Neighbours 2nd July 2024 (9070)

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Could we visit Aaron first?
00:06Sorry, I didn't realise I was asleep.
00:08Well, send all our love to Kevin and Jean.
00:10Yes, I will.
00:11What's that?
00:13Jasmine's confessed to taking the items from the residence.
00:16How did you get Jasmine to confess?
00:17Noel did.
00:18I'm willing to accept your offer.
00:20We co-ordinated!
00:25I'm so sorry.
00:26Your cancer is in full remission.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect plan
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours
00:59Should be there for one another
01:10Hey, Dad!
01:13What are you all up to?
01:15Oh, me and Nick were just brainstorming some ideas to run past Leo.
01:18And then we found our runaway in the coffee cube.
01:20Oh, I'm sorry. I rushed off this morning.
01:23Harold called me.
01:25Wanted to talk about something, but then he wasn't at...
01:30When I got this, so, um, I might...
01:33Wait, Mum.
01:38Mum, let's, uh, let's take that photo, yeah?
01:40Oh, yeah, yeah.
01:41Mum, we didn't get to celebrate properly this morning, and I want to.
01:45I'm free tomorrow.
01:46Okay, let's do a big celebration breakfast.
01:52You don't think he'll be up to it?
01:54No, of course, no, of course he'll be up to it.
01:56Just, um...
01:59Ah, let my beauty sleep is all.
02:01I had a big day.
02:03A gift voucher?
02:04Yeah, you can use it at a bunch of different places.
02:06It's just to say thanks for standing up for me last week.
02:10You really didn't have to get me anything.
02:12Okay, Hugo, now, hey, we need to tidy up a bit.
02:16Dad's going home soon.
02:17Hey, JJ.
02:18Hey, uh, do you need a hand? I can help you with that.
02:20Oh, I'd love your help.
02:21Um, could you maybe stack the dishwasher?
02:24Cool, yeah.
02:29Hi, come here, my little chickadees.
02:31Oh, that's nice. I've missed you.
02:35You must be exhausted.
02:36Ah, yes, yes, I am.
02:38I'm gonna go home right now.
02:40Thanks, JJ.
02:42Oh, wow.
02:43Hey, um, listen, could you guys please take my bags upstairs?
02:47Because I am so tired.
02:48I'm about to fall asleep, I swear.
02:51Thank you.
02:52I've missed you.
02:58They're just friends.
02:59And I must say, he's been a great residence assistant.
03:03Hey, come on, you're paying him.
03:05It's not exactly an endorsement to his character, is it?
03:08Jasmine was an angel, and now she's a devil.
03:10Can't pick these things.
03:12I don't think he's a bad kid.
03:13I just don't want him dating my daughter.
03:15Oh, really? I had no idea.
03:23What did Harold want in the end?
03:24Oh, he's, um, bought himself a new camper van,
03:28and he's looking for somewhere to moor it, so to speak.
03:30Are we taking it?
03:32Oh, there's no trouble having Clive's here.
03:37Breakfast's at nine at the Waterhole.
03:39I don't need to go to the breakfast.
03:41Yes, you do.
03:43No, this...
03:45This is your moment.
03:47You're your father, so...
03:49Well, I won't interrupt.
03:50Mum, as if Byron and Dad wouldn't want you there.
03:54Do you have a call with Mike?
03:57Just come for a bit.
03:59It's not going to be the same without you.
04:01Yeah, I mean, if I can, then I might.
04:08Where are you going?
04:10Just for a walk.
04:12Don't wait up.
04:18Yeah, no, I can't wait, Harold.
04:21Well, I'll download the software onto my computer first,
04:24then we can record your tuba solo.
04:26Perfect. Okay.
04:27See you, Harold.
04:51Oh, hello, you two.
04:53What are you doing here?
04:55Oh, would you like to join us? We just ordered.
04:58Yeah, thanks.
05:02Hey, Hugo.
05:03What's the news with you?
