilities
07:03But how does the Pentagon view Russia's increasingly aggressive acts and possibly
07:09Plans to deal with this thing if it happens
07:11Yeah, thanks JJ. Well, I mean this is why
07:15Russia is
07:16Taken into account in our national defense strategy. It's it's very clearly outlined as an acute threat as
07:23evidenced by its action
07:26actions in places like Ukraine
07:29And and other malign activity that we've seen Russia
07:33Being associated with over the last, you know several years
07:37so I
07:39Would refer you to the the national defense, you know strategy in terms of the kinds of things that we're doing
07:46But there's also you know
07:48Our relationship with allies and partners around the world to ensure deterrence the NATO Alliance being one of those things. It's a collective
07:58Focused on on ensuring that it's very clear that we're going to
08:04Support one another's security to deter that the type of aggression that we're seeing in places like Ukraine
08:10So leave it there. Let me go to Nancy
08:13General in light of the Supreme Court ruling has the Pentagon assessed that now any order given by the president to u.s
08:20service members is lawful
08:24You know what I would say is is always the case with any decision or order
08:29We have legal counsel lawyers are available throughout the Department of Defense to advise military leaders
08:36Regarding the legal or prudential impacts of orders as well as the legal
08:41effects and consequences such orders could have so that's going to enable any leader regardless of
08:47you know the decision or the order that they're contemplating to make informed legal and ethical decisions as it pertains to
08:54Potential orders in the future or scenarios. I'm just not going to get in the hypothetic
09:01the way the
09:02Ruling is written. It would appear that if all official acts are protected from immunity
09:08It's hard to understand a scenario that could be ruled as any order as illegal or even immoral at this point
09:13Is it not is there any sort of official review then?
09:17Yeah, I mean I appreciate the question, but again, I'm not I'm not going to get into a thought exercise
09:22Other than to say that we like always have the benefit of a legal counsel training on ethics standards
09:30and any leader that is
09:32Contemplating a decision or an order has the benefit of seeking that counsel to make an informed ethical and legal decision
09:39So again, well, I appreciate the question. I'm you know, not going to get into hypothetical scenarios
09:46I'm never interested in thought exercises
09:48What I'm trying to understand though
09:49Is there any kind of formal review or is it now being left to the discretion of individual commanders?
09:55Yeah, not that I'm aware of. Okay, Natasha
09:59Can you give us an update on the f-16 training for the Ukrainians where that stands at this point how many have graduated if any?
10:08And whether there's going to be another tranche going in for training and then on the question of American contractors going into Ukraine
10:15Has a decision been made yet on whether that's going to be
10:19Facilitated or allowed by the Biden administration in terms of DoD contracts for American firms that want to go in and help
10:26Yeah on your latter question Natasha again, you know, where the the press reporting out there and I'm just not going to comment on
10:36Discussions or proposals that may or may not be under consideration
10:40as it relates to the
10:44I'm tracking that there's currently over a dozen pilots training
10:48On the f-16 in both Denmark and the United States for operational security reasons
10:53I'm not going to be able to get into the specific numbers of pilots at those locations and the training timelines
11:00But as you'll recall, you know, the the training is tailored to the pilots
11:05and it will continue to depend on student experience their English language skills their
11:13You know flying experience whether they go through basic flying training or to advanced
11:18you know f-16 fighter training and so the the
11:24Air power coalition capability coalition that has been put together by the UDC G continues to look at that at this
11:31Holistically and take into account Ukraine's needs
11:36That's the alarm sorry guys, it's all the time I have
11:40takes into account
11:42you know
11:43Holistically, not only the training aspect but the logistics sustainment and maintenance aspects of this
11:49So making sure that when the capability is provided to Ukraine
11:53It's something that they are going to be trained and ready to execute in a safe
11:57effective manner
11:58So a lot of work continues to go into that effort
12:02And I'm sure we'll have much more to provide in the near future
12:05Track to finish and be
12:07Completed for at least some of the pilots and have some of the capabilities actually moved to Ukraine this year
12:12So as I understand, I mean some of the pilots have already graduated
12:15And you know have gone on to to follow on training
12:19in Europe
12:21But again, you know, I'll let Ukraine talk to the specifics of where their pilots are and what their status is
12:26But again right now the initial deliveries of f-16s as you're tracking are set to take place sometime this summer
12:35So again, we'll have more to provide in the future on that
12:38Yes, sir
12:40One this newest military aid package to Ukraine will be announced is it going to be coming days during the NATO summit soon
12:50That's as specific as I can get for you right now, but you know again, well, we'll keep you updated on that night
12:55I appreciate you know, the the interest will definitely get you more details here in the near future
13:00Spoke about more Patriot interceptors
13:04Should we expect also that he asked will transfer more Patriot systems to Ukraine in addition to interceptors?