05:06I wish Dad brought Nana and you back from Cole, like I said.
05:12Um, I was tossing up what to use your gift pouch for.
05:15Oh, yeah?
05:16I was thinking a movie.
05:17There's lots of new stuff coming out.
05:20Let me grab you guys some menu.
05:24Hey, man.
05:26Things look pretty good from here.
05:28Look a bit closer.
05:29Oh, there's that new DC film that starts on Thursday.
05:32Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing that, actually,
05:35but I can't just bring one friend and not bring the others.
05:39I'll have to think of something else.
05:41Oh, all right, yeah.
05:43All right, you guys go.
05:46Hugo was just telling me your dad's back.
05:48I thought you'd all be having dinner together.
05:50We did, but then he gave us this
05:55and told us to go get some dessert.
05:58So he and Therese got some cuckoo time.
06:00Oh, that sounds like a bribe.
06:02Sounds like free dessert.
06:04Oh, touche.
06:11Relaxation step one, complete.
06:15I love it.
06:16I love it.
06:17And now relaxation step two, right out of the tub.
06:23Yes, get in my belly.
06:28I've missed this.
06:30Yeah, me too.
06:32And I've missed us.
06:36It feels so good to hear you say that.
06:39Does this mean that we're back on track?
06:44I think I'm ready to move on.
06:52What are you thinking about?
06:54I think that it might be time to make things official.
06:59I think it's time that you got your fish name.
07:07Phew, that was a kind of a rush.
07:09As intense as the festival circuit?
07:11Not quite as intense as that, but pretty busy for Aaron's bra.
07:15Morning, you.
07:17As usual?
07:18Yes, thanks, Belle.
07:19Wow, looks like it's been busy.
07:21I like a sudden juice rush.
07:23Back-to-back cocktails, though, are another story.
07:25Hey, cocktails just take a little bit of practice, that's all.
07:28I don't know.
07:29As a committed beer guy, I'm pretty much a cocktail dropout.
07:32Well, you will be with that attitude.
07:34As Aaron says, it just takes a bit of practice.
07:38You couldn't give me some pointers, could you?
07:44I was wondering if you could give me a lesson.
07:48Maybe I could come over.
07:51I got that.
07:53If it's okay with you, I'd love a lesson from a cocktail pro.
07:59Mel, can you spare him for an hour?
08:01It's going to be tough, but I'll manage.
08:04Don't stress.
08:05I'll have him back in no time.
08:07Thank you.
08:08Is that all?
08:19All I'm saying is that your new wheels aren't much of an upgrade.
08:22Yeah, at least I got a car, huh?
08:24You saw this about a car?
08:25Because we're going to be driving out to Yorokobi so much,
08:28Byron decided to trade in his bomb for another bomb.
08:31It's not a bomb, okay?
08:33It's a station wagon.
08:34More reliable, better engine, and it's got a bigger boot,
08:36so in case we've got to lug around products.
08:38That's so that he can fit his surfboard in it.
08:40Yeah, that too.
08:41Does that seat you back much?
08:43Most of my savings, but it's worth it.
08:45Investing in our future.
08:48Are we ready for the celebration brekkie of all celebration brekkies?
08:52Oh, yeah.
08:53And we're taking care of the build-out, okay?
08:55So go big.
08:56Now, there's no lobster or caviar on that menu,
08:58but there is a way you steak and mimosas.
09:02Oh, steak and mimosas for breakfast.
09:04Very noisy.
09:14Now it's not picking up on any of my hints for a date.
09:17That sucks.
09:19Well, what do I do?
09:21If you're looking for something to do, the backyard needs sweeping.
09:24Thanks, Ma.
09:26Um, maybe you can find something that she'd be into
09:30you can do together, you know, like manga shopping or something.
09:37Yeah, thanks.
09:38No problem.
09:41What about goldfish, then?
09:43Or angelfish?
09:44Or butterflyfish?
09:45Oh, here you go.
09:46They're gorgeous.
09:48You should be hammerhead shark.
09:52So what are we going to do today, kids?
09:54Is it just, you know, family hangs?
09:57Come on, son.
09:58Fish, we've got, um, stuff to do.
10:02What stuff?
10:03Uh, aquatic research stuff.
10:07You guys focus on your stuff.
10:09Bye, Dad.
10:10Bye, Hammerhead.
10:13Oh, that's so sweet of Nell.
10:15I've certainly missed you so much.
10:17Yes, yeah, she can be a good egg when she wants to be.
10:24It's quiet.
10:26Mm, yeah, empty house.
10:30So what do you want to do?
10:34What do you want to do?
10:36I asked you first.
10:39Well, I can't tell you.
10:44I could show you.
10:55I've missed you.
10:59I've missed you.
11:12Oh, A's up there, Miss...
11:24Oh, A's up there, Miss Mimosa.
11:26Look at that.
11:29Too late to join?
11:30No, sit down, sit down.
11:32It's amazing that you could make it after all.
11:34Well, it is a little tricky trying to make work calls
11:38when your phone won't stop vibrating with incoming messages.
11:42Well, now that we're all here, I think that I should do, um, another toast.
11:47So, uh, can I have your attention, please?
11:51You don't always have our attention, Nick.
11:54Byron and I can't thank you enough for what you've given us, Dad.
12:00And we're so determined to make you proud.
12:03And we will make sure that Isla and any other grandkids that come along know
12:08Yorokobi was gifted to us by the very best granddad in the world.
12:14So cheers to you.
12:17Cheers to you, Dad.
12:23Uh, if I may, I have something very important to say to you about the future.
12:43All right, spit it out, you show-off.
12:46Uh, I...
12:49I want to tell you both how much I love you.
12:52And I couldn't be more thrilled for both your futures, Nicolette and Byron.
12:56Nicolette and Byron.
13:01So this is the base of your standard Long Island iced tea?
13:04Five shots.
13:05Five shots?
13:07Okay, so how much tea do we put in?
13:10There's no actual tea in these ones, mate.
13:13There's no actual tea in these ones, mate.
13:15Oh, I knew that, I knew that.
13:18So pour this in and then we give it a little stir.
13:22Hey, thanks for playing teacher today and for being a mate.
13:25It's nice to feel so welcome.
13:26Yeah, it's nice to have a committed student.
13:28Don't forget your garnish.
13:29My garnish.
13:32Let me give that a try.
13:37Wow, that is actually really nice work.
13:40Okay, well, looks like there is hope for me yet.
13:45I crown us equal.
13:47Are you okay?
13:49Just get out.
13:51No, you have to go, please.
13:53Just go.
14:02One, two, three, four.
14:03I declare a thumb war.
14:08You cheated.
14:10Your thumb knows karate.
14:13Wish me luck.
14:14Good luck.
14:19Hey, have you seen the cinemas hosting that new Memorial Oshi retrospective?
14:24That sounds amazing.
14:26Buy the tickets and watch it on demand at home.
14:28You're a voucher worth that.
14:31And I haven't seen Ghost on the Shelf for a while, so...
14:35Let me check it out and I'll get back to you.
14:38Yeah, okay.
14:40See you later.
14:41See you, guys.
14:42See ya.
14:43Nice work.
14:44Thanks, bro.
14:45You're welcome.
14:56Hey, um...
14:58Can I just apologise for freaking out on you?
15:01It's fine.
15:02I promise I've calmed down now.
15:05Can I ask what happened?
15:07It's just something you did reminded me of a moment with David before he died.
15:12It was a special moment.
15:15Grief can be...
15:18pretty all-consuming.
15:20Yeah. Yeah, it can.
15:23But if ever you want to talk about David, I'm more than happy to listen.
15:41How are you faring?
15:43Oh, relieved.
15:45But I admit remission does complicate a few plans.
15:49Not that I'm complaining.