13:11So I don't have anything to announce beyond you know, what we highlighted earlier again
13:16Air defense is a capability that we recognize Ukraine needs and so we're working with
13:22Allies and partners throughout the world to identify capabilities and get those to them as quickly as as possible
13:28Let me take a couple more from the phone here Jeff Seldon VOA
13:33General, thanks very much earlier today
13:35CSIS issued a report looking at satellite imagery showing for likely Chinese listening stations in Cuba
13:42Including one not far from Guantanamo Bay that had not been previously reported
13:47Does the Pentagon have any reaction to this report to these facilities?
13:51Or to and what's the assessment of China's activity in Cuba in terms of expanding its surveillance capabilities?
13:59Yeah, thanks Jeff did see the report, you know, not gonna necessarily get into commenting or confirming the specifics
14:07in there
14:08I will say that as always we're confident that we can continue to meet our security commitments both at here both here at home
14:15and in the region as you may have heard a
14:18Sayer the White House say, you know almost a year ago
14:22They've been tracking that these activities have been going on for decades
14:26The PRC had completed an upgrade of its facilities in Cuba in 2019
14:31We know that the PRC is going to continue to try to enhance its presence in Cuba
14:37And we will continue to keep working to disrupt that
14:41So we're continuing to monitor this closely
14:44taking steps to counter it but that's
14:47All I've got on that now, we'll just leave it there Jeff. Let me go to Jeff Shogle task and purpose
14:53Thank you. According to media reports three US service members in Okinawa have been charged with sexual assault since December
15:01Has the secretary been briefed on this has he spoken with his Japanese counterpart on this and have these alleged incidents?
15:09Affected the Alliance at all
15:11Yeah, thanks Jeff
15:13so the secretary is
15:16of course tracking
15:18This closely. I will say that the alleged behavior of those members does not reflect the core values of the u.s
15:25Military nor does it represent the conduct of the overwhelming majority of Jap Japan based personnel that we have forward deployed?
15:33and so
15:35We are
15:36Closely working with the local communities to address their concerns regarding these cases
15:41We are deeply troubled by the severity of the allegations and we regret
15:46The anxiety this has caused
15:48Japan is one of our closest allies
15:51And so we will continue to do everything we can to keep the lines of communication open on this
15:56The respective units are working diligently with local authorities to investigate the allegations
16:02Thoroughly while also ensuring due legal process under applicable applicable laws and agreements. So
16:09I'll just leave it there. Thanks Jeff. Come back to the room here. Yes, Jenny
16:13They could generate two patients on North Korea and China
16:17First station North Korea launched another bursting missiles into the East Coast yesterday
16:24And the North Korea claimed that it successfully tested the multiple
16:30World hats last week. What is the Pentagon's?
16:36Reactions on me. Well, I think you saw that Indo-Pacific Command put out a statement on that again
16:42We continue to
16:46To highlight the fact that this kind of destabilizing disruptive behavior is irresponsible
16:51We continue to call on North Korea to return to diplomatic discussions
16:57but in those particular launches while there was no
17:02assessment that it
17:03Posed a threat to the u.s
17:05Or our allies or partners in the region is something that we will continue to take seriously
17:11according to the New York Times that
17:14China is a purchasing farmland and next to us military
17:20bases across the United States and
17:24it as a
17:26strategic base one Italian u.s. Military unit and
17:30using it for
17:34Activities do you think this is a threat to national security?
17:40What action do we do United States take against the China?
17:46Well, you know, it is something that we continue to closely monitor as you're probably aware
17:52This is something also that the the US government writ large has looked at to include through
17:58CFIUS, so I would refer you to
18:02Department of Commerce to for and Treasury for more questions on that. Thank you
18:08General I have a question for the Italian television looking at the NATO summit next week
18:12Is the secretary how the secretaries planning to address?
18:18The issues that we saw coming out with President Biden and the debate with the with the counterpart of NATO
18:24What is he planning to do because the question might be asked if the president is still capable to take the proper decisions when it?
18:31comes to the military
18:32Road. Yeah, so I'm kind of reject the notion the question
18:38If you guys are planning, you know, like a plane or something, you know, like a script or something to say
18:44Yeah, it's a ridiculous question
18:47Secretary Austin will be there supporting President Biden the president United States at the NATO summit. Just leave it at that
18:53Sir going back to Nancy's questions. So was there no anticipation or any, you know
18:59Preparatory like legal discussions about the ruling that could really complicate
19:04Troops ability to defy what they might have previously known as an illegal or immoral
19:12Again, look, let's not conflate the Supreme Court
19:17deliberation and debate about you know
19:20presidential authorities and the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the access to legal counsel that military leaders have on
19:27Any given day on a variety of topics around the world?
19:32Any commander or any leader can consult legal counsel to get an assessment on whether or not a
19:39Decision or an order regardless of what it is is legal ethical moral and appropriate and that doesn't change
19:46it doesn't change as I'm sure you can appreciate in a
19:50democracy where
19:52Laws are written by humans and they're malleable and there's always going to be a variability to that
19:58which is why you have legal counsel so that you can get advice on that and so when it comes to the Department of
20:04Defense and prosecuting our duties to defend the country throughout the world
20:07We're always going to have the benefit of informed legal counsel to make informed ethical and legal decisions
20:15Yes, real. I'll come back
20:18My question is on China and Taiwan's on Tuesday
20:22Taiwan said China's Coast Guard detained a Taiwanese fishing boat near a Taiwanese island
20:29Do you have a comment on this incident? And also do you think China has increased their coercive activities towards Taiwan in these days?
20:37I don't have a comment on the latter
20:39I'd have to refer you to Taiwan to talk about the status of their their fishing vessel again. Look broadly speaking
20:46We've been very clear
20:47About PRC's aggressive activities in the South China Sea and beyond
20:53And we'll continue to work closely with our allies and partners to to address that behavior
20:58Constantine, um
21:00Thanks. Um, so on this line of questioning about the Supreme Court decision, you know
21:04I I get what you're saying that the Pentagon has lawyers available to consult for commanders to consult
21:11But does the Pentagon feel that that is enough of a bulwark
21:15Against a commander-in-chief that the Supreme Court has ruled to be pretty much immune from legal prosecution
21:24Again guys, I appreciate the line of questioning. I've provided you my response and I'm gonna leave it at that
21:32I guess what we're trying to understand is if this you described as a debate
21:36But it was a decision by the Supreme Court and that decision was that official acts are immune
21:41And I think what we're trying to understand is if the president any order that he gives
21:46Does not face any possibility of prosecution
21:50Then how come US service members could be charged for carrying out those acts?
21:55So I think what would help us if there's a way to take the question or maybe consider having somebody from
21:59General counsel explain to us how they're thinking about it because that's what we're trying to reconcile because the way you've explained it
22:06Service member could follow exactly what the president told them to do and maybe face charges
22:12We're trying to understand why and under what circumstances? Yeah, I mean again, I I appreciate the the questions
22:18but again, what I would tell you is
22:21You know look
22:23without getting into hypotheticals
22:25every situation
22:26has to be assessed on its own merit depending on the situation the context of the situation and
22:31If you are a military leader, you're going to have the benefit of consulting counsel or or policy makers in terms of
22:40You know whether an order or decision is legal ethical or moral that
22:45Won't change and so again, I'm just gonna leave it there
22:50Just taking our requests. I've answered
22:54So could we talk to someone even on a background level to get a better understanding of how the department's thinking about this from a
23:01If we have any updates to provide we'll definitely take that in consideration, sir
23:05Thank you very much with the recent row of Houthis attacks in Red Sea
23:11With more sophisticated weapons
23:13So how much it is big concern for the United States after the Khazar war to keep it Arab allies?
23:20safe from the possible attacks from the Houthis because we know there is a possible deal between United States and
23:26So there we are that is a different state but that is linked with the
23:31peace process so
23:33Now, what is the level of alertness for us in that region specifically?
23:38In terms of regional partners. Well, I mean as you know, we maintain very robust relationships with
23:46partners throughout the Middle East and Central Asia region
23:50To address a variety of security concerns and threats to include the Houthis
23:55And so as we said for a very long time
23:57we're focused on regional security and stability and whether it's through exercising whether it's through diplomatic relationships, whether it's through
24:06economic relationships working to ensure
24:09Security and stability and and that's not going to change. So that also includes addressing threats like the Houthis
24:18Assistance by the United States towards Pakistan from here 2018
24:22We have seen that the military assistance towards Pakistan were totally
24:27You can say there is no military assistance from 2018 only from this administration
24:32We have seen only the civilian assistance and from 2018
24:35but the US was claiming that Pakistan is not doing enough to counter al-qaeda and
24:42Taliban that was like key US demand from Pakistan
24:45But now as US is not there at that time US was there in the region and now Pakistan is going after
24:52Al-qaeda linked groups almost the TTP the Pakistan Taliban group and other groups at this time any
24:59With this administration any consideration for military assistance for Pakistan or other coordination regarding the ongoing Pakistani counter-terrorism operations
25:07So I don't I don't have anything to announce as we talked about last time the US and Pakistan do share a security
25:15Cooperation relationship particularly focused on counterterrorism. We have a long history of working together in that regard
25:22And so as opportunities present themselves in the future, you know
25:25I'm sure those conversations will will continue to be ongoing but in terms of any new security assistance
25:31I don't have anything to announce. All right last question. Yes, sir
25:35Some reports are claiming that
25:39Will begin an offensive operation on Lebanon in the second half of July. Do you have any signs about?
25:47this operation maybe will be imminent and
25:50What's your current concern about the possibility of border conflict, yeah, I think you know
25:58Where we're still focused on on is attempting to resolve these tensions through diplomatic
26:05Means and so that continues to be where Secretary Austin is focused and the US government is focused
26:12And so, you know whether or not
26:14There there could be a conflict. I certainly hope not
26:17I'm not going to speculate or get into hypotheticals other than to say again. We we appreciate the fact that
26:23It's tense right now. We want to we don't want to see a situation where?
26:29miscalculation could spiral out of control and and cause a wider regional conflict and so this is why it's important that
26:35We continue to focus on a diplomatic resolution of the situation along the border. Thanks very much. Everybody appreciate it