15:51Well, when you're ready, if you've got any questions, I'm happy to help.
15:55Thank you.
15:56Can I ask that you keep the news to yourself for now?
16:00Of course.
16:01All of our clinical discussions are strictly confidential.
16:04I'll let you go.
16:05See ya.
16:12I was just looking for Nicolette and Byron.
16:16Talk about the business.
16:18Ah, well, Nicolette isn't home and I'm not really sure where Byron is.
16:24Perhaps you should call them.
16:34I'm glad you came to breakfast.
16:37Especially after my...
16:40poor judgement yesterday.
16:43I realise how insensitive it was of me.
16:47I'm sorry.
16:48No, you just got lost in the moment.
16:52It's forgotten.
16:56Was there something else?
17:01No, no, I'll give Nicolette a call.
17:10Vic, um...
17:12Look, despite our issues, I wanted to let you know that I meant what I said yesterday.
17:19I was worried, but...
17:22I just love seeing how Nicolette and Byron have embraced what you've given them so wholeheartedly.
17:28They have embraced it, haven't they?
17:30And I'm grateful that you...
17:33You're devoting your time to them.
17:35This is something that they will always remember.
17:38I'm hardly a saint.
17:41Well aware of that.
17:43But still.
17:47For what it's worth, I'm really grateful that we've had this chance to reconnect.
17:54Yeah, likewise, Vic.
18:21I've got it!
18:25Yeah, swordfish.
18:28It's powerful.
18:29It's a little bit sexy.
18:31Nobody messes with a swordfish.
18:34I like it.
18:38Nobody messes with a swordfish.
18:42We're back!
18:47Come on.
18:48Don't be like that, you wimps.
18:51We're really happy for you, but maybe call it while Hugo gets us back?
18:57It's swordfish, by the way.
18:58Oh, cool.
18:59Bye, swordfish.
19:14Hey, do you think that we could claim that breakfast as a business expense?
19:18Hard to say why not.
19:19That's genius.
19:23Hey, I took a look at those cost reports that Leah sent through.
19:27Yorokobi got hit pretty hard by the poisoning.
19:29I'm so glad that they caught that doctor.
19:31But don't worry, we're going to get Yorokobi back up to speed in no time.
19:35Lattes for our newest tycoons.
19:41Oh, are you stalking us now?
19:43Oh, ha, ha, hardly.
19:46I saw your father on the way out.
19:48He was looking for you.
19:50He said he'd call.
19:53I thought you were buried in work, Mum.
19:55I've just popped out to get us a little after-dinner treat.
19:59So we can continue the celebratory festivities tonight.
20:06He's not answering.
20:07It's weird.
20:09Oh, he's probably just having a snooze.
20:12I keep getting flashbacks to when he collapsed in the Dandenongs.
20:15He didn't look unwell.
20:17He didn't look unwell then either.
20:19Alright, 50 bucks says he's just having a snooze.
20:23I've got time to check on him before I go and get Isla, so...
20:43Oh, a little mineral boost.
20:45Lifesaver, cheers.
20:51It's a beautiful part of the world, hey?
20:53Yeah, that's why so many people have their weddings here.
20:56It's green and inviting and pretty much perfect.
21:02Is that the place you're looking at today?
21:05Thank you for holding the fort for me.
21:08I won't be long.
21:09Wish me luck.
21:10Good luck.
21:47Thank you.
22:08Dad, are you here?
22:10Hey, Nikki, could you just be in the bathroom?
22:18What do you think they are?
22:21What's happening?
22:29What do you reckon?
22:32Big Stone's returned to form.
22:37He's done a runner.
22:43Coming up on Neighbours...
22:44Oh, Sky!
22:47I'm worried about Grandad.
22:49What do you mean?
22:50Have we met?
22:51No, don't think so.
22:52Are you sure we don't know each other?
22:54Him being in remission is really great news,
22:56so why wouldn't he want to share that with us?
22:59I don't know.
